TUE ORONO NEiýw s NURSE PROVIDES FINE ADDRESS AT ORONO INSTITUTE A most interesting and instruc- tive meeting of the Women's In- stitute was held Friday, the main feature of which was a lecture and demonstration by Miss Sadie Brown, R. N. ' Mrs. H. Dean gave the Treasur- e'r's report and Mrs. E. J. Hamm read the minutes. Arrangements for the booth at the school fair were made. Announcements were made of the leadership trainingl class at Tyrone on October 26th and speaker service at Newton- ville, October 20th. It was decid- ~d to have the meeting in October Whe second Friday, l4th, rather ~han the usual third Friday, ow-, ing to the Newtonville meeting on1 2th. It was decided to have the piano tuned and to loan it for fair night dance for the price of tuning. A suggestion brougbt by Mrs. M. Cowan that the Institute see about a public bulletin board, carried, and the president and secretary are to make arrange- ments. Miss Sadie Brown in her lec- ture and demonstration dealing chiefly with prevention of dis- diseases in children from tbree years up. She pointed out that malnutrition (either improperly balanced or insufficient food) and also -overfeeding could create trouble. Fresh air, exercise, rest and regularity were essential. Teeth, tonsils, etc, should be checked before sending children to school, early in the summer being the best time as the winter weather was more dangerous. Intestinal diseases were dealt with, also measles, mumps, diptheria, scarlet fever, asthma, etc. The speaker pointed out that blinds and resurfacing of black boards %yould help save the children's eees 'in school. 1,Taking the demonstration next with Mrs. D. Carscadden as "«vic- tim" Miss Brown showed how to aid and bandage an ankle, knee, thumb and finger, and also band- aged a finger for Mrs. Rolph. Mrs. Rolph thanked Miss Brown and her assistant for their inter- esting lecture and demonstration. Jean and Gerald Rainey favor- ed with a vocal duet with Mrs. E. R. Rainey at the piano. Roll caîl, the medical uses of soda, was responded to by the members, after which tea, cakes and pears were served. The pears were sent in by Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn, altbough busy with silo fil- lers and unable to come, showed her interest in this tangible way. The meeting closed with prayer ,,ýyMrs. Rolph for peace to be continued and the hope that war would not develop. Next meeting October l4th. Committee in charge of Sept. meeting: Miss S. Brown, R.N., Mrs. C. Knox, Mrs. W. Seymour, Mrs. Jas. Wood, Mrs. N. Rainey and Mrs. Dr. Manning. Park Street Church At Park St. Cburch Sunday *Qrning Rev. Littlewood spoke on "The Gift of Friendship" deal- ing ciefly with the friendship of David and Jonathan, and em- phasizing the f act that one could only have a few intîmate friends to wbom ahi troubles were con- fined but could be fripndly to ail. The love of God who sent His only Son into the world to save the people was dealt with as another example of perfect friendship. During the offertory Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. Edwin Sandercock and Mrs. Sandercock rendered an in- strumental number, which was mucb appreciated. The choir sel- ection was "The Knowledge of the World," Miss Kathleen Stark taking the soprano obligato. 