Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1938, p. 9

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TUSAJN 0H198THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~BOWM\ANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEN E out of his dreams. Like Lily in guessing the identity of the thief, 'static and became bedlam. But it was dirty and cluttered with the!CATRXV A~~N.I ~~her drugged rest. he asked only to as he did hjmself. He said no-was too late. odds an,; ends Lily Waters ob- 1 ForBeel thtwnrha AR O E T forget; and he was neyer to know thn.hwvradeddb Chris, gray-faced and tight- stinately refused to throw away: benedes1h a been drag r7 O .A aTSthat the unpolished stove in the lipped, looked up at the anesthe- i rts mt an as r ged fromoepac oaotea »H ;I kitchen with its secret of the let- forcing her to take some coffee tists. "H1ow is she' oif her father were trying to escapeer ~~DOCTOR 'v RINHART kncar n als h ih R 1N E.ter had been the dingy crematory and stating that hie would flot go ý "I'm af raid she's going, Doctor." kncar n als h ih from hisl.Bthecudfo of his dead life. n to the police. But she was flot going. She was was burning, too, and bie swore leave bis1 eid CHAPTER XXV And when did he ever do that be- head began to droop. Once or H e went back on duty at the "Not a chance in the world of ,gone. Chris said notbing what- angrily when he saw it. But sit- "Ithikw'lg-o oorw foe"twice she overslept in thesmorn- hospital t he beginning of the f inding him," he told her. "But evner. He stoodufordaesecondor ting under it was some of Henry "Wher? man." Then se he turned opentheaherlinowande-with thecolsoeinhsad Adtenetay natfy t as aeaduri tha ealy al fyur ayn hth Ok ng, and hris khd ito roteher.year r a s erios and Heavyent Iden hterw hr-toluoongdwn at the dead wo- Walters'futile paraphernalia, and "Berli.Iv ie h do. that Kat i nd Llyha d eal talk' hIe stoodngt atletok ig a d Chi ad tsta evn, Oring at it. No, by God, over-furih d rom a h d neda h tok erinothe f-bak irstraged n hev- Htr. et d outo hrom. htda the would flot be defeated liketa. Ion she oudbunaighr one day. It started innocuosyfcan etoe ug siI a itriev elu, th. guuh o ai wswnig te ssfig, tda thatmyfiandslwent oveher. er plse heatd.Neaetbeewss be fg-ot i w-as dub inen ser s eddntg oeta a tHe would go on, fight his battle, clothes giadisedo soeougb, for K at a w t was'low, butothernds she see-.throug bis firhetw moths cred ail it impiied was to change the but it was too late. There was confronting hh.ln i t he a no n e many miles le vrkn w Af r carry bis own load . Henry had Mot entire course of more ta oesometbing ominous in her moth- To hrntig mattered now liear ights annsevrll fed to avfoni htraiceyesand saw hequneyerutknew. After Monete arorthNesir- lif fae. ah oe butlk lndgt a cup of coffee; it warm- He operated the next day as would b aiga ne e woaiif demad h aeinto that upper front bedroom, rally bim. ersa uie si, bhàfoldn tePa-.a gtf sahshadsedhstc-Lne "I've got to have a suit,, Mo- wno ine r a nigt.Ifshe ad rflng Chriss pockets, and then Now and then Grant or one f erryAme s, abldinfrtmPais.ed him, for the evening was cold, nuea ertbishdstfed, imseh Lnenan eBrnenure ahrund age d. " I a ogvn iraprino h o to mwatchibisrworkofHe vas a fas atei hengt efun i-Toward the end Grant came in wouldgouthldnbebifr srudrge. to, buter uul fae utears One nigbt Katie, finding Chrs a i ok H a athe had neyer abandoned hope un- lsefiotse ideGrahefnts imin and stood by watching. The eyes muff aantbrfcfrtewn "Wel, what are you going to do were dried up, ber eyes blank and alone in the back office, wandered an ue ioeradte etatii that moment. Now, dizzy' and hoe ad ws1ditd b of the two men met for a moment, was codwaigbrsysott about it?" said Lily indifferently. saig. icertain prideon in him. 