Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN f paper when you can save rnoney AT TRINITY CHURCI B. H. S. Notes Miss Gertrude Dewell, on behalfprse ytemnses h ikroPac;10yrs like that. JI ..of the Young People then pre- ipalîbearers were his four sons, and( aDnlNcesn ere L't f' A I WT N n nc f ~ ~ Â wMr. H. V. Bateran, proprietor sètd Ms u d ih a sl e s two so s hn-ae M n y oe ly Br a ur p M cD n l ere .7~UU E LlE L II U I V U 1< U UIU Il Iof m r the ic or Mn rt B la oc nt W ith the track m eet over the gravy boat and bon bon dish. M iss flora tr ts esti fied to th love l de l ; H g J m -D n fhn 6 ob orrny fo the McMrtr Blck,- winners are preparing wjth great pud eople o thi oghtun.i the cornmunity o which he ad aîl Trw ace met Phone ~ ~ ~ ~ iv 663 to e rm ende d el thesace gusto and virn for the inter-sho prsdn ueotpooer iho dvte cismuie. teme was try J. Mines, Exetr,____________________LiosClub treives a th has reandelaledts meet at Whitby on Friday. The PeietHbr opr h eoe i ie nemn a lads and lassies have wokdhr presided, reminded the young made at Hampton Union Cerne- uir:5 ad ony Mrs Ej Miers, xete, hassîdet Bornanvlle ions lub rernses. t ha madea grat peple fethpvisionextMondy tey. Tit, Fgan;75 yads-Dwney been visiting friends here. was in Chicago, Ill., attending a improvement to the west end ofad derv yorsprttnihofGsySnnSihndSeFgn;Bad un- Miss Gwen Hoskin, Toronto, conference of the District Gover- King St. and suc esIf yourhv spre ske ni fo as fuimottndnce minty, Spnende; akt spet he eeendwih hr un nors of United States and Canada. The notice last week that the FUELDss DAY bah hhavernbel Ernrnet, Miss Greta Wickett. Now," said the youth, after Statesrnan office would in future roorn in your car there will pro- _______ Maryn Hig Jurnp -tedne FIELDey Mr. Fred Wakelin, SÙnderland, getting his father seate atth be open Saturday nights frorn7bbyb eea opttr n (otne rmPg )Secr ony hsbe iiige tte spl b ee r whorpos arloind o hasbee vsîtnghis cousins, football garnie, "you'Il see rnoreýto .9 o'clock was the rneans of ridecas. wo r ________ Hop, Skipar aCn d uromP-D e w Jueie)rn-rrntWl Miss Eva and Herbert Wakelin. exciternent frtodlasthan lbringing in a nurnber of country -ies BHop, Skpad-m -ee Messrs George and Selby Spen- yuer aw before!" ... replied c ustorners who were unable to get B .S r.W .TleBwavleJcmn ihl;So u-e the ol gent: "I don't know -lin town during the day. Sho citesaegtn pew, Morden, Hately; 880 yards- EnntMcoad id ra cerh Trotoy spents thet weekend lces ý r and Mrs. Robt. Caves ac- under way with several rninor (Continued from Page 1) Depew, Lernon, Jackrnan; Broad JrpEnntBrMcoad that's whataie rny rnariag sicns and Mr changes. The one overlarge first surance Comnpany; one brother Jurnp-Depew, Hutchinson, Mor--_________ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Corbett have 1fr a been visiting hier parents near Harvest Thanksgiving services if, tresiewr Sudvforrns with Miss Soper forrn tea- also survives. Two sons prede- Lernon; Pole Vault-Depew, Mor- Keptedo ofyu har Harriston. will be held in St. John's Church visitors with Mrs. Frank Souch. cher in the new forrn. Miss Soper's ceased hier, Dr. A. S. Tilley and den, Jackrnan.shtadwre wilpptro It will be recalled that Mr. Caves, Jnos 0 ad-ecle ~!Miss Cooper, Coîborne, spent Sunoa, whren ev. Dr. C.e H.l Senior, mnet with a serious accident .y plaess Dsrea has bee a e st Mr IHRdiey, Man