'At the evening service Rev. A. W. March of Tyrone, preached on "Gift of Love." Help lm poeoupersonallty wth Wrlgley's Guis.? Keep your teeth white, breath sweet, by using healthful Wa'lgley's Gum dally-as millions do. The chil- dren also love the deliclous re- freshing flavor of Wrlgley's Double Mint. Take some home today. cs-u p FAIR TREASURER Durham Central Fý 1Results of Tuesday's Judging at Oke, Ada Annis; Cut Flowers, not teFair la Orono less than ten varieties, two blooms of each: Roy Putnam, Ada Annîs; Grain and Seeds Everlastîngs, grown in 1938: Ada Class 27 Annis, Roy Putnam; Wild Flowers, Bushel Faîl Wheat, named, 1938- collection: Mrs. F. B.Wbyte, Mrs. W. Farrow; Collection drîed and Wesley Brown, Mrs. Ira Lowe pressed Wîld Flowers, open to any Bushel Sprîng Wheat, h a rd,ib or girl 16 years and under: I named: Wesley Brown, W. J. S. 1 no entries. Rickamd; Bushel Spring Wheat, Class 30 - Plants jsoft, named: no entries; Bushel Begonia, Tuberous, rooted, best Barley, sixtmowed: W. Brown; tbree plants: J. H. Jose; Begonia, Bushel Baley, two-rowed: no any variety, best thmee plants: entries; Bushel White Oats, any Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Coleus, best variety, named: W. Brown, W. J. three plants: Mrs. Hooper; Ger- S. Rickamd; Bushel Peas, small anîum, single, three distinct var- white: G. H. Baird; Bushel Peas, ieties: no entries; Geanium, 'tlarge, white: Mrs. Ira Loe double, three distinct varieties: no _______________________Bushel Wblte Beans: no entries; entries; Best Plant, not otherwise 25 Eams Flint Corn, strung and~ named in the list: Mrs. Ed. Dean. Mel. H. Staples named: W. R. Bail, W. Brown; Class 31 - Domestie Manufacture Financial difficulties of the Fair 12 Stalks Flint Corn, named, with Quilt, appliqued: Mrs. W. A. at Orono have been solved under ears for ensilage: Wesley Brown; McColl, Lorna Hooper; Quilt, the capable direction of Mr. 12 Stalks Dent Corn, named with cotton, pieced: Roy Putnam, Mrs. Staples, who has devoted mucih eams for ensilage: Mrs. Ira Lowe, McColl; Quilt, fancy quilting: Roy time and effort towamd making R. H. Moffat; Fall Wheat Sheaf, Putnam, Mrs. McColl; Quilt, this year's program the finest and named, 8 inch, 1938: W. Brown; double wedding ring: Mary Oke, most elaborate in the histomy of Spring Wbeat Sheaf, named, 8 Mrs. McColl; Bed Spreads, cr0- the Society. inch, 1938: Wesley Brown; White cheted, new: Mrs. Stork, Mrs. Mc- _______________ Oats Sheaf, named, 8 inch, 1938: Coll; Bed Spmead, Candlewick: Wesley Brown; Barley Sheaf. Mms. McColl, Roy Putnam; Com- Social and Personal named, 8 inch, 1938: W. Brown. forter, silk, satin or rayon: Mrs. _______Class 28 - Vegetables Bogart, Comforter, wool lîned. A private meeting was beld at Beets, Blooà, table, five: Geo. Mrs. Bogart, Mary Oke; Hearth the home of Mr. C. J. Hugbson, B. Bickle & Sons, Reg. Sutton; Rug, rags, hooked: Mrs. D. G. Thursday afternoon to arrange foi: Carrots, Red, table, five: Geo. B. Hooper, Lorna Hooper; Hearth canvassers for the Bible Society Bickle & Sons, Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Rug, cotton, booked: Roy Putnam, and plan for the re-organization Cabbage, Winter, three: Clarence Mrs. McColl; Heartb Rug, wool, of the society. Rev. S. Littlewood Aluin, Mrs. Ed. Dean; Cabbage, braided: Roy Putnam, Mrs. Mc- opened the meeting witb prayer Red, three: no entries; Cauli: Coîl; Hearth Rug, cocheted: Mms. and scripture, after which a list flower, thmee: Geo. B. Bickle & McColl; Bath Mat: Mrs. McColl, of canvassers was dawn up. ît Sons; Celemy, tb.ree: Roy Putnam, Mrs. Bogart; Knitted Suit, wool, was decided to arrange for a