PAGE ELEVEN THE (ORONO NEWS Horticultural Society To Take Trip OBTUARIES SCA Mrs. Rolph Tells 0f Flower Show 1-rM.MayEgroPnpol;1 SCA The regulr meetingof the One o. ni avers Towtushi'tS e Th rguarmetig f hea ' knowîî citizens passed away at lier -\r,,. Calvert and niece. Horticultural Society wu. held in aughter's home, Mrs. T. A. Mior- vîsited MNr. and Nirs. C.1 the school assernbly hall Tuesday COWANVILLE 1 gan, at Oshawva, on Na Oh u M.Fe isnlf o nih.lier Z5thi vear. Cobalt. gDuring the business period W\e are 1proud of M.\aster Armie The funeral service on Friday. Rov Colville is homne or b 'ne discussion was held regard- Holliugsworth who did se weIll at tic M1a%- l3th. was hield at the residence idavs. stthe flower beds. especially \Iiisic Festival and won a silver Nfbrini~a. r le rd r. C. F. Awdes resideý the one at the cemetery. mla.Mse emaCwn îr ev, Havdon, and was condueted bvbenjrodbxthadi A letter was read regarding the Getlick and Violet Hollingsworth theiiister, Rev. A. W. Miarch of sumnmer kitclicn. new rules of the membership of also did verv well. Tvrone. Iitermexit took Pflace at Nir. E. Porter visited li! the society which stipulates the Recent \Visitors: Oronio cemetery'. Davev. fee to be 50c withno premium, Les Sle is survived bv four dauglhters. Tétid nern n fee t be 5c wit no pemiu . lr. Peter Grant *anîd 1\r. Les-îlreîicc, rs. C. W. Brotz, De- Tethr itrmn ii and the age 16 inste7ad of 18 for Reid. Too' il r N rs toi; f fie, Nirs. E. H. Lorinor Cmîr nawe vsii the' earliest age at which one can Bert Reid. Buffalo;- Mlyrtle. Mrs. T.« A. Nior' R. B. Thornton, Columbus w a dcidd e hhda Np iss DIorotlhx HolliugRworth of gan. Oshîawa,.Nfrs. Elmer Bradlev . 'ho xas buried here WV wa eie o3odati lackstock, at home. Havdou, and thre snChr ornîng. Deceascd is a c( ai~ tulip show next week. Mrs. sos h r C .Hgî F. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sta- MNr. and NIrs. B. Crosslev and MIr. les. Hicallen. .Alberta; Ravrnond. nMs plesMr. nd Ms. E J. ammJack Barnes witli'.\r. and Mrs. B . Netherliilil, Sask.: and Edward Deanî, anîd Mr... R. Sherwin. Reý and E. E. Patterson were appoint- Crossley. zion. Oroîîo. Otriu fiitda h ed on committees to look after NIr. A. T. Perrin. Hamilton, at slîe as predcceased bv lber bus- service. arrangements. boule leaving Stindav îiglit for Sud- band, William Edgerton. and a INIr. Wilfrcd W. Sherwin Mrs. O. W. Rolph gave a very burv on a business 'triOl. dauighter. MNary, NIrs. W. Neal, Siindav for Sutton where h interesting talk on the preview MNr. Wiîn Burlev,.NMrs. Liing-,af f Oroîîo, and tbree sous, Williani. i'ngDr-H B-Sevnsf of the flower show held in To- and MNrs. Jas. Burlev. Newtonvillc. Russell anci James. Nirs. Edgertorîinoiiths. ronto recently. She described the %vitli Mr. and M1\rs. W\_estol Stringer. wvas twice married, lier first bîus- MNr. Cliord Jones,. Mrs., ladies' choir gowned in pink with Nlr. and MUrs. Geo. Henderson band being the late Mir. Freemnan terson. Mrs. J. Berry. Mrs. violets, and the ladies' choir witlh Mr. and NIrs. Cecil Xalkey. Dean. niotored to Mrs. H. Gaibra gowned in blue with pink roses, Newvtonvxile. The bearers were her si grand- wvlile there attetided a W. the orchestra, and the pageantry sons, Lavern and Kenneth Neal- ing. About 25 wcre presex of the vice-regal party's entryHseanHaodDaOo ;E'Bl okonteWMS and went on to tell of the pre- dances and by cheruses by the H*pe adHaol ea, rnoaEtel soewon te. M.S.c sentation and the pageant. Gifts two choirs. Among the most at- Lormor, Buffalo. and Ross MNorgan tion at ewsle. Ms of orchid fans, etc., were given to tractive dances were the dance of of Oshawa.gsopridd the American ladies and the pre- the wind, the dance of the ramn, The beautiful floral tributes were A number of trees ha sent.ation 'of the fountain by the the dance of the stars, and the carried by six granddaugbters. Mr-. planted at the school. Arnrianflwe scit o the dance of the suni god, the latter W. Armstrong, Mrs. A. West, Mrs. Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Richai Canadian society wa.s made by represented by a man gilded in Hesper Deal. Mrs. Harold Dean. in Toronto Wednesday. Ilii the President. Coloured flood some manner that when the Orono. and Misses Freda and Viola ing the f uneral* of the late lights were focused on it. making floodlights were focused on him Bradlev. Haydon. Harper, uncle of Mirs. Rict a very beautiful sight. A fashion it presented a dazzling sight. The service ivas well attenqded by NMiss Marjorie SLwn vý show followed and this was fol- Mrs. Rolph closed her talk by relatives and f riends. Toronto. 1-f- -. )7 tting that thegonwns andi fîrs Mrs. Thos. Patterson is loweu uy Lthe pageant. About 27' courts, with about 20 members te a court, teck part in this flower- bedecked wcrld of indescribable beauty. Each court wus given by one ,ocety or organisation cf Te- ronro. Violets. daffodils, various kinds cf lhues, apple blossonis, or- ange blossonis, carnations, roses. crchids, poppies. tulips. etc., were portrayed by the actre-sses who donned suitable costumes and carried the fhowers which they represented. Each court was separated by ot the ladies was a display of wealth, and by emphasizing the fact that the fhowers were the most beautiful sight, but she would net dwell on them becas most of the peophe had seen them. Mr. Staples thanked the speak- er for her talk and the meeting adJourned. The trouble. with some pople who have taking' way.s jis that they don't always have bringing- back ways. DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION IAnnuel Meeting To be held at the TOWN HALL - ORONO - On - Wednesday, May 25th at 2 p.m. Standard Time For e lection of 0Officers and other biziness The meeting wll be addressed by: HON. GORDON D. CONANT, K.O., M.P.P. On matters of current interest. W. F. RICKARD, M.P. C. IG. MERCER, M.P.P. MES. HARRY MITCHELL President Port Hope Ladies' Liberai Association. and MRS. J. CLARK BELL President Bowmanville Ladies' Liberal Ass'n. will discuss Women's Organization. ALL INTERESTED ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND C. G. Mercer, L. C. Mason,. See'y.-Treas, William Bannon, Kirby There passed te his eternal rest on May l2th, after a 'long ilîness, Wm. Bannon, son of the laVe Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bannon, aged 66, a resident of Kirby section. The late Mr. Bannon was born in Hamilton township. On April 26th, 34 years ago he was mar- ried te Addeline Beacock who was born in Manvers township. The marriage was solemnized in Pen- typool. The funeral on May Ath was conducted by Rev. J. H. Oster- heut, assisted by Mr. J. J. Mellor o! Croeked Creek. Interment tock place un Orono Cemetery. Among the friends present frem a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Bannen o! Peterboro. Mr. W. A. Beaceck o! Goedwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bannon and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bannen of Peterbero, Mr. David Bannon cf Toronto, and numerous other f riends f rom Peterboro, Millbrook, Li n d say, Omemee, Reaboro, Bethany and Pontypool. Surviving te meurn the loss c! a loving husband, father and bro- ther are one sister and one bro- ther Robert,. Us widow. and one daughter Marlon. One son Os- borne predeceased hlm some time ago. The sympathy cf the whole cemmunity gees eut te the sor- rowing cnes. CARD 0F THANKS The family o! the late William Bannon wish te thank alh the friends and neighbours for Lheir kind expression o! sympathy ex- tended te them in their recent sad bereavement. Mrs. Wni. Bannen and Marion. 