Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEX THE CANADIAN STATESM.\N. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, N.\RCHI 3RD, 1938. wvas inotoreti to St.ayner by hîs pressure or suction in the ches: n.M. A. AMartin. I.P.S.. cavity outside of the lung itsef. Btrtn h eso î iah Between the lung and the chest The New castle Independent lusmany relatives and acquaint- covering of two layers, the larger ances nxhedaycat eighb shoneoafl heis toe helu, andot h ood. the other. the inner sicte of the Obtuary of Mrs, W.W. Atkîn- of A. & P. stores iîn western On- Miss Dorothy Henning spent chest wall. In the act of breath- IM son appears on page 4., tario, with hieadquarteî. at Gaît. the week-end with frientis in Osh- îng, these two coverings glide the Mr. Jos. Tebble visiteti his bro- visited his relatives in Newcastle. awa. crne over the other. ____________________________________ ther, Mr. Jonathan Tebble. Kirby.'He had been at Port Hope super- Within recent years. artificial Mrs. Robt. C. Allen, Cobouro- vising the turning of the A. & P. Harold C. AllUn New Councillor pneumothorax has been usedti 1 CLASSIFIED RATES Bargains In Furniture visiteti her daughter. Mrs. W. 3 store into a self-serve shopp:ng H. C. Allun and J. H. Jose were place a diseased lung at complete Clemence. place. the two nominees for the position iest. in order to increase the One cent a word cash, eacîh FURNITURE FOR. SALE - KIT- Mr. Theodore Foster. Bloomn- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werry on the Muncipal Council left va- chance of healing. This is ac- inertion (minimum charge chen range, 4 burner coal oil field, visiteti his sister. Mis M- took Up their resience this week cant by thc death of E. C. Hoar. complished by introducing air in- 5) hre0 5 r s stove. rug, carpet, bookcases, ice bel Poster, Reg. N.. lasti week. iat orie of the Training Sclhool As Mr. Josee teclined the office ta the pleural cavitY, the space made when ativertisement is box, lounge, and a number of cottîages, Bowmanville, whlere they anti as Mr. Allun signeti the quai- between the two coverings or lay- ntpi aewe siie- saiatce. E okai Mr. and Mrs. Howardi Douglas. will be house father and mother ification papers. Clerk H. C. Bon- ers of pleura. The introduction nt i mE asge ser-0c Newallatles. n . L 9-1rt Tornt, pen, uniaywih isto a large group of boys. Mr. athan declared Mi-. Allun. black- ol air into the Pleural cavity re- ,when replies are directeti to a grantimother, Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Werry lias been managîing the smith anti bandsman, electeti by duces the negative pressure that S t at e s m an box nu.mber. Help Wanted Mr. Reg. B. LeGresiey is build- Herman & Winesteîn tai-ms. lake acclamation. He will be chair- i3 normal in that cavity anti so1 Births, deaths andi mariages ing a milk pasteurizing plant anti shore çwest. man of the sitiewalks commîîîee. equalizes the pressure that is ex- 50c eachi. Iri Memoriams, 50c WANTED - PA.RM HAND FOR hasalrad boghtsoe euip Cunellr ad Ms.H. . Ali eredon the lungs from within for notice, plus 10c per uine general farm work, gooti milk- mentanti Ruth spent Suntiay in Orono Muipa Officers Ail Re- anforut h eui sta verse. Classified dvr er. pl Hilton Tink, R. R. 2, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickartis group of with îhîs 5:51er. Miss Laura Aluin. 