Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 4

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Il- 4 . 0 THURSDAY, JUNE 3TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE., ONTARI' mi OSteste qood in ai pipe 1* FUNERAL DIRECTORS aId swurming hal ascanf DOESService, any hour, any d'aY. its course and the grove northo F. ~ MO RISco. Sopr'ssaw mniii, whcrc the F. F MOR IS O- Mthodstshebd their sumnmer M~odern Motor Eqluipment, Amn- services, bas been clearcd up. The bulance and Invalid Car. Cal yuths and young mnen who at anc o b a c Phone 4i80 or 734. Assistant 573. ture roamced the neighborhood c have ail disappcarcd, except an mmoll oac Company of Caed.Lil CONTRACTOR occasional solitary traveller whcn -e - passing thraugh reminds hlm that PAGE FPOUR berns nth smewY.bu he"u"EIu *inprobablY the town lune, was not- nic isings a deceningscale. the abdnctinsho eeapo-W 'rte Frýnotes in pairs. The eaU is a very H reaheeandifor itindstrious read lw- sor BULLETINS irte o loud .whee-you'. Is home is gen-An Everywhere er for good in the %velfare of the NMi r m The Statesman f rom erally in swarnps or ieside water. By D. Morrison, Sr. commuflitv as we notice today i 1 and B~ULET"' 1 9B Boh these bird~s hav h .a the work of the Home and Schoolth BID A DWini fred E. Wilson acteristic easily-seefl Thrush eye Ef cec Club. There are many advan- iEni andgenralredishbron cïor ByNO. 9 SCHOOL, CLARKE, tages the youth of this age have Ab n But the Hermit. Thrush isvrtoeflnga.My heS2 ____________THE THRUSHES ngnraredsboWlcr IN THE 60'soertseolnga.MytosS. distinguished by having a tail .tT c who have charge of the situation If____________________ frC.II.Tuckyinrnchrederthn ea o bck In perusing last week's States- go on to greater things in the fu- If ouflxeneer ead heeforitsigsony nmoreddrothaned ors oack Opt. man we came across some news turc. musically and otherwise,*' heard t h le m a g i c its breeding -rounds and lireeds andtemoreatrohnou te SPOtS Ofl itSt of old No. 9 School, Clarke Town- and have the satisfaction of know- toris o th Elrmi ony inCanL ad ocasonaly!ship, and school notes in connec- ing their work is appreciated by s tons f he enitonl i Cnad ad ccatinalY Other varieties which regularly pe ali t on itthcnrbuosofhehseusdea elashoei Thrush on a June the most northerly states. make their homes here are the . scolars toth ois utaper whicheahome.otiea el stoea evenrng. you have a, As th:s brd is somnething of a Gray-Cheeked and the Olive- Disney Bldg. gcodia. To hi er ic is a dsain me. ______ou__ treat yet in store. But this cani ventriloquis- the difcut i o bckd Until quite recently o"nly* opp. P. 0.) .a change is as good as a rest" re. nev'er happen as long as you re- know in xhat direction 't oo a few stray Wood Thrushes nest- Os hawa, Phone 1516 and this should be a change that a main in the city. for it is a shyfo it: and if by chance You, ad inside our border. but for some wl et h h1rnsavn O O bird and lives in the woods. 'The choose aright and atteinpt to fol- reason they are pushing the'r aYNinmer 39 tage in later life. Better catch AhULiINI flute-like notes. given on an as- îow th~e voice. you wilI discover north. They are the largest of them when they are young, for ANNBARLEY d< s cending scale. have a remarkable chat, as you advance. it retreats. the famlly. eight inzhes long, You may think that I arn say- when old it is hard to break-inaso C E N FB R E d effect on the listeneýr. especîaIly It neyer shows itself wilLn,îy. with the most rcddish tinge on in a lot about glare. I ami Ia rl.Fareskno ht.as CRin. When heard from a dstance, and If:anlogeogh~m' the head. and a white breat very arn and still there will be very sho ecesadmsctah naoal ete have earned for th,-e'art:st f irst catch eight of . r unawares. and heavily spotted with black. The much unsaid when I arn through. ers would rather have the young- Change of Plans, But Pienie Place amongst Canadian singers. b ls nuht ertegn distinctivle Thrush quality of n heseool, glossy paper of sesta h dis utntc A Success -OhrDsrc Although it has to pass through tic -chuck with which i, prefaces voice. with a more elaborate the boks backboards and Smooth wtr ha pthgesals.is ein otade N the United States in migration.it on.song, makes thcm fine singers. desk tops are repeated disturbers at n g re is unein nc SadesNw the Hermit Thrush is 'seldoni The Wilson Thrush or Veery Wieathe otes eto o of the vision of the students. The and Canada to-day in our schools Despite the infavoarhie weatheri ncar th ground. the WC greatest menace of these is the anIgrclurlcolgs.o aturayNn. 