Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1938, p. 2

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THE C.ANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OWrARIO PAGE TWO glybànbanu~n %-Iat§arn Established 1854 A Weekly News paper devoted to the interests of the town of Bowm anrville and surroundung country, Issucd at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons. owners and publishei'5. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekl1y Newspapers Association. also the lass "A" Weeklies of Canada, GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR_ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Any ohre in Canada $2,50 ayar; whein paid in ad- vane $,00a yar;50c etra In United States to cever postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY, 'MAY STH, 1938 Great Musical Event Next Week \Vhiic the iniibei' of entries î'eccivcd for' the Durhamîs ('.iîîu>f Mu.sical Fs "l whieli (oîeîîs lu Bow'naniî'>Ie îext Tuesday is repoî'ted as 400, aetuially> this nihiiier re- presents a far greater prapor'tion of flic people iin Durhamî Couiify. Acttualy se'>- eral liiîuisî'ed '>ill ihave a part ini fuis great culftral undertaking. and tise v>aluie te tii> coniiîuntity frio bath an edtîcatioaa and a cuîlturial standpoint is immnsense. This re- cord eîtrY ist is a ti'ibute batl ta tise eus- traîsts thenselves. and to tIse ard-worlziîss cainusittees iii charge of tise festival. Thins 'eai tIse Festivi>al rettiris ta B ow'- nsaîsville. tise towîs of its birtis Tîsere are many thiîgs <f w'hicb flic tow'uuiîîay le j ls tl proid. hut isane more thas tise umais- seien ls >vh if lias sponsored and cousist- ently supported tise Musical Festival. Tisere is no isedt te-o iisfo tietail about tise Fes- tival. Bow>>iauville lisas show'n tîsat it ap- preciates its v>aluec, andt the iîscreasiusg inomi- ber of eîtries eccu year w'auld stsggcest tisaI flie wh'iolc tif )urham Couity aunes fIsc F'.stiv>al lu its tune liglit. Perlsaps in 110 othen *ycar lias tue assoc- iationî becîs as fortussafe lus the seloection <of adjuidicatars. As a nafter of fact tise ad- judicatiusg staff lias aiways becîs of tise ver'% higlscst type. luit fuis year flic flrce adjuid- icafors. IDr. Hlerbert A. Fnicker. Mr. Roy Fcii'>ick and Mns. Hicking-botfarn, are eon- sidcred af flic veny fop off thirinprofession,. ansd uot.hinuthe fic'ery grcatdsf of benîe- fifs shotsld eissîe frons their presence. The anc thuîsg that rcinaiiss fa make tise Festival successfuîl is the attitude of tise cantestansts Tlsey niist. if fiscy îvish to get value frons the Festival reaize fisat any crificisis sby fIsc adjudicatans anc ý,ivei1 lis the friendliest nainner. Thev are iîtensted ta lie helpftil andtl uot critic'aI. Thev art' cosîstruictive, andtihie last thought ii tise mid of tise adjuidicatar is fa fear dowîs the w'o'k of the constestanst. \Ve hope tIsaI everv eonitestanst w'il isteus carcfaîly ftiste atl'>ice of tise atljîsiicatoî's andi bear ini sinti tisat fisese judgres are experts in tfieir liuîe of '>ork. aisd"attention ta tiseir rensarks sliîîild isîiprave tise Iiualify of Durhîam nsî..cia ils. Ralph Gordon and lus Poems Iii etters froisinuissierouis Statesrnais reailers, '>vc have isad coinîcusts oh tute seriu's of pocuis thiat are pro'>iusg sicli a popular fcatitie iii The St.atesnsaiî lîy Ralpi> Gari'ii. Tiiis hais pîuiisptcillis b w>riîî' a fe'>'w'ords about Mr. (jordaîs. for we daubififf aiusvoiw eacousrealv ppelt h is reuî lai lei-ai i ît un ess thyisi' ko'> lîiii i' r<'reifhlo 'l els cr-espoustieuicc '>itlîh i iii as '>e are'. Tis eciuiniîîeuts msadle b'> uîi'r railers hiave>'cail reterre titu îu: il'>'and l 'isî'rfuilîscssof<ifls '>'erse' anîl the isonîi'Y pîîcsujh> xh)i'essî'<i iii lus poi'iiss. W<' kliw' <f no) u uîîhî eî"îclkiîa'vs'i athiaiu pfoct 'w>ho, lais juist thsat kuack andt flanc for' '>rifiiig abouit thie simsple e'>'ryda.v tlhîiuîgs of ife. aout the hirtis and flic