THIL7RSDAY. MAY STH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMý-AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR BULLTINSWritten For i BUL ETIN The Statesmail from wBy BIRDLANI) Winifred E. Wilson -_-__- _______THE SONG SFARROW By its cheery voice lark souncis like every other Mea- and persistent sing-' dowlark; every Wren like every igthe SogSa-other Wren. Have you discovered ang Sog Spar that each Song Sparrow has its row hms en de a r ed'own individual sang? Given the itself to ail. In May opportunity to study a particular and June it sings in sunshine and1 one, you will notice that it always in rain by day and by night; sings the same littie phrase: with and in the moulting period of late l the same tune and the same time. July and August when other birds The only change ever made is a are sulent, the Song Sparrow stili of the original ditty. tell us how happy it is. For several years we were sure You know that every Meadow- that one of the Song Sparrows MARKS THEATRE OSHAWA TODAY mJ=7 - Rochelle Hudson in 'Bora Reekless' FRIDAY - And - & SATURDAY 'Forbiddefi Valley, Direct From ts Sensatioflal Run At The I Imperial Theatre - Toronto '- ENTIRE WEEK Mon., May 9 to Sat., May 14 POPULAR PRICES Preview! Sunday Midite May 8th AI' 30c nestiln nar aur country homte OLDEST VETERAN sn the pplrsang "Hap-pY- anding-a-hap-PY.' Great used Oab ur amusement near the end o! the summer when it got no farther than HI-ap-py-iaIid- ing-a" or even just 'Hap-py". When you have iearned the lune of one specimen yau wili scon realiZe that il is different from. the rest of its kind. Others with which ta, compare it may easily be found. because this is ~ probabîs' aur most abundant bird and is friendy enaugli ta nest rclose ta habitations. even in gar- sdens and parks o! large cities. The Sang Sparrow likes ta choase a certain canSPiC2uOu5 branch or fence post and always uses this same perch when sing- ing. The uitie head is thrawn back and the throat sweiis as the cjoyous notes pour out. is nest o! grass Wili sureiy Le hardbY, eihron the ground or an a iaw brand. 1Abthough the usual sparrow Ilrowne andothe same aize as the City SparroW, the Sang Sparraw Joe Kelley has one important distinguishiflg The oidest member o! the Good- mark - a uitile black triangle oni year Overseas Veterans Club is a white shirt-front. Its tail is Jae Kelley, who joined Goodyear rather long and slightly forked; ai Bowmianville in 1911. He is uts beak that of a seed-eater - not only a war veteran but a short and sturdy. Estimates show Goodyea.r veterafi, having served that one alane eats a quarter o! with the campany for 20 years. an ounce a! weed seed a day. _________ This constitutes fi!ty per cent a! its f ood. Twenty per cent is in- COWSLIP TIME sects. most o! which are harmfui.____ Wiid bernies make up the reat o! "r'is cowslip time in England now. the menu. For spring ha-s seitled there, Welcome, then. ta aur optimis- And in my mem'ry I return tic little !riend. o! the shrubbery, To seek that homeland fair. who has no faulis and many vii- tues! I see the children running o'er What Warbler frequefits the The cowslip fields o! gold; cities? And jubilanty gathering al Their littie armns will hold. 1 Sweet May is on the liedgerow OBITUARY now, ý-Î There's primrose on the bank; Whiie daisies bright lin Pink and Robert Bruce, Cartwright white One of Cartwriglits Lest kîîosn lIn wild profusion rank. and mosi respected citizen'., Roberi The fragrance o! the wali-flow*r James Bruce, îîassed awav at blis fulis iate residence, Conîcussion 2, Carl- Teqiteeigar wrigbt. on Autril l9tb. ai the age 0f The ear draps o! the fuschia hang 70 vears. H e sas the sixtb child of lIn pensive beauty there. Rubert Bruce attd bis wife. Elizabeth Stewart. being borni atnd spcndiîîg I see again a hast o!f friends,* bis entire lifetime ini tbe stone btouse (M[y fanCy brings themn nigh.) in svbichbc bereatlbed bis lasi. il athered an the village green Althougît mnucît of the farm xvas When even-time camtes nig1h. cleared before hi'. birtb. be iook And then there cames the mem'ry part ini piolteer labors. antd developetî