Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 2

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PAGE T\\'O THURSI)AY, .\UGL'ST 18, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.N AN. BOW'.\ANVILLE, ONTARIO Established 1854 th A Weekly N ewspaper devoted to the Ilterests of hetown of Bowmanvill1e and surrounding country, Issued at KI ng Stre et, Bowmanville. every Thursday, Ca M.A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadi an Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, also the lass "A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCnIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $250 a year; when paid In ad- vance $200 a year; 50c extra in United States to cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. AUGUST 18. 19,18 Lions Club Members Edit Colu mn MOlli)CI' ni owvînaliviIIe Llin'01('1) are t1li- weel{k i il tue eliorjals fir ,rie stiltesîîîiîii. ii i', il, ttii' ,eu l ,ii the selles of Lrttest (It liI"leillu, S1111- anîd Iitl'\ (1111). 'l'he To'wnt t 'uîi euitoiii]litlj tupptnuul liat vueek. antd 11lw R 1 1il1.v t lh i ui t-eu lllile the ,ti ilext woek. Wanted-A Benefactor For Stout People i1l1;,lo i ), lîetu tîi acéetetclidactthat stîtli flolile tiretuttI îiuturîed i tui rtle' nus. Bit stout pot ltt.uult lutttl hkc lu) ItilI. Tl'liu-v tiaItlul. NWluî-îu thiev arc- huuiîi- cuir- 'icd. thlev tî't'o uî hwtvs a fia i n f lejig 1ii'p- 1)e d. Al lii t sut. It'iuîi titie tu t letth e Stuutesuuîuun lias îe- Iuuîdiîîhu s i'eudei's tîttîlthec l3uxyîîuîîville Hlospîiut lu uu alivu'vs lisc(Iltîatiutuis uauucl b- q i-vI -. \\' lt h le litospitlilenecc Is uioscf -1Il i, ait cIevatuui. Buit cievatitis ar'e cXlei- si. eesîîecialy v ilîtl-v havetut bc biîilt iltut au iccn-sstuiy aditîionî. Patienutsîiunlte Hiospi Itailuhaeuî evttlc 'ari' oniisIî'tclîeî's upanduu uitwî taslirs. It is uîîulstife. 'IheîcfaLst Itlt ait uuc'iceIl~thi wia,-;iluu])hpcill dis ua triiut ot huecaie andci calticl cflte Huis- pitai staff. Wuîtlcl îot soulte geuleroiis 1)son or pet-- sonsxvlo kiuothx-Iat stouît folks ofîcuî iecc synllt îy îuiceîtake tg) buiid an elevatot' oui tlue luS)iti Tlîcî'eis tuo lîcteiienîiuî- oî'ial oîne cat iltiilcl. No moumeniîîit ini the eneterv can eculal somihing that gives permîaneteulihelp to the afflicted. Tieî'e is nîo g-aler tributt lan tlîal succccdiiig geilcratit)usshall risc up and '- cali bis naie. Bissed.' Dr. W. H. Birks. The Beach Road Again Wlîat atîracts xisili's Ici our lnxolii Is il ftc hospi)ilait 'v cf aur ctîzens ortiIhe beaitl of otîr parks? Tieîrc arcelvi .huîg for xvhiciu Bonx-tîîil'Icis xerx- iîielx- kiîtx- C'reauîî cf Baricy 'auîp anid Bcxw-îîanvxille Beachi. C.rcain cf Bariex- Uauîp is a l)iiatu-(t-lt tci'l)1ise îiîat costs Ibis cuîniliiiu ioîtliiilut. Mr. .1. Lake Muiî'tAn. the uuxver o~f tItis caîup 's b lue ctuîgiatulated fuirthuis wo-ui lips. \uc are suiet- lthils leaî't xva 'îus witiu the c"eroasutlg poplularilv of thi ai everv vear. Thle xeleime liosîilalihv cf thic î'siuliit aI Boxvunaîîx'iîîe Beachi lias, made this suit mer' eoloîî * v erv ppular anci mocre wiclci, kiîown eci vear. Tbe valuietof te bisiuîc..s of tliese sîriu- mer guests b cîuîrIoxvuu nist lue ensidel'- ablec. If seenis to e li ery- iîîccîsiderate oîf i M~'ien w e îîake il necessai'v fo ui r ii eusîs 10 travcl toa nid froîîî Bow'îîaiîxille Beaeh ove' a x'erx' dusîx- i'aac. A i.grcat nunîi' c f our ~ow'îi citjZcius. wii do îlot 0w-il cars. finîc Boxx'iiaîî xille Beaclu a iai xciîfî'om the lient anîdatu 1 usanlt pIlacue to r'ela x,]luit thec b-î cfil glu iîuuc).lia a uluuy aI bbc Beca re n'csîuîuildliv the xalk lîutîuî ini thie t.. C'ali lot tlîc'sc ie tac1s uc- r'catcd lte s.iît- as cîhier dcint ru)uts ijun ul' tîiwîsuti hat