Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 2

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-w PAGE TWO My je àabiaxn 5-tatetiman Eshabtîshed 1854 A Weekiy News pa per devoted hi the interests of the town of 6owman';tte and surrouniding country, Issued at Ktng Street, Bowmanvihe. every Thursday. y M.,A. Jam-es ' Sons, owners and pubishers. The C aaa Statesman is a mnember of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, aiso the Ctass "A" Wee kt1ies8 of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTtON RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in United States, $2.50 s year, payable in advan ce. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. 'M.RCH 3RD, 1938 Life at Its Best in Rural Ontario If appeai's toecorne als iasturprise te thie fast ivin L, citizehîs cf Tcî'cîîto. thaIrural Ontîaio is stili ettrieled b, tte jcys antC trie siiiid ctîmforts cf Chlristianitione life. Jessie E. McTaggart, Globe antd Mail staff wvî'tei'. 's aI pî'esetit entratredil)ut u'îitiiîîza sertes of Iitutîtati inlei'est tories of th(e avet'- a me fainuilt' fiuiîîd in ftle aue'aieOntario î'îuî' anmid lt' it ttîieiphl it\'. 'The teriifit' pacu' at h'i eu i fi'1h inte lar'ge vci es ts t20ret'îd. set'îîuS îc have pei'verted trie dCI ie- I iifs iin thle soliiti o tf thle homîte. anîd tuait" citv folks bave giveit up itîpe of iauaiui ît- .îo?'iiîmuthe quitîjland eîimuossiîtg lleasuires of' trie hinte. Tut' Globe aitd Mail is b lac connended onit is initiative uiniriiîging in titis rnaiînet thie trîte facts abottttural Ontar'iotoe it"' peoiple. Residents cf rneti'opoliîail areas. îbiroîttgit the nyiiad attractions- cf trie ity have icat muieli cf trie ntost impîortanîlttiigs iiittiiîig tue itis cf home life. Rurtal Oit- tariut. itcw'ver. uvitle ini soîne degree it liats lest a fewv cf the essettials. stili appi'ecialcs tlie va lue and iutipurtahtcî'.of te butte. and( the relatîcushîps beîw'eeiîuparents amidcitîld- ren. thiat if pr'upet'ly etltiuated. îr'in g abotut tue g'ealesl .1 iiy iiiiii nlivingmu Ilitftle .',cties iiitut'appearhitîgin'The G bu' antd Ma il tule iiivtest itratori it ppeat's siii'isiil tii find thtitassuiiat icti uitlî th(, viiiiti i suil i' iiggo tfactor' i ittmtlitî'.z ai'iî £iibii'is. TuaI lias iiefihtie ore l'o' taii v iîîîî d'eiis if t'ears, attdl tuilichitaititii i' .iist suî ltt as ti'ei'itplîasis (il i itîs i'eîtiiît'.Ii i Yi's. tf is tuti'. as Tl'le (Globe andîti Ma f poihnts otthiat te sitiiii'flitess îîf ritii'lii"' iin tici'ur'al seetiolts tif titi province stotll eottvîie thte niost pessinî.