THURSDAY, SEPTENIBER 8TH, 1938 THE CAN.\DI.\N STATESM.\N, BOWM.\NVILLE, ONTARIO T~.x:i .î Uv: Editor's Family Views the Beauties Western Canada's Fairyland at Jasper Park Boat T p from Port Lodge. This wonderful toi. 1mecca is situated in Jasper Arthur to Sarnia One tional Park, Province of Albe of eatresof -loe.laid out in a valley surrourided ward Trip-Visit Dur- of the Canadian Rockies. ham Friends in Win- Jasper Park Lodge is firsts nipeg[across Lac Beauvert, and i. magnificent sight to behold. jade green waters of the lake flecting the jagged outline of Letter No. 3 mountains and the old fashio: (By illam G Jaes) log bungalows and lodge nest] (By illam G Jaes) at the foot of the mountain is In my previous epistle, or what- artist's delight. ever You have a mind to caîl it, I neglected to mention that it's The lodge itself is the n mihynice to betesnoth centre of attraction, being one mightynofth the largest log cabins in Ne President of the Press Association America. It encloses the m when travelling for the specialdingrohevr pc attention and favors one receives.dng omth veysai For instance, at the swell Hotel lounge with its immense dou Vancouver which is owned by the fireplace, a ballroom, gue C.P.R., they placed at the disposa, roomrs, kitchens, beauty parl( of the President and his family a and two stores. suite of three spacious rooms About the main lodge sur beautifully furnished fit for royal- cabins are placed. Here( tY. And the morning we arrived sleeps soundly on the very up- up came a gorgeous basket of date beds and in refreshing moi gladioli, such as only B. C. can tain air. The inside of each rc grow, with the compliments of is lined with varnished f irê M. J. Mylett, manager of the hotel. the rooms are equipped with ba Guess such treatment as this wiîî and showers with hot and c sort of spoil me for any future water. trips. but MIl take a chance. A variety of entertainment The first stop over on our home- provided within short distance ward trip from Vancouver was at1 the lodge. There are numer( the C.N.R. internationaîîy famous1 mountain lakes fed by glac SUmmer resort - Jasper P ar k waters that provide the ang A PROUD REPUTATION For twenty years Harry Allin's bas been the recog- nized store for quality cheese. It ls because we know good cheese, and age aur own, that you are always assured of good cheese at the Corner Grocery. Fine Old CH-EESE........................ lb. 25C For Cool Weather OXO.......................l10e and 25c Rolled OATS.......................5 lbs. 25C Victoria Bread or Fastry FLOUR.................. 24-lb. bag 49c Pliofilm Apron with 5 bars COMFORT SOAP, Reg. 64e. 39c Red Rose TEA............................ lb. 65C Horne's PEANUT BUTTER........... 15c and 25c POTATOE.S....... peck 15c - bag 75c Cashmere Toilet PAPER...................... 3 roils 25c Heinz SPAGHETTI, medium........ 2 tins Fresh CELERY .....................buneh Whiz ]FLOOR WAX................... lb. Picake SFIORTENING ................2 Ibs. 25C Sc 43c 25c FLY FUME Sprayer Free............... 29e and 47c Fresh Fish for Friday Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Spoatt 'p Dog Biscuits HARRY ALLIN GROCER Phones 367-368 Bowmanville Glen Rae WITH EVERY MEAL YOUR CHILDREN need ail the energy and vitaiity they can get . . . and they get pienty from whoiesome Gien Rae Milk! This fine produot simpiy abounds in heaith- fui qualities. It 's tested for purity, toc! Make it habituai to have a good, big pit- cher of IGlen Rae niilk on the t4bie at every meal! GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son Bowmanville uris Na erta cl b. tain: teer isî Th( neý th( nec lini sai nair rth nair abl< sts lors, nall one ý-ta. un- OIT aud ths 'old with a great paradise of fishing. The speckled trout fishing o Malinge Lake is claimed byex perts ta be the bcst in the \vorld. 