Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY I9TH, 1938 fl He stretciîed anîd got fip. "I don't I rN~ rm~ n fL..MARY ROBERT suppose that lias entered lier liead." i o !No. tue general i(iea ýscenis to b ha ecarrs on as is.* Suc sat stili *for a long ituine after "Wbai the mji.lief are s-ou doinz durme tbat first nîontli. Then oll lie lîad gone. Suie sas stili sittine here ?" tias-lie did -go lu. to find Nettie 1tliire \%leun an assistant lîrouezlit in "The place is filtbs-. Doctor" Simipsonî iookine o01(1ai-d tired. atiç> sonie rcquisition slips. and sue sig i- "XVeil. take santie tumesvben 1îInî to realize that tlîev reiîresîîîttllithecd tliini absentlv. ou t. 1 can't sec people lu tlîis tsvo endîs of a long trail. Iltvas tlîat dav tiîat Clîris met mess." -I suppose soil becomme inz ouLewsis ii tlecliospital, *leas'ing And she w'ould look at bill, witli ditv so she said. af ter a board meceting. and fouind eyes like a dogs, pleadinz and -l get a cold chili evers imne 1 lier holding ont lier biand. humble. thiîk of it. Haîds -slîake. to Look '\<lv.Ioctor Arden!" she said. She annoved hlm. Lily tîrove him at theni!"-Have svounteserted lis entirelv Or frantie. And lu time even is itv He zririned an<l heid ott ls lonutg vas Eliza aur on]-v attraction" for the poor began ta be mixed -itl suirgeonis lbands. To lus imlniense Sue wsa smuiiiig. and he tried ta resentment. Tbey lacked consitiera- surprise lie found tlîat thes svere iie ak tion. and tao often tbev seere djrtv unsteadv, andt lie staretl attie.smeba. and generally shiftless. But lie seas "îîtbce snaiîgto iiici" lie 'e beeîi frightfullv buse. 'm paid ta attend ta the*se peopfle. nat said shcçDidshlv. "Bcex keeitzil) sorrs-. ta reformn them. an coffee and tobacco. Iid better eut 'But voit seul camne-? she per- CHAPTER XV dasen a bit.' sisted. lier handsomle eves on iii. There were tmes seben deatb She ced hbin, buut sule did noct .are\ut't ec? C.weame and dine ithbos seemed ta be a tangible tiinz 10 bini. nmention lus bandls. rn %v Cuead iewth s samething ta be faught less witlî 'Hase it gine ioss-: -\And selat snenet o obv act drugs than by slîeer w iii paser. arc s ail learning aut of b il ?' ' *dOn-vocion odb upi He would flot dare ta relax. \Xhen. He seas sulent for a long mnîute. Ou nw ocasofein.' e urrie as happened ance or tsviee. he dozed 'I hardiv kîosv set. I'nî sorrs tfor htwsalbtsemodof out of pure exhaustion. Death crept thin. if thats sliat vou tuean.- . a va ibtsh ae f Up: then he would rause. shak'e hini- Wlîeu I fail. I stîffer dlaniriale. but feeliing that lie svould nat camte and self an reew te bffl. Sppos l'l gl ovr tat ', that, after ail. perhaps Beverlv lbad sel ad rneseth de, bate. I arepos iinget over that. - been right. Tîtere svas a stubbarn "I' gang a de. actr' Has ar s-u lvin? Ae sou ie-twist ta bis uîauti. noss. and lie "Nonsense. Wei fight ilis Cut mne loi îked after ? looked definitelv altier, as if life had and win.' - l'i ail riglît. Not too goad. liot heetu doiiig thiîugs t, hini. As indeed He did w-m sarnietinies. It neser tac bad." accurrcd ta bui that lue seas uncan- It seas probablv. she tîbauîght t iatl. sciouslv drasing on aivthiîig be- pret bad - and iii the end site made . But Clîris seas uucomfortdble yoîd îimeif fr is trneti.The Ilii teil'berltc story bi l ani later lie ieft bir that day. His fenîd human bads sias stîll pure cheinus- life. Slitsvas thoughtful sehci1 lie seas sitiî Stauniton Leswis and bis trs' ta hlm. As lieinîatured le svas hdfThlîd coe l.nots itpss samen.toar ta see itlas pure cbenistrv plus lif.?. 'ou caîî't go on in(lefiliitelv like Tedaspsdrpis toad andtoreýniersotiewodsof ibis. Clîris." Christmas. The pile of slips froni Beand ta enituier sies ears c "o, esi."o IspO n thflic Departînent maunted day hvv Biergind.evm tvbfr e 'o h ad N.Isîpî~ lt a. anîd there svas a slosw but steadv d1d.But I1lappen ta bc God's gzift to tsvo - "Iltotok four sears of medical col- seouset at the momlent. and-- lie increase ini the number of bis pri- lege ta kili mv belief lu anle sort of isniled- "if y ou knosv anv other vate patients. One month Chris. God. and fartv yecars aif practice -,ù alsser. I don't." gu 'ing over bis books. made tbc sur- bringz it back." 