visi- tors uuuil vte'zius aliki- ean cli.iuîv lIlv -Buw- maîîvillî-Beach. E. \W. (î'aîfordu. Where Do You Live? Is theninue cf 'vmi rt'sti'etlsliuiwuu ut thuie t'tIit5?Is xtuur iiuus-- îuîuuuu-îî-uI? Thoii-sti'cels inuJ xîuuuxiI-ai. erx-v iii- a(1-utiit-l- uuuîkeiv it ilu lt2îi-s. IFor iiL stalce. îîîuî- <'otîLc i xvlk Iteth1l I-Iiitl i'tf jj) sav wliat Sttî'-clil is atd 111,1Ieitt'îc- i iuiuîî tli'noitîtiutAuta ll. pîtiper iciîîîific-aliîuîîof iutsi tr tuitu - lîuuîse xvuuiltl li'u)e tf rtu- tiIxuiu- uti t-, îîess and pr1o'ufcssia mon u icl auicI ut li i genu-aulI.v. A.2i..t'su'îuutiic'r uauudstut îtî w'hi gu-u us x-iiui' udrleîss uvuttuil i-t- thec promtpllt andtAiji e d-ix'ieu's of Yxiî p)iii'('ltsts fruiuu thut' glv' and-'. uuh tult. t-t'. It. w'uuîîhtî îîîu h le doiiu lt fititlvouri hoame- tjuii.kl ' vini i'se cf îî'uîl îu-i and save luii îuuuîkiuig sexer'ul tlituit"us lit-fuît findiîîir voir'bIoulse. Thfle inurieasc-tl lse tf t hic le3lîtuuc (Iiret'- tory b v luus'uness tmenî tt fli l vitrc- ytuî I ive xxu) îld lit' itelped if yoiîîr .sti-eet iai nu- anîd îuîîîîîhuî' xx'î-le slituxvu. Fiiends anud îrela- tivxes xvlo are'c' isiliîîg yoîi fuîr thue fiî'sl î'uîe xvouîih i t ced gueatiy if yurui*ouse wa.s nuim iberti-iIuand l oir Strîeet îîatit-tA. Wt v uîîldi Iike tlui îrgî tt uwîi fulhî-îs ta secp luth ut-ahi sI-ett 's pt'tperi' ut'îi- fied. l'lieni caeilitui5<ow'i c ot lîrhave nîiunbllei's i)I'il)rly îuîuîcd ox'et'or' tiar doîorwaxs. TVien wlîu'î x-'sitcî's cal lin is theyx xil] take iw'ay a faxoîîrablc imipres- siont cf oui' really beautiftil toxx'uîwxxb'ehi w'il ec-a te anîd siixnîulu teotîlside iîtcr-st thatI euuîuîuaf ell) but re-actinii a fuixourable mianne!'. Chli'cC'ar'tc-r. What Is This Lions Club? A Lionîs ( lîî is a iti4iiilitlc'ull anduul i st'el au'utuîîeivue nrgauîiiiztoi linî cunpusecl of uupîi'.u'îtuutivu bîuiîs iIlit p'nfssuuutu iieî iio l1u ave tuie iulei'ests uofiliei' clil- îutuu iii \ v alI ieati ,1'lue l oltîs f au Lins, ('1111is îmore' tiluî 2ianllltsti)td 01111) suvijal life. iii.l)iul'iit ltas tleeare. Ilis ii'l .;1(1l'e- cogu z u vi i umiîiiluu îî v îueeds. rt iscuux'eî'hie lulutîls of iuctiuizt se tuceds, auul cilhîi' luv i îdeîîeîdeîul efforturi i'thr-iuî îu oopera- lionuuwitb allier tgeiees lirianîslate ils kî uxv etueiîu lu aetl iii antd t-uive tiue tîed lultîpouu.e t lui.340) Lionîs ('l in ithe AÀssoc- ittui sue.i v 'uîîpiettd a totil of 24.72 euuitîîuiîujlv teivîties siuiiîuur ,the past iiuu-pîtuxilueeof u t ario i'îu s a sîuail part of titis tussuuuiatlil. Vu-t tluu-ie are 74 Lionîs in the iili flt'uu\l'te. Sixten el uw cluibs l1i110 foîl i i siuefolut lese 74 clubI)s is ?' 1.01 ti.sed liud îisliîiseulfor c'(uluuluuult- il.viw-k. I )tuIliuu thle luust 'yearthi le Buwiuituville Cht lîl alts ri' -d ul dSpelîl uppî'îxiuateiy .t1 1(00 lii el fuue woî'k ini Ibis iicalit.v. LIoniuu siu is tunîumative anîd cftic icit vi'- lu r jeluf u'îîîited c ivie efforit and Aelite'pi'ise. au lueipjîiute lui cvei' -v itltv conînîuîîiiitv ciula u 11'.Muuitilt 1is set'viee. tE. WI. ('taxfuui't. Neyer Be Afraid 0f The Other Fellow Being Benefited A 'e *vu ia h xavs afiaid sîuiciîc terfeu huix wil I leau) suoite îeiefit fr'cîuî vlîat voît aie andc vuliri' aiiîus xx-il pt'uu\-ofaivula,- tuts tiuiue isc ?_Manmiv fufîs ar'e. Wc hesi- t ate tiu lake sonte pcufeetly înormualI eumise xlîin ve tinîk that 'I'ituî. ourBihlI, or -.1aek. wxill tri-I suilue tAcgiee of eredit ou' soire adA- v'uîul-i"-c'fî'uîîuil. Dl)u î't be thaIn-a\-. It is siîa il. Ilt is iîutî xvui'iliv of voui. Cat'î-on u uiivtii work thli- v (,urYi'wlust wN-a\ voii kinw. anîd forget aIl a- burt thie lienefîls and th îe dotit vittt Suuie Of thîe thili'felliw 's xvntk if i t-turnes iou t lt'ay anîd suîy înllîiîg about il. Yes. itnîav h eilîî bluu. Il îîav lw tut lis adt- vantuatre. UctHe îy lue gi vcîîsoniue (ut'altif the ei'etAM vlîitlîyu tiglît îigbîIfi ly cIa iîî. Wliat tf it ? ()uui v a I itîle mîan wotid uuljeet 10 Iliat. Dutîî t lie l'tile. Thîe greatest meni the xvtuld lias ever kutuv-r w-er' enîîîîx'ho gave unoî ibunglît to thue cedif w'lucîîtey cliciud Tluîg. 