1 Great Place For Tourists 1 The mou-ntains also provide an~ immense field of sport for tlc mounitain clinîber aud the hiker. Parties are outfitted at the lodge and are sent out with hîghly ef- - ficient guides. A stable fiiled with ssturdy western horses provide the means of transportation. These hanses are alwýays availabie and a. horseback riding is a verv pleas- ýy ant ýwa'yoa seeing the grandeur of 's the mouintains. Jasper National Park beiug a ,n game reserve it is not uncomman a ta see numerous wild animaIs e cross your path an the trips about -the park. For instance, if you ýe wsnt ta see the bears you go be- d hind the lodge ta the incinerator 9 where thev are generaily feeding n on the garbage. We went ta see these huge creatures after break- nfast one morning and were very )f fortunate in seeing several of hthem eating and playing with neach other. Anather encounter Swith wild life happeued when we ewere returuing at dusk from the 3lodge ta aur cottage when a deer and several fswns raîî across aur path. Oîîîy a hundred yards fromn the eladge is ane af the finest eighteen hale golf courses in North Amer- ica. lu September a tournament ris held here for the Totem Pale jTraphy. Other noticeabie thingas swere the tennis courses with a pro supervising the play and of- fering help and advice ta begin- ners. A large swimming pool WITH THE PRESS PARTY TO PACIFIO COAST 1 i wthheated- water provides -s Sof place *for aquatic sparts in which 'qis maltimts. sud I frequented sever- There are al-day sports o! ev- - ry kind, but at night the main activity is at the lodge. Here in the baîlroom motion pictures and dancing provide the entertain- P mnet. Dancing is ta Joe De Councey sud his baud who broad- cast Weduesdays sud Saturdays aven the C.B.C. This baud is one of the best bauds in Canada and well worth heariug, sud just as good ta dance to. At various times wiener sud hamburger raasts are held at uearby lakes under the direction o! the social hosiess. Climbed Mount Cavel On anc af aur trips we weut up to Mouut Edith Cavell. We wene taken ta this spot in an open car - .1 which provided a dlean view of . ail the uateworthy places. Our driver was one o! the besi, being extremely friendly sud very in- formative o! the passing sceuery. At the glacier is a chalet where anc rests sud is refreshed by s!- ternoan tes. After this we took a walk up ta the foot o! the glacier The besutifil mctîutaiîî sceneny top cf ilîis gnoup is aile of the uiauy sud startcd a suowball fight (im- vie-s one enjoys îvbile ai Jasgen Parki odge, the C.N.R. famotis tnurist agine lu Augusi!) but were fright- nesori, %where the Editor af The Siatesuiau aud bis fauîily stopped for s eued sway by the rumble o! somne few days. lu the cenître pictune the precss party %vcne enjoyilig a boait trip small avalanche we could't even sce. The sighis are marvellous on as gtiest-s of the city anound Vanicouver Harbor. Froni left ta igbt: Mrs. this trip sud the grandeur o! the Btrns, Keîîtville. N.S.. wîfe of the new President; Editon Geo. WV. Janies; mountains sud the rushing wat- Ronald G. Evenson, Ptiblic Relations. .dv-iser, Toontîo; Editor A. R. Dun- ers in the strcsms are impossible loli, Neepawa, \Main.; Fank, J. Burns, President C.\\.N.A. with liai off, sud ta descnibe sud do it justice. John -Martini, Adveriisiiig Manager, Massev-Hannis Co., Toronto. 