Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1937, p. 5

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I e THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN', BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SPORT NEWS~ Ifîst and Don Masol is hobbling a Otsround on a swollen. knee. K mble Brick and Bouqets re-înjured bis shoulder but that s i Br NlsoandE Oborqne pas on andt Ifk ban dlaye in aois enough ta go out ta practice minus !$e ighSchol Jnio ruby-few fierce tackles witbout risking got their 1937 baptismal on Sat- injury, he neecis the attention of a urlay and baweci 10 the Cobourg mental. dactor. by a 12 to 0 score. While WL - .an't see the game, reports have it that the B.H.S. team gave a verv Sgood display and Coach jim Davis is confident that the Red and Black will have mucb to say about who wîns the group title. Davis ivas flot impressed witb the Officiating and fromn the look of some of the local lads lie bas a rea- son for biis opinion. Sandv Colville came out of tbi.. fray witb a badly marked face, £1 e resul of a fl'I ng I tsTimne . I To Orde.' COAL!e Cold weather is just around the corner.. soon yau will be need- ing heat. Use coal this winter for perfect com- fort . . . it's bath eco- nomical and efficient. Get quality coal from Knight 's Fuels today! Knigt's%ç Fuels Phone 448 Bownianvîlle It was the faciaI given Colville that really aroused Davis. But what hie did flot know was that it is an old Cobourg custom to give the works to anyone that is vounger or smaller or more inexperienced than the County towners. Are we right Ernie? Tallkîng to the ex-Queens stalwart Saturday nlight. hie told us that lie was ticklesl ssith the way the youing- sters kept battling despite the wvay they were outweighted and lacked the experience of tlieir opponents. He seas imnpresse(l by the performances of Mason and Colville amd a cul more. StilI quoting Davis, the B.H. S.'ers ssere llivsical inicapable tof prvventiing tie two touclbdowssu scor- efd by the Cohiurgers as tlieir ptowser h tu.se aitacks \vcre tû)o imuicl for tic ligitc r visitors. This weekli e juniors go to Lindsay for thec first gaine of the reenitlar Mielîcle aili e restit of thiis gaine Nviil give uis a better idea as to tlhir chances of wining tic lotup. Soteow tlîat Qtn enis-%Va rsit\v strugie at Toronto looks awfuillNv go(t(l fotr Satturdavi. Looling over tbe resits of thîe fiei(î day at Uxlbridge last weeck it secmns tbat on]%- the Juniior hovs bieid up thc Bowînauivilie end. Thev scor- cd 24 points ont of a possible 43 but at the sanie time \Vbithy scored 29 points. 54 points Nvecasvar(le(liin the junior section but as, a schooi iniay bave onlv two entries iniaan evcîît. five points for cacb contest is the possible. The onlv point tbat Bnwnanville or WVitby rmissed ini tbe junior Boys' class svas tird in James Marr JEWELER Expert Wateh Clock and Jewelry Repairs Exclusive Agent for Bulova Watches rCanada's Standard of Time. The Largest Stock of Gift Merchandise in Bowmanville -Phone 463 --King Street Congratulationîs ta tlîe follosiiig Cartwvrighît teaclier.,ss ivh ere stic- ccssft inii passiîîg Simuumier Sclîoal eximuiiiiatiaiiîs:-5thiss Helemu Fowler, agriculture ' Miss Aileemi Des itt. agriculture :Mi5DorotlisStevenîs, agriculture, Nr. Lorîîe WVaiînaui. agriculture. at O.A.C. Guelphu. M iss Sîîsic \VaiCaiuip, FrenîchuCompilosition at Quecms Uiviersity Cuîucr Sciiooi. Nlis. Norîuua Hoocv Eîîglislî 3 amid Hitr 3 at Qileumis Uili\-crsit\-, amud N.I r. M.\erle Tlioiîusomu, lie Educatiomu jcturse at Queemîs Uiis r.,it. ýI r. anîd Nftrs. mWin. tliatiiaitand .\mîîî isittîl NIfr. andI NI rs. G. Stroîîg. 