'nie first sign o!f fotbalh, other than election o! officers. etc.. was last Wednesday night, the lith, and the firat sign o! seftball Fni- day a! ternoon. The weather has been toococld for enjoyment, o! outdoor sports. MUITImUSE ENAMEL Cives sparkling beaoety mmd longi woarimg prototioc te wood mmd metal surfacs Multi-Use Enamel is the ideal finish ta give renewed life and beauty ta shabby, lusterless furniture, woodwark, toys, boats, garden equipment, etc. And it is sa easy toappl; . anyone - - $.TEI can use it with perfect resuits. It flows an smaotzly, leaves no QUS -IAO6 brush marks, and dries ta a hard finish in four hours. pII~ - - .60 Start right now ta brighten up your home with Multi-Use /:Plut - 3 Enamel. Being made of the bighest quaity materials it gives p/i it a hard, tough surface that wili retain its beaucy under the L hardest usage. 26 glorious colars ta chaase from. a a Hamupton Orono AN[ Lindsay. Bebee's. îday for the hiol- *nce has ion of a ss Olive nOrono t of Mr. iOhio, Vednesdav ousin of C.Moon V. J. H. e. buriai n ieft on he is as- fr a few T. Pat- 'G. Jones .ith's and LS. et mt. M rs. ;conven- ecil Fer- ive been rds were th, attend- SChas. Jr bhards. visited inL ýsvisitifli ai Nï1rs.H. abri's Congratulations tQ Roy Celville ou bis cever invention. This genius - if we mav cal im se - got an electrie moto: in Toronto, a leud speaker box, a tur table f rom a mneclhanical phonograph and a pick- up f rem an electric pbonograph and hooked it al up. He is now cnjoy- ing music a la mode. 'Ne understand that lie bas bis invention copyright- ed. patented. and wbat-have-you (be- ing a law~ student he would, you know), se doîît copy bis modernis- tic invenjn. Mr. and M rs. Chas. Brown were lboîored Fridav nigbt by LOL. and L.O.B.A. friends wlicn tbey were entertaiîîed at the Orange Hall aiîd presetcd witb an end table and chair. Ilr. N. Perter spoke brieflv expressing the regret of the gaîber- iîig tbat the Brewns were leaving the communits - Cards were played and lunch served for the balance of the exeîing. Mr. and Mrs. Brown leave Ntonday fer Fenelen Falls where lie bas obtained a position with a form- er employer. His tinsmithing bus- mness bas been seld and arrangements are being made f oj the change of ewjiersbip. If plans carry througb R. E. Logan, Bowmanville, will be the new ewner. Mfr. anîd Irs. Fred Lvcett and son. Oshawa. xisiçed witb bier mother. Mrs. . XXinter. Suniday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crease and soli, Toronto. spent Sundax- witb lier motber, Mrs. Fred Cowan. Major and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. Miss MNarjorie Adams and Mr. L. Brown jouriîeyed te Oweni Sound Suniday for a moter trip. Mr. Chas. Tyrcîl took advantagc Of thic Wedhicsday liahf holiday for a trip te Toronto. Harry Mercer's Rest Rooms will scion be readv for the grand open- ing. Ifr, 1. J. Gilfillan left wiîb itie Porters Wýednesda%, afternoon look- ing for big game, such as xvood- cbucks. He xvas armred te the ieetli withî plentv of cartridges and bis pistol. The large timbers for the Fair Ground's grandstand were raised Tucsdaxv with the aid of Forestry employecs. The new stand will bc approximatelv 80'x20' and should seat ahinost double tlie number tlie old stand would accommodate. Durliam Central Agricultural Soc- ietv wilh hold a meeting Xednesdav. Mav 25th ai 7.30 Standard Turne. Several of tbe survcyors ot'lthte Provincial Road f rom Newcastle to Lindsay are âleying ai Kumrite fin. Tlicv bave erected new signs aloil' the road and are doinz mucb needed repair work. F. F. Mforris' Furniture Store is looking propereus witb a bright îiew awîiing. 