111 tbe We enjoyed several long walks srouud Lac Beauvent sud ta othen lowcn iphoto is tlhe million dollar wreckage of the C.P.R. dock ai XVancouver points o! interesi in the nesnby receutly destnoyed by fine. Wonk was proceedîug space ou the rcbtiilding viciuity. These walks were need- of this great ocean liuer berth Mieni visited by aur reporter W'm. G. James. ed by everyone, the meals being Ct oreyS.,1ry otia-4gi s0 good sud having cousumed 50C<sCî Jira-4ge much it had to be worked off be- fore one losi their Mae West fig- hmsaebigeeidi a-sil asne evc a o une.hoear en rceinvr-sil asnesevc a t After spending several days at ous parts o! the City. stanted as yet sud the planes at ihis delightful resant we left with Our nexi tour was through present are ouly canrying air mail. mauv regrets thst we couldu't Assinaboine Park which is main- An interesting feature o! Ihese stay longer. Mr. R. Somerville, iained by the ciiy. Once an aId planes is the change from pas- the genial manager, sud his assist- farm, it now cautains. spaciaus seuger ship ta a bombing plane ants were most courteous sud lawns sud shade trees with colr- which can be made in a very short gave us every attention for our ful flower gardens throughout. lime. The rest o! the aftennoon comfart sud pleasure whicb makes They have a huge modern pavil- was taken Up visitiug relatives Jasper Lodge stand out as one ion where meals are served aud sud fnieuds o! my mather. o! the highlights o! our entire souvenirs are sold. Another in- Sa with much regret we left trip. teresting feature wassthe wild Winnipeg that night. We haled Look for Big Grain Crop suimals o! every variety. There to leave because everyoue bad Ou aur trip east we saw mauv seems ta be qu ite a discussion as' been se kiud ta us sud we had farmers cutiing or threshîng their to whether the city will build s, such a swell time in aur short crops. The fields out here are new sud langer cage for the lions visit sud saw se much o! this about the size o! one of our en- or leave the lions in s cage much great city. tire eastern fsnms. Ail threshiug tao small for them which is very Grand Boat Trip is doue in the fields, the grain be- inhumane. That uîghi we took the special iug stoned in the litile grain sheds We were then taken to the other C.N.R. boat train for Port Arthur or taken direct ta the elevators at side a! the cit3' te another park. where the followiug noon we railway sidiugs. The straw is later The maiu feature of this park 's boarded the Canadian Steamships burut. All ang the lracks at the the abundance o! trees left i Line boat the 'Norouic' sud set little villages are grain elevators their ustural surrotiudings wvhich out on the lasi leg o! aur jauruey with two or three ta a station. is very beautiful. Winnipeg bas home from the great wesî. Tslking with the westenners they some fine buildings iu the busi- are quite jubilant there will be ness section. Anothen o! their The Noronic lis the flagship fan a very good cnop sud are very advautages is the width o! the the nonthenu division o! the Ca- optimistie in their outlook. streets which are wide enough ta nadisu Sieamship Lines. Il is ai- b We were sunprised ta fiud ihat contain the heaviest traffie. se one o! the largest passenger steamers ou the great lakes. It the pullman uext ta aurs was Editor Honored Guest bas six decks lu sîl whicb enclose taiumde my ileesbule ih r tnoon the James family ai- Ibis palatial floating holel. Il bas suris e henI fis bwul.e Wih tended a luncheon given lu honor a stateroom accommodation for uilsa ow that Bo.wmauville yam fauther, Great Fsmily Jour- iug salon will seat almost 300 daesn't uopacs al'" given by former nesidents of people at one time. On board, Among the many cye-openers I Durham county now living lu there are barber shop, smoking gat ou this wonderful tnýp was Winnipeg sud spousored by the rooms, buffet ban, mus)c rooms, the amount of tipping that is doue. Hutchinson Brothers. It was held writing raoms, observatian rooms. There's red caps, porters, bell nM anc of the beautiful private the latter ai uight are turn.d into hops, waiters. door men, chamber lining roams a! the Hudson's BayI a ballroom. maids sud al the rest of tIem, Store which is the masi up-ta- Ou sbip board there is a great dowýn the hune callcd "service" date store lu the Ciy. More de-, deal ta keep anc busy. For the t which falaven themselves ta gîve tails of this lunchean will be ne- more smbitious persan thene are the traveller every counteous at- poried lu a separate article. the mile walks anouud the prom- tention. They greet you with a Atrtelnho ewr nd ekt h on fbg wiuuing smile sud a gesture o fe h ucenw wn nd ekt ouud abs-] expectancy wi'h the palm o! the taken for a drive ouita the uew pipes sud drums. This wl ae handcloe t tie bdy umd u- iîrpant by Mn. sud Mrs. Wneford lu practically everybody as tbere ward.clWe mte he hyunded ut Souch wbo have recentîy movci lis s great deal of fun during its enou.We i stipsal lad ta ut oui here froru Halifax. This is ta ýduration wiib almasi the whole0 snuo!clihetis, butten y dad be aue o! the largesi airpants iin deck being utilized. There are al- 1 told me you must remember that Canada sud is beiug equippei 50 two courts o! shuffle board.a thee papl ge aven îo waewitb modemn apparatus. We wvere Anoîber added attraction is the if ays i peoeistaes, sud dae- very fortunate lu seeing twao ofping poug taurnaments wbicb ifan i smeistncsan d-the langer aîrplanes lake off, one create greai excitemeul. a pend on lips for ibeir living. a fourteen seaten, sud the other For the leisurely minded per- ' Guests of Durham County Boys a twelve seater. These planes took son Ihere is the observation room r We arrived ai Winnipeg on off with the grealesi case sud where one can sit in s comfortable aý Monday nîghl sud we were met were handled wîth considerable chair sud take lu the scenic beau- by Dr. J. N. l&u.tchisou sud bis ________________ ties o! the lakes or lose onesel! lu S brother, Mn. H. Wilber Hutchin- a good book. During the a! ter- son, wbo came from Enniskîllen noon a splendid orchestra is lu sud went West aven 50 years ago. attendance playing the more pop- They were aur hasts durng aur - ular semi-classical pieces. CI ahl too short stay lu Winnipeg- Ahl along thbcttip the sceuery rl the Gsteway la tbe West. That is exceediugly beautiful, the blue night we were the guesîs o! Mr. ofa!the water sud the green o! the Wilber Hutchinson who enter- 71 trees making s perfect pictune.- t taiued us ta dinuer ai the Mani- Stops are made ai the langer ponts baba Club. It is cousidcred one a long the coast sud are long o! the finest clubs af ius kind lu enough ta permit passeugers toi Canada. Afler spendiug the nighî CONSTIPATION see someihiug o! the town as well with Dr. sud Mrs. J. N. Hutchin- a h hnei topee sou we were taken for s drive By arousing the torpid, sluggish a h hnei lopee wiih Dr. Hutchinson as aur very iver ta bealthful action, youelirmiaie Wateh Shlps Go Thru Locks l campetent guilde. We visited the the cause of constipation sud chronie At Sauli Ste Marie il is veny i betier residential section of Win- Indigestion. You eau depend 0'1 iutenestiug 1e watcb the sbip going0 nipeg. hI is a shame ta se se this time-proven treaiment, tbrougb the lack that is necessany 1I mauy fine residences being tori DR. CHASUta brng iltaeihe required levelC dowu on account of tbc , high WPidnsey- ive Plla ilu the diffeence of 21 feet be- S taxes in this City. Due lalb EL *thisMl E tween Lake Supenior sud Lake Pfact sonne smallen but modern~ Huron. This is doue wilhin 20 I minutes and is executed with the Bradley, Geo. H-. Joll, Fred Gralianm, ai](1 1 fî ~hbedc. arry utmost care and efficiency. The [no. Heiidrv,. \Vallaç.c lolmies and Ro,, %%v, altcr (-otili andl \ni. Noronie has only a few feet to Howiell Rowland. Niclwls. lltux îiîent was made in spare on each side but it might as 0pî i Celinelci v. w.ell be a mile for the way they let you do n with such ease. Thomas A. W eldon, Thorod jî ae .aob C beik was bori nou tile farin o(feloo~kini.,the There is no lack o! entertain- Thomas Andrew