Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1938, p. 2

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TUIURSD:\X NOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 THE CAN.'DI.\N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAC.i. TUTt Establushed 1854 A Weely Newspaper clevoceted to te interestS of the town of Bowmanviile and surroundung countr'y, Issued at King Street, Bowmana'tiie, every Tiîursday, by M.A Jamnes & Sn.oners and pubtshers. The Canadian Statesmnan is a member of te Canadian WeekI~ Newspapers Association, aise te Ciass "A" Weklues of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDIT R SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $250 a year; when paid ln ad. vance $2.00 a year; 50c extra in United States 10 cover postage. Single copies,5c. THURSDAV, N'O\ E'IBER 3RD, 1938 Poppy Day "'Ili FIiutler's Fîiis the 1oppics bloîs Beti'eeu thue crosses, t'osa-o t'on', -Tliat muark outr plae Thle simiple Poppv of flic Fieldis of Flatîd- et's, îuîiiitrtsliZed byNflic late Coloniel Iolin MeCi'ae, laîs becoine flue Floiser îs'iciu. t'a affet' xear. blazes flue ftail of Retuenu- braiiee aieross te lDomîinîion, aîîd in fnef, tlit'outîthli Britisht Empire. lI tItis C'anada of ours a twso-fold purpose is st'nied as flic manufacfur'e of flic Poppy and Wrenflî Emblens gives eniployumeiif f0 a iitutibet' of disabîcti ex-Serv'ice Mcii and theit' depeuudenfs. aîd flic proeeeds of Pop- py Day assist in cariîug for fleic atis cases of enicrgeuiey andi distress aniuon- veteratîs andutl fheir atilies iii our oîî'uî oîmnîuity-. The Poppy is callcd flue Floîser of Re- metubratîce because if grew iii great tunu- bers on flic shnftered antîorii baffleficîtis of France andtiFlauîders. If eos'ered flic Lrst rougeh grav'es of otîr soldier dcad. if is is'w plateti and bltotms iin thue beauttuftl ceuneteî'ics set up anud maiuifaiuscd by fthc Iuiîpeiu"sl Gr'av'es C ommutissioni. Bt' w'tariiig- a puuppi yoîî signif *v flat yoîî are -lad to reuîu'nuuîî'er thînt ('atiada lelpeul Jo ku'ep safe ftue tbliigs îs't s'slîte . jtstie. libîert,'fle aift thtf igrlîfiiiuist friuinpli uîîeî'mugit, andtuthaut le"pi ini 'utli. ear~ mt t 'tf'lIly tt'tliithui'thittili't nd ututu l iiiouf î'uu tuo'wiîîld sillitt'!-,N- i' eud.îandîtl "ffireul foi' "l'u*ot uuîfî'uuîîfailIii- iîghads . . ."come tIllu' î'uuit't's tutsil let fortu' tif' 'eatst id iaeart'. siu'k antdi est iftutu'mentu'i.fiusu' î'lu fouli t lit' troitie iît atend te uî au'k îleu'h u'uir htlellp. "Bt'yN-iis fui iolul t higî. . keeuu faitlt. hîîtv amni ieai' a Ptpp.v f0 pro- vbde tlt' îîîuîîu'î' nlielis' îtutbe aîusaîiuaîî Leguiouianttiuir ltell)Cu'eaucati assst î'ete'atus andtul teir fsiiluu's îs'huîatt' tanidssill huu iii iteeti. Reinieulu"thutse wi ldied by' lelp- îuug thte liv'ung. (iî'e -gerot'l'îusl. ftu the Ptuhuhy Fîii. Wu' ueap the profit of tueur loss. Fuir Peuîee i'esîltt'd fr'ontî thliu .