'Ne understand that the laie Mr. R. B. Thernton, CQJumbus. Ohio, who was buried bere ibis week xvas the mans who selected the cemeterv site many years ago. Miss Eileen Riddell visited Rev. anîd Irs. Harold Siainton iin Guelph. ast wcek, returning home Thurs dav. Gordon Pewers lhad quite ail ex- citing dav ibis week tryiniz te catchi an alleged thief wbo was supposeri te bave stolep bis dog. After phoiî- ing John Morris and John Berry te be on the lookout for the mans car be discovered that tbe dog was curl- cd up in the back kitchen sleeping peacefully. With the 24th of May on Tuesdav of next week, parents will be wehl advised te recal te ibeir children the îîumerous fires and injuries wbichî have resulted in past years and be on had when there are geing te be fireworks. Dean-To Msr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Burlington, on Sunday. May lSth, 1938, a soni. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and family of Oshawa calhed on Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Scott Sunday. S. O. E. are marching to St. Savieurs Anglican Church next Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Don't f orget the gamne between Solina and Clarke football teamrs next Saturday. Keep the schedule that appeared in the sport sec- tion cf iast issue for future refer- ence. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Morgas visited Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Soucli. )PERSONAL Mrs. F. Branton, Betty and Keith, of Newcastle, called on Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Scott Sunday ev- enitig. Somne of the local hard bail en- thusiasts purpose playing with Newcastle this year, and accord- ingly attended the meeting in that village Monday. Several houses are being paint- ed, including Thos. Cewan's and Mrs. A. Henry's. Mrs. George Seymour and Mr. and Mrs. William Seymour at- tended the funeral of Mr. Sey- meur'cousin Mr. D. H. Jamie- son, at Bewmanvihle Friday. Mrs. Milligan. Newtonville, and Miss Rowland, nurse, Newcastle, were guests o! Mrs. Honeywell on Thursday. Schooh exams start next Mon- day. 66- assures ne departmen- tais. We wish the students the best o! luck. After cuite an absence due te incomplete files the popuhar '"Dim and Distant" appears again un this issue. Mr. Alfred Waddell left hast Wednesday fer Sudbury. The flag was flying iast Thurs- day in honor of the anniversary cf Cerenation. Mr. C. B. Tyrell wa.s in Toronto Thursday. 'Mrs. Mary Edgerton of Oshawa was buried here Friday afternoon. Deceased was a relative of Mr. Ed. Dean. Miss Viola Noden, University of Toronto, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. J. Noden. Viola finishes her year to-morrow and wili then be home for helidays. Mrs. Honeywell spent a few days hast week in Newcastle. Sympathy us extended te the relatives of the late Wm. Bannon who was burîed here Saturday. Mrs. Jamieson of Timm.sns spent a few days hast week with her mether, Mrs. C. G. Armistrong. Between now and June 6th ev- ery L. O. L. Ledge in Durham will be visited by Orono L. O. L. mem- bers inviting them Vo come te the big celebration in Oreno on Juhy l2th. Miss Margaret Dickson, B.A., Claremont, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson. Miss Mae Ransberry has gene to Montreal where she has secur- ed a position. A large number of Oroneites attended the concert Friday night at Bewmanvihle at which the medalists of Durham Musical Fes- tival performed. Miss Kathleen Stark spent a few days in Toronto the latter part o! last week. Master Kenneth Randal t vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray. Mr. Percy Winter has sohd his brooder house which was with difficulty moved on Saturday te its new site. Mr. and Mrs. Charhes Carke and daughter, and Mrs. Hewan of Toronto were in town Saturday. Mrs. P. Morgan was in Oshawa Saturday. Miss Laura AllUn presid'ed at Park St. organ Sunday in the ab- sence cf Mrs. O. W. Sandercock. Mr. Neil F. Porter was guest speaker at Newcastle Young Pee- phe's meeting Monday