Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1938, p. 4

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- ---..---- .-~.... .- t. w s v 't ..n~~.r-t--.- y J "" . PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I5TH, 1938 - ~4nemmuen6l 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN I Welsh, w-ho wore a frock of navi W euarngs* bine taffeta and matching accessor jes and a corsage of roses. \1r Bradle-Farrell Ravmnond Barber, brother aof th groomi, ias best man. A quiet wedding took place at oown the cerenmonv a recel. Tyrone parsonage Sept. 3rd, 1938, lion wa held at the homne of ti wben Marion Ruth Farrell, daugb- bri<leý parents. wYhere Mrs. Wesi ter of Mr. Byron Farrell -and the i anîd M Barber assisted the bride late Mrs. Farrel. Tyrone. and \VI- in~ recejvinz the gnests. Following liant Carence Bradley, son of '.\I. the weddinz break'fast, the bride and and Mrs. Leonard Bradlev. Ex'iniskil- gzroomi left on a short honeymoon ]en, were united in marriage by Rev. tria. and on their return will reside A. W. Marcb. i Conrtice. The bride looked iovely ini a dressý of navy sheer witb matcbing acces-' sories, and wore a corsage of fink Jamieson-Bickle carnations and fern. The bride wvas; attended bv ber sister. Mis,, Gracei A lovely garden wedding was Farrell dressed in navy satin with 'solemnized on Saturday, Sept. white. The groom was attended by ith, by, Rev. Sidney Davison, bis brother. Mr. Carl Bradley. when Mary Evelyn Bickie, daugh- Sbotlyafer hecerînny ueter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Shorly fterthecereonytheBiekle. Liberty St., Bowmanville, bride and groom left on a niotor trip became the bride cf George ta Sarnia On their retncn Mr. and ýFranklin Jamieson. son of Mrs. MIrs. Bradley ,%-ill reside wvest Of Jamieson and the late D. H. Jam- Tyronle. lieson. Giadioli and asters formec Before their marriage tlîey were ýthe floral decorations, ançl Miss given a miscellaneons slîower by ýDoris Jamieson, cousin of the Tyrone and Enniskillen frieîîd,,. jgroom, played the wedding mu- sic. Du ring tbe signing of tbe register tbe brides cousin, Mr. W. Barber-Velsh G. Biekle, sang. Rev. J. V. McNeely, pastor of Given in marriage by ber fa- King Street United Chnrch, Oshawa, ther, the bride wore a gawn af officiated at a quiet wedding on white satin, on princess lines, Saturdav afternoon, Sept. i0th at with a flaor-lengtb bridal net veil the King Street parsonage. when beld in place by a pearl and net Miss Erma Welsh, daughter of Mr. coranet. She carried roses. The and rs.Willam elsh Os bridesmaid, Miss Phyllis Upper, andMrs Wilim Wlsh Ohawa, and the matran of bonor, Mrs. F. becanie the bride of Robert Barber, P Elvins, wore taffeta and lace son of Mr. and Mrs. George Barber, gýwns, the former in green, the Courtice. The bride looked lovely latter in orchid. Tbcy worc match- in a gown of peacock blue crepe, ing taffeta bats and carried mauve with black accessaries ,and ware a and yellow 'mums. The flower corsage of Jobanna Hill roses. Her girl, June Bickle, wore yeilow taf- attendant was ber sister, Miss Jean feta 'itb a matching bat. Mr. H. WHAT IS BREAD? We al know it's a stapie food, but there's a wide difference i breads. If you want the best demand Corbett 's. We niake Soya Bean, Hovis, Whole Wheat and Roman Meal Health Breads i addition to oiur finer quality white bread. A.