Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1938, p. 9

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PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TH-URSDAY. OCTOBER 20TH. 1938 Durham Temperance Federation Issues Strong Protest Against Beer Parlors At Orono Meeting Friday Ail the officers were re-elected for 1938-39 at the annual meeting of the Durham County Temper- ance Federation held in Orono Friday nigbt. Their work was heartily commended by the mem- bers and interested friends. The following resolution, to be forwarded to the government, was drafted by Messrs. A. J. Knox, Rev. H. W. Foley and Rev. W. C. Smith, and carried unanimously: "That this convention represent- ing the temperance citizens of this county do express our protest against the present beer parlour policy prevailing in our province, and that this resolution be for- warded to the Prime Minister, the leader of the opposition, and the member for our county. Minutes of last meeting and the treasurer's report were adopted. It was decided to have various gatherings with music and a good program to help the federation financially. A vocal duet by Messrs. Wilfrid Carruthers and Alex McGregor, with Mr. Geo. Davidge of B.T.S. as accompanist, and also a vocal solo by Mr. McGregor, were mucb enjoyed. The main address was given by Dr. Milîson of Welcome. In an entertaining way, his facts being expounded with witty humor, the speaker held the interest of the audience. Beginning by telling of bis interest in the work and how it was aroused through seeing the wrecks of humanity who had fall-! en into the evil drink, he pointed out that he had been fighting iti ever since and would keep on fighting it. Intimating that the temperance people must quit uibngand present a united tUnt.$he cicelared that the only sa ee thing was total abstinence ý-àud that he had neyer met a man who had told him he was foolish flot to drink or who would advise young people to begin drinking. All right thinking people should fight this influence and get the youth to help as, the speaker de- clared, a generation of youth flot drinking would kill the traffic as nothing else would do. Dealing with the scientific side of the matter, the speaker stated that no person in the field of sci- ences or medicine advocates the' use of liquor. He thus could see 00 T HI1s hideous CREATURE HIGH PLYER Graya Genders Pretty aerialist, wha performs double and triple soniersaults frarn the flying trapeze at the Bac Morton Shrine Charity Circus in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, during the week of October 24. no reason why youths sbould nol be urged ta sign the pledge, and was bimself prepared ta -do any- thing ta give themn a conviction strongly against the use of intax- icating liquors. As far as safety on the high- ways was concerned the speaker told of an accident he was in, the resuit of which was that bis car was wrecked and bis wife in the hospital for some time, and yet the drunken driver of the car was given the benefit of the doubt. This type of accident was what raised the rate of car insurance, he declared. The speaker urged ail ta follow the leadership of such men as Rev. Whattam and nat depend or the governments or the represen- tatives, for palitics was wbat was keeping the temperance. people disunited. Even sorne ministers, be intîmated, were afraid ta speak their rinds on this question for fear someane who contributed to the cburch would be off ended. The necessity of inculcating right- eous principles was urged by Dr. Milîson who said "It is taa bad if politics is more important than children." He closed by urging ail ta start cleaning up this condition and do away with the traffic which was undermining marals and was the biggest enerny of God's kingdoni and he expressed bis