FLOUR SUNNYFIELD PASTRY 5l- lb. -12e 2-lb '45c F SFP RtISE B r 4 B U T ER BA R S - lb. l S ORANGES G.RAPEFRUiTr TOILET PAPER OXYDOL 119(-.c I'kg g1 PINEAPPLE No.ST ,24c Evap. MiIk A&t1,2 f S SHOE POLISH Tin 12c SALMON -No.1 Tia I33C SOAP ake hîgî 5c Spaghetti C'i't2 Tins 25c TEA YeMeowLabl lkg.26c Vitone 6Tin 27c '2 oz, 47c MUaple Leaf LAD 0 Lpai 2.39 LARD 201b i.ti23c Short'ng W,, 2fo2 S nort'ng j,,.,, 4 for9 CALIFORNI& - VALENCIAS FLORIDA - -SEEDLESS Very 1 SOAP CHIPS Ilulk LAMB -Genuine Spning - LEGS LOINS - lb. 19e - - PORTERHOUSE ROAST. PRIME RIB ROAST BLADE ROAST - lb. 16c. PORK SHOULDER - Fresh PORK BUTTS - Fresh BACK BACON, Peamealed- PEAMEAL ROLLS- 21c 4 foi, 25C r 17c - FRONTS - --SHORT RIB lb. 23C -lb. 13e lb. 25e lb. 18C lb. 17e lb. 15C IL 19e Slleed lb. 35e - By the piece, lb. 33e - - ------- - .1 - lb . 2le THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX Leskat There was a gooc at the regular servie( kard Church Sunda speaks well for thep community when the interest. Mr. Mellor Apç Grow If you have goo flot dLsposed of, help roil. Our pi low now, but shc prove later. Dont waste. TRENT( COLD STOI Limited GRIEN GIANT WEEK Tiree hours front Reid to con- titis is your guarante. of Ir.shns end quality in Gretn Gicant cann.d loocis. GREEN GIANT PEAS Sweet and tender, 2- 25c rîch lv r ------ GREEN GUANT ASPARAGUS Tender green asparagus, tis 24c Starkville A number from here attended the funeral of Mn. Wm. Todd, Oshawa, a highiy esteemed for- mer citizen of this district. Miss Nellie Shutka visited Miss Hazel Falls on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and son George, Oshawa, vissted her parents, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Sav- ery. Miss Annie Yeo and sister Pa- tricia, Onono, vilited Miss Helena Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sowden and daughten, Mn. Lionel Hughes, Mn. Howard Quantril, Elizabethvillc, visited at Mr. Hcnb Gilmen's. Mr. and Mns. Walter Simpson and family, Quay's Crossing, vis- ited hien mother, Mns. H. L. Trim. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Bryson and family, Grafton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Saveny. Miss Helena HaIlowell, To- ronto, and bier mother, Mrs. Rich- ard Hallowell, visited Mrs. Herb Gilmer. Rev. A. W. Mancb, Tynone, de- livened two fine addresses at Shi- lob on Sunday, it being thein an- niversary services. He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn. Blackstock George Bowers. WVallace Trick, John Elford. Earl Donnell and the Cowliiîg boys attendcd the plougliig match at Barrie. Tlîe new seasoîl for badminton ni the armnourmes was otoencd Wednes- dax ilight. Oct. l2tlî. Tlhe new of- ficens elected are: Presidnt-Mr. .Xisoni Tax Ion; Secretary - Miss Lorna MeC(oîl; Treasuirer-.Mrs. N. McNallv. Playing will be Momidav, X\ednesdax' and Friday nights. Manv fnom here xent to the l'lotiifhiiig Match at Barrie. Among those who attended were. Mn. and Mns. Rupert Byens, Mn. and Mns. Fred Willaiî. Mn. and Mrs. -Arthur Bailey. Mn. Fred Bailey and Mn. W. A. Van Camp. Al'reporled hav- ic a splendid day. Mn. and Mrs. Harny Van Camp and N. and Mns. Norman McNally attended Roseneath Fair, Friday. Mn. Ross Bailcy accompanied Mn. Malcolm Baile of Utica ta Rose- necath Fair Fniday witli bis Angus catIe where hie won 12 first prizes. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson, Katherine and Mns. Fred Bailey miotorc4d to Grand Valley on Tues- dav wleee Mrs. Dawson was a formier teacher. They came home lFi(av 1w way of Toronto. MnI. and Mrs. Harold Swain have mvliii with Mn. Albett Wenry on his. farna south of the village. .