'Ir. and( Mtrs. O. Graiiaiui amnd Alma i. iited on Suiidax ivith Ni r. anmd NlIrs. J. Eigisii. .Nir. anmd Irs. L. Nltuitj os, Mrs. Henrs and(1 NIrs. J. Englisli visitc(1 MNr. anîd Mrs. M~sc.Nontgoniers, Limilsa "s. amud Nrs. Jas. Strommg., Mrs. O. Carley, Cavamu, visited Mrs. S. Svïain ami SumidlaN. Mr. anditl Mrs. D. \V. \Valton and famnly, Toronto, Mrs. M. Webbm.r, Bowmniville, '.\r. and MIrs. J. For- der sud famuily visitel ami Suiidav wi'h Mr. and MIrs. J. \V. Bradburîî. .Mr. and Nfrs. Robt. Prestonu, Ruth andi Maurice sisiteci'.\r. anud 1Mrs. A. Larmer. Tlîe annual beef ring meetinug of Cartwright will be helci in the Com- muiity Hall, on Saturday, October 9th at 8 p.m.% Mr. W. Swain, Timmimus, is visit- ing witb M.\rs. S. Swain. Mr. andi Mrs. T. Smith, Mr. andc 1irs. P. Edgerton, 'Mrs. S. Sander- son aîîd Mrs. H. Sandersomi, Mr. aiîd Mrs. H. Beacock, Mr. andîc.I rs. R. McGill ivere in Cameron, attending the fuîieral of the late 'Mr. Charles Hooey. XVord ivas receiseci îlat Mr. amud Mrs. N. 'Marlow liaci arrived at Vani- catiser. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stomebt n id J une, Oshaswa, visitcd ami Stimulas %viîb Nr. and Mrs. Rtîbt. Hamilto. .\Ir. and Mns. F. .A. Bailey aînd Mir. and NMrs. A. L. Bailev ivere iii Elmira amuI Waterloo, over the sec- endl. Opemiîg meetinîg of tlue XV.A. ivas hlcî at boîue of Mrs. C. Smnith, on Tbtîrsday eveiing, Seîtemnben 30mb. Report of Dioscesan Board was gis'- eni by NMrs. H. Bailey. RoIl calivas aîiswered witb gifts for the fal bale. Study book clapter was f rom the New Testamenit, taken by' MrF. Harcourt; M.\rs. Smith gave a reaci- ing frm the A.Y.P.A. Monthl: ; MNrs. Crawford and Miss Harcourt sang a duet. Lunch was served by thue group in charge. Nlfis Mabel Van Camp is in To- ronto, atteîîdiîîg Univ'ersity. Victoriamu Xomen's Imstitute met in the Commuiuity Hall, Blackstock, ami XVdnesday à-fteriîoon, September 29î1. About 55 ladies1 were present nîcuabers f romn Shirleysimd Nestle- ton WXomen's Imstitute and a speaker froin îtîe dcpartmneit, Miss Pass- motre, uere guests. A spleiidid pro- grain includeci: readings, Miss Fran- cis Graham, Mrs. G. Proutt and Mrs. P. Edgerton; Mrs. G. Strong and( Mrs. J. Wright favoureci with a cuet; Miss Passmore, Rockwood. aur guîest speaker, gave a splendid talk on "The XelI Drcssed Xomnan," whicli was mnuch enjayed by al;- Miss Rtîbv Tomais comducteci a "Bird Caiitèst7i Miss_ Passmore uvas the winîaer of a bean guessing contest. MIrs. G. Strang and IMrs. J. Wright f avoured with a duet. An invitation the relay. Port Perry receivcd that one. In tbe Girls' classes, tlhe Juniors collccted 10 ont of 28 while the Sen- iors çpuld on]%. annex one solitary point out of tbe sanie number. Tbe Intermediate boys picked up 13 points out of 48 and the Seniors add- ed 8 f rom the samie number. Helen Williams bettered ber form- er record of 8 ft 3 inches in the Junior Girls' Basketball throw by ,exactly l4ft. at the Inter-School Meet. Grigg Morden added 3 inches ta the Intermediate Pole Vault re- cord with his vault of 9 ft 2 inches. Oshawa Seniors took it on the chin for the second straight time on Saturday when G. & W. of Toronto, squeezed out a 3 to 2 win over Jake Biddle. It was bard te, believe tbat the Toronto squad was tbe sanie ont- fit tlîat ivas smothered under a 13 to () wicwasbing tbe previous week. On SatturdaLx tbe brewers gave Smith great support and lie wvas twirling tbe sanie kind of baIl that kept ini undefeated tilI be met Osht- awva. His stuff wvas working beauti- fulîs f(tr lim anid in tbe îincbcs lie \wa's alnionst perfect. 