THURSDAY, OCTOBER 141H, 19.37 THE C.ANADI.AN STATESNI.AN. BO\VNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Enn Wheat, son, Rossa Wheat,( Ralph Lamr man Schmi Qats, S h ôats, Qu. Knapp, Ro. Barley, S Çd&McLat lirey, G May Gibbs, Etcher. - r Patatoes. Laughlin. Garrard, Ri Potatoes, Donald. Ra lor. Jack T Ensilage Alan Presfi Sveet C< Arthur E'e Elate Rahir Mangels Gibbs, 1Doni Lauglilin. Turnips Ray Rahnr Carl McLS1. Paranip-s- een Bradie! Beets - I Ferguson. Werry. Carrots - Samis. Wi Thompson. Onions - Ferguson, E Aster-E Partner, Ji R.ahm. Phlox-G' Bradley, A Knapp. Zinnias - Gardon SIE Alan Fergu., African '. Laughlin. 1% McLaughlin Verbena Breta Collai lin, Kennet) Gaillardia Pinks-Mi ton. Evelyn Scabiosa R.ahm, Lloy Pie Pump Joyce Wood Roy Grahar Squash-« cutt, Glac Waodley. Snapdrag< Dora Shani rence Tabb. Nasturtiui Donald Ferg Alice Partnr Cockerel, Jean Knapl McLaughlin. Pullet. P. Jean Knapl Smith. Cockerel. Rosa Ashtoi een Bradley Pullet. W. Roti .Sîmpsoi rl. Dra: eti!Màshm.' Cal!, Beef ilanti iamil% visitcd('.\Ir. anid Mrs! T. Ashitol's. .\tlm.. un snn<flax.%. r. anti-Nifrs. L. Grahiam antd S- rr'\ t, re port that MIr. E. fanîlie isited t '\1Mr, C.. s tt c ii s il kile F irNrý. C.i Senrt sivm nd f r.BBnrketon.IC iisklle Fay ~Smithi, Gordon Slemon, Wes- Scorgie, Keîth Crago, Edward C. Wiliam Rundle, Aithu. Sca isC We nVi\hW Lrnr.Buktn r nt AT O N LAPORUS RR LeyS C H O O L FA IRSt. '.\r iitetî recnIvh ijielni: Nlr. an'd Ir.H, Anton,1:XecIr VcK ua.n-uba Shea -MrieThop- ukSamBonk !i' sagrvc.N'lr s A. eadandClaton 'Msr a.fandrps pClab ntonc MarktaLab, MarorWetThom1p-rnpMarketi AdaabJhnEleCoor Wether-reneTurni ps-Pr un ,Jel ses AeaingilJohns-Coat Hanger-Clarenctee\ston Ashton, Marie Ashton. Lloyd Skinner, Gordon Siemon. Morton, B ily Skelding, George Stackaruk, EdlirdC. Ri- îre eeig o hnr \ Fredabirawddv atned the Ashton- ~each nostril at chest, and back Quart - Donald Lamb, Best broken and exliited colt. Parsn ps-Bert Snowden, May vett. Ià vening with Nliss Normia Hooe ~sbr edn nSîra v idar,ý Scripttnre reading was ening at the home of the bride's par- the Rirst sneee a etime b. Lloyd Sknner, Her- cal! and lamb-W alter Ormiston, W right.M etelBz eck r k aenl &rWT alv: Ms oev eî r ad Ms . etuy eaf--Gordon Bimn ro lemon Lloyd Skinner.!BEet---Fas Found AvinMe Rope Halter-Edward C. Rivett. t0ok tht- toîîic: Rb alvgv Toronto. uat-eretkeJenerlenR. mca!ken3 anJean nW eJak eaceBul eakati, ar ratinead azl ideai eBtillr.Godo Cwing Dxi, ist- B as Ashton. Spy Apples-Ross Ashton, Shir- Power. don Truil. tu- andchilr e a ctvus e irat home.CwinDxevst Sheaf-Gordon Slemon. ley Stark, Marie Ashton, B.Colla- ,Carro-s-Ernie Hanexick. Rosie Swinging Wren House - S i m'Nthe Daxi. Ovur angd Bin Beli CnaaitomFulto Mr.ofth andin acag .ughlin. cutt. Snudden. Stewart Jarvie.! Penfounti, Edward C. Rivett. i ctheîlai