Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MIARCH 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESlM .'<. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN THE LADY 0F THE PRESS NL . RS. CLARK BELL a A\ wonan i liere ivas and(lslew irote News From Helen's Notebook EyesigIIL Education NOMINATED FOR b for tlle press And HIGHEST OFFICEG (soorImight do);_____ Ande 011 w to cwnt and i a lres1 Mrs. W. J. Hall and son Barry, of hem' poems appearing recently Eliciency Mr.,D. .CakBlPe-O C dho-o" tsvian svn Mîrico. spent the weekend with in the Globe andi Mail. and from Mrsde Dr.) J.e Clwak Bllesio-, mess, brýjf ler parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. 'tirne to time they appear in bier v a But she imeser bal (lOiiL it her'.elf, ~Devitt. home town paper, The Statesman. ,.-.ukesLbnlAscain (W'icl mnim o lierrae' under the narne Prescott Shortt. aniong the guests of lbonour at a kiîew'). miss Marguerite Joness, TO-_- Opt. dinner ai, the Royal York Hotel j ronto. spent the weekend with bier The Globe and Mail is doing a Eyesiglut :mî Toronto on Saturday. given forp 0 the Iîour svwe spemt andl the flomîr parents. Mr. and Mns. F. H. ion- genuine national service in pub- Specaaust ýhe Executîve of the Ontario \Vo- r( WvC spent. ess. Carlisle Ave. lising interviews with normal mesLbrlAocain Tos ml le ie gar ive sa'iesî like - p-icin happy famîlies in rural On- Disney BIdg. -l ichadtal ic:id r. sauil, Mrs. Jno. Hyde and Mrs. Aan tario. There are so many cvi- th- - aleýcuddM At the 1l(i ýf a Nviailihonetuver Campbell, Toronto. were luncheon dences today of lack of farnily '\In.O) eteMHen. Mfrs. DW. H. FMc- hall C' kei and bridge guests of Mrs. H. M. lîfe. of neglected homes. that Oshawa, Phone 1516 atyMr.Blow nvle (Anmd iose sVe1,11,swtlat ., lesr Nanson on Wednesday. there is a danger of people be- _____ CrI ' rs. li B qiel.d Missnan-ile' comlil enokl. . *-lîeving that there is no more off Number 25 Mi. liaRoneSquir ande.Miss Ma- Andiîi (1(1mmt miiiilerst.dmml. Miss Audrey Ellîott of Annisley thc happy old-fa.shioned home When it was said that -the ,eturning borne Mrs. Bell bias ne-n siwomîtumi lire ss a', and Il(,îe ssrut Hall. Toronto. spent the weekend life. The truth is that Ontario - greatest loss of tirne is caused 'eive d word from the Convener ofC iglit fair witli ber parents. Mr. and Mrs.,Canada - bias thousands of such through minoirIls" a great truth thie Nominations Comrnittee that I (s \i o r Iiihi d .Ln Elot etrhtet appy. normal homes. witb the wNas expiressed. yet how rnany she lhas been nominatcd for Pres-b llow (omît 'f a harrel ti iîalke aî inmiates contented. yet ambîtious. avail themscîves of the warnings ident of the Provincial Wornen's s chair. Mr. Byron Vanstone. Toronto. thrifty ivet ith many pleasures. soundcd through minor ilîs and Lberal Association. Much as Mrs.P To lie covse'ml iîchintz andI carne down Friday nigit for the! Were it not for such homes the cas thewrnns eninBlapeitetehou.se- stmffed l wil liair, Rotary Club Father and Son ban- o lo o Cnd oldb orunbeeded. sornethJng more fixed: feels it necessary to bave bier h Tssîîmmill adîrmi ans parlor. ati(l gise quet and s-ent the weekend wtb 1i rdeed. It should prove an en- and serious must foliow. How'rname witbdrawn. Mrs. Bell bias it atm air lus parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C- ilcouragement to the tbousands of mno o ayms ea-enetd oee.t t .\mml sc tmotglt tme aî va, Vastoe. ucbhoms n Bwrnnvile ndviSed the third or fountb time to'charge of the musical pnogram atJ trumca).- ubrnCut ha hr r have certain attention and still the annuai Libers] Convention in Hardis neyer ended by biat- thousands o! similar good bornes must pensist against sane reason- London n the sprîng. 