Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGH-T THE CN.\DJN STTESXIXY HURIAM7TÎ Nestetonwas guest minister and dlivercd tin aac so k dn iu r d friends followed the cortege teriait Cbuircbi choir provitlcd O\cu I____l_ place of interment. Pail bearers W. A. cf St. Jolbn\ \nglican lenit musîic ai botlb serviccs, Black,tock lranch of the V ictor- M~r. and MIrs T. Ashton and babc, were five nephews, Alfred, Wil- Chutrch met nathe omeîc nIMr. and' Xir a'sud rs. Bcrt NMcMItllei i ait XX tîîcni's Ili 't ttutiitsted North NMiss Lottjo Cottrell Isîîngton, nt Thomas Henry Gay, Oshawa bert and Stanley Graham, Irwinl Mrs. Levi McGîiI Thur..da\ w îî a fainîlv witb M-\r. and Mrs. 1R'obcrt Nestletoil Brandi, Oct. ltb Gîîcst Nr. L. Graham's.As oC poe~fmiy< îong friand Eand e ightor ad0f zood attenddnc.Mcctiln.t nîcned Is Diik"x. ,tik'cr xas NIs. Honick ni Bramlp M'\I. and i\Mrs L. Ashtton and famn- the person of Thomas Henry Gay the Colwill family in Newcastle, Mrs. Crawvford giving a bible read- NMr. antd Nirs. Albert Farw xi loti. il., Staff of <lic Institute ils', Mrs. H. Werry ai Mr. G. ýpassed awayl attthe family resi- Mr. J. H. Jose. in; prayer led by M\rs. Wood. M\rs. N. ant i rs. Roberît McCol.l )ciatmt.lier s;lcndid talk xvas W\,errv's, Orono. ýdence, 232 Albert Street, Oshawa, Mrs. o * l i urvivedi by two Arthur Bailey was convenor of <is Nrs. Walkcr, 'Mr. and Mrs. Hll, n of en' .\eivities and the story Mr' and Mrs. H. McComb anti October 23rd, in his 76th year..Clîl< proRram: Mrs. M.\cAnîtlr, paper, janetville, with Mr. and Ms.. -Joli, f the h0zinnîniig o theo Instituite. famils', Toronto, at Mrs. E. M~out- t.Bornit Darlington Township, theduhtsMsW.HSlaM- "Unconscious Ministny"; M.\rs. Ar- P'rouit and Miss Marie. l'lie Blackstock nîiabers gave the joY's. eldes, o ftelt n n land, Texas, U.S.; Mrs. Howard thur Bailev. 3rd chapter of te study Rex.vYinmc xas cnitcrtaitt('d by trogram svbîch xivas: reading. Mrs. Miss Viola Bradley liad lier toit Mrs. William Gay, on June 18, Keyser of Windsor; and one son, book. "Bulilders of Iiula"': M i ss Mný. and Nirs. Jlohn Dickey. .Arthuîr Bales: an instrumental by sils remioved in Oshawa Hospital ont 1863, and whose father was ,also Mr. Chas. Colwill of Windsor. Ethiel Thompson. paper, " it g < NrandtiMr.Noai Gi.Mr. .A.awn;cangMrs. MIcGial. born in Darlington Township, the Mrs. Keyser and Mr. Colwjll were Up." A lovelv lunch was scrved b% Mis McGill andi Mis, Normia, lan-l<.sk'jn rca(lilg, Mfrs. N. M,\ounitjov NMr. and M\rs. S. Mountjo . of deceased had lived in Oshawafrbt ttefnrlbtMs la hostess and lher committee. cîv.ille. witb Mr. anI Mrs. M. .and(1 mîîsic I)v Mrs. Mervin Mouint- Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bird and wthept45yeast25 ofwhich he hophad vt isoted het the i te Mr. and 'Mrs. Harv'ey Hooev and Mou0lnti %- ov. i llia Ncstlcton group scrvcd Margaret, MIl. Hamilton, at Mnf. T. Iron Cmaypat rvost before her passing, had returned Miss J. Hooev visitcd Mrs. \Wm. Mr. Jack Mlarlow.Oaaalslîî.Thr ce2leetfru ntos. his retirement about nine years to Texas. She had made the trip Mtirhead. boime. ucxib n.adlIlacksoc,. ao ehdbe mlyda h to Detroit and baok to Texas by e DrXn r.V\avl I.Hll acvle ih'\r n . \. nf the Anîglicanî Clurcliwsa5Wlliams Piano works. plne Dr n .MriiFli.M.NI r- .. .Lans.ing. lîcîl di tte homte