determina- tion ta continue fighting. Votes cf tbanks were given to the speaker and the musicians. Other speakers included Rev. S. Davison, Rev. W. C. Smith, H. G. Macklin, Rev. R. A. Whattarr A. J. Knox, R. J. Rawe, and otb- ers. .t 0 Ls RINK EXPANSION NECESSARY FOR HOCKEYSEASON SOCIAL AN[ Hockey season will soon be here. Last year we had a bunch of hockey players known as the Or- ono Midgets who were a credit Lois Mantle is back in town, to themselves and their admirers.1 staying at Mr. and Mrs. C. Knox's.r This is another year. Our boys1 A number attended Ray Thorn- have grown, which means more ton's sale Friday. space required that they may dis- play their real worth. This can Sympathy is extended to Mrs. be achieved by the addition to our, Andrus on the death of her sister. rink by the east side providing Mr.VcrHaokwstke Ispace for curlers and moving back l r'Vco acc a ae the cushion on the west side toi to the hospital Thursday.1 its original place. This can be Mr. George Smith, Tamworth, done at a nominal cost. This will was here this weekend. afford ice surface for OHA. hoc- Mr. R. Z. Hall and Miss M. Hall key. Assurance has been given1 visited riends at Hastings and that if this is done a team from attended the Roseneath fair. Bowmanville will come here and engage the rink for practice and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherwin also play their home games here. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin We learn that $150 will be paid attended Roseneatb Fair. for the use of the rink also that Mrs. B. Stinson is visiting ber a sport-loving fan will canvass parents, Mr. and Mrs. George for public subscriptions in aid of Glanville. this project. Tbis is a step in the direction of real commnunity spirit. Be sure to read the edîtorial on We trust that the rink executive page 2 referring to the by-law ta of the agricultural society will purchase the Orono hydro system. give tbis matter their earnest con- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter sideration, as it will provide need- and son Gilbert, Lakefield, visited ed entertainment and pleasure for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. both old and young. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, s DIM AND DISTANT Peterboro, were Thanksgiving vis- s HAPPENINGS Scott. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Walter From The Orono News of Sherwin's were: Mr. and Mrs. October 16, 1913 Van Wagner and the latter's mo- The contract for the building of ther, Mrs. Marsh, all of Detroit. the Noble concrete bridge, north tward, Orono, was given to Frank Messrs. A. C. Gundy, W. H. Hall at $480. There were two Brent, Bailey Brent, Toronto, vis- other tenders, Will Buckley at ited Orme Gamsby, relative to a $580, and Simpsons of Kendal at business proposition. $600. Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto, The congregation of one of our and Mr. Arthur Smith, Oshawa, churches after Sunday evening's visited Mr. and Mrs. Rowland rexperience will have more sym- Smith. epathy than ever before for the MrM.C anbs ovdit rsuffering of Job. The caretaker Mr . eoe Tars bouse. eafter heating up let the fresh air Mrs. Grg ay vsiin rsster, in thro' the open windows and Mrs. S. Billings. swith it innumerable flies. It was a bot time for the bald heads. The flowers which graced the We missed the noisy Caspar Park St. church altar Sunday were during tbe past few days, and up- a much appreciated donation from on investigation learned that lie Mr. C. TyrelI. vhad pulled off a stunt which is Bob and Helen Case arrived in nwithout parallel since the days of Orono last week, the latter ta re- our forefathers. He dlaims to have main and go to scbool, and the spulled, topped and drew in him- former, who went borne again, sef4 od fmnsi ne