Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADI.\N STATESNIAN. BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARJO THURSDAY, JUNE 3OTH, 1938 PASTOR AND WIFE AT NEWCASTLE BADE FAREWELLý S. S. 16, DARLINGTON Report of Grades IX and X (Continued from Page 1) (Lower Schooi) of S. S. 16. Dar- Fisher. ehurch organist. at the lington. These have been sue- Philp remnoaed the eoncealing cessful in ail subjects examined: sereen from one end of the plat- Grade IX - Gordon Siemon, form and revealed the gifts of the Keith Billett, Peter Host, Eileen people of two congregations: a Wray, Alan Ferguson. Reginald ýlarge uphoistered chair, an elec- Kersey, Lewis Trull, F r e d d i e1 trie iamp, a tea wagon and a Payne, Wesley His, Dora Shantz, glass-bottom tray. Mrs. J. A. But- Helen Pingle, Donald Thompson, 1ler aiso presented Mrs. M\,acLean Blanche Preston, Harold Ashton. with a basket of choicest peonies. Grade X - William Goulding. Mr. MacLean expressed his Harold Wilson, Violet Milis. Ed- thanks for the gifts and the ktnd ward Kersey, Pearl Gilbert, Mae sentiments conveved in the ad- Trewin. , dress. Heî was particulariy grate- M. J. Hobbs. fui for the way in which the peo- pie had always responded to the NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL leadership of the pastor. Mrs. MacLean spoke brîefly and with Lower School report of New- deep emotion. She thanked the castie High School for 1937-38. two congregations foc ail their Names are in order of menit on parting gifis and kind words and the average for the year. Only assured theni she and Mr. Mac- names of students who passed ap- Lean had never enjoyel any per- pear. iod of their life more than their Form 1 (Passed to Form 11) four years' residence in Ne-w ,cas- tle. Class 11 (66 to 74-1 ) Maurice A program of speeches.,nmusic Pedweil 67.4. and eloctîtion folloxed. inter- Class 111 (60 to 65" ): Robert spersed for variety sake. Mrs. Allin 61.2, Helen Couuh 60. George Honey had eomposed tavo Credit (50 to 59): Floyd Milîson snsepeal o h cain 59. Norma VanDusen 58, Grace The first. "Good-B-,e- sasLsng Powell 54.9. as a quartette by 2Mr. and Mes. Form Il (Passed to Form III Howard M. Allun, Mrs. C. A. Co\\- Middle School) an and Mr. Harold Allun. with Class I: Ernest Blake 87.86, Mrs. Honey at the piano. Later Donald Jose 84.3, Kathleen Toms Misses Jean Clemence and Ber- 81.7. nice Gilbank, with Mrs. E. C. Fish- Class II: Jean Bonathan 69.6. er accompanying, sang Mrs. Hon- Lawrence Millson 69.5. A r t i e'eys second com~position. Toms 68, Harold Hoar 67. l Among those paying tribute to Class III: Wyima Farrow 62.3. Mr. and Mrs. MacLeans ministry Credit: Margaret Bowen 55. here were: Mrs. J. H. Jose. Presi- dent W. A.. Mrs. N. L. Riekard, Hon. Pres. W.M.S., Mr. A. 0. Par- ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL ker representing the Session, Mcs. PROMOTIONS ý.W Glenney, C.G.I.T. leader, To rad 8Jun Gode Vi- Mrs. Geo. A. Walton, Mission To rad 8-uneGooe. ie-Band Superintendent, Mr. J. H. tor Jordan, Eunice Middleton, Jose of Committee of Stewards, James Patterson, Shirley Porter. Mr. Wm. Rowland of Y.P.U., Mr. To Grade 7-Dan Chmara (hon- W. F. Rickard, M.P., and Mr. F. ours), Lillian Fowler, George W. Bowen, ex-M.P., Dr. J. A. But- Johnston, Marjorie McLaren, Ross! er, Miss Margaret Sanderson, B. Mercer, Howard Myles (honours). A., and Mr. Thos. Kinsman, re- To Grade 6-Alan C o r n i s presenting Clarke congregation. (honours), Carman Cornish (bon- - Interspersing these were piano ours), Betty Linton, Joyce Low- duets by Misses Reita Cooke and ery (honours), Donald Goode, Margaret Pearce, and a reading Tonmy obb, Geta Mererby Mrs. Percy Brown. Chairman Shirley Myles (honours), Gordon îH.R. Pearce announced refresb- Ross, Anna Staples (honours), iments and the committee served Horac York ice cream and cake. K. Foster. teacher. Foîîowing this social period Mr. To Grade V - Robert Casey. A. 0. Parker showed colored Peter Chmara (hon). Pearl Cow- sides prepared by Mr. Walter an (hon), Carl Flintoff (hon), Seldon from pictures taken ha- Chrissy Jordan, Theima Jordan. him of the pantomime, "Pictures. Edgar Middleton, Dawn MotTait Old and New." Mcs. W. J. S. (hon), Archie McLaren, Mildred Riekards group, producers of the Richards (bon). Mont Richardson. pantomime, are presenting Mr. To Grade IV - Lucille C a s e, and Mes. MacLean with a set of (hon). Joyce Cornish (hon). Jack the pictures as a remembranee of Mercer, Enid Middieton (hon),: the enterprise and those taking Donna West (hon), Junior West part in it. (hon). Before dispersing the wbole as- To Grade III - Helen Carke! seniblage joined hands in a ring (hon), Sonny Cowan (hon), Lor- and sang 'God be with you til raine Hobbs, Wilda Hooey, Grace1 we meet again." Mrs. Norman Hudson, Henry Leamen (hon), 1'Allin presided at a registration Helen Lewis (hon), Connie Mit-' table where ail were asked to sign cheil, Bill Moffat (hon), Shirley the registration bookiet which Payne, George Shaw (hon), Bob was given to Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Wannan, Dean West (hon). Lean as a further memento of the To Grade II - Barbara Case occasion. (hon), Lois Dean, Shirley Flintoif, John Forrester, Eleanor Hancock (hon), Betty Jordan (hon), Don- Tbe more a man bas tbe iess ald Mercer, Gerald Rainey (bon),,bis neighbours think he deserves Jean Rainey (hon), Muriel Reid lit. (hon), Barbara Rolph (hon). When put to the test. some air- Names arranged alphabeticaily. it.ues are found to be tbiniy yen- M. Adams, teacher. eered. Va c ation SPECIALS FULL FASHIONED HOSE Pirst Quality Chiffon and light service. A few irregulars of our better quality hose included in thie lot. 50 iWanted Sbades and Bi50c COTTONPRINTCHILDREN'S ANKLE HALTERS SOCKS 15ec2Zpr 25C Our regular fine gage Just in time for holiday Saik Socks, with Lastex needs, this special colorfast cufi. In colors of Rid, PrInt Hlalter. In gay floral Green, Blue, YeIIow, and and polka dot designs. WVhite. PIQUE SKIRTS Narrow wale pique in white only. Bi.zes 14-16-18. Better shop early for 39uC this special. (Reg. 79c) f:ALE S*ORS fIMI Bowxnanville Phone 451 li11 SCHOOL REPORTS COWANVI LLE The item re church bee that was placel on the front page two weeks ago was a Cowanvilie item. There is no church at Crooked Creek.* Judging by proiests re- ceived, Cowanville likes 10 gel the credit for front page news when it gets ihere. Editors Note-We regret ibis mistake. Rev. S. MacLean gave a splen- did farewell sermon Sunday. We hope he and Mrs. MacLean will enjoy their new charge ai Pais- ley. The Misses Dorothy and Kathleen Simipson sang the duet Whispering Hope." Our nexv pasior, Rex'. R. Morton, wilI speak next Sunday. The entire community, witb very few exceptions, attended the sirawberry festival at Crooked Creek Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stevens have arrived home. Our Sunday Sehool ciosed on Sunoay until September. Arrange- ments were made for the picnic Juhy 9th ai Cream of Barley Park. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Will Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mid- get, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin ColavilI. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Osbonne, l of Newcastle, Mr. and Mns. Lorne Ker, Boavmanvilîe, and Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Clarke, Stouton, Sask., ai Mn. Chas. McNeil*s, which was the Will Cowan homestead. . . . Mr. and Mns. Bruce Crossley, Zion with Mn. and Mes. Bert Cnossley. . . . Mn. and Mns. Dick Haskill, Port Hope, with Mn. and Mes. Stan Porteous. STARKVILLE .NI r. amINlr,. Vrt <ITothîl aure ini (<ihîa%a tie other n]tl.,osa ng to th, surioti, il me..s if lii..fat lier. NIr. \XX T ii.NI r. b mmmTodd i ..also a Sonî of Nîr. XW. Toild. NI r-. (lia-. Rt-il iof Nestonviile. anmdi do iter, i la zel, s i. eîIlier Nlieii r s. ...XVIlfred Wig'il (]re- NI r. lient liallagli iof lie Uniftedi Sm t>..si,.ildfriemuil. andiildî iiigli- liimr> -uiulav. NIli'.. .\dlii- Vaiker amnI .istirn-. Frani j' .Iifeu.. colle-ilonu Nîr-. 1. ; alstil. î.o \Ir. amduI Nr.. Allieri XXagrinite t>' Notitreal to 5 i.it te emuil.. .\Ir. Ri.s u lilo-îi iaul a sers >IîîCî ....fii l arîî rais.iig ilie îliii ihas amnithe fie unr liarmu i. coîin- iii ett-i itiiiir lia a<* ..anteîlliaiiîg. Nie. amduIrs. . Re roumu of \fill. brooîk. vs.ite(] ai NI . Victor Fan- rov's recently. MIr. andI Nîns. Roiss Halloelrvis- ited ber parents, NMr. and Nîns. Ed. XViit. Elizabethville, Stinday. Mn. Bent BalIaglm aisited ai Mnr. XVn. HalhoweIl's. Mr. Kennetb Philip, wif e and ENNISKILL-EN i... t ii> u. ;ke-X rtli, i-la.. simil rl. j\. I)fcke\ s .. .. NIes..1I). Birg- mlua-m %ve iefji lier iter Nlns>. C . Steu)i-ii.. Hamiptoni. .Ni-iss Es-a Si iicI ai NIr. C. XV. Si imel'.. Harnip- toii. Nie..'IlH jarthime. NKings..î MtrI . H. Mlii, Niss Irenev Short> lia.. returmnel frontl eîsitimig uier imicle.XMr. S. XX. Kent, Panis... .Nie. aiNîr.. L. E. WVrighmt sfi te- lativ e.. fiToronîto.NînM. and hNîr.. S. Roiaimmi. l'ont erne, Nr. amnI ir... Ina Travelle at NIr. E. C. A..b- tort s. . Mr- Ie.. Vîm. XViîitaken. NMr. andmuiNs. .Arthurn Redknaptu antI A.1ifned. Nesmonvile. Irs. P . F . B1radîe. Nifss XVimnie Lee, NMiss \elîîia Pethîick, Toronto, ai Nir. S. Iletiick'*s - Ni.. r. andtlNîrs. NI. i learîl andîhFigin ai Xoodville. . . . Nie. livilPeîlîick sitlî lus parnmts. NMr. antI Nirs. S. R. Peîlîick. . .- Xliss.Eli.c NMoore, London, ai NMr. XWin. Xîor's. Nec. -I. F. antI'\NIrs. XVlîithiamie lut Tuirsihavfor ilîcir sumumîuie nt me ucan To ronito. X b 'ntifo etv s i ..fi n.. imînueihrs f Fmîii.kihien XV'.N.S. acceptiuu ail iii iation if-roiî Nrs. FranikUihent , if En feldilIunîe 22rîd to muret (iliiilier laii i. I'e..fteut NMi.s.s Es a Sî'uîei e <i i îlevo ii oual ueriori bible i >,,ii ha Nîr.. 11. NieGili si ..iiii;iic gisi mge1liv NIrs..MN. Hîibs. I'ro.graîîî fin change if Ni r.. E. Tremimu eeiist- nil readimue. Nrs. XX. Asltoii : solo. NMis, Bure ; piano sîoo, Nîns. C. (r' i...miami: tie gilest speaker ssii. NMis,. L. Reynuolds. Hamuptonm. syho tîtaht îitlî thie temuperamuce sittuationi ini a capable iamnen : Nrs. XXV. Oke reîiiirtedl then bale seutl (md beeuu val- utied ai $4300 Lunch aas serveel bv the bostess. affeîrdinug a fireturne for cbatting amni rnnewing fiel- .