(iCrss" '[tyftuiglitf andtiti ult hafas'we iilif lu ve. Ilut fond rt'einlîberanee let lis -uve -Geliet'tisl%. Transients Drift to Crime I3uusauniisille, like altthet' nîtînicipalif- tes. is aganîî aced wifii;the problei of feedtlug andtii ndiiîg fratîsients. Ei'ery nig-lif Chicf of P>olice S. \'etotîiîforms lus t haf front feul f0 fiffeen of fliese bomeiess uueniployed seek sîtelfer iii fhe local lock- up. Sonie oL thlese vagrants arcetîow old aîîd famiiar faces svbo have been sfopping off lîcre for seî'erai ears and who havre sort of a regular sehedule bcfweîu Toronfo andt Belleville ishich includes a weekly visif here. The tnunber are increasiuîg this 3-ar, aceordiîug f0 the police, wiiieîuwvdriffers coOmingy from ns far as Brifisit Columbia and the Maritimes. Fouod is nto giv'en f0 fbem by flic munici- palty -so fluese unforfunafes beg food front bouse fo bouse. Tbis practice bas becoine iucb a nîuisanice, as well ns dangerous, throughî,I petfy tbues'iliu and frigbhteningr womeuu, thaf the Ptlice office is besieg-ed wifh calis tigît and day f0 ssk for protec- tionu anid a uisconiitintce oif sisits froîn these stratîgers. rTis is a pî'uuhleutî thînt is tnt local luit deîttutîuuls attehîtili 1uy flic uProv.inciual anîd lent tuf I lit' singlet îtu'tuuhit' l is'l'li la.s becît ailelmt'u'dfu utill uîuusuuls'e lhe guis'- erîîîîu'îInuiat hoitui l uh tuuseu11u',11iuta't beetttt'î'uufitîîelt ratîIllls <111( es'eltttillyý drift iiîu t bit' mf crmetu. I)usI 'î1,u11t. tufn life antid iuu'ml 'ules' sitlit gatîs .anul editoriai oui flicvalue (t' i uroîî'mitat teitlauîu' ivhiclu presctîted u'îatYiy muitiln up otf thes'iu'sv hiaf there is 1wi hum' ti'tsvialuie in atteuidance af divine wi-s îl). Amuitui the inny reasons giveui for ait tutula n.mu' the followin.. "'Iniattemptiflg f0 appraise sîu i 'eil- ance we are admitfiflg that wse ar'e intral andi spiritulal beings whose higîter' lai tu'u is openii fi> ood ilifIli.ence, if such inifluene (!au l>e foiîid. WVeil,.the Clîtreh seeks to pîoitdie titis sort of itîfluencee and it is flic oiilv Iptblie teaelher thlut makes a sustained, dt'iîberate SiIt(lsysteiiiat ie effort to provide aeiltt1tt'sil enivirotiiiit for oui' moral and spir'ituîal life. I t does titis in tfli naine of t;od it sîîinîvites tlie world to take advan- tire of the tîplifti tîat if ofters. '-Te siteeti' elitirtia goer identifies him- sulf w'tlîtitis ilg,-old unbroken succession of (tutti people wiio have lhonored (40(1 witli tîteir worship atnd have hotîored fhemnselves hv seekiîîg to knoiv andt serve Min. Ilow eau the itividuai who desires bis ownl ilîest good and the hl-ihest good of manl- iîîd. fail t0 ielit ify liîn"lf îith titis un- broken. historie feilowship whichi throug-h- ouît the ages lias soughlt f0 grasp the baud of (3od auj l)e lijliffed bv lis power? . For tlhe sineere soul the effeet of lptublie pravel' and sacranient catînootf au f0 inierease ]lis dependence tîpon Gnd, lus re- alizatioti of tîte love of God, his personal kiîoiv-ledge of (bd as Fathier anid Friend. Oiie does nt sa -thitf private prayer ivili tiot yieltl siimîilar reutls, butt experience learlv shows titat these ends are intensi- fieti wheeiiflic believingl people of God nmeet als a îvorsllippiing faînily of God, infet up- ou realizing- the gcoodncss and love of theis' lleavenly Fathier . .. It is one of fleic tutural laws of life tîtat ive are influcnced by our envirotnieiit andi also developed by suchi inîfluence - fleic usician by tfliceonpanN of rnttsieians. flic stafesinan iii associationi witli other legîslafoi's.flic artisan iin toueli iith lus felloiv-craftsuien. Sîtrel v tlie ior- sliplper of Gnd lias Ili; spiritual life quiek- eued, ]lis realization of God iiufensified, his depeîtdencee uptii God streiigtiienetl as lie approaches the divine pî'esetielein)ipaiiy n itîs the dci ouf peop)le of Gnd.