Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2OTH, 1938 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 ---- Mrs. Floyd Butler has been un-,'Mrs. Slute in the West and they der the doctors care. sang in the same choir.t Mr. Frank Allun is confined to Mr. T. W. Jackson attendedr bis home with heart trouble. jWoodbridge fair and was accom- Mr. and Mrs. George Wise and' panied home by Mrs. Clayton who1 family have moved to Alliston. ýwas a front seat occupant at ther Mr. Norman Choate, Port Hope, play, "Plain Jane" in the com-1 was guest of Dr. W. H. Walton- munity hall Friday evening whenc Bail. her brother-in-law and her niece, Mrs. Percy Brown, were two of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton, the leading characters. Mrs. Clay- Newmarket, were guests of Rev.1 ton also remained for a weekend R. E. Morton and Mrs. Morton. visit Mrs. Frank Webber is improv- Mn ndMs HdoISoe ing from a very serious illness,1 Miss Margann and Master GeorgeL though she is still confined to her ipn h ekeda hi um- bed. mer home, Newcastle on the îake. l Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare and Mr. and Mrs. Stowe recently re-0 Mr. and Mrs. Ames, Bowman-'turned from a trip to Buffaloa ville, visited Mr. Jack Hare, King- where they visited Dr. and Mrs.V ston. F. Cuttell and New York wbere Owing to annivensary services be attended an international con-v at Clarke next Sunday, Oct. 23,1 vention of Actuaries. They also the evening service in the United visited Mr. and Mrs. Lankh in Church, Newcastle, will be with- Connecticut.r drawn. Anniversary Services will bec Mr. Jas. Broad, Miss Hattie held in the United Church, New-1 Broad, Mrs. Asa Broad and Mrs. castle, on Sunday, October 30,c Harry Jose, Belleville, were guests when Rev. Roy H. Riekard, B.A., of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and M.R.E., Coîborne, will preach at Mrs. Merkley Clark. il a.m. and 7 p.m. Mr. R. N. Mr. H. C. Allin contributed Smith of the Mendelssohn Choir, trombone solos at Zion, on Wel- Toronto, will assist the choir att corne circuit, on Wednesday ev- both services. On Wednesday ev-v ening. Miss Bernice Gilbank, pi- ening, Nov. 2, a roast meat sup-r anist, accompanied hlm. per wîll be served by the ladiesC Mrs. Ray Carr, Belleville, visit- in the S. S. hall, followed by ans ed relatives here Thursday and excellent programn of music, elo-1 called on Mr. W. H. B. Chaplin cution and addresses. 42-1t who is confined to bis bed but Mesdames Perey Brown's ands is pleased to see bis friends. R. T. Rutherford's groups of the Golden Rule Mission Band un- W. A. repeated their play "Plaina der the superintendency of Mrs. Jane" in the community hall Fnl- i Geo. A. Walton held a sale of -day evening and made more mon-1 home made cooking and garden ey. This comnedy-farce, with casts products on Saturday and netted of characters was reponted in Ther about $15.00. Statesman after its two nights' Miss Mabel Foster, R.N., is plan- showing in Orono as part of the ning to leave Newcastle in No- Durham Central Fair program. vember and take up ber residence Among those in attendance at ini a new bouse now bemng built Newcastle were Mr. and Mrs.r for ber in Belleville by ber cou- Bradford Kay, formerly of New1 smn, Miss Beatrioe Jones. York, now staying with ber mo-1 Miss Dorothy Trenwith, wbo ther, Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck.S bas a position as a stenograpber St. George's Young People'se wth an insurance f irm, Toronto, Association held their organiza-s spent the weekend with ber grand- tion meeting in the parish hallf father, Mr. Gea. Trenwitb, and October l7th. These officers werea aunt, Miss E. L. Trenwitb. elected: President, Rev. D. R.a