0 thîe(lavs \vu worked andIlltu e avs red. but by love - and a misuni- n other parts of the province. ing in a seif-willed manner which; 5ýN 'e k~I derstanding is neyer ended by an t* - -olypoon herdscm To Ilianimeir and ýasv amnI lack: argument, but by tact, diplomacy. We aiways welcome letters frfortcandlyprolongb thecdisc of' H ints For Hm bde Ii uiakitimi a chair iii shicli in mine concliatio)n and a sympathetic aur feminîne readers. Here's onc their error becoming fixed andI wviml sit. desiue Ru sec the other persans wy, eceived Tuesday mornîng in- later years a permanent dis- Written for The Statesman i "\ chair in w1liclm mîno nue enlil viewpoin*. says Dale Carnegie. from a former' Bow ma nv iille ability. b possiblv sit * oung lady now living in Torono ab cniud Jessie Allen Brown S Vi tiomi acrck milî ~ \Il- M. A. R. Virgin. Superintend- l' reads: Arn home thîs week " woiai thee ws. nd ýe lad cnt of Boys' Training Scliool. and nursing a col but simply mustTeTas-on Pete uiai o o 1:Mes. Virgin have returned fromnt tî you I think last week's States- B RI DGEIriasthound errdinrilyonatmalb amotor- trp ta New York City, nan was a banner number du Ii. trrer.Cn. r. (Bte rt i uomt r 1) mu ~i where Mr. Virgin attendcd a con- Dr. Harold Youngs addresses - - tims lie ornes Oinarta tdining Iri cîl'i: terence on delinquent boy prob- ýmalte good reading . .. I think, A few hints on hosw to enjoy 1unslecm itotedig-a Slîe rote about chlrti-o lems and visîted several schools the 'Making Canada' series wiIll room, lies down and bias a sieep.0 commrse. stie îîad iones doing similar work to that carried1 be a real mceaty addition . . . 1 the gamne Slue Irldil n to do0 vîat slîe mmes er Ion at the B. T. S. lquite like your Helen's chatty1 One of the most important Except when we bave toast liad <I lCiiiljl p rt u oe ok...EjydJOhn El- thmngs ta remember in Bridge (as Breakfast time hie stands by my Andilemie totr h Grafton correspondent ta iotrs recollections of Mn. Thos.irn any other garnet is good sports- chair and waits for the crusts the Cobourg World says: "A Paterson. I especially commend nanship - that is to be a good wicb are bis share. If lie does An\td il bou*t t" moil amnI it iit ti bridge Party was beld at the your featuring any pioncer orlosen or a modest winner. An- not. get tîem soil home of Mrs. Lea Crowe in hionon early bistony matenial you corniother important thing is to be soon enough ta That brimîs îlic emîisof dilizrace: of Mrs. R. M. Stutt who lbas de- by . . . Few wrters it seens ta keen - Keen to malte the best cf r uit him. hie Its to foll.sv a \wîiiim sîlis idiit parted for Bowranvile.' Mî's. me are so consistently good as j. every card and trick - concentrate, ýtsbis bead kîîosv eamîs Stutt is wife o! the new plant 'C. Kirk-wood. I think hie puts reai be alert, and above aIl. do flot an my k n e e (A voiuiamuviîo iever lîadl eoîkei nange li te Canadian Can- ýthought and effort into bis philo- play a lazy garne. adlosu beamis) ners Limited. Isophie musings and conclusions Bridge Etiquette is another es- lb e s eechingly. ~ Btt rote amuI vas iai( fll 11--*wibi b sai gc witlî sentual thing to know. Inist Ont Needless to say spc.Oui- reqtîest in this column last ýhum I suppose . .. On the con- penalties being paid for alI mis- that brings ac- week for opinions about continu- trary one of your features is more takes. sucb as bidding at the im- , tjon as wlîo -li'îui omereausmîtît.in'g serial toies bias met wth a I tnd more unrefîned - even of- proper time, to renege. etc. Wben coull r e s i s t - vcry small response. .50 the editor1 fensive ... Had a good iaugb over a card is played it must not be him. 0f course. informis us they wiil be discon- ! the courage of both Mn. Young- taken back. tinolad tlinuel for the present. Maybe ! man and the editor in publishing To malte an openîng bîd o! one. ship for me ta o you bave somte other ideas or his iletter." irn a suit. you must have a count, ivec up the 1 features you would lîke. Let us o f 3. To bid no-trump a counit eirusts. Neyer Jessie Allen t 01 B Yiknaw.- I have always liad a certain oi 31Il2_. A f ollowing bid. by the did like themn. Brown OH BOY! . . . fascination for Almanacs lever next person to your lef t, can make II cati still bear 'eat your crusts.