-st iu t itt Onttarito peoplet'.have jîtt futigotîct Itose first C hrtist- iai pî]rîhtiples cf lin ii pii hesw'iiehi dow'u tlrough te centuries have cuîitîiîied to tuake a gî'cat people cf the('aitadian cosanocialilan famiiy . It cculaiîîiy ntîtst lie rcfî'csi'ing aiid a ce- velalicî totematit' itu' dw'eliers tb learn titat iii rural Ontarieolte farnilu' stili at- tends chtîrchin iia grctip. stili eîjeys titi sttprerne it ithtnianiîappmness ltat cernes frein tlue Christian rîelatiîtsitips itn te heme. aitd uî'at is more finds titis itapîiiess enriched b-, 'the broadci.d untdrslaning beltwecît parents attd childreti uuhiclithas cornte with tte.se mrc'e ciigitlcnedl daYs. It Ibis cohineticît ead(Car'dintal Vle ie' letterottiis upage ut w'ieb lie aise stressos te ihîpîrtante cf fesîcriîg lte Chîristiani spirit ii te fatîtilu' ciî'cie. Aftt'i'ail titere is eaiiy uothiiîtg tliati tîtî replatce trialtiltihttatt'utittîtîiî ii1iviig. %iteî'e t'aîttiies oi'ettliie lelive bogethier tb w'it ciii' cctpiicated mtodernt lifi'. T1i h ieroe ad at l li ias st ateti sîitiiii. tu'iieit ita - vead to ia baek bt ti' laud inoti'u'- mtent iîil ici aya bre iteiîfultoili ilit htnd rtural Ohntario. Two Types Boards of Education Vuelitasîtntii i'cî'îttanitoluîiab in tut last issite relaît ive"tiiButardts cf Ediwtat ton. denît. ilai'uu Peauce tif Nt'tvtaslle. si'î'h'i'imii cf' tueitBard tof Eiliiiatiiîîîin tliîat tiit.r' oif i'w I ti t Ittht. O i'. l', Mt Iîîii i l I B ilî't of t'îii îî '. who. t I l if. 'uitîui t iti- tutu'tî'uiitii.i ut ue uiui ' .4<'itui()f î'bî'l'u- l iul tiul s"îout iihu' s iittitl u 1 i tii i l u ';Irf 'iî i i uI i i l thti i tli t.ît1 i t t u . I ; I 1 ii ut i 'I .i o i t i'. sti tt t I'l i ii u T hi ' P i;I uî th,'" tl i mui11 îî' ;1I. Il i f. '. t ut 't'-1 iiilnjLe". ilut - m ilI'I Know Your Banker Better Vii.w'i".i te bin-imtg lile attenttion tif t ll 0111,u.'il'i a seî'ies cf adveî'tist'îiltts suîiiîsîiuîd uîx-t he' ('t'eî'ed Biiîls of (CanIl ada. ecii ttiitm, ititis issute. Tie sel'ies is iîtteîided 10 mive te public ant outlite <f lte imiporit ant atîd usefill ftmnicticts cf flite cbiartei'ed lînt iii voiur coititîutîtiity antd t evereiilne in titis vtsontte cf lte false dcc- trintes anim ipressionîs trial are sprcad a- bî'oad uilh regard te eue splcîtdid biaîkitgl svslcnt. Titese ar'e uvîillcîiiita irncsl udei'- statidabie miiîer. 'Unforiuîatciý. flite bai'ks. lilce t litait" otlli' huiestif btusintcsslitavi' iii tii' pas;t. donciterehv lttle te auqîtaittlthe paublîie w'îlit lte truti'fiiet itîts cf sueiintstitutlions. 'loc utlait ' tlitengitîlesaipetople wuvitilia te alit i to .,rid arme itii mcid , hMialite ail tlieiî' rluibili's antd sliorteniigs e onth ie baiks. Thyforiii'gel iîtt place tlitat thie laiîks mtenit. Stititi'fi i'melt oo ra'thrthieî'lt'\tvi'av iittii.rLti'ii iiintuh'past til iatilkS lîttîl(ti powut" er tîntmanufaclt'e if îeu mtwii i. Thii ilî'mtakili itsiitin \%-aitt,, gt'ittil fî'îîtîfiti' fat'mîlthiîî t'iattei'î'< l aik. iî'fîîî' fli' t itiît- in,-,cf flite Bantk <f('antada. uuet'e îei'litlii'u ii priît thir cui 'i't'.htcy. îbut iîî"î'.amaii tii' tilifoî'tiil tid itîtlnkît t t uttfurît' ct'î'î' dolliari' iîtled .1it oi tîcîttof eti{îai '.aiît wa't5 't'q îiiued iltitc'.govetît ttt'ît as eoi1 - W'î'lallier i iki'te tif titi' aragi'aplis