PAGE EIGHT THIE CANADI.\N ST \TESNMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY..\U GUST 18. 1938 ~DOCTRsMARY ROBERTS DOCTRhyRIN MEH ART (Chapter XXVI Contlnued) tsi clie tlitiid dolilllar>-." is. the bOspitil. Anid tht n Captain Arden ocf the Mbca .uct vi si.tas etralz." liff Iiilbt. withvrntg Copswa oceasaiki reorîntugS. ,rv.btv si tlastlb~ l diis er iu n t10 hirnself aiter a nichts slee). iHe throuzlb ebannels.' dofvn bisiiLr1iii. or(eLers iucpo opened bis eyes, cazed for a second Canit. lbell !l'in orileruni, it, ami b,111-uni fo mlieat je onle ui ortw a hs trng srriidizs vlc l edILit ifrontill av! 11pipe inl the back coffice. ciilv bis and then closed theni azain. There ý\Viereupon ii ie liai! bîîîî il ulp iiiiî liteil anîd bis zhosts bei impvingeil ou is latent sençes the clincklinz . ai atr tbatt îlitig lbe- «TLue to, croîvd arcund hinm. sharp oder of burning coffe. and EtoLe iii.'takes i iîudizmlent. errorsini finallv a weight on bis chest. cer- Cliris scas bus%-. as %Nvcre ail the anid that. A\nd tbien back inevit, tainîx flot therc when lie isent te rest. .\îe r breakfast. lie rep)orteil 1to. ilat last bitter talk sith Bevi sîet). roused bini sufficiently to open nud nmade bis rounds. Xciv ilat lie The tallk coing oii andl on and an eve and stare at it. %vas at %o rk lis irritation liai! it in-iwwh ' ere. It %vas a pil!ow. antI be reacbied He %vas~ coiteiitud with tbe ct<îteit- 1 e aet gnels. Beverl.. eut a long armi and carefullv sliied nient (4' a tuiaiw liholbas lefi bebinilkie lerrv. You weren't marrn it oser the partition ino the cubicle himîi i or au iiletîîie tilu ilaI ul ca lîne.-'Ibat %vas there to do? next iloor. Tliere %vas a velI ful- biirdieusand(lthe sniallI iliiioN ale MNake bjim marrv lber. Wihv lowed b) a crashi cf liii ciips. and Ted i a iwi-sonial lii e. Here lie bail ieo umn vle i I Lawrences voice raiýeil to l<ca\ cii .s eL i,î aron ewa the inec uintvltm I Flor tlîe love of M ike! Voit i ist sTîlaîl cg iii a miet iachinîe ""c- t wa, lier secret, not initie m issed tle coffee p)ot.*',t i ýiiiiiz i ic i.Ç l l ut iii erso all,. (Ilar.. - F 1 eac vit o rtie vur u-S' ýut <lie oerseas îlîerc wa, a Wbat did ibat matter ? I d veiorIi eli vn tî riîse soHm <1 ar.' nid s<niet j nie tliev w' ild bceliesad lrs* slerj, oiierslii "ir.I f -oit cared iioiigbI to ma lans zttii,., ead. Av ilim. Beverlv-" Cli ris sat iii) in lis arinius e. t and I ketailo z' stil vi î îg tIi i t ou t lu s Ies î lcir.s <ta iTlier. wvere lctre îa iglit. I(and lt iii tlîeîr ps amas. Ne I.,' keilrestud "e * tclia ifie ae But s-oit ent alîcaîl svtlîit. and îtbe Iies of bis face hlai!relaxetl. tbiea leusa.iii coffier gioaeXesit e sait! drcarilv, 'I 'w bisic in î socîlîcl t baileranseiFrenich. Thev sat ouitlîcir liard ahead witlî it." biullvanc ai. n oaUîeiaî hi like sclioolbovs. griiîning at 'He liai! tever seen lber silice. Siilis il ar. iîiiîvih lu lbackbard Theevas twentv-seveii now. at tbe bei O.l'iliithe very îîoîlel of a mod- itoîîe is ba tla ivrfale e 0cf lier beautv. popular. an accc urn t.bste-tri-ci-aii. zet a lauzb and a cheer: "Please fflîsbed