1 Appointed the lung collapses anti is at rest. tîsements accepteti up untîl Bowmanville. Phone 2283. the W. A. are planning to repeat Major anti Mrs. H. W. Dudley Mr-. H. C. Aluin, new1y electeti Not aIl patients require pneu- 6 p.m. Wetinestiay.9- their pantomime. Pictures. Olti attentieti the funeî-ai of his sîster, member of the municipal couricil, niothorax, nor are ail cases suit--_________________ and New, at Newtonviile nex: Mrs. Dudiley Jacques, Toronto. to0k his seat at the counicil boarti able for such treatment. Foi- ihoseWATD-SGL MAN FOR. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dutiley is vîsitîng her cou- on Montiay evening. February 28. cases whîch ai-e selecteti after farm wi-kSmNGtLEgotmik Tw;ýo Newcastle hockey teamis. sin, Miss Irish. Tool-ot. bur. the andi matie his maiden speech. At proper examinations anti stutiies. BIRTH [d- .J utl.Bwavle th Mties nt unor.plyeiMajor camne home on Montiay toi this meeting. with Reeve C. . teei n1ab ta hs o-iPhone 2103. 9-l' in Orona on Tuesday evening. thne begin hîs work as assessor. 1 Carveth presiding. ahf the muni- of treatment has ievolution:zed i_________ former against -Newtonvîllianti M.Pd.LGely as fî ~aofcr eer-ponei the outiook. The treaiment mýust HUTCHINSON - In Bow manville 1 e lv oi a--.Crtaeb antie yinetoso Hospital on Friday. February Cockerels For Sale tholater uag.an d sacka. village. soîti most of his - -fGrot.Caeakrbeminane2by5i.e 19s f o 38. 10 Captairi anti Mrs. _______________ ett. sailors on the S. S. Arm Cstock anti impiements ai an auc- 1 Weeti Inspector. Sanitai-y Inspec- ait for mionths anti possibiy yeaî-s. IE Huteinoaduhe Mich agrinbaý o t na .tion sa:e on Wetinesday, March tor Constable, etc.. $72000: H. C. This does not mean that any les Ihnsn taghe- FOR SALE- LEGHORN COCK- Minh.a gai ba:re heGre.cntabuli ani to LereleeBoatanvCli- ani resugracaedit btgienas egrt.s he ____________________ rel fomimpltti wooydo. Lakes, have returneti ta or nto bleadMs eBnahn lr n raue aterviitri i Bo Toreo ntio ilb -eann n h am S$20000; H. W. Dutiley. Assessor. other points of treatment. It tices i maie 300 10 315 egg ancesti-y Cosco.lie i.5 retaining- 17 acres foi- grow- $65.00; Fred Fiigg, Tax Collector, mean, however, that mucli can be DAH anti 200 to 288 egg henis. Thiree Shw' Trehig yniia:~~ ing- pot.atoes. etc. His Mi.R$60:D.JA.Bte, M.O.H-.. tione for cases ihat were consi- adCour dlltr.ce. 9-1no new tractai-%vas seen on h ae.'tns owr the _____________ coveî'y in many cases. lessens theDOWNING - At lier home. 21 streets of Newcastle Saturtiav Lk ned awr h -.t chance of spreadti t the othei- Thorncliffe Avenue. Toronto. on For Sale with Engineeî' Ernes5t Ahitreat i A Newcasle hockey teami un-. NEWCASTLE Y. P. UNION lung. reduces sputurn anti 50 mini- February 28. 1938. Jean Adiams ____ charge. 'It was haul:ng Frank der the managýement of Abert mizes the chance of spreadirig the formerly of Bowmanville ,be- FOR SLE-ONE WR I T IN O'Neil's big tractai-. Pearce anti Joseph Quigg playeti Young People*s Union met, on disease anti. aitogether, repre- loveti wife of William A. Dw- dSkon ALE - W bth n pG Mi-. anti Mîs. Pick. who haveanOhw emniagdb Moayn the udysho.en agat dvc i te1 ing. Interment at Bowmanvilie fect condition. Phone 324 after been occupying ro>oms aver Mr.