'c shaken, be realized that that par- te hi etoe i oksewudb er nubt "Ask im for it? If you'd gone to "Maybe I'm wvrong, Mother.' "I tought you needed comp- Chris was modest, and they lik- ticular page of is life ad been Gant's imposing buter. te hi etoe i ok h -~-'erkin stoe-"'0fcouse yurewrog. e's nyCbrs."ed bim for that; but wben it was turned over and the book closed. Even Grant, wbo already knew look We , bt Gafn wshgone Tr opg 0 'Well, I didn't, and tbats that. had bard luck, and you've always "' o odcmayfrmnoete ol odw nte WitI, a set face bie picked up, the storyastrteatbsfc If Dick was wortb anything, he'd been down on bim." or beast these days, Katie." elevator to their waiting cars, that everlasting bag of bis, got:adevnmre startled by bis1 bep us. But be's too busy helping Chris was out that nigbt on one 'Youre always good company feeling as if they bad built up a bis bat an~d coat, and started for l first words._________________________________ himself-to anytbing tbat's ban- of the interminable walks by for me, Chris." She eaned over young Frankensteifi to destroy the bospital. He was apparently "1 m q ui tt i ng, Grant. I'rný dy ,wbicbh e tried those days to earn suddeniy and put bier cbeek 1 themn. Il W id quiet enougb. After long strain 1tbrougb. Fm resigning. It was a moment before that a nigbt's sheep, and after Katie against bis. "Ive neyer cbanged.i "Works too~ fast, tbey do men await the inevitable with the '"Don't be a fool, Chris. We ail registered witb Lily. Then she left, Lily went into the office and You knowr that, don't %oNyrsytote-ile. Bilat fcaim f exhaustion. Nvrbls oecss turned on Katie a terrible face. carefulhy examined somne sample have and neyer ill, Chris dear.*" course, btrcls.to eh e h ire trda i sb "Not like this." 'Just wbat do yuma by bottles. Finally she took one of He put bis armns around her. into trouble some day." etit h praigro i Mw oyuko? rn yo en sleeping tablets and sbook a He bad no love for bier; there He got into trouble during tbe bead nt tht opratird, bi ,ja s.i deandd. edo ou n't Gail to P0NGzER IC 'You know as weli as I do. couple into bier band. lwere many timnes wben bie dis- tird monthof is torvis usuaî He did not see tbem. He did not aoudsbuing our mistakes to Wbere do you tbink bie got tbat She slept tbat nigbt. Also she hie e n mr bnb fr ebdgnedw nwhewa aohes n i eaven, as you're doing. She was money ast spring? If you beieve, bad earned sometbiîig. In that got ber altogether. But for that cbeerîess breakfast, ta fimd ahasasedrwobigoesa arcs, antse he earned it, I don't. bottie in the office lay ecead moment at least she was some- trembling Lily w'aiting for bim inwere sthad ewnougb H e d a "Wat'csetbat t o o it i? "Me yurow boter. Katie. forgetfulness, a comfotbeo-tig vug ad findy t h ora.Sm ns ed double bernia quickly and skilh- She hadt a rigbt to live, wboever You ough to be shamed. livionand af er thatshe Wben 1badogothiintondberpiroomhduring thentofuirlr.oHedudraggheduout.Ha spleenoushespwasn You ougt to basamed." hvo.adatrta b eyrsoh i one rd. she nighan tl hertmoysews. "Wel, 'm as ame al rigbt,"1 slept witbout tbem. She would1 he released bier and got btadstlnth et oe packing the cavity against bleed- n rnsen htsrn said Katie. "Me got out good and take ber pilis and sit by ber win- i remained on the desk watcbing f rom bier pocketbook. AnngGrittbot moist gauze He early the next morning, didnt be? dow in lber nigbtgown until le -n b ht eiqier bim "o n" beredbetrsaidh rlho jincredulous- iosngdskSpinsReaied "Ad aw-t"shnqure. y."hw he?" o, sesadthat nmorning. Then suddenly %witb n ai:"ts up to this, Arden. spihe o U iks fcr smiin. "y he he rof, sh sidtbe third case-a voman in front ad ai: It Srigsan MinLeve "And sa notbing, mny dear. I tonehlessly'. "I neyer heard a If vou've lost vour nerve-I h,, ow, and you bave cbeered tbing. D5octor. Tbat's th 9uh f bim-be knew that ie ,vas las- Chris jerked up as tbough bie R infr me. snt that what yu meant ta MY indow WaS Open, and you in contra. ýhdbe lpe." yR ifre abudmoni-ta? can see the marks in the snow He