may return later to stay. day. This is verified by his neigh- bour "Sweet William", yet in Many people are taking advan- spite of this feat a lady advised tage of the special offer to secure .. eStaesm- i or alace ! m her daugbteýr ta surely have nath- ing ta do with him because be 1I was lazy. Will the public neyer get wise? Mrs. T. Smith is visiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. Hull, Toronto, visited Mr. Richard Brown. Mns. Johnston, Pontypool, is visiting ber niece, Mrs. Sissan..1 Mns. Sinclair of Michigan is guest of ber aunt, Mrs. J. A. Jer- orne. Mns. (Dr.) Bogart of Wbhitby-. was guest at Mr. R. Hill's. Mrs. (Rev.) C. Adamns and dau- gbter Florence, Cherry Valley,j have been visiting ber parents. 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Long and1 daughter Mary are expected home today fram Vermillion, Alta. Mrs. Hewlett, who moved into the bouse vacated by Mr. R. Coat- Iam hisi' nm to Toronto for con- year for only 25c. Keep informed on what's gaing on in Durham. County by reading The Statesman regulanly. Former panishioners were glad ta see and speak ta Rev. Wbattam, a former pastor of Park Street Churcb, at the meeting Friday night. Rev. Whattam was al- ways noted for bis fearlessness in School institute at Bowmanville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saiter, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood. At the teachers' convention at Toronto Miss K. Foster was ap-1 painted a librarian and Miss Mar-1 janie Adams a member of the ex-1 ecutive.1 The teachers of Orono Schaol are ta be guests at the Women's Institute meeting an Friday. Mr. R. C. Rasbaraugh, principal of the Continvation school, will be the speaker. Friends here will be glad ta know tbat Mr. Guy Gamsby and family are quite a number of miles away f rom the fire, although the smoke is quite bad, and refu- gees are pauring into Strattan where tbey live. Mr. O. W. Scott returned Friday from a pleasant visit with bis granddaughter, Mrs. Wilson, Osh- awa, bis cousin, Miss E. McGuire, and niece, Mrs. G. Robinson, To- ronto .He also enjoyed a cali on Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown, Whitby. A movement is on foot ta or- ganize a junior rugby teamn in connectian with the Midget hoc- key team. Games will be played later, the first being with Oshawa. Port Perry Hîgh Schoal wihl play O.C.S. football tearn at the Agric. Park on Saturday afternoon. fighting thie lîquon întenests anda The continuation school had a bas been in the work for manyfuldyshia Fdyante years.public schoh a half-boliday, the Congratulations to the follaw- occasion being the annual field ing wha won the championsbip day. The pupils and teachers are prizes for Orana school at the ta be congnatulated on the big field day held here Friday: Dick success of the day, a large crowd Morton, junior; Herbert Duvall, and fine weatber farming a per- intermediate; Jim Powers, senior; fect combination for the fulfîi- Jean Mercer, junior; Olive Brown ment of ail expectations. Special and Ruth Goode (tied), intenmed- mention sbauld be made of the iate: Heln Case, senior. They are work of the teachers.and the ex- FRIENDS HONOR MRS. B. STINSONý A most deligbtful time was en- joyed Thunsday night when Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harrison en- tertained at cards in bonor of Mrs. B. Stinsan wbo is visiting relatives here. Five tables of five hundred wene played, the winners being: lst prize for, ladies, Mrs. Henry Connish; 2nd, Mrs. Harvey Morgan; consolation, Mrs. Henry Gatcheil; lst prize for men, Mr. Charles Glanville; 2nd, Mrs. Chas. Glanville (who substituted for a man); and consolation, Mr. Harry Lewis. HARVEST. SERVICES WELL ATTENDED Harvest Home services at St. Saviour's Churcb an Sunday were well attended. Apprapriate mes- sages