THURSDAY. OCTOBER 131H. 193S THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NINE THE ORONO NBWS N ews of Clarý Kendal r.Regzina!d Ellîttanad Ra;z hav.e rettrr.ed h'.,r.- tr,rn a v.î-: with her brother and -i-ter- a: SA nimber f-rn herc atterded an-; --r-. in i:Pre;b-. teriar -Nr. andNr- H. H---a W;î h: daughter. Nr.CTebble. rý-.mrathv i; (-\ttr-.d-d t -- amn- ilv af the late G-e-rze Nt-lc-. .v oa;-er, awav .-n T-.rt-dav. biar 2aer- : n- ther -lIUMnr. 0rd t-d day - S:,ae-rrnr'~ sett,- :0wsbzcribeýr t. ýend 1: î ~ f,-'r 2:c. :urn:r-g uh:V. b' ".i-e îin Kendal. t.' wrk i; arînthe comme 'cvar. Mr. and Mrs. Geýorge Clark To- .W cri in Kendal. Nir- G. Thompson and Gwynne vizited M,-z. Kenneth Saper. Nir. and Nir;. John Elliott. Bow- nianviiUe. xrz-rra îric-nd- here. 4ir-G. la;s ardLmess,.Wood- bridge. called r.n friends in Ker.dal. NIrz C. Tamblyn, Wccd'bridge at Nr- C. Thornp.Dn«s. .Nr. and NMr-. ihop. Tj-na w-ith Mîr. and Nr.. H. Nercer. Mr. andMi. Arthur Bell. Bow- ra':..a: NMr. L. D. BeIE;z. Starkville 0rý-;c h h; been closýed ior a iew dca. c..igto Teach -r- Con- Mr. G-ýorçre Srnith i; urder Dr. Manr.Care. NIl-- Eîýtha ard Nieda HL-ei H Mr:. Nrand NMrz. L.-w Ha- i. Hueh Staffleton t'-k ir the d'arce at Kendal Frida-,. Nr. Jack Hailowell '.'a; able t take a lite d-i;e with hi- -on. Del- bert iSrdv k e To vns ip te, attend the funera' .-. he-r ____________ Mssýawa \onday .SOCIAL N caî-d in her ýi;ter. NMrs. Iuhn \Mc- j ankzziv:nzDay. ýin-cert vpah îz extended the bereav-ed ore; and _____________ Ka-. .aricularlv Mrs. Cecil Burevy. his odnBrtni n oias Mbr. Wmr. Andree. Oshawa. vsited oniv -urviv-ini dauz-hter. w~ho ha; odnBuo so oias a-, hiz -i;:er'z. Mrs. NM. Shutka. terMd hm so îatnf,::vy an.d 9n Mrs. Honeywell visited friends Nfr. and Nirz. Ross Hallowell with riatien:l'. at Newcastle over the holiday. ;_Mnd iri llbrrýnk. Mr-. G. W. lone; and Mel-i:e a:- Mr. O W. Scott enjoyed a few M-;Majr Frro. ornt. ended the f-:.e-a i M- rv. dav s'hoia hsvek a:- dM Ra%-r. nrd Farrowv. Pete- p~Hoe.- oldytî ek r - a: r. V'ccr Farr-yw- . and Mlrs. (Ge *rZý arS! Mrs. St. Claire. Toronto. is vis-1 M:'.- Helena Hal-well of To- and Jean and Mi';z El-:- Wallace iting at _Mr. C. J. Hughson«s. ï - î- h )da-.inz at hOme Wlit-: irent the weeker.d wnth Rf-%. and I. O. O. F. held their regular Nir. and Mr; z-Rîchard HallrowellVs. Nir-. Th,-s. WlcG7ee<,*ank. and meeting Wednesdav week. Nî.Laverne Farrow motored to }&i -r, rer and dedica:-t t!- -new isMraexMlsnetr . . 7-n;-,tecý,-h h- . r.tained a few- friends Fridav nigt Ca-nfr,)'!. aydti new '. ezn at bSo:h ser%; cez and E1si: zanz a solo. Mr. John Bucklev visited his Co a vleGuet eaker waý Dr. pa-rýd2e. a parents at Sutton. Cowa vile f-rrer aztr ad a co,:;n i - , ir s. Miss Mae Glenny visited in To- ________ Crr~bU. r~.Wallace j; c -r-fîr.ed ronto. Election of officers for the Y. P. t)a ed ioracticallv ail the tirne now. U. took place Thursday as fol- There wa' rno ;ervice in lUrite' DurhmTe mprane Fdera lo-xs Hon. Pres.-Rev. R. E. Mor- Church Sundav eveninz owir-. totinmettmrrw igt ton: Pres.-Alfred Perrin: V i c e the Prezbvterian Thank'zi%-:rnLer- A quilting was held in Park St. Pres.-Robt. Hughes: Secretary-, icez. There wil be r.o serv-ice azain Sunday school roomn Wednesday. Mar- Henderson: Treas.-Jamesnext Sunda%- ever.