Reg. Sutton; Citrons, two: Roy 3 pieces: Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, meeting for election of officers, Putnam, S. D. Souch; Mangels, Roy Putnamn; Knitted Dress, wool: etc. some time in the winter or Red, five: Gordon Brent, M. W. Lorna Hooper, Roy Putnam; Knit- early sping, and to bave tbe dan- Blackburn; Mangels, Yellow, five: ted Dmess, string: Mrs. Armstrong; vassers collect the week of Oct. R. Osborne, F. L. Squair & Sons: Crocheted Dress, string: Roy Put- 16th. Mangels, Sugar, five: Mary Bow: nam; Twin Sweater Set, wool: Plan to attend the School Faim en, R. Osborne; Onions, Red, ten: Mrs. McColl, Roy Putnam; Pull- at Oono next Monday and en- Roy Putnam; Onions, Yellow, ten: ovadi short sleeves, cotton or wool, courage the children. Roy Putnam, Merlin Hepburn;lais Roy Putnam, Mrs. Ira Parsnips, five: Clarence Allin, Lowe; Sports Shirt, collar attach- Rev. S. Littlewood preached at Geo. B. Bickle & Sons; Pump- ed: Mrs. Bogart, Roy Putnam; Salem Sunday night on the oc- kmn Field, two: Fred Blackburn, Child's Outdoor Play Suit, knit- casion of their anniversary. S. D. Souch; Pumpkin Pie, two: ted, wool: Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Mrs. Congratulations to Mm. and F. W. Tamblyn, Fred Blackburn; Bogart; Cbild's Play Dress and Mrs. Delbert Gibson, Oshawa, Squash, Summer, two: S. D' Bloomers, cotton, 4 to 8 years: formerly of Orono, on their 25tb Souch, Geo. B. Bickle & Sons; Mrs. Bogart, Reg. Sutton; Wash wedding anniversary. Squash, Winter, two: Roy put_ Suit, boy, 4 years, machine made: Mrs. Ivan Farrow accompanied1 nam, Mms. Wellington Farrow; Mrs. E. Quantrell; Smock, dot- by two friends bas been visiting Tomatoes, Red, ten:Milfred Sher: ton, modemn: Mrs. Ruttle, Roy in the States. win, Reg. Sutton; Turnips, Swede, Putnam; Kitchen Ensemble, dress Miss Edith Dent visited ber five (feed): G. H. Baird, M. W' and apron: Mary Oke, Roy Put- parents, M. and Mrs. D. A. Dent. Blackburn; Watermelons, two: nam; Housework Apron, service- Rev F Riin, Pntpoo, inMilfred E. Sberwin, Gordon able: Mrs. Armstrong, Lomna Rev F.Riing Pntyoo, wllBrent; Muskmelons, two: R. H. Hooper; Three Tea Towels,e hand preach at Park St. Cburch next Brown, M. W. Blackburn; Pota- made: Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Stork; Sunday evening. toes, baif bushel, early, named: Three Hot Pan Holders: Mrs. I. Orono lunch bar is now open Henry Blakely, Robert Allin, Lowe, Mrs. Bogart; Afghan, wool, for business. IPotatoes, haîf bushel, late, named: knitted: Mary Bowen, Mrs. Mc- Miss Ethel Stark is taking a Henry Blakely, W. J. Rowland; Coîl; Afghan, wool crocbeted: commercial course at Oshawa Potatoes, collection, named: Henry Gordon Brent, Mrs. Hooper; Sofa Collegiate. Blakely; Exhibit Garden or Farm Pillow, wool, crochet or knit: Miss Myrtle Smith entertained Products: Mrs. Wellington Far- Roy Putnam; Sofa Pillow, wool, a few friends Thursday night. row, Geo. B. Bickle & Sons. A.O.K.: Mrs. F. B. Whyte, Mrs. Armstrong; Tea Cosy: Mrs. Whyte. Mm. John Millson, B.A. Sc., Wel- Ciass 30 - Flowers Mms. Stork; Best Labor Saving land, accompanied by Mm. and Asters, collection, three blooms Device (home made): Mrs. Rut- Mrs. Burns called on bis parents, each color: J. H. Jose, Fred Black- tle, Mrs. McColl; Socks, knitted. Mm. and Mrs. H. A. Milîson, on burn; Asters, White, four blooms: fine: Mrs. Ruttle; Socks, knitted, Thursday en route to Cape Cod. Mary Bowen, Fred