ni Mrs. Lex'i Nc- Ohrrltvsi tednea Floyd Fallis. Toronto, visi<cd '-Ir. __________ The death of Mr. Gay followed ther rselties in ttenne b tc (;lNsieoOc.2t. ii-a lengthy iflness. He was an old theosqiswr he rtes .and M ns. Cliffeaonri rîliir ati cl lttent:' sale nf gonds xvas the « OA and valued memnber of Albert St. Anson of Newcastle, Ernest of Ms.Ia an kefr,'MdAdr.XX'.Tndone TR'cial fcattir . Ar rantgemetcis forUnited Church. Buttonville, and Arthur of To- dr Hisanarn.,Ross Casot.Nfr. lcw. J toI * tilier x5eCis? <ittulete(l. NIrs.Besides his wife, formerly Mary ronto, and three sisters, Mrs. Fred Xa lke, r. Jan osiseCarsn, \.r. pik'. Xrthur 1ailex £a xc thet ird cI ap-A nn Bro k. e i s' v d y G raham , N ew castle, M rs. A n- 0r svene Surtday giiesis nof ir. îa liî. and(Nirs. lnitc'.t \ki'tr ls.ter of <le Stide Bnk "Biilcles hf O Y AsMander, frmeronMar e vkn o gaetFali ad fr at Nr'. itgî lai \kiîcr. Sunide.rlantd, xx tIi Nîr. itiis: NIrs . Nc.\rtlitiir gave a r hreedugtrsad-ie osas dre, aPick ering ofatdMrs. aris Tayre and atndcd'r. itkofdcriiî .111d1Ir-.GcaugeBru k' bt: fi ni îîc l.i'iiî essage 'L nilies; also Mn. and Mrs. Honsber- sevrvcesd x ttîîaltx'i. e\te.de(l < Mns. J- ,Iîl'.ciolis I ii'tM'Niss EtI i Nrans.gr omrl ai oekiT-S Vios:ervicesi. e(cttnil~ uttt liîtî.oilogaearadir.N n Gore . a, Toroont, an Ru'.ronto. Mr. Howard Keyser ao- v' 11 wthMn atdNis.K.lîinot. is. nli tîîe ai oale <n 0ho lcîit.Ntîîhlso aereitt2. Ebet .,Cphs .. OierR.an ompanied bis wife and Mrs. th Mn. ars: Mns. Will Fitze a i jîtiler Nr5.Qbcsi.i. X'etiz. lNcnier. iai renh T E vn ., a f O ha a lo Chas. Colw Il, ber husband. Th.andofein. sr ice.iii P i-r v- Itottearcait. X'îsiig PeolTl13UtiotA tctIOct srving .,are to ssters, Mrso Mrs. Colwill was the former[ ilv wit M r a d '\Ir . . B rto . zaii. sRbt. A d a s r tw i e rs. C has' M iss L au ra W alton, eldest d augh - teia CsicbSsitsyxvrcsvllai nf. L-s -Bros andliailiv arel<tlt featsîrcd a Christian Citizcnship BOWMANVILLE Wlh saa n he r ter of Wesley Walton and bis tended. Rexv. Young of Omemece, ioSitniiito NMiss V. SîtontslItouiso. trnratii. President .\nson Taylor thers, William, Joshua and Nor- wife MryBtswolvdo Nî\r. aînd N.n. Harnv Brooking aitd took cltann'cni busintess. Hector Thurs. - Fris - Sat. man, al of Detroit, Mich.teMaiLvknfrmo th [ tisso Solis. X'esleyvillc xsitlî Mnr. aînd Slortridgc <sun cad in tite voship OCT. 27-28-29 The funeral was held Wednes-Asa gilsho e Saend e io .a NI.Lri Mrsnat lils home at CTU. vnker day fternonrithtsrvicecon-Shaw's and came to cburch in- Nair Lont oiotfoî oot.s g ducted by Rev. T. H.P. Anderson. Newcastle. Lan.iitg ciave a vcrv scieîtilic addrcss oc LIriI @~U Interment in Union Cemetery, XTP U ir.I anW orns. Censil lcmi t te ritlueofaclo sab%- L N1BGsf V Oshawa. The Bates of whom Mrs. Col- c.-.A er'.Eiiklei rage, andr also poiîtted out mn Il- will was a direct descendant on NlXr. and \Us. Ernest Gardinter aud tîsfrl xvssiil shich alcoliol is her mother's side were among the Eniciîc nicanwith bis par- ti.,ed.Xf x'r rtfl< Is WiIIet D. Cronkhite very first settlers in Clarke Tp. cuis NMr antd ,%Irs. B. F. Gardliner. Diif for lion hlcpful information. Wle . rnht, gd7,~ andsm bitras ttett Nliss X D.ita NIcNtllyagave7ailanthey preceded the Lovekins la-sirnientai. There were 50 voui fother e eto rnde nwt hmthey intermarried. hhetowshihofGratha'on For many years Mrs. Colwill Co k dlicople prescrit.