Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1938, p. 9

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* i - ', ,' - r. '-. <.,. -. - THURSDAY, DECEMBER lSTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA NVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE NINE TuE Newtonville jRecent \Visitors :Mm. and Nlrs. \V.i News of Clarke TownshipR.HwisPotoe,\ran Nr. Hormn . Puri1lNecste.Mrs. n Str vleMr. and Mrs. Howard Linton andý trlewtl:fs onJcsn Ted Woodyard, Orono, Rev. Mor- . MIlohn Colon. Frascrville. withl The recent snowfall seemed to ton, Newcastle, were Sunda I Mr. and Mrs. Wni. MNilligani. Mm. give a necessary grace to the guests o! Mrs. E. Underwood.. I Colon spent thc suminer with Victorl growing Christmas atmosphere. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson were at Fraserville and will spcnd the Pupils and teacher are making in Midland. . .. Mrs. A. A. Lang- wintcr with his daughitcr. SNbil. '5rs. big preparations for their Christ- staff with friends here. . . . Mr. Fred Livpett at Newtonbrook... mas tree on the 21st. Wilfred Little, Oshawa, and Mr. Mmr. and Mrs. George Staleton Sr., Bert Bostock are home for a few Mr. Eh1 Stapfleton and MIiss Betty Mr. H. B. Gilmer is driving a days. . . . Mr. Robert Vannatto, Staffleton with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin new car.whose father, Mr. w. J. Vannatto Tonles, Port Hope. Mm. and. Mrs. Young People's League Xiii passed away recently in Mani- Staffleton remaininz for a visit.. meet Monday next week owing to toba, is visiting with his aunt, Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Beech and miss Starkville Christmas tmee on Wed- Mrs. Abe Jackson. . .. Mrs. Milton Hazel Reid in Toronto. . . . Mr. and nesday. Robinson wvas in Toronto. . .. Mrs. 'Mrs. Cccil Robinson in Toronto.. Visitors: Mrs. Wm. Savery visit- A.' Gilroy with her daughter, Mrs. Mmr. ,vers Vascy. Midland. witb his ed hem daughters in Oshawa. . . . A. Hoy, in Oshawa. atcousins, Mm. and Mirs. Cecil Robin- Miss Marlon J. R. Green and Miss There xvas a good attendance atsn '...Mm. and Mrs. John Morris. )#-.Lormna Hallowell at Mr. and Mms. League on Thursday evening Oronlo. with Mr. and M,,rs. Wm. Lomne Todd's . . . . Miss Jean Mc- which was in charge o! Arthur Stapfleton. - - . 'Mm. and Mrs. Frank Mullen and mother with Mrs. Wm. Thompson and Leonard Falls. Gilmer and famil3. Crooked Creck, Savery. . . . Mrs. Richard Hallo- Mr. Neil Stewart is sporting a with M,\rs. J. T. Pearce. Mms. well, Mr. Lloyd Hallowell and new 1939 car. F7oster. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard and Miss Norma Hallowell at Mrs. J. Mm. D. Vanatto has eturned Joyce and George , Lunna. 'Mr. and Porteous', Bethany. . . . Mm. and home from the West accompanied Mirs. Jack Nalîs and three boys Of Mrs. Geo. Morton, sixth uine, and by his nephew, Mr. R. Vanatto. Tono thM.ad rsWm Mrs. Bougen, with Mrs. John Mc- Kendal W. A. met Dec. 8th, and Torono, tM.'anGeore riffin Kay. . . . Mrs. H. L. Trim and elected these officers: Pres. - Mrs. Stapleton... r ereGifn Mms. Bert Trimn motored 10 Osh- Thorne; lst Vice - Mrs. Cornish; Onîerec. with Mi\r. S. R. Jones..