Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 131H, 1938 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Everybody approves of these their Newcastle friends in the glorious October days and fine' church where their father was noonlight nights. choirmaster for many vears. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Mýorton and entertained at "Harris Lodge" on, Laurence motored to Toronto Fni- Thanksgiving Day. day and also visited his brother Miss Hilda Rowland, L a ke at Thornhill. Laurence's cousin, Shore, attended the teachers 1 on Richard Morton. Thornhill. came vention in Toronto. to Newcastle with them Saturday to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Myr- Mr. And Mrs. Herbert Cooke, tie Eflison, Toronto, xvas also a Kingston, were weekend guests of guest of Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Mor- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke. 'ton. Miss Helen Wilson, OshawaHlComnn soibeg was a weekend guest of Mr H1somuini nt.en Jesse Baskerville, Base Line.. celebrated in St. George's Church Mrs. Dwight Brown, L a ke every Sunday morning at 8 o'clock Shoe, as eenviitig hr du-instead of on alternate Sundays ghter, Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte.a omryal t11*lokn Miss Gladys Shaw. Toronto, the regular Sundays. Next Sun- spent the weekend xith lier par- day. Oct. 16, evening service will ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw. be held at St. George's at 5 o'clock Mrs. R. C. Lovekin and younger in order that all who wish mII son, Richard. spent the weekend attend the Harvest Home service withherparnts.Mr.andMrsat 7 p.m. in St. Saviour's Church. Jos. Coulson. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mr1 Two more cars of fancy seed Skelton and three daughters, To- peas, grown by farmers of this ronto, spent Thanksgiving at Mr. district, were loaded at the C.N.R.f Wm. Neil's house. station Monday and Tuesday forc Mr. Sam Simpson and Miss Canners' Seeds Limited, Welling-S Claa Cswel, ornto wee hl-ton, by Mr. Wilson of Wellingtonc idaya weendTguestof Mer. and 'and Mr. Austin Turner, local re-r Mrs. Johknd Caslfl r..ndpresentative of the company. Af Re. R.o.h MrtonandMr. redcar of coal was being unloaded Graham, Lay representative, were frih de at the stattmeaniaonth in Pickering Thursday attending fegh ad e atthesation- the Oshawa Presbytery. within the patwewsa x Mr. and Mrs. Graham, formerly tra large car of fine hay for thes of ingto, ae ow etledinForestry Branch, Orono, to be theinewsomearecnw entlurhan-used in packing young trees for t thi oed rm r AnecHee. urha the winter.J e rMissrEvAnieRickar, Prt ope A miscellaneous shower was I ndMiss ean Rickard Poakviope tendered Mrs. Morley Sallows,9 anttoMisJenstn atrd a to at formerly Miss Gertrude Bonathan,S went o KigstonSatu rugby at-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E tend the Varsity-Queen'srub A. Walton, Wednesday evening,e game. October 5th. Associated on the i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwill, shower committee with Mrs. Wal- r Roy and Jean, Toronto, and Mr. ton were Misses Marjory Lycett c and Mrs. Norman Williams, Gaît, and Hazel Wood. Mrs. SallowsE were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. H. had been having tea by invitationS Pearce.i with Mrs. Earle Walton and afterd Misses Joyce and Nancy Can- I tea Mr. Walton took the ladies forC non and Margaret Valleau, Osh- :a car drive. The trip j ust natural- U awa, spent the weekend with ytriae a M.nd rsR their grandmrothen, Mrs. T. M. Gly atn'atedajMrand Mrs. Gibson. Ge. Wa ulton's andMajr anmuht rs Miss Annabelle Hendny, LakeîH. . Ddleys'surphee mhe oiK Shore, teacher at Pontypool, was Mrs.u Salyofs' srpgr rise s h oud C in Oshawa attending the