bostess. Sbe and lerry <w So te tlîis he-majis arniv I ain zive me vour name andt address." a bandsoime pair. Onîce he sa\' senît as a p)h%-si-ci-aiî." aîîd traîîslated on tbe blackboard in-îicture of tbema taken tecetlier Chris zriiined aîîd surveved bis te 'Doei- ec nzva vot,- item ev Palin Beach. aîîd both were smil surrouiidinzs: the cet îith its brown a-adress., sil voo play." into the camera. If it <vas acting blaîkets. the bare uîîcarpeted room Chris had net wanted té be sit- was geod acting. And soon ai îith its one îvjndow. its one table. tinz bere. but be had tried to get into war <as declared he saw that Je its onie chair. Under the table lav the line and failed. had zouic into aviation. It <vas1 bis bed roI!, neyer vet unstrapped "Wc* nced men like you. Doctor. lîim te clîeese aviation. but containinz is bcd. bis mess kit, on the medical side. We've get CH-APTER XXXVII and ail the requsites for active ser- eiiough cannon fodder-' that was Xow in an heur or se Chris h' vice. Se this. as Ted said. was the phrase then- "but we'II need self <vas going te the war. He home. sw5et. swee-et home. surgeons. Not se dramatic. perbaps. mut care zreatly whetber be retu It was a îtiece of luck, their beinc but-" cd or mot. He went up and kit billcted tozether. There <vas betweeîî He bad net told Katie until after Katie zood-bve, smiling at ber as themn the stronz inarticulate f riend- it was dqpc. Then he bad gente back sat on the bcd in ber cluttered re( sbip) of two men. cach of wbom un- to ber and she had been sullen and ..Be a zood girl," he said. " der stress miîeht have died for the suspîcieus. % dont worrv about me. l'Il bc other. but would certainlv have died "I suppose you neyer thougbt of right." rather than confess it. me." she said. "'«bat amI te do He bad a new distinctionî in "Times up." said Ted. "Now te wbile vou're zone mavbc fer %vcars-,',uiîiformi. and suddetîlv Katie hi swim he Jodan."'m p roviding for yeu. Katie. into tears and beld eut lier arms. swm heloda."Tha's the ibest 1 capl do." 'Youire mine. Chris." she sý Clad in army slickers. tbev step- "Youi've built un a big practice. M.Nine!I Neyer forgzet that." Ped oîîtside ite the ram and mud. andl 11w vou're leaving it for seme- "I iever have forgotten.' liet bcadinz for the mess shack. Long. bodv te pfick up). Whv? Donit tel! ber zravclv. bare iveoden tables and benches. nie voit are going te save the coli- Before be left be made lus us mess orderlies in white coats hurrv- trr! There are pflenty te de that. reunîds cf the bouse. anîd at mez about. the smell of baconi and You're lot even going te f ight !" kitchen iloor he stoppcd andil be cf wct boots. the noise of dishes -1'i îdj ic. cet iîîîo theý raîîks. out ilîto the vard. svherc Katie1 beitiigtbumped dowuî, the babble of Thev- doî't isamt me.", plaiitcu! grass anît!shrulîberv. Heur îalk. the slammiiig of doors as mlen -Sure voit triet!." she sait! hes- oli! shedl stil! stocîl tlere, a ni caine in or went eut. anîd the scuff- tericalli-. Youd be silliiig te die imetiorial to tbe fuîilitv of Iliiiîî linz of boots oui the bare floor - 'te cet awav. For that's it. isî't it ? hopes. that <as tlie mess hall. Arcund it Yoitnaniîte c et asvav frcîn rme !'