'Cait the girl stop sehool anid go prisitie discovers- that uinc-tentbs, Chri sedom entto he hspial t -wr f Ilus cases ta date were svoméîî, and Chri sedonisvet t ththasita ta s-ok?'stting lack l' hi', office ehair, be _________________________________________faced tlîe fact ssitlî soinething like conisternation. Ilt sas truc. Miss Andres-s the 'I FIND HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS so spinster f rain dossn the street. an EASY AND CON VENIENT. 1 SPREAD A utattractive svaman of fiftv ss-o LITTE O MY INOEUMSANDbelieved that she seas tlîe abieet of LITTE ONMY LNOLEMS AD - desire and pursuit be everv man she PAIN TED FLOORS, AND THEY DRY AND- sasv: ftueHoweard girl, runnine iii GLLAM IN 20 MINUTES. IT IS SELF.- 'da- af±Lr day sib imaginary ail- POLISHING '(OU KNO Wl» ments. takiugz up is tume and lîcit- ing a violent letter of protest frani h er father over the size of bis bill women takitie babies - babies ta be orbabies svanted: wsenu asinz trouble ssitb their hbusbands : and îiere and there a ss-man reails- iii -- tis ssas his Practice ta date. e He ssas bitterlv discamnfited. He dicutdor tid flot realize as fac- tors bis voutb, bis gaad looks. lîls siiîgleîîess. and sasv only women sit- tiîug acrass frani hlm at bis desk or lviuîg lu their beds. seomen seatchine« linu svithî lîtent and hopeful ex-es. Wo'ani. OltI and votîne. attractive tir otlîerwxise. hut alsvs somen I He pulled biniseif tagether:' After ail, tbis seas bis apprenticeshira. aud aireadev lic kîtesetîtat. mien or seometu. ofteuu selat tbev wsanted was soîueting rmore than drues and care. The real moment came for tbieni shetu. lis-mePut asese ther- inometer aiid satclî, be sat back in bis chair besîde the bcd. Tbev were raîluer pathetie thetu, be thouelît. This seas tlueir bauîr, the one- tume sleut as ta a priest tbey voured out ilueir auixieties and griefs and even their sis. It seenîed a bang tme nase since lie bad liised anv persanal ife of bis osei, and tlîere seere moments when be svoîdered if this svas ail there w-as ta Pc. Then anc das' the issue seas put squarcis' up ta bim. and be had ta decide hetweeîî bis pride - as sitness Staunton Lewis and abso a certain ten-dabiar bill - aud bis inclination. For the marninz mail brouîebt hlm a surprise in the shape of a formaI card on w'hicb Mr. snd Mrs. Statînton Leweis desircd the pleasure of bis campanv at dinner an Christmas Es-e. December the tweîtv-fourth. at igbt o'clock. Katie hatb gane ta sclîaol. and Lily seas lu the kitchen. He sat abone at the ciuttered table, turning the card over iunlis bauds. To go was ta surrender, but after ail. wbs' nat surretîter? \Vbv tuat accept the frieîîdliîucss lu Anne Lcsis's baud- sanie eves? Wbv nat eveil sce Bey- crIe again, if anlv ta realize how renuote she seas? Wby - oh. wby îlot ga anyhase. aud damu Lewis and aIl bis svorks! He seas enormausis' ebeerful after tbat. gaine up) the stairs twa steps at -a tine. runnine axer bis shirts and ties. getting aut bis aid evenine clothues and carrving theni arouud ta Jake Ettenhure for inspection and aiteration. The littIe tailor put the coat on hlm and then eved hlm. "Well. IlI fix it up. Dactor. It sealît be gaad. but t selîl Pc better." He was alwas-s ta rememnber Jake like that. with bis bcad an anc side1 aînd bis tape measure slungz around1 bis neck - a kindly littie man with1 a wife and cblîdren be adorcd. aud, a canars- singing in tbe sindow of1 the sbop. The das hefore Christmas found1 Clris rather eomplaceeît. especialîs- aftcr Jake tbat rnarnîng bad re-1 turîucd bis reiuvenaîed even-i nez ciothes. Thev' loaked better than he iad expected. and lie hunz tliern up sithu care. ta turu and find Katie lu the tlaarsav svatchiîe hlmi. "Sa voo'rre goitie out into societs t(tnight !" she said. 