EIlu hra adIBue els Cns asuit sTo \r . ondther r _____________________________________ Quart - Lloyd Skinner. Snow Apples - Marie Ashton.'Gibson. Cleto 0AiasCrs Ot Ar TomsoArol Lod Skinner, Ross Ashton, June nn o isn ieCmbl.Boks Pearce. cln.cit arae ArthTcn. snHArndadScorgie. Harold Stevens. Doris Stevens. ______________ rNir, and i Nrs. T. \Vagg andiMr nOtoe l lzaehJtxJW. ODeli; W.A.. .H Mrn DooeysHaoldMc schto Apls-ave ar-Pefud inaSGordon eteaf Collection - 15 Weeds-Audrev S LEgarut. Turonto, visitet i at\Ir. L. Spear, relict of the late William ing: R.S.. H. J. Wery ... PiIupi--odnMtaf Greenliam, Fay Founti. GSaLEM Spear, age 62 years. James B:ngham: F.S..S .Hn Jean Knapp. Bruce ner. Lloyd Skinner, Margaret L;l.llan Encivden. Harod Stevens.' Scrap Book - Lucilie Wade. ________________ Nu... Lorna Thoînp..sii tn.Tontt, Despite bad weather Bowman- iy; Chap.. W. E. Polad o. Luby McLaughlin. Smith. Marie Ashton. Elr:e Vetzal. MraetC pbi i..iîet ai hr,îtc. viUle Fair was a big success. The F. Hancock: A.C.. S. J aaig 1. C.-Catherine Mac- Tomatoes-Marie Ashton. Helen ' Squqh-Catharine Minto. Lor- Agric. Note Book - Li Iian f itr11nn. ilînaînnîs Nie. ant n \ . AG(iltier... Bow- inuniber of entries in the differen: ton; I.S.. T. T. JardieOS,. lph Knapp. Jean Tay- Rahm. Lloyd Skinner. Shirley sne Wh:te. Jack Pearce. Georgýe Snowden. Catharine Minto. n . ilr n' ,iituI in ARU. \ninîu visiteti ai NIe. 1). ;aam.classes were: Horses 223. cattie Pollard: P.W.P.. T. Cepr aylor. Garrard. Ozýb,- ne. Collection - Ground Hog Tails \ N.îci uýuTllii,îk!i\iin ig Nii>s.e.s Ursul andi Rlith MIcNcil. 102, sheep 92, swine 39. poultt: o:n:M.JodnVaNs' Cn- saAtn. Plate of Plums-Marie Ashton. Asters - Bert Sncwden. John -John Pearce 35, Murray Os- en. ueSnii,, i irn rTito.N'Ir. andi'\Ir,.. 1). Bothîweil, 197, pigeons 42. implements and nti hm i eryc ton. -Griffin. Jean Morticn. Joce ~Lowe, Stanley borne 15, Edward C. Rivet.t 6. nt.îiCr ii.r.xeenNr omitPttvli saa is- carniages 36, dairy produce 58.1fC oe snal omltt n Rosa Ashton. Celia 1 i ï',,l;%eel-M .Nri.1i ,'lwel saw ,%il eoeoftef 'e nwe.ALittle Bird- Betty A n t il1. ii,()i,-tl. 11.( r lrý- tt Ne . iNil. seeds 70, fruit 429, vegetables 226,wl eoeo h ieteiie oin -H, Partner,' Knapp. Snowden. - i,.i.i. iirtd at I .A .INi in the district. her. Blanche Preston. Paeo sott ri-ese Phk:x-Marion FoleY. Bob Ben- Douglas Wilson. Christena Camp- 1:t i. I;Itckîîîirîî. wiît h Ni îtîtanadtti il...C'race Trewvii. Trrîrîtt. i, planta and flowers 133, ladies' - Ray Smith. M a y Hilîs. Ralph Hilîs. June Ashton. Y~. Dccrcen Jeffer-y. Marilyn Run- bell. Bob Vinson. pr..eli r- rNact.Fîl call t i.itiitg at holii. work 217, art 50, domestic manu--________ aIdLabHaoli c-Jean Crossman. . The Sunbeam - Dora Taylor. - w x.rîtuii xihve. Ne ut i...F.CoNiiigandtIl facture 172, discretionary total BranDat