flow'ers anid fisc Irees. and thfisesimpfle ta.sks of tflibiîiiu '>itli stuc' i chorus a nuldow'usrighîl pleuastîre ta lus rea.der.s. Writ ing ta Mn. Gor'doun some nsoiths ago '>e refei'redtl fi liuîîas "'The Edgar GGuest of ('anada-' andiithe norene vcuead lus pacîsîs tIse mosre w'e ie- lieve lie is tisat jltfou' lie lias put joy into nsaîîy' Ieots, Like lis Amenicau> cuut)ti- ,erpart lic is uîsst v>estile iMlohs eliceuof' s.ubjeet.s, is iIIosî p'al ifie il] pl»ruîtiti, .aind lie seîîss tué)ha'>'ctisat saine fi(,philisci1)b -011I ifu' uhiihîis so refreshîituîgandisîl ifmulat- in",ii thiué,,edaYs '>uhîu'u peopîle areii>kur l's if, îîîîchî la ft'r uîaterialil>iis ' (aOrhîiuî is. îîîî ost raiigur lifi> is dist njet. Ii i ai>l'tu'i t!a illeri'(f catt>buiug~lilitx' aiîlia'. lq)eîare'>l t local ocoiici'rts iii uîsouîy pats't" It' h)tii'iîoi iluuît'>,lelistVu'>u.uî ext'iî~ '~>l vtiI'Ioiiauijualioî iuh '>va le>mici i e ooo îul ',t loî>'.' \chîî' Imi th>e i of citizcîs. Ho'>"i"'t'i, t1e crv fui' l'rs lia e1nicuc> iîc> w'eNei'e edit'atig ()1ii- vuilihi 't >uît a pusupuîs, ausdlt bat a gît tci uiot fb>'s«î jects sfudied '>'eie usc'i's ini Julisiui>g a niormual ife li> îudui5tr i'. cii cur>>i'r'. Ni>"> w>e have OniiOPPuiî'tuiu0I e t cuu<t îWSiC uaion livprovidiisg foi'-' iî~',thîat willI tend> aurx'oiug meus trauu', iuul cci'111 vuuug ladies gont lîousekeeping. vm' tuvi' tiîinpui if dui'>u. We sf111 feel,low'itii i' couîîcîl really do hclicx'c in the metbod. luit îlot ii the nmanîier iii whiclî it nust bc Paid foi. It k douht fuli jf omieceauî'eal lycoiute ail oui' assets iin cash. If for instanîce w'e w'ei'e so mixions ta i'cducc the buiidcuî of taxation that w'e tlitlaway witli al pulieît 'ervîces. the e ould soon '-bc a trceedous outerv. True if îve w'ouid abolisli the police anîd fiî'e deparinîts. do awav w'th sde- w'alks, aîd paved streets aînd waterworks aiid sew'crs. we w'ould have smaller taxes blt twse w'ould have lcss caifoi'ts. conven- iclîces and protection. Professai' King, Gor'don, son of the fans- ails Ralph Cloiînor. speaking ovet' a national r'adio hookup on Suiîda.vigh-lt said "Troc dui noeiric -vsts on ail cducated peopile." We a-r'îe tliat if our olberishied dinocrac%' s te lie iuaiîtaiiied w'e niust eduecite mir v'uitii. and( we muîist edîicate tleim. îîot as wve bave iin the past witb only aciideiiis iin view. but -wirl a xiew 'ta the actual w'ork, iii w'liili 'outl i 'l 1w engcaget w'hcn it î'ea elies niain hîod anid w'unanlîood. \Ve feci t liat iei'e auraiuî. the v'oiee of the people sliculd hiave heen asked befoî'e any> definiite eounciil a'!tiou '>as takeis. Help Others to Hlep Themselves Dîîrinîg the )a,ýt'few davs bath Bawman- ville S1'eiviee Clubs have had thec privilegoi of bewariiîg officiaIs of the Canadiais Nation- ai Institile foi' tle Blinsd. We feel tisat hiad evei',->'ole liait the opoittlnîty ta lîcar tiiese îîý'n in.h îd theniselves. fell of tise wouidei'- fui aeciieveinents of the Institute foi' the hliiid people of C'anada, thei'e w'ould bc a i'eadly i'spoiilse ta tIse appeal fluaf is beîimr nmade iii Bow'iianvillc this w'eek. C aniada ks raîîked as secondt cui iti'ni thle w'arld iin its woî'k for thc blindî. ol <reat Britaiîi leaiîsg the D)ominîion. This is a splcîsdid r'ecoi'd and aise of w'hich Bow'- niatîville iniglît xxell 1w l)roiid. Tihe Baw'- mlatîville district also has a pî'oud record. of supportinog tIse Institute hy a larger per capita donsation than any other fown in Ontaria. This is a record îlot oîîiv ta he prouti of, but anc ta lie retaiiîed. It is to 0elielopcd tiat '>leneî auvassci4s visit your home tlîis wcck, w'iîci you ar'e apl)roaclled on Satur'iay ta biiv a tag. you '>nhl be geierous iii your suppor't. It is also to lie hoped tiîat thec Royal Theatre w>ill lie filîcîl Monsday, Tuiesday aind Wedniesday for thc special shîow' in aitl af tise local eailipaigil. tIii wlicli Masager C. T. Ross lia.s; tliiiated 40 per' cent, of the pî'occcds of the tlîrep îiigiit pcrfor'miances. Ons Muirday> n ligit added iîîterest '>'ill lie connîeeteîl xitis thiesowby 'tlîe atteiidanîe if tîw'a liidt ait ists \vhlo '>ill pi-avide vocal anîd iiistl'î- mencital seleetiuîîs duiîîsthei eveîsîîîg. Communism Appeals to Lazy People Is bis iî'tiî'le jis last w'e'k 's Statesisaii. Joîîbî C', Eirkw'od spiîie qîite fî'ankly <of lis 'o01î1 ilis witb regaril 10 cîînîiiiiln ists., anid ini tloseîopinîionîs '>ve icartily e'cîîlî'iî'. ia bli eved thlat t'1llilI ssatlIracted mitil v 'tliosi' '>vo lvi'!'