0f lie îwo rtins tlîat O4i-iwa made, one came iniilic first iniiîg wlinFoleY opened pro- ceediîîgs %vitli a triple anîd scored on NlIatilievs \single afier two min bad hcciî retireu]. Tlie otiier score ssas D)oc. Rowdcni'. foutr-pis sisat. Botb FoIes 's and Rosvdcîî's(rises w ere iii.jii(ge(I bv lie ieft fieldcr but bl ib a(] plents 0f îpower bbiind tlîein. lake Biddie. ace shamiateuir souitb- pas of Ontîario. ivas not the pitcher lie usa>i the firq inmeeting of tlîese two (1Uanis. Saturday lie liad to pitcb had anid sile ail tbiree rins were sc red iii the second inninîg oti fou r bits andl a mixture of bis own slow- iivss aînd Beiîietts error. lie great Jake 1usd to bear down mnucbi more than ivas tlue case on tlîe previouis Saturdav. But we suil binik tluat Jobnuvii Turnier can set dosvn tbe To- ronto cbamps iii the fourtb game. pros ided tbe teainiplay for bim like tbe v do for Biddlc anid if the serics gtes to the fiftb game. Oshawa will be the favourites. Bi(ldle seldoîn bas two off gaines in a rois. Elections for the tîvo Atbletic Soc- ities of tbe Higb Scliool wcrc bield %vitb tbe following results: Bos- Prcs.-C. M\clveen X;ic-Prs.- W'. Jamnes:; Sec.-Treas.-C. Spencer ; Business 'Manager. Rugb-J. Dunin. represciitative from ecacb forin. Girls -Pres.-D. 'Mitcbel ;Vice-Pres.-- H. Morden; Sec.-Treas.-G. Mitchell s.1 BLACKSTOCK Winnipeg Electric Companly Winnipeg, Sept. 18, 1937 Dear George, Thanks for the copy of your paper sent on giving list of aid timers at Reunian. It was a grand success, the arrangements, decor- ations, and etc. made the aid home town beautiful, and what a real pleasure it was ta see aid faces and places. I will always look back with pleasure ta the Reunion af Durham Old Boys and Girls, and the chance it gave mne to meet sa many of them agai *n. With kind regards, and thanks for yaur persanal kindness. w. J. Osborne. 123 Lake Street, St. Catharines cUJUifre sptech - a free rt. Sunday, September 19, 1937 and free access ta the courts. Whos Dear George:- 'catn say what can't happen here? We read in the Good Book that tçn lepers were cleansed. but oniyTard.Ot one returned ta give thanks. Hu- August 3, 1937 man nature seems mucb the same Dear Mr. James: ust3,17 today. Of the noble six hundreci TeDra lc il n i wha enjoyed the unbounded has- TeDra l il n l pitality at the Old Boys' Reunion. Boys Reunion was a great suc- only anc or two returned to give ceSs. thanks and express appreciatian1 On reaching home taday I feit for ail the preparatians and ex- 'the first thing I must doa was ta pense the home folk put up for Write you a line ta thank you very aur entertainment. However, iimuch for the kind attention feel sure the lack of the written 'shown me. Yaur boys and carsý word is no indication of the lack seemed ta be everywhere and anc af appreciation for, withaut daubt. àidn*t miss much. I want ta con- the reunian will stand out b.ldly gratulate You very sincerely on as anc of the bigh spots on the[ the succesaf the Reu nion. as 1 higbway of life. My thanks again knaw You haci a lot ta do with it. to ail who gave us such a hearty IBawmanville. with its decora- welcome. tians lookeci fine: the surround- I have just devaureci the last ing country wa.s magnificent, and three issues of The Statesman at the people ahl seemeci happy. anc sitting. Wc left for a littie My daughter was pleased ta holiday in the Playgreund ai On- know that you locked ai ter me on t.ario just before yaur issue of Sunday and took me ta church, September 2nd arriveci andi spent although I met very few that 1 a couple af weeks miles away fram knew with the exception ai Jack ail lines o! communication; no Collacatt, wha I think was the riiail, ne papers, no radio. no poli- only anc with whom I went ta tics, etc. It was great ta bask in school. As you knaw. I left Dur- the sunshine by lake, rocks and ham some sixty-five years ago. trees andi let the world. go by. However. 