PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESM.xx. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I7TH i ..~. den with branches of bably and vin; what sore of a Christmias it Tti pine and cedar, their baskets f ill- would have been. ed with great clumps f mistietoe, From her percbh hgh on the Melissa greeted them briskly and stepîadder, Cbloe paused in her i.benf ire around which, in a raugh matic greenery that haîf conceal- rccethe long tables made Of ed the walis; the boys and girls wide planks laid on sawhorses, hurrying busily, im p o r t a n t 1 y C jh W t a s 4 rhad been laid. about. Melissa beammng bappily 'W'WW--vduw-There were great wooden bowls on them aU wbile her gnanled aid f îlled with savory Brunswick stew; fingers busily strung popcorn and ________________there were huge cbunks of the cranberries ta make a gay and barbecued beef; there were plat- festive chain ta loop about the Chapter XXVI Greek chorus effect. Whof ters of barbecued pork; there tree. 0'utside in the hall Melissa course! Why didn't we think of were crisp green salads, bowls of Doing tbings for others! Re- ]ooked at Cbloe and Jane and de- 'it?" vegetables, jars of jam and jelly membering those less fortunate manded, "Where did you find '"It's what I've heard -,omneof and pickles out of Melissa's store- than you! Remembering the real ber?" you Young folks c.ali 'a naturai'" house. which l-ad been "Put up" why of Christmas. Not that it was Chloe explained and Melissa -laid Melissa firmly. "We can in's huge summer kitchen a season for "drunken reveiry", nodded. furnish a room in the Nursery for'under Melissas own stern eye.. In for thoughtless, sometimes unwiii- "Poor soul. She's known a Mazie and the children ta use for: short, it was a perfect beginîng ing gif t giving, but that it was a much easier life than this. Notice themselves, and give her the sal- to the holiday season and thecmeorto ftebrh f ber accent a.nd ber manners? I ary that the nurse is geîting now. twenîy-four Young people ate and thmenoy Per fecthean hofe knew tbat Susie May was flot just That will give ber a home for bier- drank and laughed and toasted waiked the earth. A Man wboseE riffraf!" Melissa said firmly. self and the babies and a job by 'Melissa in mugs of piping bot caf - message bad been "Love one an-r Chloe and Jane exchanged an which she can be self-support- fee until, just before dusk, they othet'," "Do good ta others,"1 amused, affectionate glance, for ing." ail piled ia the trucks and went "Peace on earth, towards men, Melissa's devotion ta the twa' Jane and Chioe and Howeli ex- singing back to towfl. good will." That was Christmas!1 small waifs was aimost a family changed giances and Chice said. Cld Martha wbo had been Me- This was Christmas. joke by this time. pieased: lissas maid for thirty-five years, Ail about ber the girls and boysa When Jane and Chloe had "Gran. you're a genlus u" looked anxiously at Melissa as she fram the Hill were mixing, f iend- i changed from their o u t d o o r Melissa chuckled. icame into the bouse. ly and cheerful. witb boys and clothes and had came back down- 'Well. if I do say it myself. I "o looks tiahed. Miss iM'uisas" girls from the village with whom. t stairs, Susie May's mother had do ocasionally have an insipra- she ventured.' under ordinary circum s t a n c e se fmnisbed ber dinner. and, as Me- tien," she agreed modestly. "ideîcs"rtre eis they might neyer have comne in5 lissa, Jane and Chloe came into,...ýFdlsik, eotdMlsacnc.Thsw he ayld the roomn she stood Up and. witb happily. "I don't know when I'vecott.Tiwa tewy Susi Ma clngig t he had,:The las, two or three days be- bad sucb a good time. Wihat a should be, Chlae told herseif, and d Ssaie Mray lingng o br hn fore Christmas Eve were franti- nice lot of boys and girls they knew that but for Scott Kelvin it r "You've been sa very kind. 1'm cally busy. Cbloe was glad that were. Martbs. Makes me feel mîght neyer bave been, at least a g youare, sai she didn't have time to tbink. Young again!" ini Oakton. z "0f course yuae"si Me- 'She tumbled inta bed at night so Martba studied her sbarply. The thougist of Scott burt ber « l'ssa prmtIy "You're onup exbausted that she was asieep aI- cbuckled, and