Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW11ANVILLE, ONTARIO H B-OY SCOUT DISTRICT CONFERENCE 1HN BOWMANVLLE THIS WEEEN aFOUNDER 0f 'T E S O T M V M N AN I LA Yi a e tT hè First Bowmanville Troop was TESOTMVMN N I AYHsM jsyh igPto Organized in January of 1925 0f Scout MovemnentEpr Rotary C 1 U b W a S DOMINION PRESIDENT IN SCOUTMASTER FKng eo eVad Sponsor of 1 st Scout THESOUTUNIORMFolowsin ootte0 Troop i n Bowman- UT._._ Paron-.P.dg. vill - Frst cout EDGAR A. GUEST vill - irs S c ut-AND T HIE PRO M ISE toy f alyDasTliere isn't an%- ipav fer "Otî. serve wiîheiîî reî~'ard. When you were in'.ested as a Cntnigltrs Ti etwetripthlefii tî fuil fledged Boy Scout y ou made Tiielio_ý wlo tr mp feldone off the most important decis- i mavI osi 95adpe u itecudafr.ions off your liffe With your hand is otGagosMjsy manileboy in192 an pr- \d-et t iur pst is riclier far ]y ook the fniong p oise: oitis mir.ls aet sented to the then newly formeci Tfiaîî t W110ti toil for zoid. th Rotary Club, speiled the birth off . lisiia ceî 11 nro ia the Scout movement in Bowman- Vu Tovce do my ol Iwilduty t odaniteecot. sDeofYrkteKn To d llydut o t ne n helâSotonyptnofthmve ville. he eigh boys ho miglnient, tbut trasfacemofeKinavBoy be said Io be the fathers off Scout-k A Troc f grc\ing ýbox-ToKîg ville The eigh boys w-ho rnîgt N ai tin te fae~ c hellp other people at ail Lond, n a d of Y rsie ing in Bowmanv:tle wer.e Ken- rTo bethme S cot eadofbisms i\e neth Swtzer. B:enton Hazlet od t- ~aîfuue-tKing ereV ndBsbohr no z he became Kidg.,eafolfoituret- \,n Kenne :h Mitchell, t-ayrnond WWal XX 1'read it tiîeu. Hvn aethtpoiewtido.adbcm arno Everett Quinn. Charles Postle t thu PeKingc ' i n tlie s e r vi cn g E d w a rdn gVmIde tn o w pD u kesoff thwaite, Ernest Chabot, Arth ur, SrEd -dBatn\i f lût alilinu. bstOyte car Chabot and Murray Carke. SrEwr Bat etto eeScou. Lathe... to kep t.-ou undert.ook to And the man to whom ailî cie - t caraii ,So wlii a - ndoe oingScut .-s icn tehetonon ecbr ville a Scoutîng tew;%n îs Fred C <itigt~ic CtizcuNwt ýtr'- eteaýc tui 'hî axfo1unSotfHnurif obeof iiLcs dit is due fo makîng Bo dmn ataftl ai an C f4 . aa oii- ý%(if Potire itîq a T-O 4h 96 od B d nP w l Palmer, now off Toronto but at etc P aainGnra or- X i P nincrt and 2î . --~-t- ~. Acout isloyal.adCheScuofteBrth that t'me the Town Engineer Off1 ci of tlPe 1,t.Scouts A\sociatîeun. Fi'eevears of *caînip-fjre Puri.2A * 1- oudrffteSutMemt Bomn,-le t strog h ýû loefrplaue* ae3. A Scour duty is to be use- ilis 3ajesty The King Eprsn h floîgms Bow am-lle It is hro gh he et lere fr pea~ re~~ a efui and he p o ters. ut c a a a tk ra rd a~ t e î aet kindnesoff Mr. Palmer that w-e hi.story. and it is ffront th's that j Put tire friture generatiniE 4.coScout sia frind teail.K-e retvide oyScut ofsaeEmir are able to present the eariy h's- w -e are able te present the htatory XXPjcli tie i.ox sarc e on te make. 4 cu safin otheri.iiltiI? act tlhat King ,torcze \-rl ferloa dt. n tory off thé Bow'manviîîe. ScDuts, Off Scoutîng ffrom its origin in ý nh rte eevî jeiifte. rn 'cri fteari Mr. Palmer took time off ffron is Bow-manvilîe in 1925 until 1929. Tliiex ave ne goid te Rive %-cit,Be Scoutsftu mur.Fir.w-hilewihngYuMaeta busy life tosend us five pages off The history subsequent te that . But when age corn i e us-:on .A Soui-couteos.livScouasie-deiee Eire. iereu long.,ap n1scesflrin _____________________________ Orne -e kn w becuse t cloe The il Rve 'o Lac t5. pienddout s ..6. A cout s a fiend e an-lajePe Bo- Scous. veture to hoertha amon you -personal connection. j tijngs ml.mn e epniiiisYu -Ihave beside me as I write," Xcii taugPit tlheint tew te do. î cu by h resofFrTes suieitrs nOrmvmn Mas.Majes:y ilcotne oui- says Mr. Paimer. -my p:-.vatei-olit1 Titevll give 'ou rîclitc 'ntelttnut. 