**** lac the hcspital. long ivards wîtl Site <vas Quiet eiioucbi wheii lie A \fier tlhe first break Katie N coniiectinz covered p)assageîvavs. left. howvever. .*fter al] i . bappv eîîoui. Site bouîcht a siii scattered hither anîd von. aîîd some camp <vas îct coic te Franîce :and p ini with a star on it anu it a ci of the <ards still net ready. Tliere heliai! left ber the Lewis mous.\, witb a siniilar star iii tlhe \iiîow was a storv that the Old Mani. hav- tel, îbeusanî!dullars iii lier tianie ai the fronît office. She fouid It une leoked thines ever. had baiige! the batik. It was a reckless tlîinz Chris's enlistment cave lier a eý into bis beadauarters and calîci! to ilo. Katie being Katie. buit he taini prestige, toc; that aîid the R Wmasiuugton on the tclepbeîîe. kiiew iii bis soti! that she liai! beeîî Cross. She <vas meîetinîg wonueii5 've cet a division here." he said. p)artialîs richi and that tlîe moîev liai! neyer lîoped te keows. aîd gce "and a hospital witb ncthiîîg in it. <as the onrce he was paviîîe for 'teQlouses site had neyer expccted I've tried every way I kcow te gzet escapie. sec. Tlîe war had leveled ail class the stuff. Now Iun ordering it mv- Ont liat last dav be marIe bis calîs lI)ick had beeîî a probleni at fir self. Thev tel! me it <iii cest about witb mixce! emotiens. Patients. fri-i He feund ber bankbook oîîe i gl-_ ',ft îyitlî tlat iletosit of Cliris's in t, andîla iter tbat lie <sas cottiti a!h mocvfon ie. u oeDoes YOUR Systemi ibis flic îraft cauticl iiun. a"îd s! e a eE c s A id. breatlid casr thaMakeoExcess Acid? Lueckile perliaps -tir 1lier. Barrett s-as hîus. So nîauuc ioctors hd Ai Indigestion, Colds, Inl.rciiaiuid had altlîat thevcoU iiio. Headaches, Biliaus Attacks, halH case mtut iscitepstonaoi cktthat tinte, andr!Jcikiuis trew a leong Constipation brit ea uth before Chiristmas Katie tiurii- OFTEN STARI THIS WAY iesk cd up iin a toîvul adiaceuit te Chris's Some people are what are known as iu-camp. The first îvaruîiîî ble bai! acid-makers. They can't help it-and Mis- <vas a telefflouie message fromn the eften they don't know il The resuits this local liotel. of an excess of acid tnay seem just like abie 'But sîhere are voit " ordinary stomach trouble - but they <re.- "I'm lere i tcwuî. ve cet a rooni. can't be put right by erdinary stonuach be uit tîe uplace is Iamnied. Cant î remedies! Excess acid May be the ~oucome eut to camp bere reasen why you wake up flat, sour, Y V Y0t osuldtstay e. There is bleary-eyed, bilicous - and the reason iiiig a Ihesîcss lîouuse. brut its overfloîv- ihv fierce purgatives only leave you in iuîc. Cbristuuîas. voitkuuov.' the grip of a weakening habit and thec uîî He liai! ssorkcî! baril that day. hbut smre old syrnptorns. t?' she umade iuin drive imte tosvuî that But there's one thing that acid can't 11,îv uizlt. and lue foutid lier ainîost il face. That's the neutralizicg power ef tears ini the sunal! liotel bedrocîn. Vange Salis, the aikalice remedy WithE 1011't Von go deloîuauîd talk te ha the natural minerai spa action. A tea- mnaui at tlie îlsk. Clîris.' slîe said spoonful bu warrn water surges througb arrv îchîeîî slie ais'Iiîîî. 