Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 1

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Umm ORONO NEWS SECTION On Page 11 VLM84BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1938 NME Gulf pBetween C i i PROMINENT GOODYEAR OFFICIALS ATTEND NEW PLANT OPENING lrr Circulation Thisssue Rev. r. Ha r oI d ixed and motley company . Young, Memnber of Pprs lad sadaboudailhe ath reSient A. G. art°ly aAned'h" ain n Famus MUS k 0 k a ering it %vas hield for the one pur- rOdes fBficiag IyAd Fre"imyDni House Party says No oter fellow'sg ane%ýpa n Oes Bulig eDer.h rawealanet Gruds fr Belief °oung said. we spent the morn- Slssr aftyTr-itaen oto fr nmi n thatuChrstianity n trin ernest discusion. the af- phy Presented by Its becas'eh " " ofnur ,lomuim yete evenings in full discussion. Donor frorn Akron his mat n lcdo h a CMch sn a while wel into the early hours of side ofthfec.Tsewrte MuhinCommon the nmorning these discussions entertainerstanotheirtacts, in one s own room. ~~~year Entertainiment and Dance,: introduiosbenrtnrM. I m ovicd oe h n Te' gathrin hdveybdysponsored by the RecreationClbDuop ever after living and talking A-ith guessing. One paper said it was Friaynigf hdimusificesiy Teadrsotion of the pro- Tim Buck for five days. that a ~~~the opening gun in a big comn- b iie no eaaeprsgrmwsldb A .Prrde gtim gukforexit e dyth amuistic campaign which h hbecpgaus nfthedvriiaino rsieto oderTr gret ulfexstsbeween Comn- been organized and was beingi Pictured-above are four prom- 'tory Manager of the American f romi lef t, is Sales Manager of the eral Manae ft the program. ý a g hat andCh rstian Sociaim, directed by Stalin himself from,1 ent Goodyear executives who Goodyear Company, and is the Mechanical Goods Department of1 GoodyearnaCompanyhe andia H The dance itself with over 700 (otne o ae8 Rev. Dr. Ha aod ng, pasor o niudon page ) wenttheedance Friday night aonor of the Slusser Safety Tro- Goodyear, and is generall'y re- 1;Koken, right, is General Factory1 people taking part, would, we feelj Stv.. al oug. Ave f Conued Roadge Unitedh the lca Godstorey addition to phy which was won by Bowman- sponsible for the sale of products Superintendent of Goodyear'si sure, have been termed by Joseph1 Ch uh, Torne ood Umebers mal ond.year plantwS sseo- vll ron1937 and whic h e trav- anuf atrd in the local plant. Canadian plants. All four spoke Coad, he f aamusicuthosWCTUE T Chibowdanile e en's Canadia Every Subscriber (left) is Vice-President and Fac- 3ent. Geo. L. McCrea, second1 right, is Vice-Presidentcond m b n riday.th pnn eeoisharmonious phrass cam e per- Reg pressive address on Monday night Should Investigatesuivlthogagrtmr- s a e g at the Balmorals Hotelofagop Fo oron rtcin Here, There and g g g dU S r rSdThe Otawa thneectr ou ht. sif na bathre al yr 2n of prominent people who spent and satisfaction of mind look Everywhere S tih fsomedradn terads y n uidPesit, r.L .1.Tl f landuly eo on Fairha en. D drte olittle yellow labelrd i By D. Morrison, Sr. As Popular Authors Not Named B etto te iaa er ninesoAoere r o s sle y H u n te r o f H a m i i l t o n . r a d s e i o u - r p tt w , F b u r 2 n .A a d th e r lba n .des,,p i o g ae r to o h h i . f e h e O thers in the Party includ ed D r. per1 and see ifh , your l iv O ra gebessubscrip-ks, wh ch hAdfavotionaler un nta periodof an vC orrespond ingte the po te Buck, secretary of the Commun- subscriptions received at office celebration will be held m Otes 1 ron ,bencheckedand a nogredth ya a.h oenena rgaapeinftd ore aigrcevdcrii 1st arty a embe of arla- u to Fb -19tl \\ell. tat ion e good cenr tio l- esOttadngWitr, critcs. Stanely e ough.andof legislation is concerned, the addition to theGnewythrelastoreyctfoalwhwrtinhe. r r.e t y, fianciera fr p rna- up t eruary lth have brate the :battle of Boyne. It brings Many of W hom Are Little much t.o the surprise o tos pesnot e sid o fh a rlye im nt and Tr ybthe e Godyw ea pl antS onet ad aso te sp ca mtieaofinherouhamoemrenta bencngnthmailing p lmemolries o o .1.trmecr Oranige Known