* Tuesday, October 18, the funeral bas lived in Windsor with ber ______ .eek .Y. PA. sent rielegates to the con-L I taking place from St. Catharines snCalso toetm nSr soîttion ai Peterboro. Miss Vers RN on Tbursday, October 20, i sor-na ardls orlyat oeterin r kc. ittNsiors: Fnirat î. o atrsot *EDWAID A N LD .ment being made in Vi noia adltel loehri *VRANK 'MOROANndNI. ovCate wn Lawn Cemetery. Windsor, witb her daugbter Mary siit lier parcitis icre. day. Nlissos Ailecei Doxitt and Leona F N M R A The late Mr. Cronkbite's par- joyed good health for some years. THIfFIINIY POIJRIN P U MNr. Gordonî CIssdaie, Oshawva, Dcxitt and NMr. Laverue Deviii went 1M ue ents used to run a woollen milli n (Ms.Keser.the hyfoad noibten- fo ~ t~pi.i~-tùa sith his mother, Nîrs. J. Ciysdaic. ori Saturrlsy. Orono, but it was burned dw amonlag te anyetforatiue Pr# WNIrn. Clsdalos. Bsud 'gTo- H î O habiE WY A orm 0 er rs gofaItz; osFMhe,,clwls I I t s fi e - w it f o o e O W o n o. it M r. a în d M rs. C . H u g h es. i. . R o s B a iley a tte îd e d s j u n -* W I L I M A l A la o t 60 e s o . h r e s m ili r w as , a lr g e b aw ls e f a u if ue 111t's ree-wrte oneNOW roto. wit ior Frmers'Banque asituated- westI ofa Charles Knox's faloride ro"AowMemorialmo tol theheCol- NI.adNrs. Howvard Farrow ai on armoer n shanquet. t h. Gcn-TANDE crous.e, okiefml ie wl aiyawoegeneration and Kar syrups -Mr. Nil Stewrt spen Sundav NeverWlliam Tther mnlIIrthe bouselibasliorbave now passeduseon. Byo *vradoe ga di. Riînod al'otOt 9i o fr u is.also disappeared. Willett was just Ms eer eqstheroses "Provides mens of accurat. A good attetîdauce at Suudsy Fislier. who have rcnted <ho Bruce asho o hnh etOoobtwr eandt adorn the mealsurements.hoe te en ners fr keenf h vlag.Th e-shrmil fe tebunno techurcnhudath huc t alesotaierl. lna xeln parents.satd chiîdren alike are showv- inz wxvs speit iniiiuclie nosd crokin . since. Since thon there bas been hr faemoe, uncles, The protective cap Id ig in it. Next Suîîdav special Rail ls~oe. N'irs. Arthur Bailey got f irsi no wooîen mili n Orono.worsbip God srybeArthurOn y n telik wt t and glorify His Name. îuîouin. t Pni fr. tle 011ti past - both people and buildings -i After the evening service the The crersor viih ils bright nîîîcî t ît<o M.Cccii Hamiltoîi basket of roses was taken to Miss caofpiîsu iprsvesgsseconud <o 'N\r. Dickinson. Alter lunch Diectes!b, are rapidly passing, and soonSah omsnndMsAn- ýcato vit n ipesiv igsMCDTw£ there will be nothing at all to, re-SaaTomsnndMsAn- Tel] the boys that porraits of fannous lends an 'attractive appearance to our suîuplied bt' the neighbour5sand hýi- bleSim nai ais h éockey stars can smli be obtained for i . cdb mnictznso h ie w ere deligbted to be thus remem- CROWN BRAND" labels. litile liamiet. enîds <ho resI of the evoling 5VS a ANZIMBAUST many industries flourisbed in thew A*mmb<s ro here aticnded the steiut iii dancintg. XVe ssisli toîn . vilîsige. brd E IDW N ~ ~Onsge Ldeaneiin Kendal, Fni- lîalili aîd happiness ii osîr coin-___________________ Friends bore will be sorry to CR M BRvl a night. miuiits'.y hear of the demise of the late Mr _________Clîsîrcît sservice fii lue United MCronkbeda ite ndextend sympathy Cl.arkeUno [ DRU IYRUF -Churcli