7.BiScoparesPte rLder f1Jwis e-er o re cai book, the attendance ffrom this:.And a tlirili of hPet tpride hiorcotm.atr w-i tLhodurtiin celebration off the Jew-ish by granîgi orîoa arn alw ayrollbeing ente ed ntth e .\ttA d vt u l il e u atisfen d e. q u estion . N ew Y ear fo r T rees . Jew ish B oy age. B d n P w e l r t r op r l bo k e tby tre s r r n s I e t e - \ d to tl al P a ifed 8. A Scout s nies and w histes S couts o f L ondon p anted 16 trees T o t B: e s g a e l i a retay teasrer, and as eneredundt- Il dffiultes.at Gilwell Park. the training cen- jesty's re y rmarks during each meeting, 129ears ge. .ail .. *.f 9 A Scut istre ffor-Scout leader-s at Ching- -I sine& hn e o h -nyi tepeence off mv old undeî-2yer offae but. they ASoti thriffty. -nly in10.tAScout s deanin thoght. -ford, Essex. The planting cerres- messageoftylastac hc _ _ _ t r o p w o u l d I r v e a l m y e r e s nb s i c a d s u o w o r d a n d d e e d . p o n d e d -i t h s i m i l a r t r e e p l a n t i n g y o t î B x e s n t o b h î f o f h T h r f o eofe v r w e h v e le n o ysh e -e -e t -eo n a d.t b ein g c a rrie d u t b y b c y s a n d 'B o y S c o t f h m i e i together off the best gang in the oelo h g Qeto ____________girls in Palestine. Ilt was dhe ffîrst whosemoeetI.aptrn world. I wîtl disclose mýy remaries. AIws. aloa fomth art w-eon, time on record that the cerernony shah ai-ytaehegaesin -- ~I arn sure soine off thern weuld be awy nf!cal are n.SO Twscrideti nin amused. but hardly indignant."- Ned Rehder. luevas a great lt-Lran LayBd-Pwl c u 1RES.scrieotinngn. trs. The ffirst Bowmnaiw , eTioop tle Scout and had te go a long Lord and LadyoBaenrPowellureon - was fformed in January 1925 tîme beffore Be could be îegistered. _______ omm litrul ih ossgigapt- KnehMthl a pon-Scouting Scou C HILDREN of ail ages lion and handing it te the Rotarv ed secretar3-treasurer trom he o m a vieu o With the raPid growth o! h througonh eightlub oys signi nd askpe ti- IKenneth Mitcellwasapoiný%tt .11 a vil Scouts GrowScout mvmethere, iinflu-ad 's M tIfl nta Me BRAND" CORN SYRUP. the cub te hve me (Mr. Palmer) treasury stood. Xen was goodecinduangtwr ee O C n d 'S M tIfl They neyer tire of lits delici- asîScoutater. I wilî naine Mr. Scotch and careful. iieshpi ecmn-tilmr ood for a theogie the bacEoe ratefounder and 1 Before going ffurther into hsapretPoe ctvyino- chlden"GOW BAN" bne of hintrrs, eymmOsofthe First Troop, let nN u i nizenp _____directions______ gOua foraern -o it ve the > C .Redr the rrsvr enisIn N mbers In Recent Years dpparnt. ProperacivityJ- Por chlden"COW BAN" ably supported by the late Ex-1 me sy, neo Sceutmaster ever Bad ________ <id heted-reor every dSY.Mayor T. S. Hoigate, and Alex as good fortune as I. te have such u ndy o ieîyreand t h tensd-Stray nIteCoent Jg . . twatwih