- Corbett Wagon on «Your Street Every Day CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville Durham Central Agricultural Society EXPANSION. YEAR EDUCATIONAL - ENTERTAINING Increased Prize List New - Larger Grounds New and Better Exhihits New Race Track and Grandstand FAIR AT ORONO - On - TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Sept._20-v2,1 In the Evenings CONCERTS m- mmDANCING FEATURES World Championship Horseshoe Pitching Tournament Wednesday at 1 p.m. Good Cash Prizes BABY SHOW At 3 p.m. TROTTING RACES Wednesday p.ni. ROOSTER RACE SEE DURHAM COUNTY AT ITS BEST Orono Fair -September 20 - 21 - 'y r- r. e Ig id mi Oscar Jamieson %vas bis brother*s l groomnsman. At the reception. Mrs. Bickle wore nav'y bine sheer wvith navv accessories and a corsage of rases. The groom's mother xvas attircd in black sheer withblback acces- sories and a corsage of roses. The couple then lef t on a trip ta the Adirondacks. New York and Montreal. For travelling the bride donned a Bangorie woolhen two-piece dress and bat with matching accessories. They wil reside in Bowmanville. MeMullen-Patterson cvenimîg af missionary educatior flirongli dramatization wben three tiazeants were presented. Ttiose mho attended w'erc pieased ta meet 'Miss Luella Rorke, Part Hope, homîîe on furlough from japan, anîd onr scbolarsliip student, Tomiko Havakawa of japan, who will spend two years at the United Church Training Sehool. BOWMANVILLE W.. ENTERTAINED BY VICTORIAN LADIES Vîctorian Women's In s t i t u t e met, in -the Community Hall on ýs Fairlawn Avenue United Churcb, Wcdncsday with about eighty pre- tToronto, was the scene af a pretty sent. Mrs. Jabez Wright led in iceramony an Saturday, Septem- community singing. Bible read- ber ioth, when Rcv. Elmer Sin- ing was given by Mrs. Norman 1clair united in marriage Ivy Bea- Mountjoy. Roll call was answer; trice Patterson, daughter of Mrs. cd with jars of fruit fram the eJames Henry Patterson and the members ta be sent ta the Victor late Mr. Patterson, and James Home, Toronto. President Mrs. Neil McMuilen, son of the late C. Ferguson welcomed the guests IMr. and Mrs. James McMulhen, from Bowmanville. s formeriy of Bowmanville. The Mrs. Fred Baker, prasident of echurch was beautifully decorated the visiting Institute, presentcd with standards of giadioli, palms this program: A solo by Mrs. Ro- and ferns. berts; reading by Mrs. Browvn; Tbe bride, who was given in duet by Miss Dudley and Mrs. marriage by ber brother, Mr. John Grant; Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl gave M. Pattersan of Owen Sound, a splendid talk about Indianapolis, f looked cbarming in a gown 0f telling of the city, habits of the white lace aver satin, made on people, also the beautiful war Iprincess lines, with Queen Anne memaorial situated in the middle tcollar. buttons dlown the back and of the city; Mrs.e Gea. Pritchard ea short train. Her veil was of gave a solo; a reading by Mrs. pleated tulle with seed pearîs and W. Hall; a duet by Mrs. Roberts shoulder veil. She carried a bau- and Mrs. Pritchard; and a sala by equet of rases and bouvardia. Miss Dudley. e Miss Bath Kirkpatrick, Brace- Mrs. N. Mountjoy was the win- -bridge, cousin of the bride, was nefr af a eand guesncrantest ebridesmaid and was attired' in a efrveshymens. .L and iclia ere rgraceful gawn of hyacinth blue sre yMs .Lre n e taffeta, with a pink hala with grou%.__________ 1shoulder veil. She carricd Jobi- -anna Hill roses and baby's breath. Trinity W.M.S. Mr. Morgan Lunney was best____ man, and ushers were Mr. Frank Trinity United Church W.M.S. McMullen, brother of the groom, met Tuesday afternoon. Excerpts and Mr. William Keacb. Wedding1 from the addressas of speakers at music was played by Miss Ivy the Whitby School for Leaders Bass who alsa phayed during the ýwerc presented. President Mrs. signing of the register. , C. W. Shemon gave the cali ta Foiiowing the ceremnony a re-!worship, being thougbts express- ception was held at the home af' cd by Miss Grouchey, first or- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMvullen, dained lady minister of the Unit- Lawrence Park, where the bride's cd Cburch. Mrs. Rogers read the mother received in a f baor length scripture, led in prayer, and gave gown of black chiffon veivet witb an