Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1938, p. 6

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- ~L .3. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ISTH, 1938 S th one out, but were left there E l hen Ted Bagneil struck out and k.ft Phillips grounded out short Th e same sacks *were filled in. PORT .EYI Ift and the next stanza by Williams and SPORT NEW S Colvillie hen thev were handed Napanee Evens Series With iborne's deep fly ta centre finish- ed the side. Thiee of the Royals were play- Royals In Ten Innings Game n ne ieg and foot injuries. Dutch Os- _______'borne was hit with a pitched bail i practice prior ta the game and ~ViId itch elps i- i'the Rovais* batters. fanning 121had trouble putting any weight Wild Pith Heps ib-(hurine ithe struggle. \iheridge lhad an bis foot. Don Williams was bards to Victory i0n ie lu bis cre(iit. Spratt also gave stili limping from injuries receiv- Second Gamie East- anc walk to Eds three. ed in a game with Port Hope. cm ntajo Honrs Laoking criticaiiv at the scareboak, Bob Bates sat on the bench nurs- ern ntaro Hoors it appears that the win was quite a ing a broken finger received ear- Szf.Bowînanviile smnackcd out cigl t lier in the season, and Siemnon was A batter hit by a pitched bail, two bit, ta the Gibbard's five. whic 1 gentling a sore shoulder that be bnsada wiid pitch spelled defat shauld have put themi in the top had tbrown out the day before. for Bowmanvilie Rayais on Thurs- position. Unfortunately, they also came ofhe jko the Naane mger day, Sept. 8th when thev invaded made threc errors. whilé the Napanec e woul nthelw apruner foar il Napance for the second gamne of the team chaiked up four. There wasliams, but opened his beart when piaydown series. The score aiter ten possibiy one earned run in thegaeOsrn bobe uptbtad innings ivas 4-3.Oson obe uptbaad The ineinnngsconiudd ~ Napanee opened the scoring in the of ail the players picked Bill Bag- bTheams n g ing s peractdeiyita f irst inninizs when Hicks f umbied nell, the lad who takes prizes ail bthcc ms ai ngtheRasp aif t Cards *rounider ta short, and Sie- over tbe country for racing. Bill thre nisapice Inth Roal* hlfmon missed the next ta icave f irst did some fancy foot work and ran' frtheoertimetenth am ier omarde and second occupied. Card took thîrd about ta third, but was left there.t f irst o abik. 'as drutive a thron a pass bail and scored on a Tbe seventh was the big inn- bv ms' itta ef. bt as hrwngrounider ta short that xvas thrown ing for the blue capped lads. Bill out at home when hie tricd ta score ta f irst for an aut. The other two Bagnell started it off with the an Coivilies short drilble ta, the ouits came throughi strike-outs. f irs t out, second ta first. Williams pitcher. A bad sixthi innings gave Napanee falowed with a bit ta left. Col- Car oene te tnt fo Npane wo more runs. Card bunted. moved ville sboved him around to thirda and stopped one of Witherîdge's ta second when Gerow waiked, took with a double and Sieman brought heaes o e te irs ma o bae.third on a fieider's choice, that him home with a smash to left. Gerow and Kinkiev foiiowcd with didnt gct there iu timie, and ieft Colville scored an Osborne's fly ciever bunts and Card crossed the Kinkicv on f irst and scorcd, along second. Ames bit ta right, bring- piatter for the winning counter after xith Gerow