Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 10

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~- r THIE CAX.\DI.\X ST.\TESM \X. 8WAVL ONTA\RIO THURSDAY. FEBRC.\RX 3RD, 1938 The Newcastle Independent tolls. By far the argest revenue froîn any one source cones fom the J. Anderson Smith Co.. New castle. wvhich lias been gant eda private line for uts own use. Dur- ing the year l034 miles of new lines wvere built and 10¾4 miles 0f Mr. Doulas Turner. Oshawa, is il' by magic. Af er President Gar- ohd lines rebuilt. It is a principle assisting hiis cousin. M. A. W. net Riekard had exphained t.he of the company 10 neyer let the Pearce. on the farmi. ules and intricacies o! the game system deteioate and a large Mm. Nelson Parnal. Toronto, the onsiaught began. When the stock of poles. steel and copper vsited M. and Mrs. Wm. Pamnal. ast shot had been fired and the wire and equipment of all kinds M. Pamnal has been quite ill. ast count tabulated, Clarence is on hand and fully paid for to Mrs. W. J. Badd's group 0f the Oke. Bowmanvilhe. taking the part be used for genemal maintenance W. M. S. hield a quilting bee in of a lady. was declared winner of or in extending the system. the councih chamber Wednesday t.he ladys prize. and Harold Hoar Assets aftemnoon. winnem of the gent's prize. 138 miles of ine $16,698.00 Rev. W. J. H. Smythe. Port One of the highlights of the 363 telephiones and Ferry, was speaker at Durham eventing was presented in the f orni attachments . 8,825.00 Loge A. F. & A. M. on February 0f the "Union Paper," a master- Buihding supplies and lst. xhen be entertained the bre- piece 0f editorial excehlence of equipment . 3,847.00 thren with an account of bis trip which the editors may well be Rentals in arrears 480.25 to Ireland. proud. Hydro Bond 1000.00 "Pictures, Old and New,ý.'* a pantomime. under auspices of a The efficiency of the kitchen Bank bahance 47.43 group of the W. A.. wiUl be given staff was demonstrated in the $0876 in the S. S. Hall of Newcastle serving of sandwiches, cake and $0876 United Chumch on Friday, Febru- coffee to the satisfaction (om so Liabilities ary 18th. at. 8 p.m. Admission 25c we hope) of ahl Stock sold . $16,580.00 and 15c. Keep this date in mmnd. __________ Bills payable 1,000.00 151758.0 Anson Taylor. Member of the GOLDEN RULE $7500 Ontario Ohder Boys' Palanwnt Srls$13.317.68 for. West Durham. and his spont-, MISSION BAND Sups sor on the hustings. Arnold John- $30897.68 ston. visited the United Chumchb Golden Rule Mission Band met Total receipts were $8.775,08, Sunday School on Sunday and January 22nd. Yvonne M e g i t. an incmease of $H5J.25. Indluded gave a special talk 10 Stanley, read the scripture esson and in the expenditures weme $828,00 Rickamd's chass of boys and also Mrs. Geo. Wallon. Supt. heard for interest at 51,- on stock, addressed the whole school. All the members repeat the memory $897.36 for two new trucks, and were delighted to see and hear verse: Every good gif t and evemy 33206.40 for salaries. the young men f rom Cartwright. splendid gif t is fromt above and Report o! United Church con- cometh dowri from the father. I greg-ational meeting is on page 8. Collection was taken b y Eileen ______________ Aldread, and the offerlory prayer G IVING HABIT in unison was led by the leader.! FORMED IN YOUTH Y. P. U. STAGE Miss Marjory Lycett ead the ___ CROKINOLE PARTY wYorship story. After the installa- \t tire Unîited Churchi on Sundav lion service the new officers took î1~ii~ nmeso h on Wrtha