ger for- Jumnos: 100e yrard-e e thJeyhuadpssnts ho the weekend with her friend, Mrs. Sa heo ornr an Cofeg VAngluiabu wyeragwhnteC form is in the Art Room while ica for the Confederation Life As- Densern, Larkin, Symons; 220 teceie.Oe twd n M. Comstock. can Thboiogical CollegenVanciul about two years agocwhen the C. ver, will preach. Services are at NR rdenarSehnsMh the art course is being taught in surance Co.yrd-rn s, etafR e;se illokheter ay Mrs. Wrn. Jackson, Oshawa, 8 a.rn., il a.m., 2:30 p.rn. and 7 p.rn. was being disrnantled. the physics roorn. The funeral service on Monday, High Jurnp-Larkin, Rowe, Ed- Oeeen ilgv a visited Miss Carnie Martyn and Mr. Alpha Pinch, Oshawa, was - B. H. S. - Sept. l2th, at bier late residenc ger; Hop, Skip and Jurnp-Rowe,moefeadrisgthnad- other relatives. Saturday night saw the north in town Friday calling on old ncei Mr. haloteMogrtsn ndside street lights turned on for'fins elf opeo i The teachers seern inclined te, was largely attended, and wsSyrnons, Edger; Shot Put--Quin-enrids sonWifrd istedbe sstr ndthe first tirne. AIl poles have interesting stories wîtb the editor ois m ieafe reew est atnth b- choSinedavsn by herpastr ReU neyiakntichl;P- alt Ura laursaetems brother, Sunday, Miss Eva and been rernoved and Bowrnanville which will appear in the States- Worl renowe avaneuis whiinig the eaads our scoo Sidne Davis, h f rin it Unt -MsscRwLmknfpnie has one of the srnartest rnain rnan in the near future. For a is corning to Trinity United is opet abot win te rnidsrtof t. maed hrho ine brav crnforting Girls Events Tkn hnspioohclyi J4erbert Wakelin. streets of any town Uts size in'man in his 82nd year Mr. Pinch Cburcb for aIl services Sunday wh dayigt Seaving 75e bacaspks-fMheaeauyofnMs.dii Misses Eileen Wight, Doreen Canada. is certainly a rnarvel for pep pnd ad an address on Monday. toe sadardgh t irn _____________________of__the____________of_____________ Perrett and Marie White, grad- -______________H______drives_______an___standad______________________adoflerde uates of Bowrnanville High School, A letter frorn Mr. H. M. Gulyaetes esiidie i w - B. H. S. - votion to horne and church, which are attending Toronto Normal. (Scribe G) frorn Peebles, Scot- ýcar. ewrgldtsethtah-iara en a irspiul Rev. C. R. Spencer bas been'in land, advises us he is returning 1Arnong those who attended the tired frorn the grocery business e wrie adt se th ten- inoamea snewshe prta Toronto attending the annual con- horne on the 'Duchess of Rich- Pickard-Alma wedding in Toron- having dis osed of his stock to erssm riipateith re0 rnuchen ihomlIe. r were Mr. Pbilp rnond' which sails frorn Glas- to on Saturday fnom Bowrnanville Mr. Harry Allin who now as- theusisnt theieay racud e ith Plearns Dr-os#ileT-] A ference of the Alumni of Trinity gow Sept. 24th. were Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, surnes the honor of being Main tesuettan twudb ilyadD.Rs ily o 18 Mrleg. GereJhsoOhw, Ms .R on n oR-Mr. Howard Pickard, Evelyn andi Street's oldest grocer in point of a lot better if More students dis- ronto, grandsons; Dr. M. A. Cox Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lran Pickard Mr.son andwa MnsJ.R.ougan o, o years in continuous business. Mr. played a little of this school spirit and Mr. Stephen Greey and Mr. Mr.an Ms. lbntKniht Ms.bert, Winnipeg, Man., who have W.ran C. Ferguo, Mr. and Mrs ary wilnwdvthstrn and got into rnore activities. Alex