PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -rilUTR5flAY.OCTOBER 20TH. 1938 ronfo, and Mr. Whelsby Flint,à ----- Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perfect, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Flint. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL . atrJhneIrln svst Phone 663 ronto, are in Washington, D.C.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winferiboro Hospital where he under- attending a medical convention. are moving to Oshawa this week. went an operation. Latest reports Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins. Mis Majore Rbin, Hmilonare that he is making safisfactory Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher was weekend guest of Mrs. S. R. prges Staples, daughters Elizabeth and James. Mr. John Watson and Miss ýJoan, Toronfo, were weekend Mrs S.Hoae ad dugherWatson, who have been spending guests of Mrs. W. H. Spargo. We GimS. oreandhaere the summer at Caesarea, are understand the guests were serv- Martigr ser s ., again occupying their house on cd a chicken dinner to celebrate vistin he site, Ms. . Be. Horsey St. for the winter. Mrs. Spargo's 80th birthday. Miss Carnie Cherry, Dunbar- Mr. E. W. Webber, President of We notice Dr. L. B. Williams, tn, as in tneSatrayrne-the South Ontario Agricultural Toronfo, is showing his beautiful ing cquintaces Society, will address Bowmanville motion pictures enfitled "Pioneer- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Clark, Chat-' Rotary Club Friday noon on the ing wifh the Roman Legions 'in rham, visited ber father, Mr. Law-:subject of "Agriculture" Britain's Early Centuries" at the rence Wood.1 York Pioneer and Historical Soc- Moforists should read the Ever- j Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wadhams, iefy, at the Public Library Audi- ready Prestone ad. on page 5 be- Owen Sound, were guests of Mr., forium. Toronfo, October 28th. forechagin toant-fre 1and Mrs. George Souch and af- for chngig o ati-reze. 1 tended Trinity Church anniver- Rev. Bradbury, secretary G.B. Mrs. Harry Waters, Highland sary. R.E., Toronto, preached at thel Crcek, was guest of ber sister, MisrsRoetn, sha morning service at St. John's Mrs HoardCbuh.Mrs. Minnie Barton, Mïrs. Muriel Church on Sunday. Rev. D. R. Mr. James McDougall, Toronto, Dunn. Stan and Jack, spent Dewdney, Newcastle, took the ev- écalled on old friends and spent Thanksgiving with Will H. Cal- ening service while Rev. C. R. the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs.1Iver. Rochester, NY. Spencer conducted Harvest Fes- John Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins and Mr.tiasevc Oo. Jerusalem Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Clare Wilkins, Toronto, and Mrs. ta onservice at Orono.r will hold its annual Ladies' ih A. H. White, Oshawa, visited Mrs. and members of St. George's New- on Wednesday, Oct. 26th, with a1 Muriel Dunn over the weekend. castle Women's Auxiliary held a dance at the Badmýinton Club. Have you seen the Moto-Swvav, very impressive meeting on Fni- Salvation Army will hold its Lubricator Dean Hodgson uses in i day afternoon in the form of a Harvest Home on Sunday, October greasing your car? Its the slick- !Quiet Hour conducted by Deacon- 23rd. Sale of produce on Monday es.neto ~eNwo n ess E. E. Spencer. of Los Angeles, night at 8 p.m. ýetventothe sme Ni ne. - Calif. Mrs. Bert Reid, Clarke, spent Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leggoft isHld-olnd Sunday with her father, Mr. John announce the engagement of their Shore, was elected vice president Elliott, and attended Trinity an- only daughter Marion to Hugh ýof the Teqhers Institute of In- « niversary. Esmond Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ispectorafe No. 1, Northumberland Mrs. L. H. Guy, Oshawa, Mrs. Hugh Ross, Whitby. Marriage