PAGE EIGHT ~~~~~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAOTBR2T,13 Historical Society Needed to Preserve Pioneer Relies We have been reading about the wonder ful work Editor Dave WVil- liams of the Collingwood Enterprise- Bulletin bas been doinLy in is towr bv the establishment 25 vears ago of the Huron Institute. This is locat- ed in the librarv building and houses thotîsands of Pioneer records and collection of articles illustrating the life of an Ontario communitv- silice its Pioneer heginnings. That is exactly what wme should trv and do in Bowmanville. We THEATRE OSHAWA NOW PLAYING Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OCT. 20-21-22 CLAIRE TREVOR SALLY BLAIN RICHARD FRAWLEY One Mile From Heaven" - ADDED RIT - Gene Autry "The Old Barn Dance"' with Smiley Burnett FOUR DAYS Opening Sunday Midnite Continuing Monday - Tuesday Wednes. - Thursday Exclusive Showing ini this District Edger Burgen Charlie McCarthy "Letter of Introduction with Adolphe Menj ou, An- drea Leeds, George Murphy This je a Movie Quiz Picture Buy sof, warmn, flet-cy, cho1(urful KENWXOOD Blankets for Christ mas -for yourself; for VOUir friends. Do it the casy ' sî by joining our KN,' CHISTMAS CLUB. Eacb week you makc a sný weekly deposit. t is eîîîercd i should begin it once to galber a collection of reniemibrances of the pioncer limes anîd (loinLrs of the carlvisettlers. their folk songs, even il 1-mlost of themi came from across the line. the old time dances and fid- l lers. and whatsoever helonged to ýfthat perigd. t- \Xe had hoped that thcelîistory of 'tlis town bv that miuch respected d writer, the late James 13. Fairbairil, lewoiild have taken booke focmi bv this etime but pirobahlv il is- rallier earlv to expect il ilist %'et. d 1IlIt the samie w e are pleased ho eiote other places are îakinz 11p)this vers' important work and eveii if it docs not look se) important to so111e. Net the timle w iii comn le bn mans %vill bc sorîrv tlîî' work wsva ne(lcct- ed .hop)e 10 ýee he thetimie ani- otherlDurhlanm Cmiontv ru 1111on eoî11e aronind thiat %\e-e il hbave a better collection o f 01(1 rUlîcs tlan the.0one a vear affo .\Ilzlst il, the badminton -hall. XVllN- lot somne corru spolîdenicc on " i s nbi et ;and(lhavse seine tlîouelt a, to a suitable place for a collection alone tlîis linle \Ve notice the town authorities are i iiitenidineL to have the streets named so peopîle will know where thev are at. Well it's a good idea. A citizen asked lis the other day wliv itlîvas called "Lowe'* Street. It îvas so called on accounit of the late Dr. Lowve beirse tle ownÇ.r of the estate hoinnded todav by Lowe, Centre and Concession Streets. This mail, an eminent medical citizen of this. town. OSHAWA Friday - Saturday OCT. 21-22 'Valley of the Giants' Starring - WAYNE MORRIS - CLAIRE TREVOR in Technicolor. <A Quiz Contest Picture) Added - Cartoon "Porky and Daff y" - REVIVAL - Friday at 10.30 p.m. "lYou Can't Have Everything" Starring ALICE FAYE - DON AMECHE Mon. - Tues. - Wed. OCT. 24-26 "Four Daughters l Starrlng - PRISCILLA LANE - ROSEMARY LANE LOLA LANE - GALE PAGE.: (A Quiz Contest Picture) Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OCT. 27-29 -FRED ASTAIRE - GINGER ROGERS in "Carefree" Sec Them Dance the "Yam" (A Quiz Contest Ficture) your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. hb. Chriîstmas, the blankets you plaii ro buy are PAID FOR-and hOC ies er missd the money. .11 <uc lnktî deparrment !,I 1( il ils if ibis simple, P rli11 ' i an. qWALKER STORES, JlMI-FED1 Here And There And Everywhere By D. Morrison, Sr. Courtice bîîilt îlîat fie dwelling now occupied 1-w Mcr. E. S. Scnklçr. His surjery %vas at tlîe cornler of I.oe and Tein- peraîlce Sts.. anîd 'lis coaclîman's residleîîe wasî on CuîîccA'in. Hc %v - lle of the 01(1 school, ans R.C. P. S.. anîd a fie tupe of old couîntry Leiut leiîîî-îî. Woner lîow inans' in town ktîox wlîo *OdelI' Street svas izlnmcdafter. or *Silver' Street. or "Bradsiaw' Street. "[roîvii' St., or -Simpson" Ave: -Carlisle- :\ve. is of a later vîlîtace. so also is "Horsev" St.; -Scîîgog' after the liame of the ake ini Cartwrielit; sanvers Road is %vell knoxvn but there are manv strects ini toiv.n that are reallv un- kîîoviî to tlîe iîîhabitants. Take 1 lunt St., nancd after tlîe celeliratecl rop)e walker of that carlIv periocl.syhose p)rofessional name wvas Siciior Farinîa. Odel vas a prom- i iîeît contractor wvlo built the hioe nilitarv drill shed and skating rink oi Carlisle A\venue. Bradshaw svas al (l(caler ini boots and shoes anîd Iad a lari-e tra(le ini teuehtilintio%0v tlie S;tateiiî office. anîd vas a great (i5r f fast lorses. Browvnî xas a waeon maker and built the large brick dlsellini noev occupiecl bv the Edsall famnilv. Sinmpson A\ve. ivas nanieu a fter thc Hotu. John Simpson. Silver St.. after 'Mc. E. Silver. the well kîîosvn pump m aker, a celebrat- ed character and jovial citizen. But tIse task of îîaminz our strcets so n)eotle îvîll know wvbece the%- live andc bave tlîeic being is a zood thing. Miss Helen Snuddeîî sprainied ber Wclcome. is busy plougbing bis ce- armn diîvrn a friendly tussle with ceiitlv acouired farm. lier sister. wliicli necessitated miedical This district svas dotted svitlu attention. hunters frotb e Oshawa district on Miss Hilda Scorgie is resting more Satnrdav. Reports are that Lyame is comifortablv as the pain f rom bher pflentiful. broken ankle graduallv lessetus. Hec Mr. J. Sundav, a former cesident, zrandpacents. Mc. and Mc\Is. XV. Reid visited friends bere. Mc. Sunday of Oshawa, spent the holiday with reports a zood ice barveat at Rice ber. Lake. Miss Nora Adams, Toronto, un- Mc. and Mrs. Jack Reid attended derwent an opecatioli for appendic- Roseneath Fair. Friday. itis. Mrs. Flovd XWilson is recovering fcom poisoning in hec hand. Anl epidemie of s'ecv bad colds, Tyrone verzîng on pleurisy, etc. in some cases, have been prevalent in this Vstr district. Vstr Visitors with ',cI. and 'Mrls.S. Mn. and Mcs. Wm. Bradd, Mn.i Rice included, .\Mcs. M. Boddv and Gerald Bradd and Master Billie, son Toono; .\rs.Wm.HailtnLong Branch, with Mr. and Mrs. son Toont: Ms.XVm HailtnJames Dudley. Mc. Charles Hamilton, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Ceeil Slemon witb Mc.Noran rmurTocnto fiends at Haydon and attendedi withi bis sister. 'Miss Jenflie Armouir. Tbanksgiving services. Miss Prudence Yoiung, Toconto, Rev.- J. W. Down and Miss Flor-i %vith 'Misses Lorraine and Paulitie ence Down with Mr. and Mns. .\ntih. Theo Down entoute to their borne Mc. and Mrs. Norman Cemens, at Exeter. Toronto. seith 'Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Mn. and Mrs. N. J. Woodley Trevail. M.\rs. Sidney Trevail is at with Mn. and Mrs. D. Hicks, Han- present stav me with hec soni, Gordotn iston, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ste- anîd Mrs. Trevail. phens, Gorrie. Mc. anîd Mrs. Wm. Huighes and Mn. and Mcs. H. Findley, Mas- son. Billv a: Mr. G.Xelsh's. tens Dean and Bruce, Unionville. 