whckin of nd acharge 0f the progmam and decid- w r.ing nion iroo hed attnd- Wit awhckngofdiscs n ed upon the project for 1938.' nin wo )erttnd clacking of tongues. the fîirst cro- Jean Gray gave a reading on ed divine service for 26 or miore kinole paty of the season spon- Temperance. Claire Mlin favor- Stundays in 1937 %vere p)resetited '.vtlr sored by the Young People and ed with a recilation, and Miss attendance award, Nf\r. J. W. beld in the Sunday School hall Marjory Lycett beld the atlen- Gienne,'. eider and mierer of tire went off with a bang. Wbihe the lion of al with the study story. Religious Education Commnittee. lre- incoming horde taxed the energies Vivian Megit gave a recitation serted vaitrabie books to Donald of our energetic treasurer at the 'and the members practised their ,jose ani Frarrcis -Jose who irad a door the committee in charge pro- ne%- band hymn and repeated the I(X) 1per cent. attendance record. duced twent3y tables and boards as missionary prayer for Miss Tait. Mm'ý. J. A. Butler of tire W. After the meeting was chosed the 1preserrted les. costlv ibooks to iecri members played games and had a .\li.Nildred Ailiri. Claire Allun. candy feed. Anrne Crvdernan, Harold Hoar. Mission Band officers for 1938: 1Frarrk Hoar and Ted Hoar xvho had LILIII res.-June Alin; Vice Pres- attended 75 p)er cen. or miore Sun- ANNUA flANCEF Buddy (Harold) Smith: Secretary (a\'.. - Olive McManus; Treasurer - \lrs. A. W. Gicirnev C.G.I.T. lead- of Yvonne Megit: Peace Sec'y.-Ju.ne r,. iîrýented hinrnaries to Juire AI- Van Dusen: Temp. Se'y.-Jean iii. Glernrin , Gordon I-anna arrd NO. 9 Gray: Mite Box Comm-NommaJanizîrror wit arr atteirdanîce Alidread. Yvonne Aldread: World iCimiîf5 lecntrrbte. Home & Sohool Club Friends Comm.-Eileen Alldread, e. S. 51)Iaeclent.r eearr ir Edna Kirkpatrick: Lookout Com. evS.Na.ai racdanl) to be held in -Yvonne Van Dusen. Neil Brit-lirrit ,mr. ton. Evelyn McManus: Press Sec. _______ -oha Cotter: Group Leaders- ewca~~eBarbara Bonathan and Francis One day a rch but miserly Jose. business man went to a minister. COMMUNITY HALL at 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. il lonI - - - - 50C - Cards Orchestra j ________________ .The minister led bim 10 the win- I dow. "Look out there." he said. ITELEPHONE CO. -and tell me what you see.' IANNUAL MEETING "People.' answered the ich mn I. Then the minister led him to a Annual meeting o! Port Hope m:rror. -What do you see now,' Telephone Co. ÎL, was held at he asked. **I see mysehf." answer- Newtonvilhe January 26th. with! ed the miser. Then the minister President S. N. Haskill in the said, -Behold - in the window chair. C. M. Jones, Manager, pre- theme is glass and in the mirror sented reports for 1937, signed by theme is glass. But the glass of the audilors, Cleland H. Lanle and the miror is covered with a litîle H. R. Pearce. Statements dis- 'silver, and no sooner is a litIle closed that the year had been a silver added than you cease 10 see most satisfactory one. Good ser- others and see only youself." vice had been mainlained. There , There is a moral in the above that hiad been an increase in mileage, could be accepled by many men and in receipts f rom rentals and in tIbis present day. End of Season Clearance Ladies' Coatsl The balance of Ladies' Coats reduced to prices that should clear every coat in the store. 2 ONLY LADIES' MIATS Regular $1195 On Sale ...... $6.95 2 ONLY LADIESý COATS Regular $13,50 On Sale...............