-.rz ow".ineta S*',i:lh, Our teachers enjoyed the long Simpson: Pianist-Dorothy Simp-! annîversarv. The iollowîn'r Sunday. wkn t hi1aioshms son. i-ct23. -erv-ice will begin a: i o.M., W. A. met at the home of Mrs., Order to-day - Statesman will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish. Port Geo. Henderson to discuss final! sent v, new sib;cr;iher t- end i Perry. visited relatives here. plans for the anniversary services' l03;.S for 255c.MrRortFsew-ohsbn and gose dnnersummering here has returned to Mr. and NMrs. Romneo Leegare. Toronto. Kirkland Lake. have been tour- ing the States on their honey- ek r Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keane ýand moon. Thev visited Mr. and Mî-. son Jack. Toronto, were guests of J. J. W. Stringer here and left for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. home Saturday. Mrs. Legare was, At a congregational meeting of Misses Ella and MvIrtle Tamb- formerly Miss Shirley Stringer. the Leskard church held Monday - a uotpt h t Miss Marion Simpson attended it w-as decided to have A.nniver- n oo teachers' convention in Toronto. sary Services on Sunday. Oct. 30.taadirc. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and a Goose Supper on Monday Miss Ethel David.son and -Mr. w-ibe observed next Sundav at the 3lst.. Wm. Davidson. Markham. visited Clarke Church. Everybody is anxiously await- Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Stark. Recent Visitors: ing the hydro men to come and finish their work of putting in the' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Linton. MIr. T. J. Simpson and daughter poles. It xinll e a great îrnprove- MIr. and Mrs. Howard Linton and Dorothy with MNrs_. Todd at Osh- ment for Leskard. Florence visited relatives here. aw-a. The service w-hich w-as to have Mrs. Arthur Dooley, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Stringer and been held last Sunday night w-as visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. %Ir. and Ms Westol Strînger with postponed tili next Sùnday. Kirby W. I' Cowan. Mrs. Edwards. Toronto. annîversary w-as the reason.Mr.Caeisnth hspa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bandy and r.Cakisnthhopal Messrs. Boudrie and McPherszon. e iayfins -l -s e Herman. with Mrs. B. Milîson and speedy recoven-. f amily or ooto ih L c hats S h o Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Fralick, To-! ronto. visited on Sunday with Jr nrr onu n; WnA. . nelu riz tbe -ther da'.. Mrs. Fred Co-wan. Orono. and ý\\ rh a sD:endid attendance Ne. 9 ilo riier- and thre-hrnz mac-hine;ý sister. Mrs. Henry of Peterboro. Homre and Scbool Club cpencd the w.ill ' rhv finizhed their sea- with Mr. and Mirs. H. T. S:mpson ,cason or. Wednesl,- night. Guest ,on '.' r!-kand farmer; w:11 sQon ______________ taker '.az Rev. Dr. Mfillson of be a be to Czet back ta their fal i- eWho i-:-dhi- audience T 1l-)ow ijr-C. W T 11'.': an address whicb was an ap- Re. E. Beech rr--ach-cd an exce'- iNewtoflVille Kealt,,to 'outh ta folio'.. God*s will le-nt Tharkz-vinsermon at ~:rh_____~ the chartire ai their îiîe* course. We ex-end our z;'.rpathv to the 1r-:rd nX. edl -d eet hbedczadaac C' even the vaunz- M\er;cer fa-riiv i erairnte1--C'.k-nik.Orono. wtbest child. The prozrar'.'as com- e: a .vàg fther adc"ar-nd1 M-.J.A.Bari. c:d b:.nunîbers bv the '.cunz Recent Vi,::ar; r -d'\r.-.A are e uret iNwazlý isr \Ir. Ra-.- À '. ;t or r i-ard Mirs. George E. Stapia ensqattea ecaI.Msr wit hi r. he. est Joh n Kao t * ter agbe. r. ot.Vilbur Blackburn, Stailîey Riekard. witl bi mr1her Nir. Jhn 'fcKN-. \Vibur Ba-kqr'. ille. and Charlie Nirs R NfcKav West aront Gcrdun. Elizaber.hvillc. Ceec atNir. R Naip BoetToooM. Xi-and Mrs. Harrv- Stone. To- . mec. It w-as ieît by ail preser: at irz Rari toze s.îîih Nrs. -rnott. that -uch a prngram set a hi--h Or-de o da - S:tc'.mr wil be r- and Mfrs. J. E. Anderson and tdadi'tgvriu para -en-tno new subscriber ta end Ot Arnie '.'.th Mi-. and NMrs. R. Bebee. commircc, a i the seaon ta live ;,e 'r 2:5c B Hill. rUI ta. NýIr. and NI:-;. Vtch. Uxbridgc. a: "i adMs ati r r Orctrt-d-- State;lnan will be Žir ard Nir--. Ber' Trand ar 75. Kiýfcr. Tor-î rto. witb the -ent ta'.ç)bcie aeda Mr. andNir. N!a;n,. 1G .reî. i---- . da- l9r Nr; Gerfo- r eccr: .i: r H-r--,, - n-e7 r -:-xht-Nîr -1-a 7;.ai(Oýe1 - - '1- r--do\i e.c T r- rtt,.PotjthDer. rcM.NrmtRoes Fran r-.. \ritage. Ir. ogrs -, -'- -- :-nknitaze. -ih NMr. and Mrs. Chas. M:- .rh: ah'.. :.T ' V;-r- M -.rFrae.'