- awa. . . . Mr. Jas Stark, Oono, 2nd Vice - Mrs. E. Luxon; Secre- Miss Cors MacMillan, Bancroft, with Mms. John McKay. . . . Mm. tary - Mrs. M. Robinson; Assistant with liem sister. Mrs. R. Bruce.. and Mrs. S .G. Hallowell and Miss Sec. - Mrs. A. Gilroy; Treasurer - rs. Hassen with fiends in Chat- Norme~ Hallowell took tea with Mms. A. Jackson: Pianist - Mms. ham. . .. Messrs S. R. Jones and Mrs. C. Reid, Newtonville, Sun- Swarbmick. Melville Jones and Mrs. Willis Jones day. Kendal Women's Institute pro-r in Toronto. . - . Mm. and Mms. Lewis vided an enjoyable concert Dec.I Truscott and daughter. Toronto, withi 016th, when the play "The Buggins- 'Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Jones. Loc har'sSch olville Uplift Society" was present- Y.P.u. of United Chumch opened Lock arfsScho ed together with a seriés o! eci- their mneeting ith Mms. L. Savery Mm.andMrs Walac Gîsontalions by Mrs. Lowemy, Audrey iin charge. Jack Kimball took charge Mr. nd Ms. allae GisonPatton and Alec Little; piano sel- of îîiis program: scipturc mcadinm, entertained a few friends 10 a ections by Mm. N. Stewart, Mrs., Hazel Reid; reading. Wanada Mc- goose supper Thursday nîght. Wm. Wannan and Mrs. W. T. Lit- Ka,-: pianlo solo. Elgin Saver: Home and School Club met tle; songs by the W. I. and school. vclsl.Mr ae coDne Wednesday, Dec. 7, wîth a x'emy President Mrs. R. Mercer, in hem bvocalsoloWMary Lane. acconaE.dL salisfactory attendance. Club vol- chairman's address, said the îib- bv ms W. C.n sixlae Redxg.e. ed 10 continue giving the hygiene ary was not being patmonized as Bche caied fon sxoade siand v prizes 10 the pupils which are much as desîred. The play was hm ubrsfom ne1siad awarded at the Christmas con- weîî attended, and the comments lined the odd numbers against the çer, Dc. 2nd Clb wll uply ear wee vry avoabe, so evenl as f ollows: Mrs. Willis Jones. tk 3Days a wekCl bsuplem h entmc o hte W. Ihav beenMis, Wanda McKav and Mrs. Gor- luce kroie th ple coolmeuehsoted cotie this.foame f don àMartin against Mrs. L. Savcmy, ard. Team atis o e-entemîainment îhro' the wintem rs.Gor cuuhadMs rshpdriv ae oyPatof es onths. George Staffîcton Jr. He gave dues- zone, and Chris Barchard. east ___________ ions on the ireoizmaphv of Canada tu zone. Plans were made for the he answercd bv 'Truc or False". tlhe whetofor club to Solina, Dec. Leskard latter zroup winninng by a smail l3th hr we supply the pro- margîn. Hazel Reid Pased amound gram. Basic committees were ap- picces of cardboamd the shape of a pointed to get plans under way Home and School Club met iece of pie with Da t of a song on early in the new yeam for the December 51h. The main feature cach. There wcme 8 l1iccs of Pie il, club's annual Valentine dance. was an address by Mr. J. J. Mel- cach sonz and whcn these wemc Speaker was Rev. S. Lîttlewood, lom on "I am Going to the End o! pfieccd together we had f ive goups Oono, whose topic was "Our the Way." and each grroup sang their own song. Need for Religion," which he de- The electicity has been turned Winnems werc îreatcd to f ancy fined as good conduct and right on in most o! the homes in the cakes. Followiniz the meeting Mr. living. Numbers completing the village. and Mrs. L. Savcmy very kindlv ser- programn weme piano solo, Dorothy The men erected the platform ved a dlizhtful lunch in their Qwn Mathews; vocal solo, Pauline De- in the school Saturday, making homne 10 those taking Part iin Truc line; harmonica selection, George ready for Christmas concert Dec. or False and their escorts. Railh; reading, Leslie Gibson; 21s1. Miss Lorraine Milligan has e- vocal duel, Aima and Ruby Gib.. Church service will be held on tumned to Lindsay after visitiniz Mr. son. A social Four and refresh- Christmas Day at 3 o'clock. It will and Mms. Wm. Milligan duinz axents brought the evening 10 a be the firsl time that service has of-j x ls.Convener o! January pro- been heid on that day in Leskard whîch ljime she disposed o e x "W'~am ommiteeis Ms. has Gib fo man yers.cess belonzings following the sale of gr o mmte sMs.Ca.Gb ormn er.hem house 10 Mm. Wilbemt Hancock. s ent. iios Ms oly Petemboro. Mr. Hancock has had the Toonto, with hem sister, Mm xcirmpiîdam h nemomm. Austin