THURSDAY. NfMAV 5TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOXVNANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT 4 , .îand -Thurt' XVre Ninetv an(i Nine. I NESTLETON M.lN14< olin îpd alî Mrs. Bruce Freelove .and on. .\r. andi NIr 5..I rne ,ilin 11)s, n TeddIv. with lier fatlît r, MIr. A\rthur and J0s ean with NI r. and %I rs. Hulbert. XXni. 'Th, 'njoon. M r. George Dougla,.. .\g Io1t Ni r. and i Mrs. Gce rgc Clîapmami at his farm wcst oif the v lii,£,e. wî îr n Nr.Gtreloî« where lie is suiperimtct r 'niSd ie NIr r. inii Na\ Io r a,", sPring reriovaîing. iRie d. . .QIawa. Nr. n(NI rs. 1-1 Mr See uleî nt . lite i ntx ani M rs. Al\fred Mr. teveHulbrt i ontagi;l Henrv. BIacI,ýtock. xi ith Mi. ,s Gladvs andl on Saturdav resurned lmîs dai NlCKee. walkto he Pst ffic.'Nr. Jack Allen, Peterboro. with Mr. John Nesbitt is bomne troi .\r.Pe rcv Philp. Mort. Pso lvrisiiii 1 Nis Lena Dick'ev wth NMr.and Oieri l n rli Mn. Fred Grav. Ballvduif. Mrpi. adMsNJsIode n r. Anidrcw M\arlow and Miss adMr n Is. Ror Mcod an jMrBeatriceXlitfield. Nestieton. Nir. tod TrntoTbertsdav. mteedandtMrs. Fred Bailev, M r. Eanl to ToontoThurdav.Bradburn and 'Miss .\Iarorie XVit- There was no service in Nesileton field of Blackstock, with Mr. and Presbyterian Clîurcb on Sundav. Mrs. NMelville Latbange. Ballvduf f. The Preshyterian choir iournee'ed Ni. Lewis Fallis with Mrs. to Ballyduif to supplv music for OHalloran. Ballyduff. anniversarv cf Ballvduff Presb-v - Nir. and Mrs. J. G. Thîompson. terian Church. Services were beld iin Mr. and Nfrs. Robert Dickev'. Miss the afternoon and in the evenlinz Mary Nialcolm. 'Mr. Kitchener Bur- witb Rev. Fred Riding. Pontvpooi ton- with 1Mr. and M'%rs. Wilbcrt United Cburch. who delivered two Gainer. Ballvduff. inspiring addresses. in the afternoon, Nir. and M.\rs. Robert N.icCoîl, Mr. dealing especiallv vUb the probleni 'amd Nrs. Jos. Forder. Nlr, and Mns. of "The Cburcb and Younz People." Hugb Taylor. Mrs. Percy Edgertoln. In the evening he spoke of the Nliss Rose Mountjov. Mýiss Sarali "Lack cof Vision on the Part of the Narloiv. Miss Nornia Hooev, .\Mr. Churcb and the Churcli Nembers." HÏarrv Sýandersomi with '.Ir. and Nîrs. In the afternoon the choir rcndered IA. Farrow, Ballvduff. ail antbem "There is a Fountain.' MIi-sPauline Ferzuson .\NIr. Hlar- and a quartette "Dear Spirit, ca vv Tiîompson. Nir. Leonlard Job- Thou Me." In the evening evlnMr Merle Thonmson with Mîr. sang "Beautiful XXords of J esus" and Nrs. Percv Preston, Ball%:diff. FOR MOTHERS DAY Mother's Day Cake Speciafly Decorated A Lovely Gif t FOR MOTHER Aflc Butterscotch PIES - Each 25 c SPECIAL MOTIIER'S DAY CHOCOLATES Annie Laurie & Neilson's 50C - $I1.00 pkg. Remember Your Mother On Sunday, - May 8th - THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers for Two Generations Phone 855 Bowmanville Wear The Newest In Soort I-rousers The Sportop Ncvelt\' trou s e n s witb tunnel b e1t loops. XXorn with nannow bet Rives a Pnaptîy ap)peanance. The The Lounger Corsers Nnvtl(:tv iligh- R ise HIb-Ri'. t t-oîuens xiitiî 2 tleat- tn mieacli -uîue. Aml ( um ýîanmîdîn. crct aimi. .elts tîleattil trcliien tnosl- ti oeexestm a1;v tneewt. A iis .,t\ le featune. Your Made By Choice 1.00 pair Tip Top - WOMEN - Stop - Look - Save H,ýe's a gronp of Coat., sclectd fr,m tonr stick, ami originaiiy priced as igb as $18.95. 