'Mr. anîd Mrs. Jack Xiggans and Mn. and Mns. Hogarth, Misses soli witi friends north of W\,hitbv-. Minnie and Ida Jewell, Mrs. Chas. Mcr. andl Mr'. Ecnes-t Sîîidec and Richards, Mr. Frank Grigg, Osh- datiter Jeaîî and Mc\Is. Phair. To- awa, Messrs. Roy and Wmn. Rich- couto. sith Mr. and Mcv. jas. ards, Sask., at Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Toolev. Richards'. Mc. Ambrosc Armnour withî friencîs Mr. and Mns. Henry Lobban, inu Linden district. Owen Sound, Mrs. Hickn»pn, To- Mcs S.Patrnote wih fiens onto, at Mn. Leslie Brooks'. Mrs.S. atenoser ithfrinds Miss Myrtie Brooks bas netunn- in Oshîawa. ed to Toronto after being with .Mc. and Mc\fs. Wm. Shaver and her parents, Mn. and Mns. L. soli. Re(rvie. Poirt Credit, with Mr. Brooks. and Mcs. Cecil Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart Mu-s. Clharles Welsb is iirogressiilg with relatives at Roseneatb and favoncablv after hiec recent illness;. attended Roseneath Fair. Miss Margaret Adams accompan- Mr. and Mns. F. L. Byam and eul Miss Bernice Proctor, Oslîasva.,i family at Mr. L. Robinson's, Pet- to I)etroit. Miss .\dain5 will visit erbono. ier ccrandtîîother, Mrs. Johiî Spruing Glad to see Mn. Levi Skinner ai Windsor. out again. Mc. and Mcrs. E. Wcelshi. Bowman- Mr. Melbourne Phillipa and fri- ville. withî Mc,,s. Robert Adams. ends, Maidstone, with Mcs. G. Rýeccnt itaprovenieuîts incînde: an Phare. addition t o the home of -Mc. . E. Mn. and Mns. Morley Hooper 'hiair andl thue rc-shiiiii, of Mc,,. and baby Gwendolyn, Regina, Mn. h:rauî Ex er.,oi's iouîse. Keith Fessant, Qu'Appelle, with .%I. and Mcs. WVîii. Romhanvi anîd Mc. and Mca. Luther Hoopen. fainilv have cetuiriiech to their farmn 1Mca. Laura Virtue. Mc. Arthur frlOîhslhasva. . idhc Spicen, Mn. and Mcs. Rnnald Scott Tlitîrsdav eeig E.Iidc visited Mc. Milton Victue at Gra- hîch adace h iirereaie hihhvenhurat. lied adane a hs rci-atin hll Mc. and Mca. Russell VitAue and s itI a cu attendance. Mr. and Mca. W. Cochrane with Fridhav iorning chilehren of No. 8 Mc. and Mca. T. Findley, Thorn- ellios cd a trip te Ros ah Theatr hill. tîtîuer auistices of B3owniatîxille Ro- Mn. and Mns. Fred Thompson, tacs Chlb. Oshawa, Mc. and Mca. Gannet Me- Coy and Jack, Mca. J. H. Mutton, Bowmanvilhe, at Mca. G. Phane's. Mca. Clara Byam, Bowmanville, Nestetonat Mr. F. L. Byam's. Mc. A. W. Clemens and Mr. li mad NMc l'e Forder, \f,.and Leslie Brooks have sold their .Nfs. )a1at reiliiie h .iie io a farma. tripeo iaar\.,ru ail(uLohndeo a Missionary program at Sunday tnt teSt Mas tull.oîîoîu Shool for the month o! Septem- Mc.. acr lorrtieLi îîsay ber was given as follows: "My vistvdNf. ad rs.Iva lrolt- Garden," Winnie Brooks; "For- M lrs. 1'. . Oliu s erhom<îîe trouli give" Docothy Wright; duet, Mr.ý North las. Sîahhuîry ailh(] cill ia. a nd Mrs. A. H. Brent, "Nobody A\ gooulhv ruuber of ladies froin caces like Jesus", with Mca. R. oîtc \\otuîet"s ItîstittIte VSitudi Jals- Pooley at the piano: "What did etvilhe \V1.Thîuirsdas. Reabfioo\VX. you do to-day?" Wesley Hilîs; 1. was also lîceselit andr a Lrood pro- "The Do-without Box" Marion gramn vas eijoyed. Tables wece Werny; duet, Helen Timm and st)ce!ad and a lovels hot sutper xas Nina Hodgson, "If tbene's sun- serv'ed bv laîîetvilhe ladies. shine in your Heant." Mrs. R. MNrs. Margaret Fallis eîtectaincd Wright, Missionany Supt., was in a few fieîids Satuciday night ho a charge o! the program and gave chicken sunper ini bonotir of the the closing prayer. birhda cfberniece, 1s. P. J Oliver. A verv succesaful bazaar aîîd cafe- teria tea was beld in Sunday School coora cf North Nestîcton United Churcb Fridav niRbt. Mrs. P. .1. Oliver was called ho Hamilton Monday Owing ho the deatb of a friend. Mc. John Ray. formccly of . Orillia. Mc. and Mcs. Grant Thompson spent Sunday at Pcf felaw and Beavecton. Mc. Merle Tbompson visited bisi parents. Mc. and Mrs. B. Tbompson. Crooked Creek Mc. and Mcar. Gould and Raymond Gilmer. Niagara Falls, visited Mr. and INcr. F . Gilmec's. Raymond is attcndinir High Scbool at Niagara. .Mr. and Mca. Widdus visited Mr. and Mcs. Jack Reid. A number froni bece attcnded the .Xltis Club at Ncwtonville and ce- iothon aiîtecesting tise. Mrls. XV. Xood spent Suinday with Mc. anidNMcs. Wmn. Reid. Mc, aîd NMcs. Bert Reid spent the wec'ketd ils Toronto. ' Nli-. 