'Hase do )voitknuisvthat" 'I sase tue card.' Tîte card. as lie kiies. lav lu a bureau draseer under bis lîaudker- chief s, and lie looked at bier. "I thouelit I'd asked s-ou to ]et tus- thitues alotue. mv cliid(." -he said se ve r elv "\'elgad beas-etîs. soniîeléodv' s cot ta straigbtenth ieni for von! A-nd l'm nat your child. Ini notlîiue ta s-ou !' Slîe svirled and svent ont leavixie hlmi lu a state af acute discomfart and revoit. But later onu lutue day. lu a horst of remarse and Christmas feeling, lie sent ta the bause a small Christmas tree and a bax of trini- mities. Then. stili under tbe sp)eli. lue bought a pair of gloves for eacb of tlieni. saw theni tied 1.1p) itlî rtbboîî. and sent then i wtb bis card. "To a bappier Christmas next yecar." lie serote an tlîe anc ta Lis' Walters anîd did fiat realize utîtil toa late that bie had virtuallv' cammitted bituscîf ta anather tsvelve montbs of the present arrangement. He trimmed the tree biniscîf that a fternaon, and set it gailleiii the centre of the dininz-rooni table. 'Verv bandsame, I caîl it,' hie said comiacentîs'. 'se scen warse donc be- Sauta hiniscif." Lus' bad gone ta the kitceet for sometlîitig.an3d Katie anîd lie seere alone. He laoked at bier for av- pros-ai, but she was not smling. ',\\'1iv do vau doalal this far us' sue said somberîs'. "We'e no eaod. andI vou know it. WhVb don't Nyou kick -us aut, Luckilv Lilv' rcturncd at that nia- ment, and bie did flot bas'c ta ansseer bier. t ssas aîîlv a few bours aftcr that tlîat tbe accident happened ta Take Etteuburez, and Annie, after dulv waititlg as lotie as possible. saw bier dinner p)artv go lu and Staunton scosline at an emptv chair. Quceer. ail of it. Jake and Katie and Leseises involved for anc moment lu sanie bit of svhat Chris lu after life seas ta caîl the pattern, but svhicb was ta bc for anc of theni sheer. stark, tragede. For Jake. burrving home sitb an arniful of parcels tlîat niglut, lîad beeîî struek Ps- a street car. Clîris seas upstairs tving bis w-ite tic seien it happcnced. and Kate seas soiking lu the kitcheti. Theti Chris heard tlc brakes of a trolley car. sauealinz outside. a svonan's sereani. and the loud voices of men. 'Get a doctor. for God's sake! "Lift hlm up, somiebodv. Theres a doctor rigbt here." Chris svas on the stairs w-hen the beil rang wildlv. and at the (bar when a group) of men had lifted an juert fizure fron the track and were carryinz it across the pavement. -Brinz inii i," lie said. and stood hack wshile the Procession moved ni) the steps and] into the bouse. -Got a bed or sometbing. Doc- tor ?" .'Not (lown here. Put hlm on the floor in tbe back office. Hes better f lat." But one look told hlm that the man would neyer be better. and told hlmi. too. with a sense of shockcd horror that it w'as Jake - that sanie Jake who that mornjnz had proudlv sent back bis clothes. He stooped aver the prastrate figure. "Can vou hear me, Jake?" "WVho is it?" "It's DQçtor Arden. Have vou anv pain anvwhere?'" "No pain. I feel cold. I guess it's got me. Doc.". *'You*ll be ail right, Jake. Tust lie stili.", 'I'm tbirstv. Hate to trouble anv- bodv. but-" He was going fast. but Chris knew the little group around ex- pected hlm to do somethinz. Thev S d there asved and awkward. ok ing down and mutels- demand- inv that be do the impossible. And he did what he could. called for juigs filled with hot w'ater. prepared bis bvpodermic. A Policeman had appeared and was taking names. an ambulance was sent for: but Chris. streaked bv that tume witb blond and grime. knew that it would bc too late. He was on the floor beside Jake when he spoke bis last words. and. like Sa manv last words of the dving. thesv were incansequential. even faintlv liumorouk. "I certainly made a good 10b of that suit, Doc." he said. and closed bis ex es, nlot to open them azain. (To be continued) 1- -.-COURTICE (Intended for last week) The children of the local school attended the preliminarjes of tbe Music Festival held on 'Mav 4th at Orono. and attended the final hear- ing at Bowmanville United(l Curch on Mav- lOt. Arbor Day at No. 8 svas bield on Mav 6th %vith the usual activities in the marning, and a trip to Maplle Grave lu the afteruoon. Ganies. be- tween the tsvo sehools. were plaved. lucludine softhail. Stînhearn Mission Band met iîî No. 8 last sseek. Call to svarslîip ssas; falioseed lue resîlonse bv aIl. 'Mrs. Clarence Penfound aîîd Miss Amui Wsilkinîs, Leaders, sscre bath present. The Junîlirs gave an exercise extitl1- cd "Christ Is Risetu." 'Mrs. Peîîfound sere iîîtcrcstiîîglv toltl a searshivu store. A letter fraîîî Miss Bouirts seas read Ps 'Miss Wilkins. M.