wjj.cn Lucas drove anc îng Slemon to third. Slemon Witheridgc biew a thmow past to îeft f ield. Kinkiex xvas ieft on scored the third run of the inn- "Dutch" Osborne. third ad Lucao second I ti ing on an error by rigbt fielder Spratt. on the mound for the Gib- îd hBî t'lfrebswe Ted Bagneil struck out bards, put the Indian sign on severai *tnza out de wih Blie tri-frh th ird of the game. inz utCury bingcaled nt hci Th Bagneli cousins seemed ta bit v abated ailandCaiu iîg bave difficulty with pitcber Spratt. ' _____________________________ont ta Siemon on f irst. Their fourth Bill had six strike-auts in the last run has been cxpiaincd. . two games out of nine times atc Two of the Rayais' runs came 111 bat and Ted bad five out of eigbt Sthe third after two uneventfui inin- times up. They eacb bad one bit megs. Bill Bagneli openied the chap- in the two games. ter xih a strike-out, anc of îhree Hitters on Saturday included for the day. Ted Bagneil nipped Don Williams wbo bad three bitst the baii ta ieft filid for a sin.gle. and one walk and a graund outD \Vitheridge f iexvout ta right. Bag- . xf ive times at tbe plate, ançd O SHAWA neil ran ta second an a pass baul and SLemon wbo bad twa bits out of came ta third on Gerow's error at four times at bat. Ted Bagnel Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. short that ieft Cameroîî an f irst. was tbe only man on the teamr Ted Bagneil scored when Ames taok who did nat bave one bit, wbilec SEPT. 15 - 17 hoid of ane ta ieft centre. advancing Ames was even with Sleman witb TRVING BERLINS Canîceron ta ihird. Hicks met tlic twa for four. Scotty Camnerone bail for a drive ta ieft that score<l started a rally in the eigbth witb "Alxaders agtme Caeronl and ieft Ames on third. a double, but xvas left there we mnnîng endd with CoiiliesCf ixBill Bagneli swung aut and Wil- tae rnghî fordthe th o. es lliams was forced at second afterr Band i reeeiving a walk.D Btafld" The third Bowmanviie cauniter farrNapanete ad fou f thf Starlg xas gieaned in the seventh when rraarso!e ayincoudefiv te1 TYRONE POWER ALCE Siernan made the initiai sack on1 Rayais. Williams and Ted Bag-r FAYE - DON AMECHE Gerows error and was graduaiiv neîî were the only local ofend- wlth stcpDed utar the aiher bases by Os- ers, having two apiece. barne. and the Bazneli cousins. The Te cow wa, e wud ETEL MRMN - JACK Rayais were nat in scaring position judge, the largest of tbe year and HALEY - JEAN HERSHOLT durinz the balance of the game, ex- must bave been over seventy-five This ils one of the "Movie Quiz"- cept the tenth which has alrcadv per cent from Bowmanville. The u' been mentianed. aid stand at the Port Hope park $250,000.00 Contest Pictures. Ed Xitherjdze deserves speciai was jammed and bath base lines mention for piîching an excellent were lined witb entbusiastic spec- - Added Color Cartoon - gamne of ball. He puiied his tcam tators wba didn't altogether agree Wynken - Blynken - and Nod. out of tauzh spots several times and witb umpires* decisians ar any- outzuessed the aider and more ex- tbing else mucb. REVIVAL verienced batters many times. It Umpires were Stan Crassett, wiii be remnembered that £1. pitched Port Hope, and Young, Picton. ]Friday at 1 0.30 p.m. for the Juniors throughout the vear Score by Innings R H E and was brouizhî into Intermediate Bow'ville 020 000 30 - 5 12 4 f ranks whcn the