- The Big News of the Week for Farmers and Others \Iassî s lIaitis lias bhelî i aliitiselloltl 1,111t. i l] trtî Coutîttv for iveli over li;ilf a t ftt ot' it wits ili i le viiiiýtre tof N eas"Isle liatttlie Matssev i-ttii t. its si il i. lTe iiimt. 11(5V iowi .-i h SS tilet's of iîttpleîttî'îtts thaf îustk'fairmimtt.rprofit- abhle,'. lias sitle et ltt'itt' votl-iide alid etiiiiv t- amtîuuuts atiti deîîeuîlable. It Nvass illiet"tute. like weieoitîuil- aut <>11 i'tieitt ivlieiî ve reteiveil a lettet' front .-Johi Matr- tiut. Aîlverfîsjn î.rMiaaer. ot iiit M ssse-l a na Si etfiseutteit wit h thle iiti- 1iotstltt aitiouleitettof rediet'd ptiee.s ill f heu'r ilinlletienplts. To fariers titis wil i 1w ilhe hig u- sof tlhe week aîtd as if lienefifs fartuers. so it will i keip otîters. foîr as the farmter prospers so does ftle centfry. A. pat'agrapliifto'\I r. MttiiYlettet' showis t1l1e 'reliauce t he-v piaeu'()il weel iiemWspapei's as adverfisliitg tnedia whlen lue sis: We lhtve eitoseiî f0 î'ttut tiis adver- tisemeitt iti your papet'. iii additionti f0a select lisf of iveekiies, beeause we Ledftat thIe more intimiate contact of flic weeklv itn ifs splteî'e of iiifluenee shoutld lirovicie a g'ood nmediumnifor flie buildiig of goodwill for oui-î Conpatîiv. We have been riiiiiîiîg a good\vill series of advertisenieîits ini West- cri Caîîada iith excelicent results. and have iiiitler considerafion flic exfcnding tof tItis campaigi tof0Easfernî Canada." Many Civie Problems to be Solved by Electors Its a long time since Bowmanville citi- zens have faced so many eivic problems as fliose upoîî whieh fthey will express tiîcir opinions af flic poils at. the Janiuary inuui- icipal eleceions. Already on the civie hor- izon there is a possiblify thaf three by-laws will lie submitfed f0 the ratepayers. Thcy are likely f0 be for the re-appoitit- nient of at Public Healtît Nurse, flic Band i3y-law aîîd oîîe f0 amalgamate flic Public 'citool Board aiit I liIli Scîtool Board iinfo kt Boatrd of Education. If s Nwuse f0 tliink about and dusciîss fheseý questious ii\'anid int leavet I iut 10tfliclast \week foi, ka sitap verdiet. We ijîviteo piniiomis ini Vuiee of the IPeople-tttituii 011tiese iuli.0i'sls. TîteiithtIere s the eiistoiuary ofluuî tt itteitiluers foi,'Fnwii ('otiteil. 1ht'sa lutile est l v foir*presii teitilers f0 exprless Iie<ir iteittioits tor 1939), but if siliot tou elt'IV foi' citizeulsts i le tliiîtiiig ,about w'hto ilteit' the iu'(i'eleefto. Tît acuoutii n lar iu'îît'for thle t rt'uti'ittus gt'oivt Il il) muiipal detfini the pasi '20 yea's. anid is î'espniisilule for tîte burd1eisonîe faxation Whtlt ieiîlînîaiîy Ontario mîniip1alities are faeeud foday. Qiteer thiiîg hitive always tiiik e vvri' tutlu'r mran's job is î'asier thati our i' ii. Antd tieti'lte"l. Ie does if, flice esuer if loouks-Edenî. rural we ces which corne to rny1 attention. t would seem to me a mistake for rural weckly newspapers to at- teipt to Compuete with the largei metroPolitan dailies in rnany of theïri features. but on the other hand, I arn sure that ini their own cornrnuniîv thev cati perforrn a svorthwhilc ser- vice bv nakinz a study of the con- ditions and of the ways and means n wliich their corrnuniîs righit be advanced. If the territorv