went ou .' vngalIittie. Sbe had ail but offered CI prZ ' ompyt.T gî ng SuPie osi as soon as ber bead touched Melissa alone. Otthvn er self to bim. She had offered s sheairslta put The niy and Susie herself in everytbing but the ac- May to bed and then we're al the pr XllItu. Inrd tnehemornasîng shei gaing to bave s conclave and see awoke wth so many duties wvait- CatrXVIta od n ebda lal wbat's ta be done next." sng ta be performed that she bad Melissa drove in town the next refused ber. She knew that he e( The woman's eyes filled xith no time ta think of Scatt. Alsa. day and went straigbt to the loved ber. She bad seen it in is teas, ndshechkedso ha sh ber extreme occupation made it Community House, wisere s h e eyes. She knew, too. that be re-- cauld flot speak. But Melissa unnecessary for her to pay him seated herself contentedly and fused ber because she was Cbloe didn't give ber much chance. She ber usual daiiy visits. watched happiiy. with sparkling Sargent and he was Scott Kelvin. usbered ber upstairs and into thse suggested that the Comn- eyes. the excitement and bustle but there wasn't anything she nursery and there she left ber. mmittee whose duty ît was ta go ail about her as the decorating could do about that, she told ber- Wben Melissa came back ta the cut and cut greens ta decorate began. Chloe and her Day Nur- self wearily as she pulled ber library Howell bad arrived and the hall, came ta Cbinaberrv sery commuîtee, aided by a num- tboughts back in line as sameone isad heard the stary from Chloe Grave. since there was a wea' thbo' ber of young people from the miii called to ber from the floar and and Jane. As Melissa came in boliy and mistîetoe. the lavely village.' were in charge af the task. asked for a word 0f advice or sug- Howell was saying. a southern smilax that lends itseif The bare white walis were ai- gestion. .. little: .SuperbtY ta decarations. pines and most hidden beneath tbe fragrani "But af course I wii have tao oher greens. At Sara Jenkins' boughis of pine and cedar. Clus- Christmas Eve in Sargent Mills find oui first why she was fired suggestion, a. dozen Young men ters of mistletoe hung- here and village was a time of alrnost un- before I can decide whether we f rom the mnilis and a dazen girls there and occasional scufflings. bearable suspense for the yaung- can give ber anoîber job -" were selected for this task. and laughter. ittle feminine squeals sters, and almost equally se, for "Oh. but Dad. zhe needs work"* one of the miii trucks was turned could be beard as same one moved the aider people. From noon on Protested Chloe excitediy. over ta tbem to bring back the incautiously in range of the sJg- the doors of the Community "I know. darling. and we al- greens. anoîber to take tbeni aut nificant bit of green and white. House were closed to ail but Chioe ways try ta give h ta people wbo te the grave. There Melissa had The tree itself was so tail that and ber committee. Trucks drew need it," e father ponîed out. arranged a barbecue for tbem and its top brusbed the A uPket tpie d bighiis he moat "But, after al. she wasn'î fired i'. praved ta ise a momentous oc- noble cedar wbose gray-green excitsildhg t hemt without sorne rea-son. This is a casion for them ail. nedessoo trihtad aing looking packages gorg- busy season and we're giving wark, Chinaberry Grave lay in a val- cause the tree isad flot been cut sely ed hbin blning tiessue. ta everybody wiso can qualify. so Iey between the 10w buis and in dawn. It was a living tree. it and tied witis extravagant bows of if she was discissrged. then thaî's sbeltered places the brigbt color- roots sunk in s buge green tub. rbo.Cutr fwd-yd pretty good proof t b a t s h e ed autumn leaves bad flot yet A.fe nsmswsaets reebeath lsltspefiee hil couldn't do tise wark. It's preîîy vanisbed. Tbere were great mass- would be planted in front of the dren lusstere but se doorwayi isard work .you knaw. and it bas es of tise soutbern smilax and Community Hause and every year ime rvius tdabttshrp bite to be done ight." there were clusters of mistleîoe tisereafter that custom wauid be the c'lduwind the lhawrite aky "Anybody couid tell wiîb isaîf clinging ta the branches of tise follawed. that hald