- ~ 7_1 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEI'TEMBER 8TH, 1938 The Newcastle Independent Bible lesson wvas read by Mrs. H. I ANI A COCKTAIL Pearce. Mes. Cooke offered pray- e. Mers. Hsrold Toms rendered a By Hanniet Keeler Magee vocal solo. Mes. T. Clemence very I am a cocktail. ably gave the topie taken from the Clever advertising brings the vin- Study Book. Mrs. N. Allin closed tues of the mneeting wýith a oraver. M, 1-f- --,--;1 1_Phone Clarke 1114 1.., -.1- ._____ .Miss" Jean Gowans. Toronto,j Mr. and Mrs. Normn Williams MISSIONARY FRO-M CHINA was a weekend guest of Mrs. R. 'and her mother, Mrs. Jno. Hall. AT UNITED CHURCH W. Gibson. L Gaît. visited Mrs. W. H. Pearco ____ Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., andilast weekend and also called 0on Newcastle United Church was Mrs. Riekard are on a holidayl Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mr. highlv favored on Sunday, Sept. trip to the Pacific Coast. and Mrs. H. J. Toms. Later they 4, in. having as a special preacher Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark and i motored to Coiborne to spend the, tteeeigsrieRv .T edgutesTofr oter, Mrs. j'Hoialy with Mr. and Mrs. Carl':Faichnev,.M.A., B.D., of Tientsin, end uest of er othe, Mr.! Hll*North China. Rev. Mr. Faichney, Jesse Baskerville.! Mr. Austin Turner and Mr., formerly pastor of Wesley Church. Mr. Lawrence Ashton and lady Wilson loaded another car Of Calgary, is home from China on friend, Oshawa, Mr. Roy Ashtoni fancy seed peas, grown by the furlou'gh. He is now labouring in and Miss Reita Cooke, Newcastle, farmers of the district, for Well- the interests of Red Cross work motored to Niagara Falls. ington, P. E. County, last Thurs- for China, and has been supplying A dugher as ornto ir.dayv and expect to load another i in the Metropolitan Church, To- AndauMrs. WT ake on Augustin two weeks time. Peas haveïIronto. while the paston was on andhat thir m.TLae orte. ake sbeen a uniformly good crop ah vacation. Shore. Mother and babe are bothovMr.this dstrictktisonseaon.e The theme of his discourse was, doing weîî. M.Rs ikisnhdteWhere Sin abounded, Grace did Mr. nd rs.Minr Vn DsenShaw's Synidicate threshing outfit much more abound, Rom. 5:20; anMr memers ofeir a mily threshing his crop of fancy peas and putting China and. the war and foui e, Amo te s ithi and oats at his new barn one day' against her in the background he anbrote,Mr.W.mVneDuvsienandi last week. This is the first time pictured the Kingdom of God in BruherandMisses ary. Yonne, in many years, perhaps 30 or the foreground. He painted a andrueVan Dsen a. Yon more, that any grain threshing v~ivid word picture of conditions a r rdFig a ond in aanDuen has been done on this the old and happenings in the areas oc- state f cied on hiws ome pre-a Richard Warren farm that fronts'cupied by the Japanese invaders stae f cllpseonhishoe pe-the school property on treean hwd o ar egds mises on Sunday morning. He sides. and s howed how ar degrades was given a hypodermic by his Rev. R. E. Morton of the United t Hse who partiip aer t. a doctor and by noon he xvas able Church and Mr. Fred Graham, He rmided his hearers ofthT to sit at table with Mrs. Fligg for Lay Representative