.ihMr E.Gb-. ~~~~~~ iC NH r- îr a-H~'..e Newc.astle. Nir. and NI-s..Frank Branton. i-. NI- ndN--C. Tamnbi- n r:i. a J 'irstpen Nwa E. ENliddllt,-an ad îamîl;e-. at IMin- \17 ~.- S'ar-k and iarhi-.. N. W: t lra-lNi;W -:t vi!! ~ -:!~r; Ir. J V \ C. Lare %:andNarMis i- Niar'. B. o. en with relatives Nir' D-f~- lwc r a riend, 'in Buffalo'. irr.- tU'*i. ',frElplow1i nd acv Nfr. Hozkn ad Prcvwit ir.- Nir. and Mrz. Ausitin Turner and f-e -n :i Nr. ard Nîr- JTac -b en; r.Hjkm r ec ih Heen %w :h \fr. aind NIr-. \V. lui-- Ha: y,.- .'l.d-'nPeerbe-o NI-ar Ni;.S:dHa- '-! ar X ar-d Ni, lfGeorge. Port'-P .ce Edward County. ard Nrý. ý:d _,d cpe. and Nr,. COegz. 0OrÎiia. Wit ir and Nirs. Russell Pedwell vis- daîet-r- E:zbch;:-.a: Nîr G.M ra Mr S. R. Jones. ca Wtî li r.and -i-,. H. Pedwell. ua r!-. i Bunty Ravnor with bier Nir T i>r-o - ar be- r.'. . \f. t ras.Tri.rc-natnad m- 'ther. -dart, M.adXi-.D J \Ir-.. E. Bates. Lciov. NY.. with à.:ae.z r n ir.D 1 da-iL,hter- ancd r-r-a.Tom rro. Nr.Herr --Joncs. X-adNr .B S-.-ae ;a .adNi-G eeSye adX:.D. is an-d Mr. D- îugla; Stwck-- K~i;.Kr'kiaiird Lake. w'ihlher r--rz. rC. H. kin-. dal .'ith Nir. ard Nrz. F. W. M; F ce E'. ar-c!. Po-rt PB-w--r. THES de idiHâzi Rid. NI:-. ar!nd r Beecrier Barrttt and NI' ;n NI--Wi!erNIl,-.îaff.n E. e- R EN DS :h-. i- 7.-r --r-i: NM- rdNiraH* l Dean llirr-:i-mgon : Nir. and Nîrs J. Harris. Nr. iaC1rCzrJl-ne.N a ri.arr. an ~d NMrs. Macdonald and Mr-. 1 ne.lack Grbzon. ail ai Toronto; Nrs. NIl~ îr'lur-cvJ r: .Tweed. "th .Ab. West arndýail'.and -Ir. arnd r r: ther-,. NI-- \Win. Ja; ne;. Nirs. He;n-er Dean arnd Loi;. Orono. Nra r Ei- Frrer R.ardal. 0-h- Nr.arc! Mr-. Hgnr-. Drx-n. To- .~ î;'a. r:nhi.,r-r -her. Nir-;. H. Ran- r,'. ihNr r!Nr.Gog -~ Thon.,. h Mr. and Ne'.; GNir- \!.ad Nirs. ~,Wmni, '.hn:r arcd farnilyard ________________ Nir-I-h C-r. Tait. 'ith NMr. Bailu tpb»s - arc!n, Irý. Wnilliigain. \r adPURITY lbodflacte-la'1-2 trlgh t - Xii-, Bct% î!to-n with Nr n fui snemy that oe.n pot- Nr ar!nd r. Willard Lockhart. 4. l~~ute wate suppliesand PB- ',C..i- jLre.NaaaFî, ne stie omu-N.Y.. vith \fr and Nirs.-1. \W. Lan- Ati Dieu NI-ý. .Al'.in J -nes. Port Hope. M L Spm d unasdy Dsie Xr n akHsil o rý-,. warc Nr. Jacdk sHarl. To K«p oiiticle t-r-tts.N'.'.AmrtiaNi.c!rs. Han-evil cim wih Glltt- Ly. ih Iis Wad Wd. D~StY yS COlt*flS se. Red WV. G.Blake,. Messrs Alfred HAT DeStOYS Ontnft eidand Harold KinR. Bowmanviile. banishes odors Fl:: Aie NGraha C tanl,: ON'T risk the safety of youz ithNir air ir. e. \Fred Nesbitt D family and ncighbors. Once N-rarc! Nra-Reg oxla.lo idoesn't jusi happen that aywek spràk-e hi'ha relative;. ... WBowmanvllle Dairy .1 a week sprinde hal a ti of - J -,' Ur-ied Cbîîrch me: in cre oyusf n ue Gillett'a PUre Flake Lye over ,an-: -rOt4l In the ab;erce couls tees uitsren ure. contents of outhouse. This power- -'f Pre;id-rýt NXii. I. Lairz. N.Ir;.E. effort on our part ta make fui cleanser quickly destroys con- L. Beecli or-e:rel te meeting. Mrs. it that way. Ail of the tents . .. and banishes odors as ht Laurence Saverv tank charg 'e af the knowledge that modern clens.Kce~> r-s gamwhich înclu&ç"d :1w bible science puis at aur disposai clens.Ree arradir: 'w NIrs Ciac. NIor-; ard la utilized in the produc- t in l aiw a yst1irecharnter irc m the Studv Ba. l ion of Bowmanvllle Datry grocer forGl G7e-zee I. Stapleton. for heaith and tastes good, lett's Lye - E l Thatil;gî'. ire ;erv:ce; acre. held jr too' day! Pre;hvtcrian Crch. Sunday. Oct. '9th. at 2:30 p.m. Rev. J. \\. Fone. B w an il -Never dsole1e n - Port Hope. deiivered an inspirirg botwater.Thesc=o addre;s. Xii-'. Harrv Stone andBc!a vil al the lys tell hausa Mi;; .udîrev -Javnes each sanz a theýwate. 8MAP£I N CNDA solo. In the eveningr the pastor. Re. FRU B OOKLET-The Glietta Lys Dog1-\V.