were given by Rev. D. R. Dewdney in the morning, and Rev. C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, at nigbt. The church was beauti- fully deconated with fruit, vege- tables and fiawers. Appropriate music aided in making the occa- sion a most delightful and inspir- ing one. PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLDS' FIELD DAY Friday afternaon the public school enjoyed a delightful after- noon's sparts under the super- vision of the teachers. Races were run and a generai "sparty" at- mosphere prevailed. Winners in the Jr. roam were as falows: Grade IV - Girls, Enid Middle- ton; Boys, Junior West. Grade III - Girls, Connie Mit- chell; Boys, Henry Leamen. Grade II Girls, Shirley Flin- Orono and Milibr Schools Hold Succ With Keen Intere BADMINTON CLUB sultation with specialiS. ta be presented with pizes later. ecutive ofteAhti Scey. tf;Bseaci±any I RBA ELET O FIC ERbUCndBiokC. Trno ________________________________ Grade I - Girls, Carole Cornish; (C R -L C F IE S offened a cs prize of $50to Boys, Roy West. I FOR NEW SEASON their travelling salesman having Local Chamber of Commerce Sc ae-Ja any _____the largest per cent of increase Free-for-al Jean Rainey. Di . ~~Orono Badminton Club opened aver ast yea's business. An ain C m un t h is m s T e winter season wîtb a bang on Fni- Orono boy, Mn. Ed Pinder, ail anC-u iy Ch it a reav ie nam ests re O' day night, w th 30 or m ore in at- t oug b the youngest on the job, _____ ____ ____ __Bi Cyt fEdmb itl-tendance. was an easy winner. ei t i s ( a u e o m o b c d - A l l o f f i c e r s w e r e e - e l e c t e d a s e sentery). Just one of the follows. Presîdent, Major J. C.* met in the Comnîte Inn on Mon- Commission?" and two: "Are you Obitua ry~A thousands of dangeroils or- Gamey; Vice President, O. W. music ID IUlIC day evening with a fairly nepre- in favan of the by-iaw?" It will bi ganismathatlurkinulfllof Rolph; Sec.-Treas., Miss Marjorie AT THE KENDAL sentative cnowd in attendance and be necessary ta vote on eacb bal- Mers. Milton, Orono Outhouses. Adams; Court Committee, J. J. considerable business transacted. lot and there must be a favorable an Cornish, Albient West. INSTITUTE MEET It was decided ta ca-operate vote in bath cases ta carry the by- After an illness of nearly four g .. . ~.~Several new members were 1wîth Newcastle in regards ta a îaw. years, there passed ta nest at the brings pi n~. wehcorned and plans were made The topic of Kendal Wompn's recognition of Armistice Day. Looking aven the statement is- borne of ber sisten, Mrs. W. An- for monthly socials among the Institute meeting for October be- A cornmittee was formed toara- sued by the Hydro, thene bas been drus, Jane Reynolds, relict of the Imembers. ing music, the ladies were much' range f or the annual Community a profit aven ail expenses for the1 late Mn. Milton. Born near Burke- ne and miiiiser>y Games wene then enjoyed for delighted in being privileged ta Christmas Tree. Orange Lodge past three yeans of $6,650.64. It tan, the deceased had made ber W~ ______same time after wbicb lunch was hear Mns. Donald Robb conduct donated surplus of $7.12 f rom its looks toa bad that ahl this money home with ber sisten for the past servedi. Tea was poured by Mns. ber regulanrnmusic lesson with the l2th of July celebratian toward sbould have gane out of Orona, ta seven yeans. Funeral services D( O. W. Rolpb, the tables ookinig children in Kendal Public Schooi. this cause. ýbenefit tther places wben it could were conducted Satunrday fnam Ri Keep outliouses sani- lovely with sweet peas in green The juniors and seniors did their 1 The main business was plan- just as well have been used ta Mrs. Andrus' home, and wene Pc .1 *ý vases and with silven tea service. teacher credit in their voice ex- ý ning for the coming Hydro