to Most 1present, was his statement thatcannt be sidTohav e rt tgorn-sefetTnni ring oo Suser wr frMr MAlsera h bind man.ha collegmeesor, an list. I yoursisntecorrectg walks minthat br.People L. M. Montgomery, Nellie Me- t ts e eestride the first twon orpessfuns n c x a tteiesosctiecn ulne maloed an, and arfeserpald lase advyuis u t conrce. The first wu remiember was some cClung. Marshall Sauriders. and teespeekshfrmthe dt on evening. yapotono nhetst.Th lp hetThn ueoe d nmit. . ada Bold ear di mindstat Marces. as g n hepicplMazo de la Roche, all considered fn'esec rmth hoei The program was opened by inualm rne".Wiladpo 7Thiemeeting really had its or- speaker was Hlon. Tohn S 'ilvard "Canadian Books Worth Know- pplaiandanathwer . . , es' upsioar s- elwhHrry Dnlop, versaithis ragastkeashr itha iginin ndi whee te nted the last month for paying for Camnll. (Grand NMaster c )range ing" was the subject of an en- not even represented i tetenlprinadmeber ueon.rso ceronioesho itehmaster of is in ti ot.Arneet missionary Dr. Stanley Jones hiad 1938 at the $2.00 rate. After Order in Canada. Itwas 186() grossing lecture at the Women'sbet.uton andebils f oonoenetanrsa r er ad ordleaeswo a experienced suchi gatherings. and that daté all renewals 3 the Prince of Wales visited Canada Canadian Club in St. John's Par- It was interesting to note that Amssongleeno the ost neeting wn pre otesprvddaf-toten the Ontario Temper had. described them on the oc- months in arrears will be and there was some trouble about ish Hall on Monday afternoon. the authors o.smeohteaes eonleento the past weekaboting entreetste dleration aneedeaoonetini casion of his visit to Canada last charged at $2.50 per year. As his visit to Kingston where the The speaker was Rev. Dr. Harold books were very little known inhaebntersouin but EaorBltwtdhrefTrnoonMch1ad1. February. Various men from e x p1a in e dbefore we are Orangemein wished to show itheir Young, of St. Paul's Avenue Road the Dominion. fh anadaspteldisty inctive anto ac-beaie ngdostosinMein lse it h Mza varousphaes f Idias cmplx aoptng hispolcy o e- oyalty to Queen Victoria but were [United Church, Toronto, who the Dr. Young's selection of the fovr canagethfe letrly disptenrbatic gdan c ndtapedBeedcton life had lived together to learn courage our subscribers to turnedl downiiby the Duke of New%- samne evening spoke to tlaeMe' ten outstanding books wrdiovr C aarg f letoa orup- e waythroughdiffacultarou- what each believed and stood for. pay promptly in advance and castle, an ardent Roman Catholic, Club. vided into two parts, the first five r onthinscnada, ete emandsinse Adn nd Kay, me ai-TO IDN IC And as a result of this Dr. thus avoid the necessity of who interfered with the arrange- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin presid- published prior to- the great war. that the hoseoi crdi ms embias erab ordnar ulld rab-Th1 Crossley Hunter organized tis raising our rates as has been mients made byV the Order for the ed and announced that Rev. J. B. and the last five products ofth sentene mose shouldMdisuss the bitsfrom ol s of fr and c o Teirddsfdptei Ontario version of such a gather- the case with daily papers. Prmnce's reception. This caused con,- Johnston of Eglinton U n it ed post war period. The selection.s ande s pdo Mr. UnwlinAbr.aa isplee oentcffrs.Phl- tcoodllbgveatCnra ing. It was held in mid-June on Your co-operation works out siderable heart-burning, and later the Church. Toronto, would be the with their authors are: jsbjec f "urenAulbe irt- s ago eniWe oneminut arg oied hol nFrda Fer Fairhaven Island and it was a to our mutual benefit. 1 Grand M.