\l iss Ev'%a Bnown, High Scbool - ta ff. in o nem lu iPerthi oui Fnîday tri ,rîftid a Voumîr, I'eoples Cofenr- curce. iiiinirr <o1 îopfl e f no n ihene to tii Iihie owI supper and 0ray W. \l. . ~fUnitled Cluti ncl met 1ec"d, (la', lternoon. M iss Dui I of 7le\ .C.'FU.was the speakr Ie. n.\oo(l pneached aI (Cad- m'il nis Sidaaternoolii 10tIre Orange ®r(er ol evitî's Hall. 'flicAmi- tlcaii elirlr was ini attemidajce. Ailrs. Franik Dixoi,: who with lier son ackie. and d (atmghers, Doreu and Doris. Lois and Mary, visitedq rd ~theme, "The Insecurity of the S ln Everybody is busy preparing d attendance for the anniversary and supper. Yoiic 'opî&'s Union M.\onday e in the Les- Rev. W. J. H. Smythe xiii be at niglît xas in clharffc of the Mission- lynight. It the afternoon service on Sunday arv convenor Ms Pearl Leach. ay and Rev. S. Littlewood xil be in Paswcrc nmade for a Hallowc'cn people of this charge of the evening service. preOctobcr 31st. 'Miss Gladys ýe show such Vellowlecs gave the devotional story: rtook as his piano duel bv Misses MuIiriel and Helen Lanzmaid; Mrs. A. E. Bul- ___ ___Cowanville lett. Hampton, gnest speaker, gave a very intcrestinLy talk on the work SA very interesting Y. P. U. of the Home Missions iin Canada; meeting was held Thursday. Our Mr1 Iaac Hrygv in oo pastor gave the address and a vig- MisEv lTink hd charge of orous sing song followed. Nextlthe recreation. leweek's meeting is cancelled. Conratulations to MNr. and Mrs. de ~Mrs. A. Stapleton, Newcastle. Buirniev Hooey, (nec Margaret Scott) x sited her nephew. Mr. Chas. %vho werc married in Toronto, Sat- MeNeil. tîrdav aftcrnoon. - rs. Bill Reid and Barbara vis- M.adMs akRyod n ited relatives in Long Branch and Rî.Mrs. JaNs. SJakeyls andet Hamilton. and Mrs. S. E. Werrv tede h Friends gathered at the home Toronto Conservatorv of 'Music of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan Graduiation Exercises -at Convocation !Monday evening to trip the light 11,11. NMondav evening. od apples fantastic.MnadMr.H E.Tkspt we can Mr. and Mr~s. Bent Crossley~ at- tMe reeand Nlih rs. . . il Wsarner rices are tne anniversary services at Hastiî"s. Mr. \Vill Wills retuirned ould im- Irwin.anMr. ac home with theni for a visit. let them Mr.an Mrs. Moir and family, Mrs. Harrv Taylor is visiting Toronto, spent Sunday xith Mr. Toronto frinds. and Mrs. Bill Reid. M-\rs. Harrv Waters, Highland Mrs. Marvin and daughter Ger- Creek. at -Mn. Jack Baker's. trude, Mr. Ben Bebee and his mo- Mn. and Mrs. 'Mulock Pegg. Miss ther, Morrish, visited the Geo. Phvllis Stuces. Holt, 'Mr. and Mrs. iN Hezidersons. Richard Cutting, Uxbridffe, at Mr. )N Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BruceChsHoa's and Marion, Newtonville, wereChs oam. RÂ E guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Mr. and Mns. EmrGbo n Singer. family. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J.. D. Hogarth. Hamptop, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Modesty is the art of conceai- 'MnI. and M'vrs. Chas. McCullough 'ing pride. and Ray. Mr. Jas. Shackleton, Belhany. Mr. and Msrs. Leonard Barton and family, Bowmanville. at Mr. Nonval Wotten's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Speans, Mar- iony and Donald. Burks Falls, at dort '.Mr. S. E. Werry's. Miss Rilda Hockaday bas been iii with cuinsey. Mns. Everett Cryderman bas been * in Toronto with ber daugbten, Mary r " who bas been in Sick