- Maik Turner. ai, the Osha%-a Because of the ilinesof the treairnent of a tilsease which is; Cemetery. 6pm - Geo. Springhams. have taken a Aiena last Saturtiay. Newcastle presitient. Bessie Blackburn O-c- 51 oeofte otcomn ni ________9______ 1__ lease of Mrs,. P. ONels house on p!ayers were Gea. Buckley. May- cupieti the chair. The pi-agi-arn persistent enemies of mankînti. HAMBLY-In Oshawa. onWei Mill St. Mr-. Pick :s an empîoyee rarti Cloughi. Elforti Cobbietiîck. consisteti 0f two humorous Plays ___________ estiay, Mai-ch 2. 1938, Berth Livestock For Sale 0fth J Adeso Sit C. 'Gea. Graham, John anti Bruce The fi-st, put on by Brown's sec- L.Hmn. eoei agtr t Mr. R. W. Walton. Superv:isai- Van Dusen. Jack Quigg. Oshawa b:on. was entitieti"The Litera r!y £ î Mrs. Emma anti the late Heze- FOR SALE-TEAM 0F BROWN ____________________won 5 ta 4. Society," the cast including Chai-- In thle Garden kiah Hambly. Percheron mares. Pricedti t seli. A corrmittee of the Harticul- lie Altireati. Mr. anti Mrs. Henry- Funeral from the faniiyri-esi-! Chas. E. Osborne, R. R. 2, Bow- tui-ah Society. heatieti by Pi-es:- Reichrath. Mr-. Fred Cauch. Mis. tience. 32 Chai-les St., on Fri- manx-ilie. Plione 2285. 9-1' tient J. H. Jase, met a: Mr.5. John Arnoldi, Mr. Clarence Turner. anti Better Make Plans day. Mai-ch 4, at 2.30 p.m. In- Hentiry-s. Lake Shore. on Montiay 1 Siti Brown. The society hati.as- Fia eutinayhgfrmiemn Bw nvl C eey.ORSL- RKH EPI , evening anti camp'ied a list 0f sembledti olti a tiebate. but Fnlrsis naitigfioItretBamnil eneey O AE-OiHR IS options for 1938 mýembers of thlei enieti by Mrs. Reichi-ath chasing a tiog kennel to a mansion are MILLER-In Orano. on Suntiay, i six weeks olti. Wiibur Basker- socie:y. Those preseni, besîies the presitient, Charlie Aitiread v'astly improveti with a little pi- - Febrwary 27. 1938, Rachel Di - 1tille, R. R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Sthe committee ta enjoy a social frian the roorn. The second playý liminary planning. Gardening is1 anna Pawers. witiow of the late 1Cuar-ke 1912. 9-1 evening as guests of Mr-. anti Mrs. ;was given by Na. 9 Sehoal section. no exception. John Miller. in hier 87th year.!FOR. SALE - REG. HOLSTEIN To M s R la endî-y anti members of their anti, -as calleti"The Little Redi This hobby is nai oune mhat i-e-r Interment Orono Cemetery. bull. blooti tested. year antial YouM ust]Relaxi family were: Mrs. J. H. Jose. Mare. In il were Chiai-lie Gieriney, qui-es a lot of expensive gadgetsi logodbein.Poe Too many men are going under Mrs. How-ell Rowlanti. Mrs. H. R. anti Bill anti Chris Barcharti. One o ther ecîuipment, A free seed TAYLOR - In Darlington. un 2459, breetiirig. hane y thee dys ro hih nrvus ensonPearce antiMi-. Percy Hare. of the latter was atter the foirn- catalogue. a few packages of goati . day, February 27, 1938. F'uora Bomnil.G-et91 anti sleeplessness. You mnust relax Mi-. Fred Couch lias leaset i ts e' r-headeti taughtei-. anti the seetis, a few shrubs. som ppnBrie alr nat iuhe os and use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to farm east of Newcastle in the ather after his luitte reci mare. pericil. a rake anti a spatie are of Mi-. anti Mrs. Wesley H. Tay- FOR SALE-YOUR CHOICE 0F replenish nerve force, and restoreBrown's S. section ta Mi-. Chas.lh frer succeeieti in rnixing the anly absolutely necessai- es- loi-, age hi months. 