Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 he will enter in training for the SolinaAir Force. - - Rally Service was held Sunday Recent Visitors: afternoon and was well attended Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman of Lovely bouquets of flowers added 'Hampton, at Mr. Cecil Pascoe's. to the attractiveness of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsami and Several of the juniors took part family and Mrs. Geo. Howsama in the service and Mrs. Wesley with Port Perry friends. Yellowlees gave an interesting Mrs. Howard Couch, Misses story. Rev. W. Rackham gave an Marjory and Ileen Couch and excellent address and the choir Jessie Scott, Bowmanville, at Mr. sang an anthem. Jack Baker's. Miss Susie Thompson and Mr. Geo. W. Graham were Sunday Mrs. R. J. McKessock with To- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack ronto friends. Yellowlees. Miss Reta Treble, Crystal City,! Mrs. S. E. Werry, President W. Man., Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, I., presided at the September Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, of meeting in the S. S. room. FOl- Blackstocko Mr. and Mrs. Jack lowing thç business, Mrs. Arthur Short. Courtîce. Mrs. Will Short, Moore, leader of group 4, took Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. p charge of the program, the theme Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Brummel1 berng "Health and Child Wel- and baby, Bowmanville, at Mr. lare". . Geo. White sang a Walter Parrinder's. solo accompanied by Miss Ileen Miss Jessie Ormîston, Colum- IBalson; reading by Mrs. Arthur bus, with Miss Evelyn Tink. M1r; oa solo by Mrs. John Mrs. Jas. Hogarth, Misses Jean Baker accompanied by Miss Helen and Jessie Hogarth, Hampton, atBae;Ms Cecil Pascoé gave a Mr. Thos. Baker's. paper on conditions affecting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, women and children in other Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe at- lands. Mrs. Frank Gilbert led in .a discussion on flowers. Refresh- tended a family gathering in honour of Mr. and Mrs. J. Awde's ments were servefi by the group 2th wedding anniversary in To- and a social time enjoyed. r ronto, Sunday.c Mr. Allan Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor lef t Tues- Enniskillen day evening for Englnd where OSHAWA Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. SEPT. 22-23-24 Love Finds Andy Hardy StarrIng Lewis Stone- Mickey Rooney Judy Garland- Cecilia Parker Added - Walt Disney Cartoon "IGood Scouts" REVIVAL Friday at 10.30 p.m. IWodding Present' Starring Joan Bennett - Cary Grant Monday - Tuesday SEPT. 26-27 'Port of Seven Seas' Starring Wallace. Beery - Maureen 0'Sullivan Added - Robert Benchly on "How to Baise a Baby" Wed. - Thurs. SEPT. 28, 29 'Gateway' Starring Don Ameehe - Arleen Whelan One of the $250,000.00 Quiz Contest Pictures Added - "March of Timne" 0014IG Friday - Saturday SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 ON OUR STAGE 'Bel's Original Hawaiians' ln Person Music - Sigig - Dancig Ail Native Stars Special Feature "'Give Me A Sailor"~ In thî report of the baptismal servicewVreported last week the name of Clarence Ross Stainton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton was omitted. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Alan, Clark and Grant spent Sunday with Miss Ethel Cole at Bethesda. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon andh Helen with relatives at Beaver. tan. Mrs. H. Stevens at Mr. E. J. Harrison's and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan at Mr. H. Chantler's, Lind- say. Mr. Arthur Wright, Solina, at Mr. Wm. Wright's. Miss Myrtle Brooks, Toronto, .wxth Miss Elsie Moore. Mrs. Wm. Oke with Mrs. Bes- sie Robbins, Hampton. Mrs. C. B. Rice and son Maurice, Miss Dorothy Devemey, London, with the former's brother, Mr; W. H. Moore. Rally Day was observed in S. S. Sunday morning when a num- ber of the scholars took part. A brief address was given by Mrs. H. Ferguson on Translating the Bible inta life, shawimg the great need of Bible study and Bible living in our daily lives, and the effect it has on the community in which we live. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Toronto, with Mr. H. Stevens and other friends. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, Miss Ada Treble, Winnipeg, Mr. and IMrs. R. Philp, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry and family with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findley, Dean and Bruce and Mr. Findley, Sr., Unionville, at Mr. Albert Hawkey's. Miss Adelaide Amnis, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Mrs. Laura Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckett visited Mr. Milton Vir- tue, Gravenhurst. Mvr. and Mrs. George Brooks are home after visiting their son, Mr. C. Brooks, Clarksom. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and babe, Bawmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon. Miss Susie Thompson and Mr. Geo. W. Graham, Bowmanville, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thampson. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckett of Bowmanville, with her mather, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Those leaving jars of fruit for Bowmanviile Haspital will receive their empty jars at Mrs. H. Hilîs'. Miss Lorna Hoaper carried off a number of prizes at Oshawa Fair. Young People's Union re-apened Thursday evenimg in the form af a corn raast at the church shed. It is better for a girl to be given in marriage than it is for a man ,t be sold. MADE IN BOWMANVILLE Corbett's Bread is Better Because It's Made In Bowmanville Prom Bownianville Flour By Bowmanville Workmen Delivered by Bowmanville Men If's Made from Finest Ingredients Ganong's and Willard's Chocolates Silverwood's Ice Cream W, P. CORBETT Poe890 Bowmanville fi d c n rr v rc H~ Hampton 1Miss Doreen Perrett is attend- ing Normal School in Toronto. Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs. Carlye Stevens and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Williams and nephew, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens. Mrs. Godkin, Toronto, is with her nephew, Mr. A. E. Billett, slowly recovering from. injuries received in a motor accident near Lindsay. Miss Yvonne Williams, Solina, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. Miss Lulu Reynolds is making extensive alterations in her house. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Creeper, Owen Sound, visited Mrs. Jno. Colwill and other relatives. Mrs. Farn, Toronto, was a vis- itor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Flory. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, vis- ited hier mother and attended the funeral of lher uncle, Mr. L. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williamson visited friends in Lindsay. Mrs. W. Cunningam, Cameron, attended the fumerai 0f her uncle, Mr. L. Johns. Church service will be in the rnorning next Sunday on account of special Harvest Home services at Eldad S.S. at the usual hour. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Hl. Stainton in the death of his Eather, Mr. J. Stainton, Enniskil- Len. We also extend sympathy to the family of Mrs. J. TrulI who lied at the home of her daughter, MIrs. A. T. Stainton, Zion. A xtum- ber of relatives from. here at- :ended the funeral on Thursday. Mrs. W. M. Young, Peterboro, w'as called to the home of lher father, Mr. L. J. Johns, on ac- count of his sudden illness and death which came as a shock to lis family and many friends. Mr. Johns was one of the oldest and nost highly respected residents of the village. Funeral service on Saturday was conducted by Rev. W. Rackham, assisted by Rev. J. R. Bick, Whitevale, and vas largely attended. The family have the sincere sympathy of the community. Mrs. Hoidge, Toronto, visited MIr. and Mrs. L. Trull. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Peter- boro, attended the funeral of herc ande, Mr. L. Johns.r Mr Harry Winterburn, To-f ronto' ¶pent the weekend at Mr. R. Holwell's. Burketon Recent Visitors: Miss Marion Byers and Mrs. John Byers, Ottawa, with Mrs. Chalmer Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Philp, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer, Blackstack, Miss Reta Treble, Crystal City, Man., Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Werry, Miss Nora Werry, Mrs. Harold Werry, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and sans with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin. Mrs. James, Whitby, with Mrs. J. Shortridge. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Steveson on the ar- rival of a son, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson at- tended the wedding of their son, Edgar Wilson and Miss Dorothy Campbell, Oshawa, Sept. 17. Mr. Chester Hoskins has re- turned from a trip ta Niagara-on- the-lake and ather parts. Mrs. Richard Luke, Kedron, wîth Mr. and Mrs. R. Philp. Miss Reid, a former Burketon teacher visited friends here. - the sý Jwas si Blackstock .A of St. John's Church met vrs. J. Carter's, Sept. l5th the new president, Mrs. E. rood, in charge. The meeting 'd with scripture readimg by A. Rahm. The roll caîl was 7ered by a fine supply of il articles, such as needles, d, mending yarn, etc. to be ied in faîl bale. Plans were ed for faîl supper and con- Mrs. F. Willan took charge lis pragram: piano solo, E. er; readings by Mrs. R. Ham- ýMrs. J. Farder, Mrs. W. 'fard and Mrs. T. Smith; solo Irs. W. Van Camp. A hearty of thnks was tendered the ss. Lunch was served. s. Noble, Miss Florence Iewaod, Toronto, were guests rs. R. Parr. sses Florence McLaughlin, -Marlaw and Norma Hoaey, ithe weekend at their re- ive homes. rStan Rahm and Douglas ib with the latter's father, Mr. 'amb, Lindsay. 1and Mrs. John McArthur daughter are spending a few with her mother, Mrs. Demn- Stratfard. .M.S. 0f United Church mét 'arsonage Wednesday after- 1.Bible study was taken by 1Bell. Mrs. Norman Mount- vas appainted delegate ta the ;ytery at Bawmanville on îer 28. A Temperance read- by Mrs. Norman Mountjay given; sala by Vivian Sadier the Garden"; piano solo by Bell; Mrs. Jabez Wright toak tudy book chapter. Lunch served and a social haîf-hour 001l Fair was held Monday a large attendance. Prize ers will appear next week. THE STATESMAN OFFICE TO BE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For the convenience of cus- tomers who are not able to caîl during the day it has been decided to keep The Statesman office open on SATURDAY NIGHTS from 7 to 9 o'clock. Subscribers during these hours may pay subscriptions, leave orders for job printing, place orders for Classifieds or other advertising, pay for classifieds of the current week in order to get the ben- efit of the 25e cash rate, and do other business in connec- tion with the office. We trust our customers will avail themselves of this ad- ditional service we have air- ranged for their convenience, starting this week. The hours are 7 to 9 o'clock. opening services of the church. Miss Doris Grooms, Mr. Jor- dan Sharp, Toronto, visited Miss Mildred Snowden. Mr. Vernon Trimble, Port Hope, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Betty Snowden, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Church service and Sunday School will start on Standard Time on Sunday, 1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.' Hope to see a good crowd out when Rev. Walker, Janetvillé, will preach. Mrs. Albert Crago and Mr. Geo. Van Dyke are under the Doctor's care. residents here sent letters in an- resident here sent letters in an- swer to their invitation to attend the re-opening of the church: Misses Evelyn McKinnen, B.A., E. Evans, New Toronto; Mrs. W. D. McLeod, Woodstock; Mrs. Jennie Bollens, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker, Sterling; Mr. Stephen Munday, Courtright; Mrs. Verna Begley, Toronto; Rev. W. C. Frank, White Rock, B.C.;, Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Isaac Metcalf, Moorefield; Mrs. Clarence Rowen, Cavan; Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, Brighton; Mr. Will Munday, of Courtright; Mr. Fred R. Foley, St. Catharines; Mrs. Roxy Ding- man Morcombe, Omemee. Two of the above letters have been read, the rest will follow at dif- ferent intervals. Clarke Union A number from here attended Lindsay Fair and report a good fair. Mr. Ernest Cain has a position n Toronto. Mr. Harold Rickaby and two sons, Oakville, visited his mother, VIrs. John Rickaby. Miss Helen Scott leaves this week to train for a nurse in the Western Hospital, Toronto. Prev- ious to her leaving hier friends net at hier