>'lazY. and l wo diii ilot waîît 10lhav>e te î'elv 'on tbeiî' o'>'>'înI- it it i'>'i' ambiîtiîon andîl ahlit v toii îake a si'Miij . iil'î'ei' thiatoaisesecs a ieal î'oîs- iiîiuiilîsît'iî--t(rîu il> liar'dllaîoî'. Cr'lieîall'>v sîîîeal'iim, rthlex'* îyîîlî îuî'l efer 'to standîl oi si î'îet î'îurnvîi'.5 anîd lowl t'roiîsoap lboxes aboutiithelic ond<it ions '>"lîelutlîev (Ioic>iothiiîsr t>> lellp aIli'vtate. Truc tlcy a'eexpert onî a iîi iî. '-, ple ag ails i a îiion e W h o'iî las lu'> lîaîiest toil îiaiîl e aifortable livinigfoîr thseiisulv's. buît after il aroîisilig pe'ople to lie eîîi(iiis of otîsers isîî t veî'v liard wo,îk, Moîst ('oîsîîîî îîist s w'oîld fiîîd ftle eisidit iuîîs tlîe'>v citic ize aIrilostiîoî-existciit w"rc tlîeY ta put as iiuieh euergvit0 carul- iig a Ilivinîg as fhîeY(do te lcarning ta be destr'uctiv>e 500 ) box oratoiî-. It's the TaxDayers Own Fault It o.st. $1 .25 jpe'r miile to> îidle ai>tiie'(an- aiai> National Ilailwa vs in 1937. andii '>< tlîu'nî are still peocple' whobe iùvî' bat ('an>- oaa's îafiilv jîroblîni is notuitirgîut. KNiî- 111411 iZ. \'h.sîî taff w'>>'uitci' ort' tb>'Fimnî- oliii pouiintsîliitul 'o ulî'vuîi't or îî \-()i roeonaC. itai n 9;7i -vl o uîîil dî"îi lcul la' 1187î'>'>ii'or oui.!' jiiltiuial>s jîîtcî aitiuiial the bl'hest ai lils hau anailLs ueserve al th lî iîgb taxes t bey lîa vitui pav. Un ifictif on>. lut ainaI ga- iatioii>>.is tîî> olîx- solutioni t>> tlîs pro- blei>. an>d ove!' a Iwoo of fi'>e p'ars %vilîîîlî t>'if w ll dtuike toii n'îgaboltîliîîiti dii>o" uî' juiu'iints fruîiîs st'l'>'i'î' '>oiil pi.i- î'lunb' au>'>'pissibilîtyv of îuîpiyîus ieng t! ui'>'îî cîoui of c> >oîuît MAKING CANADA 'A Better Place ln Which to Live and Work A Series of Letters front D1stinguIshéd Canadians on Vital Problems Affectlng the Future Welf are of Canada Speciauly Wrltten for Canadlan Weekuy Newspapers Association LETTER NO. 11____________ Dean Edtor.- able ta "knaw".people, of having There is an imPliecl compliment time ta develop acquaintanceship. and, at the saine lime, a definite i iendship and the broad taler- challenge in Youn letten f0 nie in ance which cornes irom being able which you ask fan same su1gges- ta measure men for what they are fions as to how i ive hundred edi- rather than for the labels they tors ai rural weekly newspapers1 wear. sPread across Canada can make Having corne thnough some ns- their contribution in the direction ther strenuous experiences per- a! making Canada a betten place .ý sonally in the past few years with in whch ta live and work. 1 which you are, ta some extent aI Ta really answer that question !'any rate, f amilian. I rnay say that adequately involves some t h i n gi I have came ta have a distrost of appnoaching Statesmanship. Haow- "movements,.. ..programmes," "so- ever I may faîl short ai that ilotions," aIl blue-printed a n d measure. there are penhaps same 'charted-nat because I have last observations that I hope you may, iind helpful. I think that, if i could enjoy the responsilllity af endeavouning ta mould public: opinion through t he weekly news- paper. I would devate much think- ing, reading and writing In the direction oi better mutual unden- standing among Canadian citi- zens. Havîng Iravelled thîis country irom coast ta coast, nat once but many times and having had pen- haps an exceptional apportunity ta observe and appraise what. the average Canadian citizen says and