Bas-Oivestrng. Zinnias -Aud:ey Greenham. Audrey Phair. May Wright, Lor- rt ..riptrt. Nr. . iittier\. h I a>' îrc, i.ii I r R ie r 2.133. The gate receipts were Jean McLaughlin. Lorna Rahm, Marie Ashton. June$76,a~ ereaane Janmes M nE Wavdelit. FayFoun. n an H t. lrrk cî;- etr lte îrirriOsN-l..on any former year. n, Ruby McLaughlin. Ashton. , n : ,-er.IdinSmer-Ll ian Os- n lts nil: nOtbr tPor EE ,f:an Ma-.y,rld-Elen Aber-' borne. Josephine Courtice. J )Y jitir.iij tiittaiiitie nil:O cehr6h lr EEE ugllin. Chocolate Brownies - Yvonne ne'hy. Bcb Muir. Catherine 'Mi nto. ColLiss, Wiima Neh.Stî.ti.Nr.Jj ence, the daughter of Mr. and -Gado Simo, il-Bym. ere ke.Maie hop- Verbena - J o y c e Abernethy. Book Houses-J. J. G. Pearce. r, lt.~ ~tî ~ ~ I WEDDING 1I1Mrs. Douglass, died o! the croup.,ac '. oronTalo. ,on. Greta Wilkins. Herman Robinson. Doreen Phair. 1' trnvi -ir !t eYttt-*______________~ aged 7 years. Mr. David Beath Clock and Ruthwreneton. R o y Lca! Cake-Jean Knapp. Aleen Gaillardia - Wilma MarshalMro Foley. il. Ashton-Westbun- has removed to the township o!fe er RyRahm. Jean Crossaman, Catherine 3rd. Doris Stevens 4*:h. June - John Riznek. Lillian Omthteheinusie paruiiattir silo. Nil....; Mr.Jas -nired Traiey na lend pePeJn sto.Ja ng gnDooh nwe.Wd.correnhes: ruadîw.. i...B Ctrents ;vas the acene o! a very pret- Stark can now explain in the ian- Exclusive Agentfo GlnKnapp. Ruby Bailey, Merle* Oke. Pearl Collacutt. Lillian Snowden, I Eephant-Bob Vinson, Williami...H.Barrie aitinie.r*F.'Doicig 9th, 1edding on ar ay.Otober rIguage fahe ouet i'm bab dady.Bulova Watce May Wright. Rundle, Murray Osborne, Lloyd AC(Ie.rt it rraiigctl rvlt(-leaude 'Y atuth, 1937 . nd MrMantilda.I hae: a r. u ay boy." Canada's StandardTi e -Dora Shantz, Donald Maple Cream - Jean Knapp. Na sturtium - Phyllis Adams. 1Winacott. ttrreiaItte citr.. tentialîcu 2c agtro r n r.EnstIToe n .C asoes The Largest Stock fGf UlnSmith. Jean Crosaman, Ruby McLaugh- Daisy Gibson, Shirley Antil. Two Trilliums -Audrey Phair. Nisitue; 2. Wburo! o rno son ome h r mling Treone islin ow-i erhnis nB dit Wodey.Maio li. rea Cllcut.Cockerel. B. P. R-John Mor- Bennie Hanewick, Helen Snudden.' Tltaiiksgziiug Vi..ilrrs: and Mns. Henry Ashton, Haydon. manville. ..Following are the Phone 463 K igSre rim McLaughlin, Ray Pencil Case-June Ashton, Lor- ton. George Osborne, William Belford Panke.Nr tiNe.G.icati. s. The bride. who was given in officers o! Tyrone Division: W.P., lay egsn ienMcLaughlin. Pullet. B. P. R.-Loraine Tink, Wilma Scargie. Josephine Cour-! tilan Preston, J e a n Doll's Print Apron-Merle Oke, LeI.nore Collacutt, Pearl Collacutt.; tice, Stewart Jarvie. tiar Torontto. with ieI. andtiMNrs. gown o! midnight blue velvet, cut - Harld MLaug l Eelyn Virtue. Marie Thompson. Murray Osborne. r Calendar - Dorothy Snawden « itRchrs.