was willîdranaxîSutîdsy îight OCT. 31 -NOV. 1i <o bhis relaties. The Famous Energy Food "Puor Danny! H1e died from on accourt of tho aiiurnvrsary son- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Soucb vissted The CANADA STARCH CO., LimiedTrot rinking sbellac." vices at Nestieton. The choir of <bis AyI at Osbawa. "At least he had a fine finish." clitirclu sanîg ai Northu Nestietoit 141M A Mitchell Zealand, Newtonville The executive of the Home and _____________________________________________mornittg sud ovening. NMiss 'tuviatuil ILebo etMnayeein o Sadien wassthe soloist. MNvs 'from 1 >EAnother of Clarke's old stand- Smakl e tarrangem enfo inter -l lucrearaagetetdcdo. inte Nier ans. x buMs ae .'~bys bas closed bis career in tho meetings. PannsudLevins.IHowa, r aes ce.. passing of Mitchell Zoaland. His Mn. Oswald Sandercock is busy Parrand rs. owad Baley eredeatb, after an illness extending plowing on his farm at Onono as CE T F E n Torontîo on Saturday 10 attend over soveral years, took place on he intends working it himself the CERTIFIED ~thefunerai of M. Arthur Prit- October 10, 1938. are adcoring surmer.HarBieyvs Nir. Fed aiiy ad N ns W.A.useful life. He was born in Gar- ited in Toronto. Dawson visiîed fnicîtds in Fraser-- don Hill, Hope Townsbip, Sept. M.Rb.Rbwobsbe P O T T O S ville. 25, 1869. His father was a prom- running Mr. James Nixon's thresh- .Nir. George Crasvfond anti bis mIH RS ient Metbodist local preacher, ing outfit, bas returned to work land got a firm grounding in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and List of row rs hvin Cerifid Sed Nr. Htossate trioîg odfaiiv. - Aprinciples of Cbristianity, wbicb Kenneth visited Mrs. Truman List ofGro ershavng C rtiiedSee ýI. HwardVeninzandfamlv.he carried with bim tbrougbout Power, Bowmanville. n. ad Nfns. JoiîuVcniaitgsd life. For ho past fifty years ho Clarke Union Home & Sobool available may now be secured from baby- Joail. accompaîîicd tem. Nfr. h as lived in Clarke Township, are holding a Hallowe'en party George Crassfond rlrox'e lis iiexvHO A BC being active in farming and cburcb Nov. lst. All are invited. Come you Agicltual epesetatveDidrie car. He lias just fiîtislied affairs until five years ago wben in costume. yourAgriultual R presntatve.buildinug a ites garage onl is pro- LOUIE HNRY ho was taken down with the ili- pcrnts'.I-d ness that brougbt about bis end. Seed requirements for next year should be NIrn . d f ns. Ivanu Slook, To- .he i îAN At tbe timo of bis deatbho was a ronto. visited Nfrns. Gertrude Nf an- trustee of the Newtonville United obtained now. Certified Seed is your best lnw. Churcb, but ho bad also filled ýNI i5s Su'ie 'tait Camtp speitt tîhe several other important positions i m I protection against disease, c-ekidailoue.<0hesm buc.ýA"ý NI5.Xilliaîtu Stecle xi-sitcd liter No more fittîng. tribute could R Y N Wdatighter. Nf s. Russel Wtilian, in Matinee Monday 4 p.m. be paid him than that of bis own B Y N WTorntto. _________________ pastor atth funeral service wben .Nin. andusi rs. Howard Baiicy, ho saîd, "I have nover known Nir. redBale auîlNfns.W.A. FOUR DAYS anyone who had sucb patience in Co-oeraton Maret ranc\Das.ouî sBlven nd T routtoN .nAy. suffering and wbose faith in God Co-pertio & arkt Banc Dasonwen toTorntoMonay. Wednes. - Thursday as the end approched than <bat 42-3 Ontario Department of Agriculture. Mn.. sud Nrs. K. Gilbaitks (nec ~~sbown by Mitchell Zealand." Pearl Bell), a receut bride aud ariday - S.aturUay Heo baves behind bim bhis dau- ______________________________________________gr oom were guesis of hontour St s NOV. 2-3-4-5 gbter Agnes (Mrs. C. Burloy), and iuiscellaîeotis us er 5< ite com- t o f se o s l r n e a d G r inuinii hball. Two outsiaudiiug gifis don of Port Hope. wecre a loveiy trougli table fromn the ThIuea evieto lc Presvteran LA. o Nesletoi o October 12th, in the Newtonville xvliclu titobrille was s valued mcm C, Newtand iesido Hs ber. siso a beauitifuil nautie edocki Nwoni Cemetery.HsADWT ESFEH B a t t etrey R a dli chim5s, f rom the nieigh pastor, Rev. E. Beech, haci charge.R Bauvatmaiebx MRad.iodg . Zealand, Cecil Burley, Roy Nich- RO STED atd Misas Edmad vrsfT.llos<'erib lJh acseadGog h a1pr-nite-Lrme,_1cd heMnak- 1______ JLLY.OWDRS ~E ~ ' I ~ ~ mili Iiebrdean goo ft- h ieîyrluml--1 -ta. Now Don't Dose Colds With Drastie Medicines . -Relieve Them Externally One PROVED Right Way to Get Relief Quickly- Where Relief is Most Needed-Without Dosing- la Witb Sooting "VAPORUB0- STEAM". SIMPLE, SENSIBLE-EASY TO DO AI soothes away irritation, eases local HOME congestion and muscular tightness, Now in yiets coughing - and SWIFTLY ~o nyur own home y-ou can B1RINGS BLESSED COMFORT. easily prepare ONE PROVED. DIRECT treatren t that successfuiy TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE! relieves the distressing misery of flre's our offer to ac- colds-vvithout any of the discomn- quaint you with the won. forting ilieffects that ofen follow derful benefits of VAPO- rastie '«dosing." RUB STEAM". Get a jar tJ.j Ail you do is put a spoonful of good of Vicks VapoRub from Ild Vickg VapoRub in an ordinary your druggist and prepare bowI or saucepan of boiling %vater. this troatment as directed Then let the patient breatho in the ibove. If you are fot absolutely satis- oothing "VAPORUE STEAI\". fied with the relief obtained FROM AT ONCE, Iis ýV A PORUVB 11E VERY FIRST TREATMENT, STEAM' carrnes flie relief-giinlg reurfi the unused portion to Vick vapors of 7 medicines deep intolihe Chomnical Co., Windsor, Ont. We will throat and upper chest -vhere it gladly refund your money. ANTIRPROVED. SUCESSIFI i. AY TO tSE VICKS VAPOIUB: Jut ,ub PoRub on throt. chest, ani back at bedtlme. Il acts to releve the cold to xays at onc.(1)t) roîgh the skin Jike a poultice; (2) througn Its medlcated vapors breathelin lîrect 10 rritated air passages. This dilrect. twvo-%%vay action continues through hours of restful sieep--often by morning. the swOlst of the rold is omer. VapoRub has been proved effective hy tvo geneiations or mothets. "'-VapoR.b" is a Registered Trade Mak denoti'ng Vick Chemical Campanys Vagostimuative, Volatilzing Ointment. IF BABY US CROSS F-INU OUT WHYý M-0-We 2/ 1 1 è~~ MÎûin7WrqW HEAL.THY BABIES are not cross. wt Vour baby sbouid not be cross. If he wt is, then soraething in his littie system i JOHN BARRYMORÉ s ROBET MORLfl' "out of order". Probabiy Baby's Own M<I'TA LOUISEI JOSEPH SCNILDKRAUT Tablets can promptly "put il right". Dr.cted by W. &. Von Dyke il Mrs. B. Barnet, of Toronto, had ibis Produced by Hunt Stromberg expenience: "My baby was terrîbiy cross. I tried different remedies but , Matinees Wed. 