Turner. .... Miss Mary Bo- - Covvanville modellcd. It is now wired for elec-ý wen and Mm. F. W. Bowen in To- tricitv and equipped with an un- ronto. . . . Mrs. Harold Gibson to-date hathmoom. and daughtem with Mrs. Annis, If. tbis unseasonable weathem .A number went 10 Bowmanvillc Scarboro. . . . Miss McTier, Miss keeps up Santa may have 10 corne Satumdav afternoon and saw Santa Hilda Gamsby and Mm. W. A. in a buggy and somebow that Claus. Downing, Toronto, with Mm. and doesn't seem right at ail. How- Poultmy stealing is hccominZ ton Mrs. George Laing. . . . Messrs. ever, somne people are planning on popîîlar iin these parts. Whv not cal Hai,_.Dean and George Laing a good Christmas feed.Noan nthPrvciloiefrasi- in Ilbfonto... Mm. and Mrs. Rus- Andmews had about a dozen nice ance? seli Osborne attended the Lions fat geese that didn't come home Dance Fridax' nîghî sponsored bxv Club Ladies' Night banquet Mon- t0 roost. and Allan Brown, thirdGil'Sfbl a wsnts day evening in Bowmanville. lune, lost a number o! good look- Girls' ofîaîl Tceaste ixasnt o ing tumkeys. The dog had 1Been imu c othsce te dpu f ine nealy strangled, too, but they owng1th doporo ma. Kend l pobably decided he would betop Hnwever thev are gratef "I to have Christmas trees, 100, seem 10 have At W. M. S. meeting of United Vîsitors: Mm. and Mrs. Arthur stayed fmom home - leaving onîy Chumch Dcc. 6th. programt was in Bell, Bowmanville, with Mm. and their stumps behind themn. charize of Mms. R. J. Rowc. The Mms. L. D. Bell. '. -. Mrm. and Mms. W. A. met in the church hall Christmas prozram in the Monthly Evan Quanîmil and famiiy with and election o! officers for 1939 was followed. Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. . . . took place. Perhaps we should Mrs. L. Savery cach ead a poem. Mrs. Milton Robinson and Mrs. say re-election, as evemyone went 0f ficers for the cominz vear wcre Wesley Cathcart visited the laI- back into the samne office with the elected as follows: President-Miss tem's son John in Toronto Sick exception o! the piaflist. Miss i. Laing: lst Vicc-Mrs. E. L. Chiidmen's Hospital on Sunday. .. Doothy Simpson was-lèlected to Bccch: 2nd Vjcc-Mms. J. T. Peprce; Mm. Earl Boyd, Cenîmeville, with f Mi the vacancy. Committees weme Sec'v.-Mrs. Cecil Robinson; Treas. his sister, Mrs. Alex Reid. . .. Mr. changed around somnewhat. Christ- -Mrs. L. Savery: Communîîy Fri- Bishop, Toronto, with Mm. and mas Cheer boxes will be looked cndship Scc'y.-Mrs. J. A.1 Barrie; Mms. H. Mercer. . .. Mm. and Mms. afler by Mms. Stringer and Mms. Christian Stewardship Sec'y.-Mrs. Milton Plunket and famnily, To- Perrin, and ail ladies are making Cecil Burlev; Baby Ba.d Sec'y.- ronto, wlth Mr. and Mms. George candy for the tmee on Friday Mrs. Ravmond Bruce: Missionary Quantril. . . . Mms. T. Langstaff, nieht, as usual. 'Monthîx' and Press Sec'y.-Mrs. W. Newtonville, with fiends heme. .. Mm. Sidney Hughes had charge joncs: Peace Sec'y.-Mrs. D. Kauf- o! the League Thursday and an mnan- Tempemance Sec'y.-Mrs. R. J. interesting evening was reported. Rowe. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton and ________ son Lawrence were guests o! Mm. and Mrs. Bert Cossley on Thurs- TIPPING TIME I T POURS dy day. This is the "tipping" lime o! year, I have 10 hip the cook; ANLY '*' row' ~ I also have 10 hip the maid, Browns Orgel the sour look. THE IIANDY PODRIK Sroh for t#w tiwPouwli les. fro-wrIte for on. NOW 0 Ft th avecalto ofthe 2lM. tin of Crown Brand, Lily Whte and Karo syrups. Bis .alychnedand eaun b.oser! ovad ov,ag-. * Pors wthot a drlp. " Provida. means of accurate measuruments. " Maires the 2 lb. tinsan «caltent table container. " Tha protectlve caUprvid. a TelltheIi boys that portraits of famou. hockey stars can etili be obtained for 'CROWN BRAND' lab.. (IOWN BRANO IOIN IYRUP The Famous Energy Food Th@ CANADA STARCH CO. LlMted, Toronto Recent Visitors : Mms. Clif ford Bown and Rax' at Mrs. E. Legge's, Oshawa. . .. Misses P. and H. Brimacombe. Mrs. T. Pcnfound of Bowmanville. Mm. and Mmi. N. Allin, Newcastle. with Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Alldread. . .. Mm. and Mms. R. Mc- Neil and Plwllis, Oshawa, Mr. and Mmi. R. Gimbîcît. Mapfle Grove. with Mrs. R. Grahamn and Meivin.... Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Alldmed and Mr. 1M. Graham in Oshawa. Saturdaýy... Misses Ethel Simpson and Helen Couch at their homes. . .. Mm. and Mmi. Freeman Eddy and family, Mm. and Mmi. Roy Banch and famîlv, Mrs. R. Graham, Mm. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam in Bowmanviile to the Santa Claus parade. ...Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner. Crooked Ceek, at Mr. and Mms. C. Turner's. Mr. Robt. Graham and Mm. Fred Couch accomvanied Mm. Le Gme>lcy and Mm. Quigg of Newcastle on their trip down 10 Williamsbumg, Vir- ginia, U.S. Lord Tweedsmuim says that he bas neyer been bomed in bis life. We assume that be has neyer been obliged ho sit hbrough boums o! the platitudes o! mediocre a!- ter-dinrier speeches. - Brockvihle Recorder and Times. thp, The garbage man as well; The ash man and the grocery boy, And others I couid tell. The laundry woman, office boy, The gardener wants bis; The mail man and the furnace man, Are in the "tipping" biz. The scrub wornan, the paper boy, My young stenographer; The elevator girl, o! course, I also mustl hp ber. The janilor cornes 'round in turn, Witb unassuming smile; Il wouldn't pay 10 leave him ouI, He lessens, hoo, my pile. The taxi driver aiso wants A hip besides bis fec; The waiter in the restaurant NexI puts it up 10 me. The shoc-shine boy, the bell hop, 100, The bulcher boy, named Hamn; The milkrnan bas bis lefI band out For something in bis palm. eRONO ----------- aýULI/AL AI Glad 10 sec Mr. C. J. Hugbson out again. Mrs. Fred Wood has been on the sick list. Park St. W. A. meets next Tuesday. Repairs are being made 10 the bouse occupied by Robert Fuller. A number attended the W.M.S. gatbeming aI Newcastle Friday. Mrs. W. H. Rowe spent Fmiday at Mms. J. Awde's, Newcastle. Bill Willamd, Port Pemmy, was a visitor in town. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Cornish, Port Pemry, spent the weekend heme. The stewards o! Park Street Cbumch met Monday night. Mm. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Margaret Roy spent the weekend at Port Hope. Mm. and Mms. Harold Awde and family, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mm. Chas. F. Awde's. Salvationists weme seliing the Christmas issue o! the Wam Cmy Monday. Master Couvier, son o! Mm. and Mms. Nelson Couvier, has been quite iii, but is improving. Mrs. Joseph Cbapman and Miss Hazel Falls spent Sunday at Mm. J. H. Morrts'. Please get copy in eamly next week as the paper is going 10 press a day eariier than usual. The perfect Christmas gift - a subscription Ici The Omono News and Statesman. Congratulations 10 Mr. Walter Shemwin who on Satumday cele- brated bis 701h birthday. Messrs. John and Robert Keane, Toronto, spent the weekend aI home. A baptismal service is pianned for the momning service at Park St. Chumch next Sunday. 