-lîu u; uai iti o uteiues . wîmtch hat Fanc ac ýeoDonald Samtis. Clothes-Pin Apron - Ruby Mc- Ccckerel W. L.-C a t h a r i n e Marion Foley, Pearl Collacutt. n i N iat Bulb parentr rettre I _t T-esorstta ma fhMss r ane emon, ~Laughlin, Jean Knapp. J e a n Minto. Ray Munday, Bob Muir,1 J. G. Pearce. rttttii ieriaeî fe tet etuy h ado oo n \ioldAdenc.rasa.MyGbs Jc udy ping acn-ataie it. ie w fs wecks hidav. sister o! the bride. wore a gown son.n a ibs akMnay pigSee-ahrn it o! pale blue taffeta with navy ac- Marigodare Sit. ean RpeHlerCMeM-ugl Pullet, W. L. -Phyllis Trimble,. Geo. Wright, Peter Kichko, L'. 'Ir. aitl fNIr... F. Hiirst andt faîn- cessories. The groom was attend- GagrtSmtJ a ron SHleon.Art TLahompsn a udy oi tees Nier,anti M\iss MNltv. Toronto. ýed b is brother. Mr. Fred Ash-TH Y L BE WA M iJames Graham. Gro SaiAr hmpood Stevens. Humanity ta Animals-Cathar- %with Mr. and NIers. H. (Gaut. r ton. and Mrss.SteensArthur Read, sisterE WARM -Blanche P r e S t o n,I Harold McLaughlin. tnadMs rhrRasse cot. Ralh MLauh- Swigin Wen ous-Grdo tColt. Draft-Bob Henry. mne Minto, Margaret Campbell. N... C. Pt.rlarti iTorrontto. !o! the groom, supplied the wed- hctt RalhLuh - .Simn. DoWndSams. oDonld Cal!. Beef-Margaret Campbell. Esther Barnett. Miss Goodfeiiuîw, Torontto. iwith ding music. L-MRani h ompsn. ergun, Conlarence Truem an. d Cal!. Dairy Heifer - Gardon 1 Weed Naming Contest - Eddie! her atînt, Nies. J. Irwin anti fanmiit. Foointhcee nyadm erleOke Ruh Pes- Colleta 10WdAnmi- TrulI. Wilma Scorgie. Glen Met-!i Rivett. Lucille Wade, Dorothy Nief . Rogers. Torro a litou-1 ty buffet luncheon was served. Ash Oe ut re- eton.10Cel Aniais Ral1 cal!. Lenare Callacutt. Snowden, Pearl Collacut.t. dat visitor wiîlî ii..att anti tîîcie, For travelling the bride wore a 1- > Virtue, Isabelle Rahm. Marie Audrn, eMllaghin alh Market Lamb, Ewe or Wether- School Chorus Sînging - S. Si. atiNe.L qae aykitdsi n utca -~~~~~ RapRuIAtenKap Hilda Scorgie. Nos. 3, 4, 6, 8.,k1 Nie. Rogers lias juts retteneti fromi with navy accessories. Mn. and d Skinner.Colcin1 Wed -Rod Best broken and exhibited colt. Mouth Ongan-Bîll StackarKtte ..rctic wliere he lias heurt engag-r Mrs. Ashton will reside in To- ýkin - Archie McNeil. Simpson, Keith Ferguson, Mariei cal! and lamb - Wilma Scargie. Rosa Metcalf, Ken. Power. di ecrhwr-frteps ot lle, ermn chmdTapo.Dnl ai. Margaret Campbell, Lenare Colla- Physical Culture-S. S. Nos. 3.cdiireearh wr ortepstrna eaPat Cosy-Ruby McLaugh- cutt, Gordon TruIl. 