thinks. I would say that our great lack in Canada is breadth and tolerance. This is due in a, large measure ta the vastness ai the country and its miserably in- adequate Population. There are fine people with! splendid qualities living in the! Maritimes bot they talk everlast- ing ai Upper Canada andi Mari- î:mie ights. There are splendid Canadian citizens, French in lan-i guage andi Catholic in religion., ~ l but they tlkeverîastingli i ~ ' ' Canada for Canadians andi seemi bent on erecting some kind ai Geo. S. Hougham Chinese wall around their Pro- rnY Passion for social reiarm bot vince which will keep "1foreign- bcuen rgam o h ens oI io alllime betterment of the human race can Hene in Ontario, Canada's Gar- ruse higher than the quality of den Province. there are some heart and mind of ifs promoters. splendid people but we have a lIf, therefore, you are seeking a terrible fendency towards smug- theme which can be developed ness and complacency. Out West, thraugh the powerf ul agency ai I know them because I lived in the Canadian Weekly Newspapers British Columbia fourteen and in: Association. I suggest that you Alberta four years and I coulti go consider: Neighbourliness. Help- on and describe and try to an- fuhx'iess, plain, ordinary. decent alyze the qoalities ai aur people Human Kindness, Patience with but thaf is not what you are look- Ihose whose views spem fa be so ing fon. What I arn trying to sa diametrically opposed ta ours, a here is this: we are all living in painstaking effort to understand difficult limes; the great majarity '>hy they think what they think: ai us feel socially insecure and, and this, while not spectacotar. because we are ruled by the feer flot sensational. not arresting, complex, we think ai and acfta- %woold, it seems ta me. be a worth ward aur neighbours with suspiz-%v'hile objective 10 which yo coold ion. distrust and sometimes jeal- cm on~sscaini h 005Y. coming year. Many cf aur paliticians. inter-1 Thene is a stanza by Ella ested anly in votes and the paw- Wheeler Wilcox which. ta sarne er that votes may secore for them. extent at any rate, expresses what onscrupulously exploit class con- I have in mmid. It nons like this: sciouaLness. town against country. omnGos country against town. nrich againsu aran as pon. Protestant againet ath1t, Sa many Creeds., Gentile against Jew. Sa many ways We have the Native Sons ai That wind and wind, Canada and the Sans of Englan.d And yet the art ai being kind -alaiof hem, in my humble opin- Is aIl this sad world needs. ion, mutually exclusiv>e, destroc- Not rnuch ecanamic philosophy ,iv>e rather than constructive in1 in alI that: natlsing very pro- their autloak, tending ta divîde found. nathing '>ery scientific us mbt opposing camps, exploit- but, if we fail ta develop under- ing aur religions prejudices or aur standing .w-th' those who are aur economc fear.s, poisoning aur close neighbors. wlo li'>e across rnînds and ernbittering aur daily tIse street from us, who lîve in i'elat.ianships. the next town or Province. how Il seems ta me, then, that the can we de'>elap that abstract Weekly Newspaper Man is in an idealism that speaks in glowing exceptionally good position ta but vague ternis aofItratoa pour ail on those troobled waters Qacd Will'"? -much mor'e sa I wauld lhink Yaurs s*ncerely. than his city colleagues, where GEO. S. HOUGHAM, the pressure ai gnoups must be Dominion Secretary. tcrrific and the Pace hectic. The Retail Merchants Yoo, il seems ta me. hav>e the Association ai Canada. unquestioned advantage ai being Toronto. GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE By Scribe G During the past two years aur these indices is the man who lives reading has comprised sa many in one of our 'big cities where Scattered sobjects that we haven't poverty exerts itself more than a very clear idea ai anything. any place else. He makes $20.00 When we were a tiny tot the a week. Our heroine is this mans only