Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER I3TH, 1938 THE C.\N.\DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swa1low, Rawley, Alberta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. SOCALAN PESO ALMr. and Mrs. R. H. Pcad SOCIA A14 PER ONALKingsville, spent Thanksgiving with his brother, Mr. A. W. Pick- ----Phone 663 ________ ____ ard. Mr. eore Spnce, Tront, rMis MayNoo, Tront, hs ~Miss Audrey Elliott. University Mr. eore Spnce, Tront,, issMay oon Toonto ha ofToronto, holidayed with her spent the weekend with his par- been visiting Miss Chrissie Free- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. El- ents, Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer. man. liott. Miss Nellie Burk, Belleville, has Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland, Toronto. Mr. Ed. Nickerson, University been visiting her mother, Mrs. spent the weekend with her sis- of Toronto, spent the weekenc T. S. Holgate. ter, Miss Martha Jarvis. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battie Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman John Nickerson. Oshawa, spent Sunday with his are visitinLP Mrs. J. A. MeClellan broher Mr R.H. atte.en route to St. Petersburg, Fia. Miss Thora Davison, Aima Col- broter, r. . H.Batte.lege, Toronto, hoiidayed with her Bowmanville Badminton Club Miss Nellie Pattinson, Toronto, parents, Rex'. and Mrs. S. Davi- will hold its first dance of the spent Thanksgiving holidays with son. season on Friday, October 2lst. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers, e' Miss Vivian Martin, Toronto, Pattinson. Miss Louise Edmondson and Mr. wasguet o M. ad Ms.A. W. Miss Marion Warder, Tam- Archie Wood spent the xeekend wca usto r.adMr. W worth, spent the weekend with at Hastings. Pikr.her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mr. Russell Candler and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowling, Warder. iJim Clapp. Picton, were Thanks. Toronto, visited with her brother, Mrs. Jos. Cobbledick has re- giving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. George Pritchard. tundt1onatrsedn h R. Candier. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, 1 summer with relatives in Western Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston Toronto, visited Mrs. N. S. B.1 Canada. iand Eloanor spent Thanksgiving Jae nStra.Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden and 1With her father. Mr. George Lun- IPrincipal A. M. Thompson of Dora. Mr. and Mrs. Challener. To-1 ney, Collingwood. the public schools, holidayed in Toronto. Deaconess E. E. Spencer, Los Angeles, Calif., has been visiting her brother, Rev. C. R. Spencer. Mrs. George Cornish and dau- ghter Jean, Toronto, visited Mrs. Bert Andrus. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McTaggart, Bob and Don, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood spent1 the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood, Lake Simncoe. BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY VALUE FOR Y The apples which will1 October lSth, are grovn R. M. Cale, Bowmanvï leading orchardists, an Delicious Mc] Buy an Apple j.,.- k WEEK-END AT ALLIN'S Choice Quai Pumpkin - Peas - 3 tins foi Swransdlown Cake Flour ......... Weston's Wedding Bell and Coci Biscuits............ Christie's' Fig Rol............ Mincemeat.......... Baker's Cocoa............ Wheat ]Flakes.............. Picake Shortening........ - Fish For FTiday a] CR0, Phones 367-368 Dependable As the Ro Gien Rae rMii Cornes W Rest assured this con important foods will get to There ll be daily delivery of3 ferocity of the weather. 