01, the blolck for iticilouislow pices. Every Cota a î(I matie, seIl is ednodel. $4.95 to $10-95 We Want You to Sec the New Swaggers Expentiy tai lonediliîmt hu IIh t 11) 93A Spti mg ti e j st reasonably priced at $13.50 Sloorea of new Spring Dresses and Hats now on display Couchb, Johnston & Cryderman -LIBUTED - Bowmanville1 Two Fine Shows At Newcastle VARIETY SHOW AT MINSTREL SHOW THE PARISH HALL AT UNITED CHURCH Where Presented - St. George's Where Presented - The United Parish Hall. Newcastle. Church S. S. Hall. When - Thursday evening. Ap- When - Friday evening, April ril 21st.. 22nd. By Whom - Younger c h ur ch By Whom - United Church Live members andI Men's Club. Wires S. S. Class and Orchestra. Sponsored by - The Parochial Sponsored - By same. Committee. Organizer and Directer - Mr. Producer-Director - Mrs. D. R. Stanley Richard, teacher and or- Dewdney. chestra leader. Attendance - Capacity house, Attendance - Auditorium and many standing. galleries filled. 1 Box Officer - Geo. Crowther. Box Office OfficiaIs - Newton Admission charge - 25c. Ashton, Trumnan Clark, Arthur Proceeds- around $33.00. Gibson, Gea. Buckley. Pianists- Thos. Brereten and Admission charge - 15c and 25c. Mrs.Jno Garod.Proceeds - over $5300. Chairman - Rev. D. R. Dewd- Program, Part 1 tney. The Darktown FoUies Sub-title - The Great Eight. Interlocutor and Chairman - Part 1 Chas. Clernence. 1. Sog ad anc, i~- Brother Hogskin-Joe Hockin. 1. ASongand ance in os- Brother Jamjars-Bert Jarvis. turne, The OltI Fashuoned Wife. Brother Ail In-Bill Allin. Personnel: Dolly Purdy, Charlotte Brother Ail Out-Ross Alimn. Gray, Mabel Gray, Jacqiueline Brother Rolling Pin -Richard Smith, Mary Purdy, Jean Gray; Rolley. charming girls. sweet v o i c e s, Brother Rock Sat-Brenton graceful movements. Riekard. 2. Reading by Mrs. John AI- Brother Ash Can-Roy Ashton. len, "Mrs. 'Arris at the Tele- Brother Carbunch-Elford Ceb- phone," broadly hurnorous. En- bledick. cor'e, Sandy and Maggie. "Do ye Brother Suttonly-Dave Sut.ton. no smehl a rat." Pianists-Reita Cooke, Margar- 3. A skit, That's Just the Dif - et Pearce, Stanley Rickard, Mrs. ference; the difference is between C. A. Cowan. the way a wornan buys a hat and Ten Pretty Girls - Reita Al- the way a man buys a bat. Those dread, Jean Bonathan, Ruth Bon- demonstrating the wornan's way, athan, Reita Cooke, Pauline De- Alicia Spencer, Dolly Purdy, Irene line, EdIth Hendry, Grace Powell. and Frances Brereton; the cust- Margaret Pearce, Patricia Pearce, orner tried on everything and ne- Norma Vanflusen. thing suited. Those demenstrat- Orchestra-Stan Rickard, Reita ing the mn's way - Thos. Brere- Ceeke, Margaret Pearce, R o y ton, John VanDusen, Archie Mar- Ashton, Ross and Glenn Allin. tin, George Crowther; custorner Jean Clernence. Carl Fisher, Chas. calîs Hat then celer wanted, ize Clernence, Calvert Barchard, Bill style, price, etc.; Clerks sheut it Gibson. on te back shop; hat accerding te Other Darktewn Characters - specifications cornes up; customer Bob Allin, Archie Wupori, CyrîL siamrs it on head. throws down Meadows, Donald Jose, Geo. Mil- pnice and departs. ton. Glenn Allin. 4. Gallagher & Sheen, 0 u r Prorpter-Art Toms. Old Friends: Mr. Gallagher - Artists contributing s p e c i a Mrs. Dewdney; Mr. Sheen - Miss numbers-Glen Allin, Reita Cooke Frances Brereton. This musical Margaret Pearce, Brenton Rick- dialogue introduced a lot of choice ard, Wilbur Blackburn, Wilbun tithits in the way of local themes Baskerville. Chas. Clernence, Stan andI personalities. For instance, Rickard, Bill and Ross Allin, Bert Mn. S. - "Do You Know the Farn- Jar-is. ily Gibson"; Mr. G. - "That's No The Darktewn ebeny skinned Fib Son; a great f arily The Gib- company carne on the stage with son." There's David, Harold, boistereus hilarity, disphaying