\rs. Penfound led lu praver aîud an of- fertorv praver w-as gaiven. Seseral Juiniors belped in givine the Studv Book bv sbowing w'lat a baby cliîîic is like iin Korea. Easter messages f romn Korea seere read fram Easter eggs aîîd a tbetue igamc eas pias cd bv the Juniors. sîotlîer's Das- sas ohserved iin the Sundav Sehool witb the annual spec- il pragrani. Sv.mpatbv- is exteîîded ta Mr. andI :srs. Pauîl Antil un the loss of tbeir smaib son. Herbert Bruce. Miss Nellie Husband underseett an aperatian for appendeitis lu Base- nianvilie Hospital. MNrs. A. Snuddeu is home fraîn Bowsmanvile Hospital sebere she bas been serioîsîs- ill. -Nr. and Mrs. Howvard Pliîîtoff hase bath heen ill. Mr. Sidnes' Rice last tw-a of bis luorses this spruîîe. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Eric Courtice upon the hirtb of a sali- Recelit local impros-emeîîts include. M r. Jack Robinsoîî's nese cottage bouit betsveen the homes of MIrs. F. Everotu and 'Mr. J. Gearlîte: Mr. Lloyd Wilsorî's ties garage and al- teratiouîs ta adiacerît buildings:;'Mr. Flood's nesv sun roani: 'Mr. Ed. Piddîtek's iniprovemients ta the in- terior of bis gelîcral store; sbinglinz of hatîse ow-ted biv Mrs. B. Cour- tice; a brooder liauise on the p)remn- ises of Mrs. S. \X'elslî and p)rep)ara- tiîîîs for ai l eectric cooler on the fanm of Mr. A\. Phair. MNr. Raîpli Toolce lias returned froîîî Eîglaîub )laoiîue mu1-cli imprav- cd lu hecaltli. Mir. N. Goile. Oshuasa. visited bis broter. Nlr. George P'. R'vnoldS. Mr. and lNrs. Y. \Vaî Gutetu and faniuiv have returtîct froni Oshawva. ,Nr. Heure Prîîfer. \Vestau, sisit- cd svith Mîr. and Mrs. Rogers who putrcliased lus cottage nortlî of the village. MNr. jaseîîh W'elsii, Tauntan, visit- cd frietuds liîc. Mrs. Gieorge Rex nolds lias beenk spendi!ý- several sveeks at \Vcston witlî %Irs. Henry Prufer, late resi- (lent of Couirtice, ta sehorn a young sou seas boru lun.Aîril. MNiss Giadvs Revnoids, Toronta, visited at lier luotîe on Sunday. B3ETHESDA% f Iîteuded for last sveek) Last mecetinîg of Bethesda Home aîîd Schîooi Club for 1937-28 seasan- seas beid on Fridav. 'Mav 6tb. Tie club entcrtaiîîed the Lonîg Sault Home and School Club slîa had charge of the pragraul. The tapie seas takenu hv Mrs. R. J. Hadgson seiose suibjeet seas "*Home." IM fr. Slîantz favouired selîli tw-o gilitar solos. This svas foilosved h-- a jîag- cauit eîtitied "The Road ta Yýfter- day.' Luntchi sas served aîid a soc- il ture elljoyed. THE LAKE SHORE BROADCAST, CLARKE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY l9TH. 1938 THURSDA', NMAX' I9TH. 1938 THE LAKE SHORE BROADCAST, CLARKE, ONTARIO P.-!GE THREE . Our School (Mlidred Brown) Our schoolisL about 4 12 miles frorn Newcastle on the Lake Shore Road. It is a one-roam- cd, red brick schooi, about 100 -'-- years oid. iTht insicie is -paint- ed cream and brawn and has crearn and green crepe paperý curtains. Wc have six sections of biackboards, two book cases, piano. victrola, and a First Aid cabinet made from a dlock case. We have single mavable desks, and fifty folding chairs we use for meetings. There arc sixteen pupils (8 boys and 8 girls), 6 classes. Miss Rowland has been aur teacher for the past eight years. For music supervisor we have Mrs. G. Campbell, New- tonville. The Home & School Club meets here the third Wednes- day in each rnonth. Prom April ta Decembcr we have Sunday school. We chfldren have a Junior Red Cross meeting oc- caslonally on Friday aftcr- naons. We have large fiower gar- dens and a vegetabie garden. 0f course. we have a basebali damond and a shed. In the winter we have hot lunches. We cook aur meais on a coal ail stove. We have 'a poster called "Books I Have Read" and on it we have a pocket for each pupli. Every book we read we puft the name of t on a slip and put 1V In the pocket. For reference we have a set of the Books of Knowiedge. We have a number of niounted pictures which we put on the waii from time ta, time. We read the "Red Cross Junior," "Wee Wisdom" and also use the "InsVructor" and Canadian Teacher which aur teacher gets. We keep aur boards decor- ated. At present we have a border of pretty boys and girls cut from fa-sh.lan books. If you want ta see aur schooi came some Sunday afternaon at 2.30 Vo Sunday Schooi. Recipe (Prom Can. Teacher Magazine) Flour Paste That Docsn't Spol 1 cup lump starch (or 2-3 starch, 1-3 flour), mix with cald water untul creamy. Pour aver this 4 cups boiling watcr, stlrring constantly. Add: /2 tsp. sait, a very littie soap (anc flake ta prevent cuusu, tcup granulated sugar, then .cup carpenter's fish glue which has been soaked overnight in cald water, 1 tsp. powdcred aluni Cook until it thickens - about 5 minutes. Remove frornif ire and beat until cold. Add 1 tsp. carboiic acid. Scent as yau wlsh (peppermint, wintergreen.