4, 6, 8.ttc ots Jean Knapp, B. Colla- lin. June Ashtan, Merle Oke, Jean Susy Applea - Jahn M onrt on. PuleSakn-ie Bu- Hropeshvbe rctdfrITeDmadDsat dy FrDonald b rosmn.the wiring of the chiiecitandi coi- n TeDn n itn lys ergson Edib Coasan.Pearl Collacutt, Sim Penfound, champ. Lillian Snowdn 15" Pointen-Ralph Knapp, Jim'Lamne Pen!ound. Metcal!. pieini xett on ast ,on - Lloyd Preston. McLaughlun, Carl McLaughiin. Snýow Apples - John Morton, Recitation-Joseph.ine Courtice. The correspondent wishes to miake ____ z, Jean Knapp, Lawr- Coat Hanger-Donald Ferguson, Marion Foley, Jack Munday, Ray Fay Pound, Mildred Metcalf. a correction it ait iteitt cf hast weels <Contirîued PFrom Page Two) Keith Fergusan, Rad Simpson. na. Doris Stevens. news owiiîg to heing iisinformei in with an authorized capital o!f ~ . tn -Archie McNeil, Milk Stool - James Graham, Mnay. ppeson Morton. Feathered Pet-Harold Stevens. regard to the Cooper-Wiiiis wedding $100.000. Satunday Night.. which 5 ,uson, Florence Rahm, Donald McLaughlin, Glen Thamp-_ Howard Brown, Harold Stevens. Loryne White, Harold Snudden , ai Toronto, reccntiv. M\iss Cooper daca not hesitate ta turn down B. . sn G.RySih ca ork aron Patner. Jack Munday. Gordon TrulI. 'ltva; nanteti as the -daughiter of Nie. wildcat achemes. evidently thinka I B. P R.-oy Sith Scrp Bok-MrionParter. Tomatoes-John Morton, Keirh Furred Pet - Wilma Scorgie. 1Citas. Cooper, once a resident of that Bowmanvilles ail f ields will p, Ralph Knapp, Jean Agric. Note Book - Ruby Me- Crago, Cathanine Minto, Velma Howard Brown, Edward C. Rivett.; Salem, iîtsteati of aitoîter Nilsi prove a paying proposition. 1.Laughlin, Jean Knapp. Catherine Crago. Christine Campbell. Cooper tuho has aiwaŽ s been a To-: George A. Stephens, The Milîs. R.-Jean McLaughlin MacDonald, Ruby Gniffin. Plate of Plums-Hilda Scongie. Biscuits-Loraine Tink, Marion roittonlian.. had a valuable mare and colt ýp Ralph Knapp, Roy Collection o! Ground Hog Tails John Morton, Dorothy Snowden. Foley, Margaret Campbell. ' Me. andi Mes. Tîlti Cator antd stui, killed on the C.N.R. track by a -Alan Brown 62, WaUlace Griffin Plate of Assorted Fruit -Jack Cakes-Marilyn Rundle, Gwen Raipît. Toronito titre itoliday vi.sitors passenger train. Mr. Stephens W. L.-Rad Simpson. 45. Harold McL4ughlin 43,. Harvey Pearce. William Rundle, Edward Osborne, Fay Pound. with is pi îarenttsNie. aittiNiers. F.1 re!used an offer o! $400 for the n. Marie Ashton, Eil- Partner 37, Jit McLaughlin 32, C, Rivett. Marion Foley. _______mae,_andthcolt___e_______a . - aiCstn ard 29. Weleilîs 28, Ray b- Bran Date Bars - Christena Nies. F. Cator visiteti Ret. F. S. $200. n. RosareAshon. ,Smith 18, Wasler iston28 , yCampbell, Gwen Osborne, Doreen andET N JsîtirMs. Howard, NetvcastIc. tvho His many fnienda in this vicin- m.t-oesle HAshton l-Smrthur8 E ter 7. Garon S 1emnJeffery, Loraine Tink. 13UR ETONtave bhertquite il], aiso 'Ie. aiti Nies. ity wull sympathize with Mr. Joe tWsle OrmISn. -12.tDonald amb1, rton lmp- Chacolate Brownies - Marion leParîtali of Newcastle. Osborne. editor and proprietor o!f ~ AC t etyu ! Foley, Fay Faund. Hilda Scorgie, Receit VNisitors: Nirs. Hall visitcîl frienis it To- i the Fort Francis Times, whose o!