Juniors weme put out Napanee 001 000 000 -1 3 5 "Jungle rifCOss ai the running. Since then he has Bawmanville line-up: Cameran wlth been aiternatinz an the maund withr!; B. Bagneil cf; Williams ss; - RAY MILLAND - Leftv, Little Napoicon Phiiiips, and Colville If; Siemnon lb; Osborne c; DOROTHY LAMOUR. has fiiied the spot weîî. Ames 2b; T. Bagneil 3b; Phil- Score bv innings: R H E lips P. Bowmanviiic 002 000 100 0-3 8 3 Mon. - Tues. - Wed . Napance 100 002 000 1-4 5 4esieo SEPT. 19 - 21 Umpires: Corrigan and Young. e t to Bowmanviilc uine-up :- Cameron. ____ "The Crowd Roars" rf; Aines, 2h; Hicks, ss; Coivile, Mrs. Robert Dickey iatedle Starrlng1 neli, cf; T. BaRneii, 3h; Witheridgc, x tea.Maci Cheslcv. Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid ? Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks, Constipation OFTEN STARI THIS WAY Same people are what are known as acid-makers. They can't heip it--and often they domt know it. The results of an excess o! acid may seem just like ordinary stomach trouble - but they can'î be put right by ordinary stomach remedies h Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up flat, seur, bleary-eyed, biliaus - and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the saine old symptoms. But there's ane thing that acid can't face. ThaI's the neutralizing power of Vange SalIs, the aikaline remedy with the natural mineraI spa action. A tea- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away la England where Vange SalIs corne froîn. Exceas acid j neutralized quickly, painlessly. Vouribliood la purified of poisons. Vour sore stomach wafls are soothed. And that mass of bard, poisonous waste matter lying la your intestines la saftened gently, tuaurally, anmd passed out of your body. Then do you feel good I It's marvellous I But the most marvellous thing is that Vange SalIs are only 60 cents a tin I At your drug- gist. now-but if you're wmse. on yostt Enfield Vîsitors: Mr. and MmIs. Norman Morton and faîniix. Nanvers Station. Mmr. and .Nirs. Ernest Stacey. Janctvilic, at N\Irs. John Stinsan's. .Mm. Frank M\asoii, Oshawva. lim. ani Mlrs. Levi Tomdiff and M.\rs. E. i'ascor. Bmaokdii, Mm. Reuben Hîîmi- burt. Owen Sound, at Mr. G. Or- nistons. Mmr. an(i]Nirs. Evemctt Oriiiston, Mm. and(.irMs. E. Wood and famiiv. lioxçmianviic. andiMisJciuie Cook- man, Union, at MNrs. N. J. Orinis- ton s. Mm. and 'Mms. J. Smith andi sou, Toronto.\IrM. Wallace Pascoe's. Mm. Frank- McCulcu xvas lu To- i auto ou Saturdav attcnding thc wedi(ing of bis brother. Mmr.and M.\rs. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Bessie and Mr. F. M.\cMl\uien at Mr. E. Ormistan's, Bobcavgeon. September 7th about 30 relatives of Mrs. J. McCuiioch met at hem home ta heip cecebrate hem 84th birthdav. Mi\rs. McCulloch attcnded the C.N.E. at Toronto on Sept. 6th and cnjavs izaod heaith.1 From the cf fects of infantile par- alysis Neil 'McCulioch has had ta have an overatian on ance'of bis feet in tic Genemai Hospital iToronto. He . is samewhat impmoved but xiii have ta bc there sevemal weeks mare. Haydon athrom lf tnigt 1Sympathy is axtended ta rela- tives of the late James Stainton o! Enniskillen. W. A. met Thursday at Mr. Solina M. Slemon's, ihPedntMs E. Bradley in charge. Bible read- ing was given by Mrs. H. Asbton Eldad Harvest Home Services and devational by Mrs. C. Gar- Sunday, Sept. 25tb. Roast fowl rard. Program was in charge of supper Wednesday, Sept. 28tb. Mms. L. Graham. Readings on Concert in tbe evening. "Flawers" were given by Mrs. S. Rally service will ba held this orewin and Mrs. E. Ormiston; Sunday at 2 p.m. Spacial pro- piano duets by Mrs. A. Read and gram is being prepared. Miss Blanche Degear; raading by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at- Mrs. C. Garrard; vocal duet by tended the funeral o! Rav. Gea. Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mrs. Ross Miller at Greenbank last Wed- Richards; reading, Mrs. W. Ridge. nesday. Lunch was served and a social Sympatby is extanded ta Iba haîf boum spent. family o! Mrs. John Trulu wbo Visitars: Miss Grace Trawin. passed away Sunday at the home Toronto, Miss Vemna Trawin. of ber daugbter, Mrs. A. T. Stain- Oshawa. at home. . . . Mr. and ton. A number from here attend-1 Mrs. Wm. Dabinson and babe. ed the funeral Tuesday. Toronto, at Mm. J. Wrigbt's. Mr. and Mrs. Lauis Ashton, Ta- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur onta. Mrs. S. Weallings and Maore, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. By- Douglas, Larder Laka, at Mr. H. ron Moore and Miss Lizzie Wight, Asbton's. . . . Mr. Fmd Mrs. W. Tyrone, at Mr. Arthur Moore's... H. Larmar, Soutb Managban, at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and 'Mr. A. Beecb's. . .. Mm. and Mms. family at Mm. Foster Snowden's, L. Ashton and famiiy, Mrs. H. Kedran. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Brum- Wemmy, at Mr. S. Moton's, Mapla mel and Haward, Columbus, at Grave. . . . Mm. Gordon Cowling, Mr. Walter Parrinder's. . . . Mm. Dixie, witb Mm. George Cowiing. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Miss Evelyn. Miss Annie Mountjoy ln Ux- TikdMrs. J. T.n's Nwtnvle a bridge. . . . Miss Frada- Bradley Mrs.Grae Alins, ewtnvile.wîth Mrs. F. Ashton, Toronto... ...Mrs. Gea. Staphens, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, Osh- with her daughtar, Mrs. Roy awa, Mr. Murray Tabb, Tyrona. Langmaid. ... Mm. and Ivirs. A. L. at Mrs. D. Graham's. . . . Mr. Pascoe at Mm. Walter Bray's, Lloyd Thompson, Cadmus. at Pickering. . . . Mm. Harold Wil- home. . .. Misses Ursul and Ruth liams, Woodstock, at Mm. Thos. MeNeil, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Baker's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. J. H Stainton. Hampton, Mr. and Chambers, Mr. Spencer Wood. Mrs. D. Bothwell and family, Mr. Edwin Wood, Mm. Archie Mapie Grave, at Mm. A. McNeii's. Wood, Masters Murray and Keîth.. . Mrs. G. Yaliand, Ingersoîl, Wood, Bowmanvilie, Miss Louise Mrs. J. Avery, Burketon, aI Mms. Edmondson, Oshawa, Mrs. Herb. S. Tewin's. . . . Mm. and Mrs. Cameron, Miss Edna Camemon, H. McLean an~d family, Taronto, and Mm. Wood, Tyrone, at Mm. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry and R. Kivell's. famiiy. Lindsay. at Mrs E. Mountjay's. . . . Dr.R. N. Hune, Misses E. and N. Hune, Miss H amption Whiting, Toronto, at Mm. M. Se mon's. A numbar a! Hampton people took advantage a! GarIon«s bus ta attend the Exhibition. Soma o! aur peaple attendad the spacial services at Mapla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,, d..., MAREOBRT LITAYLR P.as guest of bis sister, 'Miss Mary 1 Seboal ra-opened Sept. 6th with MAUEENO'ULL VA Malcolm. 