Weldon, pro- 1ar uld. tOuîn o wc ment on board ship. The services minent paper manufacturing ex- aminu uî1îd bvr. 1ubN[of fat. of a very competent social hostess ecutive, died at his home in Thor- Tefainiiv wer Bible CI.ristians in are ai -ays at your service trying aId on Sept. 3rd. following an religin and Lîiberais iii polities. to pl(2ase everyone and makivg illness of three weeks. A\bout 1890 bv and bis vounlg wife, the trip enjoyable. At night there M.Wlo a oni at h o irSrbProw oku is a dance in the ballroom with Mr ednwsbrinCr-tefmrSal Psos o, p evervone having a good time. The wright Township, West Durham, their resjdiçeticc on tibe fariii le had last *night we were on board ship eighty-four years ago, but had putrclbas;ed in the 211d conîcession of a masquerade was held with the 1 ived for many years in Thorold Clarkçe a mile and a quarter north of passengers in dress costumes. My where one of his early paper mak- Newastie and haîf a nmilc west. now dad dressed as Mahatma Ghandi ing ventures was launched, and thc property of Mr. Chas. Gibson. (just a bed sheet and a couple where two cf the existingý com- During ail the vears thcy werc here huge safety pins) and carried off panies with which he was identi- thcv were regular attendants at and one of the prizes, while my sister f ied are located.supresothNwctl t- dressed as a Japanese girl was Since the formation of the Pro- spteChr f he ecsl e also fortunate in winning a prize. vincial Paper Company, whichodsChrh The meals were excellent, serv- operates a plant in Thorold, he lu course of time they sold the ed in the dining salon on the b- had held the office of Vice-Presi- farm to Mr. Artiold Forster and servation deck which gives a per- dent. He was also a director of moved into Bowmanville where they fect view from every seat of the the Inter-Lake Tissue Mill, the resided for eight Years and where passing grandeur. The meals are plant of which is located near Mrs. Cbldc id2 years ago. ail served by attentive coîlege here. Mr. Cobbledick then became a ne- boys who are working during the A farmer in his early life, he sident of Orono, living Part of the summer months. They are aîî later became Ontario representa- time with his brother-in-lawv, Mr. under the efficient supervision of tive of the E. B. Eddy Company, Rdbt. Moon. For the past three a trained steward. and subsequently with his brother, years he bas made bis home with The number of boats we saw on I. H. W. Weldon. and a group of bis niece, Mrs. J. A. Awde, daugh- the lakes was amazing. I isI others. purchased the Montrose ter of bis sister. Emmaline, the late claimed that more boats pass Paper Milis, Thorold, of which he Mrs. Thomas Coucb. through the Soo Canal than the became President. The mill was The four brothers and four sisters Panama or Suez Canal put to- later taken over by Provincial Pa-whprdcaebiwreWlim gether. Every type of boat is to per Ltd. hprdcaehiwr:Wlim be seen, from the small fishing Mr. Weldon's last visit to his Henry, George, Walter and Isaac, boat. to the long majestic grain native county was when he at- and Mrs. Robt. Moon, Mrs. Sander- boats. As it is just harvest time tended the Durham Old Boys' Re- ç.ock, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Couch. the lakes are filled with grain union at Bowmanville in August boats taking the western crop 1937 when he renewed many ac- from the elevators to other ele- quaintances of his youth. AI- Harry C. Blette, Kenmore, N.Y. vators on the sea coast. though it was, over 50 years since HryC ite aieo r Eariy Friday morning we ar- he lef t this community hie kept up ar .Bete aieo r rived at Sarnia after having spent his interest in the county through cnanedioed suddeienl t teo e a most enjoyabie trip on the boat. reading The Statesman.cate idsdnla heom To anyone who wishes ta pn His wife, Mary