9 Section went Thrshs uil aou eihtfet rflctoxt fomthe glossy paper \Vell, wc corne now to old No. ahecad wih it,. animal plcnlic ai _____Up in forks of tree-s. of the books. Glare neyer ha.s 9 from which wc graduated and Cra f n Barlev Pari,. Earl% in thA us the rshe. s allightbe oentcdta toda' the annals o! that quiet neighbor- the aiternlion several showers sent toher heThuseScalig o Electric light signs, electi-ic ho aksofra 5 er g. h incers hurrying for tthat- DA Aoii neaoterfom ticett îghsinofie n hme16wr Somne say there was a school at lever sthelter could be founld. tlickct. This alone is wËll worth fuI hcadlights, making it 50 very Trickey's Corner, but we neyer We nvteino ae.bi a t tthe courY eas and i manycsskeesr heard o! it bcing there. It w-as been mun off and a bail gain, va Wht itl ir easa .a-kto extend the day's work wcll into at BelodsCre hceodi rCer.avr«ev a all over hi-s eyes? thc night. Extra work and extra elodsCre heodinpges.avyhav i ci" fine work axre now not impossibleNo9sard.Jtenuhan and thiere did not appear10 ean but re i cetainquatersex-was bought to put up the school i ýig of clearinz up. Aiter a contr- THE YELLOW-THROAT buctedan vc ertan qarers x building. There was not enough ece amionz the pjciiic coniliittee. T II How o enpemuthvent c oe dadevdmnde d; bfcallgh aen land lcft to dig a wcll. and watcr Nîr. Russeil Ohborne tvas apprOacli- ! t ie yeou n refuhae ntc-hdonctinoe rifcai ght make Si dadgv emsint i fl it heprortoseMr.nificant. t!!e1 -e agaround the door Ecftgea eolo twr in the line o! study w'hen a couple the crowd tvwa..t o large tl hi e- W ~and peek througli the crack. The thcrcfore. is a comrmon trouble wifh the water bucket and told cmit a i'sîol Yeilow rhroat remind.s me o! ju-st and most cases have the com- ntt btrontewa.Te l n'~ ioahle nîerof .aa such a smali chiid. Shy eogt plaint btd not know teausnwce. cause ar~ t. n c keep under cover. but filied with Accolnpanying eye strain will* building, set Up on cedar posts.11thlaisln cuistit wat.chcs with bright corne a long lisi o! such troubles naoeerih h rudontecasu~ etdh h l dieý. . i crone asitYset hea east and north sides. but tapered dem the cnvni'm.ipoNr. d eyes.*Ocbsofehinttea nervousness. headaches and dlown to 2 or 3 feet open space on Dean. 1morning with me in the garden. generai debiiîty. These are but the other two. As sheep and bogs -\llnLigl il %as.itp ileto . .. .. C anq ih Pi lur Whn I stopped to wced the car- the results o! igbting against an I rtsitstoppd ooheen cr-imosiiol.Yo mahtasw-Ilran atlarge thîs space vas occu- carr%iln with the out(illr sp)rts ros--tpe to de a- moiin o mgta el1pied i,. pon.s.,-, those animais as resting a nimbier of indoor conte.t_, lkept: ried my basket t the -----P--- try cretn by ......-of thu.mb places in the good old summer xnn.j-_ and old amutsed uintil ahlost AZ ~ heap at the fac end of the pro- or theccr as you cDuld t oretutie. The hogs werc of a very dark. lo HS 1perr.y it came also; wben I wnt to by consulting a mail order bouse.awy ntelo- Afaueo h net~ll0 roses my littie friend Was Stull tomorrow - give hlm a chance iut cors any scraps of food the tva. a tpjl-eatitnC contest, in wbic 1 onDON'T 1-ee tewol. colr might throw theni andI the ladies. hlindfolded. f e< their D NTgo looking son. Probabiyld eie oeIsgneyern arnthe worlpid.Ate through an- ~~~~~~~~~caught a glimpse o! it. However, (to, be continued) smtmstc ol ez n' etea aîescem1e 'te throughne- nwi a teebcueo dinner bag and make off witb it. a reat deal of ilaritv it was decded Ithe ontnua oned cesa-O if not careful. that the couple finisbing the piece cahry in a-I- tie on .itch ey idetyconversa- Ths oid shool was used for Doumlas Branton. wbose guess of terrom g an LJ sng "Witch ea%,t nergy sv- HE UILEnot oniy the propagation o! the of pie in the sborte..t lime ias Reita tie pmpan snNoth Aeiatheere are BILERthrcc R's. but Sunday schooi ser- Flintof f and \Wilbur Blackburn. outsderalp. n