1Mm. Harry Faulkner, Holioway, as - FRANK MORGAN - rs1.JOlvr asrtind:rniaadMsEseHde, WILLIAM___________ R oyals Annex fom Stratford and GodericW b £xbridge, as Jr.tahr .yWomen's hsiuemtSpebr A number af girls and bays are IThis la one of the Movie . 11.7tb lu Preshyterian Sundav Scbaol attending Continuation sehoal at Pictures. I r,________ .o. District President afi!ers ara continuing their studies (Cniudfrom Page 1) Boxymnanvilie, xere guests. Mm\Is. J. at Bowmanville High Sehoal. Added - Our Gang - in Thickson spoke bricfly an 'Frienl-! Visitors: Mm. F. J. Graat with bit ta left and Ted Bagneîl fumb- shiv", International Peace Garden,i friands in Tamanta.... Mms. K. "Came Thme Brawn." led a oller, but rescue came lu and -A.\ Wmbtîns \Iods" Hem îalk Winterburn witb Toronto friands. sight in the persan of flaat-faated 1 va s v<mv intervsiing andiii iil. ... Mm. and Mms. .gllan Parker, IBill Bagnail who made the catch. lanetville ladies wbo xvere heme ini Montreai, with bar mother, Mms. T hurs. - Fri. - Sat. of tha gamae on a bigh fly from 1 1,04)11x numibers pt 0t iis pro-. W. Goodman andl sistar Louise.. SEPT. 22 - 24 Lucas' bat. Ha rami at least forty grain:Nrs. Nievers, violin Solo, ae- Miss R. Anthistie, Toronto, with yards and arrived just in time ta coiu:p,1anied 1w Mm,.. Hamnilton ; Nirs., Mm. and Mrs. E. Anthistle. . .. Mr. dY maka the play and retire the sida. r W'alker. paiper "Radiumii; Mrs. Geo. and Mms. Raymond Burns, Osb- Love Finds Andy Hard omnil ans could sea thair 1 Heaý,liio. iano solo; \Irs. H.ldoni awa, at Mrs. Jas. Burns'. ..Mr. Starring ana mun lead fading fast as that!johIiistoii. Let's Have a Tea :" Nii-s.ir and Mm~. Frad Wilson, acaomp- i , aflad by Mrs. Ray Wilbur and - LEWIS STONE - baIl was bit. violiui solo, accomp)anied liv tbmae cbildran. with Mm. and Mrs. JUDY GARLAND Tha RayaIs waeeli the near '\l rs. iHamilton; \lrs. \Vcs. Campll- S. Kasey. Mm. and Mms. Clar- MIKE RONY scoing class fraquently. Dutchb kî. "The Faniers Girl." Cuteýs MCE ONYOsborne, wbo was suffeing fma ptonbvMs.Hecn bîto nce Smala witb bis mothar, Mrs. CECILIA PARKER. an injured foot, occupied third pto vNr.Hlo oiso Wm. Smala and Mm. afd Mms. 7__and_______second__inthe________ xas'won by Mrs. Levi ýNtGilu. Wilfmad Smala. ..Mrs. Charles * ad Aessecndin hefoutbLunch xvas semved. Schillifg anid Mm. Willamd Schili- Mm. and Mm\Is. Cliariev .Semgantî and 'jng. Brookîvu, .NY., visited Mm. ___________________________________________famil%, lBarrie, seere guesîs of M.\rs. 'and Mrs. W. T. Pamett. . . . Miss il._ . J Oiver. adalina Truil, Toronto, spant _____________________________ 3,1 nýd .irs. Foster Ferguson ai Sundav at home. . . . Miss Grata Ottawa, were guests af-IrM. afd 'Wickett afd Mm. A. S. Baker, Nrs. Parcs Phiips., Bowmanvilia. at Mms. Bessia Rab- ft I ~ Il IIl.\irs. Charles Faihis amid NIlssibins'. . . . Mm. Jack Cowliig an-1 P L U S V An LU ES \Mead, Prince Albert, weme guests ai 'ioyad a matar trip with bis bmo- 1 Is rn To!o.Nrs .dra, lnMle.witb mea- *e AI E IOur Clients Hg alrsci rdyi ltr nTrno....Ms m as - __________________________ bora. iay and daughtam Wirurie, id a uTer sagrat deal of satisfac- P .1J. Oliver, Mr. anîd NIrs. Hugh M Mtininoniginsu.rance of re- Taylor sud other relatives bas e- M U *ze leadership. We give our tur. ThatexsU..A TeSECURITY of strong com- MIrs. HliiçgbI Taylor. You'reConsipated! panies. The QUALITY of broad rIf constipation