- f-Wm. Lloyd Skinner, son 6. Audrey Greenham. Nier. andtiNies. C. Raintantt Bett.y, roîtto. . fice. plant and paper stock were homne adequatslv, sa.foly, _____________ A Little Bird-Margaret Smith, Loaf Cake - Ruth Pen!ound. \\estutiîie r.antt Nies. WV. Cochrante, Nie. W. Wood antt faitti]\, New- entirEl1y destrayed by fire durinr . conomnically. Produceafin Walac GiflnIsbele ah, argaret Campbell, Phyllis Trim- an 'nldNissu ernaCci ..S .a heavy thunder and bnac o tay Ruth Preston. at atiaî s ra Ot ovle iie iiîtcue ant i rt. Storm. hotfi.esl euae The Sunbeamn - Babbie Burr. ble. Catharine Minto. r ralie, Botvnianvilie, Nies. J. Stark aitt Nie. antti Nies. W.. G. Corîtisut on t _____________________ Ivan Sharpe. Donald Lamb. Rayi Apple Pie-Greta Wilkins, Ca- Grace, Enîfiehi, NMiss Jaîte Cocui- Suîîdav. ho.Lsss og o Smith. thanine Minto, Fay Found, Ruth raiic, Union,. Nie. aitiNieMs. C. RahtmNie. Coeîtish. Totwn, speititute FIFTY VEARS _______ lad. i light and clean ta handi.e IL n ume-oraRamFMe Cund.Wilkin, Cah-aitdiiantliiy antdNie. N. Hiîtisoît, day witit itis parents. From The Canadian Statesman, -anYou ves oriiileu sh a~s Shrp JMaphtnlJanr e oCy rea-Faylkin, a- Pctehoro, tvitlt Nie. aitti ies. W. H. ________________ October 12, 1887 - Hdbae L l. i in t i fg'Bo Houses-Donald Ferguson. areni Case-Christena Camp- NiatNesJ.iLaghîttit HAYDON There is something wrong with wihti ut«,* NiedPrstnaMeletti en '\ Nie 1Ms. R. NcLaighiiiîi, En- _________________ arelcne tet ihtsael. Canadiax CI Cok.. LloydPrson. Mre k, e-bell, Marilyn Rundle, Dorothy fieî 0iorecti re lgslal June - Dra Shans, Blanhe DoîlNearly every evening one or more Oce fonyour localo m ne - Dutaon. RuBylan!-higisWem crie i I r is. H. Hoskiit anttifat- On Nittia', itîglitî a citaravari ta-. o! the lamps goe out and remains HAMCO delr - ho deserves ~MLO ~C iber is, by many Pfesn. anKnrsSnawden, Hilda Scargie, Greta . aitiNies. 'F\. Hskit, theit h ootr. afdthe itswedshatout for an haur or more, juat in Vour fuel businessHAITNCN considered ta be Solitary Reaper - Dorothea L. Wilkins, Ruth Snudden. Osae.Ne it is i ur h an fM.atiNe.H.s- 'the busiest part o! the evening. toie ont i Hal.Clothes-Pin Apron - Catharine adit n igî, Ennisli'MNi. antti Ies, toit wtere a treat givenItli the bride Mrs. S. Mason Sr. a.nd Miss - Sold By - ta do mots e ehn in Masalla.ll Minto. Margaret Campbell, Ruth L. Hoskin anti Nitreay, 'Coluîmbus. antd groomi as eîtjoyeti by al]. Neada went ta Gananoque yester- Rahm, GeorgEephntina strang, aîace Pen!aund, Eveline Gibson. witit Nie. ant i NIs. W. N. Hoskiit Nies. G. Piper ait tiigtee. Bow- : day as a deputatian fromt the W. IIPA D &GL U B R C .L D painting. Cam eorija togWalc Tea Pot Cosy-Catharine Min- on Sunday. rtîîih. visiteti Nie. aitiNieMs. \V. C.T. U. o! this town ta attend. S E P R ILL M O Griffin, ClaGriffin. ta, Margaret Campbell. Rev. and Nies. J. Phip, Cahgary, Britigett. Ithe annual convention. give you an, es- Ro Trllliums - Ivan Sharp. Plasticine Madel o! Rabbit- visiteti wit N.Ie, anti Nis. Roht. Nie, anti ie.'