- claves, etc). Pour into srnali jars and keep covered. Thin with water if needed or keep in a warnrýer place. We like It the best ai any we have used. EDITORIALS By Grade 8 The Lake Shore Broadcast - Ediitur . . Audrey Adamns Assistant Editor - - . Hazel Powell THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1938 THE SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE LIST We have just read the 1938 Prize List aud find it cnuchi changed an(l more interesting. W'e are glad to sec there -is still a class for woodchuck tails, for that farmn nuisance must be kept under control. The boys seern pleased the candv class hasn't been re- imoved, - even tbough it is open to "Girls Only." MJc girls wvon- der whv ' The Grade 5 and 6 girls sill enjav making scarves for their own dressers. It will seern cheerv to see daintv book-eovers on our fourth readers and it sill help preserve them iu better con- dition for their next awners. It will save much trouble to have a Duster Bag with sec- tions in it hung in a handy place and whose living-room w ont look tidier with a set of hand-made book-ends holding your favorite books in place-. Those who haven't hobbies may be eneouraged t0 begin onie so they eau enter the hobby (isplay. We svonder if those who enter the Apple Namning Contest will be allowed to sampie each variety tbev have to name? We are glad to set two classes for public speaking and one for recitations. (The class where pupils will tell a storv about a picture îbcy are given will be new and no doubt vers entertaining>. With these and (ther changes evervone xiii want to attend our Fair this fali. THE NEW PROGRAME 0F STUDIES This vear we, ini Grade 8, have seen the pupils nip to Grade 6 being taught -a different course than we had when we wcre lu their grades. Froni wbat tbev have been taking this vear w-e, too, have learned things we hadn't bad bcfere. \'Çe have many new library books now. Most of these bave manv coloured riitures and are written iu simple language. Many have a littie dictionary in the back so we eau look up wor(ls we need quickly. These books are on ail subjects. We have learn- ed much about Art, Healtb Social Studies, Nature Study and even Aritbmetic by reading tbese new books. It seems quite a change ta sec the beginners usine printine or script instead of writing as w-e do. Printing bas helped themt to learn to read more quickîs and to read from books more easiiv. When we were lu the Primer it svas a struggle to even read the old Primer Reader. But now the Primer class have already read seseral readers tbrougb and xiii try ans- junior book. This glves tbemn more reading practice and thev eau do a geater varietv- of seat wsork toc. AIl the grades do more handwork than we ever did. Oif course tbev ail like this and dIo it carefuilv and quicklv. Tbev ail lias-e so many interesting thines to do that tbey work bârd and enjoy tlieir work better. They undersnd much hetter w-bat tbev have iearned after thes*'vbave a chance to reallv practise it. The Social Studies course for Grades 5 and 6 is verv ln- teresting ton. Vs'ehas-e learned to like our Historv antI Geozrafphv better after bearing some of their stories and reading somne of their books. The new Arithmetic texts and exorcises are mucb more finu thari ours were. W\e often wisb w-e werc Juniors agaîn. Imagine iiaving a picture at the toi) of everv fe-sv pages and then a short story to reati. Thern do problenis that arise out of the story. Probiems about aeropianes, a boy- building a dog keenel. piavinz store. Thýv bls-e the stories. Tbev learu arithmetic, readine and manv saluahie facts ail at once .Some people sigb 'Oh. for the good oid days !" buit w-e cheer, 'Hurrah, for tlîe better tumes of todav.