to land Durham, at the annual ses-A sin nToronto last week. MissP H. Earl Osborne, Bowmanville, take place early in November. sinsi have been visifing relatives and Mr ap odn oot.K. Foster, Orono, was elected one friends at Frankford, Sterling and popu lar entrtain Toand o, of the Librarians, and Miss Mar-G Belleville. gave the editor a cali Tuesday jonctAdas, Orno, ws el t Mr. Arthur Wright. Misses An- while on his way to put on an f0teeAuie nie and Effie Wright, Oshawa, entertainment at Bunketon.. Bowmanville Badminton Cluba visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pick- r hsD arrwor- will open its doors for the season ard and attended Trinify Thank- turned to Toronto recentîy from oncFridaynigorhtrwit a pdance] offering services. spending the summer in Muskoka, Jackevan msc.Orcal laypro- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Webster visited bis sister here on Wednes- viesthoenmsic OfficiaI pahing were in Toronto Saturday to at- day. csbeas oen Octer 27thd e-I tedteMurphy-Scarlett nuptials Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers ac- clbbsenpited and dsalrayt ecor- wbich were beld at St. John's companied Rev. S. Davison f0ý old and new members. s Garrison Church, Tononto, Trenfon on Sunday where Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling and S Rev. H. W. Foley preacbed in Davison preached anniversary ser- ýMr. and Mrs. W. Burnett celebrat- I St. Paul's Church Sunday morn- mons in King Sf. United Church. 'ed their 35fb wedding annivensarya iWgawRev W F.Baistr as Mr. and Mrs. A. Hindes, Miss at the bomne of Mr. Cowling,e taking anniversary services at Stella and Mr. Roland Wenn, Miss Hampton, on Sunday. Mrs. Cowl- i Garden Hill. Nora Johnstone, Masters Bruce ing and Mrs. Burnett are sisters0 Mr. Fred W. Nelles is in Peter- Sanderson and Wallace Wenn, To- and were manried the same day.s Several friends and relatives wene0 also present for the anniversaryj celebration.S 7 St. Paul's W. M. S. held theirS Thanksgiving meeting Oc to b era o:' l3th in the school room, with Mrs. votional period was taken by Mrs. ALLIN VALUES J. H. jury, prayer by Mrs. Heth- Macaoni- Rce -Ger Whaiterington. and solo by Miss Ben- Macaoni Ric - Grm W eatnett. Guest speaker was Mrs. CornMeal- Cacke What -Graam Four Norman White of Myntle, ber CornMea - Cackd What Graam lou topic being "Honan Jubilce." The th ankoffering was received, fol- 5 lbM lowed by prayer by Mrs. W. F. Cyrus Banister. Refneshments were ser- FLOUR.................. 98 Ibs. $250 ved and a social haîf-hour spent.1 MapleLeafTrinity Woman*s Association MapleLeafmet in the school room Octoben LARD ............... 20-lb. Pails $2.30 lltb, with Mrs. W. O. Souch and Fancy Quality ber circle in charge of the pro- COCOANUT ................... lb. 4~C gram. Meeting opened witb quiet music played by Mns. M. F. Hoop- DATES .................... 2 Ibs. 23e er. Mrs. Souch offered a Thanks- CRICO............. 3 ls. 9c giving pryr Bible lesson was BakrISC ...........3l . 69 read by Mrs. . Thompson. Mrs.i Bake's E P. radtpresided for the busi-1 COCOA...................... tin 15C nesB. neesting reports were Ceylon given by the Cincles. The follow- TEA blck..............b. 5c ing prognam xvas presented' Vo-1 TEAblak cal solos by Mrs. A. cÇolville;1 Japan piano duets, Lola Marjerrison and TEA, green 49c Joan Greenfield; vocal solo, Mrs. S. R. James. Put in your winter *s supply of patatoes 110W at Oshawa Music Study Club held this low price. ifs firsf program of the season Monday night in Simncoe St. Unit- 75e a ]BA ed Church. The artists were Miss Pratt'sElsie Bennett and Miss Madeline Worm inPoutryBone. outstandingtwo-piano N-K Capsules for W r si olr team, and Mr. George Lambert, Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash ............ $2.60 internafionally farnous baritone. Vanstone's Egg Mash ........... $2.10 atfcnding this delighfful music treat xvene Mrs. J. C. Cairns, Mrs. Fish -- Vegetables -: Fruit Ceo. W. James, Misses Helen G. Morris, Margartt Allun, Louise Osborne, Helen Williams, Ruth lffà% ît'Y &LLI James and Hazel Rundle. HARRY ALLDNrhamor Coun'cy Club of To- i ono il e uRt of the Presi- GRO E dent and Mrs. L. B. Williams at IPhones 367-368 Bowmanville ýthe annual meeting in Sherbourne I I House, 439 Sherbourne St., To- ronto, October 27th, at 8.15 p.m. DRAMATIZE YOUR WINDOWS 1 WIDE VARIETY 0F LACE, NET MATERIAL FOR DRAPES AND BIDE CURTAINS. SEE THEM TO-DAY. - NEWEST PATTERNS. '~Purses Snappy Designs 69c to 4.95 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ... It requires a corsage to complete the effeet of a beautiful dress at a dance or social affair. Corsage - -- 50c up Mums, doz. - - $1 up pom-pom Mums bunch - - - - 50C KINGSWAY Greenhouses and ]FLOWER Si-bP Phones 772 - 2632 - 2633 A\ddresses will be given by W. J. Pickup, K.C., on "The Courts of Ontario," and Master Raymond Gilmer, Crooked Creek, champion boy orator of Ontario, on "I want to be a good Canadian Citizen." Annual election of officers wifl also be held. On Monday evening the wor- ship service for the Trinity Young People's Union was in charge of Clare Allun. He was assisted by Doris Dudley and President Hu- bert Hooper. Mrs. W. Roberts al- so assisted and rendered a vocal solo "'Thy will be donc." Doris Dudley presided for the program and called on Marion Dudley for a vocal solo, "Beautiful Dream- er." Mrs. S. Davison gave a very instructive and interesting address on things that go to make life successful and rules for achieving our desires and ideals. Mrs. S. James gave a few minutes of mu- sic appreciation, and this being something different, it was much appreciated. A contest followed and the meeting closed with a friendship circle. Rotarians Entertain Darlington Children Children from ail the Public and Continuation Schools in Dar-E lîngton Township were given their1 biennial Rotary Club outing and theatre party at the Royal The- atre on Friday morning and af- ternoon. Rotarians and several non- member assistants held an early noon meeting at the Balmoral with Past President W. R. Strike in the chair. Af ter the food had been consumed and guests, Mult. Minore, a former member of the focal club, and Wm. Paterson of Downham Nurseries, had been in- troduced, Past President W. L. Elliott read out the naines o& the schools and of those delegated to look after the children. Rotarian C. T. Ross, proprietor of the Royal Theatre, had on the program several interesting short novelties as well as a beloved Popeye cartoon and a western picture with plenty of action. Children from the larger schools saw the show in the morning. Notice Mrs. Clark Bell wishes to announce that Dr. Harold Ferguson of Enniskillen, will take over Dr. Bell's practice and the office will be opened on Saturday, October 22nd. OFFICE HOURS Week days - 2 till 4 o'elock Evenlngs - - - 7 t111 9 p.m. Sundays by appolntment. Opens Medical Office Dr. Howard B. Rundle, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle, Brigh- ton, will open an office for the practice of general medicine at the residence of Mr. Chas. W. Bagnell, King St. East, Bowman- ville, on Monday, October 24th. Office hours: 2 f0 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Phone 544. 