to Presbytery, Winecs Hoif! hen he ntolad f V in. adMs .J .Rcad were at the O.L.C., Whitby, Sat- the missionaries who for forty Brno and Mss HelenS.enjoyed urdav attending the Leaders' Con- years have lived and preached itC Brenon ad Mss Hlen enjyedference and while there made ar- i h ret h ie n c a three day motor trip to Callan- - rangements with Rev. T. T. F ai- tin theoCritnt. haveastandya- I der to see the Dionne Sisters. chney MA,.DTensn North tin fCrsinshv tay Huntsville and other Muskoka Cia to bring him to Newcastle igadmral pitigefc points and Wasaga Beach on Chn, adhvul rahJpnethe Chinese people and the Georgian Bay wroncue n n he UnitdChurc h treah aessoldiers have respect forB their itinerary. wr nteUie hrh h persons and property of Misses Annabelle Hendry and Christians, whether foreign or Margaret Toms held a weiner native. He predicted that theR _______________________ Iroast on the wooded Hendry China of the future would be a Ciffs overlooking Lake Ontar. Christian-Communistic coun t ry.T two miles east of Newcastle har- The door of opportunity for Chris- bour, on Thursday evening, Sept. tianity in China is now wide openM lst. A number of young people Of and we should ail be in it for Godl Shaw's. Newcastle and the Lake and His Kingdom. T Shore were present and ail spent Choir leader W. J. S. Rickard huntin hic th pary ws d-:iIn the morning Rev. R. E. Mor- Is -OSH-AWA vdd -o he groups was one; ton, in his first sermon after his A of he nteestng eatresof he i hlidyspreche on"Revival," I Thusda - ridy vent. O Lord, revive thy work in the- Thursay - riday Mr. John Albert Gendron, who: midst of the years. Mr. H. C. Saturdaydied Sept. 2nd, at his home, 35: Allun and Mrs. H. M. Allun rend- SEPT. 8 - 10 Balsami Ave., Toronto, xvas hus- ered a tenor and alto duet. band of former Isabel A. Hooper, l Before the pulpit stood a bas- 'SpwnoftheNoth Newcastle, and brother-in-law Of1 ket of lovely dark gladioli, an Si 'Spawn f the orth' Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck, both daugh- offering of beauty from Mr. and \1 Starring ters of William Hooper, one time, Mrs. J. H. Jose. 4. GEORGE RAFT choir master of the Methodist _________ - HENRY FONDA- Church and teacher in the S. DOROTHY LAMOUR. school. Both daughters a 150 NEWCASTLE SCHOOLS taught in the S. School. Her many RE-OPEN WITH AN Added - Colon Cartoon friends in Newcastle extend con- ATTENDANCE 0F 123 T( "Tears of an Onion" dolence to Mrs. Gendron in her bereavemient Newcastle Public and High REVVALRev. and rs. F. H. Mason and Schools re-opened on Tuesday adaughter stayed in Newcastle for with an initial attendance of 82 Friday at I10.30 p.m. a hile on Sept. 1, on their way in the public sehool and 41 in the- home to Toronto from their sum- high school. There will be an in- R( mer vacation at Stoney Lake. creased enrolîment later as a "Eas Livng"They called on Rev. J. Scott How- number of pupils have flot yet Starring ard who has been ill for many returned from their holidays and - JEAN ARTHUR - weeks and also on Mrs. Wm. C. a few others did not register on- RAY MILLAND. Lake and family who had just the opening day. been bereaved of a husband and Fourteen beginners enrolled in A MOVIE QUIZ father. They