<G. Blake preached a verv fine Daîry let tells bow tauae this powefuî Cleanses sermo'n. Tie choir w-as assisted bv'. for dozens of ta"a Write tu: Standare 'Ne;'.ca;tie maIe quartette who re--'Phone 703 BowmanvfiIe Brande Lad., Fraer Ams & Liberty St.- dered :wo 'electiors. Tfohto. Ont. I Mrs. Willis Farrow bas Rone toi~ Mliss.%M. Davv and Mrs. L. Fralick. ý W. C . T'i. met Tuesday after- noon and made plans for the; medal contest on Oct. 2lst. Rev. W. Rackham will preach in Park St. Church next Suriday evening. Mr. Wm. Brown. B.A.. Toronto, spent the holiday with '.%r. and Mrs. Richard Brown. Mr. and -M\rs. John Morris are home from a pleasant two months visit in the West. Mr. Ceci! Pow-er is building a tverandah at the w-est of his resi- 1dence. Rev. Littlewood %vill speak in the interests of the Bible Societv next Sunday morning and collec- tion will start next w-eek. Mr. James Gilfillan. bis sister Miss Viola Gilfîllan. and his aunt. Miss Viola Gilfillan. visited Mr. D PERSONAL The W. M. S. rally wiIl be held in Ozha-wýa on October 28th. A n.-rbter attended church ser- vice a- Newcastle Sunday. Miss- Roszai:re Gamsbv is vîsit- ing her sstz*er. Mrs. G. M. Linton. O. C-S. field day to-morrow A nr.nber attended K i r b v Thank-,g:'.-:r.g services Surîdav. M:i'z Their.-a Myles. Toronto. sper.nth holiday. at home. Mlr. J Awde visited Mr. and Mrs. WV H. Rowe. Bet'-, Clough visited her s:ster. Mrs Wrr. Deline. Miss Ethel Stark vtsited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stark. Mrý Wallace Sisson. Toronto. spent the holiday here. Mr.W. J. Stark is spending a few days at his cottage. Rev S. Littlewood preached at Kirb. anniversary service Sunday evening. Oronoites teaching in other places -were home cover the week- end. A grand display of northern lights Friday nîght attracted much attention. Miss Maryv Chaplin. Newcastle. was a Frîday evening visitor with Miss 'Margaret Millson. 'Messrs. Bob and John Keane. Toronto. spent the holiday with Mr. and M-%rs. A. H. Keane. Mr, Jack Cobbledick. Toronto. spent the holiday w:th Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobbledick. Mrs. J. R. Cooper has been judging at two eastern fairs this *week. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughson and 'Glen. Toronto. visited his father. 'Mr. C. J. Hughson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams and M.%rs. John Hall. Gaît. visited ,relatives here and at Coîborne. The Orono New-s wil! be sent to an% address in Canada ta end o! 1938 for only 25c. Miss Edra Best. Toronto, spent the holiday with ber mother. Mrs. Herber: Best. Miss Ruth Lowden. Toronto. sper: the weekend with MNr. and Mrs. Charles Lowden. Mi-ss Fern Chapinan and Ms I. T. Chapinan have returned home froin Wilsonville where thev have been for saine tume. Plans for the Hallow-e*en social evening or Oct. 3lst are now-w-el! under w-ay. A good time is an- ticipated. Miss Ella Stephens and Misa Ethel Rowe. Oabaw-a. w er e Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and! Mrs. H. R. Rowe. MRS. L. BUCKLEY M tScesu uirFres INJURED IN FALL dSS esu uirFres Mr. eisBukevSu ,t JudgingContest HeId At Orono es, possible concussion of the brain, and severe shock recently (Continued from Page 1) aiways learn somethîng more w-hen she fell down the cellar stairs while reaching for a tin of ernment and not depend on it to about it, w-hich made it most in- lard. set prices and many other thi.ngs teresting. He congratulated the Her unconscious body w-as found i- that are now- expected of it. boys on having Mr. Summers as on the floor by ber son Charles! F. C. Patterson. Agricultural coach. when he arrîved home frorn xork. -tpresentative for Peterboro, corn- Sekn ntesbeto After carx-ying her upstairs un- mentîng on '.