teachers'Iabot orty tofheor rlfhenbde.haP convention for Mr. C. F. Cannon's Sg a ethree oorecpth obride. Inspectorate.Shwamaetercpntoat MissAreta artn, orotolovely assortment of personal and spent the holiday weekend withhosehodld ry tiets twih- a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pann- eandcerysn i penteomteM aby Martin, and assisted St. donors. Amortg the laisp1sn George's Church choir. was Mrs. R. E. Morton, wife of a Mis May BeenandhernieeRev. R. E. Morton of the United MsMaGeoreWie and h idece, Church. Refreshments were serv- r have gone to Toronto for the win- edadapesn vnn pn ter. They will be much missed wt gmsan otet.i in Newcastle and from the lake!,ar front. 'NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ewart G. Clem- THANKSGIVING SERVICES w ence, Oshawa, were in Newcastle'___hi_ Tuesday evening attending the l Thanksgiving Day coming on er farewell to hen bnother-in-law IMonday, October 10, provided the CI and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. theme for sermons and music in Hanna. the United Church on Sunday. se Mr. Le Boutillier and son Ger- Rev. R. E. Morton chose for the es ald, Halibunton, and Rev. Mr. text of his morning sermon, Psalm se Butler and Mrs. Butler and son 1103:2, Bless the Lord, O My soul, Edmond, Weston, were Thanks- and forget not ail his benefits. la giving guests of Mn. and Mrs. P. IThe choir under the leadenship of da F. Le Gresley. Mr. W. J. S. Rickand with Mrs. fo: Mr. Ernest Pooley, Toronto, IE. C. Fisher at the ongan sang ci visited his brother and sisten-in- the anthem, Praise the Lord. ci law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pooley, In the evening the pastor ca Third Line, and with themn was 1preached fromn the text, Walk Nc an interested spectator at the about Zion and go round about ed park on High School field day. bher: tell the tower theneof. Mark Messrs. Perey Bnown and Asa ye well her bulwanks, consIderir Clark are remodelling the former her palaces, 'that ye may tell it Hunter house reccntly hought by to the genenation following, Psalm ne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bu rle. The 148: 12, 13. This is figurative Ian- Po have the roof and ail the top(toi1guage'and fine poetry, and wise th ey off preparatory to building,, it icounsel. It is an exhortation to en, higher. the people to consider well the Mr. Fred Graham left Saturda,., d'urch, look to her foundations on a trip by rail to Saskatchewail , (!superstructure, ponder her to visit his brother, Mr. Edsaillb .:ks observe her place in Graham, of Sylvania in the Tis- the v. u appraise her value, the dale district. He will also visit at1 worth .C¾irist's chunch on earth, his sister-in-law's, Mrs. Parken, that they i: -tell it to the gen- e nee Olive Walton, Regina. enation folio..' . . _as Mr. Alf. Alldread, son of Mn. There was o o 'irLe attendance ad, and Mrs. Matt. Alldread, was tak- at both services, c ...' ;ally in the Ccl en f0 Oshawa hospital Sunday forî monning. ad, treatment of a tumor at the base Although the date '- o.-~tober of of the brain. He has since retuen- 9, the baskets of flowei. î,rn- chz ed. He has not been well of late i ng the church, from the i, n liiE and has suffered considenable ;of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose,c thE pain. tained many spikes of choice glau- Constable and Mrs. John Gar-, loli. Dahlias were in evidence too.i, rod in company wîth Mrs. R. T. _________ Rutherford and Mrs. Frank O'Neil ýNO motored to Bracebnidge Thanks-! HARVEST HOME SERVICES SPE giving Day to visit Mr. and Mrs1 AT ST. GEORGE'Sga Walter Haigh and Joyce. Mes: i po dames Rutherford and ONeil also Rev. C. R. Spencer of St. John's COL visited Bigwin Inn. Chunch, Bowmanville, preached wh Mrs. Chas. Gomme and