1Lonard Ireland was a week- Hampton Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. To- ronto. witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. J, Reynolds in To- ronto. Miss jean Hooearth, Bowmanville, witb ber oarents. Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple Grove. at home. Misses Gladys Cbapman and Geri HEARTBURN KEPT HIM AWAKE Afraid to Eat Square Meal Wlîat a worry he mîust biave been to bis wife! No food agreed with is. Acid indigestion made him positivels wretched. In this letter. his wife tells how lie got tvelcome relief : "MNv bushand, developed a wretch- cd forni of gàstric acidity," sue sîrites. 'Meals were a misery to him. He often cotild not sleep foc heartburn. Business kept him fromn home a P'ceat deal, but when he did zet a stielI at home, I gave him Krusclîeî Saîts. 1 was amazed ah the results. That wcary look left lus face. and bis inîdigestion grad- iiallv disappeared. It is a treat to lîcar hin sav, 'im liungrv-.' t seems too zood to becre'(r. The numerous saits ini Kruschcîs lieDo to promote a natural flow of tlîe cirrestive andl other vital juices of the bodv. Soon after vou stact On Kruqclieni, 1011 will find tlîat voit are able to enjoy Nvour foodl sitbouit distressing after-effects. And as s ont ersevere ith the 'little daily close." vou will see that Krus- chen brings glorious relief. enid zuest with Mr. and MVrs. Sid Ruthier ford. Sundav Scbool was well attended and Mlans are being made for a spec- i rallv service on Sundas', October 3tlî. (-)l" - uuc.Mr. -1-1, o Usual Price $79 LUMITED QUANTITUES YOU SAVE $30 Sale Prie $49 Vision Dial, Tone Control, Automatic Volume Control, Elminates Fading, a very popular model, Don Christian Electrice Phone 744 and 84 38 Simcoc Street, North Oshawa Open Evenings Join the KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB trude Petit. Ebenezer, at Vm. Chap- Tamblyn's, Orono, and at Mr. R. malr's. Tamblyn's, Zion. .Nlss onie arconbOshwa Mr' and Mrs. M. Graham and Misshome Frcm, saa babe, Oshawa, at Mrs. D. Gra- at home.ham's. .\r. and MIrs. W. W. Horn and Mr. Elmer Siemon is visiting in Mrs. R .Avçrv at Janetville. Toronto. babvizirlIa. h rrviZion GREAT SAEO IEFOODS Plans are being made for our S L special Harvest Home services and Harvest Home services were Goose Supp)er on Sundav Nov.l3th. well attended on Sunday. Rev. S. NEW SEASON'S s and \Vednesdav. Nov. l6th. Littlewood of Orono was the AC Tin 82 Rev. W. Rackham preached on the speaker. The choir sang at both O S EFAC Orono Circuit Sulîdav. Rev. S. Lit- services. Mrs. Foster Snowden, HEINZ Lge. 3 tlewvood of Orono. taking charge of, Kedron, sang a splendid solo at K ETCH UP 2 st. .3 ,qiecial services at Zion. the afternoon service, and the A number from here attended Bal1son Quartette sang at the ev- FRESH sDecial services ini Bowmaiiville and( ening service. The church was oterloalchrheiffS.ia and was nicely done with flowers, TEXAS 18-oz. C..I.T irsenoe ahkeadfruits and maple leaves. 'G .APIFIWU IT JUICE Tin .*IL 0 r)c.Gi. T.irls eon IOYe(l aferandVisitors: pî1i1u0 Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, Mr. SILVER RIBBON 0/-2 .\ou orvfred~ eihousand Mrs. Bothwell, Oshawa, Mr. Tin CE î~z .04 , .\but ort frens, eigiborsLloyd Metcalf, Maple Grove, Miss T U T U C and relatives fratlîered nt the homle Berniece Stainton, Peterboro, Mr. McCORMICK'S JERSEY "r of -.\r. and MIrs. C. W, Souch on1 and Mrs. Chas. Warren, Hampton, CRE AU SO AS n&rn@2 Wdeaveveing, Oct. l2th. tý' at Mr. A. T. Stainton's.- g celebrate with thein the occasion of Miss Ethel Wilkins, Oshawa, McCORMICK'S Pkg. J their 40th wedding anniivers;arNv. Rev. Miss Louise Foley, Maple Grove, CELLO IR LL W. Rackhain acted as master of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm, Orono, at Ceenonies and after callinz the Mr. J. W. Balson's. companv to order. in a few well Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar chosen wvords explained the purpose and Kelvin, Oshawa, Miss Doris WORLD AND FLAVOUR FAMOUS of the zatherinz and M.