iit titis liet- sc'ies tif ad'eh'tis'.elints. Itfi'i'.ds: "Titis is voinitroih iducttinto a sch'îîs if vhits ii i'.icUse <f uu'iîiciîvi tt iil iii' stirpî'ked matt hoc%-'littie tif in \stir%' atl itetu- ieit c,,if set'vioe t itere is ii tie isiîiîss if biîtlnîg initîi>dt Tiiti'a'v is uvitaltfile people w'ait. to kîttiw'. tntîfli'.Batiks are dtiîîg (anauliaits tndtu i i tt.isi'ivt'., a 'erie'j i n iispi hsoil'i m ii wo'ii' imviili' serle-s of eiliiiaîitita i a'eti't- blitsiii's" utiii'lt t0Iti le 'Siltte. tiliti' tittii Beer Barons Again Bellow Blatantly for Booze miitut in ati'î ttit t tît ttiseîîîît- itii 'îî t'. at it ittîs îî'îîruie'.t il attullt fi)saitpeo ilis istîrît et'i'ubl itltit'?filelycluit' t teî'.iv -ila iiL btîic moreii'tb u îd'k u ti' tii' likv 'o hut l s ii'îiti. o a fta ie ii aîriy eveitlmiue? tit u'tîlit licutîîîîî ttt'mvrecal ef Ti'itpentîiice la tts e uîîtnilthe tits rcittee tiived'îi ie ecle r pl as amt t ive <it icîta iit olîls lIt ie ufvte o fiT. meac nti onii tiii'. î'îîîuîîaî' p erssîrtdive on lî ac't t ttî teitrinc i ieitmu eittiliitesiîî ltittt lit lact antd'it l(ii'uopt'in tf iîîîab pieti. the 10 date' uve have tîct beeti aile 10 locale flte parties u',bîuiarîe saidt I ie' passi îtg if ttrtiîd. Su l'rai'is wtu"'aîu earit. miidralodiffi- j)ttitli' i i t'ioliaffix tte' ,.Jîilîi Ii -'us tt ut fie î'îîîetîî. If a stltl'ietii ' large iniei'of,fignuatti'es uîeut'seo'iî'i'î 25 pet' wo'itîliatît o 0puttflit e ttst itntut a vote tif tut' upeoplue..Sitit'. -ltl topt initi'iatil litu'iq BIiinvtatuill 1'v vo 'îî t'elf 'îu itirils tu'ii'i'iiises ahdItiheutîig( oh'toitt. .itsîkî'îî itîtintîti tut Ž'iahalvit'u.tuia'it sîî't jlt 9,000 in li qjîut'. If l' iîspo'îti ytitr The Question of Who Should Vote and Pay Taxes 1 ui if \loi'its ci Intuu' isu a '1 i'.sîtî's mtiiui it' [ miiofitti'bu'ii ii' tit\ti;Ilt- 'lut' îîuîtîî'.u îl 'tto cli ' ttil' "l.ti Ofluu"î. lwIsof' l "b t ii tîuîu l ' "uht tuto" 1 ii 1 t i i b i li'. t ilt t l ut . i ýI t iti . , ut lt' i ut it' i tlt aii l i' 1)îtki *v b 11.t' l iii ii n - hîuiu,I'. of iiî'î htut it1i' iti lit titii, lu.1*v 'b'lîî ;u uuu 1ilt .liîu Ilu(.'tîuubî' tuitît I t tii'L THE C.\NADI.\N STATESMAN, BO\\WNl-\N\-Il-1E, ONTA\RIO TUS'\MRH3D 98 r'! A K IPIG C.~4A(~4 A0O*LIPSTICK! - OH. G.!! , lî~ idid nu 1,ioW tîat tie OH. PHOOEY! ! ! Vie fte epe nckd,ntî111 as C011,1119. so I take Are you really surprised at a , J~Il 'It the;icrs(cIî who doe, 'ABetter Place in Which to Live and Work poet's repy- îî 'ilaît aiiuad shlid flot bie ailowcrî A Seres of Letters from D fstinguished Canadians on Vital microbes - and why Theu Caidii îtt atite ijie iijt t ~eîcvice for liard 'The ladies should use it - or g,,iz- Bt i w Oit îî er il ani ar-.tgliîted people. Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada zie the beer - Dear Sir, li et k-Maitiiost b ingin sy'li- i tatIiI wtu tule Reds' but does bu' specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association W hen you kfow in your heart 1 rt-ti d i reat ilterest til, .rîntîîv of tis niear there is nothing to fear. rpu Dra ticîeclic t n'Fll") iiiiiitic doc- LETTER NO. 2 ~You read the odd article penned Ciii".ieiiUt tiiiiCt trille dues l net toierate Cliristianity, QeeCiyQu.by professors - Shiti cf State-her i lûl: rel ofitlui i vacristve Quebec Ciy, Que.Of extracts from coal tar, weeds, Titis. ;oiiticai vess'el lias.furt%,Cars. Or thrla'.ie ode1f1 Oci Dear Sir, n-gidot ia vulof I tuwardtite "Rcd, eats t sawdust and feathers - heet igabecausea they In your letter you inform me For thie making of autos- and econotie depre'.'.îettand it ocpttr'. I.lare a ietterai beijef tliat a bare that the Canadian Weekly News- ltng-adET! t le oavrg iiI()toiltfrthio- pprAsoarthio gadmr t.ng - nd ETS I te te ute". il, t average î itiii t c~ ~~il tliat ibougiiiNforie mo- paper Associationis striving tO "Why pine about lipstick as beer tulai tue officer'.ttcilillîitiitr"'w'.aitltittiait'cne- promote sanglass itnggreetmore)evrtexpert to keeli the 9- dhtti'u'iiuuîe'.ire. whlsoeliigin Canada and .fr n i-thebcrock., andîtiIt ai tlil'>l j't iîn<vnDa you ask for M; advice on this ~ We love thie unusual and look to, solvuet'-and iait aii'-st latttl- j r tue îireseuiice iVOt' flews- subject. 'crbe G' - kCuîtic itm i i it if t mi a e rua Ii a t t h~îe c,)i minet. " \oice of trie I cannot but congratulate the To startie each week as his mus- ldoiclewthaop deaou an felconidntit iUt xv -"i ifai r detioc rac ý. .\ itllIi tiij 1 : iu "îinewhahp Association on their laudiable en- ngIs) r. .ivlester nv ut, otrs te devor ndfel onidntitwil er'son wo n as yar jsttical iin part, tue fart 'till icl'hbuîî i eeleaccitcd as. filv prac- commend itself to all who have gloried to shock - tilt cllaiaillLumi'.atîrc' 'Ilidlittitl'l '.t t iliai c iatie it fair!%- at heart trie welfare of our coun- Frcm lhis lole in trie mud - and a .1 1(.e r Ile, wli bci îe liiiC ur-cte tuaItue Ilîii.itilî eif a Gov- try. thirsi .for sora B c' ntie I e î ccai '.tc 'l i i trtilîtIlit \lIiîttt iv i nit lino wav The characteristic feature of -'Dan D.' to 'Scribe G'. ittur uii i irticîiar trati"i iij u'utîî'.ti.a, tI ii fsi our age is that the ordinary idtrs N t an f oi t.. Ini 11i l )i i lîîalît1i"iiiih tî.ît' îliî I)iîrit. source of inspiration for trie 'eaes ilealta DnD Iti' ti lci'ttieil i> ow'"i Iltiil- Y' tir'. '.îtcereiv, multitude is derivedi from trih*arsit~ eetoo 'scial tif .r.tialy' i~.'J \ Osborneu. newspaper. editors have there- War Correspondent to Trie States- p""t '.'.