icln Ledn hscaspo Edmndstonetese three gete a troop. Every boy had a good TonNw B at the Scoutmaester continued as encouraged by idleness and lack eto etrCassi hm nouince men being our~~~~~~~~~~~stcfBete Casesi goodlca causesacgrudgodpaensst 2orede f Mr.heCbsan W.ofdreJ. eceaiCair.H.nain jn o CORN SYRUP a most satis. tee and home training. They were Cub Packcs a n d 2 Scouts. Jack Foster, who had had Dennis, Minister of Agriculture, Sotn n vrt otel rayoh factory carbohydrate to use Our first roll submitted te ideal in their attention and de- Scu Hv sdeai xerec n cu-PineEwrdIon.fortesotrf nti c as a miIk modifier ithe Scout lueadquarters for registra- port>ment. and althoughScthey once Ha 1icn idea To xprentSuthe PrUn e - I -Islne. ! t-rsien. heedin ofonce Infats andboth inTo o ntoa dteU -1 We know of nooQer organiza-,'in as an ngy prodcinfn ad tien gives the original members o!f told me I made rotten ceffee, they M m esi fI3 ited States, later joined the staff Sceuters' Night at Royal Ontario infrtepooinofay hr aago ele h o as an eergy poducin food he Troo. on Aril 3,1925, s therane hloff gcnlmmunty rwelfareembrship ft135 ithefarteragemoticcefsaful Tman frgongcide.ffllowing: Ken Switzer. Brenton admit my c:e a es ha amrrsgel as Ais 96the intmter n cutM "c uteugh" t heR- hch canputon er ter eare,1le! bsinesad nte cu THE FMOUSHazlewood. Raymond Way, Ken they sald. Net only were the boys Affter Mr. Ple eind.a ing had grewn se great that a! - a OtaioMueu, ornt, o ENERG . Mtchel, EvrettQuinn Muray te son offgoodparens, w hadTown Engineer off Bowmariviile ter Camp it was decided te ferm show Toronto leaders how the se notable a prograrn o! speeches that eleeno!Bsatr ia- FOOD Ciarkethane Drilîng.Carl es the utind spporticoff the-the Fat rnonp Bdesoe iffcul-a Second Treop and a Second Museum can assist Sceuters in as is regularly presented at the isociation ihra oyadi th t c rr in n u e to la k Of 1 P a ck . T h is w as a c co m p lish e d t rainîn g b ey n n t ra i t r , d n e fGhe C n d a e n era w o rk w hi h a m t e t n h * 'Postlethin g, Qiiville Curan, Ed- tary Clb. andofarhicuarly ime thejd 16gar Temlinson, Jabez Vanstone, Boys' Work Committee compesed1 leadersl-ip. For some tim hedring September. In the mean- wa ttiended by over 150 Scout- Council and the TeronoDsrccetteet u f oho n *Byron Vanstone, lHarvey Jinti Of C. E. Rehder, Tom Hoîgate.,Rotary Club made arrangements tinte Cliff MacNair, a Cubmasteri ers. The galleries offtbird, inseth, Leslie Tudor, Alian Clarke, Ber- Charlie Mason, Alex Edmond- 1 with Sam Terry o! Oshawa to act from Kincardine, carne te Bow mmm saeiandof irh ebts off The Boy Scouts Asoito makingitarupeaainfo 2'nard Mitchell. Gordon Flaxman, atone. Percy Cerbett, George as Scoutrnaste n ecridmnileaito hreofte and Ina eiic s ere tAssciaton, aho terandhmanheod. This an tok hareaottheJanspiritnreieo!er thew Edward Flaxman, Allan îJirn)i Chase and Norman James. eut Bis duties te the satisfaction! Pack. Scoutmaster Bert Mort-, open, tand Museumn tecturers gave;, Saturday, February 5, in the pres- 'know ofneterentuiele John ameIvnYo aeceYo wr rs edwh ouro ever3-ene for many menths. He lock retained the command of the biftls At the conclusion re- ence off the Governer-General it. CAAA WiRHJh'ams. tvi e, aeneY o W re p D.reented