-i Mes. D. B. Simpson. Newcastle, slice, as a little girl, I saw one a bîd witli a counit o! 2. Your 1o htitdlm' go.I E e n t ecte î'ct a tien ucdeat luncheon and bung up in the kitcben unler the patner raises you with a count was dehtectedidtucng tben Iun1er bridge. Those present from Bow- dcock. There on the insîde page Of 1'2. If said partiner bias only a 'the edgc 0f the plate. there was DEVONSHIRE n'anville were Mesdames M. G. V. r were the Signs o! the Zociac with count of 1..lie bids no-trumiia ot !s'l under the table1 Goul, A. Wheeler. E. C. C. Sou- pictures of men. animais. fisb. twbîch in this case shows bis that could be used as a last ne- 1 n mathey, H. M. Nanson and A. En- etc. - just wondléred what tbey ahl partner that: lie bias a veny pooi sort. The battles must lisve been1 mett, and Miss Mcntash, Mrs. nuceant. Thien there werc .iakes. handt. If. bowever. lie lias les- memnorable ones because even yet CREAMStella Anderson and Miss Lock- 'calendar foi' the year, weather tlian a counit o! 1,.lhe passes. The the occa-sional person w-i-o lias hart of Newcastle.I predictions unterspcrsed witb mtes- proper bidding is .50 necessary. as not seen me very often since I - timonials and advts about patent it conveys information ta onie an- was a cliild asks nie if I stil From local farniers with Amîong those frorn Bowman- medicine rernedies. But. last week other. , leave rny crusts. New I have a a reputation for f i n le ville wbao attended the Toronto Bownianville citizens received a To malte an opening bid O! twO-lgood excuse for ieaving tbem for scaldd cram <Dvon- Durham Club meeting at the1 modemn one, 'The Housewife's Al- wbich is a Demand Bil. and thie'wocuddsppitCf? Siierbourne Club on Tbunsday rnmanac" from Kellogg Comipany. most powerful bid there ils. aie isn't just breakfast bie knows butt shire Cream) we receive and is reported in anuther col- manufactumers o! All-Bran. that must I-ae a count of 512', - your it is the toast for if we have i t fresh supplies each Tues- iimn. imcluel Mr. W. J. Bragg, well known wholesome toastel partoe must respond. If lie lias- at another meai lie wakes up and Mr~. and Mes. F. F. Morris. Miss ýcereal. The book is brim ful of less than a count of 112 lie bidlz taltes bis place for watchful wait- day and Saturday. Winnie Morris. Mr. Wallace Br.a- information about important bis-!2 no-trump. If hie lias Il,- or ing. den, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. :tomical events, facts for movie and'more lie bids bis 5 carl suit top- There's nothinff just like Mr and Mrs. C. A. Cawlter. Mrs. radio fans, horoscopes. Canadian ped witlî Queen-Jack. or lus 4 The Colored Cloth Teosir l L. Bingham, Mrs. A. M. Williams, edn customs, andl o! course card suit toppel with Ace-King. I îhave been asltel for some DeosieCreaM, so Mn. Alan Williams, Mn. and Mrs. dreamrs and their meanaings, and or 5 carl suit toppel with an Ace.prysgeto. odfdr-t drop ini and get yours to. Gea. W. James.. a whale lot o! other useful and The original bilden then adds hii partysuggesrctesetions Go Hfadve- * useless facts. But there was one partner's count to his own. and if qoure an attractive ett ingv day. Highest qua1ity e former friends at B. H. S. little important detail mssnt1 they add to 7 or71lhe immed- vsriety by dyeing your cloths?1 lowest price. will be interested to learn that that wili be the means o! many iately bids slam. Linen or lace or n !act almost1 Miss Viola E. Shortt. 