Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1938, p. 12

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PAGE T\~'ELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 5TH, 1938 The Newcastle Independent Phione Clarke 1114 Mr. Francis Kay. Toronto, ie- INs. Nutt and Miss~ Margaret opened Kurv Inn the f irst off the Stacey, Toronto' spent Monday at week and is again busy in making his country house south off the a beauty spot off the grounds. C. N. R. subway.RA E Cowanville Loyal Orange Lodge You haven't read the haîf off it CLASSIFIED RA - withi headqjuarters in Neiwca.st.le on this page. So before you for- C R FT A K paid a fraternal visit to their Or- get turn to page 8 where there C R FT A K ono bretliren on Monday evening, are two columns more of New- One cent a word cash, each May 2. castle news.. insertion (minimum charge Mrs. Robert Bruce and family Mr. Wm. Neil, accompanied by Mr. Isaac Selby lias returned 25c). Charge of 25e extra is Wish to thank their f riends and _______________________from Toronto wliere lie had been made when advertisement is neighbours for their sympathy in liospital having a series of not paid samne week as inser- and great kindness, also for floral radium treatments which seem ta tion. Extra charge o)f 1()c tributes, during their recent sad have been very beneficial. when replies are directed to a bereavement. ______________________ Mr. Geo. Farncomb, Hampton, St at esm an box number. ______________________and a number of lis mill andi Birtlis, deatlis and marriages The family of the late R. Luther _________staff___________________ 50c each. In Memoriams, 50e Werry, bis brothers and sisters, ________________________ ruking sffwer nd e er auray for notice, plus 10e per lîne wish to thank theiTr frien4is for pairs on his Newcastle-on-the- for verse. Classified adver- symfpathy extended, b le a u t i f u 1 TePost Office staff lias fol- 6 p.m. Wednesday. shown during his illness and lowed the lead of the mercliants passing. H 0 y À L in taking Wednesday half holi- days and the office is now closedI for the afternoon except for an 131RTHS IN MEMORIAM T H E A T R Ehour in the evening. îî Dr. Margaret E. T. Addison, AMSEDI oigmmr BOWMANVILLE Toronto, who is addressing the BAGNELL-In Oshawa HospitalA MSEDI oigmmr _____________________Presbyterial sectional raîîy at Saturday, April 30, 1938, to Mr of Tliomas Henry Armistead _________________Newcastle Thursday afternoon of and Mrs. W. Winton Bge wlio passedi away May 9, 1936. this week, is spending the week (nee Jean Muir), Bowmanville, Bt le andesmoy tever at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beman's. a daughter. Butloeings. mr ee Thurs., Fri., Sat. lns Rods and liooks and lines were BANISTER-In Bowmanville Hos- -Ever remembered by sisteri MAY 5 - 6 - 7 miucli in evidence at the lake pital, Saturday, April 30, 1938, Annie and brother-in-law. front la3t weekend and Jackie to Rev. and Mrs. W. Franklin BO NI oigmmr f Perrin and others more or less Banister of St. Paul's United dRWInd vngmor J aE < experienced in the art report that Church, Bowmanville, a daugli- dBrw, whd o ase aay Ma ..~ fishing wvas good, especially for ter. Barbara Elizabeth. Brdwn. 1936. e aayMa percli. 3 96 <4 ~ . Mr. Edwin Bman, Mechanical <_____________ The world may change fxom Engineer, who lias been visiting year to year, Mrs. ~in c.And friends from day to day, lis'grandmotlierMsdiC. DEATHS1 But neyer will the one we loved' Beman, and uncle, Mr. W. E. Be- ~Fo eoyps wy man, since last faîl, lef t last week -Ero rmemered by Husand Ted NEALY dhUt to take a position at New Lisk- COLE-In Bowmanville, on Wed- and Famy. dbyHsbn ."