\Vnîbees, N.\r1 Birth: Knapp - In Cartwright, MRS. MABEL WILKINS on pantin you RoySmith, Donald Lamb, Bobbie Harold Stevens, Harry Snawden, Phihp. n Is .Aho n ae \r o coe tt h feo r rurr ad aeit CtadDgJmMLul. Lloyd Winacott, Ernie Hanewuck. Nie r anti Nies. E. Cochrante antt anti Mes. Lonis AshtonN.Ire Brt l Daniel KnaPP, a daughter. 1ISS NH M O-C N D ý IE Lyond haveo it- Cal ndD-i McLaughlin, Rap np, 15" Pointer - Lore Pen!ound, famîl',\Ieanti Niers. 1. Cochrane \Ashton, Toronttot isitet ai 'Ie. H. Death: Spear- In Bowmanville the winter wea- Lamna Rahm._____________ Calendar-Peanl White, Glaclys Fergusan, Clarence Trueman,- 1048 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA 1048 Mary Adamns. Spring Scene - Jean Knapp. Ruby McLaughlin, Dora ShantznP . A ~ L Harold MeLaughlin. Pay the regula,-PyUc ro Aberflethy DorotheaHElin Orstadgl.anr, M o le Rrice for one article er&DcrtrWeed Naming Contest-Donald and e nte n ALadgel another ont ;r&Dcrtr Samis, -Ruby Griffin, Jean Knapp I jusi lUke il for only Jusf like il for only 31 Bowmanville Donald Fergusan. ON CN ONE CENT Live Stock Judging Contest- O NEoENT ______________,Gardon Slemon. Bruce Ganrard.t _____________ We leyHii, oal- ams 5-Bx.-5 Tb Keeos Flesh On! Here, Mother, la the S-a-f-e Way ta keep fiesh ont eacing, ramping, never-stili youngsters! Our Extra Richt Nlihk builits np F an sd nuscie whihc Iayintg- i':.h Ani aur Pasteurizatian sC'¶ hatne ISintI caticreep imb titis fine fluiti FOOD!Its the richest, the safest - the best, you cati but i Bowmanvil le Dairy Phone 703 or 446 Maple Grove Fair Wheat, Sheaf-QGordon Truil. Wheat, Quart-Bob Muin, Mari- lyn Ru.ndle, Clarence Higgins. Gordon Tnull. Qats, Sheaf-Eveline Gibson. Oats, Quart - Bill Stackaruk, Alvin Metcalf, Murray Osborne, Edwand C. Rivett. Barley, Shea!-Daisy Gibson. Barley, Quart-Bill Stackaruk, George Stackaruk. Patataes. 1. C.-Audney Green- ham, Doris Stevens, Jean Antil, Joan AntiL. Poiatoes. Daoleys -John Mon- ton, Eveline Gibson, Chriatine Campbell, Stewart Jarvie. Ensilage Con-$ama Pen!aund, Doris Stevens, Murray Osborne. Sweet Corn - Hanry Snowden, Stanley Snowden. Mangels-Bob Muir, W il ma 'c 'c 'K uevoueir mu maa mma z West Durham's Biggest Shopping Eveat Hundredsof Items to Choose From JURY & LOVELL Bo wman ville Phone 778 ¶uc~~e -1048 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA 1048 Septem people, the ci which house 1 Let us timateg propert put inc stand 1 ther. J. H. Paintq Phone 43 SPECIAL Two 4 x 6 Mounted ENLARGEMENTS During This Sale Onlyc Ideal Christmas IGifts 2 1 When .We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1937 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO .ik 1