%r. Rickard's speech, Seaigontesbcto assizted he summoned medical'said that in the past toc, many had "*Drudgery*' he gave a survey of aid. 1 depended on the goverrnent for the improvements in stoves rigbt No bones w-ere broken. and lat- everything and he thought Mr. up to the modern electric. He al- est %vord ta that Mrs. Bucklev'si Rickard's point w-as well taken. so stated that he knew no other condition îs improving. . He expressed the opinion that person more deserving of the con- Friends in Orono wil! rernem- ýthere was a grow-ing feeling venience of electricity than the ber M_ýrs. Buckley as an ardent 'among the farmers that they fariner. The next thing w-as the church worker and one w-ho al- should take thought of thmngs re- refrigerator and its graduai im- w-avs had the interest of the corn latîng to their %velfare. He urged provement. Electric fences were munity at heart.- the boys to carry on the work. also explained. Machines were and also to wvatch how others did also commented on and the vast their tasks. and closed by urging improvements made. Pak t.Sevies them to bhelp to form a sound ag- Clubs are organized, pointed ParkSt.Servces ricultural policy in the govemfi- out the speaker, flot priniarily for _____ment. the money but to help the farm Thanksgiving w-as fittingly ob- Ceci! Mercer. M.L.A., stated he boy to learn by doing and to give servedi at Park St. Cburch Sundav 'had ,vorked aunong farniers for him initiative and pride in his morning. not only in music and about 20 years. He commented w-ork. Giving a boy a cal! makes story. but in decorations. for the on the pensions. etc.. that come hlmn an interested livestock owner altar was flanked by flow-ers. fruit out of the governinent and add w-hen he gets a bit older, said the and vegetables. considerably to the burden of tax- speaker. The choir rendered tw-o num- lation. Too much difference ofMdmapine aeaa bers, -Praise the Lord, O Jerusa.- price betw-een what the fariner the drudgery of farm life and lem," and **Make a Joyful Noise, got and w-bat the consumer paid make tt interesting. The speaker Miss Kathleen Stark taking thei was commented on. and althq~ added if one is fed up with work solo part in the former. I sometimes it could be explased one should get at something else Rev. S. Littlewood chose as text by the diffilculty of transporting or one wouîd neyer be happy or "The Lord takes pleasure in His [the product, more often it appear- satisfied. He urged the boys ta people,- dealing particularly with ecl that the middle man got the continue their work and conclud- the bounty of the han-est and benefit, and this meant that the ed isinpiing tallc by wishing pointing out that there w-as ample fariner did not get a fair price. thein success. for ail if men w-ould be generous Rev. S. Littlewood, pastor of and give to those wbo had less. Park St. Church. began a most Individual class winners: Another thought brought out was inter.esting speech by picturing Senior Competition that Goci was always watching out the difference it %vould have nmade Horses - Alan Dowson and Geo. for our interests and even thoughjto the gathering if war had bro- McKnight tied; Allan Earle. we wal.ked through the valley oflken out. He had preacbed to far- Dair- Cattle - Howard Miflson, the shadow- of anything w-e need mers for 25 years and saw the Lloyd Metcalf and Tom Baker. fear no evil. 'advantages of short courses. He Beef Cattle - Harry Kennedy, W. J. Riddefl. treasurer of the pointed out that the best yout.hs Ivison Tamblyn and Alfred Allin. church. gave a detailed financial in the churcb were wide awake Sheep - Maurice Baker an d report a: this service. farmera. Those in the short cours- Carlos Tamblyn. The evening service w-as with- es are better citizens. the pastor Swine - Bull Rowland, Gordon owing to the pastor preach- intimated. because their m.