Mn. and Mrs. Fred Burley and Dewdney; lst Vice President, Miss t family, Newtonville, moved into Florence Spencer; 2nd Vice Presi- their new borne, the former Hua- dent, Thomas Brereton; Secretary ter bouse, on Thursday. Within Treasurer, Miss Vivian Duck; I the past two weeks it bas been Councillors, Mrs. Thomas Spencer, remodelled and modernized. Clarence Clarke. The following In the report of Mr. and Mrs. committee, Convener Mrs. Thos.V Wm. Hanna's farewell it should Spencer and Miss Irene Brereton t have read that the presentation and Archie Martin, assistants, wasn of the dlock and other gifts was appointed to arrange a Hallowe'en t made by. Mrs. Wallace Holmes, party Nov. 7th. s Lake Shore, and Mrs. Alex Prout, An enjoyable postlude to the Shaws. High School Field Day held Oct.U Mrs. T. R. Slute, Darlingfôrd, 7tb, was a weiner roast on the 0 Man., and daughter, Miss Ida west side beach at the lake on Slute, Winnipeg, were guests of Thursday evening. The staff and c ber niece, Mrs. H.. C. Allun. They students went down as soon as e also called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank sehool was out and quickly had a e Worden, Ebenezer. Mrs. Worden roaring bonfire going to beat the a was at one time a neighbor Of water and the 140 hot dogs. Tbe __________________________vanquished treated the victors, that is the Purpie group of boys 0 - and the Fleet Feet color section S Of girls were bosts and bostesses a i!14t'ftl'!I £~nwe t o the Golds and Maple Leafs, vic- S'easuu.al o d tors in point winning on field day. i A gentle drizzle that ended in a AT JOHNSTON'S shower at dusk didn't dampen the The Daily Star of October 8, ai showed pictures of Mn. Charles w STAMPED GOODS Eardley Wilmot and some of bis t turkeys illustrating a pre-Thanks- st for ladies and sehool eilidren giving story of Mr. Wilmot's tur- P( to embroider. Reasonably prie- key farm, the largest in North Cr ed. America, near Brantford, the g( home of bis wife's people, the si Cockshutts. As mentioned in The in Statesman of Aug. 11, Mr. Wilmot ti ROT IRON TRANSFER is a native of Newcastle, a scion ci PATTEReS of the well known Wilmot Fam- i ily of Clarke Townsbip's early 'I including initiais, for pillow settlement days, and a family pro- in cases, towels, etc. minent in the life of the district w, for a full century. Last August he qt visited bis aunt, Mrs. D. J. Gai- th FLZZY-WUZZY ANGORA braith, and other relatives in bý Newcastle by plane and also met WOOL while here bis cousin, Mrs. A. D. s Ail popular shades. Wheeler, and Diana and Alden of ai Bowmanville. ha FORHA~OWEENUNITED CHURCH NEWS se9. Large stock of false faces, Official Board of United Churcb wi masks and novelties. 'decided not to, sell the parsonage barn, but convert it into a con- flUL~TflI,~ venient double garage. The pre- Jun~~un~sent side doorway facing the par- Ci JOBNS ON'S sonage will be closed and the JO drive entrance made at the south s<( BOOK STOR E end facing Caroline St. A drive- th, Phone 651 Bowmanvllle way stnaight in from tbe street will be built, thus doing away roi Swith tbe present rigbt angle turn. A. The pnoperty committee was giv- en authority to make the change and to caîl a bee to do the neces- sary work. Mn. Ed. Powell, Sexton, was granted an increase in salary from $180 to $200 a year. Secnetary wvas instructed to con- vey to the W. A. the thanks of the Board for remodeiling and modernizing the cburch kitchen. The Board voted with Rev. R. E. Morton's approval, to open the pulpit to the Ontario Temperance Federation for a service and spe- cial appeal on Sunday, Nov. 27. C. G.1. T. C. G. I. T. met at the home of Mrs. A. W. Glenney October 12, to hold a farewell party for Jean Hannab wbo is leaving