bas yau bagged * R * ixnproved policies. The SERVICE Salem onsyufeltrdsnkal Rof nationwide claim organizations. ____ played aut-lt's limne you asked The ADVANTAIGE of d e a 1 i Il g Rv .W Mamch delivered a What have Voit had ta eat through an efficient and experienc- fine sermon Sunday aftamnoon on iateilu? Just meat, bread, eggs, edlca gec.Pa o oe"Lave's Anointment.' potatoes? It's no surprise youre edlclAgny.Pànomr - Our chair is busy practising constipatedl The chances are 1 j A I and get these PLUS VALUES when frHmatHmesrie î you dontget enougb "bulk.' And 1 ____ you buy insurance. Sunday. It's a knd of food that tant con- LSeveral Salem folk aîtended sumed in the body, but leaves a n aniersryservices at Maple sot t "bulky'" mass In the Ites- [ N Grave. t ines and beipa a bowel move- 1 J. J. M ason & Son Mr. and Mms. G. Cornsb and If Ibis Is what you lacîc, yaur *aiyatne h uea fhs ticket Ia crtsp cruncby KeUlogg's Insurance Agency brother,MrChs Cornish, at Ail-Bran for breakfast every day. M 8I B wmnil Oshawa on Satumday. Mm. and [t cantains tbe "bulk'" yau need Phone6 1 B w a le Mrs. Flîze, Janetville, wama also plus Natures great intestinal _______________________________________ in attendance, and Mrs. F. Black- tonic, vitamin Bl. bumnand m. A Wesb fom S- .Eat Al-Bran every day, drink burnandMr. . Wlsh romSa- plenty o! water, and take a new Your Wall of Protection lemli Sympaîhy is extemided ta lease on litel AUl-Bran is made by ___ __ __ __ __ the relatives. Kellogg Ii London, Ontario. Sald Mms. F. L. Squaim visited ber by every grocer. -sister, Miss Stephens, Town. \I Maple Grove Recant \Visitons :Mr. and \Mrs.F Hanford. Bloonîifield,* N. J., sitlh Mm. sud Nirs.' R. R. Stevens..* .Miss Jean H ogamth, Hampton , viîh Theimna Freeman ... .MNrs. Addie Hvde. Toront1o, Nir. andi NIrs. 'Mark Blackburmn. Miss lBessie, '.Ir. XVilbum Blackburn. Orono, at Mm. andi Nrs. Edward Fiex.. . . . Mliss NIollv- Hxiids, Torontu, xih Miss jean Steven. . \.I»iss Neilie Snawdcn at borne amni aîtendcd lier cousin's svedding. ..Mm. David Foiey, St. Cathmarines, siîbNMr. and i Mrs. J. 1D. Stevenus.. ......nd Nîrs. Eami O.qlîomume. Mms. TrmnuPIowver, Miss \era Powurc, Nilr. Clamea .Xliui, Mrs. Ht-irs XX'emmv, Mm. anid Nrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ross, Marie andt RonaIl ai Mir. andMui rs. Stuart Morloii's.... Mmr. anmd Nrs. Miliford Wilkins, Mm. andi NIrs. TlheadurXWiIlkinîs, dalugh- ter, Rutîh, Nir. andti Mrs. Bert Col- sveli, sou Tùdds. ,Nirs. CoiweiI, Mm. sud Nrs. XV. H. Nichis, Nir. and Nirs. WValter Sider, \'isiaîî, Donald ai Nir. E. \V. Foley's. m. . su ad Mrs. Ros Tuekur, sou Ray, Mr. and .NIrs. Camuion Frost, daugliter Lyrs, Mrs. .. Tenoutlm, Nirs. Geo. Tavlor, .Mr. C. XX. Souch, Mm. ani Nirs. G. Bammon. M. .andtiNIrs. '%IKee%,er, Mm. amduiMrs. Jack Cox, Mr. and Herb Nichis, Miss Gertrude I'etîit, Mir. sud Nîrs. Granît Bennett ai Mm. and Nirs. Ros Nlcaif's.N I r. and Nîrs. Blake Stevcrls, .Mrs. Rav Suioxv- dien and children aI Nir. anîd Nrs. R. R. Stevens'.. .......Arduie XVil- soli, Misses .