of a rîtgged f rame. and the stroîtg A maiden, oh, s0 fair, characteristics whiclî xvere shown iii "Fwas cowslip time in England Cartwrigbt's carIe setîlers. He xvas then, knosvn as a mani of strict integritv. For Spring was in the air. hcing an eIder it Cadmuis Uniitedl -Rlph Gordon. Church. and uniii recent t cars. ',ias- 628 Crawford St.. Toronto. ter nf Dcvitt'sLL, 43. He was aîsti for over 20 vears, a member of the Board tif Devitt's Sebool. As a bvleattended the little franie B sn s iet cburch, iben situateul in a corner of Buies ieIoy Deviti's cemeterv on the seconîd______________________ conceessiont. lu fermer vears be fre- îIucnltl%. exiended a hcllpiig lantd b LEGAI peopile iin need. The funerai service on April 2lst M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. was conducied aitbth res>idence 1, Barrister. Solicitor, Notars' his minisier, Rev. H. J. Bell, Black- Phone 351 stocek, tebo îiaid fittiîîg trilîte to bi, fine ebaracter. showiîtg that, ai- Royal Bank Bldg., Bowtnanvîille tiiugh he svas called verv suddeîtiv W. R. STRIKE ito'aliPtiubetl-i'lii ieud be feiilt b Barrister, Solicitor, Notary .orrowing friends. since hi'. life lîad Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal heen Iived with God. and bis pass- iîîg sas but the enteringiîg b ait Manes' to Loan. Phone 791. "inîteritance incorruptible. unlde filed. Bowmanvilie, Ontario and tbai faîieib not awav."' The pastîr. also itîdicated the îiossiîuilitv L. C. MASON, B.A. of Heaveiî's bioIiness sbutting oui aIl Barrister - Solicitor recogntition rof sin andI miserŽ, yet Notars P'ubic - Etc. aulmiiiinz the vision, cf evervibing Law ini ail ils branches. pure and lovelv. arising f rom earlb. Office immediately east o! Royal Intermettook place ini Dtviti's Theatre. cemeterv. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. He is survived be bis svife, form- crIs' Mdiss Emma King, and two DENTAL daughters, Mfrs. Ross Curtis. of__________________ Centrelon. Ont., and N.Irs. Gordon DR. J. C. DEVITT Strong of Cartwright. Two cbild- ren. a boy and girl. died ini infancv. Assitant: Dr. E. W. Sisson .\lso survivingi in the West, are iwo Gi'aduate o! Royal Dental Coliege, broibers. Andrew and Wesley, and Toronto. Office: Jury J u bil1e e a sister. Mfrs. Eva Watson. Ini On- Bldg., Bowmanville. office hours tario, tbrce sisters survive, MIrs. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dails' excepi Sun- Lawson of Yelverion. M,ýrs. Culles' day. of Toronto, and \Irs. M.%cRoF cris of Phonle 790. Hanse phone 883. Oshawa. X-Ray Equipment in Office. --t FUNERAL DIRECTOR INEwrON VILLE 1 le- -ý."> FUNERAL DIRECTORS Recent Visittirs. t: itr r Service, any hour, any day. Nir. R. Tamîtîn adsse, Is F. F. MOIRRIS CO. Runnalîs, Zion. ai Mtr. J. A. Bar- Modern Moiar Equ.îpmeni, Am- ries. bulance and Invalid Car. Call .NIr. and \Irs. Llewellv-n Hayes anid Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ilîrecbildren, Bowmans ille. visiicd lier parents. NIr. andtIMrs. jas. C N R C O Darcli. _______________________ MNr. and Mýrs. C. Niorri-. and Nir. T. E. FLAXMAN George M\cCulluîgbwiii f ricnds ai ule ndCnrco NIt. Albert. BidradCnrco .\r. ant iNfrs. Wiiu Stapieton and Lovera' Lane - Bowmanville famnilv witb Mir. and 'M\rs. R. Guir- Phone 318 * \arkia nî itîrifftii resuime Ilus Be sure and get an estlm- * dntitsii tilie B'ell Teliobuiine Co. ate from us. We can save i M r cr, ltittltIsontof M r. you money. -*( tit I \ r'. Geotrge (a îiiI let isît Isîts ail France. li-e is travellî- JA ~n" inîg %vitît a large orch1estra frMi J beneh Torontoi. Phone 431- Bowmanville NIr. \%ni. Sîiitb continules ini .po jr bealtb. I Ask Your Dealer or Wirite to Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Limlited, Toronto conditions throughout the country factor in the establ ishment of an ttntadeuctolitîco and the measures of variaus kincls important industry in Canada t3 .aaa.Nrbin"srsi h Th1e Ottawa wh-ich the governrnent asbeenin suppimnt t has bCeniflurthe iu2 1-rï adortoeofartbsý,, tmion theneal bit h oni 'suggesttd that the sanie thing _10o (Hinmles nortli of the Arctic Spntroduce i might apply