ýbipts. The onie attraction makimi'g the afîernîoon on ti be rernembennîl imas .Mr. sud Nîns. Giibert«s peenm- niais. especial the peonies. NIr.. L. A'shîton moaed a aoie f thiuiiks tii Nrs. Gilbert sud to ahI aio bath macIe thue afiernoon a 5uccess. MAPLE GROVE Rrceîut N stors : Doiuglas Lang- mîai(], Oshîawaa, aitb Bobbie Stcveîîs. . . NI is PearlhMaNian-Mn. Stewarat Greeuamoiu. Toronto, ai NMrNoble .Nîiecai*. . ......Rae Sîîosmdcmî amnI turetlauglter as ihuier parnit.. .iss uriel Stevens.. ithu Nîs. \eev Langmîîaidil.O..slawa. Mir. Beni Brownu H-osward and Vir- -inmia are hioneafier vi..itig as itiî relativs..ai Clathauîî. Tufs ceiuunuumîfie asas sliockedî on luinme 221 au-heit i uas le arnue-itlia' -NI ns. Gro. \'aiDyke liaI pa.s-J asvac.- The senliaihu (f tbe coin- iiumni- Ï:extemureil to ther bernas-ci ouies. Mrs. E. F. XV'llihhuuman ud dauighten. Joiuu. Xinnitpeg, are s isiîiuug ber fathuer, -Nr. Gei. Van Dx ke, haeiuîg liecu calletl hem by the ..um<denî ueailu of ber rnoîbçn. -Nîrs. X. Stewart entertainertha tram ladies Nîondav cvcning 10 a fgrrîmell part\ for Nîrs. Robi. jarvie aud NMiss Jeanu Jarvie aa'o Iras-e tuf.. sreek to visil relatives iii Glasgowr. Scotand. A very pleaeuut ceruung saas emiioycI by ahI. WE RECOMMEND1 Special Shares of the Canadian lnvestment Fund Limited Here fa a seconiiy that gives to the ina-eston a high degree of safety, income and appre- ciation. Apply tri Local Agent for de- scriptive liersiore or futher tuf ormaion. STEWART, SCULLY Company Liited Royal Bank Building Toronto 2 LOCAL AGENT Nina Neads Bowmnanville - Ontario WIFE WHO WAS CROSS AND GROUCHY Put Herseif Right With Kruschen Iani 39) year.. of agea w~onan wirue., -Vet solue davs Ilhav e beeni feeling and looking 100 years old. i would zet fits of exhaustion for no, good reasoîî at ail. I was niom fit to livec withb lîcauise I would be .o cross an(l touchY. 1(i(l not seeîîî l0 hiav-eai-ambitionî to (do m botîsework. and I1 vas tire(I ail the timle. -Two -vears ago I bad sciatica ail tloivi niv left side from thebelip. Mlv doctor sa% 's ail tlîis is caused tbrigb iiv nerves. I took Krus- cben andi founid it lîelpcdic ev lîuch. Since 1 started taking it I ain a different person. My w ~ork seeils a lot casier and I have a lot niore eeg.- s)G.NM. The -Iîttle dail\ (dose" of Krus.- chen pits ait endi to tiredness aînl (lelression. liecause it restores th( viîîîînating organs to proper actiî-- itY he lrovidiiig teniwitlî tli, dai iv remninde r and d (ai le aid thw tlîev re(Iiire. Cleaise,<l andIliîîvig oratcd Pli id i s se n t ci rc uî at iîg ail i. er the ..î .îeîi. carrving new v itai- iti to i-\ er\, ierv-e aindl iew \'igotiîî laigiter al..o Niss H. Xeaîlîerilt. al if Port Hope. calicd on Mr. and Nîrs. Richard Haiiowelis Sunday. A\ nuiîer atten(led tbe Suîîdla Sclîooi Straîvherrv Festi val ;a Crouîked Creek, Nlondav anîd repiort a zood timne. Ouîr Slîilolî Youîng People put oii their plav at Tborîtons Corners. ivest of Osbawa. Friday. Nrs Iarv Batemnan lias gone to Toronto. Nîrs. Geo. 