'T!uey'<' t vour svstem just like the medicinal better ros thati this. auîd I kuîiioîv pring wuater far away in Englauud that it-*i here Vange Saîts corne f rom. Excessf tîua it. id talzet auid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. soie seîcd sin tracthe lîiîu.ndlikc1 Vour bloed la purified of poisons. Vour soi oue foui aîoîîcrlif. aielslcosre stemacb walls are scoothed. And veiit <vas <variîîc ait euioruiiolis corsage that mass ef bard,pienu wae cfviltstidîvtî ioe rbbu. tmalter îyicg in ycour intestines isa Slîc tried te smule at lier, buitliii lips softened gently, maturally, and passed iglît feli stiff. out ef your body. Then do you feel I om- Lok-epct ie ru' OU.' good I It's marveibous! But the Mostr ,ere . These:" She toucliedth le f loîvers. marî'ellous thing is that Vanuge Saits ýv a Bob Barreit gave them te une. He are coniy 60 cents a tif!1 At your drug-s S t saw me cff.", gise now-but if yeu're wise, on youra iuc "Sti!jlîauîiuîig arouinu. is lie.? bathroomn sheif tonight I t 'If youre goiuig te bc jealecus, ,fier Chris-" -____________________ rrv "Jealeus I' But bie <sas iiîstauîtîs-t like ashamed of that. He leaned dowuî exceedinglv cheerful. but lie barey oser bier. 'XXgLi, Morry Christmîas troubIcd te listeti. He tiever reallVa anchow. mx' dear.' bie said, and likeil Jerry. Now she thotîcbt tuai i-kssed bier. Jerry iniglît be killed. and it Stijl il- He <ent down te the hotel office svouud tt matter te him.C teak o rbcnrrom la e "«'hv inî the niame ef heaven did ur-escape for a minute or twio, te draw i aeîvcooeth iý ,sed bis brcath and reoricîli himself. But a aet~ceoetî i? she lie ceuld net chance the roem. cor "He lilçes il, Father. He seurnsF m.did lie stav there that niche or auîylapv and nigzht. He wect itu during the day, 'WmelI. every feel te bis tastc." aIl tisually late in the afîcruîouu.i but Slue did net eeti kcosv that f bsafter the first twciitv-four heurs it Chris's division had mov-dututil onleE iî was usuailv te find die reom crosvd- day Miss Aixirews. Cbris's eccectric urtci and Katie serving sanîdwiches p)atiett came te cal! on bier; a de- a. <nid cocktails te ail ocemers. mestly terminer!'Miss Andresws facing the I tît. titor cffîcers. ereat adventunrie of the streets toh On Cbristuîuas Fve he teck Katie de it. stoppoiîîg uuîcertaiuîly before teili te the cauuîonmieuî, wieîre Ted Law- s-euturiîîg into tie maelstromiiof theE uaieuice had cot reade a suier auud raffie.t thel cooled a bottle of champactie. Katie Bvrvfuidbriiiedasiî khed stood in t heîc door of C ris's r o roni i stamî f tdi er S a i uhe dosv a uîd iiati ani surveved it. îr k i s ut. i z a w n o n rea (I m \at' ~ a sick e iing p lace !" sh e I _o it s u p pstot.i o i t î v c iuite Slic cheercîl over Teil atuil is 011el u. Chîris A-rdeun and a!! cf naui %ville. licivever. andî after the parts'. ehîeuîî ? My 'Mary lias a couisiti <euh as thev îirose back. she pîut lier lîcar! tlieui, aiii-' vas Ji Chriss siiuilrier sat!rau bier Nîeîev soîkîîîinte 1hall 1after i.5U Vo <il! stae toiiiglit. Clîris. Sue <sas shakiuîc uîo<s. andî lier kuices ýai ws-' it<u? lt's Chirismîas Es-c." - feli weak itider lier; but sle <cciii ha "I caîîet. my ilear. 