-, BEAUTIPYING THE SOHOOL GROUNDS Ass-e trasel tlirouigb aur countv , every fese nmies w-c pasa sciihoi. Sonie look bleak and deserted; others look fresh ail(] friv-ulivs. \Vliiciî kind of sebool is ours' Which kiud (do se ealit iltoti le: ior- sclisi ul is the centre of our comniunits-. t is kept n) lie the ratepas crs of the section. It r(flects the kind ,f peopîle tuai are iii tue ;cetion. It is sere we zgo to scbool. It is svlere c îmu111iunîty gatherings are held. W\ee au ail sas- it is "Our Sebool." PeautifuIi surrotuudings - clean, neat, svth pret- flow-ers and ,Ilrtii)s - hilp us to feel otir hest. Thev belp uis to think otîr i,'. Tiîey help) us to do our best. If we practise keeping the grounds tidv and improvinz (Turn to Page 3) Lake Shiore Persons Make Good 0 Since aur littlc rcd brick sehool was buili hundred.s of children have atteiided it. To- day these people are scattered in far corners o! our Dominion. We cannat wark an aithmctic question ta show how rnuch good aur school has donc. Na anc can calculate just what difference has been made in the lices of ail these people by the training thcy got at the "Lake Shore." We are happy ta, say that most of those who were born in aur section or attended schooi here have became in- dustriaus and succesaful citi- zens. To-day we are proud ta dlaim as L. S. Oid Girls and Boys rnany persans wha hold positions of trust. We cannot begin ta make a compiete ist of ail these here, but we wil mention: Alian A. Martin, inspectar of Public Schools, Brighton. William Laing, Clarke, anc of aur Township Councillars. Mis. F. W. Bowen, President of the Home & Schaal Cauncil for this county. Miss E. M. Holmes, Principal of King St. Schoai, Oshawa. J. A. Rowland, Royal Bank Manager, Elmirs. E. A. Hoimes, Bank of Com- merce Manager, Toronto. Among those wha attendcd Lake Shore more recentiy: John Hendry is attending Veterinary Cailege, Guelph. Miss Annabelle Hendry, tea- cher at MacLean's. Miss Hilda RowlIand, our teacher. Maurice Powell, Jean Houmes and Edith Hendu-y attending Newcastle jïigh School. Audrey Jaynes, Secretary, Tweed. Evelyn Brown, in a store, Taronto. Everyone cannot hold an cx- ecutive position. So the nia- jority of aur school graduates have taken up other prof es- sions just as important in the life of aur country. Most of the girls wha, at one tume at- tcnded L. S. school have mar- ried and are members of the greatest profession i n th e world - they arc homemakers and mothers. Most of the boys have become farmers. There are many branches ta the farming industry and we only have rooni Vo mention: Bob Hendry, graduate Mac- donald Coîlege, Qucbec, farmn- ing near aur school. C. Mitchell and John who specialize in giadioli and real estate. W. C. Halmes who has fine apple archards. RaPt. Martin and Cordon who have the iargest acreage in the section. Jack Haîrnes and Bill Raw- land wha, are Junior Fanmers. Thee boys practise what they iearncd at O. A. C. Sh or t Courses and Judging work. They are livestock breeders and grain grawers. The family narnes of Brown, Allin, Jaynes, Powell, Basker- ville, Hendry, Giaver, Graham, White, Adamis, are ail wel- (Turn ta Page 4) My Most Pleasant Holiday Letter E: iDear Pupils: (By Miidred Brown) I am going ta gice a speech next month at H. & S. Club. My most picasant holiday My speech is about a great ex- was a trip ta Unitedl States i piorer called Ferdinand Magel- last August. We went by No. 2 Ian. I arn only il years aid. highway ail the way and went I have four sisters and two from Windsor on the bridge ta brothers. I have read manyl Detrout. 1 vusted at my cous- books thi year. I liked the El- ins in Detroit. This was 342 snBscRaeBa ,thle miles from here. best. I have a caif and lamb Before we crossed the bridge picked out ta take to the we saw a lot of aid fashioned School Fair. cars, and the waman who had Your chuni, 50 many children and iived in Jack Brown. a shoe. The shoe was very-- large. We saw where Tecurnseh Iear Pupils: who fought with Brack was I arn 8 years aid. I arn in the kiiled. In Brantford we saw Grade 3. 