Children's '~ ~..Hosoital for treatment. Mrs. Wagoe of Kinsdale, was guest speaker aI the Women's Institute meeting Thursday afternoon and de- ~ O5O HD~T0lighted ail with ILCr excellent talk on "Canada's Call to Womanhood." Pnogrnm was in charge of prroup F aM Ly OM UN 9C oVOURS 0015 5. Miss Helen Baker plaved for community singing; Miss Evelyn Tink gave a reading; musical num- r bers by Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bow- D manville. were mucb enjoyed. An invitation to visit Hampton Institute A & 131EAD on Nov. 3rd was accepted. Dainty 1refreshments wcre senved by Miss Cacked Wheat < 4o.Evelyn Tink and ber gnoup and a Whole Wheat foraes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belîrnan, Sied or Unsliced Bowmanville, at Mr. N. C. Yellow- __________________________________________ lees'. Maple Grove Mn. and Mns. Albert Noack, Pem- broke. Mn. and Mrs. Herman Hart- xvig. Mn. Wm. Hartwig., Eagonville. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Panke, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Panke. daugbter Shirley. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Panke. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Worden. of Tvrone. Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Wor- denî visited the formen's daughters. Mr. Harnv Spnaggz. and Miss Ver- ona XVorden. Hamilton. Mn. and Mns. Frank Webster of Cairbray, with thein cousins. Mn. and Mns. J. D. Stevens. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Kent (nec La- cuIta 'Munday), Courlnigbt, wîth thein cousins. Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Brooks. Mn. and Mn\Is. Fred Twist. Han- mnony. .Miss 'Margaret McKnown, Malvenn. xvith Mns. L. Twist. Miss Pearl Martin. Tononto, with .Miss Helen M.\etcali. Officers of Young People's Exe- cutive for 1938-39 are Hon. Pres.- Rex'. \\. C. Smith; Pres.-Lloyd, Metcaîf: Sec.-Sam Van Camp; .\ss<t.-M.\ildned Snowden; Treas.- Wallace Muntiidav; Fcllowship)-Jean Stevens ; Mission-Bessie Simpson; Ciîizeniship-Gondon Jarvie Culîture -Helen Metcaîf; Leadership Train- ing Ernest Twist: Recreation Corn. -Fredl Miller, Ass'ts.-Staftley Loîv- encnd and Greta Munday; Social Com.-Jrene Wright. Chanlie Smith, Bob Snowden. Fred Wright. Hilda Richards, Florence Ev'ans; Editor- C. P. Swallow. ushers-Fred Sweet. Bob Noble. Paston Smith will hold installation service on Sunday for the new officens of Y.P.U. "Rev. H. J. Bell, Blackstock, will pneach hene next Sundav. Mn. XVm. Lycett. teachen. and the pupils wish to express thein apprec- iation 10 the Rotary Club for thein ententainmenî aI Royal Theatre on Fnîday. Mn. and Mns. J. D. Stevens, their couisin-, Mn. and Mns. Frank Web- ster. are on a moton trip. Nothing Better Than Salted Nuts For Bridge Parties They Must be Fresh to be Good We have Caskews, Spanlsh and blanehed, as well as the Pea- nuts in the sheil and mixed nuts. Try a bag of salted nuts to-day. Jack Allun One door east of Aliin's Grocery WALLPAPER 30 New Sunworthy Patterns Some very attractive bargains in remisants and room lots clearing to make room for new stock. P AIN T Freshen your walls, ceilings or woodwork with a new coat of Canada's finest paint produet - Flo-glaze. Try our "Nu-Wall" washable paint. It's practical, pleasing and durable. H-ALLOWE'EN Novelties. false faces and Sdecorations. See the Seven Dwarfs. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556-- Bowmanville MNrs. Florençç Tbhnpson have re- turncd 10 the city. Miss M.