is rural as vou suggzest. I arn inclined to think that news. featuring cuirrent develoornents iii aericultural practice that is suit- able for the cornrunity, would be of real value. Thîis rnay seern to encroach on papers Nvhichi are ex- IcIusivelv farin weeklies, but 1 hardly think so. because tliese farrn weeklies have to cover a ivide range of sub- iects. svhereas the local paper would deal nnllv wjth those itemns vhich are of interest to the branches of agri- culture carried on ini the district. .\ fier aIl. the success (of the rural MULES, JOBS, BLý _________________ By Scr Ilui i, e îur-scnf a ioltu sve reail a lot ni stul . . . nue kinit anti au' tuer. So me f it does Ils u tine.. itnue use and olt t1ic îtler. Soutne ofi f 4 akos lin mail . . oes i <tue use and ont . . and soieof il jii'.t inakes uls slueîo '[lie fulît silic fact.. svvre M1%%" to il %,;leu sve read about t hein andi sse a ruc assi ig tiwllîai nîi on the if f chance thiat thesnav be Muîles (o lit reproduce- If vit have a mnaie andî feniale mulle doi lb t exietCCt heni tuliasve a farnilv. Thir l,itr'~t a-iii\liiii ti iiîg. A.\ mule is the bvlîîid oiffspriilgi i ofthe union ofi a maie ass alit a mnare. Large mnuiles are n ual is tue i ngenix tt S îiaiisli tir lFrtench ass u '. WCe lear a lot tiiese <asablimt miachiiite uttinii î îeîîont of ssrk. Ili 18701 the popîulation o f the United States ssas 8.000,000, of wliih 32<ý lîad jbs. Sixty years later t(1930) the potpulation was 123,000,0otf whilîi b4V/lhaljolbs. IProiortionn- ateIN- More peuople liail jobs iin 1930 amir, svith the greater develoimiemit and uise of nachinery. Do vont remnber the little lit tlîat rumîs *Tsinkle. Twinkle, Little Star . . . How 1 wonder where von are ý... Stars do not twinklc. They onlv appear to twinkle. The explan- By The OId Box Stove - Rv Hiram - . 0F COURtSE WE MAIKE LOANS ..Our Every-dOY Business You are invitcd to discuss with us your re- quirementS for personal or business purposes' URFmîmoue'tI Té Back on the SeveflUl Concession B A NK fQI MUANI I Ijfl IVHAT HIRAM "SEEN" IN ETABLISHED 1817 TORONTO Wc'el. tue crops are ail ini and the pIoavimir aveU omi the way so we Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager T. A. Russell thoumîrt il best for Hiram to0 make lus amnuai pilgrimage to the big city AR iCO E , weekiv newsp)aper is wrapped tmp in and iraîher flp sorte îhings 10 îhink " A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS AEWLO'~ the suiccess of the district in which about durinz the iinlef utomths. City il is nmbislted. amid. titerefore. evers mveule lis'c in sîîch a fimmîiv was' amd ss uriiîvlîle mnovemiiemil for lte ad- do uscloueen tbings thal 10 a fel- vamce of tue communilv is hcîefic- losv like mie il takes a lot of braiîu ial ait omnce 10 liotu thei cornîi iiitllmîîiimîcto gel it ail sîraighl. Omie amîd thie parler. thimir I did notice this tinte, Ils nol Yoîrs verv îruIy, omiv fain folk thal cal hearlv meals. T. ,\_RUSS1- Ev\era syhere I wcml it avas cat, cal. Presîdent,' eat. it avas a lizi breakfast, a bigZ \1'u c%-Ha rms Company~ Ltd. thjilur anîd a ,ttper thiat iaztedI front Toronto smx iil l edtimîîe. Ni> sontIer tutere ' are so îîanvmv eople hsmmiigr-v iii the ' cita'. i îine ss'io lave. cat tloiii mnîcii, iH uswi antI liii e iii tliii over foîr the h u ~ue îe iii ts. 1I as asladtI iigel baek 1, t mv '"' .OOD AND STARS anrndeeami îîilk'.KnwI'Bet f I idtîllutell allI av' aîîîl uitin w ts e 1 i id f tin)ti un pcr fr 1 I im anl- lill t s ,,tîi ma d I ifl ,.nn" I ibe~~ni iii.