'lev vet'e glati if vbat thîcy (lici iu'<t-cciof lene- fit luol lieu'. Theuu-v rt-lutiei if soiriclil cîsu- garnrluu'i'e lxiîere theY hîad j soiv-ilatud i'ctul)d. 'Thlev vei'c îîîsel fislu. Ca aiu voluiîagfea Liuîdlîc'glî rpftîiîîtrig t0 flv thue tu-in fuot'fi-ai' it xvtuîuiul blcefit lte 1îtukcr-u oifailîlaîîcs ? Wuiîul a 'i'u-e- fiîsu- to deve] up lh'i st i veries inî radiuml 01' î1 M(.-i'î-îflîiir slip Ili, woik ton thîe liiutt*vp, tuauliie. (ur' tîiv eall.v gru-at mani uin auuy lîuîe 'uucltdi- xituuevîr-î' gîîui tuiglut ut Ilue ttutuî lei'thîroi igli Jlus laltI'os? Dl)uuut ue Sniîall. Our Tax Burden lu i- î'uîut-î- u'ii,jiîitu-th e îlatliounîofl'ex- istilii.tlaxtluutît 0 'rado andclI îuuîslî'vandt Moreu'u tsl)eiialIy ils effuu'i lipolu huisiliess uîttivitv anud t-îîîphitvucct. I'î'uuîi a buîsinîess staîudîîuîit taxes crailu hî lei-xlui li 1tuw uuxys---fii'st tuuaiiusît'ttîu- ilul eslisî-î li- ltuulluusmu and îchsto'utî)i.i aita lîsIt t'e )1' fils eai'uup Iv i hat ibusinecss. j'et lis (considel' the rc.Sîlt if taxtionul atauist ecaîîuîiiles. Tit lix ra ises Ithei u-otsoufthue ilnat-'ials tiîat etetr ilîlt iauîui- faetui'ig xîiý1l a ietiîî.lîighî fiiiisluii eo.sl li theliiisiilel'. 'Tlis lu ghIn -r' ts uu-îes.ui'ixdeeni-ases te tmarîke- t n uîîîîuî aîuulairi' iniiî'Hlciiumpqhh vii h tl-pt' luiluî. 'lhis îilîvi ig tuf thte îmar'ket îîituîallv 'i in i a sîîallcr ult-muaîîtl and 1(.",; u-îîulovîuueîut. ilenutiil is î-tsx- lt si' fin lîîluitx tuix titît ui'i'-ast-s liteu-tst tif tit tî'tuc u the c-tisuimuel. ',u --iuiti'ii 11 uLIt. 'ihtt-î'cis utun îîlubtîl tliuiî t-tluilu ful-hi-, tof l tuiuh havueituu- la uutiî'uiuur ei- fi-i-Ionii uîillsjît,'s t'ixiv an auuui tus lsuiut- aiu.eîl te iît ist litl i rprofilts tir's1il-phIws Tlheu- txatitonu tf buhsintess 1proifits andî i d uhîx utitîluît'iliue s ]ltt inlitiseif îiîlsittîîîi, il is îiî'iuilli-uîll- apl)ied ad auc ltl( oiitt. art.i suîlhlis to ii ail uuiîîî-s tndlloitt ltliliiit th lot pro-uiuîutltîafIutfits lix tîxpautuiu- "The l"-iiii-uiioîî tf 'ITîx .\liliiîisititutt'- litns dl'u-awi 1uîi t Iti- foluoi iu, Init uluîtuili s1lutxx i'. îu--tul"- tIthef l tli\tuthttuî 'T'o lire'ts uît îî-eeet of lte tuitul Sti iXus M it' l ut îîuu nu Iloli m Taumî- uxu-s lu î---iIuuu Ta'luxe-s Canadla Buîlairi 40.2 ]S..- 14.01 15 11 .5 21. 7 1.8 Unitedi S ta tes 34.7 1.7 9.7 4..- 1 ()l(). thatu veî 41 pero'uî-uî t' -t11 taixation i (I'<'at lliituuiuii.- '<It--tin m thlu foi'uîofl'Intconu itutii ihueihuiwmu'îtauîxes tus v'îmîîuîtcare wi'tîî 11.7 peu'e-îuinii Canuadat andîu 12 jp-'eîî t n I'Ue-thStuuis. The areîî tauxe-s onmproi'ts aund iîîîoîîîîs. Alu.I tthleu' fuiruis tof taîxani'utîS11it1as Pr'o- hi(m'y luaxes. Bu.siuuess 'Tauxe-s. ('stoimus I)utit-s*Sales Tuaxes, tte.. uîîe ini îffect fixu-t c-Iuîîgu-s uni te cusi cf doiîuu businuess andîc mut bc iepaic ivîitber the CIiît'uiss ttiakesç a pntîfor uit'uo. Titefe-d cîuîu'gs in Cutî- aclu aîuuauîit l 88.3 percenut cf alh taxalloît any easier to bear because the among the his at the base off out and the net resuit of Our jwar is undeclared. 