to Frencrh a;,craftirL .Thîstl va es elgtn S ti ti tne fHouse af Commlofls, as ex-j needs. In any event Canadian iig n gave a great insight imb By Spetatorplained by the Mýnster, does flot 'fcoe.aaormteimd edtusiiiOir northland. clîff er materiaily f rom the Unem- iate orbit of bombiflg planes and NIr'. Frank Jacknan. secondd by The omlg Buget pioment and Agracultural Assist- aiso removed f rom the operation ýNIrs. lrC( Lvle, movedavoef Ottawa, May 3rd. - The an- allce Act., 19~37; (b> Mr. Howes of United States neutrality regu- aptrciajtltn to MIrs. Nicholls- and nual primnaybdea rnpr il c esrso lations. would seem to be a nor- ille o1htrs. assisting on the proeram pariamenarY udge, a- electaral reform; (d) a measurelmal adlgclsuc farr.tadt h ots o pnn e ways an event of interest not only for the control and regulation of suppnd foia oreofrrf the British force.nn le to parl'ament but to the whole the operations of loan companies. up frteBishoc. hme wil pr bab y b pi- I T here are also a num ber o ! other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R cfrehin nts w ere served Il y wiountrya ly bIpreïzr .ii 5 \ith MN rs. H . C onnors and sented to the house of commans bis, one to amend the Farmers'Lj.Iatn oiers ithin a few days. The exact Credltor.s Arrangement Act, one 1Womlef's Institute N-.IJ lro.cneos date is still conjectural. Budget dealing with seal fishing in the i .l ncttn-wlicbi is the anrnal provisions are aiways 1- carefully Pacific, anather deaiing with ra- Plan Rest Room;,,, i *tiiiz, and ticcîlon of of ficers will guarded until the Minister o! Fin- dio, another coming later to 1) vIuI(I at Ille hoitnc of M.\rs. W. B. ance makes his spEech. but it may amend the criminal code and sa o ii t lli-tîtilte laRt a iti i ail un Mav 27th. be. assumed that the budget will 'on. In the senate a committee honte t Mic-. I_ . Braund. .\tril 2(ii _____________________ practically be balanýýed- There wihl investigate the raiiway situa- 's ith a e' 1attvianetiof iR il' t r mas' even be a smaii surplus. with1 tion in Canada. Leading officiais. antdl\xi>tî'rs. '.\lr. 1. Thicl<'.n. irc- ail that that means to the coun- :o! both raiiway systeins will belI sidclit. îr deand i ttr Ile i t try's cedit at, home and abroad. heard before committee, their ing exccl- .1a ltigl iiitc» i'- Good Advice The rumour persists. that there vews on unification and ther:c.'.iî .i.wu wii be very littie change in ratesj questions wiil be given, and per- i \ c,,nllllttec v.ti'. atiiiiinte<l andu About Constipation of taxation. Income taxes are ai- l haps furher light wiil be tutned gi\xen iantoritv tii trctudl xsth l lte mot certain ta remain at present on this most perplexing o! prob- trîii.u mu cîr'î~adtt AdCe oi elyuta h levis.Thegovrnmnt as eeniem. I th Comon inere tcontracts for thi'. work' will lic lit1 bet thing to do with any aliment pressed by somne members ta 10w- wiil attach ta further discussions carIe it N lav. Plans are noise nit is to get ati us cause. If you're er the sales tax rate. and by on departrnental estimates, those plettu ndl it .j- lt'pcd to bav e I constipated, don't fiddle wih W estern m em bers to decrease or o! the National Defence Depa t- rî11, os u en in a nonti's tinte.' T le wm a tes givn rem es trl oue eliminate tarifs on agricultural !ment being probably of most vital Instittute . grate fuil toite arnoton. Chances are you wan't have ta nachiners'. W hether these sug- public interest. Solina. Nwtivillc and Victoriail lok very far, if you eat just he gestions will be f olowed is un- British Alrcra.ft. Furchases Branches for tbeir co-otîcraion in things most people do. Mast lk- known, but it is pretty certain in Caadasen(îiîg tdontations îcîwarîîs titis p10 ly, you don'i get enough "bw' nwthat the main tarif! changes And "bulk" doesn'ti mean j"si a which will be brought inta force The approaching vinit of the lect.loofod.I enakn f British Air Commission to Canada Nrs. Frank Jacknian, Ms Char- food ihat isn't consunxed in he under the new treaty with the a! ter it has compieted its survey les Ntttoni and MIrs. Fred Lvle wcre body, but leaves a saft "b