home and presented ier with a pakaway as a slight emembrance of her Clarke Un- ion friends. Miss Mamie Archer, Bowman- 'ille, was a welcome visitor in our section. Miss L. Clarke, teacher, spent the weekend at hier home, Bow- rianville. r Long Sault Home and School club met on 1 Sept. 13th. Mrs. Clarence Brad- c y presided. Mrs. Donald Davey f ad charge of the program which t Icluded the devotional, followed ' y scripture reading given by g Irs. Henry Miller; piano and E 'iolin selection by Agnes and i "ranston Scott; story by Miss j Susie VanCamp recitation by Miss r ;dna Cameron; instrumental by t Irs. Don Davey. Lunch was è ;rved. f Recent Visitors: Mr. Ernie Roper and friend, roronto, at Mr. Joe Kincaid's. Mrs. Peter Bathgate and daugh- tr Shirley, Bowmanville, Mrs. STm. Smith, Toronto, with Mr. D. B. Farrell's and Mr. George Smith's. f Miss Pearl Smith with friends n in Bowmanville. Miss Grace Smith with Mr. and a Mrs. John Cook, Salem. V Cadmus c ________a Cadmus Women's Association E vas entertained at the home of f /Irs. W. G. Philp, Tuesday wvith agood attendance. Mrs. C. Fer- f guson, Presiderit, deait with the business which consisted mostly Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Archer, TH KI N Y Blackstock, visited their grand- RE ]I EY children, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Arm- Only the kidneys can purify the strong. biood ancd rid the system of paisonaus Miss Ruth Armstrong, Toronto impurities which cause seriaus and Hospital, Weston, spent Sunday painful ailments such as rheumiatism at home. and lumbago. The kidneys are Mrs.Hary Seves, oroto quîckly aroused ta action byr the r.aMrs. CharSteesBaTorndo use of this time-tested prescriptian family, Clear Creek, have beenD.CHU' visiting their father, Mr. John Kidue - Liver P zills Aldsworthan attended the re- Courtice A regretable accident occurred on Monday, when Hilda Scorgie broke her right leg. The accident occurred at school during the afternoon recess. Pupils on bicy- cles were rîdîng around the school grounds, among the other pupils, and one of the bicycles hit the child's leg. Mr, Cecil Robinson, teacher, rushed her to Oshawa Hospital where an ex-ray re- vealed two breaks above the ankle. Gordon Robinson had the mis- fortune to run a spike into one of his feet while at school on Monday. The children of No. 8 present- ed their Principal, Mr. Cecil Rob- inson, with a wedding gift on Monday afternoon. Josephine Courtice read an address and Jean Antil made the presentation of a magazine stand. Mr. Robinson thanked everyone for the kind- ness shown in remembering his wife and himself. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Cecil Adams in the loss of her father, John Sprung of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Adams attended the funeral in Windsor, Sept. 2Oth. Rex Tooley is employed* with the Oshawa Daily Times, and his brother, Chris, is employed at Coldwater. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber (nee Erma Welsh of Oshawa) upon their recent marriage; also a hearty welcome is extended to the bride who is to become a resident of Courtice. Mrs. Flood is much improved in health, and last week left for Kincardine where she will stay with her mother while convales- cing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Phair and daughters spent the weekend at Wapoose. Mrs. Edwin Pidduck and Miss Kathleen motored with Miss Diane Pidduck, Toronto, to Callander. Miss Kathleen Pidduck is visiting in Toronto. Miss Frances Reynolds attended the Bank of Montreal's staff party on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hicks, Bowman- ville, which was given in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Langs. Miss Nora Adams, Toronto,-vis- ited at her home Sunday. Mrs. Norman Clemens, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tre- vail. Recent visitors at Mr. George Reynolds' were: Mrs. Homer J. Sibbitt, Toronto; Miss Valeria Romhanyi, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Miss Erma Roule and h Mr. Ed. McMann, Toronto. Local improvements include:-1 the building of a new garage bya Leslie Brock; interior alterations at the homes of Cecil Flood and E C. P. Reynolds; eavestroughing