à 0 iw RIIIIIII eard. He is the son of Mr. Ar- nesday, May 4, 1938, Tlieoda .. _tliur Bemnan. Cupar, Sask. Ellen Cole, age 71 years. - Also - Mrs. W. H. Gibson represented Funeral from the family resi- the W. A. of St. George's Cliurch dence, Lot 5, Concession 5, Dar- COMING EVENTS 1 BRAHTAKINGACTION! at the Diocesan meetings of the lington. on Friday, May 6, at Women's Auxiliary of the Angli- 2.30 p.m. Standard Time. In- can Church Mîssionary Society terment Bethesda Cemetery.,. I. O. O.P. Florence Nightingale Boheld in Toronto last week. Mrs. Funeral private. orng, Murh ar8theon SPal Io ~~~C. S. Horrocks and Miss B. Me-moMa toiS.Pu' Intosh also attended sessions. GRAHAM-In Haydon, on Mon- United Church. Brethren please Master Neil Britton got his first day. May 2, 1938, David Gra- meet at the lodge room at 10.30 leso i1cstngan agln ham, beloved husband of Emiîy a.m. 17-2 from one of Newcastle's most ex- A. Cowling, in bis 95th year. î COLUMBIA F I.CT periencèd rod and line fisliermen, Interment Hampton Cemetery. U TO A E Mr. C. R. Carveth, wlien lie ac- PAGE-At Enniskillen, Tliursday ______________SALES_ M:atiee Saurday2.30 companied the Reeve and lis fa- May 5, 1938, Mary Jane Tredeli, AcinSl f4 edfel Katiee aturay .30 .m.ther, Mr. H. S. Britton, ex-Reeve, widow off the late Stephen Page, Coand Sarier.4goe rent _____________________ on a trout fishing trip last Sat- in lier 88tli year. T. .st and rnegatigve to bloo urday. Funeral on Saturday, May 7th. T .test Satudy, Malth, on Lot Mon., Tues., Wed. r.W. .Butbieo Brief service at the home at 2 2, Con. 7, Markham, the property M Y9-1-11recent date, was tendered a Mis- p-m., followed by a service at o oe oMlie - 0- lcellaneous shower by the girls of tUnited Cliurch. Enniskillen. at o .S oe oMlie ___________________ the J. AndeTson Smithi Co. at tlie 23P.m ST..Itemn 0a . Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Tera 2.ommunity(SaU.on Fridayieeven-.cash. No reserve. J. H. Prentice I Attend these thre dys ng, Apnil 29. Mrs. Brunt lias re- HapnCeeny and Ken. Prentice, auctioneers. signed lier position in the office 18-2 aniep h liL4% off the J. Anderson Smithi Co. and audyMy14h -Con of the proceeds go to the has been succeeded by Miss Betty Turner by M.r. Elvin Middleton off Saity uay Male4th. -WCom- Canadian National Insti- Pingle. Minden. Mr. Irwin Alin lives on Chaîhas' Display Lot, King Street, tuefor the Blind. Miss Mabel Foster, Reg. N., wlio and works the soutli haîf of the Bowmanville. Anyone wanting to lie as been living in Mr. Wm. Neil's farm with the exception of a few put anything in this sale, get in- house during the cooler months, acres of garden and fruit land, toudli with one of the undersign- returned on Monday to "Long- with a brick house occupied by ed. W. J. Cliallis, auctioneer; C. S PECIAL FEATURE wood," one of Dr. Walton-Balls Mr. ibson, formerly offTrno .Maocek cottaes on"Harrs Lode- es MrsH.. M.ason, hclerk.e Mr. and Mrs. Charlie tate. Mrs. Harold H-uf, Bloom- lier bouse at the lake front to Duif, Blind Artists fICld, spent a few days witli ler Mr. Harry Adaskin, formerly of Notice in person Monday Mrs. Pinnegar with the moving. Mrs. Adaskin for the summer. A meeting of the lot owners of nigh. .Fifty five persons including Mrs. Gibson is going to Oshawa the Hampton North Union Ceme- nih.singers, elocutionists, costumers wtli ler son Ralph who lias a tery will be held in the Hampton and the cast of tlie show journey- Position with Beaton's Dairy. Sunday sehool room on Tuesday, cd o Oonoon Monday evening, Mr. Irwin Colwill lias leasedIMy1,a ..(T) h ....May....2, and presentedt the panto- that part of tlie J. H. Jose f arm rprpsenaie of tenlost oweect l» ime. Pictures Old and New, at on Highway No. 2, east offti ersnaie f the ltonr the United Churcli. The absence business section off the villa ean ontBr, and rnae n of so many from Newcagtle ser- worked for some y3r Et~ bytierbsns htmyaie ouîyAil plot owners invited to be pre- thesl eut into the attendance at Mr. Fred Graham & Sons. cn teUnited Churcli Y. P. U. meet- Mr. Milton Brown, Lake Shore, Rev. W. Rackham, Chairman F n-. lias taken a lease of Mrs. T. M. W. W. Horn, Sec.