would bave stopped tbemn, nerve! I haven't iost my nerve. ______________________________ 'PIJ v1~ Wbat aotm nalta? She bad many faults, but she but the case %as prepared, the î've host a woman, confound itý r oeFnrThnC zn pig bak o! w 1 ork I ear go d re otswas fia iar. Chris, examining the womafl already anesthetized. e, not a case. I've kiled sperate. î re N o e Fi er h bakt ok ea odrprs roof. saw tbat she bad told tbelwent ta a window, took a few I knew I ougbtn't to oeae of vau.' trutb: but bie suspected ber of 1 long breatbs, went back ta the went abead anvhw. "ýAnd tbat's ail, si? b e ______________ table. Apparently nobody bad "We can't be gods," Grant said. Automobile Imperial Lcne and got atT tbe ~noticed ans- change in bim. Me "We re oniy men, sa we bave ta cesre osM cai desk. "I'm ike yaur dog. You pet cku h nfeadde b draw a balance. You'vethe1ak A complete fleet of modern me n nd e ie andgrily, M BATr first red lne cae. anoa i ng of a fine surgeon, Chris, and The Service trucks make it economical Q nore me wben you don't. Itwqasipl cse a bvr a lance. Yho u'lla away s savoe mare t haeKirtsd orShe fiew out of the room. Me cy st. Ordinarily it would hv bave nct.row th a waysstahae mtre Station That And T i ae to avdKibh'sdon fboih and he knew it. RH UM TI M een o\ er and Chris sbauting for than you hase; but you wilh ahways CGives Real long distance h au 1li n g. Just bad be hemaim a fen faa ,by icac i sutures in a short time. But bave lasses. Better think of tbem SERVME Gasoline fCr TelephoneThat winter was cohd, with deep Rembmt le asdb n cd somewbere in that dissection bis as cases, not as men and women. veyhn emv scm omnUe448 nw.Hspatchdpik u the bloa<. Thia lo.d imlpuiffty 811<411< 11 knife slipped, and he knew he Then you can carry on. You'Il do jaeverytinsuemveis1o- ow aniii nw. Msbat ie bade picked up xtradai by the.kidneya. If kidneys adi, amd ad cut the uterine arterv. In- that eventualiy anybow, or yau'lh ~leteybillsed.ai.t heen fb h emade out bis cesa an c ad remania, it hfittate istantly- the place was flaoded witb break. And wbat godwili it do CompleteSafe Trucing Servie fbilîstat te dof hsthyear he le' andj.ont caig exucatng pains. a emorrhage. There was no ta, anybody if you break?" Completerne TrucKlflgtw Plan to help prevent nheumaiam by keeping chance ta stop it. Tbe f ield was Late that nigbt Chris unhaccked beba eredles bn wo ca idneya ini good condition. Take obscured: tbere was nothing ta Isfront door and entered bis A9 H ca d ol rs i we1v e Y tiky the ateKdney Pftf hal aY. 10 swe.nthe sutc a sch br dougbt ndthe o exh a sti b t the ba i ntwa ULACE months.But at least t was gaod etldifaoieIinyrey. 161SvcettonP ne2 KNIGHTIS "A ~~~~~~~~~~~t be tired. to drap into bis bed, hntesce a ruhteo xasin u h a a ___SERVICE haI ths a letcesrsidhsd'sKidneu Piis tube popl jammed. Tbe oper- cold. and be went down and put hat the aierht censors ien bisating proomthys then ta be coal on tbe furnace. The celiar bri oi htBvro ~e am cae ti t e b E d PAGE FOUR THE SOLINA NEWVS FLASH, SOLINA, ONTARI THURSDAY, .TUNE 301H, 1938 I - - . --,.--X. SPORTSHOTSA. Ayre, and J. D. Bordie, who SP RT SlT show Southdowfls; R ob er t FINSI (A. Jhn BkerJr.)Charter, C. V. Walton, A. Ayre. (A.Jon Bke, J.) Slins goal tender, right on1 it. M. Murray, who show Chev- (Annie Potter, Grade VUI) Slina bas had a very suc- Referees: Mr. W. Blackburnl lots; L. M. Stewart, Cecil essful soitibail teani. We have anid H. Balsan. Springstea'd. C. P. R. F armsn, We go tbrough this lufe in a layed four ganies and have Harold Skinner, who show very odd way, cen successfu.l in winning Shropshires; J. M. Fisher, Buck Tbough doing aur bestta en- ;hree oi thein, losng the one How To Raise and Doe Ruri Valley Faria, deavaur, ao Hamupton. ahampioflship Sheep wha show Hainpshires; Beath Thinkiiig oai elping the other Farina, Patrick, who show Su!