\aster went to England and speaker at the next meeting, Wacousta by John Richardson; anceect and th esolu 1ion o t-."Waon he els" in a high slo- and at hot adSo -- ~~was graciously. received by Her MIa- which would be Men's Night and When Valmond Came to Pontiac Gordon Ross of Moose Jaw tha pao h eti ee loFiaMrh4 jsy. To get a more undeirstand- ýa dinner meeting at the Balmoral by Sir Gilbert Parker: The Black a special committee should be New Priti Pr ces i O thab"le ideca of this Orange episode see'Hotel- Rock and the Man from Glen- appointed to investigate the op- the Globe and Mfail of Feb. 14th 'by- A number of high school stu- arry by Ralph Connor; The Gol- eration of our customs tariff C u te ih rw S that historianl, Fred Williams. dents were present to enjoy Mon- den Dog by Kirby; and Sunshine etlok a f r.Cmeo Fo otra s yOs a aPr tr This celebration of the glorious day's lecture. Dr. Young was in.. Sketches of a Little Town by Itos10 f SskMrtcheameron For Roarian by O hawa P inter 12erat Oron,co i roattededtroduced by Mrs. RossStrke. St& hen LacockPoswre tho k ry as enith ll o esionEquipment From the Co nr R ad S.R. Alger Describes. New COMPLETED 25 YEARS as t thle hea of the rder hre bt and writer v thol r abonks and aymnd Kniter; Sttlrsof th e ar u tuehavei hi wa y. Ail -igB R S MO T A Ew l Offst Lthorapy aNew WITH GOODYEAR CO. fiery Bill Porter was somnetimle dur- writers, and pointed out that due Mrs.y rdeic roe A- cussda he otoe as tilheg URN MOTGAErWll o tep oKe Arfst ithe CopliatNed mg that period. Bowmianville Band to our limited population, we Jgel Shoes by Marjorie Pickthall; when it was brought up, and ra Rod Oen Ti rin ting Indust took part mn the parade. Mlemrbers could not expect to produce as 1Wen Stewart Came to Sitkumn therefore dropped back to the Win Prining ndusr-yOf the band included: Collrd, the many giants of literature as old- by A. M. Chisholm; and The Vik- foot of the list of rslutter Sperintnde-n wvatchmnaker, was the leader : Joseph er countries. ing Hart by Laura Goodman Sal- idea was supporteresotionsarhe Wy--ihwy et The comparatively new process NMcLeani, bass: S. F. Hill cornet: One naturally wonders. hie said, ver on brifly cnumbd eaer.of m eberbludneilCr o ae of offset lthography ws describ-T. Tapson. orn: John letcher, tenl- why there are so few real Cana-on 1bkreycmetdlaes.IishrfrepbbeRad ed to Rotarians at their luncheon- or: Josiah I arlington, was the bass, dian books, and the answer my stances uoted fromt he book t atabefore thae sessionisoended FiaatteBmoaHoebydrummiiier. Collard was a fime leadl- be found in the fact that produc- gv a nsgtfth Ca' on nadanwil hvea flag of ts I Stuart R. Alger. Manager of A-e n lydteEFa ont incsts are so heavy, when dis- ratnsightof te bok s o.In eet it won't e I ltert owsipRa ger Prss Liited. shawa Let-Newvcastle Band was at the head of tribution is likely to be small due Mrs . W. J 1 erylon beorethe lagappars;Suritendent sConySe gter Press Printes and Offset L- their lodge. Orono Band and lodge to the small population. Even the behalf of the club thexpreed on In al likelihood it will incorpor- +tnetAMMleu n thographers. met and welcomed the visitors and small population had divided in- tio f t e eb appf r r .,eba e t e n of nJack . wi theam. . vhaln tipe To illustrate his vocational talk this was ne of the greatest .f all terests so that the possibilities for 1 on g's te e mbn a e s .fo r sDhr. n embl C a n. Bu thethemd a a l co n y n w re Mr. Alger brought with him many celebrations. heavy sale are again reduced. !DouR. g s nresiaddresst hthractil er d oblazoingoihemoa-panbav bencnclld samples of display Posters in sev- Several timies the Oranige walk Dr. Young surprised his audi- lpiano for the National Anthemflg il be wre u yacm n aatfo htcrido eral colors, catalogues and a var- has, been hield ml this town. Onle %we nce when hie outlined the teni and 0 Canada.miTte-bhe Provincifeletoal High Demen iety of work which demonstrated r«eemb.cr on the beautifutl grounid>Teqeto feetrlcr atett th esatility of the process. of John NicCj.unlg, formnerly the Drrions pechrged yhMr. etnet, oniswl o offset printing might be com- Max Quick, left. brother of Lowve property. The principal speak inthis rneSpeech ite debton ayfoawrkdneinclarn pared to the street raihvay where William Quick. Bowmanville, was er was Rev. Wmn. \Windle, Presbv- OnttheoThrone Speech led to ari- i r hihs o nw Telte the tracks