Janes Davis, of o! his daughter in Kenmore, N.Y., a peasntholda threcould be Nrih edeceased him seveal on August 30th. As a boy he nothing better than the whoe years ago. Surviving is one daugh- mved with his family to East- cruise around the lakes as fair as ter, Mrs. W. H. Hoiand, Thorold; yod, near Woodstck, later work- Duluth. one brother and three sisters, Wil- iig ifl Woodstock and in Hamil- liam, London; Miss Mary Weldon ton. Met Champion Swimmers and Miss Allie Weldon, London; Mr. Blette was assaciated for Also on board our ship were and Mrs. Bruce Brown, Montreal. same time with his father and the western Canadian swimming____ brother in the* milling business, champions from Edmonton who and later he went inta business were coming ta the Toronto Ex- Jacob Cobbledlck, Newcastle for himseif. He was an inventor hibition ta compete in the aquatie with 32 patents and 12 pending events. George Valpey is only No more shalbis venerable bead, Patents ta, his credit. sixteen and has great promises as crowned with locks as white as win- He was married three times. a swimmer, while Rena Rowlins ter's snow be seen on the streets or His first wife was Miss Jessie is slightly older but has the same up in the forefront of the United Martin, d.aughter of the late Jon- qualities. This was their first trip Clburcb congregation on Sunday athan Martin, baker, wha was east and they were very much marnings for Jacob Cobbledick, the killed at the St. George disaster excited over the difference in last of bis familv, has gone ta loin in 1889. There is one son by this scenery here as compared with bis fathens. He- was the last of a marriage living in Saganaw, Mich. their native province. They were familv of f ive sons aud four daugh- He was born in Orono, On- two great kids with high hopes ters bori to John and Catherine Cob- taria, 75 years aga. He had one and 1 hope they go places in their bledîck aud it is a matter of regret sister Elia and one brother Percy, swimming career. iliat of this stîîrdv industrious, Gad both younger, who have been We met the boat train at Sar- faig ineigfml oml edsm er.H stels nia on Friday morning and were îaiofincru fmltnhmi e sm ye. THeis ohe cost xhisked away through the fertile irogenv survives. no sons. no graad- o! Th r s a e c u fields of western Ontario ta, To- sons of John and Catherine Cohbl- sin, pssibly the only Biette rea- ronto. Here we were met by John dick. But there is a rigt side ta tive, living in Newcastle, Mrs. James who drove us by car ta a sund iat is thee are female des- Franklin Alln. There are two Bowmnanville. It sure was good cendants with good Englisb blood lu cousins in Toronto and others scattered aver the Dominion. ta see the nid home town again. theîr velus sud noble instincts in He died suddenly at his daugh.. We saw some better places and ibeir becarts. The Cobbledick naine ter,'s home ini Kenmare, N.,1., a some poorer ones, but none that however is bv no means extinct for suburb o! Buffalo, on Tuesday just appealed ta us so much as ibere are cousins of tbe second aud morning, August 30, about 8.30 good aid Bowmanville. third generations who trace their whiie mawing the lawn. He had Wonder where the press con- descent from Jacob's grandfather. A neyer had a seriaus sickness al vention will be held next year? nunîber of these wvere at the f uneral his lîfe and this came as a tre- W.G.J. service on Friday. Sept. 2nd. con-.