daugh- Sunday morning in St. George's livi ter, Mrs. H. Ashlee, Toronto, and Church, Newcastle, on the occa- bei Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crowther and sion of its Harvest Home services. vii daughter, of Bowmanville, were He was greeted by a good attend- tha Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and:ance of members, adherents and les. Mrs. Walter Crowthen and attend- viios etoka h et0 Mrs. alterFarro, andotherigs.H thepople afthis landfwl el avs i icinity of ron s. elh, life itsenlffr(indshomes, _ Auction Sale -At - ELMONT PAR MS One Iile West of Hampton, Ontario FRIDAY, 'OCTOBER 21 st 25 Registered Shorthorn Cattie 20 Yorkshire PIgs (about 100 lbs. each) Sale to Start at 1 p.m, sharp JAS. HOGARTH, ELMER WILBUR, lerk. Auctioneer. un ani A. thE Bo gnî mEc Pei would have themn live, and by supportiîig the wonk of Christian Missions which are seeking and stnvin tospradthe good news of Jesus Christ and Ris nedeeming love thnoughout the tvorld. Chris- tians ought to praise God and do ail they cati f0 help others f0 kiiow Him. The choir sang the anthem, Nowv Mindfuî of bhy Bounties, witli Mn. Kenneth Stephenson singing the second stanza as a solo. Mns. Jno. Gannod was at the organ. The church wvas fastefulîy dec- onated with fruits. flowens, vege- tables, autumn leaves. and grain fnom the harvest fields, symbolie of God's bounteous gifts of nature to the chiîdnen of men. Thene were almost as many ouf at the evening service when the recton, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, preached a thoughtfuî bhanks- giving sermon. Ris many fiends were pleased f0 see Rev. J. Scoft Howard, who bas been in poor health for some time, in attend- ance at Divine service in church. FAREWELL HANNA FAMILY Mn. and Mes. Wm. Ranna and family were fendered an appre- ciative farewelî addness and pre- sented with gifts of a manfel dlock, silven flower bowî and a matching pair of silver candie holders at a function held in the United Chunch S. S. hall on bues- day evening, Oct. 11, under aus- pices of the Woman's Association. Men folks of the church wene pre- sent as guests of the ladies. Mes. J. H. Jose, President of the W.A., presided, and Mes. W. J. S. Riekard read the address. Mesdames Jose and Riekard f0- gether made the presentation. Speeches eulogizing Mn. and Mes. Hanna, Jean and Gordon, as fnl- ends, neighbons, citizens, and fel- low workees in the chuech, and r.gretting their removal from the community were made by Rev. R. E. Morton, Thos. A. Rodger, Supt. of the Sunday Sehool, Mes-1, dames Percy Rare and W.H-.1 Cooke, former presidents of' thej UJnited Church W. A., Normani iickard, W. J. S. Riekard and H. 1 R. Pearce. A program of music1 nterspensed the speeches. Mes.1 Kenneth Weeey sang two solos, Come Away, and The End of a Perfecf Day, Misses Jean and Isa- bel Clemence favored with a duet, vitb Mes. E. C. Fisher at the piano, and Miss Jean Hanna wifh i solo accompanied by her mother. Mes. b. H. Clemence contnibuted areading befitting the occasion. E Mn. and Mes. Ranna, deepîyS noved, each thanked thein friends C fo the many kind words andi parting gifts. Walter Rickard, C choir leader, led in singing, Theyr nre joîly good Fellows.- A real highîight of the prognani vas a necitation by Me. Ranna hinseîf of a number he used f0 ententain with as a boy, "Bairniesi Cuddle Doon."t Affen the pnognam. the ladiest seved refneshments of sandwich- 1 es, cake and coffee, and all pre-a snt spent a pleasant social houe. Me. Hanna is a native of Scot- [ad and Mes. Hanna is the eldesf aughfer of the late A. A. Colwiîl,s Fmen ecording steward and P lerk of the session of the United huech, one f ime Reeve of New- ,astle and Wanden of Durham and 1orthumbenland. They have liv- id at "Bayside" ever since theie