\Lgie, lizabethlilîson, Mrs. Ira i'camce, Nirs. Johnm Sanders at Mm. andi Mr,. C. H. Suowdeî's.. Mm. and I Xr,. Clarenîce Tink snd famiiy ai NIr. simd Mrs. Ross Stev- euis'.X l . r. anui Mrs. Lormue Bunt, two danglhîcrs. NIm. sud Mrs. Rus- seli Wrighmt, '.Ir. simd .XrsNorman Mutton. Mr. Nltton, NMr. and Nîrs. wcstlake. Miss Jessie Yeiiowless, Milss Nariorv Forsyîlîc ai Nr. sud Nirs. i.e-slie Ciiacutts.N i r. ani Nirs. Chas. \Verre, Miss Arînie Wright, Miss NomsaXVermyv, Nr. anti Mrs. XWalter Rickard, Misses Mar- ion Riekard. Jeani Cîcunnce, Nirs. \«mn. Pearce, NIiss i blinWilkins, Mms. Thos. Baker, Milss Vers Bak- em, Misses i lelemu amui Kathleen Baker, MXiss Haelet Hvnds, Miss Betty limugle, Mirs. Normnan Pingle, Nirs. E. L. NMrjerrisom, Mr. Lau Rimdle, MIr. Fred Nille1r. NIr. Har- aid. Niss5 Jo-inIMiller, Mm. Bovd Xilcuîx at .Xrs. I.. C. Suîowdeui's.. ..Ras. Harold Stalîmtuuî, Rev. aimd Nîrs. Il. C. WVolfraim, liammy, Helen, Ruth, Ami, Mrs. '«amuies, Miss Clîrissie Freensmu, Rev. and Nirs. W. C. Smithu, NIr. Evanis, Nir. snd Mrs. Bert Mlontgomery, Ian anîd Dounna at Mm. and Mrs. H. G. Fmceeman's .. . . . Mrs. Arthur Oke. Miss Greta Wilks, 'Miss Helen Franklin ai Mm. aud Mms. R. L. \\'ordi's. . . . 'Mm. and Mrs. Carl Squame, .liabv M.\ar\y Joan. Mm. Ever- ton Whbite. the txvo Misses White, Mms. Rundie. Nlm. and Mrs. Charie Whbite, Gertie. Madeline and TeddvIN at Mml. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens'.... .Mm. andi Mms. F. C. Davidson, M.\r Vernon Tiibie, Miss Jov-ce Rich- ards at Mr. and- Mrs. R. D. Triiinblc.s.. Congratulations ta M6iý%5 Vera Triiuble ani Mm. Liwreicec Stapies on theim eceut marriage. Miss Theima Freemian is attend- inz Petembamo Normai. Tyrone \Vomen's lustitute and Ladies' Aid xiii mcd Sept. 28th instead of Sept. 21st. For 24 Fears Vicks AdvertUeine luis bccn pasqcd tison by a Board of Physicianir. CLEARS STUFFY HEAD Helps Prevent the Development of Colds, too NOW, it's easy to relleve head cold Va-tro-nol at once-it helps to pre- discomfort. Just put a few drops of vent many colds f rom developing. Vicks Va-tro-ri up each nostril and Va-tro-nol is specialized medica- leel the tingle as Va-tro-nol's stimu- tion-expressiy designed for the nase iating medication reduces the swoi- and upper throat where most colds len membranes, clears away the start. Used in time, It stimulates clogglng mucus, helps to keep the Nature's own defenses to fight off sinuses from being blocked by the many a coid, / cold-lets you breathe again. or to throw off NMX TIME, don't wait until your head coIds in VICKS head is all stuffed up. At the first thelr eariy # warning sneeze or sni fle, use stages. VMUKONO Lackey, Suindav cveninpp Mien these chiidrcn were baptized :- Danald Arthur, son of Mm. and MrsX L Wearn; Grant-Cale, son-of . an Recent Visitors : Mms. E. A. Werry;_ Ruth 'Marie, Mm. and Mms. Stanley Hahoney, daughter of Dm. and Mms. H. Fer- Sutan. Miss Eva York, Bowman- gusan, and Shirley May, daughter ville, at Mm. W. F. Park's. of Mm. and Mrs. H. Milîs. Mm. J. Kincaid and family have moved back ta Mm. R. J. Hodgson's bouse. Mrs. E. Woodley, Mm. and Mrs. E tr rs C. W. Woodiey and family, Mm. T. White, 1Mm. Pemcy White attendcd Mrs. Curtis and cbildren are in the golden xedding of Mm. and Mrt5. Toronto, the cbildren baving ta James White at Elizabethvilie. undergo operations. Mrs.Barrballand r. Lrne Mrs. Manteil, Sr., bad ber leg Mms. Bar rabai and Mier aeamputated due to infectian. BamabaViolaOmnxit e duhtr A nurnbar attendad the presan- Mrs. iola mith tation for Mr. and Mrs. Syd Ru- Mms. Powcrs and Miss Vera Pow- therford Monday. ers, Boxvmanvilie, at Mr. Albert Congratulations ta Miss Gladys Hawkey ,S. Ard on passing ber summer XV..S. met lu the vestmxy Sept. 8 course. xith a good attendance. Mms. A. W. ____________ Mamcb's group ivas in charge of pmagramn. Opening xvorship ivas lu Secand thoughts are sametimes charge of President, Mrs. S. Haar. best in a case of love at first sigbt. Praver by Mrs. W. 