vote.1 lower the rates fan the people who langely attended. Rev . S. Little- (C tdry witf l iett's Lye1 Mrs. J. C. Gamney was convener of ercises, neading and singing notes,! This is ta take place on Nov. th iive here. A lot of questions bave wood officiated. Left ta maurfi the the enjoyabie and successful ev- and singing their sangs. Mns. i fram 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. In cannec- been asked and there wili be an, lass of a laved one are one sisten, Si fliening's entertainment. Robb aisa gave the Institute an ition with this matten it was ne- endeavor made ta answer them Mrs. W. Andrus, Orano, and one Hi esros onens ..interesting and instructive talk Ivealed that thene would be two ail if passible. A Centrai Coin- brother, Mn. Win. Reynolds, ofG an the value of music and what1 ballots for each voter. One ask- rnittee bas been formed for this 'Bunketon. ( bnse cosis being done in the schoais now ing: "Are you in favor of buying purpose. Among the many who attended M b nse cosEngagement that music is compulsay. Sheth ueafrmadsncwr:(NCLEAN outhousesara MnW.EDaewiesta- also said that the schoals in tb s Mn. and Mns. Charles French, Mn. J UI ei oyu a iys1Mr .E ae ihst n district were arnong the finst t DDflDP TY WN TO V T ONTH and Mrs. Anthur Reynolds, Mn. . k'-P itoyou fmil'snounce the engagement of bis'bave musical instruction for which JLAI VIIL~J Y.1LuL Charles Reynolds, Mn. and Mns. G. IaLIth! Keep your outhouse yaungest daugbten, Olive Ger- h11', ld be'9 tly1'T'd Henry Reynolds, R. J. Reynolds, Ri clean and sanitary by using trude, ta M. Eveett W. J. Porter, w fe shalble utiy u d. rlunc asP RC A E OF iiiDiR j NOVIL1yIR K S H M. and Mrs. T. Reynolds, Mrs.- Gilet' PreFlke~ eg-only son of Mn. and Mrs. Allient1 served ta the pupils and the In-in- Wm. Charles, Mn. Fred Reynolds. Tilt' ueFlk y eu Poter of Janetville; the marniagelstitute, the pupils wene dismissed Property ownersinOo wl and Mn. Armand Reynolds, ail of A larly. Just sprinkle haif a tin of ta take place eariy in November.I and the meeting contînued. The vote Novemben 5 on the question PakSt_ eries____ ndvciiy Gillett's over contents once aMsrs: I bv enrail cali was "A Great Musician." of purchasing the local bydroý woek. Used fuli1 Mstrength,. it petting myhausband. Librarians off ering their services 1 system. This is the second time At the manning service ait Park Jug:Yosatatyuwn petin myhuban.'were, Oct. lSth, Mrs. Luxon; Oct.1 the punchase bas been voted an., St. Chunch Rev. S. Littlewoad tadi orey ha you ad.Int h quckydetoy cnens - i Maid: "No, ma'am, I don't bet." 22, Mns. Quantriil; Oct. 29, Mrs.1 The f irst time it was turned down. spoke on "The Book of Books", a steady, soben, bard-w a r k i n g barushes odors as it cleans. ______ m. Mercer; Nov. 5, Mrs. Mc-1 Cost of the system ta the pea- the talk being in the interests of man?" Gilltt' Ly maks dzen ofdonated by Mn. and Mis. George wiii lie paid off aven a period of the Bible Society, Pointing out Wife of Elevator Openator: "No. messy household tasks easy.TH S IE Clark and a consigniment was ne- ten yeans. At the present rate of that years ago the Bible was sir, judge. Eveny time I go down Fres coggd dain . . îeas ýceived from the Uxbnidge Public profit, the systema should pay off treasured because it was fanbid- ta see hlm he's in that littie cage Frees clogged drains ... cleans 'Library, making a total of 420 its awn debentures writhaut cast- den,hle cmae h odtosriigtero. ugly yellow stains from toilet T A books. It was decided that 50c ing the property owners a cent. tben comae the ctondios. risngtehooe owls ... whisks dirt and grease .,p r arle charged ta those out- The Police Trustee Board have 'speaker also outlined the work of frompot andpan. Wil nt tt 1!side of the Women's Institute who had this