42-1 Opt. Eyesight Specialist Disney Bldg. Phone 1516 Opposite P.O. fil Oshawa içth Anniversary THIS COUPON 1S WORTH $2.OO- if used to apply an eye examinatian and glasses on or bef are Nov. lSth. 1 Liferary Society . At the Sunday School session Literary Society officers elected Miss Dorotby Nichols rendered a are: President, Kiffy Sforey; Vicej solo. President, Byron Crawford; Sec- A generous fhankoffering was retary, Don Venton; Treasuren, received but if fell short of the Grace Mitchell; Form Represen- $3000 objectiye. Aiphamettes $1.00-$1.85-$3.50 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oul - - 67c-$1.69 Scott 's Emulsion --53c-98c tatives: IA- Patsy Clark, Donald B, . *. N tes Rowe; lB- Elba Caverly, AldenI Wheeler; 2A - Mary Wilkins, Ray Wel, w«rebac onthejobRichards; 2B - Ada Dusenbury, Well wee bak o thejobLew Wiseman; 3A - Doruthy Tap- again and the big scare this time son Trevor Davison; 3B - Patricia is the exams which start October! Dustan, Gilbert McIlveen; 4th - 27, or in other words next week. 1iBetty Emmett, Bill James; 5th - These exams all count on the finalî Dorothy Bradt, Roy Ashton; Com. exams next June and therefore1 - Ileen Halîman, George McFeet- they are very important. The ers. next set of exams cornes in 'Feb -__________ rur. - B.H.S. -! Softball Association It has been rumored around the1 school that this yelar instead of Holds Get-Together the usual operetta at the Com- mencement two plays and an ex- Pidduck's Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 1sf hibition of choral work will be presented. This is stili in the off - During the summer months ing as practices don't start until softball players and their fan aftc th exms.friends f rom Darlington had a lot of fun in playing games at the -B.H.S. -i Creamn of Barley Camp each week Yesterday the junior rugby to decide who had the best teamn teamn went to Trinity College in the South Darlington Softball. Schools in Port Hope and came' League. Teams from Courtice, out fighting at the short end of, Providence, Salem and Maple 1-0 score. These voting lads have Grove composed the 1 e a g u e. been training strenuously after'Courtice was finally declared the four and deserve a lot of credit.* winners and thus become posses- The lads ought to really take the sors of The Statesman Trophy for easterners in the return game. the year. - B.H.S. -1 To officially preîent this trophy In the senior ranks, after a rest the executive have decided to for a week. the red and black ýhold a Get-Together and Dance at chargers again take on Cobourg!Pidducks Hall, Courtice, on Tues- in the county town to-day. B.H.S. daNo.1sat8p..Thr has on ne amein for grnewill be an entertaining program, series. Cobourg plays here next dance and refreshments. Ah lay-1 week. ýers and supporters of the teams, - B.H.S. - are invited and any others, wbo? On Saturday the senior lads go want f0 have a good time. W ho's to Toronto for an exhibition game going to pay for ahl the fun? you with the mighty St. Michael's ask. Well, the gents are going to team. This western teamn on its be taxed 25e each and the ladies visit here rather took the boys will be admitted free - provided into camp but the locals still hope they bring a lunch basket. Make for victory. They play in the a note of the date, make a date morning on the campus in front with your best girl, and come pre- of Burwash Hall. ae ohvadnyti. - B.H.S. -paef0hvadaytie The results of the elections held this week are as folloxvs: Trinity Anniversary Girls' Athief le Society President-Helen Glanville. V. Pres-Margaret Storey. (Continued from page 1) Sec.-Treas.-Dorothy Nickerson Representat ives: spite its rivaIs. Christ is the only Form V-Patricia Pearce. hope of troubled bumanity. If He Form IV-Dorothy SYnale. can't save if no one can. Wbat we Form IIIA-Frances Rowe. Inced is a revival in Chrîstianity. Form IIIB-Patricia Emmett. If we had that we would find a Formn IIA-Joyce Richards. mnighty sweeping of people into Form IIB-Dorothy Downey. Christianity by those wbo are out- Form lA-Mary Emmett. side. Form lB-Lurana Sleep. Both services were featured by Commercial-Betty Bettles. special music by the choir under Boys' Athletie Society the direction cf Dr. T. A. Part- President-Owen Fagan. ridge. In the morning Mrs. F. V. Vice Pres.