left some of their the primary room of the publice $25000000 CONTEST PICTURE camp luggage at Rev. J. Scott school under Miss Norma F. Or- _______________________ Howard's and Mr. C. S. Horrocks',chard. They are: Claire Allin. ______________________ where it isstored when not in use. Keith Aiken, Helen Ash, Mary Mr. Emerson Fisher, proprietor Margaret Bonathan, Phyllis Bow- Monday - Tuesday of a high class gents' furnishings, 1er, Hazel May Fisher, Jack Gray, store in Ottawa, died suddenly at Ronnie Hockin, Rodger Mellow, SEPT. 12 - 13 his summer home on Sept. 4. He Peggy Parrott, Grace Preston, Ida 1-. RUDOLPH VALENTI.W was the youngest brother of the; Rogerson, Newton Selby and Mar- in ~late J. R. Fisher of Newcastle andi jorie Toms. had visited here on several occa-i The whole school was thorough- FC "Sn "~sions. Mr. Emerson W. Fisher,i ly housecleaned by Mr. and Ms "Son f theShiek general merchant, Newcastle, is a . Brereton. Principal Rodger's roomn with nephew of deceased. He and Mrs., of the public school, the halls and VIILMA BANKY. Fi sher and their three children cloak rooms and the high school This is the picture that set the were away for the weekend visit- ýscience room were aIl re-decorat- whole country afire. ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ed during the holidays. Kellar, Mountain Govwhen Through the thoughtfulness of- news0fhis uncle's death came toj Mrs. Matt. Brown of Glenwood FO Wednes -- Thursday Newcastle.I Cottage a vase of lovely flowers 0 Women's Missionary S o c i e t y1 stood on the teacher's desk in i Fridy -Satuday met in the Sunday school. Mrs. each room to brighten the first & SEPT. 14 - 17 N. Allin, first vice president, pre- Iday's morning hours. IRIG ELIS sided. Mns. Morton offered pray-, C. T. Batty, Chairman of the TR IRVING ERLIN'S en. The treasurer's report was Board of Education, was present i "Aexndr' Rgtme read by Miss Robinson in absence at the opening and introduced the I "ffl xandr'sRa Ie o Mrs Bean. issMarion Allin new High School Principal, John C Plnd" adea splendid article on Peace. D. Coombs, BA. s Band hesesecretanies reported: Cor- Several of the membens of the- vihresponding, Miss Ferguson; Mis- Board visited the school and noted FO TYOEPwER AIC sionary Monthly, Miss Blackburn; the dlean and bright appearance 5 TYRON POWR - LICE Literature, Mrs. Cooke; Christian of the whole intenion from base- a FAY - DON AIMECHE Stewardship, Miss Robinson. Ar- ment floors to topmost ceilings. and rangements were made for the The splendid wonk of Bert Brere- ETHEL MER'MAN - JACK Faîl thank-offering service, Oct, ton, janitor, always gets particu- i HALEY - JEAN HERSHOLT fth. Mrs. G. Honey's group will Ian mention in the inspectors' ne-FO have charge of speaker and pro- ports. A MOVIE QUIZ geam. Mes. G. Honey reported the Principal iLodger and Miss H. $250000 CONEsTPICTRE indings of a Peesbyterial Execu- A. Mason live in their respective $250,000.00_________________ tive meeting held in Oshawa and homes on George St., Principal ______________ Ibeought to the attention of our Coombs is boarding at The New-Fo soietv th e need of more liberal castle Arms, and Miss Orchard at ASK FOR YOUR "MOVIE QUIZ iigs A playette entitlcd "A!Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock 's. $250,000-00 CONTEST BOOKLET r hristmas Box" was dramatized ýMiss Sanderson will ho boarding AT OUR THEATRE. I 1w Mis;s Ruth Honev and directed with Me. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney by Mes. Hare to illustrate the need when they take up their residence of paying missionaries' salaries. in the J. Scott Montgomeey house. to AT F.F. MORRIS CO. c *~ - --1 P.. . Less tnan Zç a r4igIlt A MARSHALL IS THE CHEAPEST HEALTH INSURANCE YOU CAN BUY The Original Spring Mattress A special purchase allows us to offer the Famous Marshall Matlresses, Regular $29.50 values; 2 sizes 4'6" and 4' in heavy Rose ',or Mauve damask panel tioking, handies, ventilators and taped edges. SEE OUR SPECIAL MARSHALL WEEK DISPLAYS $18,e75 Other Specials in Spring-f ied Mattresses from $10.95 to $39.50 F. F.'MORRIS CG. Bowman ville 1 pi iVIY contLentLs UCIUIeyour 0y05 inp magazines. I In the daily press, on billboaî'ds everywhere. IMellkiw,' 'soft as satin,' 'smooth' is iWhat they say; 'Enticingly appealing,' 'easy to drink,' 'Delightful to the taste.' And then you read of ice, of fruit, of Things that menit have. which added to The greatly adventised and fan- famed Liquor-base, makes me the ceea- ture that I arn. When served in glass of thinnest structure, Frosty cold, within a handsome home, I lune the youth and maidens to just try Mvy liquid mellowness, my smooth- ness, Wondrous taste. Hia! Ha! rhey try, and from that day they want ro try again, and are not satisfied With only one, but reach for more, then Crave the stronger stuif, without the Ece and fruit. Ilaugh Because Although arrayed in fancy clothes, I Rieally am the same old enemy of man, ['hat Alcohol, that urges on and on till Manhood, womanhood, is gone. Ha! Ha! Ha! That poison foe of all that's goodl and Noble, Is ahl dressed up and in Society! And I am he! am a cocktail. COMING EVENTS Maple Geove Cliurch rc-openîing utndéev Sept. 1 ltbi at 2 anld 7 p.m. .ionday Sept. l2thi fowî supper at .30 p.m., platiorîn imeeting 7.30 p). ni. S.T. To Rent '0 RENT - ONE FOU R-ROOM.Avartment: on1e two-room spart- meut oit Teînperance St. Store on Division St. A~pplv J. B. Martvn. 36-2* OOMS TO RENT - FURNISH- cl mcoîns. ceutral locationt. .\plsl F. H. Joness, 19 Carlisle Ave. Phione 882. 36-2 For Sale1 QOR SA\LE QR EXCHANGE- 3, acres. lackmail Road. 6 room1 Itouse îlot coînpleted. Barît g'ar-1 se, raspheeries. asparagim. C. Beadlev, 226 Albert St. Oshawa. 35-2* \DDERS FOR SALE-HARRY- WVilcox. Hamnpton. 35-41r 7R SALE- TEXT BOOKS LUS- 1 cd in connucion witb the Psy- I t cbologs' Course taken Sat Qucen's ,b Univecrsity, Kiingsthin, St redmced a Prîce. Books may be seen aI Orono News Office. 'Marion Green. 36-1* OR SALE-NEW LOW PRICES A on Beatty Cleaners. Also if nced- t iugz s rentaI cleaner, phone Mason c & Dale, Phonte 408. 36-h cto 'UCK FOR SALE - HEAVY ce iu fair shape, takc stock on cx- change. Apply Geo. Fonder, Black- stock. 36-2* OR SALE - PLATE GLASS 50c square foot; also 3-noomed uuiatinent for remit, aIl couvemi- eîces . Ap)ply das'tirne H. V. Batcînauti. Victor Nlanue Apaet- mnmts. Bowuîailvihle. 36-3* DR SA-LE - GQQD FU'N.C 13loee, cbecap, 60 c%-cle, Plioîi 322. 