question under consider- the Bible Society which distri- frou pts ndpan. Wll otdesire books ta read. ation for some time and have 'butes aven eieven million copies harm enamel or plumbing. Keep Mrs. Roy Merder was chosen al studîed it thoroughiy. They know annuaily. He closed by appealing Gillett's Lyealyshny delegate ta attend the convention every pale, transformer and in- toalal to contnibute when coliect- Blay tin f.in Tornt. sulatan that is embodied in theing is done for the society this ucu ro Collection wililibe taken at the agreement and believe the pur- week. your grocer to- next meeting ta go ta the crippled chase wiii lie in the best interests At the evening service Rev. W. day. .~ children. of the people of Orono.- Rackham of Hamipton occupied Z/ Next meeting held in the li- Punchase of the system bas the puipit. Taking the text "Can Never dissolve lys orrary Nov. 9tb, wihi lie in change been profitable for municipalities the Ethiapian change bis skinor T E ]I N Y * eyr isole ye ..of Mrs. Neya Little's graup, the in many parts of Ontario and bas the leopard is spots?" lie told o acin o t trhe rail cahl ta lie Christmas gift sug- enabied them ta lower their rates Jeremiah and bis doulit as ta the Onytekdny a urify the 0 t eA StTe gestions. considerably. possibiîity of people nef orming. blood and rid the system ao poilsonous neat a k7C The question ta lie voted on: The speaker, however, contradict- pipuitiles hich as eurias a watoe. Cu~~~stomen: "I dan't want ta buy "Are you in favor of secuing a ed Jeremîah's idea and tld of in- pane imnasc srhemts MADE IN CNADA Syour cakr;te tell me the spl of electnical power of en- cidents when a ope cag and lumbago. The kidneys are FRI BOKETaiîe'sLy Boketmice are always running aven ergy from the Hydro-Eiectric was made in the ife of vaniaus quickl1 timue-tesedracrtionth FREE BdozLEns ! wayt m ake hoe and Athem." Power Commission of Ontario?" men and women through mission- ueof Distm CHAst pecrpto houaework casier. Write to: standard *a Grocer: "That isn't sa. Why, the If puncbased the local systemn will aries. Thus hopeful food for *W Brande Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St., ST V E OdaHet sieeps in the barrel every lie known as the 'Orono Electric thought was lef t with the audi- ALidueYIiIve!r ills Toronto, Ont. .night." System." ence. 'ook Continuation :essful Field Meets àst In Ail Events OFFICERS OSHAWA PRESBYTERY TO )PERSONAL CONVENE HERE Officers of the variaus Unions in the Oshawa Presbytery will convene in Orono on October 29 Mrs. W. J. Stark is visiting in and 30. A most attractive pro- Markham. gram is arranged on the theme "Christian Youth Faces a New Miss Ida Gamsby enjoyed a Day." visit from her sister. The convention will open at 2, Mr.Wilre Shrwi, uelhp.m. Saturday, with registration.1 spent thedeekendat hoephKing St. Y. P. U., Oshawa, will spen th weeendat hme. conduct worship service at 2.'30. Mrs. ooney~ ~ M. an At 3 p.m. discussion groups wl Mrs. C. S. McLaren. meet with these leaders: Officers - 1lEva Brown; Christian Fellowship -' Mrs. Honeywell is on the sick Elda Mountjoy; Missionary - Ethel list. Burlington; Citizenship - Kenneth1 Mrs. Charles Wood visited her Heddon; Cultural - Helen Baker;; siserMrs L.TrllHamton iRecreation - Garnet Rickard; Dr a-1 sistr, Ms. . TrllHampon. matics - Albert W a 1 k e r; Girls'1 Mrs. J. R. Cooper spent Mon- Work -Jean Battle; Boys' Work - day in Port Hope. ýJames Kerr; Leadership Training Mr. Robt. Keane, Toronto, was- Alice Arnoid. guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. i Mrs. Donald Robb will give an address on musical appreciation Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto,1 at 4 o'clock, and Rev. R. O'Brien visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobble- Iwill speak at 4.30. Following the dick. 