1 enjoyed meeting their Vacation days are over now and descendants. The T. H. Knight we are settling down ta the daily family, as well as that of Mr. J. grinci. D. Carscadden entertained me Just this ta say, in conclusion. royally. 50 that I did not have a I have greatly enjoyeci the thsee lonesome moment in the three issues af your valuable Family days. Journal recaunting the events and Again thanking you very much speeches and names af the aid andi wishing you aIl kinds of luck, boys and girls who came f rom f ar which yau deserve. I am, and near ta greet everybady from Sincerely yours, everywhere. We were surely gi- T. A. Weldon. yen a "warm reception" at' the House af Friendship andi the mav- Editar's Note - We are privi- ing pictures ai Durham at the leged ta publisb the following lez- Town Hall - a question a! venti- ter to John Elliatt, Ex-Principal lation as well as fellawship. haha. ai B.H.S.. f rom W. G. Carpenter. Must say good-bye. with kinci- a former member af the B.H.S. est regards. staff. We are sure many ai hîs Sincerely yaurs, ipupils andi aid friends in Bow- Fred R. Foley. 1 m4nville will recaîl pleasant mem- ore ftheir associations with - lIMr. Carpenter when they reaci 9675 - 84th Ave.. Edmonton this letter: September 22, 1937 My Dear Editaor James: Calgary, Alberta Enicloseci please finci postal note August 18, 1937 af $2.00 for renewal ta The States- Mr. John Elliott, B.A. man. 682 William Street I most heartily congratulate London, Ontario. the Statesman on twvo peints: My dear Mr. Elliott: (1) First for the mark it has made Your letter ai August 13t.b an the minds of Canadian news- brought aid memaries to my mind. paper men shown by their election Il is approximately twenty-ninc ai the Editor ta be their Presi- years since aur pleasarit days co- dent for this year - showing it gether in the olci High Schaal in ta be a real Canadian Statesînan. Bossmanville. Ail the days in the '12) Sccondiy for its fine work in ld sehool were not pleasant. I regard ta the Olci Boys Reunion. have a vivîi recollection of the It braught something ai the gla'.vycar, immediately preceding yaur af that event ta many like mIv- advent. which nmade this school a self wha wcre unable ta bc pres- focal point af interest in the pro- Pept. Our loyalty ta the aid home vince. itsvas a great training lias been decidedly quiekeneci - a perioci for a yaungster. local triunîph with far reaching I wouîc i lke very much î.a be results. present an the aid spot again. Il The political situatton in AI- wauld be a great tirIll ta be witb berta is becoming warse con- thue Olci Boys' Reunian. During faundeci. Mr. Aberhart asked for the years I have had frequent 18 manths ta fulfil bis pragraml. memories ai Bowmanville through and many wha had but littie con- associations witb Doctors Edgar « fidence in bis schemes or even in and Norman Aluin. The late Dr. him f eit they shoulci give him a Edgar was greatly beloveci by chance. Nowr when two years hasts af friends who sarely miss have passed and only failure has him. He was the incarnation o! came, oppositian is becoming or- kindness and generosity. I have ganized under the People's Lea- seen Mabel Cax (Mrs. Dr. Hart- gue taking in ail the other politi- man) more or less frequently. cal parties and many independ- She lives at Olds, Alberta. Mrs. ents. Mr. Aberhart bas ever been