J.thazour had as Bis assistant Mr. Francis First Troep, and Jack Foster as-if reshments were served by the and Chie! Scout for Canada, the__________ CMAYimt The two Flaxman boys and Al-i ood who was then MOl. in Cne> of the Public School staff. sumed the office o! Scoutmaster Museum autheiis odTedrur n ihals COM AN LImId tan Wiham w re f w m nt.sBow ranvile, and now practising W hen M r. Terry m ved away of the 2nd Troop . and M orse ILof spea krs which was headed bY Scout C m fr it d y P r> in shaa. r. harie aso ' romOshwa e w.sunable te oodman. Cubmaster off the 2nd Scouts Learn Sign Language Te l is xellency and included the. Feroti n rsdn presented us wth a Firat Aid kit, carry on as Sceutmaster. Fortun- ýPack. Ail four units were cern- Assist Deaf Travellers Hon. Dr. Bruce, fermer Lieuten- e and the f irst tirne we used it wvas ately, a !ew menths later there bined under the one group corn- atGvro fOtro i d at Bowmanvilie Fair in 1927. 1 camne te Bowmanville, as teller at mittee, whicl w as fere toe A numnber off Scouts off the lar- atGvro f naiSrE A BoyScucapftebrh detailed one off our most reliai hrBnmf Mnra. i e- lc heRtr Cu tssosrs- ger centres off Saskatchewan are ward Beatty and haîf a dezen off day party eertdte6t n Scouts te carry the kit but w-e lestmahoadhacnierbeWnMrsGomnsmern taieing instruction in the deaf the most influential business men niversary f usEclec h o ~~t and as far as I know it was experience in Scouting and who jlater entered univr ity inyaddm inlnugi re !teDmno.President ofLtiD.K Tra neyer recovered. at one time had been Ontario's I Casbeurn becameAtigCu-that they may assist traveling, The remarkable thing about the nîs. 1h at a edna In 1927 we were fortunate in youngest Scoutmaster. Jim tooicmaster. children off the Schoo1 ffor the Bey Scout movement is the con- iaCsladwsiidejb having Major ~~~~~Deaf at Sasati hepante-I tinuity and intensity off the in- a torch cridars h en E. mit Fe gus n deve rth e dF r t ra nviiesf le r o h S o t c n us of B w an- sulted from a Christm as holidlay terest w hich it arouses am ong the try by a c a n of S o t r n e s m ou ntepe cin lvin Be svue a nds- and rfov e s e a ff l S o t- vl t h e in i g of e r m isadven ure of two boys of the be t classes of ut- business ead- I i d r s e t e b y. P e i m u c a p p c at e d e r vice s s . asst r f r s o e yaa ;s o e 35 C b . S c u s a d c o i h o g t * o n th e w ro n g e rs. N o m o v e re n t 15 in a n y d a n - d e n t U lm a n s s r s e h t S o t sistan Scoumaste. luewas a It wa.s at Christmas time 1930. Leaders in the town. a consider- train at Prince Albert. In conse- ger off a setback when it can cern- ahouidaiasrmnyugof great help te us and was well1 that the present Scoutmaster off able increase ffrorn the 15 Cuba off quence they did net reach their mand se much off the time. energy seul andtatte shudg _ iliked by the Troop.i the First Troep, B. H. Mortiocie, three years previously. Bernes for Christmas. and enthusiasm off men like Mr. througltlifewlaimie iOur greatest tut-fout was our . irst carne in contact with Scout- The present Greup Comrnittee ffirst church parade in 1927. Ail ing in Bowmanviiie. lue was ask-ie- compesed off W. Ross Strike, Scouts were instructed te brinig as ed te assist the Scouts in the dis- 'chairman: R. M. Cotton,. JP., I may eter bys a the wthed tribution off toys te poor farnilies secxetary-treasurer; Chief off Pol- te march-th uos. ade b the on Christmas Eve. This was his ice S. Venton, Col. L. T. Mc- Boys' Brasa Band off the Oshawa f irast epportunity te see a Scout Laughiin, J. O'Neill, M. A. Neal, I Savaton rmy wepardedte! Toy Shep in action, and i Bis I C. T. Ross and Alex McGregor.