bentheatoeing sow an eye that she wasn't strang aId live oak trees, resdy ta be cut It had been Melissa's ides. Me- for tise past twa days, and watcb- enaugis for tisai kind of tbing." ,csrefully by sharp knives and lissa hated tise tbought of cutting e<I as tise trucks were emptled, tise said Melissa firrnly. isanded dawn gently to be placed down sucis a fine and splendid baskets of packages carnied inside "But we've got ta find ber a job. in baskets so that its delicate, tree. Or even a smsll. brave cedar. the Cammunity House ta be plac- Gran, sa she can take care of pearl-like berrnes wouîd flot be '.She'bed supplied tise tree herseif. ed about the tree or tied on it by Timmy and Susie May. We can'î. bruised or destroyed. There were ishaving an experienced tree sur- Chloe and ber assistants. Melisss let. ber give tisem up. Gran, you boîly trees standing siender and i geon remove it f rom its native isad caught a sligbt cald the day didn't see ber f ace when Susie gracef ul witb silvery trunks. and Woods, replanting caref ully in tise before and, ta ber intense disgust May came in -" cried Cbloe. stifi out-thrust branches of the great tub. and later on tise same and fury, she was being beid in "Na, but I ssw ber face when prickiy leaves tbickly stsrred with expert would see ta tise trans- bed for the day with tise promise se lifted Timmy out of the cradle ruddy berrnes. There were honey- planting. tisat she might be allawed apt and said, 'Timmy. dear'." said 'suckie vines. green and russett. I h uelvn Oma h htngt lsl rpet t Melissa and sniffed a uitile, ber'that wouid lend themseîves t neehg ivn ama h ta ibcoei rpet t eyes suspiciously brigbt. "It1s decorative purposes. There were. Sargent home a group of chat- tend tise celebration. funny to me, though, that flot one smal cedars that wilinl gve tering girls ast at a long table, Melissa was s trifle isoarse and of you three very smnart people brancb isere and there ta make 'surrounded by heaps of brightly fiat as strong as she pretended. bas decided tisaitisere is a grand'the big bsrn-iike auditorium colored Christmas wrappings and Sa she consented ta stsy in bed job made to order for Mazie, brigbt and lovely for tise îon.g s veritable ses of tays and other pî'ovided a brigist Young man f rom which, by tise way, isappens ta be anticipsted party. gif ts, busily wrapping, tying, seal- ber sttorney's office might be ai- ber name." Thse Young People spread tbro)'!ing. The place frotised with white lowed ta visit ber for an isaur. "A job made ta order for ber, tise Woodss, îaugising, shouting. tissue tied in scariet ribbons; gold Lunch was served ta Cbloe and Mother?" asked Howeii.r their vaices flosting back t0 Me- tied witb green; green tied with tise others at the Cammunity "0f course - matron of tise Day lissa, Who, bu.ndled w a r mi1 y white; yeilow tied witis green, ev- House and, late in the afternoon. Nursery," said Melissa firmly Jagainst tise cold wînd, was super- eryi color combinstion possible. they ail went home to rest for an Jane and Chioe spoke tagether, intending the barbecue. sniffing rEsch gif t bearing s uitile card on hour or so befare caming back for _________________________ itbfrak enaymnt he ppe wiicb tise name of the little ne- the party itself. tizing adors tisat wafted up fram cipient had been written. As Chloe passed Meisss's open tise meat cooking over pits filled In tise back roomn of tise city's open doar, ber grandmother cali- witis hickory wood bumned exact- largest wbolesale grocery house ed ta ber cbeerfully. ly ta tise ight red embers. issîf a dozen extra cierks were "How's Scott Kelvin getting i "Gee, I kinda thougist tise aId busiiy fiiling isuge baskets witb a along? Nobody seems ta know," lady would be iigis-iat and week's supply of grocenies for' five se said a tnifle accusingly. snooty." one of tise Young men people; and in ber tiny cubby- "Sorry, Gran, but I'm afraid I confeýsed as. from tise giant imb bale of a private office. Sara .Je-- wouldn't know. I've been so busy of a live Oak. he banded dawn a kins was tucking bigbt, sblny Iately," Cbioe apologized. great round cluster of mistletoe new paper money inta envelopes "You mean you baven't been ta tise girl wbo stood beneath