1 the mightv snow.capped mnoun- tour was a strong desire to take H A T X TIN GO We have the picture of a house 'tains. A lîttie after one o'ciock, a long trip on her. Myetel fIAI "ALIdivided against itself in Spain, IPacific Time, we stopped at Jas- hoid the C.W.N.A. Convention in HOW FAR CAN TAX TIO GO while brother slays brother and per. We were taken on a flying Japan one of these years. The each go about destroying his own tour of the park. but wjll pro- murais and the entire decorative <Globe and Mail)_____________ land and layîng waste the land 0, bably see more of this vhen lve'scherne vas carried out in Orient- bis brh. 'ibis civil war bas beeii stop here for a few days on the, ai maniner. The law punishegoing on sontlongtthatotthe sorld return trip. f Our next trip ias to Chinatown Thelawpunshe byjal sntece 0 potet ociety and has forgotten wvhat they are fight- Coming around a biendithwerwe aketrog sres by fines to hurt the guilty party. On principle, the greater the ing for, but its quite evident that winding bighway v.e suddeniywhere one heard nothing but the offense the greater the fine. representatives of other nations came upon a formation in the gutteral jabbering of hundreds Many taxes seem 10 work tbe same way. Wbile there is 'ar-e visiting in the sidielnes watcb- mountain side. in tbe sbape of a of Chinese. At night we went to a common obligation to chip in to preserve law and order and ing for the opportune moment to buge cat. This %'as naturaliy a theatre 10 see "The Amazing provide essential services, the amount of taxation now being come when tbey can pounce down formed by dark trees standn u Dr. Clitterbouse" which was levied under authority for compulsory payments bas reached land secure some of the spoils for against the iighter background of starring Edward G oisn the punishment stage. It almost implies the warning: "Do it at, themseives. the mountains. IWben Ibis picture comes to Mr. your peril." We bave the Ital;ans s ig, Lfras xve seon b ri osslclcnm v ol * * .:* reeg to rd anovrecaeun advise you to see it, tbat is if If yu tae prde i yor bone ad deide o dwaiiing for tbe cday of sulking LoardVer cosed by taraiupn Rs'oa inm - o If ou akeprie i yor hme nd ecie t spnd ome because Germany pulled a fast a iovely lake at which a deer xvas x'ou like a reai spooky evening. mnoney improving it you first get a lot of red tape untangled, in one over them by suddenly tak- monchalantly drinking. and not After the show we went for an- a city, for a "permit," (machiner, charged to taxation), and ever ing Austria. and Germany itself the least bit botheî'ed by~ the other w'aik and were amazed bafter must pay more taxes for demonstrating your pride. witb greedy eyes on Czechoslovak- passing train. ýthe tremendous Neon signs whichi If you are an ambitious youth and work bard to earn ia nmassing ber troops on the Wednesday we got our firsi turned every business street mbt mor tanSl00 ayertw çoverniment corne along and take Czecb border. and telling the rest view of British Columbia as v.,,e a veritable fairv'land of colour. percentages of il; if married and dare earn more than $2,000 the of the world its oniy practising drove aiong the Fraser Rivet' One an ;articus i struck e same Governments demand suices. army manoeuvers, while the Ger- vaiiey. The countryside seemed was adniî inadra If you become prosperous enough to operate a theatre or man people are. getting rationezl very prosperous and wvas mnuch "PanlesP re entis i wa public hall some one in authority demands pay for granting the food, so much meat, 50 muethîe saine in appearance as Onî- a tricalor sig he tre ih privilege Sbould you plan to exhibit a filiî ou must pay $3 to bread, etc., and neyer enough. tario. One startling thiing we Well tile convention starts to- $6 per 1,000 feet to learn whether or not you may do so. Over the whole thing Englanl notic"ed w-as the tremnendaus size moiTov: and el see what new-s In case you develop real enterprise and need to incor- is plaving a game of chess wvith