1i mas-las-e to iiut\-etî nuoughupb utile stairs andi batprtei i htro to" it lier roouîî. lockiuîg the docor be- [Zd Tiet. the champagne laving its Iiud lier. Aloie there she facdthile Sitle f feet. she bist sortne cf tic ceneer facis. Slie could not Ict hiîn go oin 0f hepast feus vears auid reverted wiiliiuut reccîgniziuug before it was to te Katie le carîv davs. Heteo ibtat sornie eîîriuriîîg WI Ses. ivas silin iiles-e ssitî Bcvcrlv dcci- fieldl hem togeilier. It liai! uothiuig rit, t or ulot. He bad uio priîie. Stijl tc do ssith tiîcir marriaces. noîhicc lac caring for a vounan <iht> bad ibrcsvc realiv te doîviîiî remantie Icve. If him oser, anti who was nîarried te thev coînld sit toirethier across a table --sîmebedy else auivhew. anud îalk. it talk toecîler. cet back Theî' parted ait the hotel. Katie for aitilosur or tsio te lîeîesîv. so gettiti osut îvîîhouut a wsord anîd de- hat each wsoîuîd lave sounctbung te cliîîiig bis outstretched hand. He reunember. il- <ias aIl that ilie ssoîîld sîood oui tlîe avemeuit satching lierj ask. tuntii she siase; ut cf sight. siîc Andtioiithe ce-eiuî cf the tlîird iooked ati.,re and le fiatît anîd sers j. they w<ere îicing jusi iliat itu a lotioch, .and lhe bail animpulse in sîîîaill bte!liir.svutowvuîNews-YVork. f.îllîîî lier. Aftcr aIl. it sias lus Chris liibis tîniforun and she lier- falttmoire tlian bers. -Evervthiic self acrtuss froun hlm. saviuîc to lier- cIse lie d maried bier. Niii' elf iliat lie <vas sailinz tlîat nigbt lie han îleserteeiber. auîd she kuiew ait(] that after al] ieli han(u îl iîl îî. Wiuliiihie like a îiisorce ? lue to sav tb hini N othiiîg to sas-t ssoîîîereî!. Shîe cotilîl narri azaiuî this straiise nmailt<sht, <sas so île- ini that case atil! lis-e lit-r life a-. it teruninils-iîtipsonal. andîl <eo %vas sliouuld l elil. But lie kiec lat criniîîg ilat lier clîeerfîullî- aeross slîe îîould n div-orce liun. \\hîeîlîcr itie talle. shie earcî ifor lîiîuîor ni>t .site ikeil 'Wc\ll. tiîs is ST.Iliii.l. ix'slias-e lîciîg lus wiife-.lie stil! rutircscimeni a real driîe-r, uceîs. ce Caiei seceurits to lber. sectiriîs anduil tace. mess fini! for imontiis." Katie cas-c a hig tarte ai tlîe 'hr are <<iiirealle sailiîî t. lite! ion Cliristmtas a fîcrmîo, i.andîh zichi mîîuîs o . t e Nciical Corps attenîîeîî. A feus brcugzliheirssii-es, -but it iîi Hîii iiiv ehilîl. Thie scaiter is of iheun camîe aloie. erilus ~a inst certaîîîiy a spy. andrimi(Ii tr abruiply disliesteil freuîu impouîrtaunt îian a hîundreîi thoummamîri peotple îî-ork back ho'meîcandîl iumi faciuli, tle kuicîs abosut it." driudeery andl risk cf siar îciîhî c Amui lie si-s litungry! Sle siateheil tlioutizei r hope cf zdors-. The- sers- hiun eSt. unars-eliiig a fter tlîe faslîioîu îlot sîlîliers. Evei iitlîeir mii foriis c f iv-imne') at the ;abilis-cof aI! maIes sîili the caditits