'l-Iughson. It xvas _____________________ (iecided ta hald a bazaar iu Nov. and Thank-Offering lu October.j jars ta f111 for Baxvmanvillc Hos- pitl are ta be left atINMms. H. Hilîs'. Devoîlonai was taken by Mrs. A. W. Marcb. A questianaire con sîsting of intemesliniz doings in aur înissianamv xvork xvas taken bv a number of the ladies; vocal duet by Misses Nina Hadgsan and Helen Trimm. Enniskillen Receut Visitors: M\rs. D. Kav and sou. Taronto, M.%rs. C. Sanderson, Mr. \Vm. Bvers, Burketon, at M.\r. W. E. Sandersans'. . . . Miss Bernic Gardon. Beaverton, at Mr. R. Gor- dons.M.Nrs. Ida Martin, Whitby, at ýMrs. WVin. Olze's. ..Miss Irene Sharp at Mr. D. Kay's, Toronto. M Nr. and Mrs. John Wotten and famiiv, Purpie Hill, at '.\r. R. Grif- f in's. . . .Mr. and Mrs. C. Brantan, Nîr. H. Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rundie, Oshawa, Miss F A. Page, Boston. M,\ass., Miss Clara Page and Mm. Oswaid Pethick, Toronta at Mirs. E. Page' s. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent, Mr. and Mi\rs. Ross Pooiey at '.\r. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. . . . Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvcy McGiil and chiidrcn with Mr. and M rs. J. A. Wcrr\. ..Misses Eisie Oke and -Miidred Gilroy, Taronto, at Mr. Wesicy Oke's. . . . Mrs. Wes Oke, Mr .and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Oshawa, Mfrs. Thomas Rabbins, Pickering, in Taronto. Sympaîbiv is extended ta the fami- ili of Mr. Jas. Stainton who passed ta est Sept. l3th at the home of MNr. H. Stevens. Raiiy Day service Sunday morn- îng. Sept. l8th. MNrs. H. Ferguson xviii speak on "Tranlsiating the Bible luto Life." A verv impressive baptismal ser- vice was conducted by Rev. H. H. SUMMER PRUDE CHOICE PEAS Tins u.1 STAR AMMdrONIA 1%. 15j To start things coming your , 1way, go after them. On Guaomntnd Tmud Cedtifk.hme A légalIInvestment for Trust Funds Unconditionolly Gueanteed STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION SiEUNO TOWIR TORONTO SERVE THEM HEALTH WITH ALL THEIR MEALS Serve Glen Rae Milk! Sc~hool makes extraord#ilnry deunands on the health and energy of children, making their diet assume extraordinary import- ance, too! Give them plenty of Glen Rae Milk with their meals. It contains needed energy and nourislnnent in quantity! GLIEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowinanville l TENDER LEAF -z TEA Pk7g. B29 "DATED COFFEE CHASE & ABR HARRY HORNE'S VANILLA CUSTARD PWE BASSETT'S LICORICE ALLSORTS TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE FARNES FISH PASTES HERSHEY'S CROC. SYRUP FOR CLEANING AND 5COURING Classie Cleanser 12-oz. I g 35 16.oz..2 *lb .'25 Tin JO Tin.109 A.05 NAVY AND VEGETABLES TISSUE Bananas, 3 lb.. 230 4 Roiis .25g russel Sprouts, box i0e 1 mmJqàCookingOnions, 101lb. 25o NEED SOAP?1 Celery, stalk *50 lINSO 1-9.. Pk. .23 Grapefruit, 5 for 250 RINSO Sm. Pk. .09 LIFEBUOT Coke .07 SURNGT Da .6 W LUI -SOAP Cake .0 6 PAGE SIX I' i i I I I I I I i 'i I i . , e

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