narriage. Bofh have been active n church wonk aîl their lives. They are soon moving f0 their s iw farm of 80 acres at Conbett's- :oint, south east of Whitby, anda he best wishes of a host of fni- f îds go wifb fhem.a CONVENTION <ContInued from Page 1) et Street School, Oshawa, acted ýchairman for the sessions and ldressed the teachers on their Entributiori to national life. He lvised feachers to think in ternis ,fwhat type of cifizens their harges would become later in de and expressed bis opinion that àe new cuericulumi wouîd aid -mi materially in fitting the stu- for life with bis fellow-men. FPark, B.A., of Peteeboro orn. chool staff, was another peaker the convention and ave the . çzates a numben of dnts in coi,'. lion with the new ourses of stuù- i'ie principle of jhicha was to bi .. ' about social iing and nelationsi-,.i, of human eings with one anothi . He ad- ised the use of pictune.- rather an crude models to illustrate isons. On Friday, Dr. Harny Amoss, specton of Auxiliary Classes of ie Depatment of Education, -essed the necessify of clear iinking on the part of teachers ,en teaching arithmetic. Sessions wene opened by a short evotional peeiod conducted by ev. W. Harold Reid of Knox resbyterian Church, Oshawa. Vocal seleefions dueing the ses- ons were presented by the sen- n oom of Courtice sehool under iir insteuctor, Mes. D. Robb; .d by Mes. S. Alger, Oshawa. rchestral and vocal numbens ere peesented by the Bowman- lle sehool playens directed by r. F. Suffon; by Oshawa students der direction of Mn. L. Richer, nd community singing led by Mn. "R. Vingin, Supeninfendent of ie Ontario Training Sehool for mys, Bowmanviîle. The sessions took the fonni of rado meetings and addresses and iluded a banquet and social eriod. CONFERENCE (Contlnued from Page 1) suîted, she said, and good speak- ers should be secured. Speakers, she believes, should be given a definife amount of finie for theje addnesses, and business shouîd be kept brief. New material should be select- cd during the year for the execu- five but offilees should neyer be suggested for social oe personal reasons, Mns. L. Burgoyne, edifon 0f the Home and School Review, confended in hen message on the er I Li 1machineny of meetings. Mes. D. iWalkinshaw of Toronto, secretary 1treasurer of the Federation, deali with budgets and finance and de. clared that voluntary contribu- tions were not sufficient f0 carry the work forward. Home Education discussion was unden the leadership of the On- tario convener, Mrs. G. C. V. Hew- son of Toronto, who stressed a more intensive study of chiîd pro- bîems and advocated gatherings af at least two week periods. Study by parents, she said, gives them security and confidence f0 heîp children. Panel discussion in meetings where parents and fea- chers give short talks on a variety of subjects affer preîiminary stu- dy, was suggested to replace single speakers at some meetings. Cecil F. Cannon, inspector of public sehools, gave an enlighten- ing and somewhat unusual ad- dress on "The Langer Unit of Ad- ministration," when he outlined the plans f0 unify small schools info langer units for more success- fuI work. "I believe the scheme f0 be sound and worthy of considera- tion by all who are interested in the best for ur childnen," Mn. Cannon said. Ai discussion period followed this address. Understanding between t h e schooî heaîth officials and parents is very necessary, especiaîly where abnormaîities are noted, said Miss Edna Moore of Queen's Park, convener of heaîth for the Federation and head of the health department for the O.E.A. Fifty- eight per cent of the sehools of the province have health service now she reveaîed. "Dirty hands, not dirty faces, are the health menace," she said. The important question of heaîth was funther