interesting report on the ad- matching accessories and carrying dress given by Mrs. Smytbe of a corsage of American Beanty Pembroke. Mrs. E. Strike, an- roses. The groam's aunt, Mrs. ýother dehegate, gave an interest- Thomas McMuhlen, also receiyed,ling talk on tbe work cf Miss wearing a gown of black chiffoniSbipiey in China as pprtrayed by veivet with black bat, and a cor- bier address. Miss M ar ga r et sage of talisman rases. Af ter the 'Wood, C.G.I.T. delegate, also pre- reception the bride and groom ,sented a fine repart. Mrs. Sue- ieft on a wedding trip ta narth- mon brougbt comments of genarai arn points, the bride travelling in interest. Miss Lillian Nayhar con- a navy crepe drass with match- tributed a very pieasing solo. ing accessories and a navy coat Meeting was in charge cf Mrs. with bine fax collar. On their S.* R. James and ber group. return Mr. and Mrs. McMuilen __________ will reside in Torornto. RALPH CONNOR'S MANY LOCAL FOLK GREATEST BOOK ATTEND GOLDEN U EILFR WEDDING PARTY It is seldom that sa great a bock, ________as Raîpli Connrs "Postscript ta Mare than 225 relatives and frn- Adventure" is made available ta ends gathered at the homne cf'M\r. and readers imi serial fcrmi inîmediatelv Mcs. James J. WVhite, Elizabetbville, foliawing ils publication. The fadt, Wednesdav afternoon. August 31, on tlierefore. tîmat Family Herald and the occasion cf \Mr. and Mc\Ir. Wlîite's \ Wceklv Star has secured exclusive 150tli wedding anniversarv and pre- mmblisling rigbîs foc this book is sented the bride and bridegroom cf indeed interesting news. f50 vears ago wiîlî a beautiful igbt "Postscripîta .'\Adventure" as mn tube radio. Mr. and Mrs. White admirers cf the late Ralph Cannort wcre Made aiso the recipients of a <Rev. C. W. Gardon) will know, ish large basket ai vellow gladioli and the last booc ew'rate, having beeno a walnut magazine stand. eompleted it befare lie died. It is Tables were set an the spacions ami anîazinz tale built araund bis ile- t lawmî foc supper and followvimg tlîis time of rich experiences, frein bis a ipriagram was givemi anrl the pre- bovhaad da -vs in fllengarrv Coumîîy, sentations male. J. .A. R. Elliatt cf Ontario. ta bis breatlî-takimîg a<lven- I Port Hope. a brother ai the bride tures durinz the Warld \Var, Critics l ce(d ame a<dress and 'Miss Annîma bave calied it bis mno5t exciting book Sowde'm rea<inz amother. - as thrilling as "The Sky Pilot." h rTue coupfle wvere married at Osaca The Familv Herald andl Xeeýklv Z lv the late Rev. J. C. Bell, pastor Star is ta bc eamîgcatîlatcd on il Js of the Camîtoni Circuit. '.\I. Whitc foresiglit in ptrclasing these rights. is tlîe son of the late John and Eliz-M abemli Whîite. Elizabetlîville, and Mrs. Isn't it qucer baw many cf yaur S WXhite is tIme eldest <aîglter aif the friands are brake xvben you want0 late Hemîrv amîd Charlotte Elliott of ta borrow a faw dollars.0 Osaca. Two daughters were bormi______n__________SI_____ ta the umniomn. Enice, N.Irs. .'Xmîbrosc R,,binsomî, amnI Bernice af Elizabeth- Relatives amid lricmi<s were pre -_______________ sentud froni Part Hope, Welcome, dl .apie Grave, Tvromic, Bmrketomi, a] Cadinus. Nestleton. Caesarea, Scux- Io sland<. Lindsay, Starkvillc, Osh- S awva. lackstock, .\Midlami<l. Garden a Hl.Nlillbrok, Taranto. BumnkerP W.M.S. EXECUTIVE MET AT WHITBY The ammîuîmmi excmtive cf \Wonan s i M issiomiarv Society o a lao f Qumnte Comifüeemce Brandi aof United Cliîrch of Canada svas lîeld at Omntario Lad- lies' College, Whitby. President Mrs. i R. 0. Jolliffe presided. Plamns ere made for Brandli meeting mext April imn L.indsav . Dehegates ta selicol for leaders numbered 130 and ]-eaui Mrs. \V. L. Snvth, l'ernbroke, condîmted inornimmg wacshîirî ami"Modermn Dis- cit)lesliii.' Rev. Lvdia E. Grîmcli, B.A'., Toronto, the first wornan ta be ordained in the United