Adarnson, Toronto; and Mn. Jac Cle MssI.Bunsatenedbeen visiting her daughter in New R.Jretn n lnObr et his neal estate holdings which - B. H. S. - F. C. Vanstone, a nephew, Bow- tbe Lindsay Fair and visited witb Toronto, renewed acquaintances in 1are arnong the îargest in town. Wdedyronn hr a avle Mrs. Wesley Carew. bier native town here last week. Miss Helen Scott, daughter of a rneeting of all boys interested in Arnong those attending the fun- Mrs. George Allen, Toronto, is Work is proceeding apace, un-'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott, Town St. Paul's W.M.S. rnet at the rugby. Mn. Dippell informed the eral frorn out of town, besides ieain ths eekfo anexendd er oas ad tretsCharranLine, D arlington -Clarke, left on horne of Mrs. D. McGregor, Scu- lads of the good fortune of the the palîbearers, were, Mr. and levit ithi heefr d augh ter, Mrs H. r J ack Gun ontherelCairng fMonday to enter as a Nurse- gog St., Sept. 2Oth with Mrs- W. school in again securing Mr. Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. F.i wt C hapr in anMri, Cal- sideJacks iunn the uiessein. ofin-Training at Weston Hospital. H. Carruthers presiding. Scrip- Davis to coach the senior rugby A. N. Mitchell, Mrs. Herbert Til- ifrna..Jckisdeoin ros o hs ireOn Friday night friends gatbered ture verses were read by Mrs. G. tearn. The seniors chances are ley, Mrs. M. A. Cox, Mrs. Stephen l o Mfri. Jusl ade h a k to su eving this work and ti at her horne *and presented her Chase and Mrs. W. H. Carnuth- considered good and everytbing Greey, Mns. Alex Adarnson, Miss ben sisig nnae o hes raking a very creditable irnprove- with a handsorne Miropack trav- ers, followed by prayer by Mrs. possible is being done to better Mary Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. L. Maer asboetore maageler thsentohemisre. elling bag. Gillespie. Mrs. Squair and Mrs. these chances. N. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank e baeen transftrre t tBeeilicole has bettt en crnetedo Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson Fee gave interesting readings on - B. H. S. - Vasoe r n r.Brn Fail is a time toi eat heavier mal setor fer tbe redcortio an reovaio have returned after spending a "The Universal Cburch and Mis- The junior team will not be Vanstone, Miss May Vanstone, and ta bulld Up your body agait ~~o astore h eeo ne' Mind Thenoeio rnonth witb Mr. and Mrs. 0. j. sions" and "Our Cburcb". Mrs. entered in any special league but Mrs. Fred Haddy, Mr. and Mrs thse rigors of wlnter. Allin'sha Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Morris building bas been painted white Henderson at their summer cot. lno unygv nitrs- ilpriiaei unru x Chas. Haddy, Miss Lena Haddyalte odyunedabrai lef onWedesdy fr Mntral, an b ofhsbe rae.~ tage on Horse Shoe Lake. They ing and descriptive account of the hibition garnes with other schools. YVIr. H. R. Parnenter, K.C., Mr.' prices! aeftn penda ten Meteks va anaksd the refdos impn reent alovstdM adMs .w convention at,.Whitby. The topic In tbis way the seniors will have S. C. McEvenue, Mr. W. J. Beattie, OId Canadian tion a Bonvil e esvac a o the estend ioentac to s the cFete r a ndkile Mns. Hen W.The Scbool for Leaders." Re- enougb substitutes to make up Mn. Artbur Tbornson, K.C., Dr. with Mns. Morris' uncie, Mn. A. totewsenetac otederson has sold bis farm to Mr. freshrnents wene served and a a second tearn. There will