and cistern at the homes of Mr. Mc- Kay and G. Welsh, and much C .mproved lawn, etc. at the home of W. Young. i Owners of dogs which are in- i. .limed to wander from home may fid themselves with an animal c, part dog and part porcupine, as a several others have done in this district lately. There is evidently L one or more of the prickly littie C animals around, and they are ri now minus a goodly quantity of quilîs - much to the dogs' sor- e row. On Tuesday evening a miscel- r aneous shower was given Mr. and VIrs. Robert Barber at Mr. Pid- tl duck's hall. A large number of li 'riends and relatives gathered for e. he event from various localities. IV The mamy beautiful gifts of cut b glass, limen, silver, granite ware, etc. showed the high esteem in S which the young couple are held. tE After the opening of the parcels,- reading of the greetings, and thanks from the bridal pair, a dance was held. Bountiful re- freshments were served. Haydon Recent Vîsîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and famîly, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Cross- mian's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Mr. mnd Mrs. C. Avery, Mrs. S. Tre- win at Mr. Wm. Smith's, Whitby. Mr. Norman Bothwell, Maple Grove, at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Richards, Mr. mnd Mrs. R. Richards at Mr. E. Richards', Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy with riends in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Beech and family, Newtonville, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and .aýllowell visited Mr. Sid Hallo- 'eh, Elizabethville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell at ier parents', Mr. and Mrs. E. Thite, Elizabethville. Miss Edna Farrow, Millbrook, tMr. Victor Farrow's. Mr. Delbert Hallowell and fri- md also Mr. Frank Bennett, To- onto, were at Mr. J. Hallowell's. We think there are plenty of days in the week for putting up Fair bills and the like without doing it on the Sabbath day, which we are commanded to keep holy. t Rev. E. Beech preached a good sermon at Shiloh Sunday on "Friends". Sunday morning ser- vices at Shiloh will be discontin- ued and service will now be held at 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Payden, Flint, Mich., are moving into our neighbourhood and will work his father-in-law's farm, and has ai- s0 purchased from Mr. Franîk Gil- mer the farm beside it. Orono News Mr. Robert Sherwin and Rev. S. Littlewood were elected Hon- orary Presidents of Park St. Un- ion at the meeting Monday night. Sam Keane and Beatrice Hamm had charge, the latter presiding. Other officers elected are:- President-Miss Kathleen Stark; Devotional -Neil Wood, Elsie Rowe; Missibnary - M er v yn Keane, Olive Brown; Citizenship -Manley Littlewood, Beatrice Hamm; Literary-Sam Keane, Lii- hian Allen; Secretary - Myrtle Tamblyn; Treasurer-R. Forrest- er; Missionary Treasurer-Hazel Winter; Pianist-Carman White; Ass't. Pianist-Enid Cobbledick; Game Com.-Lois Wood, Elvin Blewett, R. Flintoff; Lunch Com. -Mrs. S. Littlewood, Jean For- rester, A. Wood, Myrtie Smith; Editor of the paper until end of December-Ella Tamblyn; Ass't. -Glen Hancock. Mrs. S. Little- wood and Miss Ella Tamblyn were scrutineers for the election and Rev. Littlewood took charge. Other items on the program were: scripture, Mervyn Keane; a beautifully rendered vocal duet by Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood with Miss Enid Cobbledick at the piano. It was decided to close at 9:30 under ordinary circumstances, and to order the Pathfinder, also to have a monthly paper issu.ed by the Union wîth different editors in charge through Vie year. Members of executive will meet at parsonage Saturday to make arrangements for the convention of young people here on October 29 and 3Oth. Miss Alice Arnold of the Presbytery will be pre- sent. From'The Orono News September 18, 1913 SINGAPORE Siced or Cubes IPINEW APPLE 318-oz.2 COWLING SELLS THE BESI And Serves You WeIl We invite you to inspeot our special prices and good values Aika Zam-Buk Chases P eenamint Seltzer Ointment Nerve Food .. 19C.. 29e _ 57C 1 47e 1 49e I133c - 69c SPECIAL PRICES lc SALE 50e West's Tooth Brush 33e 1 Bottie FREE with each 50e Dodd's Pis - - - 27e size of Pepsodent Antiseptic 16-oz. Cod Liver 011- 49e Both for Sic 100 A.B.S.