ît e alif a mnuisance, luit uvvmi ai .îuiu -il. a sawc lîîîîîhî'stmîuh t, i.. tliat in ita Ikîîuia 1 tid tl îîî ask 'ui iiamîs a lîig t ita' ike Neas 'i'trk a h, ia ti lie ttsas cita' tucitle ask huatig t sethiuat . ;\ thie sui lmIra\\" sît iais1ii tt\a'uî liii ilite duinuIlgihe ti.av. ilîttist z \'\Vel. I saws' aiî fotb llilmaie i. il' itii tii an.i,iiu lutic]Iiii ibehe iae. hîev t 'lu(1inmiittere avenu abotut 23.-i The fastidious housewives of Bow- i iL.h. atl 1at' '~i * hi tilil.îuI'> u iiliv e a noti lit iic tut'Phone nuanville know that the richness and lars amt r t Shiiiie u i n le hes uîavk othie t lia ter si ti ghi ti ce ltflavor of G len R ae D airy m ilk m ak es ir til\ideta n SI a mii. sta'Om 's ha fteor i ssmtu iit!ce2665 if better for all cooking .. and they cicar andîthe tat' rsl dtoîil, tilelun i îns litiOintiobit I -gtes thte ti tasiîîkie. sila voil mot bu verv reufllli Today know that the entire family favours i %'uts ,,us iaisiie a buîsinesutof E naiiîuva'uîllubcsitîimîgsîiiandtthis better, tastier milk! sutîippl i1 liiut tI fîtr tht st is l il i ie ac setiliidttI ii eigmi \\-iteu suie i. i. -(, cai luth ' Biood tuid m trs-ta c un s 'ii dto utic ti j i ti a th att ait.hî,# t eIitti alwysthoiett bt aihal atîtitue as ioie cruisa t i tumiigo Prompt, Courteous Service Always 'itt N vias a i"5it iîinwlc) a iîa . lu mn lout tte\- sasa'morne___________________________ sotîîetiiî for iluîîhiîîig. \\'chi. aiv a n i u I w- id ij h \\a\. . . . 150î înirfessioumai "hlotid nist. It's nIlte best tîoiicv 10 iii mima' iii the Statust havei'tiîîud atiif fer stitli a lîtmcli like thiat. Foot- O E A R Uion t. The' thire mist immtoruîtanit bail is a fumî mtvgne as thîev tilaved G E A E DI V 1ut ititîs i iinliitectbu mi vitît Illte n- ithere. Tiîev did uot hase a rood lili liret- l)-lc lcne ague mot lbail 50 thtc- piaved saîit onie ail otl Phone 2665 Bownim,MVile to '[hi miik e mî)Thuvgers uf siaie. ike ami erg. Il sas the tu o u t u t ti e . ( 2 ) T u e s' p a e lii c r a z ie s t b o î m îc in g h in g i m ai i a b le . i ciaucat itîav. (J) Thîcu lîtupe Te imnire, or referce. or ates'er Inspection 0f Our Dairy Invited! ii lue ailule ttu fix thuir feus aI $7.00oIte is. lut thIe bail omu te gotumîtiamtî tut S11100 forn 100 cubie ceitnmtrua (Turn to Page 6) if huit tu .. Lo ii, bailoronimdi ffer- *Thie \'rv I'het'ereitl \V. R. luge.,JD. 1).. necumtix' rcmarkcd: "I think il 1 w0umId lietruc lu say that aI uprescrit 1moal of oîr fotiular mcmi of lttera litav lad no University education."! r I 1f the Deamn is îIinkinz of the likes....... of ls. biis atîculation is sonnd. ........ Our Engliah Letter SMILES By Muis Isobel Stephenson Todav is Mfondai, but îy mno means bine. 1 arn stili chuckimî over some stormes I beard titis weekcmtd at the Ituacis coutlrv home of a fnicuid. in Kemnt. "te gardeut of 1Eigiamîd." Pelitai s l1 avite laten on the driv vufruimît Loidon. îlîrotîgh BIack- lîcatit. wlierc higluway nubbers avenu thie terron etf tîte stage coacht davs; andî tif hlits ave drnmk tea imn the lu ilz lieof t hie "ill"i ltRuochester. sacnu'ul lii t c mmeîurs tuf tîme Pick- asiclk Cliii> tîtui ias' liga