ail of the pinie trees. wh ,h ouldwe can pick tip from il and send porate your business, utilize more property and hire more help, these disturbing features as men. make Ontario pinies look like along home. youmus Wrte ut fo te tx clletorfora s a dangerous ana risky game seediings. Along the r'iver veý (Note-Ibis letter was mailed age ofsthe citoa chequefoth acletrfra percent- and if the English leaders xin oui could see boats on their way to1 in Vancouver t'a noon on Friday, al of e capstalI you have saved or borrowed before being they wiii go down in history as iay out their nets for salmion. 1 August 12th and arrived in Bow-- avleal offices yIu you make your business grow so you can open great men and if tbey lose - Aot9cokunte n- manville Monday morning. Tbis oever al percentage pay a levy of S$50 for each office and turn Abeut,9that's another story._ your nt reveue yealy. -- Thats onpaoffthe panor- ing ý),e puiled into the C.N.R. ýfast trip was made possible by If you ecenae ofto etreene ear y o aeras thatol ato h ao-station ai Vancouver and were;aix'mail). and la o arefoolish enougb tospend mpyo mtras ama ta passes mental view imdaeywhse wyb _______________ andta o ostut 5 miles or less of railway you wiil find whiîe a felloxv sits by' the side of tite C.RHtel , Vd ancou-y a tx pnaly fr eerymile you lay and a furiher tax for addi- bis bouse amid the peace off ave.Ti sqt aolhtl lional lracks. If you build more than 150 miles the penalty is farming community.e.Iisi ut a i oe heavier. Putting up a teiegraph line along the 'track brings but very much up-to-date in its further punishment. If an express business is 10 be operated aimosphere and ffurnishings. After there is a tax of $800 for every 100 miles or îess. There is an- cieaning up w-e bad dinnet an~d other tax on the money invested in each sleeping-car, parlor or DESCRIBES TRIP then started oui for a waik a- dining-car. Any one sending a message over the telegraph wire round the citv. must pay a lax. The railway ticket, sleeping-car and parîor- TO VANCOUVER We firsî w'enîta the C.P.R. car tickets are taxed. docks w'here wve saw the charresi * * continued fromn Page 1) I lemains of the anc time S2.000.000 It doesn't malter how far up or how fàr dow-n in business stop at a lai ger depot e7here ice dock nd t twaeus e.All a the taxes are there. In Toronto it costs $100 a year b bbc an w'ouîd be taken on for air con- butrne toibenwti s cedgeil auclioneer. SI to be a peddler carrying a basket, $6 10 own ad 'ioig a nd trcoigpr that readistnaw is.cbarev drive a tw'o-horse cab, $5 to do a rope-walking stunt or sieigbt- poses. The air condition on tlhese sup n wse idr.Te of-hand performance, There are more than 10.0 different items modern C.N.R. trains is certainiy are juistartng taonean i of tàxes on business. a great impravement, and the C. At the next dock was the pal- Aftr te txesarepai onyou peamblatr, eeting N.R. is 10 be congratuiated on Ibis allai "C.P.R. Empress off Japan- rigroer tk ates e anfirs on as o n yopeamu oice ine, modern venture. An exampie of which had docked the previaus hig omernitesand car onge citsin your fic er, thoe ils value is seen by the fact that day. We tried ta gel on board Heip improve your personality foodmtey uniea and tearesn the yo gink'e tbemi thear eg w-en )w-e were crossîng the prair- but w-ere informed by a police- with Wrigley's Gum. Keep your fod10 p a n the e o rst wil and testmentan the eogs- les the temperature oulside was man that we required'a pass. Re- teeth white, breath sweet, by olie 0 aryoyu 10 the grave. you cari be sure that befor hobu 0dges -iei b a nn g 0 hetiktffceweuing hanlfuido.iTes Gu ulndertakearri ada a olctrw b rudo eadrete the thermometer registered olysecured