- ta say, Duin te inerweply-(Lloyd Ayre) folks; Mr. Cole, Bert Glaspeil, "Let this friendsbip of ours duiing te wner wlgaes fphay- capinhi hepT. C. Glaspel. E. Mark, wha last forever." ~ fivesucesaulgams a Taraie hamiofSht shepshow Cotswalds; E. Mark. P. âockey. They were ahi againat you muat feed them wehl. Qata, Derng Stabbs, wha show We are bound ta nieet sanie, Hamipton. Hampton toac the bran, fiax. and peas inixed ta- Dorsets; W. M. Goddard, J~. M. Btieeling gloomiy, lefeats very calrnly and invited getber; a bit ai beet pulp and Gardhouse and Herb Lee, wboBu we try ta eave thein with is to another gaine next ses- molasses mnced with a few show Ltncons; Adamn ThoinP- a smihe, 'on. - caked peas once a day at son and W. Whitlaw who show For this world s so big and so --f irst and then twice a day. ioiesters. roomy, They also must have plenty aiof______ Do your best ta niake it worth Coui football teani bas de- fresh water an-d penty af ex- wbihe. feated the lowhy Courticeites ercise. C ti reigSnemyg or ad n and the Zion-ers in ruh an-d You should dip the sheep at Cat lassres huSonmgory,cld n ~hinbaringgams. east twice a year. The f irst Yet they 1ook witb a smile and turne ta cip ta in the latter part Two aiSlins juniors. N.aMaorfeprtiJue (A. John Baker, Jr.) "Let this iriendship ai ours Broome and Jack Baker. bave The second turne ta dtp is in The true beef forin ia the hast forever, ioined senior teairns. Jack Ba- the middle or latter part aif irst essentiai in judging breed- It will belp us ta Win througb ker playing for the homý forc- October. The dtppin-g is ta get ing classes aif'beef cattie. There the day." es, whihe Nonm patrois ef t the chaf and dirt out ai thei la n-o fundamental1 difierence win-g for Hampton. fleeces. Their baok should- be in form between breeding beef trimmed and smoothed off be- animais and f eeders or fat OTHERWISE Many Soin-a juniors want ta for entering the show ring. A.!- steers. The sainie deep, broad. take up tbe rough and rea)dy ter tbey are trim.med welh thick-set animai is the one the (Ruth Reynolds, Grade IV) gaine af lacrosse, but the tea7- enough tbey sbould bave blan- breeder is trying ta produce. cher and sanie older ones think kets put on thein ta keep the When- judging cattle ta be There must be magic. other- we had better stick ta the chafi and duat f rani getting in usecl for breeding purposes. or vise, gaines ai football and soi tbaii. their fleeces and ta keep thein purebred beef cattie. attention How couhd day turn ta ntght? .sniooth. must n-t only be paid ta the And how could satlbaats, other- We have imported the three Points in a goad Southdown recureinents ai t.he feeder, but Wise Robinsorns boys. Abert. Don which most judges look for ta any indication in the ani- Gro sailing out ai sight? and Murray. These boys ar when judging are: Its head mal that such good qualities as An-d how cauid peanuts, other- quite energetic in aur sports. 1sbouhd have good appearance. he or she possesses w-ill be vise Tbey camne froni Saskatche- wideLan-level between the transmitted ta the. off spring. Be covered up &0 tight? van. ears, n-o sign ai curs or dark This is usualy estimated by - - poil,' a fulil face not toa long niasculinity in the bull and O rG re Solina School ,avites any 1 lram the eyes ta the nase and îerninity in the female. O rG re other public schooi team ta mouse cohour. and a large The bull sbau.id show a play a gaine of soi tball or foot- brgt andclproinent eye - Its masculine bead. a full fore- (RtRenlsGrdI) bail~~~~~~ anhi te ineitagmeeas i edui s A a ov-head, stron-g born, witb a beavy As soon as Spring came thla ai hockey. ered igthshor 0t o2A0ramsan-clburrly but n-tcoarse ap- Yaw eie ohv ____________ wigh la ron 17 ta 30 bs:pearanoe. The neck shoulcl beyerwedeie tabv a a ewe's weight is frani 125 ta full wtii a elh developed creat, garden. It was plowed an-c Hlampton - Solina 16~5 lbs. Hem neck should be the shoulders should be strong- worked up rcady ta, put seeds vide at the base. strong andcliy develapecl but not coarse. The