36-1 DR SAXLE - h1NIC-DEERING votato cigger sinîgle ridimîg plosv .lassev Cuiltivaton : Teactor Disc Harrow': herse rake; gas euîgine; Derring utowee; Frost noad mow- r: Aiasscy nowcr; Lever speiuig tnth larrew%. Ap LyI. R. Woodh, l'o%%mauîyillc. Phone 597 or 726. 36-1* ') SA\LE - CHIOICE BARLEY ýteauy fec frein aIl]mîoxiouis ved s'ed. Quuick sale. Apîîlv te George [NcKItighit. c/c A. E. Osbornte. R. k.2. Potsvitaiville. 36-2* VY A KIPP TO-NIGH-T FOR rnstiltati, î. K il)lp's FHeeb Tablets it 25c borx. Sitld bv Ni\cGregor's )rugz Store. 36-1* R SXLE TOIATFS CORN calaes. iteets, peOtatu)es and Sp- les. XVII deiver lu tuwii. Ira F. l'rce. Illitutte 800. 36-3* YOU Can Learn te be a STENOGRAPHER TYPIST or BOOKKEEPER, in THREE Months. Escli lessoît taught individu- ally. Rates reasonable. Dip- loma. Televhone 1062 or write Mr..H1. Bateman, 450 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, for f ull information. 36-tf IRFD WA)Eï& ANA). Qu cnta or csh cch ENGAGEMENTS Music Teaching ilsertion milun c lia r g c _________________________________________________ 25c). Charge cf 25c extra i., nmade Mien advertisenîent is not ir. and NIrs. Normian J. IloIinesLE.\kN TO P~LAY THIE 'IQLIN paid san we s isrto. s îiîto aituinlce the engageent of and plav in> an orcbestra at nlesv sxtaicare o c w iiertîcu. ibeir datiibter, Ruthb Marlon, to class starting iin Septemibei. Fees pletr aredrge cf l oca tsveu e- Nlorev . (311,solitof Nir.aud i:$1.50 îwr nmonth. Fraincis Suitton, plxies aire d ieeted to a Sateisan \lr',.'Franik Oke, Bownianville. The Miil.. Bac. F.C.C.Q., A.T.C.M.. inarriage., 50c cadi. Ini Nlemor -C(eling to t;lke place ou Oct ber ist. Phonei 742. Bowmsulville. 33 tf ianîs, 50c for ntice plus lOc Nie. and \Mr,. F. M.\I Stapfles MISS JEAN RAMSAY, A.T.C.M. Ve'r lhe for verse. Cla.,sified Lava". anulouce thte enîgagemnit oi ilr-nnle casiiliio advertieinints accepted iii)until their dauceliter, Mariont Rutht, te \Vill d Teo ir clSps bin iano- 6 ini. \WedniesdaN. -Hussard Wndltlicair. culs son cf sace an 1 Hoa; hiteFai, oi' I sol ofid l istructioni given cvery pupil. .NIr. anîd Nlrs. G. A. Fait, NlillrbroOK. \11jxaiination candidates blave been B I RTNi S The inarriage seill takc place quietîv __ _ __ _ __ l Septe iiber. sticcesf l. T ernis reaso îable. Phone B,\GNF.'LI.- lu BowvmauIville Ho.,- NIlr. and< Nirs. G. F. Pîirdy ant- - ____________ tutal oit Thursdav. Auig. 25, 1938, niice te engagement cf ti r DR. T. A. PARTRIDGE to N.\ suad Nir.. E. G. Bagnelî. a dauuebter. M0argaret A\lice, te Orland(l0Qigaiiist- Di recto r Teinits' Clurcbi (lauglier. Normnanitlliier. voiiest soit of Pianio, Sinzing. Qrgan an'd Tbeorv. \I r. and(INIs . Norinati lIuinîîîer. rBeejuniiers or ad v aiced piano pitl 131CTTERIý In Bosvmaliville Ho.,- The niarriage te take place early lu accepted frum S5 vears cf age. Rates 0ita on undav. .Xugust 28, 1938. Qctober. utuderate. Plîcîte 313. 