'Morton of Orono, N.Ir andt Nîrs. \V. NIcKav, Nrwtonville an(I Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Barrowcloi-o of Xeslevville. visitcd at Nfrs. jointî Nf\cKav's on Suîîday. Mîis s Loreene Stark, l-anover. aînd NIrs. Gordon Power and daugb. ter. oif Clarke Union, Nirs. C. Tam- hli oif Oronio, also 'Mr. aîîd Mrs. las. Stark, Newtonville, ahl visiteil tlîeir inotiier, Nir. 1. Stark, Sun- Glad to report the goodh împrove- nient (if Nirs. J.1j. Niellor and site is expecte(l hot-e tbeenid of tbis weuk. Mîr. Neil Portor. Oroîîo, wvas glîest of NMr. J. J. NMellor ou Suni- da\-. NIr. Porter liavîîîg dclivered anl adldress at tie Crroked Crcek Suni- da\s khool. .Nîr. qil\ver bas beemi to IJxbridIge \isîtiîig fiends anîd relativ-es. NMr. P.ert Trinii spelit Suîîîdav ai Mir. .\îubro se Robînson's. S\I nipail\,i v i exteilei to the Cowaîî faniile- al..o the Burlev fani- fie of Coisaneille as ecdi farnil\e liave bren lîereaved liv îlç loss of il ni) ther. .-\i.î,the P.o..ock famil.of Kenidal. ini tbe loss o(f a fatber. I NESTLETON MIr. andi Nfrs. Lv-i McGill at- tended tbe Induction Service at Blackstock on Fridav. evenilig wlîer Rev. E. P. Xood aas ili(ucied as the new rector of St. John's Angli- eail Clîurcb. Tuec service imas con- docted hi Bislîop .A. R. Be'-erlcv et Toronto. .A nunîber from the village at. tendegl tbe aîîniversary serv-ices; at St. Jobn's Anglican Cbuircb ')il Son- day, on the occasion of tbeir aînîal Tlhank-Of fering. Contributionîs ave.. vers s;atisfactorNv. Tbe morîîiîg and ev-eîîîng .ermîccs were contlocted bv tbe îîcw rector. Revý. E. P'. \Vood. 'Nîr. Ivani Tlîoîpsoîi. Nîr. Ross Raiue -andI Nîr. H-arold Crawmford wili i n a mnotir t rip oniiS i iila v ti O r ilia anid i t er n nuiern int111s Recet i isitor. NIr. aîîdl Nrs. Levi NicGill îsitli Nu....Flo renîce IParr, Ilc.m h î NMis. A\. Beacock andîitmîece. NMiss. Isobel Hoioe, witîiiNu...are NiaI- colni. Nis i..Niî Garrow, T .roiuîo, sitb MIrs.. i arra 'bill) for tie weekend. Mîr. anîd Nrs. Ah Farrow. B'alj- dîîff. Mir. ait I-Ir Jack Tbomîîson, Toronîto, w itlî NIr. ail]Nrs. Robert MeCoîl. .NIr. amnI NIrs. Jimn Naylor and Keiîiieîlî. Osbawa, wiîli Nîrs. Robert NIce ec. Mîr. andI Nrs. Edgar Gibson, witli .Nîr. and Nrs. Lorne Thonipson. 'Mr. Cbarles Gillespie sîlemt Suitî- da- wîth Nîr. 'N\erle Tbompson. Mir. amndMs Lloyd Corner, Bert and( Jean, Poert Perrv, îiîli NIr. and Nîrs. NaciiEmnersonî. Mir. ait(] NIrs. Lev-i NeGi lwere ini Tuoronto onie dav last seekz.1 Nîrs. K. .G(auini. Sirîhun, Alla., i..c x iecteth to gîce muail htlrt-..î t Suuuihuus Sel s 'I mmx i uuay nuorn- ung. NMr. an]MulNrs. jack Baker ond Nîrs. Ntîruuamî XViisî 'mu spcuuîSaturdav ai thie O.A-.C., GuîltîIhI), anud spe-ut the sre-kemui witîi Capi. amnINirns. H. XWaers, Highlandî Creek. Mîr. amnI Nrs. . L k Pascoe andh Nr. an]MtîNrs. Haroildl Iascuie at- tendîed th uinîîenal if Nfrs. Geî. \';ai Dyýke-, Nlhe Gnoe- , onSatuîniîax.ý .Nîr. Gi-urgýe XVlite sîîffercî a fal on Sundav sud cul bis face whicb retîîîrc ses-e-mal stitehiüs. A nummunben frnmi huee attended liaipîti muamuiversarv services Suuuu- ia s andtî ausitecilf rie-mîtîs. Ree-mt Xisitîîrs : Mr. audn(]înIs. R. umîuginaitî amnIfauilv ai NMr.NIne iim-'.Richunduill ..11 . Nîrs. Joiles steîîlie-uus 411(j Niss Cassy Ste pien >S, Balcarnes. Sask., NIMiss Ia Stetîbems. M.\rs. Na-le Stîuain anI .Nîana Joan, Bowruiamivilhe, aI Nîr. R. L.angrnaiuI's.. . .... ... ayling. Mrs. Scott. Miss Mary Carn, NMessrs Bill Semons andI Evereti Scott, To- ronto, ftt Mn. lHarnv Taylor...' Miss Ihee Balson with Miss Don- HAMPTON .