a Howard, Charlie, Donald, Wallace, wendrous assortment of hats anti Herbert, Bill, etc. etc.. Mrs. T. M. body apparel, with volumineus 'nd Mi's. R. W.. etc. And again - handkei'chiefs and huge coloreti Mrs. Chapman has a jewel of a tics and scarves, to the accompan- grocery clerk, shes a Ruby. An- iment of. We Are the Funny Men. other, St. George's Rector is played on the piano by Margaret ýwîrnming at the lake: he is in Pearce. Charlie Clemence, xvhitel dufficulties andi "You f ishup the and Jmmaculately dressed. madie Bishop - of Newcastle."' Sheeli a splendid interîccutor and he has a pleasaxitly enquiring singing andI his funny end men elicitedi voice; Gallagher responds in the rounds and rounds cf applause same strain, is witty, dernonstra- with their gags. droilenies, yarns tive and active in anounid the andI back talk. Between spasms stage antics. specialties wene introduceti. Glenn 5. A Song anti Dance., 'Allah's Allin. black as coal, played Old Holiday" by Irene and Frances Black Joe on his violin; Reita Brerton Doa Matin ViianCooke andi Margaret Pearce sang. Brerton Doa Matin ViianUncle Ned. as a soprano andi alto Duck. Dolly and Mary Purdy, duet; Brenton Rickard, dark as Charlotte and Mabel Gray, Alicia midnight. contributed a clarinet Spencer. This was a leveîy per- xolo, A Gold Mine in the Sky; forrnance: the costumes were pro- Wilbur Blackburn a tenor solo. perly oriental and lovehy as the Oid Virginia; and Wilburs Black- face.s of the damseis which couid hurn and Baskerville, Stan Rick- be dimly seen through the thin xeis. ur houhtsturedswiftiy ard and Chas. Clemence a quar- veil. Or thughs tuned tette. Southern Memories. Chas. back to the tales of Arabian Clemence with harmonica and Nightsç Entertaînrnents and beau- utrAliCosnBlad tiful ladies of the harem. Alicia giaAlnCuis i n Specerwasan xpet wth heRoss, and Bert Jarvis, with har- Specerwasan xpet wth hemonicas, sandwiched two side- tambourine. spitting series of endi men gags 6. Recitatien by Mrs. Jno. Al- ith two numbers Red Wing. and len, "Mrs. 'Arris at the Photo- Rig-a-Jig-Jig. Reita Cooke and graphers", humoreus in excelsis; Margaret Pearce again came in Encore, The Sunday Schol Pic- between two layers of Interiocu- nic by Edgar Guest.. ton and Darkie talk with a piano 7. The Play Without Props: duet, Arena March. The final Dramatis Personae: The Hostess, number in Part I was a full Darkie Betty Brown: Selma. the maid. make up chorus, special thanks Dolly Piirdy; Mrs. Srnall, Alicia to Mrs. Percy Hare) "Down Mo- Spencer; Mrs. Compton, Nellie bile." Ha4gh; Mns. Swif t, Irene Brere- Part 11 ton; Miss Arnelia Smith, Audrey Vote for Cat-Fish Cann. a good Horrocks. This depcts a tea panody of a typical electioneening party at which Mrs. Smahl plays speech. delivered in charactenistie the piano andi sings. Anmie Lau- carnpaign style - Carl Fisher, ne- rie: but the stage is as bareTas gro candidate for office of Assst- Mother Hubbard's cupboard. Te ant Dog Catcher. actors go through aIl the motions Mike and Ike - George Milton however and henein is the fun. and Roy Jones. They stage a The music of Annie Laurie can bc comical misunderstantiing; I k e heard for Mrs. Garrcd is at the talks about a car he has to seli; piano on the hall f leor. This and Mike thinks he's talking about his the group numbers preceding it girl. are original productions by Mrs. The Darktown Amateur Heur: Dewdney who has a gif t for writ- Bellbottom, Chas. Clemence. tices ing plays anti sketches. She s a a good dancing act w:th bells jing- graduate of Bishop St r a c h a