01 their record - so are we. I company. GLIEN RAI Phone 266b , tion, xvcre in Belleville Wednes- rday attending the annual meeting of the association. His Honor Judge E. H. McLcan, Picton, for- nimerly of Bowmanvillc, was spe- 9cial speaker at the noon luncheon. We iearn that Dr. E. W. Sisson besides being an 'almost" painless yextractor of tecth, is an expert rgardener. His latest invention is -a safety devise to keep people from stealing his potatoes. While ythe genial Doctor was digging his à potatoes hast week he came across one hili of potatoes which has be- come tightly fastencd to a chain. L. T. B. Lodge, No. 55, Oshawa, rentertained about forty members of Durham Lodge, Bowmanviile, Monday night. Brother A. W. Fletcher, D.D.G.M. for Durham County, extcnded Grand Lodge honors. Two candidates of the visiting lodge were initiated. Un- der the leadership of Mrs. A. Walker, Oshawa degree staff pre- sented its floor work. Lunch was5 served. We are always blowing about the wonderful results our clsi-y fied ads bring. Herb. Power, welî known thresher on the Base Line, ronto, werc Thanksgiving visitorsg Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ina and1 know where. Didn't think il at M. F.W. undl's.daughters Shirley andi Molly- wudbe much use advertising ronto. visited her sister, Mrs. V. but he'd try. Sure enough the Miss Mary Birks. Macdonalcl H. Storev. book was found and returned Hall, Guelph, spent the weekend ,MI-S. D. Cavan and son Nor- 1which again proves it pays to ad- iH. BirsrntD..n rs . man, Mrs. M. E. Moore and son xertise in The Statesman. H. Brks.Kenneth. Hamilton, visited their During Capt. Hutchinson's ab- Miss Dorothy Mitchell, Macdon- is'er, Mrs. Paul Wilson. sence from the local Salvation aId Hall, Guelph, was at homej Messrs. Oliver Bradt and Albert Army barracks. due to severe ill- with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lenaghan. Vineland Station, were ness. Lieut. V. Marsland, Leaside, W. L. Mitchell. iveekend guests with Mr. and Mns. and Candidate E. Cambridge,, To- Mn. and Mns. W. J. Watson (nec E. P. Bradt. ronto, anc taking the sert.'ices Daisy Cully), Hamilton, spent the Miss Irene Roblin, Hamilton. which are held each Sunday at weekend with her parents, Mr. land Mr. M.L. Roenigk. Stratford, Il a.m. and 7 p.m. Capt. Hutchin- and Mrs. Wm. Cully. 'n oia iion fM.adsns condition is reponted as only Mrs. T. H. Knight. fair. He has undengone one op- IDr. Harold V. Slemon, Sick eration and it is expccted will Chi ld ren's Hospital, Toronto, was have to have another. with his parents, Dr. and Mns. C. Mn. D. A. McCuilough had a SATURDAY W. Slemon. narrow escape fnom injury this Mn. and Mns. C. C. Cooke. week when his car left the noad Brantford, were weekend guests near Maple Grove and turned of her parents, Mn. and Mns Neil over in the ditch. Passensby had OCT BER Yellowlees. a difficut job cxtricating Mn. Mc- Mn. and Mrs. H. A. Milîson and car as his foot was caught so thal 5 hMargaret, Orono, Mns. D. C. Wigg, hle could not heip to any ra Gravenhurst, visited Mrs. L. J. extent. He was pulled through 15 hBarton, 'Chuncb St. one of the windows and suffened Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer only bruises. The car was nol rOU MO EYwene in St. Geonge's Cbunch, Hall- badly damaged. (OUR ONEYbunton, Thursday for the Arcb- Dr. Clark Bell, who is in Bow- be oldonSatn-dydeaneny of Peterboro. nanville Hospital, wishes to tbank be sod onBatudayDr. Mary L. Northway, Miss the many patients and friends, 'n on the farm of Mr. Margaret Gibson and Miss Fiora who, by thein kind enquinies and ille, one of Canada 's Morrison, Tononto, were Sunday gifts of flowens, have brightened id the variety is the visitons witb Dr. Dorothy M. bis iliness. Hundreds of lettens James. and cards arrive daily, and Mrs. Intosh Red. Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Mn. Bell finds it impossible to cope Clarence Pedlar and girl friend, witb the beavy conrespondence, Toronto, spent the weekend with Througb the medium of this pa. Mn. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, Church per, she wishes to extend her Street. heartfelt gratitude to everyone. ,HeIp Mn. and Mns. C. V. Cartwright, Dr. Bell is resting quiëtly. theMiss Jean Cartwright, and Mr. The connucopia - the horn of the Bert Jeweil, London, spent the Plenty - overfiowing with fruits weekend with the latter's mother. and vegetables and sunroundecl Scouts Mrs. M. Jewell. with beautiful flowering plants Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Babcock and made a most attractive and ap- Miss Dykes, Prince E d w a r d propriate Thanksgiving display ini County, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gingell, the window of the Kingsway Toronto, were visitons with Mn. Flower Shop. It was also the oc- _________________________ ad Ms. H Pern.casion of this firm's lst anniver- and rs. . Pern.sary in business which they are Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Vanstone, ceiebrating ahl this week with spe- daughters Mary and Dorothy, and cial values and a rose bud free for Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, were good measure. Thanksgiving guests of Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone.. Mn. J. W. Thompson, Portland, ýSPECIA LS Snro T o Oregon, a a narrow escape fo GROCERY adMs etieRyodOfhscrlf h odadplunged Windsr. ýv rs. - Fy vsios- through the protecting guard rail itvCnnd ih hei- sister, . Ervine Fs at the C.P.R. overhead bridge west lity annedter.of B3dwmanvillc. OnIy a few Corn - Tomnatoes ~Mn. and Mrs. G. W. Garner, splintcred timbers helcl his car Oshawa, Miss Marguerite Joness, and pncvcnted it fromi diving w 25e Toronto, and Miss Helen Morris, down the steep siope to the tracks. Town, motored to Balsam Lake Mn. Thompson told police he w-as jon Saturday where Mn. Garner is following an auto which skidded .pkg 21 having a sumnmer cottage built. on the moist bridge and to ax-oid ........ pkg 29c Mn. Jasper Smith of Radio Sta- collision he had taken to the ditch. 0anut Pufi tion CKTB, and Mrs. Smith, St. No one was hurt. ...lb.. 1. 20C 'Catharines, and Mn. L. McLeod, That 93 year old native of Cart- Westpont were weekend guests of wright Township, Charles Devitt Mn. and Mns. D. A. Smith and of Meaford, has been getting the ...... lb. 17c Miss Moily Smith. spotligbt again in the Toronto S2 bs. 25c Massage bas done wonders for Star. Mr. Devitt is a Fenian Raid ....... Ibs 25e arthritis, sciatica, constipation or veteran, bas been an ardent Or- ovenweight. Try treatments at angeman for 75 yeans, and has 1/~ lb. lSc The Heaitb Institute, Liberty St., seldom missed a 12th of Juhy walk .......1/2-l)- 15C South, Bowmanville. Phone 683. in that time; be's a life long Con- "Wealth is good Heath." 38-tf senvative, and bas been married ...... lb11. 22c Mn. and Mns. Fred Spry and 63 years. His wife is 83 years old Lyness, Mns. G. Cook, Miss Grace and still attends to ail the bouse- 2 b. 25c Rundie and Miss Jean Spny, Towni, hold duties including baking a Mn. Jackson Wray, Hampton, Mr. btho ra abwe.Ti G. C. Bracewell, Toronto, spent a summer he visited bis numerous Lnd the Week-end -.- very enjoyable weekend at Moopis relatives in Dunham County and Lake, Haliburton County. was as iively as a cricket. Members of Jerusalemn Lodge A L L I ~ A. F. & A. M., No. 31, will attend RECEIVE A.T.C.M. DEGREES A LL INdivine service at St. Jobn's An- gican Church on Sunday morn- Misses Ada L. Annis and Dono- ing, October 23. Most Worsbipful thy M. Edger wl eev hi CER Bro. W. J. Dunlop, B.A., B.Paed. A.T.C.M. diplomas at the Gradua- Bownianville Grand Master, wiii be present tion Exencises of the Toronto and take part in the service. Consenvatory of Music, Monday evening, October 17, in Convoca- Mr. A. N. Mitchell, President, tion Hall, Toronto. Anyone wish- Canada Life Assurance Company, ing to attend may obtain invita- is scheduled to address the 33rd tions from the Toronto Conserva- annual meeting of the Amenican tory of Music. Life Convention, at Chicago, Oc -__________ tober 10 to 14. His subject wili be "Thrift' and Cheap Money." B. H. S. DEFEATED rýJ P 0 EMn. and Mrs. A. F. Turner and Jean, Toronto, were luncheon (Coftinued tram page 1) guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns Duggan Mcllveen and tore up the on Sunday. They were accomp- field for 60 yards and a touch- 1 G r.