ah' Uited budge Ti detpe onofa!United States Aircra! t pants appointed a innninatintt eîtmmittee. mass li the intestines anxd helps e acisnetatn the pact continues ta be the subJect of Mrs;. A. L. Nicbolîs teas awiiinted abwemvent >at Washington get along. The Poity h Çade anadbri îacofMsE.. ticket is crisp crunchy Kelaogg's goenmn o h UiedSatscmeqit lertatCnainHavcraft. Al-Bran for breakfast. It con- whlle anxious ta make the treat.y aircraf t manufacturera would wei- A filite programn followed \'hcin tains the "bulk" yau need lus with Canada and another with came the oppontunity af supply- vocal silos were contributed blv NMrs. the intestinal tonlo, vitaiý1 iheUniedKindo sem lottaing aircraf t ta the United King- Alex Colville. Mfiss Mfariont )udlev Eai it every diay, drink plenty theUnte Kngomsem ottodam. It seersnfot ai ail improb- and a det bs ise Ad jea of water andjonithe "regWar"!1 be in any rush about it. It may Ni;e l-rni aeb.KlogI >be a mnonth ar two mare bel oe able that in future the immunity 1Bettv Grant. The accîtnIpatisit-. \vre London, Oniaro. negotiations are completed. o! Canadian plants !rom the dan- Mý\iss Dndle.v and \rs. Rss Grant. Refundng of Canadan National ger of aeriai attack might be a Nrs. A. L. Niclolîs gave a verv ti- Obligations A bill now going through the House of Commans seeks author- -ity for the Minister o! Finance fi Sta re!und "matured, maturing and . caiiable obligations" of the Cana- - dian National Railways, and ta issue in their place new securi- w l c u - ties guaranieed be the Dominion Government to an amount flot exceeding 200 milion dollars. The 'gg new securities will bear lower L C E D PO S A D AN rates o! interest than the matur- ing bonds which o! course means = a sving ,ta the Gavernmeti annual interest charges. IL In he disusion over this bill in the House the Minister o! Finim te mnin" oenleeu-Ee'tiit s la ance eniioned ihat the bondso l trc y s d u bear an annual interest of fromn 31/4to 31,4 per cent on the aver- W HE you "caok by wire" ail the age and that the Canaduan Na- E~1~adso n rm r ae tional obligations.,inot af which llitadsotadgim r ae *are guaranteed by the Dominion 1 out at the power-housel You'il have an average interest rate o! neer again have ail that afer-meal about 4ý per cent. Through the process a! refundlng th.e national drudgery of scouring off blackened pots Ve- debt ai lower interet rates which and pans. For the modern electric range has, been golng on for some years. is flameleas, fume-lesa, cdean as sunlight. he iridebiedness although çk'uessstyashnadsp- BL now 1000. million dollars in excese Cookmg uesl tya h n pt o! the amount of the debt 15 lesa as the day you bought them. Kitchen years ago lias a total inierest 'alciigadcran iybih n charge no hgher than it was in alciigndurisstybghad 1924. Wheze the greatest saving attractive.. . seldom need washing or t.has been effected has been i re- redecorating. Every woman can afford * HR PA funding bonds lssued, in the war ta enjoy the cool .. fasl-cookng... HITPA periad when interest rates an gov- Mr ernimeni borrowing were 5 ta 5% 1hrif1y electric range she's always wantedlA HE-Wl - per cent. In some cases these s- Ask about the HYDRO Thrifi plan. AG EVC 1 sues were taxexmt INSTALLED FR.EE Ta get the lowest rates on yu OFlCHRaGE money it borraws wiii continue ta o I .liberal Allowance for beth olc oihe Government, HYIIIIUU Rang the Finance Minister told the THE111 payfornewRane a Hlouse, but it wil not break its L otreyast pledged word. Phone 471 Bowmanville pyfornewRes gerat Important Questions Before1 w itrsrae Parliammothly vmentsM Among the important questions otl are& before the Dominion pariament. .. on which debate hsaraybe resumed or wil! shortly came 1 again liefore the houses are: (a) Unemploymeflt relief. Earlier in These Local Dealers are co-operating in this Range Campign the>session the minister o! labour. Mr. Norman Rogers made a gen- Mason & Dale - L. A. Parker - T. A. Dustan - Rice & Co. Mr erai statemerit an unemploynrt Children Saturday Morning Matinee May l4th At 10.30 Admission loc i 'i ix.. k Ï- 1- ------------- Is. kw