ning; Luke. Duke. Zuke and Tuke School. Toronto, andi has hadti -eoMiltoln, Rd . RoleyAllins, posbyhv enunticu' th-tle olt directing abi lity, and Mrs. Percy phatform conditions before the Hane and iber assistant, Mrs. Oco. stage was remodcllýti last Decem- Walten. are desers-ing of much bei' anti given a theatrirai ap- credit for thein work in making peaî'anee. It being the finst pub- up the performers. I:c eneîtannîent given in the The show menits a revival, pa'ish hall since the Sunday somnewhere, sometirne. if onîy to 'chocr Chrismas concert it was j sec the Ten Pretty Girls and hear the f irst timernany of those pre- Glenn Allun ISammyl leati the sent had seen the improveti stae. chorus in singing the popular fi-ont and curtain arrangemens. son g. FREE FROM SCIATICA FOR 35 YEARS Ini Perfect Health at 73 - Thanks ta Kruschen Tlii rî-fi ve vears ago tiiis sep- Sunagenarman was helless svitb scia- tica. Then lie bearti of Kruscuen. Simîce tuat day. lie has enioved per- fect hcaltiî. Here is lus rt'markable story : "*Thirtv-five vears ago. 1 had a sesere attack of sciatica. and could scarcelv move for about six wecks. Tiien i slarted taking Kruscben - about lhalf - a - teaspoonful es'erv morning in bot water. In a few weeks, I got rid of the awful pain in mv hips. I have neyer had to consult a doclon since. and arn still ini perfect healtb at 73 years of rage. which I can only attribute to taking Kruscben Saîts every morn- îig. '-T.A. Most people grow old long be- fore their time because tbev nez- lect one vital need of heaitb - the need of internai cleanliness. Even- tualîs', tbey start the healîhv Krus- chen habit. Then, probablv for the first time in their ]ives, îbey start getting rid, eveny day, of ail wasîe niatter f rom the svslem. The re- suit is renewed healtb and vigour. Ailments due to clogged systems vanish, vouth returns. and lufe be- cornes reallv worth living. > Homning Pigeon C1ubý Bowmanville Racing P i 9 e o n Club held their first baird race on April 3Oth from Streetsville Jct., 57 miles air lune, with the follow- ing resuits: L. Richards- 1 hr, 43 mins, 34 sec. F. Bottreil 1 hr, 45 mins. 13 sec. F. Bottrel - 1 hr, 45 mmn.s, 31 sec. L. Richards- 1 hr, 46 mrns, 52 sec. tE. Hunt --2 hr, 48mnins, 45 sec. LOCAL A.Y.P.A. US ELIMINATED UN DEBATING SERUES S t. John's A.P.A. wsas elimînat- cil Iy a verv îiarrow margin frum the Northumberland and Durham àDeanerv Debating Contest hast week wlîen a Cobourg team of debaters nosed them out. The Cobourg branch werc guests of the loca! branch for thie occasion, and were welcorneiibs President Sid Casbourne. The smîb- iect of the del-ate svas "Resolved that \'outh has mire influence in tht' world than Age and Experience." Cobourg, represented bv John Hen- lev anti Francis Londsberrv. upheld the affirmative and Bowmnanville. rteiîresentedl bv Diaîîa \'ieeler and Cliarlie Spencer upiîeld the negative. The judgles were NIr. Eden ni Co- bourg.,Nirs. 1. Sears oi Port Hop)e. and< Nliss Flora Galbraitb of I3ow- muanville. At first the j udges dceciii- cil tht' tebate was a tic andi an- nouniceil îlî-ir decision as sucb. but the Bowinanville deliators asked for a defimîile verdict dite to the ap- proa-'clio f examinations. On their return the j udges gave tiie decision to Cobourg F-v onet point. Timie- keepers for the tiebate were Arthîur Cuilev of Posumanville, and Bill Robinson of Cobourg. Al)on the program ivas a 4pitti- ditI a(dress bs' Rev. \V. F. Banister of St. Pautîs United Churcli. whii spoke on "X'shat 'Missions Mean tO Nie." Miss I.illiaîî Nas lor contri- bîîte(l