PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 1938 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A.. f ew days, the guests of Mrs. J. E. B.D., Toronto, visited lus mot her. Flett and family. Mis. W. C. Washington. Miss Margaret Oliver, RN.. of Hamilton, has been visiting ber Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. CoreY,. Beebe, sister, Mrs. Howard Gibson, Town Que., visited Colonel and Mrs. E. Lne. HowardgusWnglt anw J m . Sunday will start the open sea- Howad Wght nd a me sson for rural Sunday School an- Thompson visited wth friendis in niversaries, with Enniskillen lead- Buffalo on Sunday. ing the way. Dr. Harold V. Slemon. Western, Dr M. A. James, Cleveland. Hospital, Toronto, spent t he! Ohio attended the Ontario Den- weekend with bis parents. Dr.1 tal Convention at the Royal York, and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. lin Toronto where Mr. and Mrs. George Humpage, T o r o n t o. 'Geo. W. James visited him. spent the weekend with bis par- Apartment dwellers over the ~nts, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Guild Restaurant in Belleville Humpage. averted a serious f ire when they Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flett of gave warning of a fire which Fenelon Falls were in town for a broke out in the middle ()f the AT HARRY ALLIN'S At Royal Theatre Next Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday SHIRLEY TEMPLE, Star of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" A 2th Century-Fox Picture WHEAT Maple Syrup ...... qt. 50e - gal. $1.75 Santa Cara Prunes .................... 2 Ibs. RtedPath Sugar ...... 25c 100 lbs. $5.55 Ontario Potatoes............... 90-lb. bag 60c Famfly Size Heini Seups................ 2 tins 25c -Flowerdale Orange Pekoe Tea............... lb. 75c Ginger Aie .......... 2 Ige. bottles 25c Nile Toilet Paper............... 5 rolls 25e Silver River Sockeye Salmon ......... 1/21b. tin 15C 'Cbicken Haddies...................'2 tins 25c. Classc Cleanser ......... .......... 3 tins 14c GRANT BROS. SEED CORN Wisconsin No. 7 - Early Leaming - Golden Glow1 MANGEL 'A» DTURIP EED HARRY ALUIN Phones 367 - 368 Bowmanvlle US A KENWOOD BLANKET WORTH 25c A WEEK Of Course q It is. . . And you can be the proud owner of a lovely, soft, fleecy. colorful Kenwood Blaîîket or give it as a Gift for about 25c per week if yeu start now. Do it the easy way - By loin- ing the KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB Each week you make a smail deposit. It is entered in vour KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas the Blankets you plan ta buy are paid for-and sou's'e neyer nissed the monev Eîuquire at the Walker Stores for fuili details of this simple. pleasant purcluasing plan. LKE * STORS, eM Phone 451 Bowmanville ý 1 night. The restaurant is owned by Peter Lambros, former opera- tor of the Olympia in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and famîly visitea bis brother. Mr. Russell Williams, Niagara' Falls, N. Y.. on Sunday. Dr. J. C. Devitt attended the Ontario Dental Convention at the Royal York, Toronto. and had the honor of conducting one of the clinics. During 1937 Bell Telephone Co. report this gain of telephones in- stalled: Oshawa 303. Bowmanville 58. Port Hope 36, Whitby 34. and Cobourg 33. Mr. Charles Anderson and Hel- eýn, Bruce and Jack, and Miss Mary Tamblyn. Toronto, were Sunday visitors writh Mr. and. Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn. Plan to attend our W. C. T. U. County Convention ta be held ini SI. Pauls United Cburch on Fni- diay. May 27th. Mrs. John Wright. our Provincial President. will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Balson leit1 las', îeek for tlîeir mission f ield at Lavant. Ont., after spending a fewv days at the home af lier me- ,lier. Mrs, Annie L. Smale. Scu- gag Street. Date for the Rotary Club Fair J-as been cbanged avec the week- sr.a. tlie Fair s naw scbeduled to be iueld ont Wednesday. July 20. a., Rotary Park. The Clubs grand prize. a Clîevcolet Coupe. is now or cisplay and tickets have gane or, sale tuis week. PreŽiclent and Mrs. W. R. S:rike. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. El- loctI. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heyland. Mr. and Mcs. F. F. Morris. Mr., and «Mîs. C. H. Masan. Mr'. and Mrs. C. E. Rebdec and Mr. and Ms J. R. Stt attended the an- nuai Rotary Convention in Nia- gaca Falls this week. Bowmanv'lle Racing P i g e o n Club flew their third aid bird race on May 14tb fcom Drumba. Ont.. 1C5 miles air line. With a very srong east sind blowing the birds made slow time. sih these re- SURtS: F. Bottreli - 4 bcs, 12 min, 27 sec. F. Bottrell - 4 hrs. 30 min. 14 sec. L. Piper - - 4 hcs. 30 min. 28 sec. L. Richards - 4 hrs. 45 min. 0 sec. L. Richards - 4brs. 59 min. 54sec. E. Hunt no dlock repart. LOCAL PICTURES IN GOODYEAR ADVTS. You have. c'f course. noticed the very attractive Goodyear Spiay Hase advts running in The States- man. But did you recognize in the first two Mlustrations Ross Stevens supeintending the job of spraying witb the assistance ai Dennis Piekard, and not over- looking the matched team of aiappled greys? These pictures were taken in the well kept or- 1 Ph.n,rcA nfR .f S tevens .&r Son. Maple Grove. and have appeared Zion lias entercd a team ini the in newspapers across Canada ad- football league. Football practice vertising the famnous and depend- il being well attended on Frank able Goodyear Hose manufac tur- ?lascoe's f ield on the corner opposite ed right here in Bowvmanville. S.S. No. 12 school bouse. Their first _____________________ game at Einiskillein resultcd in~ 3-2 for Enniskillen. MAY 24TH PROGRAM 'Mr. and Mrs. Wililot Scott, Jovce and ougls, M. Sctt, r.,Port (Continued trom Page 1) Hope, at M.\r. Russell Perkins'. tee lias charge of these events a.nd Messrs Hilmer and Albert Haln- J. F. Gormian. M.\anager of the R. M. sen, Mise. artha Sarah, Ruth, Hollingshead Co., -will officiate as Elinor anîd Mary Hansenî. Trenton, starter. The events iin the prograni 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Hansen and oi sports are as folloîvs. Prizes will Bernice. Bowmanville, at Mr. Joha bc givn i in everv race: Cruickslîank's. Boi s, 8 irs. andl nader. 40) yds. 'M i ss Emmp Killen, Oshawa, at Girls 8 vrs. andîl under. 40 vd.'\1Mr. R. Killeni's. Boys, 10 yrs. and under. 60 vdls Girls, 10 vrs. and under. 60 N-ds Miss jean Yellowlees, Columbus, Boys, 12 vrs. and under. 60 yd t NMr. F. B. Glaspel's. Girls, 12 vrs. and under. 60 vels. Miss Annie Killen visited lier siî- ter.\Miss Emma Killen. Oshawa. Boys, 15 vrs. and sînder, 100 vds. ii Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Lander vst Girls, 15 vrs. and uniler. 100 vil. d Boys. 8 Yvrs. and under. 100 *"i. d bis sister, M.\rs. Jlas. Stainton. Girls. 18 vrs. and under. 100 Yds. ,M rs. e Cameron and Joyce suent a few clavs %\th her parents. Intermediate Game NIr. and M.\rs. Delbert Flintoff. At tlhe conclusion of tlhe races the Northî Oshawa. Intermediate opening hall game be- 'Mr. and M.