27 da!'s. thi-ee gaod Holstein spi-ingers. health and výigor. 'Alîdreati, anti he anti Mrs. Couch them up. with humorous resuits. sentiais. Like a goati iibi-ary. oneý Intermient Bethestia Cenetery. Isaac Hardy. R. R. 1. Hampton. will be moving into Newcastle. Between the iwo plays anti after cari start from scratch ating. __Phone_____2184.___9-1 Dr. Cha8. Mi-. Couch has baughî, the tri- thern. the Union paper was reati anly as individual wishes dictate *__________ii____ Pon 14 NV E R V E F O D angular lot at the foi-ks of Mill by Miss Sandersoi. "The Union In the average case the amount1 INME O IMR a s teFrS l antiMariersSIs.fron Mi. J Echoes" was chosen as a name foir of lanti aI ones disposai is limitetiM M RA el saeFrSl ________________Hancock anti is makîng pi-epai- the paper. Chai-lie Clernce led but even with but a few squareofHUEFRSL -S0L1D tions to builti a house on it I i in a stng-song anti conducteti yards amazing resulîs cari be ASHTON-In loving memory o brick house on Centre Street in at this point that the Horticuu- some games. achieveti. Whei-e space is small. aur dear son anti brother, Ca r- gooti locality. desirable home __tural Society maintains one of -__________ il is ativisable ta folaow a strîcîly lyle. who was calueti sutidenîy wt oencneinewl T~~ I I ~~ Newcastle's atti-active comrnuniîy NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY infra ayout with the central home ta i-est as a result of an wihme cneecsi], ioma be solti very cheap to close iup flwr es portion of the gai-ten cleared of acdn.Mrh6 99 nett.ApyA .Blmn - P C A r I i fiwebes.betis anti shrubbery anti devoteti accient. Mai-ch 6. 1929. a.Kng te esttetpy . B emanle 1) ~~~~~On Tuesday evenlng. Feb. 22. Annual Report Shows Membership entireiy to grass. Arounti the -vrrrebrt yFmi. Kn tetWsBwa le the Men's Club of Si. Peter's. Co- of 356 - 12,797 Books in etiges will be groupeti betis of CAIN - In îoving memory of a Phone 526. 40-tf Cambridffe Kid Oxford j bourg. were guests of St. Geor-ge's. Circulation in 1937 perennial anti annual flowers. tiear sister, Denelda Cain. whoBayC ik Linen Newcastle. A deanery carpet ball leading up ta shrubs anti vines passeti away Mai-ch 5, 1935. ayC ik toi-e tuncing the lal clube 14,. On Thursday evening of this aiong the walls or fence baundar- Sweet is the memory that neyer BAYCIK...R .- IE 'tor truncng he lcalclu 14week Miss Naomi H. Hori-ocks wilh ies. This open centre atits to the fades. AYCIK -R .P IE Writng adt. GTrges tan tuh woekfi-e be presenting the financial anti effect of spaciausness anti if ',he 0f a dear one we laveti but Barreti Rock anti White Leg- note folov andlettr- o gwensthey he S. etere- statîsticai report of the Newcastle rigiti boundaries ai-e sotteneti anti couiti fot save: horri Chicks from 100', dean In ~~~in their own îown te a tie. eight Public Library ai the meeting fpaialhitenSmuhheb- Hedarace no moi-e we see, bot ett ics ok 2 head sizes-Remarkable i.Cbughai h ge the Library Boardi of which Mr. ter. But she leaves a