a piano) solo, and Miss Isab)el Nms 1er a violin number. A\rranîge- ments were made to entertain Holv Trinitiv Brancêh. Oshawa. tîext 'Mon- day. and an invitation 10 be the gîîests of 'te sarne brandi on '.lav- Iltb was accepted. Refresbmetîts wcre served. OSHAWA Every Tuesday & Thursday ON OUR STAGE Ragnar Steen and his Piano In, Your Request Nujubers ON OUR SCREEN Two Grand Features "Navy Blue and GoId" and 'Under Cover of Night' Friday - Saturday MAY 6- 7 Constance Bennett and Bilan Aherne ln "lmerrily We Live"p Friday - 10.30 p.m. - Revival - "This is Mdy Afair" wth Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Taylor. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. "Jezebel" Starring Bette Davis - Henry Fonda Comm encing Thurs. Shirley Temple and Gloria Stuart ln "Rebecca" DON'T BE CROSS WITH THE KIDDIES Please dont be cross with thé kiddies, The young mnay not know Just what is you.r intention. Or what you 'vant them to do; Their littie brains arent de- veloped The saine as grown-ups are, Perhaps you expect toc much froni them, Too much from them by far. So don'tbe harsh with the kiddies, Be firm, but always kind, You need not lose your temper, To reach t.heir lititle mind; 0f course theyll need correcting, For small missteps they'll take, But aid them, guide them, lead them, Don't make their wee heart.s break. Don't whip t.hem when you're angry, You'll sorrow later on That you were harsh and hastY While guiding them along; Be patient with them always, Don't cause them needless pain; They'll soon grow up, then you will wish That they were smiall again. Suppose some dreaded sickness ShouJid lay them on their bed, Ah - then regret may seize you For angry words you've said; So don't be cross with the kiddies, They need your love most when They're doing things they rshouldn't So gently lead them then. -Ralph Gordon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. STYRONE Recent Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. Xilkisonl and faim- ulv. XXasaw, wiîli ber sister. 'Mrs. .-Xbert Hill. M ir. Eari Brooking. XXeslevville. witb bis sister. Mlrs. Cecil Slémoîî. Mr. anîd Mrs. Howard Findley. Dean andt Bruce, Unionville. witb her parents, Mi\r. and Mrs. T. Ricb- ards. 'Mrs. Findiev and Brumce re- mained for a few davs. 1 MNr. and M.\rs. Gariiet '.NcCov amîd jack, Nrs. J. H. 'Mutton. Bowman- ville. at 'Mr. P. Hayward's. Mr. and Mlrs. Thîco. Sk-moîi and Mrs. Satinders. Mr. and M.\rs. Hugb .'nnis. Enîmiskillen. sitb 'Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemnon. .Nir. anîd Mrs. F. L. Bvam. Clii- ford andi Grenville, 'Mrs. Xesle%' Taylor amndX'elnîa at 'Mr. I1. Lilli- crapp's. Canninglon. MNr. anîd Mrs. Ras mioud Clapp svert' called to Bellev'ie ou Thurs- day owing to tbe serions ilîmics nf NMr. Clapp's fatber. MNr. H. '%acklin sithbhis mothuer. Nîrs. Nacklin at Port Hope. .NIrs. Gussie Rosevear. Larrv and .'rlene visited Nir. Edigar Rost'- vear's. Port H-ope. Mr. and NIrs. XW. Bradd. New- caille.,NMr. and Mrs. Dudilev Bradd and Nr. Flovd Bradd. Oshawa, at .lr. Jamies Duldles 's. -Nir. Claremîce XXoodlev is ini the Pnivate Patienits Pavilion. Toronto, %%hiere he undersycnt ai oper;itio, for appendicitis oun Mondav. Solina Youing People visitcd our Y\'nmn Peoples Union on Thîrsdai' evening anîd pneseîîîed tbe foliowing program :Devoliotual storv. Miss Gladys Yelloîxîces ; doul le qutart- etle. Solimia ladies; lopie. "Romance nf Colour." NMis Jeani Leach ; music i)v NMiss Nînniel and 'Mn. Jack Smith: readiiig. 'Miss Ruthb M\cKessock, pilano dulel.N.