1 Sympathy is extended 10 the relatives o! the laIe James Bur- gess who died Tuesday. L Mrs. S. Cutteli e n t e r t a i n e d twenty ladies 10 dinner and bridge Thursday. Mms. W. J. Cowan and Mrs. Fred Lovekin, Newcastle, visited rela- tives in Lakefieid. Mm. and Mms. William Patter- son, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis mother and sisters. Mm. W. J. Andrews, Newton- ville, was guest o! Mm. and Mms. J. J. Melior. Mrs. Fred Cowan is visiting Mm. and Mrs. Charles Crease in To- ronto. Congratulations ho Mr. and Mrs. S. Cutteil who celebmated their wedding annivemsary Tuesday. Congratulations 10 Mm. and Mrs. Bill DeLine on the bimth o! a daughter. Mm. John Thompson, Miss Vir- tue, and Mrs. A. Chapman visited in Oshawa. Donald Hamm, George Rowe and Mrs. W. C. Lynch took part in the pmogram aI the young peo- ple's banquet aI Newcastle Mon- day. Mrs. John Henry leaves shortly tu make hem home in Toronto. Hem fiends heme wiil miss ber a greal deal. The accident bo Keane's car Friday night, Dec. 2nd, happened ight by Harry Memcer's. Sam Keane was driving. Norman Andrews had nearly ail bis geese stolen. Fortunately the thieves le! t enough for bis Christ- mas dinner. A number !rom heme attended the band concert aI Bowmanvilie. theatre Sunday night, some tak- ing part in the progmam. Milton Morris piayed in Dew- eil's Orchestra aI Courtice aI a dance Friday night. Things went over with a bang according to re- ports. Messrs. Frank McîIveen and John Gmady and Misses M. Ro- berts, Port Hope, and Betty Rowe, attended the Bankers' bail at Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, Friday. Mm. and Mms. William Seymour and Mrs. George Seymour attend- ed the golden wedding o! Mm. and Mms. J. Neais, Cobourg, Ibis week. Mrs. Neals is a sister o! Mm. Wm. Seymour. The community tree, the strings o! colored lighls, the store win- dow decorations and cedar aiong the street ail make Orono main streel have a festive appeamance for the arrivai of Santa Friday, Dec. 23rd. Corne and bring the NEWS S.O.E. Lodge Eîects Off cers For Year S. O. E. met Monday and elect- ed these officers: P. P. - Joseph Hall; W. P. - M. Harrison; V. P. - Thos. Lewis; Sec. - W. C. H. Mit- chell; Treas. - H. Milison; Chap. - Wm. McKenzie; lst Comm. - Wm. Hoar; 2nd Comm. - L. Lunn; 3md Comm. - Geo. Cooper; 4th Comm. - I. Farrow; 5th Comm. - E. White; 6th Comm. - R. Branch; I. G. - Geo Morton; O. G. - C. Aluin; Auditors - J. J. Cornish, Geo. C o op er; Trustees - F. Hall, Wm. Cornish, R. Wood. Notice Miss Marjorie Bounsali will be glad ho show Pbantom No-Sha-do Hosiery at hem home, King Street, Bowmanville. Fashionabie n e w shades, in special Christmas wvrapping. Phone 326. 50-1l Tiired Ne.rves Tired nerves make you restiesa, nervous, irritable and aleepless. Most women, and men 100, depend on Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for new nerve force. For new pep and energy use Dr. Chas.' NERVE FOOD But only one reciprocates; That one, my barber Jack; I gel mb b is chair, tip HIM, And then he lips ME back. -Ralpb Gordon.' 628 Crawford St., Toronto. 1 From far and near we journeyed To reach home once more, And live beneath its welcome roof One Christmas, as o! yore. We gathemed 'round the fireside As in the long ago, And heard the belis ring ouI their chimes, AI midnighl in the snow. Benealh that roof our hearts were ligbt, For each was brighl and gay; Glad hands were clasped in wel- come, And gifts bestowed that day. How fast the yeams have sped, dears, Since you and I *ere young; But, oh, the yeams seem days, dear, When love 'round hearts is strung. The very streets have histories, The trees their stomies hell; Their branches breathe a secret To eams that hear them weli. And hîlf the burden o! a life Is dropped upon the way; The soul is turned in unison With thoughts that come today. Oh! may those thoughts forever dweli Within our bosoms true; May hope, and love, and constancy Upon our pathway strew. The peace which in the old home Made us our youth renew, And