Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 1

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Read By 12,000 p"ople WeekIy ~be ORONO NEWS On Page 9 NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 10 With Which Are incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News V'-OLUME 85 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lGth, 19,39 NME BROOKLIN MAN Older Men Should Be Models1 Tyrone Man Is Elected To International Police Should HARHASO S NOM INATED FrYutIsta f ctgHead County Orange Lodge ýJoi*nThe League 0f NationsBEPUCSE AS REIDNTAs Critics, Lions Club Told'Drn lcstc etn To Prevent Out break 0f WarFREIGES ___ -JaTc'k Rîitledze Extension n rkr,.WithRi- Rrnon. . Oshawa Presbytery of Bay of Quinte Con- ference Selects Rev. P. L. Juil As Nominee ASK FOR CHANGE R-xP. L. JuIl, of Brooklîn, ucho bas ield blic secrefaryshuîp ot the O0iawa Presbytery of tlîc Unifed Cluorchi of Caînada for onile 'v%,ars, %vas uiianinuousiv 1n011nafed for flic presideucv of the Bay of Quinite Coufcreîîce at îi-.e initial session of tlîe Preshv- tory- in the Kinîg Street United Ch- ircli. Oshuawa, Fobruars- tb. Ir. accoptiiig flic nîominîation. Revý Mr. Juil pleclged lîînuself t0 exert evcrv effort' 10 fîli the office. if eiccted. vibli dignitv aînd ini a uaiier credilabie to tlie Oshaiva Presbyf-erx,%. Ho also expressed lis apprccialioii of ftie Preshuterys action iii forxvardiiig bis înomiîna- tion. By a uiianiiiious vote the largo- iy atteuuded meeting of tlue Pres- hy tory uveuu on record as support- ing Itie electioîî of two nioderalors for the cliurch îîîstcad of one as i. the praclice aI preseul. Eaclu officiai voulcl. lowever. serve a one vear terni. Thuis change, if il recoîves general approval. vouid corneic îto effeel iin 1940). Would Distribute Honors :supportiug bue niove. Dr. C. W Siemoiî. Bownîaiivilie. declar- cn that ilfuvouid serve sevoral purposes. iii flat thie houiors woufld be passed arouuid aîd nmore particularly' vilf oid relieve the burdeuî on bhe niuister of iiaviuig 10ohtaîîu a substitute for lus pul- pit dîîrîîg h is fcilure of offlice. Cliairnian of blie Preabviers-. Rev. W. R. Taîîtoîî of Oshava. pointed ontuaI flic heav 'v aiiouit of wxorklb rusI o pon flic Modera- for by virfue of hi - office *s-eemyý 1 hIave ki lied 'iuost of flicMod- erator ' .-He rcferrcd also to the fact huaI Itie oflice was confîuîcd ver);niucli 10 flic nen in the gen- oral office aîud tluat il was difficult 10 t., a inal out of bis cluurch wit0o' disruptîng lus. w o r k t here. Remit From Geiieral Council A protracted dehate occupicd bhe floor wlien bbe delegates uere dscussiig bte proposai of a remit fron-. Gcîucrai Couuîeil bliat the (Contirnued oni Page 5) £ýUUcUèt;,£j2tt;iblll vUlierwIr J5g jroxer mÂvLU- ment, Describes Beauties and Accomplishments of Camps - Address Presented at Lions Club Boys' Night, Monday - Colored Movies Shown Sonie boys become successfui speaker mentioned Beausoleil Is- men because in thoir ,outh they land in Georgian Bax- and its on- have been offered a decent ideal chantment and told of experienc- liv older men and because they os whilc camping there during the have courage. stated Jack Rut- Lions Clubs Camp last vear. ledge, Toronto, speaking ut Lions Youngsters at the meeting op- Club Boys' Night