înds Fallis and Mlan Beer. ing a: Kirby. are challenged and instead of Junior Competition _________________ frittering away their tume they are developing- mid and charac- Horses - Wm. Allun, Normian PUBLIC SPEAKING jte. umr ae odru Bairstow and Marlow Hancock tied. Harold Hepburn. CONTEST TO BE tribute to the work of the Insti- Dairy Cattie - Glen Hancock, HELD IN CLARKEItute in preparing the banquet. Sandy Muir, Alex Hendry, Robt. _______ Rolph graciously responded. Morton. Takes Place at Orono October 28 statmng that the Institute wou1ci Beef Cattle - John Baker, Mur- ThePubic peaingConestbe glad to cater to thein agai ray Hanna and Eber MiLIson tied. for~~~~~ ~~ Clne Twshp !'ex t vear if they decîde to have Grl hcltn schools. sponsored by the Trustees! a gather-ing bere. Sep -nd Russelchard, reto and Ratepayers Association, wil Clarence Allin, President ofNesanRueiHpbrte, be eldin roo Twn allonPloughmen's Association. urged Donald Jose. Fi-iday.inctober 28. instea o n all to come to the ploughmng Swine - Elford Cobbled.ick, Neil 22. as origmnally planned. Iti match October 26th. One prizeMaci adLwrneHrs hopd tat ontstats -il beonwas a silver tea service for the tied, Ross Allin. hand from a!! the schools. One best ploughman under 20 years ________ contestant is selected in each of age. scbool by a preliminary contest at A. H. Martin, B.S-A. Assistant MmliIm the school. The lista of suggested Director- of Agricultural Repre- - topics are now in the hands of the sentative's Branch, Toronto. the teahes.chief speaker, pointing out the WVhen Nellie's mother carrnes ber The general public is asked to excellence of the boys' work, 0 *t e itebd attnd nd ncorag boh su-show-ed that livestock judging ;vas And tucks her in so IovinglY, dtens and diecoursagnaorth - not an exact science and one could Froni :inv toes to head; while -enterprise. No charge isAn hnteiteto'asep made but a silver collection wil! COre oleasure I neer tils, be taken to assist in defrayingex Dim and Distant I tDste iîît1v in to her. penses. Each contestant will re- Happenings And ,îeal -a good night kiss. ou ,;a .v,; .r.jonj. ,Jo;Âiudi.- ----..- ----.ceive an aw-aro for nia or lnertf Adte tadadwtht Men wen:tbrougb the village Miss -Marian Brow-n, RN., Osh- efforts regardless o! the decision From The Orono News o! rc te tn ndwtht Tuesday filling in the cracks in awa. and Mr. LeRoy Brow-n o! o! the judges. Onme contestant October 9, 1913 And wonder wili sbe be the hig7hway with ta and tarring Guelph w-ere visîtors with Mr. and froin North Clarke and anc froin the centre lîne of the road. Nirs. J. D. Brown. South Clarke will be chosen ta The new- residences in the south In womnanhood as lovely as subcrp:in m. lhsonCoan.Toont -compete in the County contest a: w-ard of Messrs. Frank Hall and Hei- mother is ta me; The Orono News sbcito r lio oa.Trno Orono on Wednesday. Nov.ember Percy Chapinan are nearing coin- And if sorte dav. sheli marr and lis: ta grow-îng with new subscrib- settehldywt i aet.9th. pletion. Her life be f illed with joy. crs being receivcd by aîmost ev- Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Cow'an. AI- Las: vear the South Clarke Mr. Percy J. Rowe. Standard And if jnrtime sbe'Il mother some ery mail. lison is gomng ta usher a: a we-cc- eac!îrg contestant w-en: on ta wm Bank staff, bas been trans! erred Nice littie girlarnd boy. Mvr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan spent ding a: Midland rex: Saturday.' county. district ard provincialita Lajord. Sask. He is succeeded the weekend with their daugb'er The school cbildrer bac! a A most entertaining ev- 'by Mr. T. H. Shaw o! Picton. Ard uill the fates be zood ta lier. at Garden Hill. Mr. and c'.