pro- Mary Sanderson, Mrs. Gordon- Cheese.............. . .lb2c H. Moore. town. Morrili of Toronto and tbey are social haîf bour spent. babiy be a junior and juvenile Knowies, ahl of Tononto; Mn. Sweetened, Shredded, Faney Mesn M Cmsoc, . . Il- Girls' Bible Class of St. Jobn's now living in Mrs. William Os- One of our young business men scbedule for the fellows wbo want Russell Vanstone, Mns. Fissette, Coconut ............. ..lb2 c ingsran and C etcilR.J Torlso Cburch met Sept. lltb conducted bonne's bouse on King St. wbo is not seen in cburcb very to play rugby but are too light. Brantford; Mn. R. S. McLaughn, Rangoon Ltd. Frankdad teci D..& . lues by Mns. R. M. Cale, teacher, and Mn n r.H .Obneoften on Sunday mornings went - B. H. S. - President of General Motors Ltd eledtes ffcrs reien-Ebenezen, Mn. and Mns. AIL W' to Trinity Cburcb last Sunday On Wednesday aften four, as a and Mrs. McLaugblin, and Mrs* Rice...................5 Ia 5 Coal étden caale atL&W King Grace Hall; Secnetary - Doris Penntnaddube osexpecting to hear Gipsy Srnith, result of the rnorning conference, Hartley Lewis, Oshawa. Bingo Eod ar ote lcad day KigMoses; Distnibuton of Class Paper Mr.int and ns H. GMtell os the great International Evangel- about twenty hopefuls turned out Nurnerous expressions of syrn- H r.R da........a -Cli Tit SckCorntte-ronto, and Mn. J. H. Crydermnan, ist and Singer, but was surpnised for tbe senior team. Tbere was patby and condolence were forth- Mrs. M. G. Johnston, Mn. Geo. Vera Clapp. Town, were guests of Mn. and to find the regular minister in sucb a rush to get out on tirne coming in the unusuaîîy large Stoneless Carley, Mr. Ernest Bunk and Mr o utn r a e n.Fe rdra o udycharge. Another out - of - town that there was a sligbt tnaffic jam number of beauiu lrlti Dates............... .2 Ia 3 Mrs Doney, ornto wre n~turned f romn spending a week at supr uig te atronreaden of Tbe Statesman came to in the locker roorn. It just shows butes received by the bravd Ame ,sppr townn Mtnda callingo on ohd fnl-ve Ab eon and ca nde the T rue u the Oxford Gnoup New Enlistrnent Barbara Joan, daughten of Mn. town Monday night expecting to what spirit tbe boys are turning family. Interment was made in Honey, new crop ......4 l.pi 5 Lodgen tedd h reBu Camp at Kingston. Tom is a and Mrs. Cryderman, was baptised hear Gipsy Srnith give his life out to practise this year. the farnily plot in Bowmanville Hen LdeMonday nigbt. veny active Oxford Grouper, and ýat St. John's Anglican Churcb by story "Frorn Gipsy Camp to Pul- - B. H. S. - Cemetery. _____Aeil. op......2 tn 5 A letter from Miss Annetta isdon a splendid work in Rev. C. R. Spencer. pit" in the saine cbunch, but found On Wednesday night at rugby A sre op Coies who has been spending the Ispreading the Group news in Trinity Wornen's Association there was no meeting. What bad meeting in Cobourg, Bowrnanville Fig sumr nLstwl nomsu Bwavil.met Sept. 13 in charge of Mrs. bappened in botb these cases tbey was entened in Senior League. James Stainton, EnniskillenBas. .........lb 7 sh sagi ak tbr omr Rev. C. R. Spencer and Dr. G. J. Percy and bier circle. Mrs. had read about Gipsy Smith's Five tearns were entered in tbis <continued from Page 1) Aylmer Cholce arsto7oat v. T-C oncsiaogwt te Percy presided for the devotion- overîooked the fact that it is next Bowmanviiie is playing a double leader in bis stead. we Con . ... ronto. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig Masonic dignitanies of the ah witb Mrs. Frank CrydermancoigtTintCuchbtadeauadhdtoediddupSw tCo . . . . . . .3 is25 Mrs F C.Vastoe ah o gbs Sunday and Monday hie is to be scbedule with Cobourg, tbe win- He belped hay out the scbool Red Rock Mrs F.C. ansonewashosessprovince were in Trenton, Friday, at the piano. Bible lesson was here and not hast week. ner to meet tbe winner of Peter- sections botb at Enniskillen and P pi......... o 5 ta a delightful dirnier party on where they took palt in the lay- read by Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl; Mns. ____________ booLnd...saw...p.Bnktn.H.i.uriedb j Friday, given in honor of Mrs. J. ing of the corner stolie of the new C. Belîrnan presented a paper on Games Linday pO habl be pe fourkesonH W ia J. vie atEnikl Cashmere Bouquet R. Young (nee Margaret Neads), Public Scbool there. "'Prayer" and closed this part of dug he w eek oandy bexbbto p len HeurentWlla Jf Haton nd akeili WinpgMn ROTARY CLUB drn th ekadehbto e;H brt fHmpn;nd Toilet Soap .... Winnipeg, Man.Messrs Ale G. Storîe, Stewart the devotional witb prayer. In ____garnes on Saturday. Albert J. and Wallace of To- mm"fa'r o 3 ~..Massage bas done wonders for J. Stonie and Fred T. Stonie pre- the absence of Mrs. E. P. Bradt, (otn~ rmPg )rno lotnedubes n. .eias y'thitis, sciatica, constipation or sented a beautiful memorial President, Mrs. T. W. CawkerEiaSitMsW.H Moe,& overweight. Tny tneatments at window ta St. Andrew's United Ipresided fon tbe business. Interest- Haiieybury, the author decided ElaSihMs .H.Moe rapeflut lke . The Health Institute, Liberty St., Cburcb, Oshawa, in ioving rnem- ing reports wene given by the ta centre bis plot around a mining TRINITY YOUNG and Mns. Howard Stevens, ail of Enniskillep. Also surviving are Chum Dog Food .... . . ..n O South, Bowrnanville. Pbone 683. ony of their fathen, J. D. Storie, circles. Secnetary and Treasur- camp. As Mounted Police were PEOPLE ENJOY 25 grandcbildren and 28 great- "Wealtb is good Healtb." 38tf who had long been a devoted en's reports were nead and adapt- often pictuned as the benoes in ND R R A Tgndclde. bee brothlers FRESH FILLETS - 81LON - W ITFS The Boy Scouts are coliecting memben and officiai of the ed. Prognam consisted of vocal tbis type of story, be decided ta N O R O S prndcheas bim. aid newspapers and would ap- cbuncb. solo "My Cathedral" by Mns. G. make a bero out af a provincial Theefealse vicewsheda FRESH FRUITS ANDVGTBE preciate thase baving newspapers A lady told us she made $50 by E. Pritchard; piano solo, Miss policeman. Trinity Young People's Union Enniskiilen Cburch, falhowing a ~w~ they wish to dispose of, getting reading the For Sale advts. in Helen Williams. The next task is ta make pienty re-opened aften their summer ne- pnivate service at bis former TT 17 in toucb witb some Scout in their hast week's Statesmnan. She bougbt Mn. J. B. Martyn, Bowman- of trouble for tbe hena, ta retain cess an Monday nigbt, but the borne, on Thursday aftennoon. II ] section of the tawn. the iniaid linoleum advertised and vihle's veteran menchant, celebrat- an interest. He mnust ovencome scheduled weiner roast had ta be The service was conducted by AL A R qALIï.