M\onday. MNr. oued their eyes wide vwben ho de- SRutIedge is in charge of extension scribed the spot. telling of its 2 ,ork of the Big BrotherMve background of Indian legeuds. ifs 7ment in Toronto. overnight trips. and of an acci- Cîting several instances of dent which occurred we one of vouthful success and failîîre where tlic big boats ran head-on imb t background and examples vvere the Midland dock. varied. the speaker clarified his Tlie main accomplishimeut of' statements by saying that a boy camps is that character is clevel- models bis bobaviour trom older oped in a youtb xvý,ithouit the pro- mcii. andftic challenge f0 older cess beîng sissified. mon is that they should be models 1 for rat ber than crîtîca of \-outh. W enuSammyiv came to camp. li was the leader of a gang and Ho told of cone youth wbo ap- a lad quito proud to display his peared in juvenile court aftor an prowess as a fighter. Fortuiately. accident involving a car v.hich ho bis counicillor was a chap, expert liad been driving. The car v.as iii the art of self defense, and ho ow-ued by bis niother and was sbowved Sammy that one could ho used to support the fatherless mnost proficient as a figbter with- fanuly. This boy derived bis ex- out shovwing that proficiency by ample of life from taxi drivers picking fiphîs. Sanîmy learrued to wvorking for bis mother. Wben lie control bis bullying tacties aud xvas made acquainted vvith a busi- took the cbip off bis shoulder. ness man of character wbo, took ieaVîng camp as an asset rather an ineetiibsxelfare. bis than fice problem child lho bad ideal xvas changled and success been on arrivul. lies ahead for him Thrilling stories of Indian leg- The boy, must bave courage to endis. revealed the historyv of such xvý,ititind ever prescrnt diffictiities historie points as Gianîts 10mb. an epain oh ucsfî.an îsland believed by ftic Indians continued Mr. Rutiedge. And if to býeflbc burial place of a famn-t hoe is preared to wvork toward an ous cbieftain. After death. the ideal wvithout fearing xvork. hoe chief iii full regalia uvas placed in should succeed. b is ovn eianoe xbc was alloxv- Camp life uvas mnentioned as anl cd to drift on the lake. biown 10- excoptionally fine aid iin prepar- xvard the settin, suni bY an east ing a youlb for lîfe as; a mian. The %vind. In the 'morning. Indian braves auvoke to discover a riew l~anîd bad arisen. Since thatfitimer oli Indian God. hdbre h N EXT îMEETIING the aeblec htMntu chief on flie island anîd lad plac- *u~uuama B d flieislancl 50 thaf it \vouid be aneverlasting niernoriai. To flii:C DURHAM LUB dv. Indians wili not speiid a Iiita o" t be sla n d .t *iiin~Many other storica made camp 23 d its sronig eniitr THURS , FEB 23 eting1 and thrillîng not onîx- to ________the youngsters, but to the older Ilarld C Rikabyw*u (Continiued on Page 7) Address Club at Next GIVEN ACCLAMATION Week's Meeting In »__________ Sherbourne ilouse, TorontoI Leslie Brooks Is Given CU PA E Appointment County Master - Wilil Head Orange For District LARGE TURNOUT (From Biackstock Correspondenit) ~ Despîte flic drifted condition of bbc roads nearly evcry lodge in the Couuty of DuLrluan-i West uvas uvoil roprcsentcd aI the aîunuai meetinug of tluc Couuitv L. O. L. lueld iii the Oranuge Hall aI Black- stock Feluruary 71h. The chair uývas