this com- Munity. A short address was read by Margaret Pearce, and Jean was presented with a dresser lamp by Jean Holmes. The rest of the evening was spent in games and contests. A lunch of sand- wiches, cake, candy, and coffee was served. Young People's Union Y. P. U. met October 17, with President Garnet Riekard in the chair. Bill Rowland as secretary read the names of members of committees appointed for a Hal- lowe'en party Monàay evening, Oct. 31, to which Tninity Y. P. U., Bowmanviiie, bas been invited. Alex Hendry took the chair for tbe program and in lieu of the weekly address he called on a number for impromptu speeches. Garnet Riekard was asked to say something about Sciatica; Roy Ashton about Cooks; Ernest Gîl- bank - Masquerades; Miss Sander- son - Tempers at sehool; Hazel Wood - The destination of pins and needies. Tbe speeches were interesting and iii u min at i ng. Reita Cooke and Margaret Pearce sang a duet, accompnied by Ber- nice Gilbank. Roy Ashton and Brenton Rickard favored with a violin and clarinette duet. Bill Rowland gave a talk on current events. Louise Hancock gave a reading in the devotionai period; Evelyn Aluin rendered a solo, and Ross Allun read the senipture les- son. Chas. Clemence, wbo attend- ed Winter School at Lindsay, spoke of arrangem-ents being made for this winter's sebool and urged ail young people who could to attend. He certainly would not Miss it. NEWTONVILLE MEN'S GLUB Newtonviile Men's Club met Wednesday night, October 12, and there was a fine turnout. Five new members were received and the Club gives promise of a very successful year. The main feature was a debate on a motion presented in the form of a parliamentary bill as follows: 'Resolved that insurance shahl be compulsory on automobiles, trail - ers, trucks and motorcycles to the extent of $1000 propenty damage, and $5000 public liability." Melville Jones led off in favor of tbe bill, followed by Lawrence Savery in opposition. Cecil Payne and Frank Gilmer supported the bill and Leonard Ireland opposed t. Thene were thre e angles deait with that made the debate very ntenesting. One, to compel insur- u'tce wouid make people careless when driving, which was met by bhe argument that people would stili fear pensonal hurt as well as possibility of facing a charge of criminal negligence. Two, tbat government control was not de- sirable because it bad shown its inefficiency in the railway situa- ion, but this was counteracted by citing govennment control success in Hydro and the Post Office. Three, the "Thou shait" attitude made people defiant, but there wene so many laws of that type *uoted that the argument bad lit- le weight. Tbe Bill was defeated by a majority of one. The question was deait with in ;uch a way that ail profited, and t the same time every speaker ad the faculty of introducing umor as to be entertaining. The Club meets again on Nov. )th. An outside speaker is to be ;cured and tbe evening will close vith an oyster supper. Carpetball team of St. John's hurch Men's Club defeated St. Tohn's, Port Hope, Monday by a ;zone of 9-7 in the finst game of ýe season. Mrs. John Hyde and Harny, To- -nto, visited her mothen, Mrs. J. É.McClellan. BIRTHS C.\RRUTHERS - In Bowmanville on Wednesday, October l9th, 1938, to Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Car- ruthers. a son». CLARK E - Mn. and Mrs. William A. Clarke's f ive daughters, Pat- ricia. Winona. Jacqueline, Maria and Colleen Clarke are proud to announce the birth of their bro- ther. William Amos, on Tuesdav, October ilth, 1938, at 2.30 pari. in Bowmanville Hospital. DEATHS BURNS - In Bowmanville, on Fni- day. October 14, 1938, James Burns, age 84 years. Interment Bowmanville Cemnetery. CARVETH - In Grande Prairie, Alta., on M.