night. Rev. Wm. Sterling, a former much beloved pastor cf Park St. Churcli, will be the guest speaker i NEIL F. PORTER CHURCH SPEAKER Rev. Osterhout chose as text ~will look unto the his" - day morning. After showing that, one ceuld get a distant view from the mountain top, the pastor spoke on various hills such as righteousness, purity, c o m f o r t, grace, mercy, etc. At this service the choir rendered "He wihh have mercy," Miss Kathleen Stark tak- ing the solo part. At the evening service Mr. Neil F. Porter gave a most interesting talk on Communism and Condi- tions in Russia. He gave a very real picture of this wealthiest and largest country undér the rule of Stalin, which was said te be per- meated by the spirit of democracy and yet where it meant death te speak against the government. The speaker pointed out that Canadian yeuth was going te the city and was captivated by ex- citement which ail the isms seem- ed te supply. He also outlined the progress made by Tim Buck and the rapid growth cf communism in places as near as Peterboro, for instance. In describing Russia he men- tioned the 12 marble stations, the hotels and homes, the number of beggars. the outrageous prices. the lack of recreation, the forced military training, the absence of churches, the crowded conditions of the cities, the cheapness and commonness of divorces, etc. He closed by stating that Canadiîans should thank God that they lived where they had freedom, and ex- pressed the hope that Canadians would teach their .children and prevent an invasion of the "Isms." Rev. Osterhout expressed the audience's appreciation of the ad- dress and the service closed wth the singing of "Will Your Anchor Hold." At this service the choir sang "The Sinner and the Song,' with Mrs. Rowland Smith taking the verses as a solo. at the church's Sunday sctiool annivdrsary services. May 29th. Rev. Sterling ia now pastor of Fenehon Falls church. The Forestry started the eight- hour day Tuesday - from seveis to four, S. T. Dr. Pattersen, a former dentiat of Orono, visited friends here re- cently. The girls of Orono are enjoying a dressmaking class under the capable leadership of Mrs. Fred Lorriman. The first day was last Saturday. Next Saturday they begin the work in earnest. Tuesday is the 24th of May, but the kids are too anxious te scare the wits eut of nervous members of the fair sex te wait and are aiready uslng the fireworks bought for them by indulgent parents. We have often been asked why the 24th is net celebrated here wlth a big show cf some kind. Well, it's too late to see about it this year but what about it for next year? Orono's Orange Degree Team was at Garden Hill Lodge, Wed- nesday, May 11, exemplifying the Orange degree and initiating six candidates. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm at- tended the celebration in Tyrone on Thursday in honor of Mr. Brooks who was celebrating his 8th birthday. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Robert Morton had the misfortune to break her arm. trne talking about the value ce Ijsnawa. aucceeding E.lusuater silence. son.1 ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES_____ Frorn BOWMAN VILLE By P. M. Trains May 27th and Ail Trains (eicept No. 15) May 28tblL To *Toronto AIso to: *Brantford, *Buffalo, *Chiatham, Durham, Goderlch, Guelph, *Hamilton, Kincardine, *London, Meaford, Midland, *Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, *Paris, Penetang, *SV. Catharines, *Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, *Woocistook, and ail inter- mediate points beyond Barrie, Brampton, Grimsby and Hlamil- ton (time table stops). And to Parry Sound, Sudbury, Oba, Hornepayne, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, Beardinore. *Tickets sold to points marked * A. M. Trains oniy May 29th. Tickets also sold