\ises Evelvui Tink and Helen Baker; read-TYg,- Miss Nar- garet Scot; vocal solo. 'Miss Pearl Leach. Miss Susie Van Camp then toik charge and conducted tbe re- creation period after svhicb lunch was sens'ed. X\'.NI.S. will mecclTliurstlav. Mav l2th. at 2.30 in. in the vestrv. A iumber of tht' ladies ni tb' XX' MS. ivill attend the Preshytenial at Newcastle this wcek. XX'c ielcome NMr. and Nirs. A'rt Sîîicer anti familv 10 our village hîaviîmg punciiascd the late Niss l..iI- hian Penfound's bouse. Mir. and Mfrs. Spicer mnoved mbt their new homne On Saturday. Mr. Eanl Goodmian andI'Miss Smalltnan. Toronto,. Nfn. and Nîrs. Clarence Gooîdman, Bowmanvilie. at NMr. L. J. Goodmnan's. .'pril meeting nifXomen's Ini- stitute sîas lîeld ini the s'eslrv whcmî the iollosvinz program was given. in charge of NI ns. R. Hodgsom's groupu piano solo. Nîrs. Don Davev: vocal dulel.'Misses NMarie Thompson andI Brela Collacut; ail interesting de- bate "Rsoîedîat PioneenrXVo- mcmi Contribmuted nmore tb the XXei- fart tof tut' Horne anti Cnrmmuniîî' tiian doci utie NModern X'omatu." IN SUPREME COURT 'Vuo \XX't,Dmiuhm casteslis'u cdi uon t'e docket im u mitre nue Coumrn at t.oboumnrg, sihiic h t>pelie hfore Mni. Jusice Keillt'r NicKav uounitîti- dax'. L)orland s'. Iiiriev is an action tiser am utnomiobi le colli sion,. bromîglit hy George Dorland oif XXelligtonu, amaiîîst Fred Buriey cf Newtonville. The plaintiff George Dorland claims owvner of the car, has entered a $5000 for personal injuries. $750 claini for S500. for out of pocket expenses. and S300o lu the divorce suit. Harding v. on a îlîird dlaim. Hardinîg, wiîlî XW. R. Strike. Bow- Hilda nanville. as counsel for the plaintiff. idaDorland's dlaims are for a iîusband clainîs divorce from bis $3,000 for Personal injuries; $300 wife. The divorce decree nisi wa>' for ont nf pocket expenses. îrrauîîed to 'Mr. Reg Harding. Gertruîde Craig dlaimns $500 for personal injuries and $100 for ont of When a liard workiflg man re- pocket expenses. mains poor his wife says he is too Alex Tait. anouher pilaintiff au(] conscientious. We Delaver GOLDENJUST PHONE 596 GOLDEN Quaker BANTAM Corn Flakes - - 2 pkg. 23C CORN Irradiated CMuffets -- ---pkg. 1O 2 tins lic Gl ea Tapioca - - - - 8 or. 1Oc Toniato STUART'S Catsup- -- ---bottie 10c STRAWBERRY Sago, or J MTapioca, bulk . . lb. c 8 oz. Jar Oxydol- -- ----mail 10c 9c Coe efIge. ------24c Cloer eafSockeye SalmGn - 1/2 lb. tin 20C Fe W. NELLES Phone 596 Bowmanville WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS From aIl Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY - MAY 17-28, 1938 INCLUSIVE Return Limit : 45 days. Tickets Good In- Coaches at fares approximately ll'Sec per mile. Tourist Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 13/sc per mile. Standard Sleeping Cars at f ares approximatelyl'c per mile. COST 0F ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL Baggage Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and west. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations, and ail information from any Agent. Ask for Handbill. le ICANADIAN NATIONAL Added Attraction - At The - Kiwanis Karnival Friday, May Gth, at 7.30 p.m. OSHA WA ARMOURIES THE SIX PERSONALITY GIRLS Beautiful Show Girls in Mxltary Tap, libgh Kick, Ballet and Strut Numbers - Four complete changes of costumes. THE VENETIAN TRIO Three men, musical novelty with instruments Presentiug: "From Grand Opera to Swing" PERRI ANO SANTORA Two men comedy adt in "Push 'cm up Tony", ESTELLE TAYLOR Dainty Acrobatie Contortion Speeîaity MUSBELLE Dashing Toe Noveity Dance ADMISSION FREE Iphone 836 mm