-Treas. Young People's Union met Mon- Gibsons 200 acre farm worked, 18-2 dayevein. Te rogamwas last year by Mr. H. C. Pedwell. il, charge off Reta Flintoif, and M.NryGheRa oe sic-rnsisted of readings by Bill Row- r n ainGouglit the Forer-For SaleF I lad. Luis Hanoekand etaMiss Julia Fligg bouse on Churci Powell; mouth organ selections b Sretyi elavn heAyhFOR SALE -E LE CT R OLU X Sert Jarvis and George Milton;Stet ilb evnth rciVumfs la odto, curet vetsbyAlx enry use, north off the C. P. R sub- Vcu.frtcascniin currnt eentsby Ae hey way, into which Mr. and Mrs. haîf original price. Box "'F.A."- eeneseySur n/n Mrs. Chas. Hancock gave Aknwl emvn fo the c o Statesman office. 18-1 topie. Next Monday eeIlg Rev. Aknwl emvn rr h W. . . SytePor Prry wîîWalter Cnowther hou.se on Ed-'1 W. speak to the, oung peple onls ward St., into whicli, about thei Notice te Creditors trip to Ireland, and wiîî show ffirst off June. Mr. and Mrs. lanernsl~esof he riishIsîs.Beaudre will be moving f rom the! In the matter off the Estate of Poultry Pirates Cartoon Mr. J. G. Holmes of the Re & cottage at Newcastle on the Lake.C.ATU CAKRlaefb Travelogue - Stockholm Wit tore, Newcastle, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brunt the Town of Bowmanville, Cus- of P. R. Langman. formerly of Oak- are getting settled in their rooms tm olcor eesd Newsvilhv exane businesses. in Mr. Wm. Henry's house on'1 Notice is hereby given, pursuant in Nilewcate issory tlo sd North St. to the Trustee Act in that be- !di Newcatle s sory talose uch haîf, that all credltors and others 1t good citizens and churel people Mr. and Mrs. David Noden have haigdiso1emnsaantt Coming Shortly as Mr. and Mrs. Hohnes Who taken rooms in the Allin Apart- the estate of the said C. Arthurihi moved to Oakville May 2, but ments, King and Mill Sts. akr h ido raotteu My23 - 24 - 25 extend a hearty welcome to Mn. Gandener and Forester Lavenne ltI day off April, 1938, are re- o' SUNNY and Mns. Langman and family. Martin lias been busy on thie new Cwewode no bu h "REBECCA 0F SaNquined onnoromefyoreoiliey2and day 1 , ~ Througl Mn. and Mrs. Holmes' J. S otgmonroet nd0 a, 98 or end bthepost pre- 0 BROOK FARM' departure Newcastle loses two na- lias made a great improvm ti po ao de9ve8, tieunde os rsnedof Jun i- -3 4tive sons as two boys were born the appeanance of the gnounds soicitor dlfe or the Eeunri ful ae «GIR 0FTHE OLDN lere during their sojourn among whicl lad become somewhat ne- ariclas.n1rt1g ffthirW «IIR F HEGLDN US. glected and ovengnown. priuasi rtn ftert WEST" ___________ laims, a statement of their ac- til GARDENERS.... n importance off the occurrence the flot received notice wlll be barred We carry No. 1 Garden Seed in bulk. Better to plant embryonic young editor was nam- as against îliem. 5tî godSeed than to wlsh y'ou had. ed Rowland affter the f oundness DATED at Bowmanville this goedand McCullougli after the attend- 3th day off Apnil, 1938. ing doctor. In about two weeks M. G. V. GOULD, Ttime lie lefft Newcastle and went Bowmanville, Ontario, to Newtonville wliere lie was rais- Solicitor for Charles W. Dow- S.STEW ART ed and educated. He 15 smant as ney and Gladys L. Downey. Sees pON 57 Fedsare bis musical sisters wlio have Applicants for Letters of Ad- - - HONE577 - Fedsplayed beffore a Newcastle audi- ministration with Will ain- ence. nexed. 18-3 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 85 ACRES, sandy loam, good buildings, on good county road, flot far fronm highway, close to sehool and dhurci. Will sell as going con- cern or othenwise. Goo<l pro- position for little cash. Worth investigating. A p p 1 y "M.J." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 17-t HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L ID brick bouse on Centre Street in good locality, desirable home with modern conveniences, will be sold very cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman. King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, 1, acre land, small barn, fruit trees, 2 miles north off Bowmanville on middle road. Apply B. McDonald, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 18-2* For. The Gardon STRAWBERRY PLANTS F0OR Sale-Mary Washington, extra early; Senator Dunlap. Dorset and Premier, 75c per hundred or $5.00 per 1000. Raspbenry canes, Latlam and Viking, 2c per cane. Ivan Farrow, Orono. Telephone 3921 Clarke. 