$775 4 ONLY LADIES' COATS Regular $16.50 On Sale............... $8.95 1 LADIES' COAT Regular $19,50 On Sale..............$11.50 2 LADIES' COATS Regular $25,00 On Sale .............. $1495 2 LADIES' COATS Regular $29.50 On Sale .............. $16.50 Men's Coatsl Quality and style with these low prices i n Men's Overcoats make this the outstanding Coat Sale for this sea- son. -EVERY COAT MUST BE SOLD 4 MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular $14.50 On Sale............... $8.95 3 MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular $1950 On Sale............... $1295 4 MEN 'S OVERCOATS Regular $22.50 On Sale............... $1350 5 MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular $25.00 On Sale............... $15.50 1 MANS COAT Regular $29.00 On Sale............... $18.00 Arcade Store Bowmanville e e mising 3 years, Jet black, quiet. Would consider renewed dairY cow on exchange. Apply How- ard Gibson. phone 2482, Bow- manville. 5-1 "The abiding consciousness 0f %Tong-doing tends 10 de.stroy the bility to do ight."-Mary Baker Eddy. Washers For Sale Permanent Wavos THOR WASHER.S AND IRONERS I R I S BEAUTY SALON - TRY -New and used. priced to, suit our Specials on ahl Permanent every income. Canada's most Waves. $3.00 - $4.50; also Ma- popular washem - let il do youm' chineless at $5.50. Next door to hard work. Phone us now for Bowman House. 5-1* a free trial offer. Aiso several rebuilt Beatty coppem tub wash- Situations Vacant ers cheap. Easy terras to suit _________________ you. Your present washer tak-I en in as part payment. WNe re- RPRE OSN ES0 S,.... ........ 'new buildings, fires. new busi- ORONO NEWS Mrs. Elizabeth Searle is visiting, Mm. and Mrs, Dring at Raglan. Orono girls pmactised hockey Tuesday night. Ice cutting began this week. Miss Helen Spence bas return- 3ed 10 Toronto. Mr. E. Middleton has been as- sisting Orono Coal and Lumber Co. Mrs. E. R. Rainey is in Peter- )boro laking treatments. Mm. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough )visited Niagara Palls during the weekend and to>ok some marvel- Sous pictures of the bridge and iFalls. Mrs. Beamish is now making her home with the Misses Wad- Sdell. 1 Women's Missionary S oci et y met Tuesday afternoon. Devo- tional period was in charge of Mrs. Howard Walsh. It was de- cided 10 combine March meeting with the World's Day of Frayer service on Friday, March 4th. The Supply Secretary made an »appeal for clothing for the bale. Study Book Chapter on MinistmY 0f Healing wus pmesented hy Mms. J H. Osterhout and Mrs. L. Fra- lick. Presbyterial meeting reports were given by Mrs. M. H. Staples and Miss Davey. A piano duet by Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples was much enjoyed. About 25 girls from Orono and district gathered aI Mr. and Mms. W. Leaman's Friday night 10 honom Miss Marjorie Tennant prior to hem marriage, with a mis- cellaneous showem. From. a water- ing can, formed of tissue paper, streamers descended 10 a basket in which lay gif ts of linen. kitchen utensils. glassware, etc. The bride- to-be opened each in turn and thanked hem friends for their kind thoughts and gifts. The me- mainder of the evening was spent in games. A dainty lunch was served, aftem which ail departed wishing M1arjorie much happiness. A quiet but pmetty wedding took place Tuesday aflemnoon at three o'cdock at Port Ferry Churcb, the Rev. W. J. H. Smyth officiating. when Marjorie Tennant. daughter of Mm. A. Tennant. Leskard, be- came the bride of Homace Best. son of Mrs. H. Best of Omono. Mm. and Mrs. W. Leaman attend- ed the happy couple. The bride lcoked charming in a gown of blue sheer crepe and wome navy blue bat and shoes. Following the ceremony the happy couple left for Toronto. On their meturn they will live in the north part of Mm. Leaman's bouse. Park St. Church ke\. 