\îiNci sans Visitors: NMr. N ewtoni XVjmiiterhîmlrim. Norlam(.N I r. andmINIrs. Fraiik NI. Crvdermîiamî. 'Nîr. I Iarrv Cr\n dermiiami. Bowîîiaîîvillr, NI r. n Nîr... Ruissell Robbimis an(] Rumth,. ion MiNiss Roby e Drvl., Oshawma, amuý I Nliss Pearl Leachi, Solimia, at NI r.. C. J. Nerslake's. . . . NMr. amnd Nîr.. R. Luke, Ter(îîn. NMr. amni Nlr>. F. Xerrv. Tyroîîe. Nr. and h irs. C. Clenuence, Oshlawa. Mîr. amni Nîrs. F. T. Cole andt daugiier. Carolani andmuIrs. NI. Cole. Toronîto. at Nîrs. NI. Curis'. . . . NM.... Nadeimme Trii anid Mr. Orvihle Greer. Toronto, Nlr. Lorne Hastings., Os.hawma, at Mîrs. A. C. Truls. ..Nr. and NI rs. XWalter Crvderinaui. 'N\r. amnI Nirs. Charles Smib. NMuîriel and jack,.\NIr. amduI Nîrs. Harold Pascoe. Doni amn Ras, Soliia, '.\r. amdI NI rs. S. Eversfield, andI Joami. Toronîto, ai F. i1. Groats.N î r. ammd Nirs. G. Baker. Romîmie amî(] Barbara, Mur. andmilNrs. Haroldh NMoore anid Elsie. Toromnto, îmith '.\r. andîl Nrs. RamaHoivell.N is Helena Wfe Toronito. Nî\rs. A. Fer, Bosmnamîs 111. .Nîrs. J. Gautdin. Steler, .Aiia.. NMr. anmd NIlrs. i. J. WXhite and ltimo duiglu- ters, Caintpbelicrcift, iii Nî\r.. . Najersii.N î '\r. amnd]Nîrs. fi. Os.- bocrnie. Couirtice, NIrýs. Gordon miNI it eue11, Ttiromito. % fiii Nîrs. Gu,. Tas - lîîr.\ I r. Lesv Pascoe, Nur. amnd NI r-. Xe.iee 'asccie. Toironmto i.tfh their sisters, Irs. ..Tremu uîii andî Nirs. Geo. Tai htr. ..Nr. Framîk, Tremuouithi, Oshiawa, '.Ir. Ro.s Tren- ooili. Toronto, Nîr. amid Nrs. Roy Nicîcal fe aiid famnihe .MNaille Gros e, siib Nî\rs. A. Tremmoumii.. . . Nîrs. I1. BenneLt, Bowmiamîsile. siîi NIr. aud Nîrs. T. Xras-. . . .\Nîr. and Nîrs. T. Salter. Nîrs. Ida Teîîmamîî anl mother. '.\r. andîl Nîrs. Bruce Temîmai-t, Toronîto, at F. G. Kers- lakc's and T. Saters. ..Rev. amîd .Nirs. Brumer Grav and itile boy seere gumsts ai tie parsomiage. . . . Nî\rs. Faîmnie Clarke, Toronîto, N.\r. anI Nî\rs. Hrrwimi Crydermnuîm. Oshîawa, ai L. Crydermans.N î iss Esa Soucli, Emniskillrii, at C. XW. Soticb's. . . . Nî\rs. J. Shackletonî and son, Ziomi, ai XXV. XV. Horn's. NMr. amd I Nîrs. .A. Staimîtomi, Ziomi. Nîrs. George VilleNîiss Rimhv Clat- waortliv. Bowmanvillr, ir. amid NIrs. XW. NIcNIiIhaiî.Peterboro, ai NMr. andc N'Irs. L.Triiml's. . . . Mîr. ami( .Nrs. Isaac Bulmer. Nîr. andl Nîrs. XX. Buirt. Oshîawa. Nîr. amInI ý\1r s. Fred Tamublvmi. Oroio, siib N.\r. amni Nîrs. XViI11 Xilhîmr. Nr. andr .Nîrs. N. Edgar. Oshîawa. ai NMr. amid Nirs. C. E. Horîi'..NIrs. Harri Cosrhiig, Toromnto. ai Nr.,. J. Comi- img*s --\I. Nr. .A. S. Baker.N-. GYreta XV*icketî, NMr. and Nîr... F. R. iKer..hake, N.\r. XV. Short, Bowimmiom- svil, ai Nî\rs. Be..sie Ribhini. . . . Mîr. aînd Nrs. G. XVhite. Sîlimia. ai NIr. Clarenîce Tfiiks. N'%r. amnd NI r.. R. Gibs antI baby s' tIi lier iter îmîr. Nrs. Charlotte Sîeiei-. . .Nr. amîd Nirs. WXV n'<ti anid 101ii, 'eterbor,aih lier fathuer. NI r.« L. jolimis. NMr. amui Nir.. F. Ri'ger.. X, it .îiîl Nîr. amui Nr>. Franik Riîcr . N*' îr. anîd Nilr.. Ravi îîeîîd Buirns, Oshiawa. ai NI r-. Jas. Burns.... Nr. andi Nîrs. F. XWilson, Nrs. Ray Xilbuîr an(] îw', ebi!Ireii ai Nr. amid Nîr.. S. Ner- sec s. NMr. aid 'Nîr.. rîbumr NMoore, Eniikilleîi. ai Nîrs. 1R. A\very*s. A nummber <if relatives froni bere attemîded the fîneral of NMr. C . N. Ruise fi B wmaiville cii Satî:rd(a% aftcrmîoomî. 