the necessary pass ansi diya ilosd.Tec ofunraer sa. xcllco ilbeaordt dm at 75 degrees. tetanimttxowere show-n around by a Japanese dren aiso love the deiicious re- o orett.Aboard thyri e w outh wbo refused ta taik about jf reshing flavor of Mrigley's Double other young fellows, sons of On- Japan even \'hen w'e tried ta Mint. Take sorte home today. csui tario editors. John Eedy Of St. bribe hlm. A A A AA Mary-s, and Ted Duncan of Wiar- The boat is magn'ficent througb- YOU WE $ 35.0 TO OREINER of us worked out somne high fin- ancing whereby we took only one ________________________________ G ___________________trip a day 10 the dining car. We By Scribe G---- managed this by having 1w-o big E meals a day, breakfast in the you possess in this world is a very influence levery w'ay you can ta the stop permitted us time for smaii cottage worth $100000 . . . reduce the cost of Governimcnt . this, and dinner ati night inii he * Stenographie XPR There is a mortgage on it for 10 gel down 10 sensible funda- dining car. The rest off the day EPR S370.00 ... The party who loaned mentaIs. we feasted on sandwiches and ... Secretarial TANN you the mortgage money owns bise With debts . dictators - rail- milk at the lunch counler and Accountanc" RINN own home outright and 3ô7: ~Of ways . . taxes . social credit - thus w'crc able to conserve our MEANS yours. This, precisely. is the rela-1 unempioyed who won't w'ork - slim resources for other parts of . Complete Office Training BETTER tive position off Canada and tlie 'we are going t0 the devil. the trip.. Dictaphone United States as Nations of the ________________ Duning the course off the trip PAY world. we inspected the kitchen and din- ... Comptometer _______ The United States off Amenica i ,ing car. In a room considerably a rdtrnto aaalsaismalier ta ahue ichn lass debtor nation. Over 37'; of Cari- Ru TheOlfu Box Stnua three chefs cook enougb food to Commencing H RSnYY EP anBR 1 adas worktng capital is owrtcd I3 feed five hundred people a day. abroad. Our national debita ofor - - BN-- R Hiramn Ail the pastny, meats, vegetabies, eigncms -rks out to $635.00 for Back on the Seventh Concession etc., are cooked rigbt on board the OS AW US N SS CL*G thisy cmani. The ik and inhbit Iisnw- rai. Forcsha ba a7c pondHAAfUS NESMOL EG eviscy man. Themfon ahadichildthir ran. This articar chef, Mru Recently we spent an'-evening are a busy people, busy at things cakedaireica offtr hsnLie 5 SIMCOE ST., S. PHONE 1919J with a business mari from Eng- that count for good as w-dl as Bun idg un Moneai. Ibsek I asT tedTi et land. His fîrm bas repî'esentatitvs things thal count foi' naught.mn didheertb uing tfinisrea- tF8'ToAen TeBst in almast everv counlrv Non carlh. When aflo it dteing tohegsonptt the finish e i-____________________________________ Weasee hmhoariiskui-afelw it miiheig ochsonteu-boal cBritish__________________________________1_ ncssmen iikcd Canada as a place quieîness and peace off a fai-ming ing. for' investment ..We were dis- conimuniîy and takes a mental niesadywes at o ff W gin ___________________________________ appainied w-hen lie saîd, "Not very view off the w-orld belilves in n btepegadrgotcoutrThge pair w-cil. W'e asked hum if hbe wauld secs .some surprusing tbings, some ofies rair o ie un to m Texpai- prefer Ausiralia or New Zcalarid Imagnificent. some useful, some taies.id na v e p nta rioexpec- .EDi UC.VIED VAI Z' and be ans\\ered "Yes." tnagic anid others just plumb fool-,some repecîs, but the fields w'ere Bitishers do nol like the tî'eat- isb. There is the ratle off the much ianger and the trees w'ere TRAVEL ment the aid Grand Trunk Rail- sabre and the roar of the gun:- mostiy off the scrcub bushy type. Il way gave tbem. Our