\ildrcd Archer spent the weekend at her home near Cadmus. MNrs. Florence Thompson and A\nna visited Mrs. Arthur Reid at Haydon on Sunday for the anniver- sany. Miss Eva Parr visited friends in Toronto. Mr. W. A. Dawson went home to Windsor on Tuesday. Mns. Daw- sQn and Katherine are staying longer with ber parents. Mr. John Rutledge and Miss Flor- ence Fowler. Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Norman McNally. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Steele and family. Purple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Riches, Pclerboro, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoýoper. Enfield Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'McCulloch, Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs. WV. McCul- loch. Orono. 'Misses Evelyn and Margaret Phillips, Toronto, at Mrs. John M\cCuilloch's. Mr. and 'Mrs. Percv Langmnaid and Bernice. Oshawa, at Mr. F. Smitb's. Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa, and Miss Ellen Gimblett, Maple Grave, at Mr. Milton Samis'. Mrs. Fred Smith witb ber aunt. Mrs. Cornish at Maxwell's Sebool. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Prescott and family witb friends near Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask 10 the Plowing Match near Barrie. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Len Bnadley. Long Sault Mn. and \Ins.Clarence Bradley, Tvrone. Mn. and Mns. Len Bradley, Mn. Howard Bradley, Enniskillen, Mn. andnl M ns. Wm. Smith, Toronto. at N. ByrnmiFannell's. Mn and Mrs. Fred G. Smith, Mn\Is. E. 1. M\cBride. Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Miss Gnace Smith at Mnr. ohnston Kidd's, Goodwood. Mrs. Smith and Mns. J. Me\IBride are ne- mainine for a week's visit. Mn. andl Mns. Henry Revnolds and son, Midland. wiîh Mn.- and Mrs. Win. Hooe and n.\rVnî. Reynolds. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Mn. and MNfr- Wmn. Hooev. Mn. Fred Smith. Miýs Grace Smith, Mn. Robt. Sims. Mn. Hugb Murphy, Jr. at- tcnded the funeral of Mrs. Jane Mil- ton. Onono. Mn. and Nrs. Cyrus Kennedy and Helen. Pont Hope, Mn. and Mns. W. Smithî. Toronto. with Mn. and Mrs. George Smith. A number of peopfle fnom here aI- teîîded MtcCnea's Thankszivinz ser- vice Sunday evening. Our teaclien. Miss Van Camp and p)upils wene entertained aI the Royal Tfheatre on Friday afternoon by the Rotarv Club. Special Thanksiziving senvice at the Long Sault Chunch on Sunday, Oct. 23. aI 730 pm Newtonville A number from bore wcnt to Roseneath Fair Friday. Mn. Wilbent Hancock, Peter- boro, bas purcbased Miss Lorraine Milligan's bouse. Miss Hazel Reid was bridesmaid for ber cousin, Miss Hetty Wal- lace at Oshawa, Saturday. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff a n d Messrs. Ceeul, William and Percy Burley attended the funeral of their sîstor-in-law, Mrs. John Bur- ley at Chicago. After a long illness Mr. Will Todd passed away at his home in Oshawa and was buried here Oct. 17. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife and family. A pleasant birtbday party was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Samis Tbanksgiving Day in bonor of ber mother, Mrs. Thos. Allun. Duning the day a number called ta offer congratulations, arnwng them being Mrs. Hotson fnom the West, formerly Amy Allun of Bowmanville. Visîtors: Mrs. Fred Smith and Sam with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mitchell, Lind- say. Mr. W. Andrews with Pont Hope friends. Mrs. Arthur Redknapp with Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Barclay, Oshawa, with fricnds. Mns. Bradley and friends, To- ronto, witb Mrs. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Millson and Doneen witb Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Turner, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapleton with Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris, Or- ono. Miss Velma Mallough, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. George J. Sta- pleton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon and family, Elizabetbville, with Mn. and Mrs. Wiifned McKay. Mrs. John 'Jackson witbhone nepbew, Mn. Geo. Smith, Stark- ville, who is under the doctors cane. Mn. and Mns. T. J. Sharpe, To- ronto, and Mn. F. C. Corden, Hampton, witb Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Mrs. Willis Joncs, Bud and Fac, witb fricnds at Warkwort. Mns. .1. Stark and Donna with friends at Casticton. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2OTH, 1938 Salem Kendal Mrs. Underwood and Miss Em- pringham are taking in the fair at Marmora. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackson and Mn. L. Hoy visited at Powassin. Mrs. M. MacInnes and little Harvey of West Hill are visiting Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Cadmus Mn\I. and Mrs. Ray Blair, Oshawa, MNr. and Mrs. Alvin Me\IGill, Orlin and Harold. Lotus, Miss Elva Cap- stick and Mn. Gilbert Fowler, Peter- lioro. visited aI Mrs. Geo. Fowler's. A\ special church service xvas beld Sunday at 2.30 wben Devitt's Orange I..odge occupicd the centre seats. Rex'. 1. P. Woods, Anglican clergyman of Blackstock. conducted the serxîic, assistcd bv the Anglican cboir witb .ack Smith as soloist. A fareweli party was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Nesbitt on1 Mondav ni<pht prior to their ne- tirement to their newv home in Nestieton. Oven a lhundred neighbors and churchi associates assemiblçd to (Io lionor to the wvorthy couple who had spent s0 much of their lives in this communiîy. and whose home bad alwvavs been noted for its hospitality. A splendid program- vas rendered by these artists: music by Miss Hel- en Fowler and Mr. George Fowler; solo by Mrs. Harry Philp; music bv Glen Gibson; reading by Helen Fowler; solo by Mr. Clark Williams; reading' bv MIrs. C. Ferguson. Rev. H. J. Bell, chairman, called on Mr. Oswald Anderson who read a highlv appreciative address ci the belpful- ness of the worthy couple in the community and also expressed last- ine gratitude for thein Rift of elec- tric lights in tl.be cburch. Mn. Oscar McQuade and Mr. Edgar Gibson oresenled Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt witb a Chinese èlock and Miss Fanny Mahood with an electrie lamp. Suit- able replies were given bv Mnf. and Mrs. Ncsbitt and Miss ýMahood. and a number of others spoke of tbe high qualities of the retiring couple. Cake and sandwiches were served and a social lime enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill visîted M r. and Mrs. Smith Fer2.uson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott spent Sunday in Bowmanville and attended anniversarv services at Trinitxs Un- ited Church. Enniskillen 'Mn. an(l Mns. Baxter and Gordon and Jean,.nr. and Mrs.