Church, gavi" a scries ai lectures on Nvorship. Eaeli <av sjîecial classes ami "Our Smmdv hiaaks amnd How la Use Themn" were tamglit lîy Mrs. C. R. Carseal- ]e. %Ir>. R. G. Dingmaný amîd Miss Mis, jessie Murray gave an il- lmistrated h-lî'tmme an amr %ork acrass Camnada amnI Dr. C. R. Carscailen amie on activimies at the çollege. N ni le Shiplev. h l<man, gave ami aîlres ta"Or Sth .'Xmniver- sacs'in I htnan' amnd sec, cal lectures ,,i *X\\ Ii% NIMissions.' Mr, lI. D. Edd', spoke on Our fI abs flamu Departimemt. MNrs. R. M . seciîommc sas ini charge oif mmm niglîlt and bootkce fesi wre gicemi eailv lev Nirc. (',rse,îllem. Mrc. C. 1). NieLellen condncted an PROTECT Yoursclf Against Rising Prices!- WE SELI - ALSO -* The Famous SEMET SOLVAY COKE Fast Delivery je 'J, FLETT - FUELS - Successor ta Hcenry Lathrope Phone 2673 - Bowmanville IIPWIU She persisted, and one day he of tbat book had been ciased. u found himself and Katie in the alone in that back roomn Beveriy house, with Janet shawing tbemn was standing in front of the aid round and Grant's gbost at his marbie mantel, staring blankly at lbow. Katie was enchanted. Be- tbe brawn scar an it. fre tbey lef t sbe was planning (To be continuied) the rooms, seeing berself caming nown the widc staircase, giving A man speaking of a relative dinners, giying parties. But in the who was banged says be died dur- ar going home Cbris flatly refus- ing a tight-rope performance. d ta buy it. One good way for a man ta get "I can't afford it," he said. "And ahcad and stay aljead is ta tise a besides, it killcd Grant." bead. I fCV'C~D/k~MARY ROBERTSI >£ OCOR/ý RI1NEHFiART CHAPTER XLMf He heid aut far three manths, Far eek Beeri ia inherwith Katie aiternateiy suiking For eeksDevely ly inherand cajaiing. Then ane day aut ai ibed, a thin white figure with sheer desperatian he went ta the enarmaus eyes, and hands which bank, drew aut his entire bal- seemed ta have iast their ciutch ance, and signed the necessary pa- n an life. Chris, sitting beside her,lpers. By the time they had mav- was frightened at times. She 1cd in and Katie had dane it laver, seemed, like aid Letitia Martimer. he was abiged ta barraw maney I ta be slipping away fram the Far weeks and manths decaratars -sheer burden af living. He wauid xvere busy. Katie lying in her 1stay there in the darkened raam, I bed, wauid be aimast campietely 0knowing that his being there gave a bscured by blueprints, by sam- d ler suppart, but graping far pies af siik and chintz, by draw- hwards af camfart which she seem- ings af this and that. cd hardiy ta hear. It was aniy by main farce that "I did it, Chris. If I had cared hle kept hier aut af Grant's aid af- mare-" fices and instaiied there the shah- 'Yau did all any waman cauid by but substantial furniture fram do."' the aid bouse. But she managcd '- can see bim aul the time. I ncw carpets and curtains, and anc can shut my eyes and sec hlm." day he came hame ta find a man .Try nat ta see hlm, Bevcriy. busy daxng aver his aid dcsk. He That can't hurt him naw." staad gazing grimiy dawn at it, "But hie iaved ta live, Chris. He rerncmbering the grime which iaved iifc. He didn't want ta go." once had covcred it, secing Lily 'Listen, dear. Either he is a- flicking at it with a feather dust- sieep - and God knows we all er, rccalling Annie Lewis looking want ta slecp - or he is busy and acrass it at him with hier hand- happy somewhcre cise. It's one some, haggard face, and seeing ething or the ather, dariing." Bcveriy standing beyond it. .r He neyer tauched her, save naw He was working feverishly naw. sand then ta stroke thase lifeless Sometimes he did haîf a dazen op- hands af hers. Sametimes she cratians in a marning, emerging fseemed flot ta knaw that bie xas fram the operating room exhaust- 1there. When hie moved ta go, cd. Naw and then hie wouid