prescrit!on the Korian border wbere the guess we weî'e a litIle' 100 fan I Raiiway Pmablem (costinig Canada1 Russians and Japanese are killinE north ta see the real prairie. T rnoa dLn S y E hbto approxumatly ffiy million dol- each othen. Their diplomats sa ' Tbursdav xtas our big day Firsi o o t n in sy E hbto lars off annuai debtu. , is a National at tables a safe distance from ail tbing we stopped at Edmointon j blemish . . . Triplicate Gavern- danger arguing and quibpling, the capital off Mm. Aberhart's da- S E I L ment. Federal. Provincial. M\,uni- tellîng eacb other they dont w-ant main. The Premier bias bolb bis P E I L cipal, wtb the enommous lax lhey 10 figbt. and at the same tim2. 'adinirens and bis enemies, but the B impose is pock-mamking us. lv hirame aewunii no'i majorily off people ,-e taiked ta, are not as attractive as politicians.*tdlling eacb other. It dqes ra including a waller, a taxi-drive.B make us oui la be. seem to malter bow mucb damge a storekeeper seemed 10 bink beý GA R 'O N COA CH JJ J1TL" We bear a lot about Canada«s i donc w'hile this jockeying for was O.K. and expected hlm to be'~r i L i L gold . . . a great National mc- position is going on. Tlien we eturned aI the next election.' source. Do yau know- thal most have the wa r i China wvhich thesc2j Late in the morning w-e got our, Co mfortable Up-to-date Busses Going off our gold is exporied . . . and dipiomals dlaim isnt a %var be- , first glimpse off the Rockies. They wxitb the pracceds w-e pay fat' im-i cause xvam bas never been deciar- 'appeared as great peaks' glisten- Daily ports and meet paymcnts on aur cd. Thousands off men,. wome!l[ing ini the sunlight. anid Ihein eter- RIDE ON THE BUS AND AVOID WORRYING ABOUT fareign . debîs? and childmeri bave been killed j nally srow covered tops %vere me- DRIVING IN HEAVY TRAFFIC OR CROWDING Ex-ery ltime a mari an relief wounded and left bomeless. cilles fresbing afler the heat off the pasi OtTETCR gocs ta the tow-r hall anid gets and towri destroyed anid millions FOReekTRAsEeTeaCARSb monay or gi-oceries or cluthes ... off dollars losI for ex-en simply ta Ifoohlis we could reallv catch be puis us furlbeî iii debî. salisfy a cavelcolus desime on tht the magnificence off Ibis lremcnid- XViII YOU bell) us gel aut off part of the Japariese ta coritrul ous ange. Mvy mind xas lefi TORONTO EXHIBITION debt? -... Tcach yaur chilciren ta ithe Orient. The wounds are jusl i with the impression Ibat I shall! BUSSES DAILY FROMI bc thmifty . . . Ask yaur mninisici- as paunful. and the lasses jusi d. 'never sec ariything marc bcauiifui uut29t ete br1 ta give parishioners hoemlua ard 10 bear ini Ibis figbt. as an:. ' than a smiail blue lake, ncsiling u st2 toSpei r1( guidance as %veil as gixing thcm i other. Il does not. make themi , a i. t( ' ti.,ot bause'15iî'î-ist li tiîiex- lu-lt. A shttili tuf il u~iîuti-hlulî-ulinthtt' ts ori et-îxl:îu.tîîlî. sut imil brltitit iltu ttis u-uîîtlx - hv Iiha- alltuiller tixu-ltItidt Iii lus ii-stt lluttstes t1uht ltiiuiiulotutlli- iss uuuul iIi tu'iui heic-iîieilxe luti)ti- Vvu-st tiitttti' xiîlu t lelit- hîuîîî-of îiM'tfill fîtil t lit lili1slis ouuîi-tiîis. \Alhcm îuuui-si' aîito tf-tu:ill'o q iiil iî h ()i uut huusî i,, hlitt il ilileis'sttieî'îîsî ti ilîîeîl fureigmu î'*(uîîî- pett iltin i diîttust'ut' undtl xîuîu'i iiuîuke:s. su Iutig uas un' î- rsu-uî taxaît'uionss'uî s bttstul (111l ta ux itisitise- il 15isseti li foii thv î' hii-v'a1liotf uuîîî'inuîstrie-s tt îîuîîîtaîîîîa ( 'îst uimîs T'i'îlft' agaiîtst imiiportt- i-i liiil ti ut'iu-i(It-îiîî-lighu t tffset lhîî htei-axx- ixed-il uhuîîgus lipoistudc-l ipo(ui t 'tîti- (liituinîhis -x ix': luiv txuat'uin. l>'u>i'\lixtýs tilvt' lhiu- urgt siuighu sutuim- tuof fax