- C. A. Stainton and Ray, Miss Bernice Stainton. Mn. and Mrs. E. Carlton. Oshawa, were visitons aI Mn. and Mirs. W. Stainton's. .Mn. Wm. Stainton noticed several bloomns on a sweet apple trc while picking the fall fruit, wvbich is un- usu aI. .Miss Elsie Oke. Toronto, visited Mn. Weslev Oke%. A numben from bher attelided tlie Bunketon and Haydon Anniversany serv'ices on Sunday. Oct. 12th a good number of Ty- ro ne W.M.S. visited our onganiz- at'omi. After the opening hymn Pre- sideîît Miss Souch wclcomed the visitors. Mrs. S. Hoan, vusiting Pre- si(lenI. said how plcascd they were 10 lie with us. aînd 10 take part in thle thenie 'Thankfulness." She also rax'e the devotional on beiisg thankful. Mrs. A. Annis and Mlrs. Huglhson led mn praven. Mrs. Haar nind Mrs. Ferguson took charge of tlie follow- inrr pnogram: duiel. Mrs. J. and Mrs. F. Dudley. accompanied by Mns. R. I'ooley; Mrs. A. WV. March gave a thougit fuI reading and splendid ad- dresses were given by Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. HodÉrson on 'Thanksgix'- mngj"; Misses Hlodzson and Trimm rendered a duel "Int a Tent whene a Giv:y Boy Lay"; Mns. M. Hobbs read a paper on the Hlonan Mission; MIrs. H. Fengzuson read "Honan is Catllingc.' A happy social lime fol - loxved sehen lunch was senved. Mni. and MnIs. S. May and Billie, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. S. Rodinan, P'ont lerrv. Mn. and Mrs. I. Traveli and Bieth. Oshawa, Miss Hilda Richards. Bowmnanville, x'isited Mn. and M ns. E. C. Ashtoni. .NlissAlice Ashton visited bier sis- ter. Mns. S. Rodman. Port Penny. Mni. Oreille Ashtoni and Gordon ecch atîended the ploughing match min Simcoe County, \Vc had a neal successful Y. P. U. meeting Oct. 121h ils charge of Mn. M.\. Heard. Intenesting numnhers on the ionocraiin included: Mn. M. Hobbs Lave a pap)er on India. amsd musical miunbuis frn Bunketon. vocal duel. Mli.ses Donothy Hoskin and Dorothy Bowens: mouth organ solo by Mr. lBent ]-oskin. Social hall hour was sp)emt in gaines and contests. Cendxv was senved. About 41 werc pnresent inclu(ling five visitons. Union, Darlington Mn.aand Mns. Stanley Nottinîgham and Biennice. Raglan, at Mn. Lone Kmapp's. Mnls. Scoiles is home aller spend- i sucerai weeks in Oshawa Hos- Mrq. Stevenîs, Hamptoni, Mn. and MNfs. R. Gibbs and son, George, Tvromie. Mns. D. Bturgrnaster and .Nli.s Greaves. Enmîiiskilleni, witli M\rs. 1. C'ookmian. Our schoîrl emîoycd a trip 1 thre l.irval Thleatre on Friday aflernoomi i cari senît oumt byItie Rotarv Cltub. Mfisses Clara an(I Ruby Gnilfimu vîxuteil fricn(ls at Lindsay. Mn. and Mns. Elmnen Bechi and faiily visited at Mn. Fred Fengu- som's. Bowmnanville. Mn. and Mrs. Cyril Avers' and Jovce, Bnooklin, at Mn. Wmn. Wot- ten's. Xomen's Association met Qct. 13 at the home of \Mrs. L. Coombes with ais attendance of 25. Aller opening exercises conducted by the President Mirs. W. G. Werrx* the following Drog rain ivas given. Bible reading bv M,\rs. Blackburn; Miss M. Coîl- acott plaved a very pleasingy piano solo; Rev. A. W. 'Mardi gave an interestinz talk on "Xomen's Work iin the Church", afler which Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Darch contributed a fin mecal duet. and Mrs. L. Squair read several short poemns. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lloyd Richards and ber groue. Sunday service xvas withdrawn ow- meii 10 Thank-Offerincy services at Haydon. Y. P. U. mnceting Oct. l2th xvas opened by the President and prayer bv Rev. A. W. Mard . A very iin- tcresting Drograni followed under the leadership of M,\rs. L. Squair: MNiss Thclîna Werry rcad tlhe bible references. and Mrs. Squair gave some introductorv facts about the topie. Mr. F. Blackburn gfave a synopsis of lst chap)ter of book of "AIl Nations"; an interesting ad- dress on Thanksgiving xvas related bv~ Mrs. A. W. March: short nead- ings by Mn. XW. Taylor and Mrs. E. Doidge; mouîh ongan sQlo, Mn. B. Darch: violin ,,olo, Mr. L. Coombes. A guiessiniz contest took place aItîthe close. Attendance 27. Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. R. Winters and family. Mr. and M~rs. E. Winters and familv. Oshawa. witb M;\r. and Mrs. G. Cornish. Miss -E. M. Werry, Toronto, Mirs. T. Werrv and Miss Florence, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Silver. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hurst and fam, ilv. Toronto. Mr. and Mns. H. Gaud, -Mr. R. Simpson and Mr. L. Gàud aI "The Map)les." Mr. and Mrs. E. Silver and Mas- ter B. Lockhart at Pontypool. Mrs. Silver and Miss A. Silver imotored to Tyrone and visited _Mrs. Goodman. The manv friends of Dr. Clark Bell in this community are very L-rieved over the senious illness he is zoing through and wish to ex- p)ress their beartfelt sympatby with a sîncere wisb for bis recovery. Sympathv is extended to Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornj -sh in the many deaths that have occured amonz their re- latives. first bis brother. Mn. Chas. Cornish. xvho passed awav about three weeks azo; the next wveck Mr. MeMc.\aster xvbo xas a nephew and last week Mr. W. Todd who was a cousin of M.\rs. Cornish, aIl of Osh- awa. 'Mrs. T. rwin and 'Miss M,\argaret are on a motor trip 10 Belleville. Ifs "LAUNDERED" coal, wasIlOd free of dust and diii. Ail coal-more Ileat We are agents for the well known Semet Solvay Coke J. J. FLIETT FUIELS Successor to Henry Lathrope Phone 2695 or 2673 Res.: Ontario St. N., Bownianville Royal1 Theatre BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OCT. 20-21-22 At her very best FPOR TOUI Matinee Sat. 2.30 p.m. Shorts Cartoon Mon. - Tues. - Wed. OCT. 24-25-26 It was haughty and ramantic ..now it's naughty and frantic ..wath the stars of midnight shimmering ta the rhythm of jazz and jam and blues... .on that hotcha lane ... the capital af swing ... the most oxaitirlg street in the worldi1 wiIh 20 stars headd av riai Hanter - Loo Carrilb * Eh Loqm Pet Patersut.-Sid Silvers.-Zasu MUt .ad Kenny Baker DIrected by Harold Young 5.I.os.ed thjM UNITED ARTISTS Popular Science Shorts Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wedn'esday 2.30 p.m. COMING - "My Lueky Star" "Marie Antoinette" "The Crowd Roars" "Little Miss Broadway" "Love Finds Andy Hardy" l'Aiexander's Ragtime laand" "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" CAMiRBELLYS ALE ILT TrOMATO JUICE ALE ILT Extracted from thse -15 Corn-on-the-cob flnest tomatoes ---£ 1 c wlthout the cob, tin c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 3 for 23c rw,.dp »V 10 =.O iý Ob ------------ ----- COWLING SELIS THE BEST And Serves You WeIl Our experienced Optometrist assures you proper fitting glasses of highest quality at lo'west priCes. 50o Scalp "Brush FREE soap with a jar of 55c Fitch Shampoo Woodbury 's Oream Alil for 63c Both for 25e Special Prices 200 Kleenex -- 13c NOW! AqMAZ/NG NEW 2 for-- 25c SH/JMPOO 500 Kleenex 29c, 2 for 57c SPECIAL REGULAR DRENE Kotex - - 21c - 2 for 41c DRENE FOR FO NORMAI Dodd's Pils- - - 27c DRY HAI OR OILY Velvetta Tissuies- 2 boxes -- -- --17c Vitamins Cod Liver 011 Capsules /f '... i 100 caps. - - - - 98C 9 HEalibut Liver Oil Caps.C 50 caps. - - - - 79e 59e Ayerst Calcium A. Caps. 40 for 1.10- 100 for $2.00 10 Cakes 50c Size Pinex Nova-Kelp Castile Pepsodent Compound Tablets Soap Antiseptie for coughs 79 -1.39 25c 2 fo r 5ic 32c $2.79 We guarantee Creophos to stop your cough or youtr nxoney cheerfully refunded. - $1.00 per bottie. DDPhonefl fr.rryl'eFit 69 .R CWIG Dugsw