arthiAes o!th Ware, two In a high-up crotcb o! a m.apie vice was heid and pceaching sec- Another interesting feature ia hieo! which nest in Canada. The tree vice was given aimost cvery Sun- the zues..inz conte.t on the wveigbt NOWT ________7- __;western Yliow-throat is fou.nd That stands on oui- front lawn, day aftcrnoon, especially in the of a wvatermielonj. Tbe melon jîself prices ae5 rmtePcfct h lis h There Mrs. Robin worked cach day sunmer time, by the iPrimitive heinis the prie. The winner was fvrbeand Northern in the eastern part. They From Early, early dawn Methodist dcnomination at Bow- 28ý lbs. tas the closet to the cor- thevostb cand ai winter in Central Arnerica. To To build her su.mmeir home again manville. The Sons o! Temýper- eqc wigt.29 l1k. bhe seave describe one is t-o descnibe ail: Of bits o! rags and strings, ance wouid have an occasionai Great credit is due especially to be sreadoverolive green (almnost yeliow) above, And yarn and old dnicdgras and cally in the old building, but such the following people wbo carried a peniod Ofa yellow u.nder the tail and decided- leaves gatherings did flot create much the picnic 10 a successful conclusion mots or iyeyllow on the throat with white And other cddest titings. entbusiasm, especiaiiy among thedie the adverse circumstalces: years . . . have a DURO Pumping Systemn instailed. bicn h aI idbsack patch across bis eyes creat- I watched her weave and lace township officiai and trustees. Scbool Club President; Mir. Rus- weatng wondeThd oid swimmiflg hole close to, selI Osborne. Suint. of the Suindav ADr ytmwl un ufcetwtrt or ing the illusion that he is.warng Ad wner how 'twould stay, hsho nhtwahr~a eol m.E.Da n e AomDuo Stystemay vepup ufiin ae twate t yUr amewask Th etern retY is ta When she flew off and then ruish constant use, and at rccess some luinch committee; Mm. Chris Bar-' home so thban tou mohae rnning waterr a thekitche, thesoewharthebNigternycai'ow than back. o! the lively kids would be un- chard and hi., sports commfitte-. iaudr, brn et. moem Enco atroon ay ls Ithohena rs, te Norgthn eer ak f illed with moisteied dlaY; dcesscd by the time they got Outside visitors attending the pic- toneands trlled.re ta h And then she added bit by bit, tee aeoepugadb Emc Prcesaremodrat. Te Sow-hit 2~ ~ ordinary f ive an ure nh s quietly and st.1l. back before the "Master" wouid Etno Pice ar moerae. he nowWhie 2" x42" At nesting time Mr. Yellow- And carefu.lly she sculpcd it all bc at the door with his "Ail in" Enameibed Sink only, including Faucet, ready for instal- r.hroat has a sPecial song which. Wth uniexitectcd skll cry. At the close o! the a!ternoon lation, costs ................................................ 3.5 gIay itcewarbclekfloW. in 5 aSedtr adtr e on ss a on h Sink and Cabinet ith Faucet, as iliustrated .... $61.30hthedsaineast scs asntwas the tue whcn the old Trap, Iron Pipe and Fittings Extra while it flics straight up in the And f lex the gathered mass vrieat air and then straight down again. Of rags and string and so! tened The winter sessions werc far ~ The Dura Special Pump, iiiustrated, has a capacity of 1nsrbeyao. roadsides or clay, different, then the bigger boys o! 250 gais. per hour-is suppiied with a 30 gai. Gaivanîzed on the geo! dense ýtangles, pre- And leaves and old d.ied grass; the ncighborhood had thcxr inn- Tan, 5 r 0 yce otrandcotsony......... ferably near water, it build.s a ra- Until the house was cupped n-ig, n.fcanw.evrrîe 589.00 ther bt.t;ky nest o! dead leaves, sie peiii' twsi h mtrssin coarse grass and bark, lUned with With true ciso' ae this old school. Whcn it was too fine grass and rootiets. If anY- so ýeven, smooth and springy soft, cold for snowbaiiing, the noon one appre aches it. the Yeliow- Like scie upholstered chai.r. hour would be one frightfui orgie « throat gives a scolding note not o! scrapping and ail that made unlie tat o th Wre. T e Nw Mrs. Robin sits and broodS life terrible for the younger por- *tbree to f ive eggs are qu.tc jazzy- On four blue eggs she's laid. tion o! the schooi. SnaI M lihl Pynems looking: a white ground with Whhile Mr. Robin in the tree Jim and Gco. Rced, two big pu- brown and purple blotches and S1g e srnd:pus o! the school, and one or two The Government Home Improvement si f ia ~is