17-2 STRAWBERRY PLANTS F O R Sale-Senator Dunlop, good lst class plants, 75c per 100 or $5 per 1000. Apply T. Butt-ery, Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone 406. 18-2 FOR SALE - DOOLEY POTA- toes. Apply Gordon M a rt in, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2505. 18-1w POR. SALE - LATHAM RASP- benry Shoots from prohifie bear- ing stock. lc eacb. Also Dorsett and Premier Strawberry plants, $1.00 a hundred. Laird, Maple Grove. Phione 2109. 18-2* Room and Board, BOARD ANDU ROOM--CENTRAL- ly located. Apply Mrs. F. Mc- Indoo. phone 894, King Street East. *l8-1* Livestock For Sale DURHAM CO. SHORTHOR.NS- Young bulrs for sale, $45.00 and up. J. Baker. Hampton. 16-tf F'OR SALE - TWELVE YOUNG Yorkshire pigs. Apply Frank Aldswortl, Courtice. Ph on e Oshawa 1652r5. 18-1' Baby Chlcks FOR SALE - BARRED RO:CK and Wh.ite Leghorn Baby Chicks, started ehicks, cocker- els. from blood tested flocks. sired by R.O.P. eockerels. Al- bin Clemeng, near Hampton. Phone 2433. 16-tf Grain For Sale FOR~ SALE- MIXED GR AI N for feed or seed. Apply W. N. Hoskin. Burketon. Plione Pont Perry 193r21. 18-2* FOR SALE-100 BUS. FALL RYE $1.50 a ewt. Fred Cowling, Burketon. 18-1 * FOR SALE - FIVE BUSHEL 0F choice dlean Urban Oats. im- mune from smut, $1.10 a bushel. Bill Rowland, R. R. 3, Newcas- tle. Phone Clarke 1902. 18-1 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MARGARET ANN McDONALD, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail pensons aving dlaims against the estate :f Margaret Ami McDonald, laIe f the Tow~nship off Darlington, ý the County off Durham, WNidow, eceased, wbo died on or about the lSth day off March, 1938, in rie Township off Darlington. are âereby notiffied to send in to the ndersigned. or bis Softciton. on 3r before tle 6th day off June, 1938, f ull particulars and proof )f their dlaimis. Immediately af- er the last mentioned date the ssets off tle Estate will be dis- ributed among the parties en- itled thereto, laving regard only >o the dlaims off wbich the Ad- uinistrator shail at that time ave notice. DATED at Bowmanville this ilh day off May, 1938. Bermuda McDonald, Bowmanville. Administ raton by bis Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanville. 18-3 Notice to Creditors In the Estate off JULIA ANN FLIGG, deceased. TAXE NOTICE that alI pensons iaving dlaims against the estate >fJulia Ann Flligg, laVe off the illage off Newcastle, in the Coun- yoff Durham, Spinster, deceased, vho died cn or about the l8th ly off Mardi, 1938, in the Village 4Newcastle, are hereby notified osend in to lie undeî'signed, or heir solicitor, on or before île ;th day off June, 1938. full partie- ans and proof off tieir dlainis. nmediately a! 1er the last men- loned date thie assets off the Es- ate wili be distributed among tlie rrties entitled thereto, laving egard oniy to thle daims of wbich te Administrators, witl the WiU ,nexed, shail at that time have- ttice. DATED at Bowmanvilie tuis th day off May, 1938. Allie Reid off the City off Toronto, and Frederick William Fllgg, Newcastle, Ont. Admninistrators witi the WIiI annexed by their Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanviile, Ont. 18-3 For Sale NEW FURNITURE FOR SALE- Jardinere and smoke stands, large and small tables, hall trees, wardrobes. Also repairing, alterations, and storage. H. B. Creeper, Bowmanville. P h o n e 628. 17-3 AWNINGS FOR STORE OR residence. Genumne Sunray yen Blinds, 48c square foot installed. Northcutt & Smith. Phone 668. 17-.4* RUGS -HEAVY, NINE BY twelve searmless Broadlio om, large Wilton, Italian Sarouh.1 runners, scatters, Axminister,' good as new. Forced sale. No cash ofier refused. Write irn- mediately, Box "lIT."' Drawerý B, Bowmanville, Ont.. 18-1* FOR SALE -BABY CARRIAGE and baby's commode. Phone 413, Bcwmanvllle. 