tise on wbich isad been witten the near tise man?" Melissa demand- CON4STIPATIONV tree. her basket raised. name af ever3' employee in tise ed sharply. By rosig te ormdsljgsh She ain't s bit, she's as comn- Sargent Mills. Truiy, this- was to I'm sorry, Gran. I've been liver tohbealthfui action, youeliminste mon as an aid shae," agreed tise be an ep>cb-m.aking Christmas! b)Usy." saidCsoe dfnsivey thecaseof ontiatin ndchrn jgrl. By wiicb bomely phrase A neyer ta be forgotten Occasion. "That's no excuse. You could indigestion. You can depend or those about ber knew ibat sise ChIce. ber fingers flyinq, ber bave found tume if you bad want- f ment.Mehssawass peasnt md trnig hrethee. v .ed to." said Melissa sharply. "See tbis time-proven treatment, man friss sas easan whe r ang ere, tiîud ery- bere. Chloe, aeyou moping DR. CHASE'S a i ieagea aycne uetosia im n ie about that young man?" , atalllik a geatlad cone- uesions, hd tme nw ad ten "CertainIy flot!" snapped Cbioe. KidneymLiver pi scending tao tisse beneath ber. 10 wonder whst wauid ihav'e ap- resentful assise usualiy was after _______________ When they came back ta tise pened if she bad flot run daýwn a afwmmnsaoew e barbecue pits with tiseir armns la- certain red-headed Dr. Scott Kel- afwmmnsaaewt e __________________________________________________________________________ lisslssa ____ Don't take tisat tone ta me. Young woman." snapped Melissa ccqually as curt. "You're in love witis Scott Kelvin, aren't you?" Cislae's isead went up and ber eyes flasised. But before she couîd wt# answer Gran said sbruptly: "0f Course you are. And the * an hboum, -gai out-and dresseëd. îfel- It DOES faste qood in a pipe'!n"hscai etd tlai Chapter XxvHi Howeli looked St Chlae keenly ,~as sise came down stairs to <in- ner in ber frock of carnflower blue chiffon with its shimmering 1P iccoL ac silver threadsisere and ther - =0 CuMMU Co Cnad Lind.d Yulochrigdain- lieaCrita re ne, tnot. I'm tired," Chloe answered lissa, swathed in a fur wrap, a hiead bare, a melting sflCwflake or Ilved would she forget thetoe wth a surface lightness that did warmi scarf about hier head, was two upofl lt. mStt S moueneth lithxon. rpe Eflot quite deceive lier fat hêr. bundled into it, the others follow- Chioe's heart turned in lier sterful, bneaththe eon. ri 0 "f course you are, darling, bit -bes sleloe tagi nowt hc i r after the party tanight how'àd yo ng. When they reached the Com- lbr es as heroedsra it t strenut lerand ytthe lenclose. lito join Your friends in Rio munity House, a crowd had ai- breathless moment. Witliithe eyes aoT her antsdihed. her lose sfor a rest?" ready gathered though the party Of the roomn upan lier she couid Thgsoe h imed. Aeiny jr' ;had een hed dryly. "If you wut scheduled for seven-thirty. flot but go forward togrethm. rng somaehere.Th le min . h d -en te letter Jim me But ecaus~e of the cod and the The nurse pushed the chair for- rOe no pae i snn th o r w r p n d i - a d a d t e m et j s b n at pit beneath the sm all stage. T h,"(, 1air mail and speciai deiivery, if medatîyn the crswrowed vam- areanthe t ustero bepeaie was a littie rustling movemen , , you please, You'd never suggest ed in fiiian the big oom, ti'ie beres. Neither of wîhie salethe tleaudience settled itseif. CI.t(,e that as a restr'e nfligth"i om h bris ete ai h was grateful for the darkness t, "The young man was put out?"' chi.ldren's excited trebie voices mnistietoe. Neither of tbem i as id lier scarlet cheeks as she st' suggested hier father rnldly. risng above the murmurs and conscious of the others abolit tveyexclamations of the ader people. them. Their eyes met and clung. I <rfl to Page Ninie, Please) "Weli, that's puttLng tvr The stage was concealed behind And then someone iaughifle. satd: _____________ gently, which is more t han jim the dark blue curtains. but the "okou.MsChe.yur did, but that gives you the gen- t"eooktood.forth in aIl its glor erai idea. He was - very indig- at the side of the stage, and the Wihtbnath the m i siil, e t oe fiant, let us say. Claimed 1 had'great heaps of beautifuliy wrap- :WytTeclo A nK W bee a stoedih is af stili. T e lo wa ha n hsler and1 hung arnong Uts branches or were poured into lier face. Scott. sart- C T