Blackburn; coarse: Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Quant- Park St. choir are planning an Asters, Shell Pink, four blooms: rill. election of officers at practice, R. H. Brown, Mrs. D. H. Hooper; Class 33 - Fine Art Wednesday night. Practice this Asters, Rose, four blooms: Mary iPanngPoti:E.Wd week was wthdrawn owing to Bowen, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford; el r.W .Sok Oil PaintinPrri:E a- Orono Faim. Asters, Red, four blooms: F. W.din,Fiu Mrs. W. ..ork;Ou Pint Fred Berry injumed at sixth line Tamblyn, Gordon Brent; Asters,inFgr:MsW.A Mcol school, necessitating a number of Mauve, four blooms, R. H. Brown, E. Waddell; Oil Painting, Animal: stitches, is now able to be around Robert Allin; Asters, Pumple, foui: Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. W. R. agan.blooms: J. H. Jose, Fred Black- Stork; Oil Painting, Marine: Roy Revi. . GletWloMm. burn; Dianthus, or Pinks, collec- Putnam, Mrs. W. R. Stork; Oul and Mrs. A. A. Somnerville of To- tion: Geo. B. Bickle & Sons, Mrs. anig adcp:Ms .R ronto, and Dr. D. M. Somerville, F. Lovekin; Carnations, collection: Stork, E. Waddell; Oil Painting, Chicago, Ili., visited the Orono Ada Annis, F. Lovekin; Calendula,Fri:EWadlMsW.R Fair, Wednesday. It is the first one dozen blooms: Marjorie Oke,_______________ time in over 40 years that Dr. M. H. Staples; Marigold, African, Somerville bas visited the faim. 8 blooms: F W. Tamblyn, R. H. He is a brother of Thos. Somer- Brown; Maigold, Frencb. best ville, Orono. display: Marjorie Oke, Mrs. Ruth- Mr. Jim Richards is iii, requir- erford; Nastumtiums, colection: ing the services of a trained nurse R. H. Brown, Robert Moffatt and two doctors. Scabiosas, 12 blooms: Ada Annis Stores remained open except for J. H. Jose, M. W. Staples; Petun- a couple of boums. ias, double; F. Lovekin, Mrs. W. M. and Mrs. Stan Chapman and Farrow; Pansies, best display, family visited at Mrs. E. Chap- artistically arranged: Roy Putnam, O L man's. Celosia, featbered, four blooms: Mms. Sutherland and daughter, Ada Annis, M. H. Staples: Stocks. Toronto, visited at Mrs. McPber- ten blooms: no entries; Verbenas, son's. collection: Ada Annis, F. W Lunn's have a novel window Tamblyn; Salpiglossis, collection display, a glass washing machine M. H. Staples, Ada Annîs, Salvia, in which dirty clothes can be seen not less than six blooms: M. H DO THIS: Massage bis tbroat being washed in the sudsy water. Staples, Mrs. W. H. Rowe; Snap- chest, and baciK with Vick; Mrs C.Cavmly Motralis ragnscolecion Mr. i R VapoRub and tuck bim into bed. Mrs.C. avelyMonrea, i draons colecion Mr. P R. Next, put a spoonful of VapoRub visiting at Mr. W. E. Davey IS. Brown, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford; ln a bowl of boiling water; place Mr. Fred Rowe was in Orono, Zinnia, Pomn-pom, collection: Mar- a newspaper or sheet over the Tuesday and took in the play jorie I. Oke, Mrs. P. R. Brown; chlld's head like a tent, covering "Plane Jane." Zinnia, large, flowered, one dozen tbe bowl toc, 50 the medlcated Messrs Charles and Bill Buck- blooms: Mrs. P. R. Brown, R. H. vapors can be lnbaled for sevemal leySuton, isied ere.Bron; Rsebes sixbloms: minutes. This treatment loosena leySuton.vistedhem. Bown Roe, estsixbloms. phlegmdclears air-passages- Le Roy Brown leaves Monday Ada Annis, Mrs. W. H. Carrutb- checksa tendency to cough-re- forGuepb.ers; Phlox, perennial, collection: lieves local congestion. Inong aI t- Mors-ue.