(Ifi if tile î îîkit îîlul, fore a mighty power for good at mn' c i 114181 f t ircutitre oCt ,1,ucîti - Ic I t N4 lîaî i their commýand and since you ask irii " t' tîtur' utc minuti 193 my advîce, 1 would recommend I Box in i iiufo ýiIr hiDeaiSir: Fbur 1 that they should impresupon l1 Tê lII goe ti ta i,îibtitettt.'at their readers that the disregard Dy TheOlIU BoSU j e ruaI'.ii ai a'liasfi- ait i" ini Please f.nd enelosed $2.00 for of heChrstan reept hs hd arina Vlleeue IByHirm .tteratic Ili ur. i thiiik NI le Thie Statesman. Your paper filîs of th' 'hristian tiiaii iiîaiitabaCadinaaiVilaeneuve if an'laceHiratri1us that no other a disastrous effect on Society and imposes upon thie parents. If iniii ngltlaeatlý> cl-aPlc Vt îs. in a large measure, trie cause their early years children findý There was gaeat excitemen, tudIiCt ,i' argtumieni iuttttIii paper can do. of tie pesen uniersa soiwthin trie walls of theit' homes. around trie Oid Box Stove when .runeitrfri. iîtai" rsisoxIhaeototed and economic disorder. I would trie rule of an uprigrit life and' we i'ead trie letter from "A Dur- 1n liitg (tiff oii a tatiteilit lit 'C'"Il ' 1np %with land: Four Of MY soins stres ton trieyp ortanceo! estrie disciplineef trie Criristîan ham County Boy." One of trie ihave ffeýretiIiis (tutiilii"ii irili tt have taken to fain.ts sugest onthat ieypriceofld ayvirtues. trie future welfare ef our gang. switching trie straw to tresilec t" Dr. Ci te.ase.i.t "means four sets of buildings and tering trie Criristian spirit in trie country is assured. other aide of ris moutris. said, a . ttrtliî citizen and titii iilongti .r- 2000 acres of land. Aside frorn famtN crcl. ive Wi'll.by gum, somnebody mustVCit'tt iîtî -e0i~tit'ti5Iodtrt mortg-ages onl Tri fallyis igrtl reardd Bl ne.read trie stuif." We were al sur- 'statu tuiai iiiriliithC' tIS 18 Iir'otitet 1000 acres. This land ail lieelia'rnii"i.'i a f ti anti wiriin froB15 to 2 miles o as' trie cradie of society. The Yours sincerely. prised at trie number of thini-les a usda ýtliiit "f 'il aI14svthnfo 15o20mesf training ofthtre children is a duty J. M. R. Villeneuve. OMI.. , ! w eey ri ovrnet ~tithe 'saine ie hietttzît iti ttie-ina. soutIiwest of trie city. Ahl whichi nature as well as religiont Cardinal Amchibishrtp of Quebec.:relin tiefame. utI ii'. farîti iîîîîîe. ThietIlit' t h re above land lias been a liabil- 1sucri simple folk that. ar ýsuch imple olk t atater aîî cced Iii' 'îuiif\ Iiiîi'lf a' a IlîlUll1itiy ten years. Wriat a train of tlaat. xte dont agree tritail those l'er tuf a grutîip lie caliithte uu set backs'. If it hasn't been one' ::T f f D'Atlangs put together make it true peur. Nfigibt I1'.iite>t 1l tîtilti. thing atter nte.W thri HE A TE SE AKII fHIT iliat trie farmer is gtiebte 'D lr . acqimut' l ,'i'uc'i, tt 't ail for the good, bacl or mdi!- By Scribe G laelptiaan all otiier classes. Ans' r'uîîrlt t'ii 'lcuîttatt ferent. ivlic, knouts? 