considered by IDr. D. J. M. Gniffin, psychiatrist, member of the National Commit- tee of Mental Hygiene and a member of the staff of the Sick Chiîdren's Hospital. "Heaîfh education is more vital- ly important than A.B.C.'s," he said. When a child's background is not the same as another child's .vhy shouîd the same response be expected, he asked. He discussed the new point of view which is. being taken, wherein the child is considened as an individual ra- ther than as a part of a group. This idea of individuality was funther stressed by Dr. W. R. Binks, M.O.H. for Bowmanvilîe, who declared that Canadian tea- chers have f00 many pupils. He ;poke of the supenior resuits in 'ducation in England w herne schools are smaîî. Dr. Binks also lecried the prevalence of rivaîny in schools which makes nervous childeen and retards their non- mal progress. Mns. R. S. McLaughîin, a vice- resident of the national fedena- ion, addressed the gathering dur- ing the suppen houe and outîined the woek of the National Fedena- tion. She also urged thaf parents use their leisure time f0 the best .dvantage, fowards their own betferment and that of their chil- dren. She spoke briefly on the significance of Thanksgiving and stressed the value of power, es- pecially divine power. Bradley's School Bradîci s Home and School Club held their opcning ineeting of the ceason on Friday cvening. Oct. 7th vith 50 present. Committees wcre appointed for the different activities for the winter. An interesting pro- tramn consistcd of fwo musical sel- ections by the school; rcading, Mrs. Everctt Cryderman; piano solo and encore. Miss Betty Smales. Contests were enioved iin charge of Mrs. G. Leask and Nirs. E. Cryderman. AIl [id justice f0 a bountiful lunch. Miss Emma Wenny, Toronto, was guest of ber cousin, Miss Florence Werry. Misses Isabel and Dorofhy Bic- keli and Edward John returned from a visit with Mn. and, Mes. W. J. McMilIin in Timmins. Farm Wanted FARM WANTED - I RAVE A clîstomer for a fanm of about 100 or 125 acres with good buildings. If vou have a farm f0 sell sec b. H. Kuight. Phonc 565 or 768, Bowmanville. 40-2, *Jewelry Repairs IrWELRY REPAIRS - MR. Mîlils. watchmaker. Rampton, will reside at Solomon Estate, Five Pointsý. North Oshawa, after Oct. l5th. where lie will continue f0 do renairs. 41-1 CoatsRepaired FUR COAT.$ - REPAIRED. RE- modellcd and made to order. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Ste. Clare at C. J. Hughson's, Orono, duning Oct- ober. 41-1 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machincrv repairs. gencral igar- age repairs, welding, towinlg ser- vice. J. L. Demerling, Proprietor, Dressmaking I)RESSMAKING - MRS. FLOR- rie Roberts, Ladies' tailor and dressmakcr would work out or at home. Dresses froni $250 Up. Suits or coats at reasonal)le prices. George St., Bowmanville. 40-4 PERSONÂL iinof 30, 40, 50, want Vim, M n igor. for rundown body? bry OSTREX Tablets of raw oyster stimulants and general body huilders. If not delightcd with results of first package, maker refunds its low pnice. Caîl, write jury & LovelI, and aIl other good druggists. 40-t f One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum c h a r g e 25c) . Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is not paid same week as insertion. Extra charge of 10c when re- plies arc directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marniages 50c each. In Memor- iams. 50c for notice plus 10c ver line for verse. Classified advertisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. MARRIAGE HOSKIN - GILL-HAM - At Sean- boro Ave. United Chunch. Cal- garv. Alberta, on August 28, 1938. hv Rev. Dr. Paton, Frederick Napier Woodley. eIder son of 'Mn. and Mrs. Fred E. Hoskin, Car- stains. to Lucilla Irma, only daugh- ter of Mn. and M2\rs. Herbent Gi- ham. Calzary. DEATHS COLWXILL - In Windsor, on Wed- ncsday. October 12, 1938, Laura Walton Colwill, widow of the late Richard C. Colwill. Funcral f rom the United Church, Newcastle, on Fnidav. October l4th, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. HAMBLYN - In Bowmanville. on Saturdav. October 8th, 1938, Jane Hamblyn. widow of the late John Hamblyn. aged 87 years. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. NMc.\ASTER - At 57 Albert St., Oshawa. October 7, 1938, William 1. l\cM,\aster, 57 vears. Interment Hamp)ton Cemetery. PHILP - In Toronto, October' 7, 1938. Latîra Pcnnington, widow of the late Richard W. Philp, form- cnlv of Nestleton. Interment Pro- slpect Ccmetery, Toronto. ZE.\LAND - At Newtonville, Oct. l0th. 1938, 'Mitchell Zcaland, in his 7(lîh vean. Internient Newtonville Cernetcrv. COMING EVENTS Coînpanions of the Forest Bazaar, sale of home cookinz and work. in Sons of England Hall, on Thursdav. Oct. 20. at 3 pi..-\fternoon tea. 41-2 Be neadv with vour order for doughnmuts when the Girl Guides cal on vou dliiing the coming week. 41-1 The Women's Institute will hold a bazaar anti home-cookincr sale on Thursdav. November 3rd, iin Parisli Hall. Aftcrnoon tea will he servcd. Note the date. Rumiaze Sale, Afternoon Tea, and Hoîne-made Cooking Sale in St. Paul's Lecture Rooîn, on Saturdav. Octohen 22nd. 41-1 IN MEMORIAM ADA-MS - In ever Ioving inemory of our Mothier and Father, Salome and Henrv A\dams., who passed- awav Auigust 27, 1931, and Octoben 15. 1934. -Ever remcembered by the Family. BEECH - In lovinz memory of Fredcrick Arthur Beech, isho passed asvay October 13, 1930: Sunshine Passes, shadows faîl, Love and reinembrance outlive aIl. -Ever remenmered, Father, Bro- thers and Sisters. ENGAGEMENTS MIr. and M.\rs. J.H. Alldread of Bowmawjlle. announce the engage- ment of their only dauiglter, Kath- leenl Berdena Alldread, to Mn. WXil- liam Rusk, son of Mr, and Mrs.1 Robiert Rusk, Castleton. The inarr-i iagc svill take place quictly in Oct- 1ber. Reverend and Mtrs. Edward S. Bishop, Uxbridge, Ontario, annouince thte engagement- of their dauglîter. Frances B uik, to MnI. John Melvin Hutchin.,on. son of M.\rs. Mselvin J.. Hutchinson. Bowmanville, and tlic late N. Hutchinson of Toronto. bTie narriaze will take Place in Uxhnidgfe on1 Fridav. Novcmhçr 4th. Beauty Culture LADIES - XVOULD YOU LIKE vour hair looking its bcst for the coming ente rtai nments. You will be satisfied bv getting one of our $200 specials. Iris Beauty Parlor. 'lelephone 2601. 41-1* Strayed STRAYED - BLACK SCOTTY pup, 3 months oldj, f rom his home on Manvers Road. Information as to his whereabouts should bc nhoned to Mrs. T. W. Cawkcr. Phone 794. 41-1w Employment IMMUEDIATE EMPLO YM E NT fi r two decpendahle men to takce charze of estahlished routes, ini- clîîding tcwnis in Durham County,1 also including steadv' empîovmrenti in 0 ' hawa handlinz daily necessit-i iues for Ontaî-io's hest knowîî Pro- <luct, inuist bîc satisfied sith carn- insrs aroiind $30 a wcek on stant, referetîce esýsential. if qualîfy. will he kep)t on permanentl3,. Write John Toal, 33 Hunter St. East, Peterbomo. 41-1 Readingst MRS. BRANTON, OSHAWA, will bc in Bowmanville, on Fniday, Oct l4th. For appointiment Phone 574, 40-2 Work Wanted EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS hotsework. Apply F. E., Drawer B.. Bowmanville. 41-1 For Sale MOTOR FOR SALE - 1-6 h.p mnotor iii good condition. Bargain for ouiick salc. Apply Clif f '.\- Nain. Statesmnan 0f f icc, Phone 663. FOR SALE - LARGE QUEBEC Heater : Axmiîister Carpet 15Ixlî white iron bcd and mnattress. small size : also other small articlcs. .\pplv J. C. Hancock, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3724. . 