ii. atnt mua first thiilleul iglittiof ttli' Siircs ofi t imenîin athudi il, asli ese st i i? fî a ftw m inte,tîts %ttsti- shIitlhuii m Tt. hiemiotti unceu motie aiil tini uiiii tue lliciclit gaie oi î tît Normital, 'Wall, tiih stnimitiitg iiii, %%. uiuî fuiituiuatc fif utr.iatt iii. Doiiwiitheuttiluudd îî'Ilia.nRd.. ste su1.lucauisu "Ste iînsittit hi laIe for und it. .nisthl'î tht frushi- nc,'f thusa \ta uin mithteail. lfe n iniiltuw alomie tue uit1 dri' risu-luth. ashicli lis itas' utti tuhe i)i-i ai'tu adtluii x 1h1 Fainiifin a hîîîîn îl tam s, ste îlîtiîiiurc uutn o~f the car tutadmîîimet hee ha\toiturs iii I uvcr t.'lstle iiib te tli.stlimticu. 'Hienti tîtut'a.as nealhv mnto lie lu i 1uu. I hittîid liate 10 say jutst hiîut mmauîv secondtîs il look ls to ut ver tIti remuai ic i, ai f -muiile of tlîal divi e to tht' lt îîse ;aindl iesiu es, vsi uunltiluluis' aui titlmîîlie 'a' me ! Iet il te uc iio tch hli thte astre nu l 'hitc milr teaî tîtat sited u ,ti ii îmn iiit'a n a Flînulilt andmil linug ie.îthîiiigs totastuil seuimîs andul eîri \s taki. 'Amnd thmuîcîthie siîlu.a s istat(f ai t glisl c i tu tathi as tIit. iu>ubotder, ouili te nk i ta. lv lutintil 55 I i tic anta amifiruhichlit andilta1ik Thî' lt-ýt finci hîlit andiiult3k. l.,îîs filuluk: It'e Cisîsiam Iililuîig u"imeîî'11i;l( Kent- ishI i mm i; stut~uu hrîltus ijL'an- luthI : 1 îhîics uconîîîit'cs;liitgus' iiii Kut:farmimmg imi uCaa MI ýsouihiîi i ilur te Cirais,. Andîi as su eta~lketia saýis u îeult as'o tl s s'v. "011, i lat reli tutuslle O0f a stonr' I huardtihte otiter las." Aîid tlîc alor' wouiî lile toil. "The' v ere nesv 10 me; ii 1 snb- mîit onîeortilwo lenewitht un tîte borie tuaI tlîev mas' lie îtt'w 0yuuu. Stîme vears lîCo. when MNfssnhiîui's Dietatostimu suas Youtng, a Fascist footbtall tuant frontMilait svas de- fcated bv ait Ausînian leant frorn Inînsbruîck. As a tokeut of fniendship and es- terni. the Nalhamtuse seuil lIe wintiuug lealît an enormous casl-iron statue of Munssolini. f.o.b. Milan,. Thîe Inniîsbruck teant atas ton tîtîtu tu iîas' the freiglît. asiich sas cton- siderable; andî as Sigîtor Multiii lîad. anîtîmî othen thtimis, fonbiddemi the unatise sodul amîîong the caîuîive Ausian m îtasaîîls iii the h tai iam Sutth Ta nunmin tme wss'.s hru u t - I ianltiied calisu lthe statuele av uit a isi et iiiiiinitliefreigît s anti. l'auttihs a %int'Ni-as sit i nul tule fnuiiît arIîîhtuttht'NIilî tsî ou >cmîtlf,,uniim cîunuhîî'nîe gi (t. 'lui:aîsihiat thue Nliliaîîe'55r lîtll ti h a îiiu le Iuttitic ils'r uiîltlis'iîulîuiud îîîand ir at Ilui' l a'ui'liil ,s hîuîglm i'le ca'.t ti-i h)liu e 55' til li e n'huî'l tu t î Ilet- ailid îîmunîulio ii Ilanit us asasi 'iheni a tnative of Iiîmîshurtmck cm miiiar tsam' a n'iu iliiîsuuiî'imî ist m .\ sýt tfsshiskun stas catfuir uhe st aItiei' atdthei lc .te lî'h M usshoui tait tramis firnietidi it the hi kî'îss i t amiihinim. tht' hi'iived iîtmiîen to of lueur. Tit tuthier stîunius cuumcermued the Sîtitu lime ago. s'hemtPriuîcess Eh 'i ,abueth 's whi te lui mi' <ieul. 5u hskeîl lier n m e i f iwi te ut uit' asu mt t uhtavs ti .Nuhirse'i' upli eu h lai bu Il il lit'bc utosilt'. "' 1it." saiti 1' li **î'l. "Iitti I shari't &rs' aits 1miii . uni. ttcauit'iluisa' Icatisrcl ii t oIii hbui. ilîsteaulnituf tuttlut t ld dut- \-\'hî'u i' t l lhihuuu ft'iutî luit isbl it' nchiuil fils