occulmed by P.C.M. Wor. Bro. Herbert Hooey in bbc absenice of- flue County Master. On1 accouuit of the fuuieral of Bro. Ceo. Wilsoni being at the samo tîmo. a nuuuier of Black- -stock brebluren uvere late. Duriiug the afteruuoon session H. C. Rickaby îuumerous reports uxore receiu-ed uvhich sboux-cd the Countu- in a Deitîy Miuistor of Mines for On- fine condition. t ana. xvlio viil address the To. Rt. Wor. Bro. Cureigton Devitt ronfo Durhauuu County Club on occupiod the chair for bbe eleetion Feu. 23i-d aI Sherbourne Club. and îîstallation of these officers- M\/i Rickahy us a native of Orono. County Master - Leslie Brooks, hi l ather beuîug Clerk of Clarke Tyrone: Dep. Couuity_ M a s t e r -Tuwniship for a îuumher of yoars. Fred Couch. Neux%-casîle: Chaplain - Rev. A. W. Marcb. Tyrone; Roc. Ou ange Associationu was proposed Sec. - Neîl Porter, Orouio: Fin. Soc. hs Leslie Brooks. Counbv Master - Houvard Walsh,. Orouuo: Treas. - Elet-f. and responid o b Y Rcv. Henry Thompsou. Nestîcton: Mar- Bro. S. Litbieuvood. Orouuo. Rev. shal- Cecil Hill, Blackstock; Lec- Bru. A. W. Marcb. TYrouue. Revý. turer- Leslie Tbonupsoui. R. R. 5, Bru. F. P. Wood. Blackstock. aîud Bowmanvillc: Dep. Lecturer for Bi'.> Bro. H. J. Bell. Blackstock. Clarke - Geo. Mor-toni. Kondal; Ail deluvorcd splendid adclresses Dep. Leet. for Carbtwright - La- whichi vere a pleasure 10 listeuu b. verne Devîtt, Biackstock; Atîditors A toast bo the guests. proposed by - Ernest Hamum. Wm. Davey. Or- Wor. Bro. Jas. Byers. ux-,as respond- ono. ou fo by WVor. Bro. Hartuvell Low- Aflor Iluis meeting bue enuers eti.- and Wor. Bro. Erniest Hanimu. repaîred 10 Itue cornuuitx- hall A toast 10 fhe Ladies of tlue L. O. whebre a sumptuou-. baniquet -,vas B A. proposed 1)'y Bro. Henry served b h be niei5 0s f the Ti onpson, \xas responded t10 hy L O. B. A.ISi >ui '\Irs. Ed.Darcy. W. 'M. of Rt. Wor. Bu o.C. P. Dcitt L.0,B.A Vi ou Bro. Herb. Hooey. Granîd Master OnIt.fs.lte cap P C.M. also deliex ered au ad- able toastmaster. puoposcd the du s afteci uxbich the mueeting toast 10 the King. A toast 10 the!c'clzd ,vitluhue Nationial Autuenu. Anglican Vestry Meeting Shows Progress Made During Past Year Appeal Is Made For Contin- uance of Voluntary Giving Without Ticket Selling Events INSPECTOR 0F HIGH SCHOOLS GIVES REPORT' S c li o o 1 Accommodations a ii d Norman A. Keys, K.C., Toronto, Presents Views on Substitutes for War at Rotary Club Meeting, F'riday - Asks for Better Understanding of Problems of Other Countries and Suggests World Shou.ld Speak a Common Language Salaries of Town Of- ficiais Discussed but Advocatiîig the formation of an 'aside at 5 per ecli intercst an Wil Handie Matter intbernîational police force to -xvork ameoulit xvhicb xvould pay% for all iii conjunction with a re-estab- lime to como a S1000 yoari\- sal- lisie Lage f aton. oranary eacb for an arniv 0f125.000 REPAIR DISPOSAI iisîedLeaue f Ntioîs.Noranteachers. anîd in addition, pay the ____ A. Ke.s. K.C.. Toronto, preseîîted sanie saiary to eacb of an 'armx, lus substitote for uvar in an in- of 125,000 nurses. At a special meeting of Toux n teresting address at Rotary Club And after doiîîg ah Ibhis. we: Councîl Friday night. the Fire Friday. could still bave enougb left out Commîttee was authorized to The speaker also suggested hto h 0 