fail bawoýever. she wauid look up at asleep in his chair, or beside same him. bed. Once hie even dozed in the *Can't yau stay a littie longer? car while hie was driving himseif, I don't vant ta be alone." and narrawly escaped an' acci- He wouid stay as long as hie dent. But hie needed maney can- dared. stantiy, altbaugh hie was earning r Are you there, Chris?" cansiderabie amaunts; and that "I'm here. I'm here as lang as next sprng lhe raised bis prices you need me." in a desperate attempt ta get even One day, bawever, he told bier with the game. that she augbt ta rouse herself, ta Scott spake ta him one day see people, and she abeyed lbke a about it, a Scott with one arm cbiid. She would sit up in hier but twa clear-sceing cyes. bcd in that flower-bedccked raam Wa' wrn wtb yu and sec hier visitars: the decoraus Chris?" og wih yu women wbo had been bier moth- hi? er's friends, the yaunger ones wha "Wrong? Natbing that I know had been her awn. of. 0f course a specialty is the "Bey, dariing, is there anything dcvii. Feliow loses touch with his I can do?" people. I used ta know them, and "Ii1l be all rigbt. 1 just need tbey knew me. Now they know time." about me. That's different.I" On the first day she left hier He was almost stunned anc day, bed she made her pitiful jaurney about that time, ta, hear that Bey- tbtrougb the ciosed doar into Jer- erly had taken a,.er bis oid bouse. 3ry*s raom. It was as be had leftKatie told him, watcbing his face. it, his ciothes - bis innumerable "Your aid lave has taken the ciothes - hanging in his clasets, his bouse, Chris. Did yau know it?" coiiars and shirts in the drawers " What house?" They were gay and debonair, "u os.' those possession of bis. What did 1ur bous ea." N. it matter naw that he had nat Ihd' er.N. laved bier? She had meant same- Sa she was there, alane in that thing ta bim. And toward the end bouse they had hoped ta share. he had tried. Poor Jerry. Poor Katie was nat nmaiciaus, hawever, dead Jerry. and hier aid jealousy of Beverly In an upper drawer she found had died with hier increasing in- those wings of his which he had difference ta Chris. For a few warn thraugh the war. Tbey were weeks after Jerry's death she had in smil ati-iied ox.andshebeen watcbfui, even uneasy. Then, staad with it in hier band, staringnainhpeig.seadgn down at them. Suddenly she was back ta this new and cnthralling an hier knees by his bed, the box life of hers and dismissed the in her hand. whale miatter fram lher mmid. But "Oh, Jerry, Jerry," she said. Chris couid flot dismiss it, and af- "You wanted ta fiy, and I held ter a montb of indecision he went you back. I didn't mean ta hoid ta, sec the house, stcpping inta yau back, Jerry. I didn't mean the hall when Hoimes opened the it'Ildoor and once mare secing Liiy It was some time after that that there, and Henry, and an add uit- she asked Chris about JerrylsItie siattcrn of a girl caiied Katie. chiid. He drew a long breath. Strange "I arn alone now," she said, ta feel mare at home here than "and if I cauid have this boy-" in Grant's bouse! "Tha's mrbi," b taY-.~ The aid offices were stili there, sternly. "The boy is fine and weîî but the double doors had become cared for. Loved, tao. Let bim an arch between them. The raams alone, my dear." ýthemselves were gay with chintz, That was the iast day he came. and Beverîy's grand piano sat in She was weii naw, hie taid her, the back room where his desk had and didn't need a doctor.' been. The wasbstand had gone, "Besides," he said, smiling down there were aid mirrars over the at her, " it is getting ta be a ha- manteis, a few of the smaller pic- bit. And all habits are bad" turcs fromn the big hanse hung on She let him go without a pro- the walis, and here and there test, but for a moment she heid 'were fiowers. But they were the bis big band between