'Ne do knowt Iv'ay. %ve liked trie letter and liere- "tt'tr.'i'ixltltlimi" tî tisiatatanswoktgeie bu' eleet trie anthor a meniber ofi on tîr Il'. uî brke l ltt'ttri' foi' ceod to tilein triai love Cod Soinetinie'. of a Sunday we foi'- rierit sign ie conld ride o i o nugn "nAthte" on t lut. a"'eit'lait'ri.tii laif clove odirient hs step sake trie tariniand stî'ike outtfor train foi' notiaine ..'He dîdn'i ct .ur ut. ' ii.tvltt i comitmtes ndof rl'.igh. nis e 'Ne also got a great thrilî onut, i t iCtt'lii ui.it 'i ea c'îo n'lc n ie -the ily Inihetmrtig llmaY eid o. Tltey îtell vs eare great sin- tre :î. n ht norin ue ayned oticket." Mer. Lconey of the letter trorntrie manfrot : a ttenddiv'ine wuorship. In the af- uuasn't tuanted in the lodge and Poiaiypool abou bying Gemr- Stiii' tutVi'i'wii'uti't ner'.ou,: on trie prairies. t.laat wte tc-rnoon visit trie sick. And n trie ft eîe~ueecn.ea~mn aniisbiou îcra ul .\ itp i Iuur cit iai e rnmned thie lanad and that it et eninguve go te gab With a enongri to spare Ihin the' stamn of rigrit te 'ote. Trie ttritei' must bbe thaï:i tlti uc uiîr i-t'utl f i l, t ne.'ndorue are plagued uith ccuple old geezers about oui' otn be'ng black-ballu'd and thenaSelvcs an Orangernan by thae tone of htiu ut.it i îru.rii 1.l" t 'a'ilP'.aa re gas i'pued. Onu' is Dr. George D. Por- tlýîe mouble of doingi. letter and oui'-gang agi'eed Ivithi 'lier tiiiiîii ui iirt a'""iohp*, et". ame notthe woi'st strîpll trand trie other John Kirkwoo .d. ' rima We uuould eleci rima also tD "t 18 \vatr' aîma itiii tlul tt>;i\(- iut'Pet". uve o ut tues:and triey ',' X'ou know Me. Kirkwood as ieloSDoneof'te w'uldghtve îaîîn r.a place aronndtlae box stove. bu'*t'ttii 1_iIi'e 'tu Ic ll" \tilii are ot coniifned te trie west . A I wriies for tris journal. If you do ' ce mnai htto: aethe seals are ahl taken. na'.Iu'f îuîîiii i>lijiîi'.l .,>ù being uvei I ia'ay have sornething not know De. Porter il is your 'hîia îlae trouble of becomin- a About annuities and votes - trie imîri. itetr' îîîiu'tft a aotieesrpeaa nîtafortune. He 15 Healtr i Drec- iiiie fti og.Rgi f ugsine rego oo ittu .si, aClîîîeve t" 'itiiiftetlateî' date. melbe f h Idý. iÏl'ffsggsin fth oo otrde ic"rsi f 1929 cum iuiarîIlv Yours truls'. tor of trie University of Tor'onto. Mr. one asked for trie secret not sound jnst rigrit to us5 - and 1 .T eb Amnong many otlaer distinctions stna i atd eg . a-here are i'easons wriy. uîave. accîîrmîîîateîi in tliîir N..T.'iîio' rie is probably thae only person iltn" tagta bybt unt' No vote slaould haave ~ ' teaîoîî eîiri iti trielitt'iFontel' fNecste extant who talked with Alexander te tlae station and Mr. Looney wuas [ A vote cannot be vaîued ric.iitt'.iîetieiiaîulai'uri'a280Abr t Graham Bnell over rie original puton trie train witli triese in- imonetary standpoint and ftha telehon. Tat as i 187. riestmuctions:"Wrien trie conductor doctors suggestions were followed DcowolvdnaBrnfrcotsrudyou stick your LEFT 1Ont. there would be a flood of $25 ________________________________ then. can remember quîte tuell triurb in your eau and wiggle annuities. standing on a chair te speak in- your fingers.' Tlaen trie accom-' There are lots et people witla- tote ioutri-piece. Mr. Bell sang mnodat'ng Knight of Java a hîpped 'eut money wlao are intelligent foc hum avec trie phone. back te trie conductor '. paid