1 have two cats, the Schoi for the Blind. In anc dog and one pigeon. She Detroit we saw what was sup- flics ta school. I feed her po.ed ta Pc the iargest stove in wheat to cat. I have a baby the world. When we crossed brother. His name is Keith. I the bridge we saw the largeI wili be giad when I can play buildings, and anc had a huge wi hm iight which refiected at night. Your fniend, We saw the airport and some Ross Adamis. acropianes take off. Borne had three engines and were very ierPuis large.I arn11 years aid and weigh We went ta the zoo one' 72 lbs. I arn just four days day and saw the birds and 'aider than Princess Elizabeth. animais from ail countries n rngaing ta speak about her The nimas wec inlarg at aur next H. & S. meeting. buildings or in cave-like build- I amn the oidest af six. I have ings. The zao is sa large that four sisters and anc brother. you get tired waiking f rom anc 1i1arn in Grade 6. My favanite end ta the ather, and sa they 'subject is Arithmctic. I like to have a little train runnîng !'take part in the School Fair across the zoo. 'and show many things. At One afternoon we wcnt ta .schaoî wc have many new Edgewatcr Park and had a pic- books with pretty pictures in iaic on the grounds. We went thern. I was at the Crcam Of on the LindY-LOap which was'Baniey Camp and saw sorne vcry thriiiing. The acropianes monkeys, bears and many oth-' had a littie engine in them and crs iast summer. I like ta sew, they were fastencd by chains. put pictures in my scrap-book. We stayed in Detroit for a and make poetry. I belong ta rnanth and my dad camne after the Junior Red Cross. 1I arn a us. Coming harne just before ieyhpp il we came to the tunnel we saw 'eyhp y irl. um wherc coke was made and saw Olive Brown. the large Ford mator car fac- tory. We camne home through Dear Pupils: the tunnel. This was a very I arn a boy living on a f arm enjoyabie trip and I saw many that- touches L. Ontario. I was thmngs I had neyer seen before. 9 years aid on April 1. I have a pet - gray raDait -ca1 u;e - Our Farm (By Jack Brown) There are about two hun- dred and Vwenty acres an aur f an. Our farm runs frorn the Base Line ta Lake Ontario. The name of aur farm is Brook Dale. The soul on aur farrn is rich Ioam. We have a good water supply. We have a pump in aur stable. We have been busy sawing wood which we cut frani the lake shore. Most af aur fences are wire and rail. We have farty-nine cattie and caives. I arn gaing ta show a caîf at the schoai fair. 1 arn gaing ta name it Brook Dale Betty. Our cattie are rnostly Herefards. We have ten harses. They are mostiy Percherons. We have ta break one in for spning wack. His narne is King. We have thirty-two pigs and twa aid saws. Six o! aur pigs wili soan be ready ta ship ta Toronto. We have thirteen sheep and thîrteen littie larnbs and one aid ram. Sornetimes he wili chase yau. We have (Turn ta Page 4) er. I have 3 cats. I cal anc Fluffy. I have a pet pig and I fEed It with a battue. I like the1 pig be§t. In my spare time 1I play w1th rny rabbit. At school4 I read books in rny spare tume.1 I like Adventure Storles best.1 The book I ike best is Mag:'c1 Hours.1 Yours truly, 9 Archie Hendry. xcnauge Courtesy Py Dear Pupils: (Audrey Adams) I amn in Grade 3 and like Caurtesy means ta be polite schooi work fine. I live on.a or uespectful. We should be farm that touches L. Ontaria.icourteous ta cveryone. It is There are 3 barns on aur f arm. easy ta be courteaus ta aur I arn the only chiid in the famn-i friencis and w'hen we are feel- ly sa I have ta play with pets.i ing well and happy; but, "The I have a goat, rabbits, cats and!I man svarthsvhibe is the mail calves. I was to Toronto and 1with a smile, w-hen everything saw a basebail game and the goes desd wrong." Exhibition. I have been ta the Wre ail want ta have true. Royal Winter Fair too. I was red.W knwtai py inside the Maple Leaf Gardens tfrieda. e knawthar.t tpay and aw pratic gam. 1courtesy cames fram the heart, have read 28 books since Sep- We act politely because we tember. I like History and have kindly thoughts and feel- Cowboy stories best. I was un- the Sick Childrcn's Hospital in ungs about people. Sorne pea- Torntoonc an ha apen-pie have "ýcampany" manners. dcTront oceamd had appen-When these people get excited d~ctis bu Iarnwel flW~ or worried they aften forget