ý mendaus shock tn his fam-ilv =,a Obituaries Mrs. Archie WV. Thompson, Followinc au illîîcss wbîcli exteîîd- cd aven a periad of tlîree maîîtls, ulecessitatinz greai sufferng, vet paticîîtlv borne, thene passed ta rest au1 Moudav, Augulst 29th, Elsie Pearl Thoampson. Dccased was bonil near Hamnpton ou Oct. 26th, 1888, bciîîg the oîîly daugbiten cf the late Heinry Jacks sud Jessie Auîî Mof- fat Jacks. sud bas lived arotund the Salein ueizhbourhood practically ail bier life. On April lsi, 1918 she was uiuited inin larriage wvith Archie XVylie Tlionpsai. wvba îith thre dauglîtens. . Beryl, HilcIa sud Gladys survive. alsa ber aged inother, Mrs. Henîry Jacks. The funeral wbich wvas largely ai- teîîded took place fram in h fauîilv nesi(leuce ou Thursday, Sept. lst, aud ivas cauducted bv Rev. A. W. Manch of T3ynone. interment takiîîg place iin Bownmauville Cemetenv. The floral offerings were beautiful and vcry much appneciated. Tbe pal- hearens i.ene Messrs E. J. Silver, C. M. Carruibers. R. M. Cale, L. A. Squain, L. C. Coomnbes and W. G. WNerny. Aing those atteuding frnma distanîce wene Mn. sud Mrs. T. B. Thompson sudd (aughten, Mary Kathenine andl Miss A. Gielty,1 Cleveland, Oljio. M\rs. Amas Rogers anîd Mn. aud Mrs. WVill Gr:eenawav, Little Britain, Mrs. Alfred Richi, Oakwood. 'Mrs. Howard Willougli- bv. Islanîd Grave. Lake Siuicoe, and( Mns. .Mlan Williams, Toronto. Wm. C. Lake, Newcastle St. George's Chîîrch wvas filled ta lic dloars ai the fuuenal service for Wîi. C. Lake, ou Tliunsdav. Sept. I st. ii'hu embens of tbe M\asoie O)nder occtîpied a lange section of lie central pews. Maiîv relatives ivere present fnom Toronto and other points. Several of the stîîn- mer cottazers ai the lake wene lu Ltteni(alce to psy Ijieir tnibute of esteenm. as wcll as pnactically ail the 'esideîîts of the lake shore section anîd citizens of Newcastle of every lenoinatioiî. The nectar. Rev. D. R. Dewduev canducted the service assisted bv St. George's choir witil M1 s. J. Garad at tlîe argan. Hymuns iîiig wene. Ahide wvith Me. Neaner My Gad ta Tlîe aud as a reessianal. 'viîîc Dimitis. Followiiîg the burial rites of the chtrclî at St. Gearge's Cemeieny mnrbens of Dunhani Lodge A.F& '.M. eîîcircled the grave aud led by \V. Bm. Fred Grahamn jalned iii themi imîpres.ýive btînial service. The flowers wene exccedingly tuieraus sud beauti fil represeiiting lie fond senitiments of organizations %vil1 whli deccased hiad been ideisi- fied. ofuf eotps of friends, of ne- latives and ueiglibotîns. Tliose com- ing the lonest distaiicç bt attend thc obsequies Nvere (leccessed's son-ils- la and datîghtr, 'Mn. sud Mrs. Clarenice Bambard, fraîn Trtîra, N. Palîbearers wvcrc ail meinhbers of Jurbain Lodge A.F.&A.M%., J. W. ducted bv deceased's pastor, Rev. R. E. Menton at the home of Mn. and Mrs. J. wdc. Emilv St. Rev. Mn. Morton took the text of bis discourse St. Paul's vords, near the Close cf bis life to the vouingen vreacher. Ti mothy: "I have fougbit a 200(1 f izhti. have fiuised mv course. I bave kepi the faith," Il Tiuioibv. 4 :7. hIt vas au emiuentlv flitiîg text aud couîd be aptly ap- ilie( ta onue i..'o bad lîved 84 ,-ears aud whvo. excepi wbeu infirmrities pncvented. mouId alwavs be found cii tbe sabbatb day amaug the con- gregatiau of truc believers aud wor- shippens. 'Mauv beautiful f lowvers atiestedg the esieem of relative-, aîd f niends.1 The palîbearens were Lame. 'William it go at that. frinds O!hsowin !amiiy there is lef t Mrs. Biette living in Mil- waukee, Wis., and by his seeond marniage a daughter at whose home he died, and a son in Chi- cago. A little knowledge is a danger- aus thing - if her smail brother possesses it. Most of us prefer friends who are clase-mouthed rather than close-fisted. . For eveny man wha wants to borraw trouble there are a hun- dred wiliing ta lend it.- Some people who happen to dream o! giving away maney think they are charitable and let LET the Confederatian Life Association assumne the load. Through oui' special plans, w. can guarantee that yaur wishes for your family's welf are will b. carried out. B17011 fou INSURE-COKIUL: CONFEDERATION LIFE 391D o1?hcs tOlOITO AS SOC IATI ON I I 1.1 *' , I -- q THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, ONTARIO AS SOC IATION