are level with the honored on January 28 on the terian iister of Manvers \ onostdebatesindhc mem- reads: pavement. Ltterpress rintingt ycompletiear ompans 5yea1e vt sini peaker a and a rden t lie p l r w r'P o lm cages croste or o te tthefat tatou elevated railway as the printingC. Berkmshaw, General Manager.!sent and %we remember ir. Andrus huse.Gvechrnents opomn Csatiestr' n in n a n surface is obtained by raised type. presented him with a cheque for bass: l-. Townsend, tenor; and \\.t staisi N rt m ria A t eed te ca rgNo e ofco hrption Couns q ae h Mr. Alger took the Rotarians $250.00 on behalf of the Company \\V. Billinig, leader. Robert Adair P. W. Hodgetts Discusses th' rts ot mrcaAt eegnrlgo pcfccag h on ty o 1odrdi f diaogas.the orob e pnt- on bd Fealf o hiseworkpier's Nexthume i ashe Odc I e Satesman Editorial-Bays grows as long as it is not injur-i tors." If a definite instance was J. H. Devitt motor trafi ehmoe o d isfirs.Thined rktby an rit- o afor atsNew Toronto. r , ill ed ing%<a, ein thte oI GroWers Have Out CostS ious to health, but if his produce1 given the prime minister promis- Prom- Wintertwexct alance, of the pl ostoa ed tl au 1 te cr Mr.NeTrisaont hisrem rks illSeaed r s andetIe ug ici to Absolute Minimum is honestly graded, then it is up ed hie would see that a committee'and fomnentM br fright citizen' pieces of pv nah hro plitgraplid 9 gavhe - Mr ern utl inofMaxs exnrperlwspakebig dames LHlie tto the consumer as to wethier he was appointed to investigate it. . u-partmentofHg whicorhibeksth subjea ct no iencae in ote ubber bsnes, d at- elsdnv in the leo townthebuys culls or higher grades. Mr. Dunning. Finance Minister ham in the Provincial Legislature two years aspoe dos inbeatelygrue mth iht in akto1908. ebsnheresding thnesga great trade in suppl% - Toronto, February 18, 1938. further stated the governiment who was honored by the congre- this year ganwildaan pot inng d alosttoelgeter for t Duram.Rube C ttheeeole sseble DerlSr,_doubt if it is possible as youineddttghe h whrtheorindalmistdark- afortheBowmavileandler Cnfptal who camle long distances over the Mr. R. S. Duncan has discussed suge st, tof reductiexyfue tionact to cbth eavy floelec g ation hof ast.iohn'os Anglican The ouniswilnt ao heeogaeisplaced vera gowberryikinganly tor ej on rthle dusty roads - ino autos imwith me your letter and editorial the coests of potion rexcepwth oey intetionesrin tn h urhaelcsoc atwe.an e rtasisdt la se nied zine plae d by erasgoder ongJanay t28, 1913 ose < a.%• 'which appeared in The States- lthe expeslftefreryonteete atrrsfr the o arbthsocaioeofhi 8thanroads o mtrtrfc.I of sitroen ltei tansf eed tooditharjo i nue readRo. 1.The last celebration here was belman of February 4th. re Ontario lbr atl hr hsbe time being. birthday, Mr. Devitt was pre-wa raecmes lce n lc its srfac. llois rn a r oss ajo non Tea oo 01the -Agricuilturtal grounid. .King apples. and has asked me to reply" lifty per cent increasze in the iphewhere teams and sleighs cannotevtioalboo byýgt tr ot fcige. oto gra ph into He remained until 1915 when Sýt., Esadwstefrttmt t notntlteei price of many newspapers and ThatepofM.Bck rsnedwhadvtialbkbygthouhnteradlo- o th in. the plae i redy or h enistd ad rjoind tenCm- her we verhead o sa e grat ealof ruthin t.hhe easns avaned avebeensocalhredtelader tohavepa.. he cngrgaton.He tenead nceor n filds thn aroa pting.an in Februaryis1919. atorNew heng maeteter andOr anchargecisms eaof tpresethit yu t c11 largely increasing costs of the laetdsusteUwnPwl .ehnro unn h ot utb rknfrsc rfi The res is perted uto at- Tor no wen tear1 w9aeNded. bril ation.ner; Oage cele mnyof oure are sit ion. a teilssdi h rsro s case was frustrated by the speak- gage on the Rectory, of which he This will prvd a psag fo iclyp feig n ivering oroHe win thera om .ac- TheBndhs unihd rly os uliedkwtsoodrOneryExactly similar condit ions obtain er s ruling. Mr. Blackmore, how- hdas a h oou fly otr afnrl rtemi sheets without the sheets being tory Inspection, Techinical Service Orane t.celeb)rations ,at BI r oc-,apples, particularly high cloa te ar, heony iferncheeqinssteisonote fl inhe igthbs eenerte n192. rh. carer yseganchti l oucedby umn and oceand Final Inspection bef ore lhe kln otH> tcdessert varieties bigta tefutgrwrcn ith the que s tinsH ill btero'rin eit as been la ative church waeolgdt oseiv ouhe havebeenlaced nothe a-tookoverhispresnt jb inthenot announce that he is raising i paana hsi atro rtraarclua n oii hswsalta a vrdn hine.Wher theplatehaseen erdGoos pint197.ocotined ntage6)Id defense of the grower, I the price of his product to re- (continued on page ) Ical worker in Cartwright for up to thetiewpucad e Mete. Watere willpnote aheeand - --- _ dsin197.wouldlike however to point Out, imburse himself for highier prie-moeta65yrs owanwilhvtoctnu -wchere ý-ter pllte hnteren ermakandyu dioil ed packages, spray materials,uniwegtqupetthtil we heink il notadhert eTe ht nmbe nmieading. Ontario 1fertilizers, etc. do) a satisatrlo impressin wolntpate irans tan , A B g W e ou try, i ogghv.i stgp c There is another angle to theH gh S h 0 Ex m Str J ne 1RadbigpledyteD- ferred to a rubber roller and from• ] their pack for the export trade, situation th a te iurbauit desarrtnofHgwyar:Te. there t.o the paper. 1 ub ct of Dr0tflerho d0 Speaker et only a very sman percentage notrsevem to teaenoacout.fEntra ceEx mon to Wooler, No.230 Highway to Color advertisements are ob- lhas gone to such markets (lesshFor even mry appe een oto a C a iD t0 SO U e2 kothe ih, oor t od tained by using four separate than 10%, ) in recent years. The kthaden oremore ar se in the srns ecm oCnoN plates. The first is printed in ye.- proportion of our high class des- kistcen.patheorcadsi the 28oHighaynto illbrok, New low, the second blue, the third 1 .\Agreat b g weecounlltry, w %as the and lhe said lhe longed fur the da%- sert apples such as McIntoslh and esernplat ofth vreticon i ;tnen .o . . cassrni,1 eon ea grcltr bheý1it le o rno ndBwravil red, and the fourth black. The %wavr Rev \. thristie, Tornto, ex- when all the chutrches in this great Northern Spy would be under one iwbe fre lated ith vgraretesnesuit- e sig tenimtalpprhng sprie-sie co yea Aiutur b thd- toakstok.Iaayrfths separate plates are made 'by plamled acothland, the land of his country Of ours would be one great per cent, our growers realizingcable otiargehfruimareOne dnats hae anual depnamnt exi- dpescool. arewitn yAuthors an om.toashreo yursetinndi which defle heindtesirepr- lt l slen ews Brtherhoodseae t- Hî sresedth fct ha .at hm id ei e ntai ipaigsc id se. ihMdl n pe col2, n oyo omreb h as to beduotyuartogv tino clor rothe photog i;rph lýing onTesday ena. "Ce sholdntesdte b Y a e om.Duchess, Greening, Baldwin, or examinations beginning June 14 and pper School the samne date. Junie him the neesrrsssac n aind al lo fit te photogrphd| RevoW. Crsti' eenis a ralateo accent bu treto rs t teirr ou speak of the practice of even Spy in pyramnids in their wvith high school entrance begin- >1 is devoted to French and June send in yot,me alond allatto eplt.-r Edinburgh anad T meriis ·ini y gres sellhng to truckers. iwindows and selling the same out ning Junie 27, - 2e 4 to Germian Mr. ona lter dscibdl iine s- :an is ndmnse o hds aventtd biatwpo nt. The sp)eaker Sad experience of other methods iby the dozen. Most of our fruit concluded June amnaios wl e pper School writes Botany and tig.Ationeint ofsciet lihogr ýay!Lndie nrch, iiiTr onto . He took , hat anada was a domimion of sale hias forced the fruit grow- mut move out in six-quart bas- Trgoomtr wie idleSc piortiopning hiffstplat, ocatedasUnte subeclT ohsryo uoosntayongae.ndacns bte n efpoecint isoeo kt nlrg oue o u oclAidl n perSho tu-wie oshl Si Aihu° S.P ULsYPU , as grand champion. AMýà 'X e 00, eaita 4ýotan j tatteinan With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle lndependent And The Orono News And Communism so Wide It Can Never be Bridged Hiigh Goodyear Executives Take Part in Opening of 'ew Tree Storey Adition 10

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