'banquet discussion groups will Rev. S. Littlewood conducted meet again. Harvest Home services at Zion on On Sunday three services will Sunday evening. be held at 9.15, at il, and at 2.30. Dr. Bruce Collier, West China, Collectors for the Bible Society will speak at il a.m., and Rev. S. will canvass the village and sur- Littlewood, Orono, at 2.45. At 3.15 rounding country this week. the convention will close wth Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoiff communion service. Oshawa, spent Sunday at ýL. H' Ail interested in young people's Wood's. work are urged to come. CERTIFIE» SEED POTATOE$ Lists of Growers having Certified Seed available may now be secured from your Agricultural Representative. Beed requilrem.ents for next year should be obtained now. 'Oertified 8eed i your best protection against disease. RUY NOW Co-operation & Market Branch Ontario Department of Agriculture. TuE (DRONO NBwS TI Mill ticu for 14tb WeL twe, was spol not evei any unL thei of: vel( feat Pol( pla( peci Il KeE ers out bac Plai nex Int( boy sen 't goc sof1 froi one per per waý but ing ula big Mc Pri Kei (O' Mo Pri Col (0 Po, Fa] Bi Bil Mc tor ( m (0 Pc tor Pc Mc Stz 'he Continuation Schools of MRS. 0. W. ROLPH lbrook and Orono were par- GUEST SPEAKER ularly favored with a fine day their Field Day beld October PARK ST. UNION '. The different events were .1 contested and tbe rivalry be- Mrs. O. W. Rolph was guest een the schools keen, yet there speaker at Park St. Union Mon- iplenty of evidence of good day night wbich. was in charge of :rtsmanship. The contestants Manley Littlewood and Beatrice tonly put their best into every Hamm. ent but refrained from refuting In ber tbought-provoking ad- ydecisions made. It would be dress Mrs. Rolph pointed out that 1air to pick out any stars but "ýCitizenship" meant more than ere certainly is great promise paying taxes and singing the Na- some real athletes being de- tional Anthem. To be a good citi- loped for the near future. Every zen one's family, ane's town and atre was interesting, but tbe one's country bad ta be praud of ,e vault seemed ta take first what one had done, and cantri- âce because it developed some bute something of value ta the culiar results. country. All have influence, she In the senior vault, Mervin pointed out, and to be a good citi- ýane won at 8'T2", and Jim Pow- zen one must exert a good influ- sand a Millbrook boy fought it ence. [for second place. Tbey went Describing the physical who ek to 8' and Jim won second was just interested in athletics, ace at 8' 2" equalling the Win- the moral who had the "bolier- ýof first place. Then in the than-thou" attitude, the mental termediate event a Millbrook who contributed only ta, the cul- ,' won at 8' 6", bettering the tural life, the financial who only ilar jump by quite a margîn. piîed up wealth, and the political was a splendid exhibition of wbo were always seeking advan- od dlean jumping. tages, she pointed out that none The afternoan closed with a of these were real good citizens. ftball game by mixed teams Youtb's enthusiasm is .contag- m the two schools, wbich Or- ious and with ca-operation wîll go )o won, after which ail had sup- far in solving the problems of the ýin the school and enjoyed a country in the future if they are -laod of dancing. Jim Pawers determined ta vote for a sound as knocked out in the baîl game dlean government, the speaker in- it was soon able ta resume play- timated. She advised the study 9. of laws, taxes, healtb and. child [he teachers are ta be congrat- welfare, aid age pensions, immi- ated for a well handled and -gration problemns, juvenile delmn- ghly successful affair. quency, etc., pamphlets of which ,Vinners in events are as fol- cauld be secured f rom. the gavern- vs: ment. Boys' Events Urging the young people ta .00Yd.Das - unir: îckkeep dlean in every way and be- 100 d. Dsh -Junir: D ca cme goad citizens worthy of the >rton (O), Ross Lunn (M), Dan name, she pointed out that true rithar (); ntemeiat: Bllgreatness meant citizens honored err (M), Bill Colville (O), Mel. in home, cburch, and cammunity. od (M); Senior: Jim Pawers Two enjoyable piano solos were »,Mervyn Keane (O), E. Fallis given by Miss Gladys Cayley, a I).iio with Mrs. Ralph. 