Willson (Myrtle Bragg) and Miss a master hanci in seeking ta put Ada Wight live in Edmanton. I in the wrong ail wha do not agree frequently meet tbem. Mrs. Frank1 with hlm, and is becoming if pas- H. Morris recentiy calleci on ul sible even more skillful andi bit- while on a trip West. We were ter. Last Sunday evening in his neighbaurs of Frank's while liv- Edmonton Broadcast he bas this ing in Edmonton. ta say regarding his critics: 1 have seen the old tawn only 'Same o! these days tIiese crea- once since leaving it. I passed tbraugb one evening when matar- to the Shirley' hîstîîtt for October ing fram Toronto ta Breckville. mefiîug at Mlrs. HeriuaiuHoe' It was a dear aid place witb the isas accepted. A' spleîudid luîîch and mast kind.ly a! people. I consider icc creain sîcre sersed. myseif fortunate in being privil- eged ta have starteci my High _______________________School teaching caseer in Bow- m anville. BOWMANVILLE'S Since leaving Ontario I have MA had a varied educational experi- G ROUCHIESTMA ence, Science Master Calgary ,ollegiate, Principal vice-princi- ~RIF~ I'pal Normal School, Principal Via- AMAZ S FA ILYtriaHigb Scboal, Edmonton, Su- -! perintendent Public and High Tbey had given him Up as a bad job. Schaol system. Edmonton, for ten He was always grouchy and cross. tired years; and f or the past f ourteen and jaded ai day long. But-now.1 years Principal o! the Provincial there isn't a limier, livelier man in Institute o! Technology and Art tawn. He's fulco the aid 1"up and go"; and Directes of Tecbnlcal Educa- snap in bis step. sparkle in hie eyes. tion foas Alberta. Poor health was the cause of al bis These years have been interest- trouble. Hie systemi waa clogged with ing years but none quite s0 thrill- wsstes, paiaoned by uflc acide thst ing as the past three during which made himn achey, tired, rheumnaticky. we have been busy reconstruct- He wan't naturally lazy or "crmnky~" ing the educational system o! the but, while the poisons remained in bise vne r sen oewa optera,,lhe juat couldn't help feeling rice. mselydotwa tared and out of sots Iscrcl hoped ta see in my life time, a camplete change in the Fynnon Sat warked a TCOI changé in empbasls placed upon educatianal that man. It cleared away. the energy- factors. Our new program is plac- zapping, pin-cauung poisons, regu- laIim ».ongt1l liver and kid- îng empbasls upon the person inedcinl sitaof he art fon . n.te pactoiceatougfh reily a.hpczept- *HOSPITAL..CLEAN MEANS GERM-REMOVED, SNOW-WHITE CLOTHES. greetings andi very best wishes ta any whom I may have knawn in gooci aid Bowmanville days. Vcry sincerely, W. G. Carpenter. Directar af Technical Education. The Salvation Army Women's Hospital 133 Bloar Street E., Toronto September 27, 1937 Dear Mr. James:- Was so sorry nat ta have seen you when in the Home Town a few days ago, but saw Miss Hay- craf t anci gave her a litche news an my trip ta the Olci Land. I arn afraici she misunclerstaaci me. for in the Home Paper I sec that it is mentioneci that I visited the Coranation. This as not cor- rect, but rather 1 mentioneci that I had seen some af the Carona- tian decarations, anci I haci been very successful at getting a snap o! a portion a! the decorations on the Scîfricige Building, a poîtion that representeci Canada as anc af the Colonies. You would have liughed ta have seen me percheci on a chair i which 1 had borraw- cd fram anc ai the banks across thic roaci fronu Scîfriciges. I be- l:Eve it svas Lloyds' Bank) anci wsith my camera rcsting high up an my chcst I took a chance. andi the snap turneh out a regular ,beauty. What a time I haci in Engianci, anci