\rs. A. Cole Cryderman, Hampton, at Mr. A. an(l K. Caverly lifted a cover Ayre's. from a table where was displav'ed a Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden fflete surprise to the bride and Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, Except Turtie and Consomme ffroorn of 40 vears. '.\r. Souch made at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. a fittiniz reply. expressinz their ai)- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore,-E preciation of the gift. After a fcw Enniskillen, at Mr. Frank Pas- Med. whchrfrsmetsoresrvd sad ethHaptniMns 2 short speeches the evening wvas suent co'6ei.Tn Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, in cames and social chit-chat aiteriNeln2e \yichrefeshens wre ervd. Ray Scott, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. MIr. and \Irs. Jas. Gregorv. M\r.i Ralph Glaspel, Tyrone, at Mr. F. BULK andl Ed. Goodman, Oshawa,11B. Glaspel's. Is .ýrs Ke Cve ad rue To-1 Miss Bernice Arnott, Shirley, SOA P CHIPS 4 wb. 25 ronto. '.\Ir. ~and .\r.AbtCoeadat Mr. Jesse Arnott's. Donald. Bowvmanville, .\Mrs. J. Pvec Mr. Harry Fisher, Miss Ethel McCORMICK'S SODA 1-lb.- 2 and M.\iss Eva Souch. Enlniskillen, Hoy, Oshawa, at Mr. Ray Cam- B ISCUJITS M Pkg. W were amonz those who attended the eron's. 40th weddinz anniversary of 'Mr. andI Mrs. Wes. Cameron at Mr. Del- CLASSICTi Irs. C. WV. Souch on Oct. l2th. bert Flintoff's, Kedron. TinMI~ 1Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins, LNS I«0 Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter FACIAL SOAP Vivian, Maxine and Marjorie,Coe North Oshawa, at Mr. Fred Cam- WOODB2 Cake2 «15 Haydon 1eron's. e j ces Mr. Harry Scales and bride, Heolth Soop 0 Sunlight Our Thankoffering onSundviaye. Durham, at Mrs. Russell Perkins' LIFEDUOT . 0 SOAP h 6 were well attended o udy Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, So- Rev. E. L. Beech delivered two lina, at Mr. Luther Pascoe's and LUX FLAKES Lg*k*.23 LUX SOAP Cake.0 inspiring messages. EnniskilleniMr. A. T. Stainton's. choir rendered very fine music. Mrs. Wesley Glaspel bas ery- W. A. met at the home of Mrs.! sipelas in ber face but is some FIRES]H F]RUIT A. Read Thursday afternoon with!better. -AND President Mrs. E. Bradley in __________ charge. Bible reading was given VEGETABLES by Miss Blanche Degeer, and theB Here are isted only a few of the devotional by Mrs. C. Garrard. Bro~iri S many exceptianàl values sn sale in aur Program was in charge of Mrs. ____ Fruit Department. W. Bidgtt.Reaing wee gv- issAudey ebbr, oroto, *~,We invite you ta drop in and see W.Bidet.Rainsweegv ise dry and M rs.rn toWeb-colorful, enticing displays of top en by Mrs. C. Crosaman, Mrs. W. iteMranMs.FnkWb quality fruits and vegetables. Thompson, Mrs. T. Mountjoy and'ber.CM NTOORW Mrs. W. Ridge; vocal duet by Miss June Brown bas acceptedCMENTO RRW Mrs. R. Richards and Miss May a position as a stenographer at Trewin. A social haîf hour was ,Tweed. spent and a bountiful lunch was Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Floridafo served. Robt. Grabam's were Mr. and GRAPEFRUIT 5 o 19 Visitors: Mrs. Russell Gimblett, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLean, ville. Toronto, Mrs. W. Tordiff and Mr. Lewis Clark bas his house Tokay Dave, Bowmanville, Miss Gertie -wired for electrie lighting and- GRAPES 3 lbs. 2e Stevenson, Oshawa, at Mrs. E. later intends putting in a bath- Mountjoy's. 1room. Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon, Ty-1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrow Valencia rone, Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott and'and Mr. and Mrs. George Stephen- ORANGES Doz.19 Dorothy, Orono, at Mrs. S. Tre- son had weekend visitors from win 's. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch are Joan, Enniskillen, Mrs. Thomp- moving into their new bouse this DO NOYU DMNO"TMRO son and Miss Annie Thompson,l week. We are sorry to lose such DO NOYU DMNO"TMRO Blackstock, at Mr. A. Read's. j:good sports and helpers of the WE'LL BE HAPPY TO SEE AND SERVE YOU! Miss J. McLean, Mr. A. Boyd, commllnity. Enniskillen, at Mr. C. Crossman's. 1I The sale in our comrnunity at These Values Effective until October 22nd Mrs. F. Orchard, Miss Elva Or-,"The Anchorage" on October 5th _______________________________ chard, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, was a huge success witb a large Mrs. W. Moore, Miss Blanche'crowd in attendance and things _______________________________ Preston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt'going at a high price in spite of and family, Enniskillen, Mr. Stew- the rainy weather. Fred Couch in the chair. The-Canada. Miss Audrey Brown reàd art Hooey, at Mr. Wrn. Trewin's.1 Sunday visitons with Mr. and club will hold a Hallowe'en panty the H. & S. Club paper. After a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tbompson, Mns. Roy Brancb were Mr. and' coe 7 omte ncag few conteats lunch was served. Bowmanville, Misses Audrey and Mrs. Clinton Ayland and Mr. and Ocoe17 omitei hre Mrs. Paul Hotson, Acme, Alta., Lorna Thompson. Mr. Bill Louis,, Mrs. Russell MeNeil and Phyllis being Mns. Roy Bnanch, Mrs. Jer- is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toronto, at Mr. W. Thompson's. of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. ry Brown, Mrs. Clarence Turner 'Couch. Rev. E. L. Beech, Newtonville, Clarence Turner and Sammy. and Mr. Wm. Morley. Pnognam__________ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Larmer,i King's Highway No. 2. was in charge of the lst vice pres- Soutb Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs. October 12 'a few close neigh- ýident, Miss Ethel Simpson, and 'Thore's that pesky chief again. Adam Sharpe, Enniskillen, Mr.!bors of Mr. and Mns. F. Couch consisted of a piano duet by Miss-1 Always demanding I marry one o! and Mns. A. Larmer and family. gathened at their honMe for a fare- es Kathleen and Dorothy Simp- bhis daughters." Blackstock, at Mr. A. Beech's. ýwell party. Mns. Clarence Turner son, necitation by Keith Branton. ý Did you tell him stnaight up Misses Gladys and Eileen Brad- read a very fitting addness after mouth organ solo by Noel Mid- i and down that you wouldn't have ley, Enniskillen, Misses Jean Me-F which Mesdames Leslie and Bob dleton, vocal solo by Kathleen'any?" Lean and Viola Bradley, Toronto, Alldread presented Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, duet by Misses Betty1 "Yes, but curved up and dlown Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Morgan, Mr.1 Couch with an end table, reading Branton and Dorothy Mathews, I might!' and Mrs. 0. Sharrard, Oshawa, lamp and table reflector. Lunch violin solo by John Scott.* W. F.'_ at Mr. E. Bradley's. was senved and a pleasant social Rickand, M.P., gave a most inter- As a matter of fact, a man will Mns. J. Kennedy, Islington, evening spent. ýesting address on bis and Mrs. lget fanthen putting bis shoulder with friends hene. Brown's Home and School.Club Rickard's trip to the Pacifie Coast to the wheel than bis foot on the Mrs. H. Werry visited at Mr. J.i met October 11, with President and bis impressions of Western gas. BRN .EECTRIC i SAVE $30aONaAaGaN a NEbW RAI 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH, 1938 PAGE EIGHT MIL