hier two thinl same raams, for ail that. On the ones. marble mantei in the back office "Ilil miss yon, Chris. You know was the scar bie had left from a that.", forgotten cigarette. He was stand- "Ves, I know that."' ing eyeing it when Beveriy came And that was that. When hie linholding ont lher hand, deter- left, he staaped and kissed hier iýmindiv smiiing. lightiy on the forehead. î Well, Chris," she said, "and he taid lher, and xvent rather diz-_i Why did yon do it? Why did zily out into the sunshine. iyau came here, Beveriv?'" * * le She hesitated. Then she laoked The city bad changed. If the at himi with lher direct gaze. war and the postwar defiation 11 had ta icave the other house. had reduced and even wiped out you know. They were getting some fortunes, it had made ne%,. ready ta buiid." ones. The resuit was a new social She sat down, but Chris did flot order whicb discarded the aid and sit. Here by the register Caesar set up its awn standards, particu- had lain an coid nights, or had larly of pleasure. waited for the sound of his mas- In this new and rather mixed ter's key in the doar. reaim Katie was higbly papular. II have a dag buried in the "No baur was taoo ate for her to yard," hie said abruptiy. "Id be dance, no extravagance taa much giad ta think-" f it suitcd her mood. She made - I shahl not disturb bim, Chris.' and kept hier place. by sheer vital- "Why didn't you tell me, Bey- ty, and Chris. watcbing hier leriy? After ail, ta came here-it's sometimes marveled at her endur-'ino escape, my girl. If yau want 21c 17c 21c 45e 25c 21c 25c 25c 25c 21c F. W.'NELLES Where Groceries Cost -Less Phone 596 The Season 's Newest Season's Lowest S Grand for looks warmth and wear... s#amply lined.. expertly tailored and 's'tyli s hi 1y niodelled. PRICED FROM to Sizes -to fit ail from the high sohool girl to Misses and Matrons. NEW FALL HATS FPur Felts, Wool Velours Upwards from $2.00 Couch, Johnston& Cryderman Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville f COWLING SELLS THE BEST And Serves You Well Art Border Prints cost no more than ordinary pictures. Try us wlth your developing and prlnting. P ROT E CT YOURSELF AGAINST WINTER COLDS TAKE VITAMINES. CASHMERE Halibut Oil Capsules - 79e Aiphamettes - $1, S1.85, S3.50 Wampole's Extract - - $1.00 Soi Puly Whzped Ayerst OD C.L.O. 67c-S1 .69 SfPueWite ~ C a l . A . C a p s ( 4 0 - 1 0 0 ) t t h e r l H M qz-0- $2.00 Ext. Malt and Cod Liver 4Oj 3 for,25f IIb. 49e - 2 lbs. 89e PEcIAL55c Fitch Shampoo SPECA O5c Scalp B rush Both foir 63c NOW/ AMAqZ/NG NEWV SHAMPOO SPECIALl REGU AR DRENE IDRENE FORIIFO.R NORMAL DORY HAI .I.-OR OILYI 99c 59C SPECIAL PRICES 100 A.S.A. Tablets - - - 19e Dodd's Puis - - - - 27e 16 oz. Cod Liver 011- -49e 100 A.B.S.&C. Tabs. --9c Fellow's Syrup - - - 87e Flashligbts - - 85e to S2.25 Pablum- ------------45 Nova Kelp Tabs. 79-1.39-2.79 Feenamint - 19e - 33e - 69e Castoria - - - 29e - 79e Scott's Emulsion - 53e - 98e Nase Drops- ----25e l"4 1 - CREOPHOS is guaranteed to stop your cough Bottie .............................$1.00 Our stock of Patterson's Freshpack Chocolates Is guaranteed fresh. We havet attractive assortmeiits hn 1/2 Mb. - 1lbi, - 2 lbs. at 25e - 50e - 75e - $1.0 6P. R. ~COWLING Druggist 559 NELLES SPECIALSI Fine Quality OLIVES...................111-oz- jar Libby's SPAGHETTI ............... 2 tins Quaker OATS.................... large box Red and White FLOUR .................... 24 Ibs. 'Gold Medal HEALTH SALTS........ large bottle Pitted DATES .................... 2 lbs. Castile SOAP....................... 10 for Breakfast COFFEE..................... lb. Unwrapped Laundry SOAP................... 10 bars ONIONS ................ 8-lb. bag Peaches Peoches Peaches - We '11 have 500 Baskets this Weekend- See Nelles' Peaches First

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