A TC a coquette and a lot of other noti piied about its feet. heid the eyes led, looked up at the cluster that VlUIIWii too ,nice words,'" answered Cbloe o al hung above bier. She saw bis iv uv ,. and added with an effort, - Let's o l O O O N fot talk about hljm tonight, Dad, A boY's voice said breathlesslv, hand's clench upon the arms 0f L ets be ery C h r st m a y !"L o o - b er 's a bic cle B e c h .th e w h e el c h a i r. T h e y u n g n u rse . If you h av e com m o n con - "A g red ." said H ow ell prom p t - i' i e e c a" m bgo k d at C l e a t f u stipation , due to lack of .y ~ ~ ~i ansptmisarnaouehr 'Ge Byugt ha cus 'pctn The whole room was waitirlc. bulk in the diet, harsh 'yand mautehyu wou.ldbeuexciter. Sandyolawst a bring you a btin'Merry. high of beart, grateful te purgatives dont get at the "Abit taybkno w ohat we I came cy c Dotyou knw'hes o a these two for the brightness. the cause of the trouble. Ofte:î bit o kow hatwhe I amecycl. Dn'tyoukno hes gt acolor that they lbad brough: itot eis eter oeakeanaetu ijust now it was snowing!" 'lot o' folks ta bring presents ta? duli. drab. routine-stagna:ed l:Ves. rai laxative food. Try reg- "Grand! The kiddies will adore How could hie buy you a bicycle" ,Scott couid flot rlse. Chloe. ular breakfasts of Kelîogg'. bhat! It çvas the final touch need- Gosh, they cost like any-thin'!" rwxitha udnlvyJm lsVAl-r.Itctisvt- ed tz) make Christmas perfect," derided another voice. lddn ov Lnd mulsi mil -Brn thcontin ia- said Chloe, and went ta the wvin- Long before seven-thirty every 'hand cupped bis face as ber tract's great tonic. And liw to look at the fat. silently seat in the hall was f illEd and 'mouth found and. for a bî'eatliless Ah-an r ovidtesoflk. lrifting white flakes that were people were standing at thse back. lecstatic moment dlune ta bis. She tens like a sponge, and 'apidly covering the ground with Yet the crowd parted, with littie feit the tremor that çped ever formas a ma3s that aids thin, frost-like film. Snow came exlamations of pleasure and sur- Scott. For a moment bis scun elisination., zeldom ta this sheltered, 1gentle prise as a tail young nurse, a dark arm went around hier. h&l hler.i Eat' this érunchy cereal climate and Chloe knew that the blue red-lined cape about bier And then she straigbtened. smil- every day, drink plenty of children would be beside them- shoulders powdered witb snow- ed down at bim, scarlet. lier eYesr ar ade oi Kelrgu- selves with delight. flakes, cme in, pushing a wheel:shining. There was a littile riPpe las"aebyelogn Dinner was served eary and ch~air before her. And in the wheel f laughter, applauze and the: London, Ontario. nmmediately afterwards the clos- Ichair sat Scott Kelvin, pale, butr moment w'as gone. But ChIcE ed car was brought around. Me- j wl th shining eyes, his darkly red knew tîîat never sa long as sbe, ~THE story of thse new v SlcLatigilin-Buick's outstancling engineering A Uvancements is plain ta sec in tise great nev. po-w'er of ils DYNAFLASH Engine - andth ie unequalleci comfort andi safetv of its revolutionary TORQUE-FREE Spninging. CUJ But thse matchîess value '\IcLaugilJin-Biiick b rings you naov is sometising you'Il neyer reallv realize until "ou measure all thse great tliings you get, against thse littie you pav. (TJ S0 -,%e ask you flot merely to compare thse comfort, the performance, tise style and safety of lthe new MNcLaugin-Buick..but lihe price tags, lao! Ylanv a buyer is paying more, andi getting less tisan MIcLauglilin-Buick offers-many an- other will be pleasantly surpnisedt ta earn that thse NlcLauglilin-Buick lie always w.anied is w..ell witisin his reacis. Cal! andi gelthtie facts todav'. No Other Car Can q MATCH THE VALUE Only McLaughIinBuick lias ail these advnc.d, proved feorures ... DYNAFLASH Valvein.Hed Straight Eight Engine . . .TORQUE.FREE Spring. ing . . . Tiptoe Hydraulic Bralces . . . Genuine KneeAction . .. Unisteel Turret Top Bodies with Fisher No. Draft Ventlaton ,..Auomatc Start- ig ... Safety glass ... Torque Tube Drive and Sealed Chassis. Nation.wicde Ports and Service organizatia,, alwaYttYourcomma,ndhe. Phone 25 10 1 -1. - 1- ý - ý 1- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1 eHo LSI Courtice ROY HIC