sing the songa and tell Ibe taies O! wbich we hear too few. At midnight Mass the knee we bent In reverence 10, adore The Infant, born aI Bethlehem, Upon a stable floor. We heard the belis ring Gloria, We breathed a fervent prayer To Jesus that He might protecl And keep us in His came. For those o! us who passed beyond The vale o! sighs and tears, We whispered Miserere To Him who secs and bears. We asked the Babe o! Bethlehem That we mîgbl ahl unite And live in peace and barmony, To meet nexl Christmas night. -K. M. O'Loughlin. The owncm of the car is the one wbo, after you pull the door shut, aiways opens il again and shuts il harder.-Bmandon Sun. 'L.O.L. CARD PARTY55~~y * * 1yr ) PERSONAL An enjoyable card party wvas Minstrel Show And Comic held in thc Orange Hall Monday;_______ night under auspices of the locali lodge. Following the games a so-1 -Invitations have been issued for cial haif hour and lunch was en- It pays to advertise! SANTA CLA the school Christmas dance. joyed, prizes being given out dur-' This xvas clearly demonstrated COMUNC Misse Hila and Rosaîne ng the social pcriod by Mr. E. J. by the Wlfitby A.Y.P.A. members- Gamsby spent a day here. Hmm nnrbegasflos Wednesday night, Dec. 7th, when Plans are ail r Mrs. m. Matyn i onEtecsic W -. itchsoe, Wom Cors;they put on the play "Advertising ception to Santa lst m atniso h ikWmsoltion: eW onihTown Hall, Frici list.Consoationprizes, Mrs. John Cor-'for a Husband" and a minstrel o'clock. The kiddc Mrs. A. West had her tonsils nish and Wm. Watson. Five Hun-:show in Orono Town Hall under are putting on ti out. dred - High score, women, Mrs. local A.Y.P.A. auspices, a fair of program and th Mr. Louie Brown, Oshawa,' for- George Morton; men, John Mor- icrowd being present. singing, etc. San merly of Orono bank staff, spent ris; Consolation prizes, Mrs. H. H. The humorous play was pre- with bells on, anc the weekend here. McDonald, E. Evans. The con- ýsented first, the synopsis being as every child. Yoi Cha. Ganvll~s ow reaedsolation prizes proved amusingi follows: A colonel is determined enjoy the afteri Cs. excitemeSundaobychok- and in some cases appropriate, that his daughter shaîl marry a and it will delig inona ecturnp. Mr.b cok and added much to the merriment wealthy man and advertises ac- you corne and bi and olliy ofthe ~ccaion cordingly. The daughter, hw-____ Congratulations toMr and Mrs.1 ever, is in love and she and ber Will Waddell on the birth of a ýlover arrange a plan whereby a D child. UNION ME TN friend o! his will answer the advt. Pr St Mr. and Mrs. Nugent, Peterboro. and be exposed by him. Plans- visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mervyn Keane and Olive Brown mnis eca r ry somehow, and the Rev. S. Littlewc Rosborough, Mrs. Nugent remain- were in charge of the Union meet- pseudo-answerer begins without ject Sunday mci ing for a week's visît. ing Monday night, the former instructions and many comiecicr- vent of *Christ," Miss K. Foster being indisposed, presiding. Lenora Wood read the cumstances result thereby. The with the ways the the children in the senior public scripture and Jin Patterson fav- two girls, Kitty and Katie, are cerning this were school room got an unexpected oured with a violin solo, with practising for a play and rope the as the prophecia holiday. Mrs. E. Patterson at the piano. pseudo-answerer into rehearsing throughout the 1i Messrs. Vernon Saunders and First meeting in January will be the scene wherein the false lover even the fulfillin Arhu Sit, ndMr.1e the 3rd instead of Monday 2nd. is exposed by the maid to the in modern days. Rychman. Toronto, spent th Betty Rowe was appointed editor maiden of high degree. The choir renc weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. of the paper for the next term, The colonel and the lover of his Joyful Noise", wi Saunders. with Jim Powers as assistant. A daughter corne into the room just Rowland Smith letter was received informing the as the scene is being enacted and in the anthem. Visitors at Mr. Oscar Scottfs members that they were to debate of course the colonel takes it ser- At the evenlng were: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott with Clarke in the debating ser- iously, and orders the pseudo- was "The Much and Mr. Wilbert Scott, Mrs. Sis-' les. -advt-answerer out o! the house. The pastor gave son and Mrs. Sims, ail of West Mr. Robert Sherwin took the The lover first exposes him and rise of anti-Jewi Guilford. topie most acceptably, speaking then gains the colonel's consent to the time they wel Orono Women's Institute will on "The Parable o! the Mustard marriage wîth his daughter. The the Egyptians, th feature an educational program Seed." His interesting talk was pseudo-answerer is then introduc- of Paul, Christ,& on Friday. Program will include followed by a vocal solo "The City ed to the col., his daughter, and The choir sang a short play which will be inter- of Gold" by Stella Best, with the daughter's girl friend and ail ther", with Mr. esting to teachers and parents. Myrtle Smith at the piano. After ends happily with the colonel giv- taking the solo pal Meeting at 3 p.m. in Town Hall, a few words of thanks by Mervyn ing his blessing to his daughter Pamphlets werî Christmas concerts are ail the Keane, the recreation period was and her husband-to-be and a the doors on the rage for the next ten days or so. conducted by Elvin Blewett. tending toward romance between Jews, entitled "F Among the many dates set are the _________ the daughter's friend and the about the Jews' following: Antioch School 201h, pseudo-advt-answerer. more information Orono Park St. Mission Band DIM AND DISTANT Ail one after another repeat a ter. 22nd, Orono St. Saviour's 2lst, ___or____fa____abouth Oron Comunty 2rdNo.ý HA PENNGSbenefit derîved from advertising School 22nd, McLean's 22nd, Sixth by way of stressing the point in Line l4th, Kendal l6th, Leskard From The Orono News of the play. on the 21st, and Clarke Union on December 11, 1913 Following a few words froin irW n the 20th. De tBanoMnNovRev. Dewdney of Orono and Rev. Ev'e Woii _________________ Died AteBrndn, an.a, of 'Addy of W#hitby, the second part Yo'eC Obitu ry H8t, M. Gog ana, of the pmogram, the minstrel D o vrhv jaru Hartney.show, opened with the singing of D o - ~ Mr. Wilfred Brunt is home from "Minstrel Days Are Here Again." have to drag Manitba. gin.,, when you feelt James Burgess, Orono Maiob.Interspersed with jokes on local casie of that cmi A life long resident of the 8th Oscar Rolph and Charles Miller, icelebrities such as Bud Rolph, Jim why flot find out line and Orono died here Decem- Toronto, were home Sunday. 1 Richards, Bill Riddell, Frank Hall of your trouble? ber l3th, in the person of James Capt. A. E. McLaughlin, barris- 'and Rev. Dewdney and others, What have V Burgess. The son- o! the late Ro- ter, Bowmanville, was in town. lwere vocal solos and choruses of latelyz? Just thi bertandJan Buress deeasè Mr A.T. Gmsb, Tront, i ippula sogs.bread and potato bertandJan Buress deeasd Mr A.T. amsb, Trono, s poula sogs.you may flot ha was born on the 8th line 84 years confined to his home suffering i There was also a minuet danced farther. It'a llke)3 ago. About 53 years ago he mar- fromn varicose veins. by a couple while a soloist rend- you dof't get enci ried Mary Luxon, and the couple Mr. Archie Staîker is in poor lered a selection, ail three looking "bUif" doea't m lived until ten years ago on the health. 