\r lengthy week-end as they bac! ening wil! be in store for those Mr. Campbell Grahain, vwho And fend ber fi-rn all care, Virtle Wilson accompanied them' Thanksgiving day, Monday. as w-ho attend. ispent the summer with his grand- I kis- ber darling face again. w-el! as Tbumsday and Friday. con- ___________ :parents. Mm. and Mrs.Joeh Ac oein.laeerhre Mr.u ndsileMrs. W ChisholinenirdasiCampbell, bas retured ta To-R-LP GRD , Hutsile.Ms.Chshli.To- 'ronta tastudv a: the Ontario Den- 68 RALPfORDN, rno ronto. Mr. and Nirs. Crouse. li- The Union members were pîcas- MISSION NIGHT o io vrercn d to aveteih ofies onta! College. 68Cafr tTrno Mics a -re recnt visitors wvith a vdB e heirnex-officerono AT UNION MEETING 'Mr. Hewlett has moved into MissLaua Alin.arc! Bob o!oond ngt,____towr froin Bow-manville. NIr. and M\rs. Elgin Seymour a:their metingJackonday n gh: The meeting of the Union Mon- Mr. C. F .Awde and !amily vis- arc! Joan. Mm. and Mrs. GardonTr co usain Jacko! Torntac day nîght w-as in charge of Mer- ited frierds in Tyrone. Suggî:: and Nancy, anc! Mrs. Ge.o pnedtev.'-n Keane. w-ho presided, and Miss Jessie Anson, Toronto, is Semour. Toronto. visted Mr. Offlicia! board of Park St. cburch Olive Brown. Miss Kathleen visitîrg ber cousin, Mr. H. C. BB arc! Mrs. WVm. Sex-mour. - met Friday nîght. Tentative plans Stark favoured wvith a vocal solo' Bouwen. BB %vere made for social gatheringa with Miss Enid Cobbledick a: the Mr. Norman A. Morder. son o! MIr. and M.%rs. E. Evans spcn: the durimg the winter montha and for piano. Ithe manager. had charge' of the'r II weekend at London and Sarnia the formation o! a mens associa- Eigb: boys and eight girls took canning factory last week. o eu and saw- the opening o! the Sar- tran. part in the first part of tbe mis- i Mr. John Rickaby bas the conF U L nia-Part Huron bridge. 114 milsl Ac sionar- pragrain. the boys point-1 tract ta supply the metal roof ing' long. 50.000 people passed over A mmney f ire at the home oc- ing out different places on a map and '-%r. W. J. Walter the painting FRETFULNESS la nesotrual. It la it Sundav. cup:ed by Niessrs. H. Cantrell arc! ard telling whbat missionary w-as Ion the new armories. . a sign of trouble. A wuzning alarm to Reslt o te . Eto SecalT. Lewis early Wedresday morn- in charge, and the girls telling1 Mrs. Thos. Srowdcr bas return- which yau must quickly respond. Przesforsmokt hT o a: Duralinng called out the f ire -brigade. son'ething about the work donc.1cd ta Merrickville after visiting. Read how Mrs. George Miitcheil re- CietrmaricuturaFair have However no water -,as used. Or- The second part o! the topic bler father, Mr. Robt. Coathain. spondsr "I have found Baby's Own justrbal Arcleased Firrhare: ana t ta be congratuiated that it 'consisted of a missionary readîng Ms Kate McKay and Mr. Gi!- Tablets so heipful when rny baby Sets M.s Sheerin M. . Staples ar:bais such a fine ergîne arc! such abyNiWod lis McKay wert ta Underwood o irritable anmd upset. I give hlm oue or Chatterton, W. . S ofattIraMGi!- live bunch o!fîremen ta pi-aect An invitation ta Newcastle on Saturday to attend the funeral of!i two tabiets ad in a short Urne he la lis, Cavar. and M. H. Staples. tei!raso!tepplc. Oct. 3lst w-as regretfully declincd their sister. relieved and sleepesa soundly." ~ihe Agrîcultural Socîety held as plans had already beer made 1Mr. and Mrs. Robert M !ti Read boy Mrs. Stewart McEadmenî, Mr. arc! Mrs. W. N. Hoskin arc! a meeting Monday. October 3. arc! ta have a social cvening bere. iBethesda, accompanied by Mrs ai Palmerston, Ont., prevents fretful- Dorotby Hoskin, Burketon .