ilons10boy up ail spend $385.85 for equipment aIl nations make an effort to learn of Franco and Belgium anîd every- which xill include hose, rubber a common language. as an îm- tbing of value iii those countries coats and newv heimets which are measurable aid in uîuderstanding inl 1914. made of a hard substance. so that each otlier's probiem.s. When we Ii oflier ,xvords, the price xvhiclu firemen uvill not be iîîjured by hear somoneî speaking in a lang- the leaders and statesmen of the mtra aln nterhaa uag uv dono unersan. xe Etene.incudîugthe statesmen 1 After cousiderable discussion becomie suspicious, lie said. That of the United States. made the cocrigslreso onofc ia one of the reasons for the un- people of the world pay for the,1 lals. the by-laws were referred to, derstaîudiîug bctweeii Canadians victory over Germany ývas equal the Finanuce Commîttee to iron out and Americans. livinîg side by aide. to the value of five countries like details and report back Io counicil. xvtusimilar language. customs France. Plus five counitries like TovSoitrwiib nrc- aîud traditions. Belgium. edto anScrn ci mte Se- We îeed more toeraîce and a Thle above stateent uas pub- ýdt seti fAtmtcSr broader world outlook. Here in lished in the Congressional Re- f vices intend to begin operations Canada we have more territory cord of the United States iii Jan-i at the local plant in the old Slicer than xe can poaily inhabit, but uary 13, 1938. ontîîued the Factory and if they may still be are e cvilzedenogh o oferspeaker. Since that tiiie 50 q of! considered an operating companry. are nve civîiized enougaxto offer Authorization w-as given for re- some of it to European coontries tenoe v a ntxst t who are sufferiig from over- tawa is occasoned by war. past pairing tbe disposai plant and two crowded conditions' or potential. Cauada's part in the1 alarm boxes at a cot of $300.00. War is caused by need for ex- var coat Ithe countryV over fourj paîîsîou to take care of over pop- blindlas ulation. by ecoîomic pressure to Yet we apparently accomplish- MINIATURE TOWN rrid a country of excesa popula- cd nothing by the great uvar. stat- î WILL BE BUILT tîcîî, aîd bxy jealousy, greed and ed Mr. Keys. We left a trail of, B U S U E T selfisbness. lie continued. hatred and aI the preseuit timeý YO RS U E T The world war coat 30 million another difficult situation bas lives and $400 billion property arisen wvhich calîs for sometbuiig 'lili Display Section of Front damage. Withi that amouiit %e abox-e more ideas. Those of us SreDuigcho"A could have huilt a $2.,500 bouse witb faith realize tluat something, Sre uigSho A and furnislicd this bouse ,t-ith superbuman la going to luappen to Home" In March $1.000 w,,orth of furniture and relieve the conditionî. placed it on 5 acres of lanîd worth Iu no period had manhood as1 Bovmanviile's main street in $100 au acre, and given al Ibis to (Continued on Page 7) miniature wiil be a feature of the ecd and every family ii United !High Schooi At Home, March 16. >States. Canada. Australia. Eng- ýThe projeet la now under way, France. Beigium. Germany and Uiri I IIII N ing "blue-prints' and mapping Rossi a. AGEO C 1 1 Z E N out the section cf the main street After doiîîg this there ,vould 1f rom the Balmoral Hotel to the have heen enough mooey left toflT