\onday., Oct. 17, Jean Hornick Carvetb, beloved wife of Rupert Carvcth, and sister-in-law of Reeve C. R. Carveth of New- castle. FALLIS - On Octoben i2th, 1938, Edward J. Fallis. husband of the late M.\argraret Jane Stoakes, at bis home. 21 Raglan Avenue, late of 15 Burliiigtoii Crescent. FINLAY - Suddenly on Octoben l5th. 1938. at bis home, 99 Symon Street. MNimico. Robert Lunn Fin- lay, ini bis 64tb vear. beloved bus- rband of Josephine Linton. Iner- ment Bowmianville Cemetery. HOAR - ln Oshawa, on October, l3tb. 1938, Frank Arthur Hoan, beloved husband of Winnifred Osborne. and brother of Mrs. An- thomuv Mitchell, Bowmgnville. In- tcrnicnt Bownîanville Cemetery. QUINNEY - In Darlington, cn Saturdav. October 15, 1938, Mary Lois Quinncv , widow of the late Harry Quinney. aged 88 years. Interment Onono Cemetery. COMING EVENTS Oddfcllow s Eucbre in 1. O. O. F. Hall. Fridav. Oct. 28, at 8.15 p.m. Good prizes. Refreshments. Ad- mission 25C. Long Sault Thank-Offernii Ser- vice Sundav evening. Octoben 23, at 7.30 p.m. Guest speaken Rev. H. W. Foley. Bowmanivillc. Clildren's Aid Society Donation Day. Tbursday, Oct. 27th, 3 to 5 m.m. at Children's Home, Hillcrest Lodge. Bruton Street, Port Hope. Program. light refrcshments. You are cordially invitcd. Anyonje wish- mez their donation called for please write. or Phone 590. Pont Hope. The Women's .uxiliany of St. Andrcw's Church are having an aftcrnoon tes and sale of home cook- ink on Thursdav. Oct. 27th, at the home of Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. Nte change of date. 42-i Leskard Churcb vill hold its An- ni vcrsanyý Se rvices on Oct. 3Otb. l~v .J.' H. Smytbe of Port Peny conducting the aftennoon ser- vice at 3 p.m., and Rev. S. Little- wood of Orono. the evening service at 7.30 p.m. Special music. On1Oct. 3lst a Fowl Suppen vill bce held. foll5wed hy a first class program. Adults 50c, Children 25c. 42-2* Notice to Creditors R.S.O. 1937 Chap. 165, Sec. 51 Estate of Samuel Jacks Farmer. Deceascd. Al pensons baving dlaimis against the Estate of Samuel Jacks, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Farmen, De- ceascd. who died on or about the 2Ist day of Juiy. 1938, are herebN notified to file with the undcrsigned on or before the 27th day of Oct- oben. 1938. full particulars of their dlaims. Immediatclv aften said date, the assets of the Deceased ivili be (istributed amongst those entitled thereto. having regard only to dlaims so f ilcd. Dated at Oshawa, the 6tb day of October. 1938. Charles Whiney Lang and Cora Noreen Lang, Executors Estate of Samuel Jacks, Deceased, by thein solicitors. Grierson, Creighton & Fraser. Canadian Bank of Com- merce Chambers, Oshawa, Ontario. 40-3 RA , W AAS Auction Sales Fniday, Oct. 21-F. L. Mason "El- mont Farms". one mile west of Hampton, villi seli25 Registered Shontliorn Cattle; 20 Yorkshire Pigs (about 100 lbs. cach). Sale i p.m. Elmner Wilbur. Auctioncen. Friday, Oct. 28th-Ernest Wenry, Lots 17 and 18. Con. 9, Darlincton, will offen for sale a numben ot choice beef breed stocker cattie. Free deliverv of cattie. Terms cash. Ted Jackson. Auctioneen. I bave been authorized to sel! for the late John Everest, Lot 17, Con. 1. Cartwright, on Wednesday, Nov. 2. aIl bis farm stock. implements. hay. grain. poultny and sorte furniture Tcrmns cash, Elmen Wilbur, Auc- tioneen. 42-2 For Sale MOTOR FOR SALE - 1-6 hi.v. moton in zood condition. Bargain for ciuick sale. Apply Clif f Mc- Nain. Statesmian Office, Phone 663. FOR SALE - 200 STOOKS 0F corn in f ield; also a quanti ty of gzood winter cabbage and poitatoes. Phone 2406. Bowmanville. 41-3* FOR SALE - A CREAII WICK- er baby carniage ini good condition. for quick sale, cheap. Apply at Nirs. John SuLy's, King St. East., 3 doors east of Libertv. 