-. Janied by Mrs. Lyle of The Alpine down, which was convented on a 0 A a,"Club, Banff, Alberta, who is en forward pass by Brambrîdge to route to Scotland for the wintcr. make the score 12-il. Alderman James Aberncthy, In the hast quarter, the locais painter and interior decorator, tunned on the pressure with owith his staff have been wonking plenty of good plunging by Col- oventime for tbem, and after hours ville, Mason and Mcllveen, and for the bank staff, redecorating within a few minutes they had the exterion and intenior of the gained 40 yards. The final plunge Canadian Bank of Commerce. was taken by Chanlie, the Chub, Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman, Mcllveen for a touchdown w'hich who spent the surnvne at Stur- Fag an converted. Mcllveen added geon Point, eave this wcck for anâther to the score with a well St. Petersburg, Florida, where placed kick oven the line near they will spend the winter. The the end of the game. )yalMai lat thng heydid befone îeaving Outstanding for Bowmanville town xvas to order The Statesman were Mllveen, Colville, Crombie sent on to their new address. and Fagan, and for Cobourg Win- Mrs.Hary Foterand issters, Gallagher, Brambridge and Mr ar r Foer a n MssLeetham. Tnebicocks P an t Refence: Jack Roach; Umpire, ithutFai . Thanksgiving with Rev. and Mrs. R. Ostrander. Cobourg; H e a d ning winter that your most E. F. Armstrong and Miss Mar- Linesm-an, Bill Paterson. garet Armstrong at Blcnheim. __________ you promptly every day. They also visited Dr. and Mrs. v OUrml eadeso h e-yDbo tAm olgEEEE 1 t 1 it 9 e n 's ýt a ýs , d d d e ý t t h k 3, 1 d d .s 3. 1 e ri t v r s BUILD RESISTANCE AND GUARD YOUR HEALTH -.VITAMIN A - -builds strong tissues promoting Ithe body 's resistance to infection. VITAMIN B - proniotes appetite and diges- t ion. Protects body froni nervous diseases. VITAMIN D - regiilates minera] xnetabolism, developing healthy bonW and teeth. - Be Prepared for Winter Take Vitamin Produets Now ALPHAMET1ES - standardized concentrate Sof Cod Liver Oul in capsule form $1. - $1.85 - $3.50 AYERST 10-D COD LIVER OIL - ten times the usual Vitamin D content, eapecially re- conimended for babies - - - - 67c - $1,69 R .D.A. COD LIVER OIL a n especially fine, standardized Norwegian Cod Liver Oil - - SCOTT'S EMULSION- than plain Cod Liver Oil, Contaiins the same Vitamins 16 oz. 79c more digestible - - 53ec-98e Frosst's Neo-Chemical - Kepler C.L. OÙ and Food Capsules - 1.25-2.25 Malt - - - 75c-1.25 Parke-Davis A.B.D. Radio Malt - 89c-1.50 Capsules --1.15-$2-3.45 Wampole's Ext. - $1.00 Haliver 011 Creotone - - - 98c, Capsules - - 95c-1.55-3.25I Viosterol - - 65c-1.75 DUTOR DROPS, medicamentiun - - - 7c PINEX, cough compound, 5Oc size A. S. A. TABLETS, 100's - - 19C ALWAYS UNIFORM IN TASTI AND IN TEXTURE FOR 19< Pepsodent Antiseptie 2 - 50c Bottios - - Sic Wildroot Hair Tonie 2 -55e Bottl - -56e Aika Seltzer - 29c-57c Naturels tankc and, body \bu i1le r, consistina of health.giving n a t u r a 1 minerais and vitamins suppiled by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practically every kind of ailment. Unconditionally guaran. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 - 750 $2.79 40o PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM and 50c WARDONIA RAZOR with two Mlldes 90C Value Both For 49c Prescriptions a Specialty ALEX Phone 792 McOREOOR Druge 1We Deliver v j- BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED - TED MORRIS IS lHall. Prize winners were: High lady in euchrc, Mrs. Wmn. Mitch- A jolly time was enjoyed at a NEW NOBLE GRAND 'eh; high gent in cuchre, Jos. Hall; ýmiscellaneous shower at Mrs._____owgninecr, m.Cnsh Chri Rob nsons Tu sday even high lady in bridge, M rs. J. J. ing, October 4th, when Miss Doris C.