f irst thing we did vas Play Scorless TIe weli set under the shaulders. Thbe female should show hote It andi rake it. Afterwa'rds In Soccer Tilt Srhe sbauld have a compact andc greater refinement t.broughout. we tbought we would have welh cavered shoulder; a -wide The head, neck. and shouiders plots and have partners. We - ~~~and deep chest. Its back sbauid shaulci be fre iroin heavyapmeurdtegdn-Thnw (J. Baker. Sports Editer) be level with vide an-clthick arncPs en n tebul4e ardth etweren tUe plots lotn-, a well sprun-g rb, thick and sbouid show fneness an-cd ewn aoi w-posa- The gaine was played at through the beart. witb fore quality. The ski- shouid be rake nd huohniplote god Hampton Park at half-Past and hi-c l fan-ks full an-c deep, thîn-ner and more mei1ow and the edand pl-ed dii f erent four, June 16th. with Hamipton a wicle. long, an-c well turnec.lthe hair fimer an-d silkier. The thinds anvdetaleandff ow- defn-dng he satendandrum wib afui ie aimuton hips shauhd be vider an-d mare ers. In the centre ai the gar- Solin-a deiending the west end. It shouhd bave fine waolofaiprominent than in the bull. den- there is a ilower bed wbich Slins gat the first kick-off gaad lengtb coveritig the wbole Purebred animais shouhd ai- thrce o! the girls look ai ter. and they carried the bahl right body clown ta the bocks an-clso show breecl character. That Naw aur seeds are ail coin- tbrougb the Hamlpton- teamn knees and rigbt up ta the is, coloun, shape of head, block- igu vr hrdyi ti wth onfly George Spicen theil' cbeeks witb a fual ioretop. The irnes, sprlga bin ohrna niiig wLe go ut dandifbaci defenceinan- ta stop theni. Be- skli, too. whicb sbould be a indication-s that show purtty and rake and pull weeds and tween hlm an-c the goal tender deicate brlgbt pin-k, is im- ai breedin-g, sbould be taken- twitcb grass out ai the plat. tbey stopped the Salin-a charg- portant. i-to considenation. wtbhesbo ers. Then Hamipton broke loase Saine th.ngs wbich we shouhdadI ie very mucband uhe s but Normnan Broome an-c Ken-- avaid in aur flocks are: borna, Alumni very ntnetln pand tng sd netb McEweii made a fin-e job clark pol, blue skin. and the an-cl -verkin-esg nd beng un oui ai stopping the five forwa.rd.s. appearance oi speckled ears, n rkn ndhen no The play vas veny equahh ail face or legs. <Margaret Perklns, Grade IX) plats as we wStch the vegetab- the way througb. The Play When showiiig a sbeep you Many pupils that attended les and fowers gmow. would be at on-e en-c, then- should put bath hands under scbool at Sauina bave ici t ta hr aanan1 vr rlgbt back to the other. Jack his jaws. Wbhen the Jud.ge secure a higher education. hrisamnnevywo Baker. Lloyd Ayre and Charlie cornes up to han-dle hlm Put Kathleen Baker. Bruce Pot- man's lice: Langmald neariy tahied severai your knee ar hand againat bis ter, Gardon and Robert Scott Hr-H times, wbile Bob Viviail, Len- chest whicb inakes bis back are atteriding High School at She - H Vivuan- wth Peicy Allen tbroWfl stronger. Wlhen be cornes un Bowmanvllle. Woxnan - Mari in nearly got two goals for the iront ta look at bis bea-d you Bill aulding, an-e ai oui Lady - Lad locala. Glen Wiliains, a siali shouhd get ta anc ide sa the f if tbciass pupils, stilU continues Femiale - Maie. but milghty man, touched the judge cn-sec is head. Wben bis education at Enniskulet bail wth bis han-d glvlng the ude lsn't Judgln-g YottiContinuatlionSebool. Classlfled Ads. Hamfptonl a free kick. George sheep you sbouid sec if ts e1 Francis Wotten and Harold Spicer, the defen-cemnia~, drap- are even or if its ail buckh eup.s Balsas, twa other Salin-a PU- SHEEP FOR SALE-Purebred ped in a breatb-taker, the bail A fiew o! the showmen who plus, bave given UP their cdu- Southdown. and C h e v l ot bit the top bar, bounced out un, show gaod sheep are: J. D. cationi and are working on the sbeep for sale. A. Ayre and front, wth JimAinie Patter, the Patterson-. Laikin Faims, Sîlver fam. Sans, Hampton, ont. THE 