-Rcad sloigaf r.D HoeM. StapWes; 1'm he.relaxsito pac 1- lee , 43F»tM@t Mary Oke; Best arranged High 10 Basket: J. H. Jose, Mary OkeMI~ ""~ i 000ý mâ Best arranged Low Basket: Mary FAIR SECRETARY air Prize VVinners Stork; Oul Painting, Flowers: & Son, Gordon Brent; One 6-quartJ Mrs. W. A. McColl, E. Waddell; basket Maclntosh: Geo. Bickle & Water Colors, Figure: Mrs. Mc- Sons, F. Lovekin; Melba: no en- Coî, Ms. . C Boart Waertries; Wolf River: Neil Mutton, Colors, Portrait: E. Waddell, Mrs. J. H. Jose; Five Talman Sweet: Bogart; Water Colors, Animal: E. F. L. Squair & Sons, Geo. Bicklet Waddell, Mrs McColl; Water Col- & Sons; Five Wagner: Geo. Bickle ors, Marine: Miss Waddell, Mrs. & Sons, Neil Mutton; Five North- Bogart; Water Colors, Landscape: ern Spy: F. Lovekin, F. L. Squair Mrs. J. R. Rutherford, Mrs.9 W. & Sons; Five Golden Russet: Neil R. Stork; Water Colors, Flower: Mutton, R. Osborne; Five Rhoder Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Rutherford; Island Greening: Neil Mutton, F.E Water Colors, Fruit: Miss Wad- L. Squair & Sons; Five King: G.r deil, Roy Putnam; Sepia, any sub- Bickîe & Sons; Neil Mutton; Five1 ject: E. Waddell, Mrs. Stork; Baldwin: F. L. Squair & Sons. Crayon Drawing, any subject. Neil Mutton; Five Ben Davis: F. Mrs. McColl, Miss Waddell; Pas- Tmln ay Bwn Five3 tel Drawing, any subject: Miss Stark: Clarence Allun, R. Osbore; Waddell, Mrs. McColl; Pencil Ca Ape,1 o nyvretY: Drawing, Figure: Mrs. McColl, Geo. Honey, O. Cowan. F. C. Bogart; Pencil Drawing, An-_________f____ imal: Mrs. Stork, Miss Waddell; PearsN Pencil Drawing, Landscape Miss Best collection of Pears, cor-1 Waddell, F. C. Bogart; Pen and rectly named, six varieties, four Major J. C. Gameyt Ink Sketch: Roy Putnam, Mrs. of each kind: F. W. Tamblyn, Geo. Who as the efficient Secretarys McColl; Collection China Paint- Honey; Five Bartlett: Geo. Bickle of Durham Central Agriculturalr ing, eight pieces: Mrs. Stork, Mrs. & Sons, F. W. Tamblyn; Five Society's Fali Fair at Orono, has1 McColl; Best New Craft: Mrs. Sheldon: Geo. Bickle & Sons, F. done a fine job of handling the Stork, Mrs. Bogart. W. Tamblyn; Five Fl1e mis h immense amount of detail in con-1 Students Beauty: F. W. Tamblyn, Geo. B. nection witb such an event. Her Collection of Art, 5 pieces, child- Bickle & Sons; Five Buerre Bosc: has been assisted by Miss Olivef ren 10 years and under: no entries; F. L. Squair & Sons; Five Anjou: Davey.a Collection of Art, 5 pieces, child& Geo. Bickle & Sons, F. L. SquairJ ren 14 years and under: no en- & Sons.1 tries; Poster Design: no entries; Pluma Social Ënd Personal 1 British Imperial Crown, in col- Best collection of Plums, cor-1 ors no entries. rectly named, six varieties, six of Mrs. W. N. Myles, Hamilton, Public Sehool Students each variety: F. W. Tamblyn; bas returned fromn a visit with Open to any boy or girl eîig- Five Bradsbaw: no entries; Five Mrs. D. N. Myles. ible to exhibit at School Fair:- Burbank: no entries; Five Imper- MrftnBuon oota Girls, Sample of Needlecraft, 2 ial Gage: Fred Blackburn, F. W. hMe. Sa rtn oota pieces, $1.00: Anna Staples, Ber- Tamblyn; Five Lombard: Gordon hmr. Gog Bonspn 1h nice Colville, Carol Staples; Boys, Brent, F. W. Tamblyn; Five Rein- we. ekend erwpetth Sample of Manual Training, 2 eclaude: Gordon Brent, Fred Miss Viola Nen avs ion pieces, $1.00: no entries; Hand- Blackburn. writing, poetry, 25 lines: Anna Grapes day for Toronto University. 