20Yd. Dash - Junior: Dickv Games were enjoyed under the brton (O), Ross Lunn (M), D. leadership of Reta Flintoif and itchard (M); Intermediate: Bll Elvin Blewett. err (M), Bll Ridge (M), Bll Next meeting is in charge of olville (O); Senior: Jim Powers Lillian Allen and Sam Keane and ,Mervyn Keane (O), E. Fallis the tapic will be an impromptu 40Yd. Run 2 Senior: Jim dbt.Eeyn ae *wers (O), M. Keane (O), E. alls (M). 880 Yd. Run - Intermediate: LOCAL RESIDENT il Kerr (M), Calvin Dunn (O), PICKS SECOND il Ridge (M). Discus Thraw _ Junior: Dîck BERRY CROP rton (O), Ross Lunn (M), C.____ arling (M). Several citizens have had a Shot Put - Junior: Ross Lunn second berry crop this year, but M), D. Pritchard (M), Dick Mor- we dan't know of any ta beat that )n (O); Intermediate: Bill Kerr af Mr. Oscar Scott. On Tuesday M), Bll Ridge (M), Herb Duvaîl morning Mr. Scatt brougbt into 0); Senior: E. Fallis (M), Jimn the Orano News office a branch îwers (O), C. Foster (M). fram ColunMbian bushes an which Pale Vault - Junior: Ross Lunn were about 50 or mare bernies - M), D. Hatherly (M), Dick Mor- mast of tbem. with the deep shade )n (O); Intermediate: Bill Ridge denoting perfect ripeness. The M), Herb Duvaîl (O), Bill Kerr staîk measured about 18" but the M); Senior: M. Keane (O), Jim berjies were all on the first 15". 'wers (O), G. Trumpour (M). This is, we think, a record. If any- High Jump - J u n i a r: Dick one can better it let us know. forton (O), Ross Lunn (M), D. taples (O); Intermediate: Bill :rr (M), Bill Ridge (M), Herb C. Stapies (0); Senior: B. Mc- ivail (O); Senior: Jm Powers Dowell (M), Dat Smith (M), A. ), C. Faster (M), G. Trumpour Cooper (O). M). Basebaîl Throw - Junior: M. Running Broad Jump - Junior: Whittington (M), Jean M e r c e r ick Morton (O), Ross Lunn (M), (O), M. Sutton (M); Intermediate: 1.Williams (M); Intermediate:RRihrs()Olv Bow fil Kerr (M), Mel. Wood (M), M. (R., Rica r M)Oliero();Sn- âttlwoo. (); enir: im ow-ior: B. McDowell (M), Helen Case rs (O), C. Foster (M), G. Trum- (O), Dot Smith (M). our (M). Running Broad Jump - Junior: Relay Race - Orono lst, Mill- Betty Moncrief (M), M. Whitting- ook 2nd. tan (M), C. Staples (O); Inter- Basebaîl Game (mixed, boys mediate: M. Smithi (M), R. Rich- id girls) - Orona team wn ards (M), R. Goode (O); Senior: ame. B. McDowell (M), B. Argue (M), Girls' Events H. Case (O). 75 Yd. Dash - Junior: J. For- Standing Braad Jump (open) - ster (O), M. Handley (M), M. B. McDowell (M), H. Case (O), 'hittington (M). J. Forrester (O). 100 Yd. Dash - Intermediate: Relay Race - Millbroak lst, aot Siscae (M), M. Smith (M), R. Orono 2nd. ichards (M); Senior: J. Trum- Shuttle Relay Race - Millbraok >ur (M), B. Argue <M), H. Case lst, Orono 2nd. 0). Points Discus Throw - J u n ior: M . M lb o k -B y 10 ,G rs 09 ittan (M), G. Tennant (O), M. Mtllbok21 oy20. ils19 fandley (M); Intermediate: R. ttl22 ood (O, J Gilis(M) V.Clark Orono - Boys 95, Girls 43, total M4); Senior: B. McDowell (M), 18 I. McDowell (M), J. Trumpaur Orono Sehool Champions MI). Boys - Jr., Dick Morton; Int., Basketball Throw - J u n i o r: Herb Duvali; Sen., Jim Powers. fan Mercer (O), M. Sutton (M), Girls - Jr., Jean Mercer; Int., lTennant (O); Intermediate: R. Olive Brown and Ruth Goode tied; ichards (M), Olive Brown (O), -Sen., Helen Case.

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