*UIWT W ~ SavTrin United CB rchad e tr s ffrom one poor home te , The leaders in the Greup at ~,evic ws cndcte byRoarin another Be was much irnpressed this time are: the Rev. J. U. Robins. wiBtejyta teSotgo irst Packe Cubmaster, Cliff The yeat-a 1927-28 and 29 were turn brought teo these homes. MacNair: A. C. M.'a. Wm. James , 4,5 - t~~~~Lrehe est we had nd by vthis ti-e in the spnring off thenxerad rcSidis %-Lb. "What are you doing now?" said Mrs. Picobac. îopLae.Betnlai - ou.bu-t rated separately. -Th~ e nodrtessay.'1600chiiîpoy- O O N J w'ood: Secretax-y-Tt-easure r, Ken'Rotary Club w-ich Bad sponsored ny drsig10 ahieBy*Lpo' e ae 60 îm wating for y'ou te peur me another cup ef Mitchll.ii the Troop had nt-- spettsered tîhe Scouts at a LiepoBal.LACK * '. lb. Label la ce n coffee," said Mr. Picobac. "A,%nd after I fii tht No. 1 Patrol - Harvey Joint, Pack,. whicl was ffounded. we un- BL I LnAC TEA as tkeit l'il be ail ready for a mnild ... cool .. . wet mke PL.: Mortey' Vanstone, Second: derstand. as the ffrst Scout uînit BlrthdayaAvalancehe-For Llord and Orng OPOcaet Ti. hr' ohn etrfr a' ipsto fe Ed Flaxman, Gordon Flaxman,; in Bewrnanvilîe by Col. L. . Mc- Lay EdK-owI LîtE'Arag TheM'snohinobtte fo aCanMPiApsYton afte Woods, Gordon Adams, Jas- Laughin. D.S.O.. C.M.G .sev eral The holiday secluson of Lord C o o a eLptn's Yllow Label orCAAD.cobTD qa cha."id..co ..setsoeo pert- . years before. and Lady Baden-Powell at Nyeri D Â 'f , FINEST QUALITYt1b Pcbc Ne. 2 - Bob Corbett, P.L.; Wai- In the early part off 1935 Mr. Kenya Colony. East Africa, on 13LACKlow TPI, ter Cole, Second; GIeBrcMrtoibeaeCunseroftheir unique joint birthday, Feb- PflIrsumecl i. Camrnton, Bioss Camnpbell, Newt the First Bewmanviile Pack,. then ruary 22nd, did net preclude t-e- ~SA AE 1 luacieney, Bradley luoncyrnan, Ed. a group off about 15 boys. Clifff ceipt O! the customar>' avalanche ]BISCUITS Thomas. i'Hall became assistant Cubmaster. I o! letters and cabiegrams off re- No. 3 - Alan Williamrs, P.L.: That summer the Cubawet-e taie- membrance and geed wishes from GILBERT J(:E *Ivan Leighton, Second: N. Cowle, 2enng Rusa Sith. hantee oTyoefer a ten day camp, Bo Scouts and Girl Guides ail i 2 O aae uBagneih, -vnYeArlie Bikr E- as many off the beys had over the werld. Canada's mes-Poe(8 tanlIvnYo lc ik ie Tren te aeamp oy ceisge en y i EwrdBajy ~ f S O i *N. 4 - John Jury. P.L.: Ken Cubmaster decided te reorganize as President of the Dominionshn Morris, Second: D. Wright, Ned theScu Troop on bi rturnJSotAsoito. ed Bst Reidet' lu. Colmer. Byron Van-ffrom Camp. liwshes fer your continue<i health *jtoe .* -* .* -* * . ** -W. luately, JeAeadr a t o n e J o e A l e x a d e r, O n c e a g a in lif e c a r e n o t i a n d h a p p in e s r o m e v e r y m m - -___ Ed gar Cater.i Fit-st Troop, and for sorne mentha, ber off >our Canadian Scout ffan.- -

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