* G. (Ted) Morris was elected. Cornish: high gent in bridge, AI- Hall, bride-to-be, was the honored Noble Grand of Florence Nightin- bert West; lowv gent in bridge, guest. The room was beautifully gale Lodge, 1,00OF., No. 66, at Chas. Tyrell: high lady in 500, decorated with autumn flowers, the election of officers Wednesday Mrs. E. Evans; high gent in 500, and Miss Hall was surrounded bY evening. Other officers are: Vice Wm. Mitchell: low gent in 500, SCOUT NEWS ia be,,y of over twenty girl friends Grand, Horace Hennings; R e c. Fred Yeo. Prizes were presented 1___ who showered her with many use- Secretary, R. Sudds; Fin. Scy., by Mrs. A. Henry during the Satrdy i By Sou Aplefui gifts and much merrinprnt W. J. E. Ormiston; Treasurer, Art lunch and social haîf-hour period. Satrda isBo Scut ppl 1prevailed as she unwrapped the Edger; Warden, I. Hobbs; Con- A rather unique menu was pro- Day. Ail Scouts and Cubs are I packages. A social evening was ductor, M. W. Tamblyn; R.S.'N.G., vided for lunch - baked beans, àsked to co-operate to make this Ispent and dainty refreshments Bert Coiwell; L.S.N.G., Howard bread andl butter, coffee, an d the greatest Apple Day in Bow- were served. Cowle; Chaplain, Malcolm Moore; honey dip doughnuts, and was manVille's history.__________ Inside Guard, 'Elmer Hennings; much apprecjated. Through the generosity of Mrs. Outside Guard, Luther Nichols; Percy Cow.an, the store recently I WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB R S 'V.,G., Joe Flett; L.S.V.G., Ed -____________ vacated by Mr. MacDonald has PLAN MEETINGS FOR SEASON Wmn Wood; R.S.S., Roy Hooper; been given to the Scouts for a.1 Bowmanville Women's Cana- L.S.S Ernest Purdy; J.P.G., Wal- display window. 'dian Club is planning another in- ter Hackney. Special mention should be made! structive and entertaining series! The officers were installed by of the work done by Gilbert of meetings for the coming sea- District Deputy Grand Master Joncs, manager of the Dominion 'son. This club hias been in opera- . Wm., Smith and his team, of Dur- Store, who painted the Apple Day tion for many years now and each bamn Lodge No. 78, Port Hope. y t.' signs. His help is dceply appre- season seems to gro\v in interest1 The evening concluded with USE Y U W- ciated by the Scout Association. and increased membership wvhich lunch and a program of instru- CEI Next wcek will see ail Bow- is most encouraging to the officers mental and voL4al selections.CR T manville Scout and Cub leaders who give it such capable and en- -__________ fully equippcd with new uniforms. thusiastic leadership. A fund of This should be an inducement for information on timely subjects is O o o ail Scouts and Cubs to do the given out at these meetings which 0 o oN w EFC samne. Lot's make this a uniform are of a real educational value. ________ year. Ladies in town and country are First Pack Newvs: In the ah- invited to join the club. The fee Mrs. Alfred Chapman, Orono, sence of Cubmaster W illiam is trifling when compared with Ireceived a tclcgram from Saskat- James., who hias been ill, the the pleasure and inspiration onej chewan advising her of the pass- meeting xvas conducted b;- Assist- receives at these enjoyable gath- iing of her brother, Edward Birch, ant Cumbasters Eric Swindells erings. ýwho had suffered three strokes. and Arthur Cullv7. After the op-, Come to the first meeting in 'He leaves to mourn his loss two ening exercises 'the Cubs were St. John's Parish Hall, Mondaysonarend threef dauhers, as treated to a gamne of blind boxing. October 17, at 4.15 p.m., when l arg ume f rndhlrea Each boy xvas blindfolded, turned Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Oshawa, well