ln T Post Office. In addition, a scale gîve eaclî cîty of 20.000 iîîbabi- mII* **f~ U nodel of the High Schooi and tants anîd over. iin ail the couuiirios IS L ID T EW h Balijoral is planned. Mr. R. named. a $,5.000.000 librarv aîud a_ a M. Ainsiie la in charge, and there- SlO.000).000 universitv. f I NIfV f ore students will be weii direct- Out of tlîe halance. uve could ON * A *U > fl ed in their efforts. This is an en- still have sufficient money t0 set 'tirely new venture, but naturally ________________proves intiresting -tu most boys. We are iooking forward to seeing POSSIBLE PRESIDENT Wm. M. Ives, 90, Takeni the finished produet when it is For Burial After Ser- PATRIOTISM IS vice At Home On; -wuu -UU A Atvities ,Receive Iligh UOM- ___ 1F UEBAIE MERITS Johin's Aiglicai&ChLrCI Wbeld muia nFrmIsecos..DIES AFTER FAL.NNiSKiI Tori ito Durban-i Club in ts îuinlue Panisu Hall Jauuuary 23rd. Report__ Feb i tai-v meetinug at Sherbourne xxif l Rev. Caton C. R. Speuncer liWlimnroiIe asd10BohrodEtran ap 0F DEM OCRACY -~M .Csoreu-spr rHouse, Tbursday, 23rd, carnies on heocair.Afbcî Itheopeuuiug pray- The Hugh Sebool lispector's re- Wbis tralMrtoni B1v anviedt ifs luiograui anofiior assured suc- esM.S abun vsappoint- prtfortluis 'ar showsa the achool Hspileral oi einbruau-4t, n is otMetnln .7h ce-.-. This occasionu is alneady on- cdVstry Clerk. There uvasaacmudtos1 ogac îs 'Host yar.onHeruas boruu n ame . . otontsGus Ebenezer Junior Boys Present doux cd uxîburîchuiesa - %-ealth inii0good atteîdauuce of parialuionors caaii rctcl i epr-twnsr.Hip e a Cborine. bme thue subjeet cf address, ic. "Oui- 10lucai Ite anuuual report auud monts, some of uxý-hielu catu nover jso0f the laIe Wm. Mortimer Ives Choral Numbers Previous lariîo's Minues. - uealt iniiioraîory appoint the varîous cluurchu Offi- be of the highesî grading. for cx- a dAuaBoxn oIi no bý hvebbwuxîuuer of Torounto DuIrluanu cors. ample tIelueigbtiuug lithe old an lmcild rouwr orsunirn to Well Prepared Club*s shield li Province-uvide CThe followingreports xere pro- achool buildinug. eIve hdren bbc onnuMr. TeBohrodo nikle Debae pulicachols ontel ad uxeaib ~.seuted. Wardens Churcb Report., xrcsfo usrpr are as,' cf thue familv left for twcnitv vears.CictmeaIEnklenFb- _____ e absty i or uîoîincn.'Choir. Altar Gtîild, Men's Club, follouxs: ErCirifeomuedt hrn 1 ihHat rte Tell nue the countrvyu.ith the . A.Y.P.A.. Womueu's Guîld. Sunda\ Valuable additions bave heeuu (Edviie) where hie bary a pn - On Frida cvcig. Fehruary largesî minerai resources and I School, Women's Auxiîiary. Juuu- made 10 bbc Library. Science au and ddahuh farm. oda iios r ehc e Ui CourticeCircut Brotluerhood wiil tell you the rîchoat couitr - s or Womnus Auxiîiary. auud Bible Physical Education anîd Commer- groat d eastfricter.ug u cu - eta bnzrCiic vtainte%,rdoc elrdaf-Classes. The secretaries or presi- cial Departmnuts. Thue Lihrary Rev. P. L. Juil -ubhtdsritvypae y e.H aky lreaenac.PeietCa.mu haemkr-tacoi-deunts cf blese orgauîizaîions gave boxc r. slîould bau-e more nefer- .On Sept. 23rd, 1873. lhe nuarrîed lT'lePrsdtapote F.El, O-houruic-,xvas iu charge anud coni- try la Canada. Gog ruvrolnmiitr ho lhs h n Mar.Ehl' coalduh dute be peuiugexrcse. f- Durhami Club s doubîy foritîuu- Leadercf flue Ountario Conserva- gauizaions showed favour