'charming in old lime costume. It meawa Blcndo farmnowoccuiedby M. Alenconzumed in the1 f am nw ccuie byMr Alen Miss Bertie Rickaby and friend, The six negro endmen showed a sot "buzlr' un Hall. They then moved to the Toronto, visited Mr. John Rickaby. their versatility flot only by their tines and aida ell residence in the north part of Wolverhampton Lodge, S.O.E. ýsinging of solos but by their witty if "bulk" la Win Orono fromn which place the fun- B.S., new officers for 1914 are: joking, and their efforts brought ticket Ia a dlah. eral took place Thursday after- P. P. - Bro. P. J. Chapman; W. P. - forth much applause. The show Kellgg'a Al-Era noon. Bro. Fred S. Wood; W. V. P. - Bro. closed with the singing of "The every da. It cort Decesedwas Liera mos H.Hoopr; hap - Bo. . Jo. Od Aple ree by he ix egro yo n pe pls M Deceaed ws a ibera mos H. oope; Cha. - ro. . Jo. OldAppl Tre" bythe sx neros vit of his life, and in religion was a Hall; Sec. - Bro. D. T. Allin <24th and the interlocutor, and the sing- BatIt every de Presbyterian, being an active year); Treas. - Bro. J. E. Richards; ng of "Minstrel Days Are Here of water, and joli worker in the Sunday School at Committeemen - Bros. R. H. Wood, Again" by the assembled company Made by Kelloggu Oak for some years prior to his W. H. Barrett, N. C. Aluin, I. T. o! about 30 voices. moving to Orono. Chapman, Robt. Cooper, L. T. Ed -_____________________ Surviving to mourn his loss are wamds; I. G. - J. E. Hawke; O. G. - his wife; five daughters, Eliza- C. F. Reid; L. S. - M. M. Tucker, . beth at home, Mrs. Wmn. Ruther- M.D.; Auditors - H. Hooper, W. H. .* . ford of Kirby, Mrs. Robt. Ard of Barrett, L. T. Edwards; Trustees - J:. .. ~. Enterprise, Mrs. R. Morgan, 6th John Davey, Wmn. J. Armstrong, Line, and Mrs. Otto Coatham of S. Cutteil. Antioch; two sons, Rev. James.*. - gess; one brother. Robert of Or- THE OLD HOME AT ono; and one sister, Mrs. John CHRISTMAS Wannan. If they're pipe amokera they're sure to, 1k. Picobac .. the pick of the mellow Burley tobacco growu ini sunny, southern Ontario. Se put theni down on your Christmas liat for a balf. pound dui of Canada'a moat popular amoke. How theyll like Picobac. It'a a mild . .. cool... aweet amoke - a Christmas gift fit for a prince. The 1/2 IL. tini cornes iii Yuletide Wropper. ...6 0 e 'It DOES taste qood In a pipel* ?c obac SIOW IN U N ,*OT ER N I & Present Play AUS IS G TO TOWN made for the me- aClaus in Omono iay 23rd, at lwo lies in the schoo.s ;he various items theme will be carol ita wiii be there nd wilh candy for )ung and old wiil mnoon's programa ight oid Santa if Sing the kiddies. ,Services vood chose as sub- orning "The Ad- "dealing chiefly e prophecies con- e fulfilled as well is weré fuifîied ife of Christ, and ing of prophecies ndered "lMake A vith Mm. and Mrs. taking the duel gservice the topic iMaligned Jew." Sa history o! the ish feeling from ere persecuted by through the lime and the crusades. S"Like as a Fa- Neil F. Porter îrt in the anthern. re handed out aI equestion o! the ~'acts and Fables s", giving much in about the mat- ndeir Why enstipated? ve daya when you âg youraelf elong tUred, munk-be- istipation? Then ut tereal cause Vou hactfo sot 2ngs like imeat, toe? if thata 11. lave to look Ufl7 ly yonr trouble In nugh "buLk.P' And aeau a lot o! food. So! food that Iant ebody, but leaves na- luths lut..- t you lack, your o! crlap cruuchly ran for breakat ntalnat the "«bUWk qaturea great tu- gIn London, Ot VýýZ- '. 'ý Z-iîc-- - a,- «-% THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO àl' àt-h \e--

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