\rs. Nathan Knox and tîveen Bowmanville anîd Sunderlandl sons, Nýrjh Oshawa. at '.\r. Robt. will gel under wav. with special Killeis. prizes offered for the iirst homne Miss jean M.\cMaster at Mr. J. run. andc for other features of -the W. MeM'%aster's. plav. MIr. XVh'IitneN- Lang, 'Misses Norecii Incidentallv there will be a special and Olga Lang, Mrs .Ann Lang, prize for the lnckv ticket to tlîis Toronto, at 'Mr. Sam Jacks*. gaine. Admission to junior camne Mrs. A. N. Laird and daughter- will be 15c, and there will bc a prize, Mr. A. Laird, Guelph, for the luckv ticket in that fixture. visited ber brother. Mr. J. W. 'Mc- Admission to tlhe races and Inter- Master. meiiate game is 25c, and to the foot. Messrs Victor and Robert M.\cKit- bail game in the evening. lOc, with trick, Orangeville. visited their atunt. another draw for the luckv ticket .Mrs. J. W. M.\cMaster. The football gamne betwcen Bolinani- Se veral of the parents atteni!eî ville and Clarke United ivill cet un- tlhe Music Festival in Bowmaniville. der wav at 6.30 sharp. C.G.I.T. met at Miss Margnleriti That's a prettv fuîll day of sports.î Trevail's homne. Miss Velmnaliaison and the committee is hopeful tliot sang a solo: Miss Doreen Trevail the public iill turji out in large tîlayecl a ianlo solo, Candy icli numnbers to every event. I this se rve(]. FOR THE HOLIDAY Maher Store is ready for the holiday wth a tremendous stock of Whltes In Sandal, Tie, Strap and Oxford style. The size range is complete, and there la a price to suit your purse. FOR MEN - Therels quality and superlor craftmaiuhip In Maher's Whltes for men. EVERT STYLE - EVERY SIZE Priced from ............ $1-98 to $4.95 -Complete Line of Children's White Shoes - IVII IERINSTORE j Cowan Block Bowmanvllle KCIng Street ENFIELD - ptreached to a large audience on Sun'- 1lasv ini the iîîterc si of the Teiilier. Among the relatives wbo called. ance caulse. on Mcs. Sam Bray on Sundav I , Helen Feseler spent iveek. May lStb. ta wish ber many hap- I'eîhi iTeoronuto visiliiig lier ccuusinî. py retucns an lier 80th birtliday Humeuîr. were Miss Irene H. Bray. Mc. and ' Nr. and tIMrs. J. E. EIliutt yisitud Mcs. Norman Bray and familyv \Irs. C. Caverlv and MIrs. W. C. Toconto. Mr. and Mis. Gea. J.' Ferguî'oîu. Bosvnuaîville, Sundav. Bray and family, Mr. and Mcs. "\r. andîl NIrs. Dave WVilsonu aîd Cbas. Werry. Oshawa. Mr. and M\rs. S. Mý\cQuade visited Geo. Foie- Mcs. S. E. Wercy. Solina. Mrs. lers. Suîndav. George Moore, Enfield, Mn. and Youiiî Peolles Leagnle was weelî Mrs. Roy Webber and famnily, Mr. atteîudeîl Tbîrsdav. M.\iss Miuriehl and Mcs. Gea. W. James and Fallis baseci ber talk on "Mfissioxîs". family. Bowmanville. Mrs. Bray and Ms Margaret Tbompson gave wbo bas not been enjoying the a reading; Mliss Lealu\IcQuade best ai heath was able ta sit up reîîdered a piaîîos*solo: Mfiss Svbil for the day and at the table Laagmnaid. Oshîawa, gave a talk on where a grand birthday cake be- the Nationual Council; '.Mis- \'eda decked with lighted candies, and Laugîuuaid. Oshuawa; a sýolo. anudMs made by Mcs. Frank Bray, graced Eveîsîui Gai' led iin a sinig-song afler the occasion and was a centre afiwshicb daiîutv refreshments seere ser- attraction.' veil andî a social lime spelut. Photo Finishing Developing -Printing Enta.rging -Copving and Colourlng For best resuits and speed- jest service bring yaur films ta us. Films taken in up ta 10 a.m. are ready the same day at 6 p.m. Co aisa spcial oùl that is OSHAWA Thurs. - May 19 LAST SHOWING TO-DAY "In Old Chicago" With Alice Faye Tyrone Power - Don Ameche Fri. - Sat. May 20 - 21 Dorothy Lamour and Ray Millard in "lHer Jungle Lovely Friday Revival at 10.30 "Wake Up and Live" Walter Winchell - Ben Bermie - Added Colored Cartoon- Mon. - Tues. May 23 - 24 Martha Raye - George Burns and Gracie Allen in I'College Swing" Wed. - Thurs. 