a b I c books.Thius is aun umportant de- cuuaniniosi nry ominahe dn y sD-ofnhelaIe Go rgde.auud AnMc-6 tenrxxlich Jas. Hauicot-kled ini u niits guiesî speaker. Mr. H. C.tive parts- ulo uxas cected Tuie- balanuces in the hank. Appeal lvas parfmeît tun hue achool and wo - h abry un ofor oalw reeeae li1neuvofcrwo h oigya comnniuuty singuuug. follouvcd bhy Rîckahy, uxli s uoîonîy a statînclu ýday 10 flic Legisîatuirr uacl uad o bccniuune ftt tvo ilIu spotuxIih au te aafQuneCoieeceyas g.T teiu'oebruadfarpr 1ol.efr h btuenminutes read hy Sccretarv Mr. Durhainite. lis faîber at Oroujo uiafîouu for, Sîuucoc East. su .'temu of voluintary giu'iug bx egieu.o be Untd hrh fCaaa sxebîruu rna uu dawonexf tig Robinusouu havîuîg heeu Town-uship Clerk of iien f tb- duplex cuivelope Provisionu bas been made for the assJ Artux-aIsarl -yrs E.A.d Thepeieiwloe h Prograui coisisted ocf c Li r Clarkte for nanuv sears, hut as The -rdcuus auuuouuccd thaf fliux teaching ofthue course of Gr-ade IX IITI r n iRutherford, Coîhorne, Mrs.Nl 1urstn udcle nM.Cag chous ,clctiiusluyEheic'er ep it uuistecr of M ine e DMissionsIA ~f,~l~ alIctrinut ad hoon haut xith Itue exception of Home Econ LEH1" Muns. ciandeW.dClatdfetheeHampton Bro Junior Bu:. s. led b i5AaA-sek u bc' \f t iano ~i lViMI Ufuo heseconud COuISeCutive 'omricsanad Goueral Slîop Work uu to ndW ltd IeTwtherhod 0tk cag fpo îus: re.cifafuuu bv Ed. Rivett: anud kioux-edge of lis stîhjecî. La Ncr For xxluichi act-ommodations adlhaclf 0muu lebso gnam.reaiu a ie yRv Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aIoig fatiien. Elcveuu graund- W.Rchaad r .Hn ti solos. bv Janic-u Hiaucoc-k. il terui alîdes uxli illustrate.RLU 1 F Ms a-rtBnet ltBROTHER PARINER 'TheRector tbanked hese ral cqtipmuc lhav not belonprio d gNAMEdti nd ouirvrauî-cc avrdwî vclsls et xxuuit-lifor uex fautfun c. GrceîX cntdeov ad bein iLsT OF ArgS hirdtn Bn fourgrtttgofnPortc ofwiue ve ui I1UjoyedpcaofdP.,ung. lateofliceentercdrctueiveP..usouvmanvArt..awhoCgaveDa ch an vn f Itue ovcuuuuugHope public sebools xiii repeat frfcî-uuFortnurilopîus.Tirin O0 h uany years luis sole iuterest geîsekr n .M oln il ~îdelbate oui Resoix-edtl uat ber xvinuuiug address. "Pick Yourffh id h iuvycr îet0"useii oîîerî1cureIo IN PHONE aOOtî,u-iu-e. . Dr. H. Felguson introduced the ucîitrs i oter tlîauuDe- Pet Phoia.- ((IIbotvhet hveoJ P.sMRGindustrrt rantednopcratedHethtuvo ver Co'erinltenestingees talkstonandPatriot-tw niocracu . Thet affirmuative Wxas t0 look up yotir dietiouuarv boe). rsnc i auua eotuxu ~ r chîcose factories as uveil as tux',o m.acy ou take-uiby Wui.LYtett. Wui. Laird Aiso. slîe vili ho presentcd uwith shioxed tiese itemîs: 3221 uuuetîuug. and tlîe dist-ipliniu l good. Therotýr, ttesnetm hi ilm anud Euuncst Twist~. anid flic ega- lier iuuîdil îmodal emiblenuatt- W. A. Mitchell is One of Few atîeuuded: 687 u-sits nmade; 169 ad-i s a uotcahle ujeatuloas in the New Telephone Bock Is Pub- farianaIorthusanerlinde ux-uie iu-of tak hùpakr ed tixe by Cocul FoLUIu. Clarcunce cf thue Duinlani Clîub shield bu- Mr dresses giu'eu; 19 confirmnatiouns: I7vonk bocks anud exocise bocksung in Nonthuîmb000aNed Cotints-. ing-ide-ere given by Mn. Charles Pcuufnuîul aund Gerge Auuuuîs. Eacl Waler H. Clornes, onue cf Pour Partners Without College uxeddings anud 7, hurls.ulirougicuithble