23 Bîrcb- o! these almnanacis disappearing view Crescent, Toronto, who bal from tbe kitchen in less than a Honour Trick Table any kind o! choth may be dyed to suit your colon scheme. One a hobby for witing short tonies week. It was the littie bole up i Counts f riend craved a yeilow darnask fAIA UIE in spare periols at school. is stili the left hand corner atid the 10011 Ac and King 2 tricks dinner ciotb. Not being able t bOM N IL E lbbying that ambition by taking o! string ta bang it under the Ace and Queen 11' tricks fodoe h ydoeo e the University o! Toronto Exten- dlock. I know wlîereof I spcali Ace, Jack & 10 11;-,tricks white ones very succes-sfully. One ADsion Catirse in magazine article for the sarne day our alimanac King, Qucen & 10 1I2 tricks o! the pretticat tables I lever saw DAR writing, and also is studying short was brougbt home little 3 year olI Ac 1 trick was buult aroutil a powîder blue starv writing under that well sister Elsie bal Mn. Kellogg's Al- King and Quecti 1 trick pottery bowl whicl w'as used as Phone 446 Bowmanvile ýknown Canadian autîmon, Arduie msnac for Homemalkers spreact King, Jack & another, 1 trick . a centrepiece. A lace clotit was P. McKislmnie of Slîaw's Scboals al over the nursery. What at King atid Queen 1 trick dyed the sarne shade and the bowl Mis-s Sbartt is ais-o showing con- siglît and wl-at a shame! tof different suitst was filled with pink and wh'lite siderable promise as a pelet, anc -.-; King and anotîmer 1'2 trick flowcrs. Another fiend dycd he: ________________________________________________ The other day I ivas in To- Qucen, Jack,. anotiier 12 trick clotlî a sof t green and varied the ronto, gucat ami a club meeting ami Queen, Jack 112 trick color o! lien flowers and canîles. the Royal Yorkt wben a lady was (a! different s-tits) Sometimes tbey were pink, sonne- flhMi TDD AILELcld on ta say something about times yellaw or again tîmey miglit R U D T I RA L TDAU EL DARGAIMSCalmtBalting Powden whicb Neyer give any suit nmore than be mauve. This particulan clat- bias been recently introducel into a count o! 2 bonour trickts. in r- started its cancer as a sheer cm- Frm B W A VLECanada by the Ociieral F001fr5 hligA xi n broiderel bed-spread. The nicest March i lth and l2th Corporation. 0f course. the 1Vtdy suit, do not counit the Queen of part of this dyeing business is lemonstrator had alta iice that suit plus a Jack o! another ta o aic-ag h oo - To -tlings to sy about Calumet stch suit ta malte an extra 1-' count. wbenever you like. AIl you bave WINDSOR, ONT. 0~'7 DETROIT, MICH. as its double leavening a'tins, but having A J x x x, gise a counit ta do is ta use the wbite dye ta $.7a the pure wholesome ingi'edietits it O! 1 ta the Ace and combine t-be bîesch it and ti-en start ail over - ndReur -contais and the deliciaus vclvety Jack wvitb a Qucen o! anothen suit again. and Rturncrumbs t maltes in cakes. i3ut for 12 count. Equally 10w fares from ail adjacent C. N. R. Stations. what impressel me most was -,hiC tcot:nuel ncxt weekt Weather Affects Health Askfo hndil ad omlee nfrmtin ro Aens. practical tlîings si-e said abou, Tlîe weatber lias a great deai Akfrhnblan opeeifr. to rmAet. the construction o! the Calumet ta do witli the svay we feel. Peo- C A N A D 1 A N C A N A D 1 container. Holding up the at- Have you lever seen an entire ple with a toucb o! rheumnatisni NA N A ractive white cati before ber sud- Comnpanmy a! women suent? or~ neuitis. yes. or even cortis. are N AT 10P A P C IF I C T49A i ence witli its bigbt rel letter- Yes. once somebady askel wbieîîli himan barometers. Tliey do not -. ng slie said. Seliais easQ' this was the aIdest? need to be tol whlen it is gaing can is opened. and witli a slighit ta ramn. Tlîey bave inside in- tuin o! the air-tiglit hI she lift _____ formation. The weather lias ev- ______________________________________________ d off the top with the greatest a!of en an effect an montality. We csito use tîme exact worls of___I live nealr qs curcli wl-ere tbey -----------------__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __* IWEDDING Gray--Adams VI FAMOUS MUSIC CRITIC COMMENTS ON FESTIVAL Lawrenic : N(Ilof niGlobe and Ii a sNusic IFestiv alsDo kndl(1css Good ( Front Globe and M\ail) A fine lvadinig article ini last weeks Canad iani Statesînian, pnibl i sled bN\Ir. Us o. \V'. Jianies at l30winianl ic. 0Ont.. \vas entitled "Expert Record Enti- L.ist forDIhirhaî iinisic Fus- ta]. a adnîirahly serves to cal] ai tent inl to tbe iact thiat the sca son ifor tliu>e great animal cultural incet- ings il luponl lisonce imore. \Iiisical Fstix\ahs do eiflluss good to thecir coinitiiiies in miore seaxs than cani lai ninhlilerd.