2.30 - Sat. 2.30 nothing seerned 10 help. A neiglibour suggested trying Baby's Own Tabiets. No Increase in Prices I did and the baby slept nights and we got our sicep. He was good in lte day- Comedies and short selected time. I cannot recommend Baby's Own features will accompany above Tabiets too highly."pctrs Harmless, sweet-tasting and easy topctes take. Promptly effective in clearing up simple fevers, diarrhoes, colds, consti- COMING- pation, simple croup, colic, tcething "My Lucky Star" troubles and other minor ilîs of baby- "Little Miss Broadway" bood. Free fromn opistes and stupefy- "Letter of Introduction" ing drugs. Analyst's centifica'te in ever "Love Finds Andy Hardy" package. "Aiexander's Ra.gtime Band" Never ho witbout Baby5s Own Tab- "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" lets. Sickness so often strikes in the night. If flot satisfied, your druggist wil - givc your money back. 25 cents. banked the -casket- we-re'xceed- iuîgly beautiful and numnerous. They extended tho full length of the choir loft in both directions. Rev. R. E. Morton 'conducted the service, assisted by a former pastor, Rev. A. M. Irwin, Wbitby, who was the incumbent when Mrs. ColwiUl and ber family resided in Newcastle. Mrs. Coiwill's bus- band, Richard C. Colwill, died early in January 1902, ovor 36 years ago. Mn. Inwin in bis funeral address spoke with warm regard of Mrs. Coiwill's courage in facing lîfe with ber three young fatberless children, of ber devotion te, their educational and spiritual welfane, of ber bigb ideals, ber tenderness and ber gentleness o! spirit. She sot hon ohildren's footsteps in <ho way o! wisdom and grace and truth and il is a matter for ne- joioiug that <boy bave nover de- paî'ted from that way but bave taken their place in the world as gond citizens and good Chnistians. The choir led in the singing of <ho hymns, Forever with <ho Lord, and Still Wiil We Trust. Mes- damnes R. T. Rutherford and H1. R. Pearce sang in duet, In <ho Sbadow of His Wings, by special requost. Many cars carrying relatives -J The Pifre Demon sows many a f laming seed. Whether or flot these seedg' fail on fertile ground depends largely on your own care- fulness. Observe com.mon sense fire pre- vention rules and carry enough insurance. J. Je MASON' & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville 7 Be prepor.d for the oooor cdfow'enavason. 0<«(EiT THE TROOPS WITH THESE NISSSLIMl PEwANUTS kg. .05 b., .23 29oz e. M isedowe'en JELLY BEANS - - - lb. AS6 CHOICE PUMPKFN - Tin .10 BULJV. IROLLIED OATS 6 ib . 25 SHfORTENING 2 ko&.25 miUcIOs YACU~m P.d.de TateCrie 2 T. .25 SOAP Surprise 4 e.,.e17 DKaked Beans b29 Catelli Cooked Sahetti Ti~oz. .10 IGLASSCO'S STRAWIERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM ci Jra2 5 Soturdoy aught, October 29 FRUITS Florida Grapefruit 5 for 19c Valencia Oranges doz. 21c 'UN Covers standard broadcast and police bands. Walnut finished cabinet. Tone Control, Automnatic Volume Control. Uses Air Coul and 2 B Batteries. Limited Quantities DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE ST., NORTH OSHAWA Phones 84 - 744 Open Evenings HAVE YOU TRtD THE NW DOMINION 13111AD THF CANADIAN STATES'ý\f.ý\ý\. BOWMANVILI-F. 0\'-Tý%PTO "Mý ini. Phones 84 - 744 Open Evenings 1 %ý & 010 ý 1

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