41-1* FOR SALE - CHICKEN HOUSE size l0x12x7'. ini first class con- dition. throughout: cheap for quick sale. Phonc 866. 41-l* FOR SALE - COOK STOVE, coal oil heaten. 2 step) ladders. 2 piano stools. 2 carpet sweepers, 2-hurner electric hot plate, dishes, chairs, tubs and other articles. 'Mrs. A. Mitchell. Phone 415. 41-1 FOR SALE - DINING ROOMI suite. dressers. singer sewiîîg nia- chine. orran. Phone 2169 41-1 FOR SALE - 200 STOOKS 0F corn ini field; also a quantity of gzood winter cabbage and potatoes. Phone 2406. Bowmanvillc. 41-3* FOR SALE-QUEBEC HEATER, also divanette as good as new. Apply \Win. Nichols. Elgin St.. Bowmanville. 41-1 FOR SALE - 1937 CHEVROLET Coach. Phone 870. 41-1 FOR SALE-CEM,«ENiT BLOCKS, plain or rock face:; also cement brick. A. C. Cook, 264 French St., Oshawa. 40-2* C. W. SOUCH RAS A COMI- plete outfit. litter carrier and tracking. Phione 2564. 40-2 Livestock For Sale lFOR SALE-REGISTERED HOL- steiti bull. 10 nmonths old. froin a hizh testîî1z dami; also 3-vcar-old Clvde mare. Noble 'Metcalf. Phone 2259. 41-1* FOR SALE - 55 PULLETS,' 50r% *laving. best qualitv~ froinileatling hatcheries. Wyandottes, Leglonnis and Rocks, pnice $1.50. Phone 2535. 41-1 FOR SALE - EIGHT GOOD young Yorkshire pigs, just wean cd : also a cluantitv of mnangles. A\. E. Billett, Hampton, Phone 2557. 41-1 FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE S0W and nine pigs. Apply Robt. 'Mof - fatt. Orono. Phone 84r7. 41-1 FOR SALE - PUFS, FEMALE, $1.00. f ive wceks old; two part Persian kittens, and pet pigeýons, 2 for 15c. 1Mathews. Tricky's Corners, Newcastle. 41-1* To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 7 ROO'MS, small garden, just north of Boys* Traininp, Schiool. Rent $5 month. Appfly 'Mns. John Luxton. Bow- manville. R.R. 4, Phone 2224. 41-tf TO RENT--4-ROOMi\ED HOUSE - aIl conveniences. hardwood floors. ncwlv decorated. centrallv Iocated, garden. Applv J. j Mason & Son, or Phone 2433. 41-tf TO RENT - l00-.\CRE F.\RMI on, lst Concession. Cartwright; framcà buildings, reasonable remit. possession at once. A-ppîv Mrs. G. IL. Martvin, Phone 618, Bowmian- ville. 41-11 FLA.T TO RENT-FOUR ROO'MS incîtidetl withî reasonable remit: centtral location. Appîr Mnrs. F. H. Bimnsaîl. Phioie 326. 41 -1* TO REX T-6-ROOMED 1ILOUSEý Witlb ail cottvctieitces on Conicess-ý on St.. garage amnI small garclen. Possession Nov. lst. Chas. Heal. Plione 2622. 40l-t TO RENT - ONE 6-ROO D hiomie on Ontario St. sith con- venictîces antd garage. Possession at onced: one duplex on grotind floor. 6 roomuls on Church St., he- iîîg rcmodelled with hardwood i floors antd redeconated throughomt possession Nov. lst or sooner if reqtiired. Phione 389. 40-tff TO RENT - 7-ROOM HOU-SE 5 miles from Bowmanvillc with. 3 acres of sprayed orchard, will selI apples cheap for quick sale. M. L. Clemens. Bowmanville, R. R. 6. Phone 2436. 40-tf Notice to Creditors R.S.O. 1937 Chap. 165, Sec. 51 Estate of Samuel Jacks Fanmer, Deceased. AIl persons having dlaims against the Estate of Samuel Jacks, late of the Township of Darlington, in the Connty of Durham, Farmer, De- ceased. who died on or about the 2lst day of July, 1938. are hercbv notified to file with the undersigncd on or before the 27th day of Oct- oher. 1938. full particulars of their dlaimis. Immediately after said date, the assets of the Deceased will be distrihuted amonRst those entitled thereto. having regard onîy to dlaims so filcd. Dated at Oshawa, the 6th day of Octoher, 1938. Charles Whincy Lang and Coma Noreen Lang, Executors Estate of Samuel Jacks, Deceased. by their solicitors. Grierson, Crcighton & Fraser. Canadian Bank of Com- merce Chamnbers, Oshawa, Ontario. 40-3 Real Estate For Sale; Wanted FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 WANTED - IN YOUR TOWN- rooins one hiaîf acre land, small ship înan able f0 scîl Snow Fence barn.