voters arnd some others witri In case any of eue young read-i hm trie tare and told' hum ýtrie money are juat trie opposite. ers do net know who Alexanderf stery. When trie cenductor came! When our gang gathered ail our Bel ws .. ri ws tiemantuhOfor trie ticket Mr. Loaney gave shekels togeth'er. we found we invented trie telephone. When you bim thae sign. Trie conductor nod- would have no votes: we could1 consider what tris instrumneht ded knouvingly and passed on. net raise trie price. has meant te trie world and triat Mr. Looney was elated. Heres a suggestion if yott waft it has been in use cil 50 years, Ceming back triere was a dit- it. Why not forget about voting you get some conception cf trie ferent conductor. He trieuguat trie, at trie price of an annuity. and speed and acope of acientîfic secet s:gn was trie accoutrement 'mnake ail people who are earning, achivemnt.Thelitle ià holof a cuckoo and quickly exacted wages pay a amaîl surn each week plays in trie yard next door ."trie fare. Mr. Looney paid under te, insure them a-ainst 'd age wvho appears te always have a bad pî'otest but was very indignant. sickness and unemýployment. If celd but ne handikerchiet. may When riegot home ie immediate- we were sure we would net bu'- IO e rkj i îduring your lifetimei tur out ly caised Cèain. Trie Kniglit wrie corne objects of claarity at some O eBoe i te bc a gemma .. yen cannot ati- aad 'given hum trie secret sign time along trie roughr oad of lîfe. tor teanr! t sigl sel. said. "Taeî'e's a slip soinewuaere we would be far better able te . . . spoils the ail-round shelter of an Wel . . trie best story tlatiàt l'at d:di you do?" Tlaen Me. vote întelligently tlaan if we l'ad ubel n oiyipoel rte passu'd between us las', Sunday ILooney 'explained tîat wvren trie te take ont an annuity. ubel n oiyipoel rte nigrit trie Doctor produeied. It is 1 conductor came triru rie had put ___________ or one risk flot insured exposes your pro- t:fty yeacs since we heard it but hs LEFT tlaumb in lis ear and etan buissols. it listened juat as wtell as trien. igiedrm finge. "hhc! Silence la often trie stî'ongestprtadbuiesols. A ellow named Loeney got an Iadti og eme,"la' rtest titat can bu' ofieî'ed. uncontrollable urge to join trie! wrere yen balled if Up . .. Wrien If w'e spend to-day in .'trn.ggle Fo1on rtcinyurqiejnuac Kniglits of Java. Trie part lau'1 yon'i'e ge.ng ovet' yen put your and ambition and selfislanes.s we liked about trie ledge. rie said. uvas1 LEFT thumb in your eaî' bnt wlaen have spoiled îî and if passes into that is comprehensive ask this trie secret sîgns and trie privileges. ý you're coming BACK you put your a yesterday. trie looking back te Hartford agency to plan you.rs. He knew tlaat if a Knightt iaad trie RIGHT îhumb in your u'ar." which gîves us ne pleasure. 