&C. tabs. -9ec _____________ 50e Halibut Liver 011 Caps- - - - 79e fo W iWMZIN6NEWJ FREE PCA EUA IN Drinklng Mug with large DRENE FOR F NORMAI tin of Ovaltine DRy MAIORIL 913e MALT EXTRACT with Cod Liver 011 49e-89e SCOTTS59 EMULSIÔN14 99 of Cod Liver ()i - 53c-98e NYAL CREOPHOS stops a Cough $1 ~.00 SPECIAL VALUE Velvetta Cieansing Tissues WATERBURY'S 200 to Package Cod Liver Compound - 93e 2 Boxes 17c We test eyes and fit trusses to your entire satisfaction i quality, fit and priee. 695 Pu R, GOWLING, DruggistDelier erly of Orono, to Mr. Delbert Matthew Gibson, Orono. Died-McConnachie, In Clarke, Sept. llth, Margaret Staîker, be- loved wife of Peter D. McCon- nachie, aged 69 years. Mason, At Newcastle, Sept. l6th, Ann Chapman, relict of the late John Mason, aged 80 years. Miss Reah Bîewett has returned ]BroWfl's home from i the city. __---- Miss Helene Waddell lef t for BansHm n colCu aorot o wee h s echri met Sept. l3th with the lst Vice- Mr citoshnool o S.1)i President Mr. Couch, in the chair. Mr.Joh Bateror t. aul's These officers were elected:- Station, visited Mr. C. E. Baxter.Prsdn-.Cuh ltVie Mr. Ray Sturgess, Syracuse, N. President -.Miss E. st impson Y"., visited his mother at Mr. S. helpers, June Brown and Freeman Miss llieClg, ornovi-Eddy; 2nd Vice-Sidney Brown, tedshe couin, Mrs. Georgenornvi-helper, Wylma Farrow; 3rd Vice sth rcuiMs.Gog on -Mrs. Tom Woodlock, helpers. iss ar ichl de Aileen Turner and Audrey Browr, MiusLe ofrdriotollhde îistRec. Sec.-Mrs. Roy Branch; Cor. cotl PerorroFir. st hrlitSec.-Mrs. C. Turner; Treas - Miss Sderb Mcayiretr.doRay Brown; Pianist-Miss Helen JMderwood. er sis rtuer, MrsCouch; Ass't.- Miss Jume Brovn; Undrwod. er istr, rs.Sick Com.-Mrs. Robt. Granam Cooper accompanied her to To- and Mr. J. Brown; Chair Coin.- ronto. Clarence Turner and Archie Rev. and Mrs. Whattam return- Brown; Lamp Com.-Ray Brown; ed from Picton. Lamtern Com.-Harold WVright; Mrs. McKay has decided to re- PprEio-rheBon nain in the West another mamth.SPap eadetr -rCArce TBrwn- Married - Pettibone-Martin, At Sorg.Laer-Mr. Clarn eixe urn the manse, Bowmamvîlle, Sept.« eissAftheaSimgsong led bywa O0th, by Rev. Mr. Drum, Nellie, Ms E hel ipsnlnc a eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.sevd Martin, Leskard, ta Mr. Roy Petti -__________ cane, Coîborne. Gibson - McComb, In Toronto, A man's best friend is a woman Sept. l7th. Bertha, eldest daugh- who can keep him irom making ter of Mr. James McComb, form- la fool of himself. Snow White Cauliflower Lombard Plumis Crisp Celery i5c Head 250 Basket 50 Stalk PRYIS COCOA Va-lb. Tin .19 I .4 j IL SUN WORTFIY and SUNTESTED WALLPAPER Compiete new stoek of lat- est patterns in the finest m-allpapers. No delay ivhie waiting for paper on order. Our stock is eom- plete. CONTINUING SPECIAL SALE 4 ply yarn lOc BAL JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville r N i M DOMINION STORES SANNOUNCES MAMMOTH Cou sereato)u Drive! In other ceunitries food supplies are being husbanded, hoarded, and rationed by the gîrernment. In this [and of plenty, food conservation is VOLUNTARY ...but sur obligation is none the Iess. * Ench year Dominion Stores, through its 472 branches, distributes o huge quantity cf home-grown produce for preserving. This year we have organized ta hondie stili greater quantities of choice fresh fruits and vegetables, w hich we wilI offer ot Iow, attractive prices. At the prices quoted below, you wiII be eble ta participate in this graot "CONSERVATION 0F CANADIAN PRODUCE" in a big way. ON<TARIO CONCORD GRAPES29C Gquart G APs29 asket Christie'$ Delicious Vacuum Packed RITZ ISCUITS 2 8 29 Tatoe Crispe 2 Tis.27 Christie s HPototoo..2 SOA ISCUITS ;cs 9-qkgs 5 KETCHUP2 14o. 35 Christies Assorted Fancy 32 1 Fancy Pack 12 BsISCUITS - L. LOBSTER Tin .27 Dependoble 11. %Perfection1-bTi Donaestlc 2 no. .25 FLOOR wAx .25 SHORTEMING 4-lb« Pkg: .47 Theze values effec- tive until Saturday nlght, Sept. 24th BEFORE YOU INSURE 0 SULT CONFEDERATION LE TORONTO HEAD OFFICE ro ~-. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938

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