%,Mr. beard the f irancial report of the 1 Foliow-îrg a few w-ords of thanks Jno. Amney, a former resident o! 1Uam: "When my baby shows signa ci arc! Mrs. Dave Stevens, Lindsay. Fair. The report w-as mos: favor- 1 on behaîf of Miss Brown arc! hum- Darlington tow-nship now resid- fever or fretfulncss 1 gWve bier Baby'. Mi-. arc! Mrs. George Armour arc! able and the society wil! be able self the chairman called on Elvint ing in the States, visited their son.' Own Tablets wbich change her toaa daughtcrs Nellie arc! Bertha, o! ta pay 100 cents on the dollar arc! Biewett to lead the recreatian Mn. W. J. Martyn.! good baby." Hampton, were Sunday visitors stîll have a sinaîl surplus le!:. perioci. wber games were heartily Mr. Ed J. Syrnons arc! wi!e, Tbey ass bring quick relief from with Mn. R. H. Wood. Total prîze list %vas $1,650. Sev- enjoyed. Welcomc, visited ber brother, Mr. dÙLrrhoea, colic, upset stomact4 ismple enal disputes w-cie also settled at Next meeting is in charge o! the R. Hi!l.- - croup, coid.s, constipation, summer The Clarke elimination contes: this meeting n the Ammounies arc! Citizenship Departinent - Beatrice Mn. arc! Mrs. Thos. Jackson.: Comptaint ac! simple foyer. in public spcaking in correction it was decided that Miss Ada L. Hammindc Manley Littlcwood. Newcastle, visited Mnr. arc! Mrs The rnost delicate baby can tako with the Durhamn Ratepayers As- Annis, Bowînanville. and Miss, A. A. Somerville. , aby's Own Tablets witb safety. T'hey soiaio wHili hldirOrnaMarjorie Oke, Bow'marville, who Miss A. C. Parker, Baltimore. atqiky r refo pae n town hall at 8 p.m. on Friday, were tied with the mort points for "LOVE" visited at Mr. T. H. Powers'. s tu~pefyig drugs. An analyst's oertifi- 'Oct. 28th. The winner o! the con- exhîbitors at the flow-er show., Rev. R. A. Wbattain prcached cate inI Cveiy bm oLMney back if yeu test will campete at the Durhamn shouîd receive indivdual prizes o! "The happiness o! lave is in ln Oshawa Sunday, exchangirg ar-eflot satisfed. 2S cents. Get a box eliminatior contes: on Nov. 9th. the saine amour:. Directors wish action; its test la what ane is will- Ipulpits with Rev. Benjamin today. Sickness 90 ofteR strife hI the ta express their thanka for the ing ta do for others."'-Len Wl Greatri.ngt Mn. arc! Mrs. Harvev Winter.exrelfieptoae ! lace.---nilt - Toronto, Mn. arc! Mrs. Wm. Irw'în.faitr. bothfinexhibts rcagoftted-"Love inspires, illumines, desig- M.Nimico, Mr. arc! Mrs. Fred Lycet: fare rinehbtsadated ates, anc! ieads the way. Rigbt arc! Douglas, Osbawa, Mr. ardc! - motives give pinians ta thougbt, Mrs. Norman Win ter, Bowimn- arc! strength arc! freedoin ta ville, arc! Mn. arc! Mrs. Clifford Pr t .A speech arc! action.'"-Marv BakerI Witer arc! two cbildrn. Toronto.,_Part _St WddA. weeholiday "Heaven, barmory, laI.niver- w-i-ter. vst - wihMs-I W. A. o! Park St. Churcb met fevnham yiUierL I P[ N 9 Winter. ~Tuesc!ay'a!tcrrcon. The w'orsbip ~-Lv Mrs. I. Wîrter celebratcd ber period w'as ir charge o! Miss M. la Goe. is veGozln-Lov birthday - albeit a littie previaus- Davy arc! consisted a! scipturc iches t-Goaengscomor Iv - on Thanksgiving Day w-ber read by Miss Davy, arc! a read- 'vanish, hope withers aw'ay,bu ber cbildren arc! gndchildrcr ing, in whicb it was stressed that , loebuytihus oelaGd~ were able ta get borne. A very evei-y day should be a Thanksgiv-i -Len Wallace. enjoyable time was bac!, with irg day, by Miss Davy, anc! pray- i The design o! Love la ta ne- gaines arc! other amusements ta er by Miss Davy. the bus!- Ja ine. ar ae wile away the bours arc! a happy mess period correspondance was i Edy. spirit prevailed. About 25 sat rcad by Corr. Sec'y. Mrs. J. Eag- t F down ta the table ta partake o! leson. Meeting closed with prayer1Z the good things pravided for the, by Mrs. Littlewood. Pui(drglsona cea Wm Roger & Son satifaciono! he inerman. ton): "But my father says we Tho&. J. Lipto A& t. Guests werc present froni Ororo, Order ta-day - Statesnman will were apes.' 1VotILTruo 4e%1s Bownianville, Oshawa, M imi i c a be sent ta ncw subscribers ta end Teacher: "We can't talk about % arc! Toronto. io! 1938 for 25c. your faznily history la ciass.11 TEtRETSLIN E NTE'OL THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13TH. 193ýS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ONTARIO PAGE NINE Aèl,