to Local Stations between Belleville-Whitby incl. Tickets, Fares, Transit Limita and Train Information froYu Agents. Ask for Handbill. T147IB C AN A DIA N NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC,.,. Aak Your Dealer or Write to Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.'Limited, Toronto Presidendt. GOD SAVE THE KING. J. R. Reynolds 0. W. Rolph Millbrook Defeats Orono Scholars In HighScoring Basebail Fixture Softbali season opened officially PICTURE SHOW Friday afternoon when Millbrook d e f e a t e d Orono, Continuation FEATURE OF A.Y.P.A.. School by 21-16. Mcllveen urn- pired, and the Orono battery was,' A full evening's enjoyable en- Pitcher, LeRoy Myles; Catcher, tertainment was provided in St. Neil' Wood. Saviour's Parish Hall Saturday in the first innings Wainman night when Mr. Charles Clarke of got the only score for Millbrook Toronto showed four petures un- and Orono was lef t scoreless. i der the auspices of the young peo- The second innings both sides pie. The bill of f are includedi: played better, and Wainman, ILaurel and Hardy in "With Love Ridge, Theobald, Widdis, Kerr and Hisses"; an "Our Gang" corn- and Foster scored for Milibrook. edy: Laurel and Hardy in "Bail- and Keils, Power and Wood for Ors Beware!"; and aiso scenes Orono. from St. George's picnc. Rev. In the third innings the order of the entereainent and el- was evesed.Ker. Foterandcomed the visitors (Mr. and Mrs. Challice scored for Mlboo e lrk and daughter, and Mrs. and Patterson, Kells, PwrHwn nbhl ftemm Wood Loery nd ylesforOr-bers. Apples were served at the ofo. iclose of the show, bringing a very Kerr, Widdis, Fallis. WaInmfan enjoyable evening to, a close. an.d Challice scored for Millbrook' __________ in the fourth, while Orono was again held to no score. DIM AND DISTANT In the fifth innings Ridge, HAPPENINGS Wainman and Chiallice scored for Millbrook, and Morton and Bruton for Orono. From The Orono News of M.ilbrook was held to no score May 15, 1913 in the sixth, while Orono scored____ three runs through Wood, Lowery Marniage: Farrow - Brown - At and Myles. the Methodist Parsonage, Bow- Wainman, Ridge and Fallis manviUle, April 9, 1913, by Rev. scored for Millbrook in the last Hl. B. ICenny, Mr. Walter H. Far- innings and Patterson and Pow- row and Miss Annie Brown, both ers for Orono. of Clarke. It was quite an exciting game Died: Coulter - At Pontypool, and much enjoyed by a large o May l2th, Flora Coulter. be- number of spectators from Mill- lvdwf fM.JmsCutr brook and Orono. Cheers and boos oed w2ifeao r. JmsCutr rent the air and the fair sex did ae 2yas their full share of the cheering - Died: Scott- In Clarke, on May flot to menton the booing. 6th, Mrs. Gasper Scott, aged 80 Millbrook: Challice, Wainman, years. Ridge, Fallis, Lunn, Theobald, Master Roy Cornish had his Widdis, Kerr, and Foster. right arm f ractured above the Orono: Morton, Bruton, Case, wrist by falling frorn. a fence. Patterson, Keils, Power, Wood, Mr. Lias Berry who moved from Lowery, and Myles. Clarke Union section Vo the Hunt- This game will flot soon be for- er Farm is serlously Ill. gotten by either the- Oronoites or Mr. Harry Pinder leaves this the five or six carloads of people wek for California where he bas from Mlhlbrook. a position awaiting hlm. ____________ -Mr. A. R. Walsh leaves MondaY Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Youngý and for Yellowgrass, Sask., in the Dennie, Miss Ruby Clatworthy Weyburn district where he has and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mc- been appoînted by the Mission Millan of Peterboro visited on board to preach during the sum- Sunday at Mr. Chas. Wood's. mer months. Oscar Roiphe has taken a posi- Some people waste a lot of tion in Launder's hardware store, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 1938