36-1 t. Nie. and Nfrs. Thomtas W. But- r._______a______d__ ter.v. a daugliter, joan Marie. Nîr I rs. W. H. Tflickson ait- MISS DOROTHY M1. EDGER totice tlie enîgagemîentt of tîteiri .CMBomnle CQVERLY-Ini Bosvntanville Ilos- daugbiter, Florenîce Heloise. to XViI- ATCMiBomnil tîltal. Saturdas, Sept. 3rd, to Nýie, liaintRuss, Nluttonî, soni cf NIr. W. Teachen of Piano and Theory and Nrs. A\. E. Coverly (nîec Ivv B. Nutton and tîte late ýNies. ýNînîtoI.1 Opened classes for the faîl terni Park) a dîauglttee. Ssîvia jeanctte. The inaeeiage to take place quietly on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Pupils will ELLS-I Prvae Ptictîs p the latter part cf $ep)tete>bee. receive personal and individual ELLI-IiiPrivte atiets' av-instruction and if they wish, wilh ilion. Toronto General Hospital, NIe. aîîd Nies. Win. E.. \lîîa cf be prepared for examinations both oit \Iondasý Septemnber 5, 193, ,ooiu itoic h naeun theoretical and peactical ieading Nie,. sud ies. Jolit S. Ei s (lice of tle rvcuungest daughttee, Beverley 'to the A.T.C.M. diphoma. Improv- .Niargaret Spencer), s daugbitee. Rate, cousiniofthte late Sie Gordont ed methods for teaching young Gugis.,îeto Robert James Pick- beginners. Ahi examination can- I:ERGUSQN lii Nichoifs Hospital, ard, ouuuger soli cf 1Me. sud Nies. A. 'didates have been successful. Peterborough, oit Friday, Sept. 2, WV. Iickard of Bosvnauville. Tfli Phone 403 or caîl at 23 Carlisle to Rev. sud Nies. Clarence H. Fer- iiîarage to t.îke pîlace iii the Cburch Avenue for details of courses and gîlsun. a dauigltcr, Nary lls but r of St. NIlartiniiii-tlie-f ields To- arrangemhents. 36-1 --ruitto. uit Sept. h7tli at 4 p. - DEATHS BatyCltr Real Estate For sale . Bat utr BLEWETT-At bis honme. 50 Ei ghîth PERNIANENT XVAXING FRONtStreet, Nesv Torontto, Sept. 1, 19,38, FOQR SA\LE - TWO-STOREY, 6 $200 sud IuI; Fiîuger XXaving 35c; laines .\litîoiî. dearly beloved bits- rouli brick biouse, aIl cuuiveitieice., SItainuico and Iiîîeer W'avc 50c. band cf Elizabethi Jane Taylor sud double garage, good garei, Pro-, Iris Besîmtv Paelor. 36-1* fatîter of lys. Leoitard aud LIes d spect st.. Bowitiaiiville. .\pply of Nuwv Terortu, in Itis 71,t vc'ar. NIiss Glads \s L. Dosyxes', Phtone1 Female H-elp Iiîeeineiuî Qeeno Cemîîeîev. 2590. 36-1* 1,.\ W-lit Vancouiver, 1.C., .\ug.' IIQLSE FOR SAILE - EIGIIT FEALE HELP-NIAID EXIPER- 27, 1938. Ira Lasv, aged 77 eer, ruciei sclid brick bouise. hluje cf ieuced i general liouîrsek son of the late -Nie.asdud NI . .\Xin. the late C. A. Casskee, ceitîralîs silî uituvtiîlt ovnn La%\-. Darliligtuit, and brother cf locatcd iii utost desirable part of vil le: fcond cf childreu refereîîces. .NIes. Geoege WX'ite, Solita. towit. liards., ccd floors. all cu B. R. Drasye B., Bossinanville. veitiences. sittallgared en witbii NE.AiL- At Gras'enbueist Saut. on cîtoice sbirubbery. Appîv LIes. C. 'Sale __ Suitday, .August 28, 1938, Niabel A. Cas'ker. Boemauville. 35-2* u to Viola l.s tIc Neal, svife cf Weldoii-I A cin S l Neal, snd culs' daugbiter cf Sesvard For Sale or Rent The uîîidersigîîed bias eeceived iin- and Nies. Dowson, age 30 yeaes. 'tructions front N.Ie. George Slharpe huterîtîctt Kiekfield Cemnetery. F.\RNI lFOR SALE OR RENT - to elsdI v puîblic atiction oii Sattîr- .\pplv H. W'codbamns, R. R. 2. das. Sepciber hth, on the W. J. SCOBEL-L - lu Bosvmaitviîle Ho.,- Newcastle. 