Ç. as thie inispiring cx- ample of tîme Nîotheyr Coiintrv ini this field abimmsîantlv proves; and wc >biotild l al take pride in tthe progress oi illie movenment ini Canada, as so hiappilv illustrateeliin the Statesiman , coninent on I)irhain Coiints -'s three- dlav iecting next a they don't miake a hit. Here is the recipe: '2 cup butter 1 cup boiling water 4 eggs 1 cup flour Put butter and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. then add flour ail at once and stir until the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Remove from fire and add eggs, one at a time, beating vigorously after each ad- dition. Drop by teaspoonfuls on a buttered sheet and balte in a moderate oven of 350 degrees for 30 minutes. If taken from the oven too soon they wifl fall so it is wise to test by taking out one. If it docs not fail they are cook- ed denough. If large puffs are wantedi drop frornt a tablespoon. When cooled malte a slit in the sîde and fli with a savory f illing or whipped cream. Pineapple Squares 1 lb. vanilla wafers I., cup butter Ji 2 cups fruit sugar 2 eggs 1 pint whipping cream 1 cup crushed pineapple Roll wafers, cream butter well and add sugar gradually. Beat eggs thoroughly and add to but- ter mixture. Uine a 10 x 14 inch pan with wax paper. Spread haif the crumbs on pan and over this spread the butter mixture. Whip the cream and foid in the pine- apple which has been thoroughly drained. Spread this over the butter mixture. Cover with the remaining crumbs. Chili for 24 hours. Cut in squares and top with whipped cream and a cher- ry. A green cherry would be a niîitable St. Patrick's Day dessert. This serves 16 and ha.s the ad- vantage of being prepared the dav before. AS MOST POPULAR DESSERT No matter what, puddings and pastry corne and go, good old apple pie goes on f orever. It is the most popular dessert on r~ail- way dîning cars in the United States, and the saute holds truc in Canada. 'It is certainly true on our iines." says W. W. Swin- den. General Superintendent of Sleeping and Dining Car Services of the Canadian National R-ail- ways. "Apple pie is an ail-year- round best seller. They like it wth cheese. they like it a la mode, they like it just for itself." Next in favour cornes raisin pie. Ice crearn has its innings in surn- mier weather. but its aiways in Attention Housewif e Vour soare ime and our GUAR. ANTEÉD PRODUCTS will net YOU a handsome incomne. No in- vestment required from reliable persons. Write for particulars tthJOHN R. CRESSY CO. 1536 Oundas W. Oept. 4 Toronto St. Paul*s Manse. Bowmanville. vas the scene of a quiet marriage oîn Saturday afternoon. February 26th. 1938, when -i1ary Joyce Ad- arns. only daughter of Mr. and virs. A. J. Adams, Bowmanville, becarne the bride of Stewart W. Gray, son of Mr. and M.rs. S. J. Gray, Port Hope. Rev. W. Frank- lin Banister. friend of the groom. offIciated. The attendants were Miss Mary Thonpson of Bow- 2:anville. and Mr. Lawrence Dun- bar of Port Hope. cousin of the groom. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip to American points, and on their return will reside at R. R. 1, Port Hope. Perfect-Flint A pretty weddJng \vas solemn'z- ed by Rev. C. R. Spencer in St,. John«s Anglican Churchi on Wed- nesday. February 23, when Hazel Clara. eIder claughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flint, Bowrnaflvulle. bccame the bride of Alfred O.