1 Staples. Three bunches Red, with vine Mr. John Moffat expects to Class 34 - Domestic Science attacbed: E. Waddell; Three close bis dance hall for the win- One Loaf Homç Made Bread: bunches, Green, with vine attacb- ter the end of tbis montb. D. G. Hooper, Robert Allen; ed: E. Waddell, R. H. Brown; Mr. Bob Keane, Toronto, spent Brown Bred, home made: Reg. Three bunches, Black., with vine the weekend at home. Sutton, Lorna Hooper; Raisin attached. F. W. Tamblyn, E. Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, Loaf: Reg. Sutton, Lorna Hooper; Waddell. spent the weekend at home. Date Loaf: Bob Moffatt, Mrs. D. Ciass 32 - Ladies' Work Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis G. Hooper; One dozen buns: Reg. Candlewick Spread: Mrs. F. C. visited at Kingston. Sutton, Lorna Hooper; Haîf doz- Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Glov- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Wes- en Tea Biscuits: Mrs. Jas. Eagle- es, crochet, cotton: M. H. Staples, ton, ',isited ber mother, Mrs. S. M. son, Ada Annis; Orange Cake, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Gloves, hand Billings., dark: Mrs. D. G. Tooper, Lorna made, kid or fabric: Mrs. G. H. Ms hlaMyTrno Hooper; Short Bread: Ada An- Dean; Pyjamas: Mrs. W. A. Mc- Ms: Jm Mls Trno nis, Lorna Hooper; Macaroons:i Coîl, Mrs. F. C. Bogart; Lîbrary spent the weekend at home.j Mary Bowen, Lorna Hooper; Date i Table Runner: Mrs. Ira Lowe, The Hall family, Bowmanville, Bars: Mrs. Jas Eagleson, Lorna Mrs. W. R. Stork; Table Runner. visited ber mother, Mrs. Bruton. Hooper; Jumbles: Lorna Hooper, A.O. kind: Mrs. W. A. McColl, Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fra- àMrs. D. G. Hooper; Whole Wbeat Mrs. Bogart; Centrepiece, colored: lick have returned fromn Toronto. 1Muffins, baif dozen: Robt. Mof - Mrs. Mc Coîl, Roy Putnam; Bou- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, fatt, W. S. Moffatt; Layer Cake, doir Pillow: Mrs. Ira Lowe, Roy Toronto, and Mrs. George Sey- dark: Robert Allen, W. M. Black- Putnam; Sofa Pillow, quilted: mour spent Sunday with Mr. and burn; Layer Cake, ligbt: Lorna Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. W. J. Ruttle; Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Hooper, Ada Annis; Angle Cake, Sofa Pillow, modern: Mrs. Bogart, Mr.SCutianMssAm not iced: Mary Bowen, Lomna Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Fancy Work, Ctelsetteweedi Hooper; One Egg Cake (recipe 5 different kinds: Mrs. Ira Lowe, Torto.lsen h ee di attached): Lorna Hooper, F. W. Roy Putnam; Tea Cloth and 4 Tamblyn; Apple Pie: Lorna Hoop- Serviettes, white: Mrs. W.J. Mr. Milton Morris spent theý er, Reg. Sutton; Pumnpkin Pie: Ruttle, Mrs. McColl; Tea Cloth weekend in Toronto. Lorna Hooper, Mrs. D. G. Hooper; and 4 Serviettes, colored: Mrs. Miss Lîllian Cuttell is mn tbe ;Lemon Pie: Mrs. D. G. Hooper; W. R. Stork, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Cbes- hospital. 'Butter Tarts, baîf dozen: Reg. Sut- terfield Cushion, modemn: Mrs. Ronald Dent of Port Sydney is .ton, Mrs. Jas. Eagleson; Raisin McColl, Roy Putnam; Set hand staying with bis grandparents, 1Pie: Robert Moffatt, R. H. Brown; made Underwear: Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent, and .Jelly, Currant: G. H. Baird, Lorna Ruttle, Mrs. McColl; Crochet started to school Monday. Hooper; 6 Varieties Sandwiches, Work, cotton: Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Ms aySmevle .. for afternoon tea: Mrs. D. G. W. R. Stork; Cross Stitch