36-h CËallis car lut. Bowinaiiville. aIl the itital on Fridav, Sept. 2, 1938, lioiseltold fueniture snd effects. i- .Artbur Heuirs Scobell, beloved HOUSE 1FOR SALE OR RENT - in living. tliniitg sd bedroomi ltusbaitd cf Editb V. Scobell. in Th reid c f the late R. T. cIltiue lcec vse.ca-vo bis 69th sear. Itteriu,'uîBus.,- Sîeibeiis oit leccli .Asve.. g e aite. kitcheit fîîrîituie. banîl sash- ntanville Ceînetery. baseitîeit. garage. .Availaltle Oct- en 100 sealees cf feuil4 gaeden louIs ober lst. .\pply R. K. Squaie, sdiss te rilstcniir XEI.DQN-Qît Saturdav, Sept. 3. .Xdninistratcr, R.R. 4, lcîîi-cis, te mention. If alivone wsibes to 1938 Tbuutnas .Xitîew svXXeldcu. ville, Phone 2210. 36-2mi ivhn intssaelof h Xice-Peesidenî Peovintcial Papee -- lndita ntbiSgin tIti2salenoti fv te Ltd.. at bis eesideîtce, 92 Pille St., HOUSE FOR SA\LE OR RENT - tuesgtd.Sl I2pt lap N.. Tltoeuld, QOntario . ltusbanttl c Corner of King sud QOttario St.,., D.S.T. XV. J. Challis, aulcticuece. tbe late NîUary Jaîte Davis., an(,0 6 ettu iýti.,Irdsocd floors,' througli- 36-1*i lrelrted fatiter cf' lI-ecte INie. , V. lit. \puls'Nies. XV. 1lanita,Ne.' IL. Hollaitd . litterient Nlotînlt castle. I'ltoie Clarke 1233. 36-2 lca.ant lausoIltim Toronto. F \RFNi 1:0k SAL E OR RENT 25 acre fa eut gond bit i hit gs cite CARDS 0F THANKS ant(ulilf mîies ea.t cf N1esvýcastIe u i lîîgsay No. 2; also cîglît sud J eS r> tlîaîk tbu(ir frît uts ad itîl icgli- oud sycîl, well feuîced, electric ours for thle kiitdness sbowii îheim liglits, soute fruit trees. ss'ill sel dI qm ZN -v w ndI for floral teihtutes îluîing tbc ill- clies1îai for cash or reasoîtable dowii NO '.' U0 ies., sud deathi cf NIes. Horit. pavment aspd easy yearîy ternis.SH M O Apply to Nick Tkatclî, Corner fREUA RN It is with hcarts fiîled with grat- Kiitg sud Division St., Bosvmau- IIN 01 FOR NOR Al nde that the fainilv cf the laIe Mes, ville. 36-* 09 I erchie W. Thomu)son extend Iheir 36l I1 M AIARIRY hauîks to al, thiose who lu any waY Livestock For Sale onîriuuteo toward utskiug their orrow Iess severe durinir their ne- unt sad beeayeînerîî. Mother. lus- an dudatîselters.1 The faniîyv of the laIe .A. H. (Dick) Scebell ivish to1 express their geateful aupreciatioli cf thte Insus kiniesses cf lte physicians and staff oif 1Bosvînatville Hospital sud the nsus' kimît exprecssionîs of synt- patbs' and coudlence exteitded to tîtenin uthle illites., anti death cf a bel, ted hum sbhaitd andi bcthter. IN MEMORI AM BROWXN - lui luviitg itteinor * ,<t lebut Beesvit vlito lcft lis, Sept. 11, 1937: ilitî.., s ii. ro oiivkit, tssthle hbitteeritainî XVu lisse s eelsilicevs tIi t t,. LI.fe litas leveCr beecuthte sautle. 1FOR SALE - ONE RED REGIS- teeed Shortluortu Bull, 14 montlbs cli. NI. J. Percutit, R.R. 2, Qslî- awa. 36-1* HORSE 1FOR SALE - 1000 LB. CIl-vde Gcldiîîg, 7 ycars old. souud and zood to svcek. .\Iso c1îic Sltonthorui Bull, Il motîois old. .Xppls XXV. J. S. Rickard, PIboiie 2198 36-1* FOR SALhE - SIX P'IGS. SIX weeks trld. X\V. C. liaskcevj 1le, R. R. ecastlc, Clarke 1912. 36-1 Found 1:QUNI) CQLI.IE PUI). QXVN- e uts.,' have saite htw uaviîtg ex- im' ise', andtt<I ilg, we rsîl t>. kalOi Sadîe. Cae.,aeea. Ouitrio. -_____35- -2* Ili trueurart oIs eul ueiuutors , IAGEN'IS ! NX B IG NMON- liniuece,. . tuc tuv repeat sure sales. Sweett i d iml i ttî' .f ttIa iItruie . a lll x I 'erdi tcs sel]I ronu s iglt. Thierv . ri, ut aday, dear soit, Nur cxuti'itIce uecessarv. Ain- Tîtt se d-Ir t u trtihinîk cf you h i tir rut .