1. H. O.terhout expre;sed iuîuist I r'a: 1beini., weii peased with the seay tie conlgregation,. choir anI orchestra tnrned onrt Siunday mnorn- ing, there heing a good attendance in sipite or î)a( roadsý. îad weather and icv sdwis He Ieft the last of tire .eries of serinons on the Lord', Praver for next Siînday and instcad gave an întercsting sypopsi; of aill previotis serinons in the -ýer- res. ciosing with an appropriatc The choir rendered the anthemn -Bicss the Lord," Misses K. Stark and MI. Stark and M. Siih taking tire dîrlet ini it. At the evening service the pastor eiarged ()on an idea rrieanied fromn Denton Nl\a.,sevsï taik onl the radlio in iîich he said what wvas needed was nifot isms hiit changed h lcarts. The conversions of Saul. Zachen. anl tire jailor of Patil and Sula., were liait w ith bý the p)asti r. Thre choir sang "Hoi e Thoti in .;,d with Mmi. Xcii F. P'orter and .N is NI'.rtie Smnith taking tire soli î)arts in tihe antheni. Thre ordination ani induiction of officiai., was left until next Sunday. Orange Celobration Orono will be honomed with an Omange celebration on July 121h this yeam if plans formulated at the annual county meeting are carried out. Nearly 50 representatives f rom Clarke and Cartwright districts met in the Orange Hall, Orono, Tuesday when the suggestion was presented. Il was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, the Police Trustees and the Memorial Park Board of Orono who offered any facilities they might have for he event. The oflicers accepted he invitation and il is hoped the plan will be carried out. Officers re-elected i n c 1 uad e M!aster, C. A. Brown. Orono; Dep. M1aster, Leslie Brooks, Tyrone; Chaplain, Rev. C. C. Ha.rcourt. Blackstock; Rec. Syretary, Neil PAGE TEX - Admis: Per Person- Refreshxnents Merrymakers Phone 854 to MARRAGE i ICOMNG -ENT 1d.L1o. .UII nesses and business removals. on n d slye Dntdea.See Stationery and postage sup- TAIT-CHESEBROUGH-At the Brotherhood of HamPton Cir- I. Wh'tfield now at Dustans plied. Interesting work f or cuitwil met i Zin CurchOfl Harwar. Pone774 spare time. Write now for par- United Church P a r s o n a g elTursday, Fmeb, 10, a 8 p.m. rco-_iHardware._Phone_774._ 5-1__ Thu____________10,____8______Pro- ticulars. MacLean Building Re- Wtby, on DesellOBreArthur7. 1937,T Le gram will be lantern slicles bymetT Lo ports, Ltd.. 345 Adelaide St. W., bE.Re.. RusslisO Brienlrthur ARe-tToronto, Ont. 5-1 Gerard Tait. sofl of Mi. and E .Smes giutrlR _______________ Mrs. John A. Tait, te Miss presentative. Speaker: Reg Ter- TO LET-POUR R.OOM APART-' Luella Merle Chesebrough , dau- e.BySotLaeOhw ment, ail modern conveniences,, edr ghter of Mrs. and the laie Mmr.ellectric stove and electric re- F. Chesebmough. 132 Eldon Av- Salesman Wanted frigerator. In Cowan Blo>ck. Tenders will be received up un- enue, Oshawa. Possession March lst. Phone tii 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday-*, __________________ MAN WANTED WITH CAR TO 870 Bowmanville. 5-1 Februa.ry 16th, 1938, for the gen-, handle guaranteed Quality Food ieral Irades, plumbing and heating and Medicinal Products direct TO LET-APARTMENT 0F FIVE and electric wiring. required for DEA HS o hmesin owmnvile nd rooms in the State.sman Block. the additions to Blackstock Con- i District. Write Wards Pro- Apply Geo. W. James. 