ru-xiîuîi' uliuuiîîutiigtr t abolit 40)l itil pre tuf lI ttaxalti. Ibex'uare first t-llg-il uguilsl the- out'hiptf aIl îprou- litilv>andl mui.sl tu- puulu uxu-l if stllihimig illh-andîî t-îîliiiii ho proftis ut ail. lT-y uniar inî eft-t--tufirsî titiuîtlipiltuhu e îprou- wi-mtyx'li ut xauiabuîle ruile tuf imtiresI îîvî'r whvl 'ithet' i> t v o-r>'uwnluiashuisit> eouulî'ul. hIto% t pruoî'mt vtxes uandîleoieiicicc in ir-î sitiitx i - e iiiîtut thte tiietirl'u ituu-î tf bîilliîug opeu'utiouis. TIheu si-t'imithlui îest salii('t'utf tax r'evenueii are'c the Sa les Taxcs wilieui aujituI for 17 pereeut tif ulI taxtion. Nî-aîIY ail thie pro- Iieex uîy tax îîpauîtfliCa(.upital cf ('oui- il it- li i l u i 's,. Ille I l leii-. ilux tsI ilit tutu i l it e' of, ut lis plilittts iîîu-t'îtso-i lux bItitb-ixîlî-î vhioîl hll lill iliw.i tut ilit. tý tu1 iîi xtIle u l us 11i: w'p t y or t v I ii 'le e - xi -,s frlt-tu i ri l-tl wit- uttu\ lope h t o tut liit i a pi t ot. ittis- ott -Iskluis sutxtugs. Il-oxxiuihlld fti ii-'tu t iaxt'uI. îxuuîait i ltilut f' tlu'. uiîlht-1 t') r fit l (uiu'1lat1hx ru-aI- tu'-dil titi ls imuxtstilit. î'uît hîto' Itlail bu' lux- t (Il i- lt-t' lheit'lutkes t profit iii' luit. kîuttx- lllutiwh~si'hiltuxiXivrvase ti5Chie ('ust iif di- uit huîsiîîuss uuîîitluhuv iîu"t-îs- is iisk tutf As. t Ii'ust u111 luiimuit-tax. ee t-Ilui vt-l'\-IligIlirat'uîîu- î lîu- mctt-uiu'î'u viuuu l iuî)n hIl s u'uuîîîîuîî lui î txti-m ii uot* fuîlly re-lize-t. 1Ifua su hstuîiia 1 ]yIua 1gtr o't uionii tf iiir !týl ttIla xuîîioumu wctt- t'uîc-î'iul us Ille'tui' eTuix atituif tHie Inooic'imuT- Iix batse wxvec huuîiî- edt-il ii 't'ut'tht- olt.t iîuiois asii nuitra BoHusuum tumtl U tîlhouse- xxhuuîîiw' uîikîiwing- lIiy tti-seta uxes îuu'uclthue saineuuauuuiluului t îhiî itix-ei-î'imuuus tas Imîcinie "Taxther't tlire'i woiîiliehi-luugmt-idtr deman ufcr auvo-ti trlm'iotf ( ix'urni-îît speilug tindA Iss îde- tîuîîuilfuri' ( iuit'uuu ecoîtrtuî tf buiness. Buttuf gî'eater m poruitancuiîe, mîor'e eioul- ui w-iet-mît xxt lie gîx'eutto lte accîuîî lu to ofi ui'pr'ofits xithiaît. whiei lthe-prux'uui ; nelcshuîip ai t ileruilt ui tf businecss ecui- lut ecxist aîudth iis w'e buit-eixe is lte firust essei-tu tla <Ihue iesbqri'n o f hpr'ofitabilet t- mmujuhuiumcut for' tiIl1Ouîr liCOplt. E. W. C'raxvfc'd. A.M. .eadu ti, are 7.00 KAWARTHA MAPLES 1. 35 $2.40 7.10 JANETVILLE 1.25 2.30 7.20 YELVERTON 1.15 2.15 7.30 NESTLETON 1.05 2.00 7.40 BLACKSTOCK 12.55 1.90 7.50 BI'RKETON 12.45 1.75 7.55 ENNISKILLEN 12.35 1.70 8.00 HANIPTON 12.25 1.60 8.20 BOW1MANVILLE 12.15 1.40 10.00 TORONTO EXHIBITION Lv. 10.45 p.m. - FARES INCLUDE EXHIBITION ADMISSION - Bus Takes Passengers Right On To Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for the Convenience of Passengers. LINDSAY EXHIBITION THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY September 15-16-17 (STANDARD TIME) Going Returning Return Read Down Read Up Fare A.M. 9.00 BOWMANVILLE ------------- 1.00 a.m. $1.50 9.10 HAMPTON - -------- ------ 12.50 a.m. 1.45 9.20 ENNISKILLEN--.-. ------ 12.40 a.m. 1.40 9.30 BURKETON ---- ---------- 12.30 a.m. . 1.25 9.45 BLACKSTOCK------------ -- 12.15 a.m. 1.00 10.00 NESTLETON.................... ------ 12 mid'ght .80 10.10 YELVERTON---------------- 11.50 p.m. .60 10.25 JANET VILLE--.------*- ---- 11.35 p.m. .40 11.00 LINDSAY ---------------------- 11.00 p . FOR INFORMATION PHONE: LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVILLE 2666 - OSHAWA 2283 Patrons Uslng Our Busses May Leave Their Cars ln Parking Space at Kawartha Maples or at Our Garage in Bowvmanviiie Free of Charge. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 PAGE TWO T Il v f a 1 ) 1 v -; 11 o ws

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