choci. ishdW:h400 e and H o rt uiers- ouvu s fr acynWr and M.Vco ois tA vote of thauîksa nd sîîe-uc The siuuguug lu thue nuorniuugas- RevsdLisig yar nd epotcfales for auî n d eetonfo h qatte kuouledgc cf bue stibjeet and pro- Presîdeut tuf Torounto Duirhan i Libenal. seutcd bleir pointus and argtuments cluîb. Rco frhsuntuinug uork oinMtusic bore arceuxorthy of special hn Prestige belialf of bbe congregatiuuu and ficuh e metionu. I Shltld ike to muntnion i oeuvsuvv PaeO rki n anuer. hi ndakîuug uou- Mtr oadS. iidri coi- Ileic. also theoroderly iuuanner li whicl Thle ceux-tcephonuc dînettory for retreal fou ail uuiuistcrs anud fr1-j ThopnB keo.M.Ahu prvkngnane.nakn ric atratS.Geres ntdThie Roc-for annuou.îuced lis -e- the studentsinuove fnom ciassroonu Bowmanu-iiîe. Cobouurg, and neigi- euîd_. Tnuly lis home uxas a bouse SanoZo,'hne h n .oyable anud profitable Ovenuig.Chin.rch, Toronito, uvho la widcly lHonabio Alger could have pick- apituuIo OcrLBol s 0caarouauc oaudfou h oiuglkesun cuuîunte h<bcaie0 hera u-eenikle Bohrho o tekn sutai hîuuedbhe ebtes orkuoxuuinii lis mtusical actixities. cd for one tof lis succesatonies, Recton's W'anden. Tlese officcrs assembl-,- fouir pages tu'Jcary mon did rosI.Thnu-itation. About 150 wetee-lu aI- uxtb- takdth eaer o ili ho sololat, uxhile Gvcuudoîyu W. A. Mitchell. youuugen broîben ux-re elecfcd for 1939: Peopio's It is a pîcascîre f0 ho able 1t eesnoisjs be ecuc Cniue nPg )ar-d Presideuut Osborne aunounced attauunuouut shîed such lustre acros Commenîrce nanager. Mn. Mitchell. Treasunen - PisVleta: ccen- repor TIhat hue sehuon s rng____local________subsribers the aunual banueît oui Friday. ICanadua, uxili graco Ithe occasion as boni lin uuodest ircunistances. ors; Delegabes 10 Syuuod - R. M. andthue prnipal la to ho compli- The uucxx'book couitalis uo bs D Manch 24t1i. aI Maple Grove uuhenl accompauuist. passed lis cntrauutce t 10 anud bis Cottonî. J.P., W. F. Depeux, O. La.-uuunted ou i s progress and stuc--Ihuauu 4,00uewaH r d~ampton B eh n roVioc MnRussilKeIe c Hn iT eo amily îamc cf Boxxnuanunior iation aftue age Belle, Stîhatutute Delegates - E. C ceas of luis school. Credut should iluga libthe 92-page alphabetîcaî oil vnn ______b__heseake._____ sfinal mayor wil horenuein- cf 13. Affon scueral years li batik- Sotithev, F. S. Phillips, J. L. Cry- bho îu o 10l incosiiali uuiasunc section anud about 500 neux anud A llowsProgram 0 ieT ln bere inthenecting's hîct and, ing uith the Royal Batuk, hoe w-as dorman; Conveuuen cf Sidesinen' to fstaffof cortpanatiu-eîy y-ouuig chauuged claasified entries un the 1:1 cuuiiu nucl w .«,uuu î hî îctes. Mn. anud Mrs. Johnu A. offcnod a positionu uxibl J. P. Mon- H. D. Moses; Envcîopc Secrebary - teachens who are giuviuug heir 8 velloux ags c,- i l'uiur- niMeFeetens. gan Compauy. Newx York Batik- Mns. J. A. Guuuun: Finuance Conu. beal lu the uxay of cc-opcraîicn Ma age.WiîaucfteBl Aurupasutoile-euneedIeLdenothCutb -- ----eus. Word %-as neceived rcceuîîy- uuuttee - O. LaBelle, F. S. Phihlilus. anud service fnom day' 10 day. Teephner .Colmy po sse ell vsple iiF ore ile îg ingîen. ar îa rOshawa that M r. M itchell lias beeî taken J. A. Liu-ing, C. Sea le, R. M . Cot- I shculd like 10 m ention capoc- t e h p h t l c l t l p o e u - L d e r o e n sl y w e o l B»Iminton Party