îandI lard %s'.'urk s'.'il lead -SatîldItjv bs Nîrhrit, F -ilicr rr lItcstee's. Stan eseniiiltg - sîtl Ssiis. \uuî îtî Iss'.it 'lre '". For illttu' e te ils atnt EDtER 11t5rinogui,.'ll.free : I.aîîilex Co., 570 Intther, . I ialet h N.M e . wltuel li . olt.a. 3 - urt.r'ed 01 15S ;t . u e i, h934 I)eat'itthr.5 i r i ftrgr ti i ,t ontt cati ttht suu ai'c. mi S i ir rie. r ou ae ý-jj i As s ri, lwsas s ssi,.' efore. -SaiI v ii s.edI v hieb. îauîîils. TI I ON QN-hli los'iîg mîîcmîres t, f a ilear lu n .,l)tîd andî fathe e, laines Tliompnîu,îwhtc ias.,ei ass'as Selpteiiaber 8, 1937: XVe are ssiI witlîin ucime menory, Leutely arc oun hîcants teihay F:or the crue sse hoved se ilear ly' Ha., beeu fîteeser calleil avsv. Hi., kimîdîs' ways andîlsinihimîg face Are a pleastre tu necail, Ih- ail a kiîtîly seNyîl fgr each A utîliicî lovct.sed t aI . -Saîls' risscd by Wife snd Daugluters. Lost LOST - .A SNIALL ACCOUNT bouok lut Bowmanvihîe or between towu sud base fine. Vahuable to ewmtc whose usine is on book, but book i., no îîse 10 any .oth-ýerpen- soit. Fiuden tlease leave aI States- umari Office on J, H. Power, R.R. 2. Bowmauville. 36-1* Property to Exchange WXILI, ENCH \NGE 6-ROOMED brick buuse iii Toronîto wi tot water 1lîeatinz for biouse ini Bow- iaiuilie. \îply 1'. 0. Bu\ 440, B'own mius île. 36-1* Help Wanted-M aie W ANTfR) -RELIABLE NMAN %vitl car for establislied grocerv route. No iîivestnîeîît îîecessarv. C.ommnission aud bonuis. XVit- Cit., Sales Dept., 2177 Masson St.. Montrcal. 34-3 Auction Sales Auiction Sale of Stocker Cattle wvill be lbeld on thte premises of Er- nest XVrrv. L.ot 17-18, Con. 9, l)arlinizton. I mile IIQrth of Ennis- killen. on lri(lay, Sept. 9. Terms Cash. Cattie delivercd Fr-ce. Sale- at 1 o'cl(ck. S. T. Ted jacksoîî, Auc- tioncer.352 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinerv repairs, general izar- agc repaies, weldinz, towinAr ser- vice. J. L. jDemerling, Proprietor, STUFFNESS Pienty of Minards wat rubbed in mom sets Yeu npLB the the orpant . h wor ater b f r o I' ueoreIo S4 Vou'il »on limbe.' up Priced 29c - 59c HANDY SIZE 47CENTS Admission .25c Den't Miss This Big Ei Yeur fniends ili al there. ECIALS Lad1y Dainty Cleans- ing Tissues 4 200 sheets - - - c 2 for 23c 500 sheets - - - 27o Clifton Cream Petals New Package Double Quantity - 250 New Low Prices Kepler 's Malt Extract with CLO. - 75c-$1.25 Genuine Russian Minerai Oil Glass Measuring Cup and Salad Recipes Free Price -- -----59C Don't Take Chances Make Sure Your Eyes Are Properly Fltted When We Test Eyes It hs Dene Preperly Twe Reglstered Optom- Jury & Loveil Phone 778 Bowmanvifle jvnt Phone 480 PAGE TEN . THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1938 11OSlTION WANTED - CAP- able eil would like housework iii Lood homne. Aippy G. P., Draw- er B.. Bowvîaiiville. 36-1* OSHAWA~ FAIR SEPT. 12-13-14 ~~ Three gala days devoted to education and entertainment. PREMIER LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Attractive displays featuring produts of the home, field and ganden. HORSE RACES - SPORTS MIDWAY Thnee heurs of grandstand vaudeville "Paris by Night' Revue", sPecially chosen for youn amusement. Position Wanted 1 1