2-tf, tinuation School, Blackstock, On- 7ASHTON-At Biackstock. on Jan-I ducts, John South, Hamilton. itario, by Mr. Joseph H. Forder, uary 28, 1938, Mary Elizabeth 4-2 M n anedSecrelary. Blackstock, Ontario. L Johns. beloved wife of Joseph ___Men_______________ Plans and specifications may be Ashton. in lier 7th year. In- LvsokFrS l seen at the office of the architeot, terment St. John's Cemetery, LvsokFrSl MEN WANTED! - IF YOU ARE -____ interested in becoming associa- and copies of same may be Blacksrock. FOR SALE - J ER S EY COW. ted with a large progressive, tained from him upon paying BRADLEY-On January l7th, at milking. can be registered, in mauatrn1ocr.then eoi f$5frec e Sumas, Wash., the home of his caîf te registerede bull. Apply write TODAY! Our 200 alimen- plans and specifications loaned. niece. Mrs. Dr. Sarvis (nee R. LeGresley, Newcastle. Phone tary-medicinal-toilet producîs This deposit will be returned when Dorothy Souch). Abraham Lin- Clarke 1130. 5-1* seli on sight. Big, quick profits: plans and specifications are re- coin Bradley, age 70 years. na-1 repeat orders. Equipment in- 1turned to the architect. tive of Damlington Township. FOR SALE -ONE GOOD ROAN! dispensable for country route. i Each tender to be accompanied Brother of Mrs. S. E. Souch, Shorthorn cow, 6 years old, te, Yeu pay cash for your goods., jby a marked check for 5% of Medicine Hat, Alla.. and Mrs. freshen about Feb. 10. Apply A.~ succeed or return them and gett amount of tender or by a bid Hanna Cole, Red Deer, Alla. H1. Keane. Phone Orono 51r3. credit. For complete particu-j bond. Burid a Mahla Ceetey. 5 ~lar an f ee ataogu wihou F. W. WARREN, Buried a MachlasCemeeolatioan: fre aIlogeX Cto., 570' chitect, COKWLL- nJauay 8tFOR SALE - 10 MONTH OLD St. Clement St., Montreal. 66 King St. E. 1938. at the residence of her Shàrthorn bull fromn R.O.P. cow. 5- Hamilton, Ont. 5- daughtem, Mrs. Oswald Pollard, Aise, grade Holstein cow, due 10to; _____________ 209 Concord Avenue. Toronto,! freshen. Apply C. A. BlanchardNoiet rd os Charlotte Remmer Coak w e 11, Phone 2231. 5-1l Porsonal________________ widow of the late George Coak- IN THE MATTER of the Estate well, in hem 861h year. Inter-1 Real Estato For Sale MEN! TO GET VIGOR, VITAL- of William Henry Pearn, late of ment Union Cemetery, Oshawa.! ity. try raw oyster invigorators the Town of Bowmanville in the FRY-In Bowmanville, Thursday, HOUSE FOR SALE - S O LI Di and other stimulants in New County of Durham, Esquire, de- January 271h, 1938, Beatrice brick house on Centre Street in OSTREX Tonic Tablets. TOne ceased. Marie, infant daughter of Mr. good locality, desirable home up womn, exhausted. weakened I NOTICE is hereby given pur- and Mrs. Ray Fry, age il wth modern conveniences, wilI [ system. If not delighted with Suant to Section forty-seven of months. Interment Bowmanville be sold very cheap tc, close up results. maker refunds price. the Trustees Act. R.S.O. 1927, Cemetery.an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman,1 $1.25. You risk nothing. Caîl. Chapter 150, that ail creditors and CeKey ing Street West, Bowmanville.: write Jury & LoveIl. 5-tf others having dlaims or demands SIMPSON-In Ottawa, Decemberl Phone 526. 40-tf' against the estate of the said 11, 1937. Matha King ,wife of'N tc oCeios Wlia er erwode Wm. Simpson. and siSter of the Chesterfield For Sale N tieno reotrrWilaot he Peamn h died late Hanna Mohun, fommerly of____________ ____ In the Estate of Charlotte Hicks, ofnryAbu 3. t the eihtenh d Bowmanvilie. Interment Bow- FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD, 6 deceased. 