nu'îu la ut lie ut luin uîî'u s s at Rostai if titivastutildgît tir a ws 'u 111ami show tas ii mi inier arnuhu. \c, siu uhit st;Itî ui îus. "I f s titi îuntuuitis ii t tu tiaik aitout G(iiuu îtatse I kîttusva'al abotutt iliiu." Of curse'lthe compîîarativ'e suzes ni Eîighaud. tht' Unitedl States anud Cari- atha camie imi fuor disctussionm. A\ îd as th umîuch dce ny host tbld the attira'tf lthe Antunican sclioolbov stîo surote tit ait exantinttaion papier: "Fuigamditb, a sînall ishand off the Coasitiof Franice. vhiere the peuple siîuak Amrnuican." F' wish I hîad thune 10 telyou more mA$$SEY-HAIRRIS FAIRM IMPLEMEflT PRICES "Massey-Harris Company is pleased to an- naunce substantial ist price reductians an Tractors and Generol Farm Machinery, effective November lst, 1938. "The reductions are the resuit of a desire on the part of the Company ta share with its custamers the benefits of ecanamies effected, together with the savings resulting from the pres- ent slight decreases in prices of raw materials. "That these reductians wilI be of material benefit ta the former who needs to replace his ma- chinery is evidenced by the fact, that occording ta sizes, reductions on Tractars range as high as $84.00; an Plows up ta, $7.00; an Grain Drills as much as $8.00, and on Enclosed Gear Binders up ta, $9.75, and n the Open Gear Binder up to $30.00. It is gratifying ta Massey-Harris, whose in- terests are so closely inked with those f the farmer, ta be able ta make these reductions at this time." Vic-Preid.nî nd General Manage, MAFS5SEY- HAIRRIS CO. L BUILDERS 0F IMPLEMEflTS THAT MAKE FARMIG PROFITABLE __ i I of this enchanting wcekend. 01, Sundav rnorning ive drove the f ive or six miles tu Dover and rarnbledl MAKING CANADA over that wonderftul old c:stle sad A Better Place in WVhich to Live and WVork ie tIefiantlv on the towering ciiffs A Series of Letters from Dlstinguished Canadians on Vital ancient clîurch. 1887 vears ol<l. \Vc Probleins Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada elinbed the winding stone stelps to Speciaiiy Written for Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association the castle battiernents antI .%atcie(l _____________________LETTER NO0. 31 the coast of France, across the choppv channel. Dear Sir:. Aftcr lunch ste drove to Foîkstone. I apipreciate the compilirnent cot-ý and walked alonz the Leas in the veyed ini votur letter asking if I had stiff sait wind. Folkstone is fifl of anv suggestions to rnake which niernories of the war, for the older utiglît bc heipful to publishers of nres. There is the winding patli the ruiral weekly mewspapcrs. down the stecp) cliff sides. isiere the The suggestions wliich 1 Miglît Tomrnries. and the Johnmiie Cantncks. inake. I ain afraid, wonid bear on isitî thtlîir packs on their backs their face rny lack of knowledgc and scrarnblcd down to board tue btiats experience along the liues to which for France. von refer. The first thought that ' The bordiers of this patlî are plant- occuirs to mie. however, is titat pub- cd siîh rosernarv. becanise roseinarv lisliers of rural weekly newspaipersL ~ x" ' is for Rernenîbrance. rnight do ivell to, publish papers after: ISOBEL H. STEPHENSON, tue stvle anîd vigorous editorial CrwiltGrin Ib ioivof s eof the nsaniiLondon, W. C. 1. 1

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