wonderful for Mai-ch anti April; Leghor-ns Vale wthhCorghes the fllowige J W. Bradliey is chairman. The Where the gai-tien is larger, say memory. hoî2ce. Best dates boaking rap- Vale orhtie t Joh nPot hope: in report is due at the Department over ihii-ty feet in lengthi, experts -Satily miisset b!' Sister Mai-- itiiy. Perks Poultry Pa r M. 2 fo - 1c oreStJns. Prcas ope: St. o os f Education by Mai-ch 15. ativocate some screening off of janie anti Jack.Whby9- 2 for-mancGeor e. Nwate t ons The Library' hm. been in opera- somte portion by bringing foi-wardSEM R-Inlvgmeo BABY C HI C KS - OUR. S. C. F - Mah Mr. Jhn Dugls ceebrtet lon foi' 14 years anti turing the the suirountiing shi-ubbi-7y at orie o f George R. Seymour who died White Leghor-n Chicks are sired Enve lopes to Mtl r.Jh oga eer*e who:e lime Miss Cota B. Butletr.poirit. or by a hietge, wall of trees Marcîh 3. 1937. by R.O.P. cockerels tram Fishier hier- 8th biithtiay on Montiay. with two years university train- I so that the wvhole allai- \Vill flot ,-PiutryF im Al bid ar 2cahl 1c eti ai t8,he home. brinin -. has given campetent. anti be enti: e13'visible from any one -ieJn aml. baridetianti bloodti esteti by _________________________ loersati thei-home.s taceîhercourteous senvice as librarian. point of observation. This wil _______IGvrien npca-.Aleg wthî tîeit, congratulations anti Includeti in the ieceipts were a atit furîher to that air of spa- Notice to Creditors set weight 24 oz. anti over 10 Lending Library 2c per day wacti wisihes. Hei- daugýliter. Mrs. $345.00 grant tram the municipal ciausnes anti aiso pravitie a se- ________________ dozen. Place your order now ------H. J. Ragen. ant iher niece. Mrs.' counic:l an a basîs of 50 cents pet cludeti corner' ot two for a chiud- Ail claimants against the es- anti get your chicks wlien you Gawycam dwn ron TrotocapJta of the population. $139.25 iens swing ai. santi box ai- pos- tale of THOMAS PERCY, laIe of eant îhem. Phone 2636. H. J. Agetsn ors ewfervce taessitSierveiicgant ener-as gari fim te Lgihatre.niby asea oenter- coere heue aTnwfn awonviie inthe Broks.R.R. . inînnvhee i tainirir the many callers. Her $50.00 from the Library Aid, $300. table. where on hiot sumrmer days County of Dur-ham, in the Pro- 7-bf i - Cleaners sse.Ms t.Bnan iea-fi-rn the Montague Trust Funti thie famtily may enjay outtiooi- 'irce of Ontario, rreti. deceas-l Isistetir.A numbrita clop ame- anti $49.00 tram a H.E.P.C. Bond. meai.-. eti, wha dieti on the 9hdy Notice to Credgtors i MonrohYans Nw Wll 'ti- mesags ntibi'thia giîsTotal receipts. including a bai- Big Shrubs at Baek November. AD. 1937. at the sai poaprs - reet-inew alls aio cmeshragesan bth gft ;ance fi-arn 1936. totailed $1253.65. In the general plan the taller Town of Bowmanvilie. are hei-eby In the miatterof the Estate of A fo-merrestien ofthe ake The major items in the expen- slrubs. such as the common spi- îequired to file their dlaim duhyElzbtEie Hacatlaeo 1 Shore school section anti haler of dtrswr 421 o e ok rea. hioneysuckle. forsythia. syrin- verifieti before the 28th day of .thie Town of Bowm-anviile in the tl ~fL , ecsie it hSanr~ anti periodicals. $30000 for rent. , a, or hla' ate'plae ates a-h.A .13 wt alyC ' nyf Duhm pntrde S~~~~~!Nastleay ebru aiy6 n e nanti $180.00 for L4bari-ans salai- akrte paeifa-hs a-h .D 93 îhHre ut. ihm pntî e perST NSsan oayfe-.Thmaa i-M6, n.the The Board closeti the year with a sîîru6In front ga the smalleî' Wheaton Percy, Executor. whol ceaseti. inpr persn ofMr. homa Marin. e shubs.likethebai-bei-iy. in tif- will forthwith afler that disîri- Notice is lîerebs' giveninpr hat ben aknghishoe i ie-balance of $284.59, a sum slighiti ferent sh ates of fouiage, the 10w bute his estate. having regard i suance of the provisians of the BomalSere cean ethe 1936 balanceMr.cf spireas, the deutzia or similar only ta the claîrns of whicli lie TrsesA1nthtblafta Phone65 Store cil e ntame artithssn. Mi-.iayth $295.23. things that neyer exceedti hree or shalu then have notice. fail creditors and others having Phne61 Bwanile Jae Mrin O ria te The total number of books in cam rdmnsaantt brthle. M-. Rbervteaib. ha h irryis260 alcassfour feet in lieîghit a, maturity. Harles' Wheaton Percy. ami gîs broter.Mr.Robet Mrti. w 3164libarfition.6bof juvensiesn In this class. Ico. will came maris' 486 Gleniake Ave.. Toronto. estate of the saiti Elizabeth Ellen a31t6 nt4 14 are n-fiction, ohju0ie n f the perennial flowvets, iÏris. Executor, Haycraft. wha tiieti on or about _________________________________________________ 1.97nock1ant4 maznoiectei.phlox, îeonies. plants of mediurn by his Solicitors McMasber bhe l5th day of December. A. D.,. hegî. niwhc 1~k I peren- , Montgomery Fleury & Ca.. '97 ttesiiTw fBw in circulation during the year or nai-l, ale n hc piane iant's,0 Tml lg. aot. manville, are reciuii-et. on ot' be- about 18l' per peison of every rialsiiwihlone peac aande- 9T emplh e isî d f roto. fore the 25th day of Maîch. 1938,1 MINIMUM REDUCED M-an, woman anti chilti in the adfoe ihveyltl u-MacA .13.9- Osn ypstirpi.o e on oui lage. or an average of 36 per per- hanttlwrwthr tenfi-tMrcn...198.93'tven otihb!' orepti. au'de son of the 356 members bakingte ttnin.Tvrsta Ihor Toronto GSteeta, out books in 1937. The circulai- Vines Have Place TrssCpoain ByStet Econo y Se viceToron, thte executor of the hast Ec n i y S r i eing department is open Moriday Wlieie the gai-ten is hetigeti ! AUCTION SALES will anti testament ofth si adWetinesdayan Satui-day v arount i tih fences. vines wil * deceaseti. the full particuhars . in Pee iihdenings. while the reatiirg roorn came mbt the pictuî'e. These are wriing 0f their dlaims andtihie co2it5fa9)cs hî anti reference depai-Iment are obtainable in both perennial anti Saturday, Mai-ch 12 - The un-i nature 0f the euiy if anyv Habitant I-ea Soup .......... 2 tins 19c Glacier Sardines............ 2 tins Molasses Snaps............ 2 Ibs. Soda Biscuits............... 2 lbs. P & GSoap ...............5 bars Castile Soap............. 12 bars Fe W. NELLES Bowmanville 19C 19C 23c 17c 22c Phone 596 îî.uîîto doxcî. ~~~m ,1a~ in ts îçeAs fi agi-cc I ha' in tise trial men' of w e-ei:ing thue .