2 - Great Featurfes - 2 'Love, Honor & Behave' and ILockhart's School SALEM The anial nmciting of No. 9 A nuiii rial senvice tthle lîfe eoI Horne â;nîlScli, ol C lb was lhiId atIIIin \\ 'hs w Nas con<tncted hi Rv the scho,Il bou'se on Wedliiesdas ,Mas \. l\X Mardi on11Sinndav eveniiic Il~~~ tI, hlii n soie Cvers interestinz an i n- Ilti,\ý1l agood rciîru.eetati 'n nM spirnig evcnts ivere presented la attcnîlanec. 'Flic 'uc.dn.\NI r. C. c.,itnectioîî with ibis heroic foundcr Glciiiul. was ini charge. lans were of ltoi.i Service next S1nnd(av- mnade foIr the animal No. 9 picnlic to seul be Nvithdrawn in favoîîr of an- ai raeservice ai Tvrone. be belu ai tlhe Cream cfj i Harles Y. P .mu*.ting NMas' 11tb opened Park aIliJanie 25th. with the varions Nvith President F. Blacjýburn c<in- comiilkccs to bc selccted bv tlhe îîictlng openîncg exercîses. M1 fr. F. club i xeCiie. Cator gave the praver and the pro- Mi. Russell Osborne gave a ,alk, grain ivas iii charge of the 'Mission- about the Trustees aînd Rate',avers' ars conveiîor. Nirs. L. Spuair: îopîc Association and the varintîs govern- wva' (haIt with bv 'Mr. WV. Taylor ment graints asailable lu thetrlu stue ai,(] varagraplhical description of boarud< if tlhev- wsicd to take advan- hi\ Miss 11. TreNvin. M\essrs F. tage fi thei. Fses eral kiads (f religions ivere gzivenl Followsing tlîk îalk, caille a mnjj.ical Blackburn, E. Doidgc. MNIrs. E. innur in thue forai of a vocal <ulit1 Darcb ad Mr5. -J. rwin : readings b - -lrI -\nu rvilla rîit c- 1 be NMr. F. L. Squair and Mr. Gor- comîîaîîîcd at tlhe îianIî,bx Mis E. idoniî arrie: piano solo-Mrs. S. Broo-k... Blitturv : violii duct, .\Messrs C. Col- Mi.. :W. peveiilreuiglît a re- lacit and(lL. Cooiiub)cs. .'\îendaiuc. port II i caîri the sessions of the t(iV'Hom, andl SeliIoî convenin lî i nuFriends ire nu Toronîto and 'Miss Tor-tI i îriiiîg Easter sveck. SS, ix alo f N;tple Grîi'e. visited c-: ih liullig i, (f ler rtý) fliNc IMr. and NMrs. F. Cator Sindcav. re\à% Itux f alks b\ 'M iss. \Vailgli. 'oflini trothers visited 'Mr. Os- Principal of st. C lenucîîf's school. car Coaili lan Toironte, lîstiltal sln- Tor 'î.î . :andM i,'Diuoîi. ,presideîît ci(I'r mIre Ot211atiat'1i of theI di . section (c. tlie col n fur .Ila ft(O theic srions oirtl veuntIi. Iîî ui li iliii g -x [r s, îo (I fli. aVini i a Iil uu a ii lit ated. GI ad uir iliii nunîlr. nd ns il' k -'îuî Ivl;, moîlier. Mns. Coni isl tercsed ti tattend th(c Flîue îaih(', O eii aiter licer serinsi.. ne-s. Sch-, rals iii Triiiitv Siîîla% NIr. atul\[Ls. Eîvart Pollard, T o- sch.- l lI .seîuai o n N Ia ulît o. j te]lis îparcent ' _Mr. anid . ' ~NIr- C. l'illarîl otu Siiflas' brining z/ti. ..b îîîîu Stiiuarî liiie . itilî tucîîu their little damltr cs F,,IlIsi ig the program ilie prcs-i. marv, for lier first ili o lier îleîî î\V . aIo l ic e v n t aîo d graîî dpe ts M(iiiiIi'. 