'Mr. Ruse iras a forme rs bigll resprcted residemit of Hampt- ton. Ther sympaibv of ibis roni- munity is extemided to Nîrs. Rus.e iii ber bereavemnent. Mîr. andI îr . XV. X.Homo sceres iii Hamuilîtoni ad Toonito iast s e .Nîr. jmîo. Cosmlimîg accomnpamiedlii> sonm HarrY on a business trip t', Ot- taira anditî iir easterm in .im- .NIr. amîd Nrs. J1. XVilli.. "'ii' w it h lier failuer. Ni r. .1i i. CL l andt sister Beatrice. Nr. SamnmClI- ailI reîîîrmed sith îhîemî. Nirs. lR. Natersomi celelirateIl iîer 89t h hi ritl ae luinei I 4th.i, sufi fnl.. in Boarmimaîsfle. NIissionil'andmihmet i the lPark. J umîe 27t1î. NIinutmes iere rta<iclb. Vice - Presi dent, GlatI \s. er..ce praver be Orvilîn Himîmaîî. isvce .Alin and Floîrnce Allii : seriîîtîre lesso -inbv Bobby Craig. Offering îraver aas made hv Nefîli Peters. Offerine iras takemi hv Lloyd Ner- sev amîd dedicatrd bv Gi1adi s Nerses. Nirs. J. Revnolds tol some -tories. NMeeting chosed sritb Tras% e r li Gartb Penreit. <î COURTICE The U'agute fkotmhall gaine ai Couricee.luneîr2Otb withî Hamni;t m. Cabbage Lettuce Carrots Snow White Cauflflower 2 for 230 COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You WeII Ice Cold Drinks - City Dairy Ice Cream and Bricks- othx Smnale. BoNvinanvîile. ..Mr. anl NI r'. Livingstone MIiller and Clifford and MIissjean Leach w\itb Mir, .Sarahi'Miller, Newlnîlrg... Mir. Haroild Tavlor. Toronto. at Mr. (ha *. Howsaamis.N I -issMair counch. Lio)Wvmanville, îvitb Mis,. Helen Baker. ..NIessr.i. Herbert and A\rthur Wrigjit at NMr. Leslie Kcith'., ronto. . r. and Nîrs. limi Spicer. Helen and Keitb. To- rn.Mr. and MIrs. Merwin Dick- I;ak(rs. . . . Mrs. E. R. Tavlor and familv with Torontc. irien(ls. TYRONE Recent \'isitorr M.\r. and 'Mrs. R. 1 Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks 1and Floyd, Cobourg, at M.\r. an(l Mrs. George Brooks'. MNrs. 1. Soinch. Bowmnanville, at Mr. . H-awke 's. . . . Nirs. J. H. NMintton. Bownianvile. at -Nir. P. Havward's. . ..liss Helen Trinii with Mi.ss Grace StephlenS. Mount Pîcasant.. . .ir. Bvrolî i MeNr. and] N\r.. Russeill\'irtue. 'Mr. L. Moore, NiSs MI. MIilison at Nr N lin\itrîîe'. Gra enur~ . NMr. an(I NIrs. IL JG. odrian and NMr. and(1 Mr.C. Sleinon ai Nirs. S. Trcw in... Hav. doni. . . . Mr. and Nî\r... C. Shaw and faiilv. Nu\Js. Reta Carr,ilw nianvilie. at Mr. Arcbie \Virtiie . Mir. anidNîr... R. N[cc nil 'îighi. Nir. Brenton NlcCuilloilih. NMr. W. ile at NIMr. D. l)ax e\*'. longsailli. MIr. anIdNîrs. Earl Stepheins ani iamîlv, MNlunt Pleasant. at NIr. WV. Park's andI Nlr. XW. Tilr NIrs. Fowler and NIç. Corn firthi Lindsa ' \, with her sister, Nfrs. Jaiiie Alldread. XVN..will rneet jiilv 7tb at 2.301 p-in. in the vestry witb programn in charge of Nirs. Ri. Hodgsoni*s group. Glad to see Nîrs. Brooks up1 again after beine confincd to lier bed for thrcc weeks. Mlonda -v evcning the XVoinen's lni- stitute beld a very successfuil straw- berrv- Festival in the Coinniunîîvt Park. A spl1endid programn of read- ings and musical numnbers wvas thor- oughlv cioycd. Numbers wcre given be NMiss NMalcolm, Nestletoni. NMiss Davison. Nîrs. H. Argue and MNrs. Geo. Pritchard, Bowmanville, accompanie(l v Dr. T. H. Partridgte NIr. (Jrviîle Osborne acconîpanied h.