îia te evinej tubrciIc.t he mio' uimpohltant doe.s exactly tuse oplpoite,. A few point is iest. ushy.sical anti mental. I ears agathie autlioritie-,at a iIni huberculesi-, the lung i.s dis- nîîliiary p0.Lin i itîed States (casý,etiandti ts:ougui resi bthe ar-xvei'c afraiti that an old brick tivî ty' of tuse liti, diinisîsecu rhininsey was about to fali. There anti so the ltealing forces ,ar'e was a constantly eniargîng- crack given a betier chance to ar-est neai- the top. No funts were the disease pi-ocess. hait the pi-o- available for i'emoval and so at gi'ess of tuîe disease, anti bring couple of vines were plarited.1 about a cure. Tlsey quicky twined about the At bith, ai' fi'sh cntests hse old trctureCti' anti totiay the crack iungs Mien breabhing begins. Li atuaiiy disapPearing, t h e This air, which is aI aimaspher:c crumbling brickwoi-k Ieing firn-0 pressure. causes hhe îungs to ex- ul' dtawn togýetiier by the encii-c-E isanti, filling the chesi cavits'. liIig vine. Owing 10 theii' elasticity, the lungs tend ta contrach agains! Nexî week msore about garden1 the atmospîserie pressure, anti plans.,lîints s'egaî'ting sweet peas t thLs cî'eates a sliight riegatix'e anti vegetable growiîig.t pices- cf lise W. A. 9-1 SELLS UNGRADED POTATOES Upon informtaion laid by Chief Ir.spectoi' C. T. Stevenson, Belle- ville, an Uxbridge man was i-e- ceritiy cusarged with selling pota- toes whîdls were below grade anti not bearing tise grade tag as is iequii-et by law. Be was assesseti $10 anti costs by Magistrate Ebbs. [Inspector Stevenson is senior fruit andi vegetabie inspectai- for East- ei-n Ontar'io. Beware of tIse man who shsouts bis patriotisrn f rom the isouse- tops. It's a safe bet, that ie's a tax dotiger. Along Canada's Mining Highway 1 As a restilît of lt nsta ]1;111 feuted il, îîîarket val îutiofl. A diimond drilling ind>ivai i l'« stron .r revival ofthte wliole f rst 0o1n Iaa ndO(k fîîtî îlî O h r a i nm ii a tod . lra-j., urajble dianmond drilling the adjoininig Maeleod ('i-k- resuits haýve hbeen obtained on shîutt property iin the Long Lac ti &îwhmiîis propertY of Lar- Camp of Western Ontario. dci' Lake and on the Lacoma market valuations of ilie sitar- propertv of Tavernlier Town- es of? thiese companies have ini- shlip. Qujebec. Intensive dia- ereased in1 aggregate vaille imoud drilling 15 hecoming a;)proximnately ten illijon dol- mori, and more the method of lars. Other conîpanies ni the pieparation f o r important ai-ca were also benefieiallv af- mint, developument. (Advt.) Bulbs For Sale Wanted To Rent FOR, SALE-MIXED GLADIOLI WANTED TO RENT -SMAýL Bulbs. le each; namned varieties. lieuse and garden spot. AiT0k 25c a tiozen; small "Picardy-stating full particulars to Al- 500 for $1.00. John Quigg. New- thur Long. c o A. 0. Parker, castie, Ont. Phone Clar-ke 1120. Newcastle~ 9-3 ~ Personai Washers For Sale - - MEN! TO GET VIGOR. VITAL- BARGAINS - RECONDITIONED zty. trY raw oyster* invigorat *s wvashing machine in Ai shape. and other st;mulants i 1 a real snap $29.50. Terrns 75c OSTREX Tonic Tablets. ne per week. Guaranteed. Also up worn. exhausted. weakened many other bargains. Clearing~ systein. If not delighted with out 1937 models of Thor elec- resuits. maker refuntis price, tric and gas engine washers at $1.25. Yeu risk nothîng. Cali. a sacrificeti pr;ce. A worthwhile write Jury & Loveil. 5-tf saving to you. New and used Radios priceti fromi $10 and up. Mselae s easy terms to ail. We fear no iclaeu competîtion in price nor quai- WEST END GARAGE AND MA- ity. Lîberal allowances on ai: chine Shop - We specialize in uset appiarces.Seeus tay. machinery repairs. general gar- See I. Whitefield a utn~aerpis welding, towin.g Hdwe.Phon 774 9-1 service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- Prm For alePetor, Bowmanville. Phon FOR. SALE-BABY CARRIAGE. 