1. W. Eos e c, oneikcrg iSaen fienîls extend concrailat- No ii iiatls Ci uuai tc , îîkchrge is t i NMr. Ross R icha rds an(]l]liis of thu elicti.i of officers. wsho aire bride. The niartiage took place on as fi lîcIws : Presideiit-M\r. Cliarlie Njav 14tlî. GleîIlic \ic-Pesd;î- . W §alciuî fricîuîs are sorrv to learîu Gi' îî Secretarv - Mi-s Bessie of the illaiess of Nirs. C. Curtis. Blackhiirii; Treasurer - '.Ir. Cluni. Toîvîî. Barcliard ; Press Correspondent- Nirs. Noîeaîud Nrs. F. Hirst. .Miss Nî\arv- Boiven : Execitive-NîIr. f rotito.- visited MIr. aîud Nrs. H. Rus' -ell Osbornie, . Nrs. Chiarles Gi) Gaîîîlaîîîl Nrs. Gaîîîl îuotorcd back son. NIrs. Geouruce Boweiu, Nirs. Cecil îvitîî tîeni. MalIe. Nîrs. Ed. Dean, '.Ir. Aunstli Turner. The meeting closed îith the <ý singîlue of tlhe Nationîal .Anthenu aîind a s 'cial hoiir ias enioved lii ail. CADMUS i.. \ M iiii(iToot PAINTS, VARNISHES & ENAMELS je' IPhone 556 Our custorners 1k. lo-glaze hecause it flows an so eamily and produe sucs a beautihil. smoath finish. Ia econorrical, toc, for top quality ingrsdients Irake Its colorful beauty stay brigist anud new-look- irîg for years longer. Tison egain Fbo-glaze cavers botter-proada furtisêr i W. have a* fa-glaze product for every paintling need around your hom". Exterior Painting? Veranda? Garage? Pencoo? Inuide Walla? torier Waodwork? lioors? Linoleum'? Ranew'ing Furmituze, Taye, e? Corne in for FREE Color Carde. MwM W. JewellI Bomanle 1 "-Was there once a fiery fur- land byve it over again? "-God re- nace? We are out of it. Wa uireth that which is past"... there once a long stretch of de- Why not leave the f alse land- sert sand? We have corne thgh marks now, today?" - Christian the experience. Then why go bc Science Sentinel. Special Notice Starting Sunday, May 22nd Bowmanvilie Dalry "Il return to early morning de- Iivery for the summer months. Customnfrs -are asked to place the bottles out bef are retiring. Thank you. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 Bowmanfule ........... Lowest Prices Bahfor GIN 39C UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY MERE 1000 Sheets t. the Roll 2fr25« tISTERINE ete Sale Antiseptic the Quiclc D*odorailt 254 4990 *79Ç t4RViS ? PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex 1Phone 792 McGregor DRUCS We Deliver IN1 Films Complete, Fresh Stock Agfa, Kodak and Selochome Buy extra films for the holiday. Brownie Cameras $1.25 ta $425 Folding Camerai $1.98 ta $20.00 WOULD YOU LIKE A Picureof Your Raby FREÊ 5 Lucky People Will Receive One RULES:- 1. Buy a tin of Heinz Baby Soup. 2. Remove the label and write your name and address on the back 3. Drop the label in the box in our store., The draw will be made June 4th. The firat five names drawn will be entitled to a studio portrait of the baby. No himit to the number of labels to be entered. Act Now - Buy Hetnz Baby Soup To-day. MODESS Softer! Saler! 12i bo2lç 2 boxes 4le 50n bo 69e Modess Beits 25e beneficial ta fthe cuicle and ForCalorna o n a ils . . . . q i c k ly r e m o v e s U s L 1 0 y d ' h m l t c everytrac of ld PUsh- Cor n Salve. De.aensitize andc relleves pain with first application. Vou can't 10e.. For a liMited trne aniyY >OU Vour money back if it taile. $2 ill b. paid by tihe receve wth i FR~a cotonmaker ta anyone pro- fics, a corn or calicua, that they cannot re move with dspemer th y wonderful new scienti. f le preparation which thou- nanta is fuser, praine highly. Foliow Up wih Lloyd's Ap- 35Ç plilation Pada and abtain permanent resuit,. PAINT - herefs the - kDoaift to use riîze "Murder on Diamond Row" j s ear's revival of the 'Mav 24t1u ac- tîvities is successful, Plans are al- reauls lîeiîug discussed for a much moicre elaborate affair for 1938. ZION wmmmý'% M22ne-_ wýý ncnm!ný