Embroid- haMs retred fomma visit wB., Hooper; Marmalade, two varieties: ery: Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Ruttle; Mr. and Mrs. Will Waddell, Thed- SMrs. Jas. Eagleson, G. H. Baird; Buffet Set: Mrs. Ruttle, MCl;fr .Jelly, Apple: Mrs. Ed. Dean, R. Hand made Knitted Hat:Mlrs. Dircos. uhm Cut 1H. Bowen; Mixed Pickles: Reg. Ruttle; Lamp Shade, silk: Mrs. TrstesonD raerAsocia- :Sutton, Ada Annis; Four ways Ruttle, Mrs. MeCoil; Pillow Cas-Tiontmet atnKuRite Inn Septso16, .of serving Tomatoes: F. W. Tam- es, embroidered: Mrs. Stork, Roy tionmae rangeumRieInSeforthe6 blyn, Mrs. Hooper; Chili Sauce: Putnamn; Pillow Cases, hemnstitch- t aearneet o h G. H. Baird, R. H. Brown; Cu- ed: Mrs. D. G. Hooper, R. Putnam- Public speaking contest in Orono, .cumber Pickles: Ada Annis, Lorna Fancy Bed Sheet and Pillowý Nov. 9tb. ,Hooper; Wbole Green Tomnato Cases to match: Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, .Pickle: Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Jas. Stork; Roman Cut Work: Mrs. Milton, spent the weekend witb 1EFagleson; Mustard Pickles: Ada G. H. Dean, Mrs. Bogart; Lunch- Mrs. Neil Smith. Annis, R. H. Brown; Bean Pickles: eon Set, crochet, 5 pieces: Mrs. Mrs. James Ardron, Toronto, Lorna Hooper, Reg. Sutton; Pick- Lowe, Mrs. Bogart; Luncheon Set, visited friends bere. led Pears: Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, embroidered: Mrs. Bogart, R. Mrs. Charles Wood, was in Mrs. D. G. Hooper; Meat Relish: Putnam; Novelty Fancy Purse, Hampton last week due to the Lorna Hooper, Mrs. D. G. Hoop- A.O.K.: Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Lowe; ilness and death of ber father, er; Col. Canned Fruit, 4 varieties, Fancy Purse, Petit Point:f Mrs. Mr. Lewis Johns. Sympathy goes 1 pint gems: Reg. Sutton, Robt. McColl; Needlepoint for Stool: out to ber and ber family in their Allen; Five pounds Butter in Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. J. E. Armstrong; loss. blocks: G. H. Baird, Mrs. Ira Runner for Tea Cart: Mrs. Stok npcrReolsaiavst Lowe. Mrs. McColl; Tatting: Mrs. Sok oteCniuto colMn Robin Hood Flour Speclal Mrs. Ruttle; Bridge Set, embroid- day. Whie Bead RoertAlln;ered, new design: Mrs. Stork, Mrs. A congress of young people will Raisin BrPie: RobMofttAR.eH. Lowe; Guest Towels, 2 different meet here on October 29th and Raisn Pe: obt Mofat, R H-kinds: Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Lowe; 3th. Brown; Buns: Reg. Sutton, Lorna Dresser Set, embroidered: Mrs. Mr. Walter Sherwin is having tiooper; Tea Biscuits: Mrs. Jas. Stork, Mrs. Lowe; Fancy Bath bis bouse painted. Eagleson, G. H. Baird; Short Towel: Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Stork; Mr. Ogden bas gone to bis Bread: Ada Annis, Lorna Hooper; Worked Hand Towels: Mrs. Mc- position in Oshawa. Layer Cake, dark: Robt. Allen Co11, Mrs. Bogart; Hand Towel, Mran Ms.yde Rue- Mrs.D. . Hope; LyerCak, cociîetinsertion: Mrs. McColl, ford (nee Mary Mellor) were giv- ligbt: Ada Annis, Lorna Hooper: Mrs. Bogart; Worked Tea Towels: en a presentation at tbe home of Angel Cake: Mary Bowen, Lorna Mrs. Stork, Mrs. McColl; Fancy Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford wben Hooper; Apple Pie: Lorna Hoop Hand Made Apron: Mrs. Stork. they were the recipients of a er, Reg. Sutton; Pumpkin Pie: Mrs. Bogart; Hand Made Dress: beautiful chime dlock from Kirby 1 orna Hooper, Mrs. D. G. Hooper G. H. Baird, Mrs. Ruttle; Card friends and miscellaneous