î fruit trees. 2 miles north of to Couincil etc. No hiandling or Bowmianville. on middle road. Ap- rcsponsibilitv. Name Township in pfly B. MacDonald, Manvers Road, refflviîtg. Keenan Fence Comu- Bowmanville. 41-2* p)any. Qwcn Sound. 41-1 FOR SALE - ON HIGHWAY Tenders Wanted No. 2, iust six minutes drive toi Oshawa. on1e acre of land on îvhich1 Tenders foi the operation o. is crected a brick vencer house1 Oronio Skating Rink will be rcceived with 3-uiece bath. automatic cec- bv the Secretary. J. C. Gamey, tric purnp, furnace, hot ,vaterI Oronlo. uP)to 6.00 p.m., Oct. 24th, hecater. laundry tubs, clectric lights, 1938. 41-1w hardwood floors upstairs and down; double gyarage, modern For Sale or Rent hienhlouse equipped with electricity ______________________ ncevlv dccorated inside and out. Nice FOR SL RRN RM lawns and flowers lieds. Pie oSE wtOh-RoRENsTal FRA iE $4500. or without henhouse $4000 Hambouse wh ahdro qunstealle, Applv to Mrs. E. V. Scobell, In- lad.Pone t2563adaquarer Crwies surance & Real Estate lAdgehont263 Jon 1o-hn* Bowmanvillcý. Phone 474, 41-3t- ________________ - HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSES FOR SALE-7-R(:OM- bbc residence of the late R. T. ed soîid brick house on Welling- Step)henis on Bcech Ave., good ton St.. hardwood floors through- basement. garage. Now available. out, electnic lighted, 3-piece bath, Applv R. K. Squair, Administra- good cellar with cement f bon, ton. R.R. 4, Bowmianville, Phone stone foundation, single garage; _2210.__.... 1-1 also brick bungalow, 6-rooms, on Cliurch St., complete in every way, Help Wanted single garage. Both will be sold .at real bargains. b. H. Knighit. HELP WANTED - MALE - Bowmanville. Phone 565 or 768. Ambitions retail route man want- 40-2 ed to supply regular customers in Bowmanville. Ont. with Famous FOR SALE - FOR CASH IN WVatkins Products. Weckly pro- order to close estates: bwo brick fits average $22,50 at start. Credif hiouses in the Town of Bowman- f unni-shed right party. Apply ville. Apply to M. G. V. Gould, proînptly City Sales Dept.. 2177 Barrister. Bowmanville. 40-2*' Masson Str., Montreal. 40-3 WHY are One Cent ýSales so popular? WHY are they imitated but neyer equalled? WHY are they the greatest money-sawr'g event in the Ieading drug stores in ev- ery town and city on tliis Continent? 1. BECAUSE they give the people what they want and flot what the Druggist wants to, get rid of. 2. BECAUSE the Rexail Comipany has the finest Research Labatories in the world, and no remedy is ever put on the market, before it is thoroughly tèsted and ever ' bottie is sold W'ith an absolute guarantea that your money will be returned if you are not satisfied with resuits. 3. Instead of giving away sniall samples it gives'you a regular large size 25c, 50c or $1.00 Rexaîl reniedy for only one cent which will give you absolute proof that there i.s no remedy on the market equal to it for effic- iency or real value. JURY & LOVELL The Rexail Store Our Rexall One Cent Sale Oct. 26 to 29. OUR STORE IS AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE OUR NUMBER 's 778 r Y Prompt, Courteous Delivery Service Original Rexal One Cent Sale October 26 -27 -28 -29 - DON'T MIOS IT - MODES$ SANITARY ALPHAMIN PADS Newest Minerai and I2's - - - 21ic Vitamin Product 24's - - - 41c 25 doses - $2.25 50's - - - 69ce 50 doses - $3.75 PURE RUSSIAN OIL 16-oz. - - 39c NOW/ qMAqZING NEW1 SHAqMPOO 40-oz. - - 69ce PCA EUA i i PURZTEST MALT &AI COD LIVER OIL 1I-lb. - - 49c 0IK F MAGNESIA' ene I 6-oz. --29e "99C Jury & Loveil 174- e -Yc 4QStoe Phone 778 WB DELIVER Bowmanville* When We Test Byes It Is Done Prope'rly WANT@AD 1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TI-I, 1938 f

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