0on f Jnar.A D. 193. atethesid- manviIle Cemetery. Friday. Jan- f t., novelty rep, not soiled. $25 TAKE NOTICE that ail personLs ed on or before the ninett-)b uary 28th.1 or nearest offer. Phone 536 or having dlaims against the Estate day of February. A. D. 191 te1 STWAT- Caren Wed- write Box 54. Bowmanville. 5-1 of Charlotte Hicks, late of the send by post prepaid. or deliver, nesday, February 2, 1938, Albert 'Town of Bowmanville, in the t0 Lawrence Reid Pearn and Gla- Murray Stewart, beloved son of Poultry Wanted Counity 0f Durham, widow. de- dys Evelyn Gingeli at 648 Daven- Mr. and Mrs. Abert Stewart, i ceased, who died on or about the port Road, Toronto, the Execu- age 12 years. r POULTRY WANTED-HIGHEST 101h day of January, 1938, in the tors of the estate of the said de- Funeral frcm the family resi- prices paid. N. Lemberg, BrockTown of Bowmanville, are hereby ceased, their Christian names and dence, Lot 16. Con. 10, Clarke, Stieeî North. Whitby. 5-1 notified 1e send in 10 the under- Surnames. addresses and descrip- Fm:day, February 4th, at 1 p.m. signed, or bis Solicitor, on or be- tiens, full particulars in writing Ititerment Pontypool Cemetemy. Hay For Sale fore the 2lst day of February, of their dlaims, a statement of WIGHT-In ôýarlington, Monday, '1938, full particulars and proof of their accounts. the nature of the January 31, 1938, George Wight, FOR SALE -FI RST C LAS Stheir dlaims. Immediately after security. if any. held by them. age 84 years. Intemment Bow- Timcthy Hay. Apply Herb N. the last mentioned date the as- AND TAKE NOTICE that after manville Cemetery. Scott. R. R. 4, Bcwmanville. sets of the Estate will be distri- such last menticned date the said _____________________5-2* buted among the parties entitled eecutors will proceed to disîmi- thereto, having regard only to the bute the assets of the said estate lN ME ORAM I Miscellaneous dlaimis 0f which the Administra- among the parties entitled there- IN____MEMORIAM________tor shaîl at that lime have notice. 'to, having regard only to the WEST END GARAGE AND MA- Dated aI Bowmanville this 20th d caims of which t.hey shall then MAHOOD-In ever loving mem- chine Shop - We specialize in day of January, 1938. ýhave notice and that the said ex- ory of my dear grandfather. rnachinery epairs. general gar- John Wesley Jewell. ecutors will not be hiable for the JosphMaood wo ass aay age repairs, weldîng, towlng Bowmanvllle, isaid assets or any part themeof to February 7th, 1935.1 service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- by his Solicitor any person or persons of whose -Ever lovingly emembemed by prietor, Bowmanville. Ph o ne Lawmence C. Mason, dlaim notice shall not have been his grand-daughtem, E v e 1 y n i 781. 23-tf r Bwmanville. 3-3 received by them at the lime of Devitt. such distribution. WILSON - In memory of James Room and Board Marriage is not for those who: W. F. WARD, h E. Wilson who died January 21, cannot push a perambulator with- Soliciter for the said Executors. 1934. ýCOMFORTABLE R O OM A ND ou' feeling self-conscious. DATED at Bowmanville, On- -Ever emembered by Brothers' board. Apply Box 7, Bowman- A little commendatlion goes a tario, this twenty-ninth day of and Sisters. ville. 5-1' long, long way. January, A. D. 1938. 5-3

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