\ Miss Edith TrulI. Bowmnanville: MNrs. E. Cook and NMiss Edna Cain- eo.Proceeds $38.00. î ENFIELD .Nfr. anIdNirs. Janies Dax idscn, kaglin. NI i>s Margarut NîcFarine,. Nir. an(i'Nfr. .C. Nloore.NMr, and Mlr.. .Fergîil..çn and Neso. ln i l re..t. have breni vi-.itiiig ai NMr. A. I rescott's. .Nfr. Howard Oriniston vi.itecl at Iloheav.gemn over the weekendl. Nîrs. Frank Gillhert entertained tie XX NIS. of Enni..kiiicii on their spaciouns iawn \Vednlesdav a xtc.riooni. .NIis Luii e od o f Hanmpt on, iras the guest speaker. Mir. Geo. Oriniston is uîîder tie doctor's care. -Nîr. and Ni\rs. .Alf. Prescott were in Toronto rccentlv aînd brouglît home Herbert wbo lias, been vîs:tmig there with bis auint. -Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and 'Miss Bes- Sie were at Gmelph Experimrentail Farni on \Ved.. June 22nd. NMisses Flinor and Margaret Nid- (lery aîidl :llan and Mrs. Levi Nid- dçkrv- are spendiîîg a wveek iii their sommnrer borne. The inuichl ooked for raî:î arriveil SatîîrdaY andi bas changed dle ap- î.(arance o f the cotuntrvside con.- ..i(erabiy. OH! Y 'Uil FEET INSOLES high y cnedi- M Make your feet happy ýith NU- salts that controi perspir.ition. soothe tender, aching, burnmg cated with alkalicie. -ntlliltic feet and banish all Ir-ce of foot odor. Price per .ke i Il pair -.1 25c 'EET-te, 1...1. 1ý..IhlIle, -.1 Sun Burn Remedies Sun Burn Lotion.. Sun Tan Oul- -- Unguentine.. Tangel - . Joncolia ---- -- Cameras .$1.25 - $9.25 lVaxed Paper ------ 15e Lunch Kits 69e Dixie Cups lOc Paper Serviettçs 15e Vacuum Bottles 29e Batbing Caps 19e to 69e Sun Goggles, 15c, 20c, 39e White Shoe Cleaners Special Prices Nyal Cream or Liq. 25e Fellow's Syrup - -87e Shu - 31ihk ---15e Dodd's Pihîs.----- 27e Palm Beach 25e Dr. West's Paste --17e Cinderella 50e pinkham's Comp. -87e Griffin Kidine -- -50c 100 ABS&C ----------9C Hoidrite Lastex Beit Absorbent Flashîights Supports baek and waistline Cottonj 95C - $1 Each - $2.25 lb- 29ci 1.75-2.25 6~95 P . R. COWLING, DruggistDee RE-ROOF NOW-ý with Johns-Manville Asphalt Shingles (DfVEflIEflT MOflTHLV PIYIUEfTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Box 74 - Oshawa 5 C GLACIER a / . sAR§DINES Tin .09 5 C BREAKFAST CEREAL Each GOOD HUMOR 2-lb .23 CLEANING PAD 4Pd 4 -a SOSPkg. .44 Pkg.l LIQ ilID 2 I WHITE DRESSING OB-. 14 NEED SOAP: SUNLIGHT SOAP LUX SOAP - LUX Flakes 2 P. el9 RINSO P' . 00 LIFEBUOY SOAP ars 006 Cake 006 LPog *23 PC 923 cake' 07, -a:.~ ~- -fur-~ SPECIAL 2 Tubes Listerine Tooth Paste - 25e size For OnIy - 26c 0 Right over your old roof you can have% new color and beauty with fire resistant' Johns-Manville Asphaît Shingles. Made of quality materials and backed by a name known to millions, they assure you long years of satisfaction. Many styles and colors. Ask for free estimate. At Great Saving Tro.! MOTHER PARKER'S KRAFT SALAD DRESSING BLACK MIRACLE 'ITEA WHIP 8 IJr 1 miracle Whip:.2 Thot heoyenly touch to your solod. CLOVER LEAF SALMON FANCY ME AYLM ER GRAPE JUICE C LA RK 'S DEANS WITH PORK NIAGARA DRY GINGER ALE RAG RUGS 2 forS$1 You <an use 3 or 4 of these Rugs at your sumnrler cot- tage. Size about 24 \ 48. LINEN TOWELLING ycd.15C 16 in. pure linen TowelI- ing, mîth centre and bor- der stripes of gold and green. - o ipir ,!I~~(Y4~~STRES THURSDAY, JUNE 30TI-I, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX lý . -Im- - - J"ý-

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