1 sital siii ora pr'îpt"tiy i'inallnttiki1e ttt i Another Racket Squelched i lit rnttki' ' i Je Je1MIASON & SON Ill lii' n i'tS.tt 1't'îttaî tii li'ti'iit tit ] 1i-(li'ttse t ti', lat altiît'tte's, oitCot'l- INSI..RÀNCE AGENTS As , î'as flte rolriîiaî'iwîîu'îtr i 'tt"11'1'11tt- '1 ti iilo ili'ast litî.li foi' w'iaî lt-iiithil k Phone 681 Bowmanville 'ýil( lie stite i' lfotf tii' titiv I 'lItt l xt'5. tt1 k jli. iî"sie' ii otf ear'x iv îîii' litit tiil i'. tuait Iiii',s it )Iti lut itis o-l fîî'î 1ii' slit t itliîtiitt' s W'. K. ofiitr i N l- t t'i n 'ii i'i' .liiitd l , îî î îîîî'1i'î114,z'i ts ii ~îîî'rî t îttt i it' lti ol Tu ro'i b'î thit i'C t.il" titiitliu'i('it itixi". i î"-d Iltis, 11u ittt utî'e t Ij,'î'ti iiI of i' iîi-î. I.t ( ) t it ' ut 1 fmIi 1 .1 1 1 li i1- 1 i' îut'tî;îut1f î'l.u 1 u1î;'îîu'ît ' . '.ît")\ lî 1 t il] îu lt 'ioiu ou' tui-Iîtl nl'il 'tttt'i'sIltt' Women and Unemployment *i l )îî t t i i l ' sx i"u.".' it-I r iilîhîl îî h é ut u it'i. tti"tt'. o 110tpi is siu~t lut' sin the 1 ,iCi u i.i ii. " i i iitheusl uit t lit " m - in uiitii' i i i s . ii tiim \ 'ltliiu i .t C lt i iia t t'- îîuîîu'hu t hîu;l,' ' mît' s itue il ti i l i' iu't i' ii mii thî o i'xuuuî i u Il'i.. onit'.t ut uu' lu' îts t't'.r'i lt iîuul s tUi ' in iiii ~~',u'. \"tii atm lui11 tit'. uf titi i t~it li i't itu'sito t. t tii" ti i'u t'tu ' u lth îîîs îutuî'îb ii uîui'uu tb \v ;' l i't it uu i tî. 'ie' i i iî iî'ai opart tif titl' mi I' t- u'ithtti' ttits i ul Sthit' Ih'isti't'i'i iîtlt t' f ihuis tt il tIIl,'ith' i-1- if au îutu'u t"'lmi1 t-, s îî't îuî' ia) 11s.fi lse hi" titi' toili' tî i ut tmiiclit i' t"îhîuî' ilul$e i ii i ).'liit'14)ît'î'î' ut il il'tit l o' îu, iîu l h g uiu. ihui ili' i ,ui'u r ttu uvus îîk. itv t t, 'twas 1 i ts' i ' I , )i i tti t" iii. u l.'î iuit it it ti tt'd ts t'XIiî't't' I tu rad.' tiloi f tî'u ttroule 'Ctiiti/tiiiti i'iuuuuIt1 r, i lvouîuh il t' $ 5 r i 0îitu'il. 'ho iuuui'. pa' I i I l ii-'l 1 i iii h tutti t t' l ut i t l- t i' tutu' uit' 1 t-. IItut Go v iltut itif ' 1uu l uit- t' i di'b u i t11ttthiiitwil rai o. iu'sit uIl't t hi" itt-.' i tut t t -it' ' u i' t îtIl, i' is.t' ith îlu'îîbillls ut îîsî't'tui t' t Iul' lii tt ~it' 11 i(- 'utt'y i"îîî'îo Shorthorn sale Durham County Shorthorn Association will hoid ils 17TH ANNUAL SALE AT THE LOVEKIN FARM OCCUPIED BY MR. ALEX PROUT 3 miles East of Bownîanville on No. 2 Highway and 1-4 mile South of Kuirv Inn Tuesday - March Sth, 1938 at 1.30 1). 28 - CH-OICE SH-ORTIORNS - 28 13 Bulîs, 'l Cow witiî Caîf at foot, anad 14 Heifers ('ONTIIIBUTi"'ts: S. Citas. Atlitu. Bowniuvulte W. F. Rckarudi.Pt., . j . E. Lensk. Seattuive E. F.R. e. ut ~ ii, J.* M iu. " Asibuiî L Ru'î. '.u i u& ' Ja S. R.1 Duf ,Myrtie ;-. J t' < S, nttu' W.' D. Dyer. Cotumubus W.'J S. R- 1,c ii. 1 .'3 t E.art Osborne, BOwflti tvuttC J. L. Pi.tu &s ' ..t uV, 11 e W. A. Duytt"ut & Su.h i Auctioneer - Duncatn Browit Write for Catalogue te S. Chatrles Auhun, Sec'eînry, -LUNCH MAY BE PROCURED AT THE SALE 1 FROM MR. PROUT Bowmanville Pholle 2198

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