~ j Mn. J. J. Brown, District Gaver- figured she saved $50 on the deal. ed bis 87th bintbday on Saturday, the troubles, corne out on top, and beld in tbe Sunday Scbool roorn Rev. Harold Lackey, bis minister. non, Lions International, and Pre- It sure pays ta read the home town 1Sept. l7tb. Mn. Martyn bas ne: Possibly marny the girl hie loves, due ta inclement weatben candi- assisted by a former Sunday -That as the formula on wbich a, tians. .School pupil, Rev. Milton San- GRC E stony iswitten. Anound an artificial campfine, derson of Toonto. Tibute ta bis Phns36-6 Takîng the bero first, the authon about fonty membens joined lust- fine Christian life and sympatby36-8Bomnie must find a prablem ta confront ily in a sing-song led by Mns. for bis bereaved family was ex- hîrn. He decides that high grad- Marion James. The worsbip ser -_______________________________________________ îng offens plenty of oppontunity vice was in change of Doris Dud- for skulduggery. Higbgrading is ley, wbo was assisted by Thelma a crime, so be mnust find a villain Schiievent and Jack Dunn. Miss ta commit the crime. To mnake Vera Power gave an intenesting tbîngs toughen for the bero, ahi account of hier trip ta the Atlan- P E 1 G A L E kinds of obstacles must be found tic Coast, and ber travelogue wvas The Evlyn Shop linder New Management mightbappen. wikr, eraith héer Garet 100ODOinSADDHTWAE TE WOMEN'S ANDDINNER AND EVENING DRESSES perbaps ta make it more difficult fred Hamley spoke of the forth- WEWL A L W YO lcONE C MISSES In Vehvets, Satins, Crepes, J3nocaded, Metahhies and a beno's affections. A reason Must member, Miss Alice Purdy, and w-ide range of colons. Sizes 14 to 42 in the lot. These be found, and it is suggested that Mrs. Marion James read an ad- LOWEST On the purchase of any Rot Water Mote onanSrneo bie once annested ber father. dres*s "How ta Cook a Husband." PRICES Syringe Fittings in our store. This measti a a u u \Vomcn's and Misses Crepe driesses ail pieked fnorn reguha'r stock reguhar ta $25.00. Mustn't make the arrest for a ser- and Wool Dresses, long and gopdt la a iaus crime for neaders don't cane__________________ J short siceves. faîl shades. Sizes rpe tacana__________________ 14 to 46. Reg- tiiese ]Zdcilu fan criminal's daughtens. And sa R Y H I pcaoo $3e95____________________________ mînan thing, getting inta a fight.GR Y H I Openîng Sale The next thing is ta find narnes MISSES' VELVET AFTERNOON DRE SSES for bis characters. Most of them ~rsoe 0is Wt r Dti W. MacFarlane said, carne from r so e oisg t r B AFTERNOON ln shades of blacks, 1hhues, purples, the Montreal telephone directory. iW . Sîzog 14 ta 20 liegula p .a&&,ce Names are selected ta fit the char- n ur lc oiSALE PRl E 3 No Deaod tocmgua 185 o dent R. R. Stevens said bad beld SEMET SOLVAY COKE N edIes$995 the audience speiibound. Fast Delivery Up To Tise Minute Regular $25.00 for Guests at the club wene Bob __ I Styles and Maeil 1@5 Young of Winnipeg, Byron Van-GI stone, Bowrnanviile, and Post- PECITO1 master Gardon Whitfield of Wbit- PL r This hs A by Rotary Club wbo intnoducedJ. . L T j' CASH SALE TU IIM ~ fD the speaker. JJ.FLETT a 319e IV Iftlff No Refunds or Exhangea THEL LVLIfl uiiu Every wife imagines er us- FUELSD I1I. TOEL AX iI UKU cagsfor Alterations on band would appreciate ber more Suceessor ta Henry Lathrove U IE IA T R SaeDresses Phone 594 Mrs. Clifford Caverly, Proprietor if be had ta put up with some Phone 2673 - Bowm~anville AG9:NCY Phone 792 DUSW eîe other woman for about six D months. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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