5011K A NEWS FLASH- Vol. 7 SOLINA, ONTA.RIO, JUNE 3OTH, 1938 Price 5 Cents SolinaTo Hou__Reunion OL SHO L HU SSocial Gossip Mature Study Annie Potter, Grade VII) (Ainna Johns18and Dorothy M EET AGAIN JULY 30a3l Master Ronald Taylor, hav- HaodnnGrade uV) o (ý> - i~~~ng moved ta Toronto afw EeymrigteJno Forer upis ad Tachi~staught a few months, and R ears ago, bas corne bacic to clases bave Nature &audy. We J. McKessock who t.au.ght Sauna ad cntnin his bring in fhowers and insects Expected From MWa nY nearly thury years. education at Solina Shol. ad anythlflg that la of inter- Parts of Canada and the Mr. McKessak tauht bth Many people of Saunra willi est. United States Norman and Nelson Reyolds b okn forward to xnany One day Murray Robinson who avebecoe sccesfuifriedlychats wth old sobool brought in a fossilzed snail prihalsav bcomesceesfund chums. whom we hope will ar- sheli. Many years ago the snail (MuielLanmai, GadeIX)publcaso bshool and -oc rv at the reunion. sheil wau at the bottom of the OnMurily -LanadGde Ix 938ptubicght oge r. McKnyoessO h is h time of the year is a creek. The sand that was in th omey ' and 3ol Asoc1938,teaughtner tananYother very bousy time for ail the duf- the bottom of the creelc, get- e i and frn commuxuties ge tt i ng ting in the snall shell, harden- tion f Soin.a is planning to new schaol. He was also the ready for thir Anniversar ed. The sheli broke away and bave an 014 Girls' and Boys' presdent f the trustees de- rvit~ces and also the supper. it lef t the perfect shape of a Reunion. We hope that all that partment of the Ontario Edu- Ae iteeaeoe n ni hh can wili cme. cational Association. Wbile atAf wothsaxovrndnilhe. Somne of these people live Salina be was considered one bave turned out very success- We bring in spring fiowers aroud hre hil othrs re f te mst otstndig rralfui. A number from our coin- and other flowers we can i fnd. around ~ ~ eahere wboe thersrovare of thO<~~usad n - a munity visit some af these an- We make a cbazt on the black- widely scattered troughout t o r cKsoksawnîversaries and fid it woxth board and put down thbe naines the rest of Canada and even trO r cesc while to be there. Everyone af the fiowers and the date of sore in the United States, We c b i1îld r e n start schooi, go looks foî-ward for the corning chart and -who brought theni hope ta see even the f arthest through scbool, and later send ai this event. at which they in. We dra'w a picture f some awasy ex-pupils f the Salina their own children ta achool. hea.r the different ministers flowers that are brougbt, in. Scool on the 3th. e died in te month af Janu- gv hirades eryeeyEeyngtwe eghm ary in the year 1930. In rnem-gveteraresNeryeey vryngtw nweo'om The committees apPoIrited ory of thi great teaher a communuty bas a supper, league f rom school we go down ta the are working successfuly ta- large picture l'as been hung on football gaie, concert, during Wods and look for flowers. gether. The prgrammfle is not the -wali af the shool. one night in tbe week. At this We find many new fhowers that defintely decided, but the f es-1 they get acquainted with fr1- have flot been brughIt ta tivities begin witb din-ner at Before M. McKessock came ends and also have an enjoy- choal 50 we take them ta 12 o'clock which wil continue M. McCu.hiough wbo was the able time. scbool and Put the naines of until ail are served. ThiÙs 7il, frst man ta teach in tbe neW On June 6tb, the ifampton the fhowers an the blac±baard. be folowed by a programme chool. He taught for one year. hurcb steeple was struck by One day Jimie Potter wben we exp-ect several musical iightning. This was a great brougbt in a stane, t was part and literary nunibers, f ollow- - ~ *~ misfortune for the people f mica. Some of the other boys ed by some speeches f romn the Spr.ng AndU Its Hampton. Some of the pupils brought in saine frog's eggs. expu'l. fnesprt po-Beauty afi Sauna Schooi go ta Hainp- We put themin nto a big