42-1* FOR SALE - SEVERAL GOOD second hand stoves, complete out- fit of orocery fixtures and some nice vieces of furniture. J. B. Martvn. 42-2* FOR SALE - 1928 DURANT Sedan, in good condition; also a bov's bicycle. nearly new. Apply W.M.. Drawer B., Bowmnanville. 42-.1* FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS 4-3vheel drive tractor ; Massey- Harris 12-20 tractor; Quebec sulky plow; used ga;ag plows and single plows. W. S. Staples, Phone 781. Mi\assey-Harris Dealer. 42-1 FOR SALE - LARGE QUEBEC H-eater; Axminster Carpet lSxll1 white iron bed and mattress; small size buffet; also other small an- ticles. Apply J. C. Hancock, New- castle. Phone Clarke 3724. 42-1 FOR SALE - CHILDS ONE- .riece snow suit, size 8, green wool. leather trimmed, in eýccellent con- dition. zip)per front. Cost $10.00. Phone 2567. 42-1 ORDERS TAKEN FOR WICKER Lrouds, magaziz4e stands, fern stands. inside window boxes, etc. Choice of colors. Make nice Christinas Rifts. Apply Mrs. H. Phillips. Horsey St. 42-1* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE' - BRICK HOUSE. 7 rooms one half acre land, small barn. fruit trees, 2 miles north of Bowmanville. on middle road. Ap- ffly B. MacDonald, Manvers Road, Bowmanville. 41-2* FOR SALE - ON HIGHWAY No. 2. iust six minutes drive to Oshawa. one acre of land on which is erected a brick veneen bouse with 3-piece bath, automatic elec- tric pumnp, furnace, bot water heaten. laundry tubs, electnic ligbts, handwood floors upstairs and down; double Lparage, modemn henhouse equiipped witb electricity; newly deconated inside and out. Nice iawns and f lowens beds. Price $4500, or witbout benhouse $4000. Applv to Mrs. E. V. Scobell, In- surance & Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville ._Phone 474. 41-3t FOR SALE - HOUSE FORMER- ly occupfied byv Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Bcech Ave.. Bowmanville. Apply \\'N. Tilley, 80 King St., West, Toronto. 42-2* FOR SA\LE- FRAME IIOUSE on Higbway witlî land suitable for inianket eardleniing; also bilnyçaloW- ini t(>wn witl aIl conveniences: niced reasonahly for cash. Apply P.O. Box 381, Bowmnanville. 42-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - SHROPSHIRE, zraded ram larnbs. shears and two vears. Mark Hancock, Oshawa, R. R. 2. Telephone Oshawa 1827r23. 42-4* FOR SALE - FOUR YOUNG Heifers, 2 jerseys and 2 Grevs, coming 2 vears. Apply W. W. Henderson, Box 36, Bowmanville. Phone 2583. 42-1 CATTLE FOR SALE - FEED- crs and stookers. Ternis to suit Durchasr. Applv H. B. Fostcr. Bow tnanv ic, Phone 745. 42-3 PERSONÂL iinof 30, 40, 50, want vim, Try OSTREX Tablets of raw ovster stimulants and general body builders. If flot deliglited with resuits of first package, maker refunds its low price. Cal!, write jury & Love!!, and aIl other good druggists. 40-tf JOIN FAMNILEX TO INSURE vour share in the business pick-up and niake a decent livingf. No risk. Expcrience in door to door vre- ferable. but flot necessary. Every rserson a customer. Exceptional qualitv. Lov prices. Attractive pbckages. V'kry profitable plaff. For a permanient, growing business investigate. Fuil details and cata- log'ue without obligation. Familex Co., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 42-1 To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 7 ROOMS, small zarden, just north of Boys' Training School. Rent $5 montb. Apply Mrs. John Luxton. Bow- manville. R.R. 4, Phone 2224. 41-tf TO RENT--6-ROOM.\ED HOUSE with aIl conveniences on Concess- ion St.. garage and smiall garden. Possession Nov. le. Chas. Heal. Phone 2629. 40-t TO RIENT - 7-ROOM HOTLSE 5 miles f rom Bowmanville with 3 acres of sprayed orchard, will sel! apples cheap for quick sale. Mf. L. Clemens. Bowmanville. R. R. 6. Phone 2436. 