as one brother and one sis- around three tines and then start- world traveiler, will take her ter. Hewasvaluccessfu farme ed boxing another dizzy oppon-lIaudience on one of her famousand took an active interest in Sellvu.euiuF. cnt. The game proved very ex- 'tours, "Some Intimate Impres- 'church work and always opened hand-carved settng citing and showed that eachi one! sions'of Russia, China and Japan." his home for ail workers and visi- is capable of defendin!z himself. Miss Olive Ziegler of Toronto tor fr heOntari 18Mr. B irchleft First Troop: An interesting.ý University wili address the No- Krbnd o here west ind 1898. Fn- hor a set lthe Fire Hall:vember meeting on "Current Ev-tendhse ere wlled matyM by members of t}M lst Troop on ents." Dr. McElheran, Principal Tuesday night when Acting Fire of Wycliffe Coliege, who delight- Orono Library members held a JEWELRY STORE Chief Richard Sudds and F'reman 1 cd this club~ eraowt i otscesu card party last ]Phone 463 Bowmanv.lle Tommy Lyle demonstrated ways Irish wit an wisdom, wiil speak night (Wednesday) in the Orange and means of preventing a fire. at the December meeting.__________________________________ The boys were shown how to send _________ in an alarm and aiso how the _______________________________ siren works. The rccentîy repair- RICE LAKE LEVIATHAN ed fire engine was the centre of WILL VISIT TOWN SOON WHY DO YOU BAKE WHEN WE MAKE attraction when Mr. Sudds ex- A atW .Cals eea plained its details and the method at ltW,. h ais, et en l of pumping water from a weîî, long abcnalehasbsatsfieda hf how the ladders work, and sever- -. ambiltionaldobby by own-Thi realization came about on Friday D l use of the gas A9ask was also when Bill went to Peterboro and - demonstrated. conducted in person the delivery Prom the finest ingredients and baked with the Mr. Sudds asked the boys to be of a Peterboro Canoe Co. "Sea- aecrth yuseiyo wnom.Y l av careful of fires and explained farer 20 DeLuxe." In other words sm aeta o s nyu w oe o'lhv that when a fire breaks out, cail it's a commodious and luxuriously no cake failures if yen buy them froni Carterb'. the fine men first and then pro- upholstered motor iaunch with a ceed to put out the blaze. He also 25 H.P. engine, capable of a speed urged the boys to be careful when of 18 to, 20 miles per hour. (When Fruit Cake. burning leaves and neyer to Bill gets his sea legs and languagec leave an outside fire without working he will tell you how Cherry Cake E ach making sure it was extinguished. many knots that will be). It also Sultana Cake The leaders of Scouts are grate- has a comfortable seating capac- 2 fui to these gentlemen for their ity of 15 people and defies sea- Dark Fruit Cake interest and shahl endeavour to sickness in the noughest of wea- do their part in the prevention of then. The first cruise was made f ires. from Peterbono through the Trent fAl U ~i At the close of the meeting, a Valley canal and îocks to Rice T E ~ i .L ~ F M L senior court of honor was held. Lake, thence to Mr. Challis' sum- T1 E C RR A I Harold Casbourn was chosen as mer home at Bewdley. It is Bill's Patrol Leader of the Eaglces to intention to display this "Levia- Bakers for Two Generations fili the vacancy left when Don than of Rice Lake" at his f ail Phone 855 BonvW Camenon found it impossible to motor show in Bowmanvilie in continue due to other duties. the near future. VITAMINSFOR BABY'S DIET UMM% 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1938 TIIE C:\N--\I)IA'-'; STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SLVEN 50c Dr. West 's Tooth Brush - - - 33e Djer Kiss Talc. - - - - 13c 25c Noxzema -- -- --15c CASHMERE TIS S U E '4 1000 Sketti to the Roll JAHMEII Velvetta Tissues, 200's --lic A.B.S.&C., 100's - - - - 9c ÎD 39c UNITED CIGAR STORLE AGENCY r

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