14-f MEN! IF YOU'RE WJEAK, WORN OUT try raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants in new OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Pep up rundown body. If not de- lighted, maker refunds prioe, $1.25. Caîl, write Jury & Loy- ehl. 15-tf FOR SALE-SEVERAL TONS 0F good hay. $6.00 per ton. Apply Arthur Beecli, phione 2458. FO)R SAL-LARGE TWO-DOOR wardrobe, solid walnut bedroom suite, pictures, dishes, and other lousehold articles. Phone 415. 18-1 FOR SALF-225 CEDAR POSTS. 2" to 4" tops; and 1 year old Holstein bull. Charlie Rundle, phone 2246. 18-1' FOR SALE - MASSeeY-HIARRIS Corn Cultivator, as good as new: no futher use; selI at bargain. Geo. Allin, Lake. Shore East, Bowmanville. 18-1-, FOR SALE-400 CEDAR POSTS, ahl sizes, 15c up. Also Yearling Percheron colt, black. P. Pin- ney. 3rd house nortl Maple Grove sehool. 18-1' FOR. SALE - SEE OUR BILLS for special sale off Washens and Ironers, also many used wash- ens. Terms to suit everyone. Now is the time to buy youn Radio. clearance sale off man- tel and cabinet sets, very cleap. terms. see our new Ice boxes on show ut our store at a new 10w price. See I. Whitefield at Dustan's Hldwe. Phone 774. 18-1 FOR SALE - TIMBER FOR small barn, 18 by 30 by 15 feet higli, all good pine. J. C. Han- cock, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3724. 18-1 DR. HAMMOND'S BRAIN AND Nerve Puis. If depnessed. mnel- anchoiy. have that tired feeling, brain fag, jump at the least noise, pasas seepless nights - you have a breakdown off the nervous system. Dr. Hammond's nerve treatment feeds the star- ved nerves and you start to pick up at once. Only 50 cents. Recommended by McGregor's Drug Store. 18-S FOR SALE - SPRING SALE 0F reconditioned Washers, s o m e real bargains. Also gas engine Wasbens for tlie farms without hydro. For demonstration and details see Locke at Mason & Daie's. 18-1 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-1933 single A.J.S. model. mileage ap- prox.imately 7000, new tires, ex- cellen1t condition. Cheap for cash. Write "A.M." c o States- man Office.- 18-3' LOTTA CALLUSES DID NOT let Merry Foot attend the dance last nigît. Cress Corn and Bunion Salves avold Ibis. Soid by Cowling's, Jury & Lovell's and McGregor's Drug Stores in Bowmanville; Mellow's in New- castle; Tyrrell's in Onono, and ail dnug counters. Tro Rent FOR. RENT-FARM 0F ABOUT 65 acres. Conveniently located in Oshawa with city water sup- ply. Ample buildings. Immed- late possession. Apply to Con- ant & Annis, Barristens, &c.. Oshawa. 13-tf TO RENT -TWO FOUR-ROOM apartments on Temperance St. Smnall bouse on George St. Gar- ages on Wellngton and Temp- erance Sts. J. B. Martyn. 17-2* PASTURE FOR RENT - GOOD shade andi running water. Ap- ply W. T. Perrett, Hampton. Phone 2553. 18-1 FOR RENT-HOUSE AND GAR- den, some fruit trees, near Cour- tice. A. E. Rundle, R. R. 2 Bow- manville. Phone 2134. 18-1' HOUSE TO LET-BRICK HOUSE 6 nooms, central, hot water beating: garden, garage. Mrs. John Meîntyre. Churcli Street, Bowmanviile. 18-1' HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS. and bath, ail conveniences, gas and electnie, electric refrigena- ton, garage, corner Elgin and Horsey Sts. F. C. Hoar. Phone 417. King St. 18-tf Found FOUND-RIED COW AND CALF, wandered on my pnoperty. Lot 10, Con. 7, Darllngton. Owner may have same by provlng ownersblp and payment off ex- penses. Apply T. H. Richards, TYrone. Phone 2533. 18-1* Notice DOOS STRIPPED OR CLIPPF.D. J. Mason, 17 Bond St. E., Osh- awa. 18-1* Radio Repairing EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING - Reasonable rate-s. Phone Osh- awa 1827r23, reverse charges. Robent L. Hancock, R. R. 2, Oshawa. 16-4' Wanted W A N TED - $1500 ON FIRST mortgage. Good secunity. Ap- ply Box SOS, Whitby P. O. 18-1 * WANTED-IRL FOR GENERA-L housework. Phone 2581. 18-1 RABBITS WANTED-J. JESSFIN. Mapie Grove, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville. 