40-tf FOR RENT .- BUNGALOW ON Wellington St. Enquire Mrs. John Darcli. Bowxianville. 42-1* TO RENT-TWO COSY APART- mnents for small families only; zarage on Temperance St.; bouse with haîf-acre garden and aIl con- veni.ences on corner Ontario and Albert Sts. J. B. Martyn. 42-2* FOR RENT - SIX-ROOMED brick bouse on Division St. Apply Mrs. Henry Knight, Division St., Bbwmanville. Phone 2106. 42-tf Beauty Culture SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVES for one week only. This being our finst annivensary week in Bow- manville. We are izivingz the ladies a regular $3.50 wave for $275 ; also machineless wave for $3.75. Make your appointment early. Telephone 2601, Iris Beauty Par- lour. 42-1* FINGER \VAVING. 25c. DONE ini vour ovn homne. Mfrs. G. Young. For appointmnent phone 2694 or 532. 42-1* Readings RE.\DINGS - MRS. BRANTON, Oshawva. Nvill be in Bowmanville, on Friday. Oct. 28th. For appoint- ment phone 574. 42-2 Lost LOST - CORNET VALVE. RE- ward. Return to Gilbert Joncs, Domninion Stores. Bowmanvillc. 42-1 LOST - A PURSE BETWEEN 1-izh School and Liberty Place, containinir founitain pen, kevs' andl a smiall amouint of money. Finrler nîcase Icave at The Statesmian Of- f ice. 42-1 Dressmaking DRESS'MAKING - 'MRS. FLOR- rie Roberts, Ladies' tailor and dressmaker would work out or at home. Dresses from $250 up. Suits on coats at reasonable prices. George St., Bowmanville. 40-4 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - XVe specialiein machinerv repairs. general gar- age nepains, wcldingz, towine ser- v'ice. J. L. Demerling. Propnietor, For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - FRAME bouse with hydno installed, in Hampnton. two and a quarter acres land. Phone 2563, John Cowling. 41-.2* Hielp Wanted HELP WANTED - MALE - Ambitious retail route man want- cd to supply regulan customers in Bowmanville, Ont. with *FaInous Watkins Pnoducts. Weekly pro- f its average $22.50 at start. Credit furnislbed night party. Apply promptly City Sales Dept.. 2177 Masson Stn., Montreal. 40-3 4 I The climax to every meal - Delicious Baked Fruit Bread, filled with rich fruit and cooked to taste better than the ldlnd "Mother used to inake." THIS WEEK-END Cream Puifs - Chocolate Eclairs Cream Roils - Cherry Tarts THE CARTER FAMILV Bakers for Two Generations Phone 855 flowmanvmle Shop at Nelles' YOU'RE SURE'TO SAVE TEA SALE No matter what price you pay for tea, Nelles' stock of teas are the best values in the price you pay, flavor and econ- omy from the vlewvpoint that you get 'more cups per lb.' Crown Tea ....... lb. bag 55e - 1/2 -1b. bag 28e Krunchee Peanut Butter (with nuts) ...... jar 19e~ Red & White Coffee .... 1 ....1/2 -lb.-tUn Finest Cooking Rice ............... 3 lbs. Molasses Snaps ..................... 2 lbs. Swansdown Cake Flour .................. pkg. Washing Soda....................... pkg. Soap Flakes ..................... 3 lbs. Chioride of Lime.............. pkg. 231 25e 19C 28e 17e 12e F. W. NELLES Phone 596 Bowmanville The Albert John Ilarrington 1Iekà-rdt -4-p-iece -24 Garat Gold Lined Slver Service willi bcIrsented to the Plowman wlth the hlghest scoring N-ork during the Match. The wlnner to forfeit prize wvon. SEE POSTERS FOR RULES Let us have a large flamber from Durham take part. Meals served on grounds. Gome hn the mornlng to see the contestants commence their work. It willi bc a profitable day. CLARENCE J. ALLIN, Newcastle V. R. HUNTER, Gavan Presîdent. Secretary. f' 1 k THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH, 1938 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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