glass egramueÀs. A fine ots fot-ton Cburch. Jar. EverY day we changed the bal and baseballgames for <Helea Langrnaid, Grade VI) cang. e et tdpe. tiney ader onies, and other sports for lwi cag nt tdpes Oe chiidrefl. SiiPPr will th-en be I am sure that you Aail wihl day wbe wteoystbem hebat- serveci. Thlere isto a anceagree wtii me th-at evrYi'o<iY Arbur ayhe te bayn eme bang- at night. is blac ikes these beautiful sprng At Our School tm came out, of the Jas o we The Reuniofi will be contin- months. There are nany new dld nt have any more tad- ued on su.nday at the chumch. things ta do and sec. W'ben we pls Special services are being plan- ook up into the sky we can (Annla Johns, Grade IV) I like ta findi out ail the i- ned witb a minister who ha see many birds flying nortb- Before Arbar Day I was hop- teresting tings in thie Nature preached bere before occupy- ward. We fimd ail kinds Of ing that it would be a nice day. Study class. lng the pulpit. We are expect- birds nests and then we can And I was very ghad ta fînd ing msny ta stay over fo watch the littie birds hatcb ti-at it was. these services. aýnd iearn ta f IY. Outside Oui In the mornlng we cleaned C utc tSln Watch The Statesman.fr rnt doors we see and hear up the yard and had a boni ire,Fotal am further annouricenents a nd the appy litte birdis chrping whle the girls washed theFotal C m more definite materlal. gai Y. desks and cheaned thbe cup- Ail tbe flowers are bloomlng boards and biackboards. (Ken MeWen) ___________ in aur gardena, smail flowers Af ter that we plantedi sane On tbe 26t;h o! May Cour- History of Solina and large flowers. Every Satur- day we wreed and look ai tes' trees because so many a! them Vtice public school football teain thein. The trees ail are getting axe getting cut dowrî around visited Salina. Thie gaine stait- (Charles Langmaid) new leaves with beautiful colitre as in many ather places. ed at half-past six, wlth Bob The resnt chool of SaUina ours oi green. The evergreen We alsa planted flowers -tao. Scott acting as referee. The was built in 1899. It la mucb trees in the forest ook beauti- Mr lcbr,-rtahr irthl a crjs ni harger than the aid achool andc fui as you pass by themn in youri uwited Base Line sehoal ta, the last few minutes when Jack better bult. A i ew yeas agO car. The grass turns very green core and spend the ai ternoan Baker o! Soina shot in a bard the f ield where football iS .usýt ai ter oa shower. Ail the wlth us. The alder girls and ane maklng lt 1 ta 0. In the plaed as arkd ot nar ru biss as re ut n fllbays phayed basebali and Sa- second half Courtice px'essed pthed wolanmatke ut ne paryrublo sso ar otliins won. The amaller girls SaUina bard but Lloyd Ayre there. In the summfer ai 1936 We couhd ahi enjoy aIl tbeSe and bays played on the swings xuanaged ta, score another, the ceilnrg of the sdih lWa things much more in the Spring andi teeter-tottes's. maklng it a sure v-lctomy. Aftem paitedwhieaffrdig bt-if e wuldlok crefllyat Aiter the baseball gaine was ta Courtice put every mani paitedwhteaffrdng et ifwe oud 10kcarfuly t oerwe had. races. We ha-c a Up ioward andi neas'ly sooredi tei iight. In the winter o! 1937- then a.nd study theni. miuts ef bae 'o t eeltf .urne utawyswr 3adrlayn wahbuctkory. io'chock, so the two teachers stappedi by the fullbacks, Norm M. Water Blackbur i s nOW Mother: "Son-ny, don't use chose up sides andi we hadi a Broanie and Ken McEwen, and the teacher. Former Cteaobei'5 such bad wards.". very good gaine ai basebahi. Goale Charlie Langmslid. The were Miss Muriel Baker Who Snny:. "Shakespeare used I had a very gaad time and gaine ended 2 tao0 for Sauna. taugbt two years. Befoýre hemr theni." I amn iooklng f orwad ta baving We are looklng forwamd ta care Mm. Hobbs who taught Mother: "Weii don't play a good time next yeam on Abor a eturn gaine sonietime before three years, Miss Squire Who wlth bur." Day. thbe holdays. 1

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