1 condition as gooti as ne%\- Phone lmjeo 675. 9-1 * tg u Agents Wanted OSAW AGENT WANTED LA G ThurSHAWF. A .I i lit iidC mciueiy iriii ,auLs a local agent for the Orono dis- trict. Very hîttie *capital re- quireti. Apply by letter ta Or- ana News office. 8-2' IF YOU ARE A.MBITIOUS THIS is for you! Success Guaranteei! No risk selling uine of 200 pop- ular products in exclusive terri- tory! Jain aur sales foi-ce foi' profitable wages! 750 men av-j erage incame of $35,00 i'eekiy! For free particulars. wiihiout obligation. write today'! Fami- lex Co., 570 St. Chernent. Mon- treal. 9-21 For Rent F'OR RENT - 80 ACRES: BEST dlay uoam: gooti water supply: bank barri: brick house: fali plowirig dorie: about 2 miles frorn Bowrnanvilie, Apphy M. G. V. Goulti, Barrister, Bew- manville, Ont. 9-1 IIOUSE FOR RENT -5 ROOMS anti bath, centrally locateti, wir- eti for electrie stove anti pipeti for gas stove, new hardwooti floors, $25.00 per month 10 gooti tenants, atuits pi-eterreti. Write 'M.D." Statesman Office, Bow- manx'ille. 9-1 POq RENT-6 ROOMED BRICK hDuse on Chuxch Street, ail conveniences, hai-dwoot f loors,i garage. gai-ten. $25 pet' înntlî. Possession Apî'il ist. Phone 556 9-1* rO RENT - FOUR ROOMED, howse, ail cariveniences, posses- sion April lst. Apply "R.P.F.'" Draver B. BowÀmanvilie. 8-hf "The Buccaneer" with FREDRIC MARCH and FRANCISKA GAAL. Added - Popeye Cartooik .REVIVAL - Friday at 10.40 Poppy Starring W. C. Field,-. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. ANNABELLA - WILLIAM POWELL in "Baroness and the Butler" Added Feature COMMENCING Thursday for 3 Days The Big Broadcast of 1938 y with WV. C. FIELDS, 31ARTUA RAY, DOROTHY LAMJOUR. ATTENTION EVERYBODY Jury & Loveil WiII Not Be Undersold We Guarantee to Seil as Low or Lower than any other Advertized Price Listerine --25c-49c Vicks Va-Tro-Nol* 43c- 2 for 85c Seidlitz Powders At- - 2 for 25c Pablum - - - - 45c Castoria- - 29c-59c Absorbine Jr. - 98c Aika Seltzer- 29c-57c Mecca Oint.- 23c-45c Burdock Blood Bitters - - 98c Hind 's Cream 25c-45c Nova Kelp Tabiets 150 tablets --79e 300 tablets- $1.39 750 tablets- $2.79 Scott 's Eniui.- 53c-98c Mason 's 49- 40c-75c Vick 's Vapo Rub 43c - 2 for 85c Chase 's Nerve Food - - - 49c Four Squarer Mimeral il --79c Halibut Liver Oil Capsules - - 79c L.B.Q. Tablets and Rexillana Cough Syrup Both for 59c Ovaltine - - 38c-58c ror HEADACHES, COLDS and RELIEF 0F PAIN 35e - 75e $1.50 Dry Ho Becomesî 4» S iky Sm.o h, Monogeable, R.- dont AierShom pooong Wt FOR DRY HAIR l"e, 99c MODESSI 2FOR 41Ç1 Jury r'Lovel When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 Bowmanville Grocer Farms For Sale Grood f as for sale in Dur- ham, Ontario, Victoria and Haliburton Counties. A reas- onabie cash payment wlil be accepted and ternas for the bal- ance arranged at 4% interest. Write me stating your require- ments. Col. L. T. McLaughlln, Inspector for Commlssioner of Agricultural Loans, Bowrnan- ville. 6-4 PAGE TEN THE CA.ý;ADIAN STATESMAN. BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO

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