publication we were permit- xife. He knaws he cant get any ted ta perose wa.s "Easy steps for more than $20.00 a week because iittle feet." Our Sunday School there are hundreds af single men put this out once a week. Ir the eady ta take his job . . . AXnd his lighit af ta-day i' was pretty in- ,w-fe knows this tao. The3' L:e in noxiaus stuff but as a result oaicrie or two rcoms that are checap cxarning it reguarly we hadi at but she keeps îhem dlean. The least two or three clear eut con- rent is î:aid. Thev can hardly ai- victions. This is wvhat %ve under- ford the necess-ît:es of lie but ýtand a Russian ncv ets . a tliey watch every capper n..flt lirnited local literary dýiet which orc is wva.-ed. No Minister of nourishes frescribed convictions.l Finance was ever hall as per- He is allowed nathing that iiight plexed at balancing a budget as tisturb hein. 1 thIs man and h's wife. We have î'ead about Fascists, FrofIT the radio in t.heýr neigh- Nazi. Cammunists. Capit a 1 i s t s .bars parlai' cornes the x'oice' ai Democrats and Dombell-,. And the tempter telling them ta bar- darned if we can truthfully say 1 raw and go in debt in order ta that we sec a clear otline ofijposse-ss things they know they what eachi is supposed ta lie cannat all ord. They cant aff ord The clearest Picture w e can chidren but maybc one cames.. conjul7e up is ai two groops. One and somehow ori other the3' pro- believes in what is called personal vide for it . and shaulder the liberty .. It is the basis ai de- respansibility. monccratic system.is that have been Are these People Dumbells? tried and tested and found good Not on yaur lufe. They are prab- by such nations as Great Britain, ably smarter than yau or aurseli. United St.ates af America, and Demogogues tell us this is slav- Canada. The other believes in a ery. But we knaw that it is the sort oi semi-slaveî'y in which in- spirit af independence.. a glor- divîduals are all thrown in ta- îaus human herîtage. gether . . . boszed, bolidozed and We have read somewhiere that s;ent ta war by somebody they the Children ai Israel claimed cheeî' ior but have neveî' seen. they were God's Chasen People. It is aur opinion tîhat anyone If any athers are allowed ta be wha believes tlîat mcn are born so, designated we naminate this free and equal will believe any- man and woman. thing. The-e is even a superiai' pup in every litter. Heredity plays Eeytio kosalta zo great a part in what a man er aio kos oto that such a thing as equalityn ais promising young men. endawment is impassible. yo can genenally fi d a crawd The palitical system that com- where anything foolish is being mends itself ta us is one in which done. the humblest mas' become the Most girls dislike being kissed - gneat,est depending largely on by the wrong fellow. himseli and the ever present var- iable factors ai time and chan-ce. What busy men need is a The system that provides, thi5soheme that will enable them ta open opportunity invites individ- avoid people with schemes. uaIs indexed as Capitalists, Con- He loves best whose lave lasts. servatives. Democrats and Dum- A diplamat is a knacker wha bells. can citicize things in a way no- Our lhera who is ta be found in body understands. THUIZSD.\Y, NAY 5TH, 1938 ,.hii.h house clean- 1 Newsman Jim Hunter Agrees to Disagree Toronto, May 3, 1938 M. A. James & Sons, Publishers of The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Ont. Gentlemen:- I was dumbfounded ta see and read the editorial - -Jim Hunte! - Gone With The Wind" - which appeared on page two of Your issue of the 28th ult. The state- ment, "we would much rather see h'm -eturn to his former position as the Telegram Talking Report- er". is definitely a falsehocd in view of the fact that I have neyer lef t the services of The TDron'cO Evening Telegram and I stili arn the Talking Reporter of that pa- per. I also take objection ta the statement, "but his Simon pure news program hias berýn ruined under