Your chuni. the manners thcy are not used Blle Jamnes. ta practising every day to ev- eryone. It is much better Vo Dear Pupils: practise aur manners every day I amn 7 years aid. There are and on es'eryone. We can two in my ciass. I have two Practise theni at home. We cari younger brothers. They paint- practise tluem at schaol. Then cd the dag this winter. They wherever we may go we will did not use a brush. They took unconsciousîy use aur good tYteir hands and rubbed it un manners because they have bc- wcll. They were ail paint froni corne a habit with us. the head ta their feet. I drink rnilk and take cad liver ail. I We admire others wha are cat eggs. I brush my tceth be- thoughtful, and wel-behaced. cause I want ta grow strong They are well liked because and healthy. We have a littie they are agreeable and cheer- lamb at the barn. It is 2 weeks fui company. ald. The farthest place I've Try practising these and see been is Ottawa. We went by if they don't make you feel car. I had a ride on a street- better and make others seemi car. The next evening we went i more f riendly. Vo the Park where they were 1. Be dlean and dress neatly. swimming. Alec gat lost-. Wc 2. L i s t e n attentively and hunted for him for haîf an don't interrupt. haur. But at last we found 3.Sak iticlan us him.3.Sekdsitlan ue Yaur littie chum. good Engiish. Joyce Martin. 4. Do nat argue. - - 5. Remember ta say excuse Dear Pupils: me and I beg your pardon. I was 10 years aid in Febru- 6. Obey and bie kind to old- ary. I weigh 70 pounds. I en- er people. joy gaing ta schaol. There are 7. Use the telephane sens- just 2 pupils in my class, Grade ibly. 5, and we enjay working ta- 8'terd - gether. I have three pets. One 8. When using terdc, is my dog named Rover. Last corisider others. year she had 8 pups. I liked 9. Be a goad sport and play playing wlth thern. A.nther fairly. pet is the four little larnbs. 10. When you make a mis- One day when I was at the take admit it and laugh it off. barn I caught them and daddy 11. If you can't be pleasant cut their tails off. 1 have a and helpfui it us better Vo be horse, Queen, and I lead her quiet. ta the trough ta get a drink. "HeartS ike doors will apen 1 like ta draw at schoal and at with ease home I like Vo play bail. I have To vcry, very little keys. a dohl named Patsy and she is And don't forget that two (Continued on Page 4) are these- "I thank you, sur" and "if ---M - 4 %yau please.", t.ai:oriaais (oninuea irom Page 2) thvn ultacb s car t w iii hecomne a hbit.X hen w-e icave scbool 55C wvil] heatitife uur homes. Other pmaple sceitue aur selitol sel butautife their homes. Otiier schîoois mac jiinl the canipaigui. Let ils start this spring to Ptautifs' nir schîooh grouuids anduI o uur siîare of kecuulue nuir bonles beauti fti. - MJc w-lu Pc so buisv- iaiie g god anti beatuti fi ubiis tîtat sec sel tînt toherate utle our had tluiugs. It is casev to uuake a list of ttîings w-o cati dIo to itupirose ouur suîrrotuudiuîgs. t is easy Io read lluetinus and buooks, andu umagazinues anud so learu more abloutit makiuîg tuîr tremises attrac- tive. But lno kuowieuhge is aulx- gotid except seuw-e practisCý it. Sa, scbois of DuirhamtuCotînts, secchalenige couit t a guioci-seih comipetitiuun. Let's unake auîr ' sciîools moître attractive- t-adi year. - Start noss. Plant a trdç Get a refuse containuer. Start a garden. Let our nitta bc "Beauttifx- aur Scboal Premises." Itlibas becuu said thuat an attractive playgrouuid will dIo more thaui a guod wheat crop ta kcep a cbild an thue f an. Sa Peautiftil sirrotîndinRs will daoniard thuan auv anc other tbing ta keep ius happy at sebool sud make us cantented ta stay an the fanm. '1 Our Velis Haw do yau do? How do you do? We'.re the pupils from Na. 2. We wark, we Play, w'e iaugh, wc shout, And aiways try ta Pc good scau ts, Lake shore! Lake Shore! Hip, hup, Hurrah! Chick-a-racka, chick-a-racka, Chick-a-racka, ru. We are the Pupils froni No. 2. At "The Front" we live, At "The Front" we'll stay, Lakie Shore, Lake Shore, Hip, hlp, hurrah! PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 19TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN ýt7 -- -la- - -- - -

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