Voted Best 0f Year iii as a parîner un this uxorîd fani- ton, W. F. Dcpeuv. R. Harding,.EE ially the courtesy- cxtended f0 a teshopeuat loceateephn e s oc vnon wedsnes rweu ondWabetrnate ou iac ouucern. Ho and au- C. EvasaudJL.Cdenaix'sIr yIesudusbo.ens anduJld.cooperate visterth the socalevuuuutu-a bonoredb elocuîlnawobsaîdl ack Evans Music ~~~~oîher Cauîadian are tluceuîly two Adu'iaory- Council - Cation C. R. Their deporîment li the ciasa Cumbea"n inea ucin has os- Bro.Hapt.on l li cane o S.AandCndgvkeea partners uvbo have hecu offered 'Spencer, J. Living, E. C. Eu'aus, rcom, hall, asaembhy and gymnas- sible. "Since tihe volume cf chaug- the prognani, calîed on Noble lmnnhn hic eewiircl- auch positionus wiIlicuI a back- E.S. Naylon, R. M. Cotton, W. F. lui neflect cneditably upon the es lu the uew directory 'sSO5 Grand C. G. Morris who welcom- ed. ground of college cdticalion and Depew, O. LaBelle, Dr. G. C. parents and homes lu the coun- large," Mn. Williams aitevstn uafwwl r.J .Msn utecus Badmuiton Club hcîd ils besl uxiches, cakes and coffee, tbc Club social prestige. 1 Bouinycastie, T. Dustan, E. Cliii- 1munity. cfd "h danuce of Ibis season Friday uight, 1living up 10 thcir fine reputatien Hrii.C cne .Pilp.J n fmeigteOana fimportance ofdestnoying "the cd dtevsorinafw el B( whciu Jack Exanus and bis baud lcf off eng deicicus nofresbmeuuts. Hdniug, uC. SCanton.F. Ayilug, R. ur fmtng vstheI ua ic p iche audonaref o e m îd cmaoaîneanka. Br.aW.rorcaismmnaepese h frmTrnopoie isct h rg iw-as au enjcymenil Mrs. IrneîeCobbledick. 257 0 L.Crydonmauu, Mrs. E. Cuuunîng- the Board, and the chairman off - ct soycnsi- vs aleupo o c.a har hank fIeldet hs b the satisfactiOli cf boîb yocung anud'to iistenuf0asuI as lasdanuce 0. Dauîfontb Au-e., Torounto, ux-iles: bai, Mrs. E. C. Southey-, Mrs. A. the proet omiteadds- cîsl biu. hil a rsue yM.Kihga oid xvilcfoxtrtsuxatze, re nd nclsed fuud 200 forTheA. mîtî,Mns J.Coî Ms.o.pcasig yahol afaia wth heanTat tdi nologeruecssay Ptos aud n. lfrd audliMrf.ahuuia u-en sevec h Ou-en 200 attended, uot onîyf otheruxise, and the Paul Jounes Statesîauî whichi ta aîays greel- Diîîiuug, Mrs. J. Living, Mrs. J._____________1 try and keep up with the Mitî iano and harmonieca duels iteHmu rthers eeî from Bownuauîuille, but froî asun- provcd întcresting as well as ed as it comea ike a bItter fnom Guntu; Auditors - R. Harding, C., Jouueses la borne cul by the new and Misa L. Horne aud.Mn. E.L'igc routîding districts, and moal of aniusuing. wiih edtho oid Iown. I waa sorry to learn Searle. The Boy Scouts anud Cuba wish issue for as Longfellow said "The, Wiliaîson, violîn and Piano nuî 'taafic, ihMsr.JmCiyau them appearcd lu hc enjoying The nexî dance wl bcel f thedeath cf Mra. McCready, A vt ftak a xeddt hn l hs iieswos m-hamgt a sle"Tebr.Rv .Rchm apoLt themseives. imienscly. L u n c h Manch 10, with thesanme orces-onc cf my oldeal acquaintances l vleofIhua asexeud d lythnkai oe it in wh c so Sminewtph mgyne okl h"The11f baes Rev.W nckam, Hamon, uhr theschin le aî uxas served, consisting of sand- Ira providing the music. town. (Continued on Page 7) drive on Saturday. Smiths, 80 Bnowns nnd 35 Joues. Chunch and Christianity, and k ain ousplig h nsc N j COURTICE MEN EPNNP rppareA i

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