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perfect, Cobourg. The bride en- tc-red the church on the arm of her father. to the strains of the wedding march played by Mr. F. W. Ayling, choir leader of St. John's. The bride was attende-d by her sister, Miss Elsie Flint, who was gowned in an ankle length d.ress of sea green moire taffeta. and Miss Stella Wenn of To- ronto who wore brocaded pink ,satin. The bride looked charm-ý ing in a fui] iength gown of white net and lace over satin, with a standup collar. She wore a veil which was; held in place by or- ange blossorns. and carried a bouquet of pale pink Briarclîffe roses. Mr. Sidney Mitchell was best man. Following the cerernony a re-ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Per- feet is with the A. & P. Stores in Peterboro. adian farmers jncreased from 125 in 1933 to 254 in 1937, while the number of purebred stallions qualifying for approval in 1937 showed an increase of 21 per cent over 1936. Remember that though words cannot break bones, they often break hearts. MINISTER'S SON INVENTS INVISIBLE EAR DRLUM The Invisible Ear Drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, a son of the late Rev. A. B. Leonard, D.D., for many years secretary of the Board of For- eign Missions of the Metliodlst Epis- copal Churci, -for his own relief frorn extremne deafness and head noises, has so greatly improved his hearing that lie can join in any or- dinary conversation, go to churcli and the theatre and hear without difficulty. InexpensIve and lias pro- yen a blesslng to many people. Write for booklet to A . O. Leonard, lnc., Suite 88, Canada Cernent Building, Montreai. FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calories a day-the reduclng aiiow- ance of tgh e average woman. e BREAKFAST 1 glas@ fruit juice Smaii servlng ,SeTAS t, fleh or eggs 2SLIC1 OAT.i, .butter i cup coffee (dlean i &p. sugar e LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, ftsh, or egge Avera a servini i green vegetabie 25LICES BREA, 1aq. butter Average serving fruit salsd 1 glass mlik e DINNER iý glass fruit or tomato jiice Generous serving meat, fiih, or fowi Average serving 2 vegetabies, 1 green Sma il serving simple dessert 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sqi. butter i cup coflee or tes (dlean 1 tsp. sugar T HIS diet is baed on three yeara 0f re- search at leading uni- Versities. You are allowed two slices of bread at every meal. Bread helps sare your musles and keep up your energy. You won't be weak and irritable on this new reducing diet. The Bread Diet je unlike the extreme diete, which often break down vital tis- sues, and should neyer be takeri without a doctor's advice. Bread itscif je not fat- tening. It je a combination of carbohydrates and a specia) form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are reducing. Reduce safe)y on the Bread Diet - with the main part of your energy food in bread. (.L 20 PAGE BOOK FREE COMPLETE BREAD DIET GUIDE FuI in this coupon and either hand it to a Carter Fainily driver to hring or mail direct to The Carter Familv, Bowinanville, and we will furnish vou with a copy of this bookiet wvhile they last. Naine ........... . . -.-......... - .. ......... ......... .......... . . Address ......................... . THE BREAD DIET LOAF -Is Sold Exclusively By- THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bowmanville PAGE FIVE MILK SHIPPERS ATTENTION Let us show you how to eliminate your losses economically with FRIGIDAIRE "Flowing CoId MiIk Coolers" WRITE OR PHONE HOME APPLIANCES 90 Simcoe St., S. Oshawa - Phone 690 A Conwlete Uine of Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration Stay Strong and Energetic WhiIe You ,educe on New Bread Blet i i demand, Mr. Swinden S a y S. Arnong the puddings. custard cornes first in popularity, but the rnodest rice is not disdained. Travellers on C. N. trains often ask for the recipe of a dish that bas pleased t hem. Requests corne f rom ahl over Canada and the Un'ted States. There was a great demiand for the old English re- cipe of the Christmas plum pud- ding made by C. N. R. chefs. Editors Note-I wonder if theY ever serve Devonshire or scaîded crcam witb pic or pudding? Horses In Demnand In nine breeding station dis- tricts in Canada. saddle and hunter hanses. and horses for police, nernount, and light deliv- ery purposes. are being pnoduced in considenable numbers. This type of horse is in keen demand in Canada and in the United States, and thene is little likeli- hood of any decline in popularity. Horse breeding clubs among Can- "J- .1

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