commercial auspices." The news that I amn giving on the air today is just as fu. just as ind- pendent as it Ever has been. I aI- sri protest against the statement. "and in like manner Jim Hunt- er's prestige as the premier news- caster of Canada has, with these dcses of Atka Seltzer. - gone w'th the wind." I. must, ask for. in fact in-ýist upon, a retraction ta be given equal prominence with tbe ed:i- tonial ta which I bave reference. Yours very truly. Jim Hunte>r. Telegram Talking RPepc.rer. By The OId Box Stove - ~ By Hiram --- There has been sa muchi latelY in the papers and ini the pulPIt.s ci our churches about Premier Heuburn's use of the word hypo- crites in refe:ence ta certa.n clergymen, that the zugge3ticfl came ta us ta ask these cc-un::.Y peaple in the midst of whom we live just what they thought about it. As a result there have Leen some rather amazing resuits. I' won't do any hurt ta put it dawn and let cthers see just what the folk on the sidelines think. There will be some who wor't agree but that oniy makes it ail the more interestiflg. I have yet ta meet anLy who do not admit we need the church. or tha, we could do without min- isters. neither dd I meet any who agreed with the idea that the ministry as a whcle should tel classed as hypocrites. bu, he'e are some af the týh'n-s %we d.d learn. The church istne mos, v:Ltal force in cor midst cnly WhEn it is folfi lin, :t- ceal purtcse. We can gtlt cf instîtutionz a-i. r.anJz t cn- ta ICAakater c'j:r o:g phscA.ar.dl orde- velapment. but the chulrch 's l,; t; a That's notth o are only force ta aefrOo able job but it's a good thing ta uallY.do The minister is the monat :'- do portant memben of the corllli" ý. nr rls edw ity but only w'henlhe to o in Tees mre oYredeadwox his duty as a Christiani leader. ineryaml ee The 'question arase over and_________________ over again as ta whether' the real aipseo the c,'urch and thesp e c la r a r n mi ly was being fuifilîe d. The p o-nswer was mnostly in the nega- san-oesai ten.E XCURS I ON S It shouldno be neces'n0r'Yta* TO ALL STATIONS IN repeatedly bring polit:Cs n-0nathei pulp.t.Western Canada Neither the chirch north ministers as a whole seenl ta be- awane that the people are eagel' Gojng Dates f or Gad and Salvation. nar da they DAILY MAY 17 TO 28, 1938 £eem ta knaw that people sin and' are still ready ta ikýe fr010i the Return Limlit: 45 days. wrath ta cone. AIl the people TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL want is underst5I1dinlc leaderýslUP NCACE PeOle antconf art in the time ai sanrow. help in the turne Excursion tcesgo ors cf need. yet theý supply i15 meager. Parlai' and Standard sleeping cars ai- Th lhuc sold- t eaSO available on payment of alightiy The hurc shold ot .be ahiger passage fares, plus prîce of le1 r al o heotaing of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. what sorn call high brow speech- :ît* Til i good going 'via Port e's, but a place of wars ip. a re- \rt1hiîr. 011t ,. rnistroii,,ant., COii- ~uge:n he iîneaf a.ruua nee. n. ii .oi: iault Ste. Marie, re- fug ; te ine f -ai- tim ne, î vasitrnie rou>te and lire and the service should te a bile O oaonl routings. cf saul searchiflg. !WI 'i lnttt tike1b, There shcu.d no' be a cD'.dnezss> -ini> ri of tict Pot and alcofne-zs on the part aif i., eArintroflg, ont., and Ch: istian leaders towvard t hcse w-t. ali t (hicago. Ill., Sauit wha mus, oi necezsity be foloO- (1ti trifaoft nited "'withtif The generai ap.niojn was that ty the Prenier tin h od î nu lpat t >îuls fronut aîy agent hyp.ocrite hed'd or e good thon «i harrn. for wliîle sa MaIn, rush'ecl Canadian Pacifi ta their pulpits ta defend them- 17-4 ' e ves. others ivere w.se enaugh "«What's the best way ta make a ten strile?"o "Put ten cents on the counter and say Sweet Caps.>" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The pure5i form in which tobacco cn be smoked." t

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