-Grigg Morden. Ott sang most impressively "Comne Sec.-Treas.-Reg Rackham. Ye Blessed." The anthemn was Form Representatives: "O How Lovely Are Thy Dwell- 1 V-Charlie Mcllveen. ings." In the evening Dr. Part- IV-Charles Hoar. ridge gave an organ recital before t IIIB-Keith Slemon. the regular service. The anthems IIIA-Donald Magon. were "The Cherubic Hymn" and IIB-Ken Nichols. "The Heavens Are Telling" with IIA-Jack Hately. Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Messrs. Claire IA-Ken Nickerson. iAllin and Orville Osborne taking IB-Doug. Larkin. the solo parts. A maie chorus also Comm.-Roy Swindells. sang "Vour Friend" PERMANENTS1 $7.50 Butr $5.00 Special Consultation Special 1mree Other Waves - - $3.95 up $2.00 -These Waves Dane Persanally by Sauter- ........ LOWEST PRICES COLGATIEe BliE BATH1 SOAP. PRINCES§ SOAP FLKES l274 NOVA - KELP TABLETS Naturels tanle and body b u ild er, consistlng of n a t u r a I minerais and vitamine supplled by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practically çvery klnd of ailment. Unconditlonally guaran- teed. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 - 750 $2.79 FREE 25c Jergen's Cream with 50c Jergen 's Lotion Both for 43e LISTERINE SThe safe antisep- tic; for haif a Century the f avorite. 25c, 49c, 79e FREE 2 - 8c Waodbury's Soap with IOc Woodbury's Oreams Both for 47e New -Try l, ODO-ORO-NO. à Nes.Gr.suy n Dem'u Stops Perspiration DrienhInstaty No fnaslng or mmsinm UNE No waitini go dry W' Protciajou 1 w 3 dau Personality Cut Shampoo and Wave I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil, 16 oz. - - Capsules - Kepler Malt C.L.O. - - -- . 5OC-95C and - 75c-$1.25 BARGAIN PRICES 1KLEENEX HoTr WATER BoTTiLES KOTEX Special Bottle - - 39C Guaranteed Botties 59C - 79C - 99C $1.19 - $2.00 GREYHAUR ~restored to its natural color "the Natural Way" with AGREY HMRRESTORER ýUot.dye ~At hrough the procesa 0 tram hit o utward. Ouar n edtes tre e hait - tta ntrot<f yau are flot aver 60 yasa age) in train 30 ta 60 days.or your mioney refamded. At the better Dr u gand $1.0 Departrneft Stores..... UNITED CIGAR STORE AIGENCY Phone 792 2 for 25c 2 for 41c nec 21c for Ise - 27c Antlseptlc 2 for SIC1 Macaroons - Va lb. Milk Chocolt. I5ci ONLY 56 MORE SHOPPING DAYS LEPT befare Christmas. Waadbury Christmas goods naw on display. Let us set them aside for yau. Moderately poiced --25C - $5-00 Prescriptions a Speclalty MeOREQOR Drugs We Deliver a-~ Triple Dress Clea rance FOR DAYTIME OR DRESS-UP Th.ree groups of dresses, each distinctive, but must be cleared ta make raom for new stock. There are jac- quard, plain and rough crepes, wools and figixred silks in this assortment. $3.95 ..$4.95 ..$5.95 DROP IN AND SEE OUR Evening Dresses - Cocktail Dresses and Afternoon Dresses We are proud of our new dresses which have just arrived. Prepare now for the fail and winter entertaiin- ment seasan.' THE EVLYN SHOP Mrs. Clifford Caverly Phone 594 ('g tAT' PHARMACY WEEK - OCT. 17TH - OCT. 2ND IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE THIS TEAM Your doctor and your druggist nmust work together sa that yau xnay have the best results from your medicines. We have cansidered it aur duty ta specialize in prescription work sa that we can pull aur part of the load. Bring your preicriptions ta yaur I. D. A. Store. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled with the purest ingredients. 1INFANTS Dlight Soa'P 4 DODD'S PULLS PEPSODENT SNEILSONS CREPE DRESSES Reduced $1.50 up ALEX j.ýý ;Jý mi*k 'w 1 ri, 1>00 Est elle BEAUTY SALON is pleased f0 announ ce that we have been able to secure the services of Mr. W. Sou- fer, Oshawa, lnternatlonally known hair styllst. He will be ln our parlour Wednes- day, Oct. 26th. For appoint- ment cal MRS. H. BICKLE Làberty St. Bowmanville