18-1 MAN WITH CAR - WATIKINS Dealer (preferably between 25 and 50) needed immediately to supply established demand for World Famous Spices. Extracts. Baking Po>wder, Soaps, Cleans- ens, Medîcines, Fly Spray, Min- eralized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 70 yeftr reputationi. 10,00 dealers. Must be satisffied with $30.00 weekly #at start. Seliing experience unnecessary. Farm experience hehpful. Cre- dit funnisbed rigît pa rt i es. Write immediaiteîy, The J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal. Que., Dept. 0-B-9. 17-4 IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, THIS is'f or you! Success guaranteed- No risk selling line off 200 pop- ular produets in exclusive ter- ritony! Join our sales fonce for profitable wages! 750 men av- erage . ncome off $35.00 weekly! For free panticulars without ob- ligation, write today, Familex Co. 570 St. Clement St.. Mont- real. 17-3 Do You Hear Well? We have secured the agency for a most wonderful device for those wbo do not hear distinctly. Our supply will reacl us about May 1. Send for circular now. JURY & LOVELL Phone 778 Bowmanville Miscellaneous. WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Sîop - We specialize in machinery repairs, genenal gar- age repairs, welding, towing service. J. L. Demjeruing, Pro- prieton, BqwmanviUe. P ho ne 781. 23-tf Notice Tro Creditors AND OTIIERS IN THE ESTATE OF CORA de CARTERET, late off t<he Town off Bowmanville, in the County off Dunham, Widow, deceased. Ail pensons having dlaims ag- ainst the Estate off Cora de Cart- eret, late off the Town of <~ manville, Ontario, deceased. died on or about the thirdd Apnil, A.D. 1938, are hereby noý.- f ied to send in to the undersigned, the personal representative off the said deceased, on or befone the seventh day off May A.D. 1938. full particulars of their clainis verified by Declarat>fl. Irmned- iately affter the said date thesai: personal1 representative will tis- tribute~ the assets off the said cïe- ceased having regard only to dlaims of wW ch sLe shan then bave notice, to the exclusion off aIl others, and she wil, not be li- able to any penson off whose dlaim she shaîl not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Bowmanville. On- tario, this nineteenth day of Ap- ril, A.D. 1938. Miss Annie Maud Harris, 113 Nonrfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario, Executrix, by W. F. Ward, lier Solicitor herein. 16-3 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of James Reuben Fisher, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ahl pen- sons baving daims against the Estate off James Reuben Fisher. late off the Village off Newtastle, in the County of Durham, Fet- ed Merchant, deceased, who kde on or about the 8t1 day ofý De- cember. 1937, at the Village of Newcastle, are hereby notiffled to send in to the undersigned, or bis Solicitor, on or beffone the 23nd day off May, 1938, f ull particulans and proof off their dlaims. Im- mediately after the last mention- ed date thie assets off the Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, havi.ng regard only to the dlaims o! which the Administrator shall at that time lave notice. Dated at Bowmanville this 20th day off April, 1938. Emerson Fisher, Newcastle Administrator, by bis Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanville. 16-3 JI Give a Box of ýCandy For Mother't ~IDayr (This Sunday] Smiles'n Chuckles Chocolates ln 1/2-1b. - 1-lb. - 2-1b. boxes - 50e per lb. Special Mother's Day Box $150 c u Y IN __1 __ Coti. pCial ail that la boe.kcial to the outici.and aaik .... quickly r.movu Ye" tram. af aid palila. Fora lmited lime anly ya= recetve wvilh It F= a oatm dlupena. Both for ... 35e~ Dry Hoir Becomes ~~ S ilky Smooth, ~p Iii Manogeoble Ra . LU i dant Abter Shom. h . 1oiTH Pooo ng Wth .$2~z~DRENI FOR DRY MUIR GIN IL 16 59CPLS 4du.g 99C Box 29c Jury & Loveil Phone "~ ~ e I. 1 mi),Ol i 0e PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, MAY 5TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,' BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1

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