gifts W. F. Rlckard, M.P. Speclal for Table Cover: Mrs. Stork, Mrs. of linen, silverware, etc., from Women's Institutes la Durham Bogart; Fancy Hand Bag: Mrs. other friends. About 150 friends County Storki, Mrs. Bogart; Fancy Quilt from Kirby, Newtonville, Orono Orono WlI., Morrisb W.I. and Bhockq: Lorna Hooper, R. Put- and Goodwood were present. Fol- Nwtonvi 11 W.Inam; Lazy Daisy and French Knot l1ingt_ redin 0 anaddes Geo. ickle& Son; One6-qu r 1o thir ment throuth their um"I Results of Wednesday's judging basket Gravenstein: Geo. Bickle 1 .. .. . wlll be published next week. 1 ENTERTAINMIENT ON FAIR NUGHTS PLAY "PLAIN JANE"I Entertainment during the even- ings of the Fair at Orono took the form of a comedy "Plain Jane" presented both Tuesday and Wed- nesday in the Town Hall by a fine group of actors and actress- es from Newcastle. Tuesday evening a small crowd turned out for the performance, but on Wednesday, the hall was packed to the doors to hear Thomas William Jackson and his cohorts in action. It will be re- membered that Mr. Jackson's the- atrical career is one which covers many years with stock companies. His greatest dlaim for recogni- tion is that he played for over 10 years in "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." The play "Plain Jane" infolds the story of a mean old woman, five conniving near crimmnals, a wild and wooly western girl and a very outspoken young man con- tains, besides the inevitable Io"e story, mystery and attempted murder, and the audience were kept on the alert every minute. Ail the parts were well taken but special mention should be made of the acting of Mrs. Ruther- ford as the aunt, and Mrs. O'Neil as the niece. Cast of characters: Jenny, the maid, Jean Bonathan; Parsons, the butler, Alec Prout; Ellen, the cook, Ruby Malley; Valerie Van Dyke, the aunt's Sec., Jean Prout; 'Emma Marsden, Mrs. Rutherford; Brant Coleman, heir No. 1, Brenton Rickard; his father, T. W. Jackson; Howard Marsden, heir No. 2, Ern Gil- bank: his mother, Mrs. Beatrice Marsden, Mrs. V. Brown; Rolfe Marsden, the outspoken young man, Charles Clemence; Jane Jud- kins, niece, Mrs. O'Neil. PRIZE WINNERS In the Contiest held by MERCHANTS PORTRAIT CO. At Bowmanviiie and District Miss Eva Wakelin, King and St. George Sts., Bowmanvilie Mr. and Mrs. J. M. WilIUs, 110 Front Street, Port Whitby Mr. S. Byam, Goodwood PRIMES WILL BE SHIPPED TO WINNERS TRICSOMONAs ROiNis-- au le- tntinal peaaite Canaint PRWInu Infla-mmtion. Fouad ta ftaina on dfrty tollet bowia. THIS slîmy' MONSTER monuses your holti a Ridi toilet bowls of dlisease-ladlen stains Cleanse witk GiIIett's Lye D ON'T TRUST your family's health te, haphazard clean- ing metýhodsl Keep toilet bowls clean and sanitary with Gillett's Pure Flake Lye. Each week, sprinkle Gillett's-full strength - mnto the bowl. Stains dis- appear without scrubbing. Use Gillett's for dozens of household tasks ... ta whisk grease from pots and pans, clean garbage pails, free clogged sink and wash-tub drains. Harin- less ta enamel and plumbing. Buy a tin today. *Navet dissolve ye ln~/&~I hot water. Thea ation et the lys Itsf hesta the water. MADE IN CANADA PREE BOOKLET - The Gillett'a Lye Bookiet gives dozens of Ways to nake work easier wlth thîs power- lul cleanser. Write for free copy to. ktandard Brande Llmlted, Fraser Lve. & Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. I PAGE NINE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, eOWMANVILLE, 01,ýrARIO