And soon four Uitile Robincties !rom tetwn Unre, always took Loan Act enables you to purchase Ylo-hataridobe Wili fill that bird-buili bowi. Ithe part o! the smaller pupils and Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps Ypllentiful.ad aressadt , eyac And wben they're !icdged wl fl the result would be a scrap and on the monthiy payment plan over a Blnut. ndging b ls the y are. away the fighting mood was neyer ab- period of three >ears.Eq is ie tries to draw attention to its.l ose hi ie ol et prompt attention and estimates supplied I have an idea that not mnany are Then wif e and hubby Robin will At church service in the oid wthout charge. îc!t Out in the ceckoning. Go forth in carnesi quesr.. building the womnen always sat on Who is the policeman o! bird- o!idans hersptwesite the east side and the men oppos- FRSALE AND INSTALLED BY , land? Wrill build a ncw home-nest. ite; in school it was the sainie, and -Ralph Gordon. also at the Sunday school. The ______________ 628 Crawiford St., Toronto. superintendent was that estimable man hoa Wnatt, brother o! BE T P R E ltruc to you: treat tbem greatly Anyway, Ezra, you dont Bwmnil5TonCir, ih - r Windatt. He aiso led the Phone 2684 King St, BownianVille and tbey will shbw' tbemselves capital to start a rumor. Sn service. One o! the most uoSeclgra"Ermrn.Wen a man gets ail lie thnks songu echr asJh Suh Duro-Secial'An undivided beart, which be necds lie bas a large surplus. railler, at the Squair Miii, wbo Also suppfled for Gasoline EMPIRE BR.ASS MFG'. CO., LTD. worships God alone, and trusts_______________ was a son-in-iaw o! Gea. Carter. Engin. operation London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Himi as it sbould. is raised above Geo. Sauch of this town is a son. Winnipeg Vancouver anxicty for eartbiy wants."-..J. C. Rcns The boy who was iost, mention- 138 Geikie.Buies irc ly ed in Thc Statesman by one o! the - Dirctory writers, was Bibi Smnith, son o! RuhefodSmith, wolived bal! LEGAL way between Trickey's Corner and Bethel Chapel. He certainby ________________________stirred up the neighborhood for a M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. speil. "So ,,Y ou Liten to M eRoyal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville If there wvas one man more highly looked up to than any Please feel free to talk with aur local branch manager regarding such needed financial assistance. The Bank of Montreal welcomes applications for loans ta facilitate marketing. BANK 0F DM0NTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 "(a bank wchere smal accounts are u'elcorne" MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . ... the Ogtcer of 120 Year.' Succe.çsfu! Operation 9omnil Branch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager htey cheerfully "CHIP-IN" r the TELEPHONE I g 36 ed ne td ly. -hs the wrkicae"n ayoes t -tewho the tephon sta s oa nec esst ch- in oay foc il moest -cthey inepyfr mish foe cnt aday tht eephonser- vice costa-in fact they, and their Frank Wü, iams, parents too, simply couldn't get -r mm-momm 3 j ý i -.- .illiams 'who is Visitifli er sister, s. L. Martin; Mr.Bnamn Secure RALPH GORDON, the id lier grandson. vis.iting lier bro- r. Mr. Howard Glenniey; Mrs. onderfulY versatile entertain- mma Lunn and soi. Orono; Mfrs. er, for your nelt entertan- ane st iad f l, Owm n o Nllement. Illustrated circular free. tailey ickrd, ownnvile. AddresS 628b Crawford Street, ON KEEPING THE SABBATH", Toronto. 'There remaineth. it i5 tiiie, a iabbath rest for the People of jd; but we must f irst have done_______________ ur work. and entered into our est. as the scriptures give ex- ,nple."-MarY Baker EddY. -The longer 1 live the more "Lest We Forget" .ghly do I estimate the Christian H 3 U S L 3.bba*h. and the more grateful A H B U S I I0 feel to those who impress itsi Designer and Deaier in aporanc cn he ornmtUt.'-Monunents.. Tablets. Markerl, etc. aniel Webster. BANINGASSISTANCE '~7h n yo rcro s of mal . ýlv s. fruits, cherries, peaches, plumns, pears, apples or grapes are reasonably as- sured, yau may need ta borrow, ta pay the wages of workers and ta buy baskets, boxes, etc.-nec- essary outlays for orderly marketing. Manager. along now witbout tbe telepbone.

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