cmithe collar, ihcc 10 eat oii tle cîlge of tragede. He iccre it-. soîliers. Thîe salieri aisk- Ste amui îalked. liglitle luittilt-as- wsardil. <sre fajuiitîe- self-couisciium antIs. He <vas carefumls- impcrsriîal. ini ilîir lireeches auîîltîmulies anud as thciuch lie bad stretcheil îout his boots. fPit thiev iere mn eiliicateil arm anîd heu! lier îoff. Tlîeuî. ivithi tii ervi&:l. aund this sbuisedin i thîcir the ceffee. lue lapsedi mte silenîce. A-t eces. tiuir strr., uî,iiet faces, lait hie mnuecîlaund ieked ai lier. Katie <eut homîue a dac or tsi-ni "AmI that. mnyiarig' lie sain! a kiss te Clîris amu igras-cii-. 'iilibe ihiat. l'ni couini a zrrîtti cf ç,iimcsters frontî the car hack. of course. butmitilmashie a lotig wii îîîî'. aund t heu se-ti uig di ssi t" ti me. t cami h trt uu, hivl- nuis fîîr uts hî,iiucas thie traiti ea r r ict ierht- r ibe lîrîest. Thiat's <ilis- ýoit came-. A . îl r-t- t <s -ai î . i . .i.-mi 1 î s -hku i amu iniitheendmiitri iîccîme o leie pru iettcr. realizeul tlîaî it <i-as sie sîbti if the gr-at machiîery ouf a cri-at bai! tlruust iii ilfe assai frîîmn 1e-- war; niakiîg scînetliîiuîg. sîliei i elî's. Bumt Katie <vas lus w fe osi. ts Inrlul -ci beconie uîthiuîg. Steel amni, strngîtliciid v lic at umcii- wo îll <s muilite<va r ! pmii ii m pi r iii t of bis, lic steadlie-i The Leivis cîmîcenîsis-ere eoniî imghis vijice lie fere lie stîmke. t unnmis. Sta uî i tisul Lesw-is di ii i.t -'Vs'c n îîî hîî kj uc ack ti nighit. k min.v iv 1< iiti ii eilit- ss-ss i Nvtliî. mi.r larlh ui,' - lie- tîhl lier.-m. Tiat <iat er r!d uilie- cntat Iivcame- -I t iani e h e îîmi.-js 'se r thie ulauî.anmiiiIct's f. mcc iti. n'Iie <it hiihi iî, nît îiy theliesc- ' \e lias'e a biit o.f t Iie tîîgethle-r, andî tnînî. 1tiats ;ali ak1 Onice or tusice i-e-e ris-ilreadl - A liÏi cf tunileit <sas, for tnt loiii ilk uic lii ltlie i ceasicia I lettc-ns froînu a fter thiat lie lii. k-i at lis isatchi rrs *siil! trainii ig i Emilatiuianîd anid ltsliîd hack lii cia ir. Thc-i Blackstock W. M. S. efthe United Churcb met at the home et Mes. Earl Dorreil, Wednesday. Mes. C. Hill had charge of the meeting and gave the cal! te worship. Mrs. Earl Dorreli had charge of the following program: Mrs. Norman Mountjoy took the Study Book Chapter; Mrs. C. Hi read a letter trom Mrs. Merrili Ferguson ef Africa; Mrs. S. Sinclair sang a solo "Annie Laurie"; Mrs. E. Dorrel! gave a reading "Flowers", Miss Norma Hooey favoured with a violin solo. Lunch was served and a social haîf-hour spent. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hooey and Mes. S. K. Sinclair, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey and other friends. Miss Ileen Mountjoy, Toronto General Hospital, has returned te Toronto after spending the week- end with her parents. Me. Cecil Hyde, Toronto, witb Me. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Me. and Mrs. C. Wilson and. family, Mr. and Mes. H. Samells, and Mrs. J. Hooe and Messrs, Burney and Ray Hooey held a picnic with some friends from Peterboro, Omemee and Toronto at Orono Park Sunday. Mr. Herb Taylor bias returned home tram Western Hosptal, To- rente, and is getting along fine. Miss Audrey Mountjoy with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Osh- awa. Mr. Forbes, '«eston, showed seme interesting pictures et China, Japan and Korea on Sunday in the United Church. Mrs. J. Archer, Misses Annie and Jesie Archer and John with Dr. and Mes. Archer, Oshawa. Misses Olive and Susie Van Camp are attending Oak Lake Summer chool. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peel, Me. and Mrs. Harry Peel and Billy, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Byers. Me. and Mrs. N. Taylor and family with Miss J. Stokes, et Brooklyn. Mr. Colin MacMillan, Wood- lie lcaned forîvard again and put a rîand cver bers. "«e may neyer (Ic tlis ;Wgaiii. Reecrs-. buit this was ouir heur. l'Il çarrv- it svith me the rest of my life." SAVE ON THESE RADIOS Specially Reduced During Dur Stock Adjustment Sale 7 TUBE PHILCO MANTEL 'fl 1936 MODEL SPARTON, short MODEL, Reg. $2900 - ..............-12 9 wave Mantel Radio. Reg. $49.002 9~.9 5J 5 TUBE G.E. MANTEL MODELJ i 1937 MODEL MAJESTIC, short ff f Reg. $34.00 ........................ . 9 ,5. J wave Console . ...J9.5 Don Chroistianl ELETI ville, has been engaged te teach Imagine our cemmunity with- Dev-tt*s scbool, we wish him eout a newspaper! What a calam- every success.1 ity it wou]d be! Our newspaper is Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Detroit,. like needle-and-tbread: it sews Mrs. MeBrien aîîd two children.i together hundreds ef persons te Toronto, with Mr. and Mes. N.1 give themn a common theught, te McNally. make themn aware of the same Miss Alice Heaslip, Toronto. things. When you ^meet friends with Miss G. Marlow. adaqanacs o r l Mrs. Cox. Brooklyn, with her adaqanacs o r I sister, Mrs. Shaw. most certain te begn talking Black Lodge attended Derey about something wbich they and Day at Norwood Saturday. you saw in your newspaper. Glen Rae WITH EVERY MEAL YOUR CHILDREN need ail the energy and vitality they can get .. . and they get plenty from whoiesome Gien Rae 141k! This fine product simply abounds in heaith- fui qualities. It 's tested for purity, too! Makte it habituai ta have a good, big pit- cher of IGIen Rae miik on the table at every nxeai! GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son Bowmanviile Phone 84 CHOICEMSELECTED FRUITS. AND VEGITAILES Choice Niagara Grapes 2 Ibs. 25c Golden Ripe Bananas 3 Ibs. 23c Fresh Green Parsley 3 for 10c OSHAWA Open Evenings 38 Simcoe St. N. Gosh! Lookit These DARGAINS BAYSIDE NO. 4 SIEVE - No. 2 PmAS CHOICL Ti 10 "OLD SALT" O U P C LAM 10-0l' Sou CHOWDER Tins* CHATEAU PLAIN or PIMIENTO CHEESE - . CAMPBELL'S oe~IEWTOMATO Tins BRUNS WICK SARDINIES Tins * . SINGAPORE SLICED 19-om. 4 PINJEAPPLE Tins 25 Lemon Oil Wrigloy's HAWE'S 12-o.22 GM --Pg Aylmer Oronge and Lemon Slices GrapeJuice O;.1 CANDIES AIe's19 - - hSat$Libbv's K.OItt, Soit, . ~IWYAH~"Tin DAYSIDE CIIOICE PEACHES MLE AiUGGE i SHROE POLISIÉ SCOURS - CLEANS CLASSIC CENE CATCHUP 12-oicS 2 Sq. 2Tins .27 T.12 Ti.,05 Phone 680 11 I. - THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 Bowmanville 1