what splendid people f met 100. Iliaci a mast wonderful visit, sow much ai that wonderful scen- ery that Englanci is noteci for. anci I visiteci spots that I faileci ta glet ta when over in 1921 when I went as a Social Delegate. This time 1 was an my awn. the éther time I was subjecteci ta orders. It was a great sarrow to, me to feel that this trip haci stopped me f rom getting bome ta that great Reunian. I gat a letter f rom Col- onel Edwy White this morning, andi he sure bas made me feel I certainly misseci one o! the most wandesful events that has hap- pened in Bowmanville for years. The iovely invitation sent eut by the Tawni Clerk (Mr. Alex Lyle) was waiting my arrival from the Old Land, and I'm placîng it away in safe keeping. I hope Bowman- ville wiUl arrange ta have these Reunians eften, for its gooci to meet one another aiter years away from the aid scenes, andl ta talk together a! the aid daings. In clasing, I want ta say, I am grateful for the way that Goci bas blesseci my life, anci the many lovely things that have came ta me down tbrough the years, for the opportunities fhat have camne ta me for doing gooci. These thirty years o! Offlcership bave meant s0 much, and while at times I feel a bit weary 1 am still forging aheaci in the service a! the King o! Kings, and encourag- ing the multitudes ta let Jesus have a chance in their lives. This Is real work for the Kingdom o! God. and I revel in it. I hope you're wel], also your THANKSGI VIN G DAY Long Week-End Fares Between ail pointeain Canada and ta certain detinationa in United States PARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets aood eoing tram Noon* Fridar Oct. 8, until p.m., Monday, Oct. 11 1937. littie family. Give my kindest re- gards ta the falks at home, andi may Goci bless you. I am, One ai the Olci Bowmanville Girls, G. P. Hollande Brigadier. Many a man wauld rather run for office tban walk into an hon- est job. i It is possible for a waman's head ta be turned by flattery even when she bas a stiff neck. A man may be in love with two women at tbe same time, but not if either o! tbem knows about it. It's easy enougb ta be good- natureci if yau have notbing else .to do. In contemplating what we do for athers we are apt ta hase sight o! what others do for us. Phone 2665 R. R. STEVENS à SON BawmanvMfl We now have one of the finest collection of hon esit clothing value ever show in i this town. t re(ustomer: who, we knaw corne in tliis week and tell iufrankly their opinion of aiw judgment To describe al aur wonderful clathing value ta you here would take tocrnuch upace and would o do thern justice. Our Prices Men's Suits- and Overcoats Btart As Low As $90,95 to$29050 We Also Carry America's Outstandixg Line 0f Made-To-Measure Clothes - Cooks' Price Rafnires V,.nn *Where no P.M. train aervice Oct. 8, tickets good an A.M. trains. $23.50 to $«5.00 RETURN LIMIT ta beave detination not later than midnight, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1937. MINIMUM SPECIAL FAIRE Adulte or Children ---.25e Pull Information fromn any Agent, rtaeo e Canadian Pacifl PAGE FIVE p. Another .. Genera tion Goes In Glen Rae! Hundreds of babies born this year are being raised on Glen Rae Milk. Because it's pro- tected by the most modern pasteurizing and bottling methads, because it 's richer and better tastin, Glen Rae is health insurance for yaur child and every member of the family. GLEN RAE DAIRY Women's Coats SPECIAL Knit Suits . . Guar- amteed ta hold their shape. $13.95 Other Suits at lawer prices Couch, Johnston & Cryderman LIMITED Phane 836 Bawmanffle tures with mental hydrophobia will be taken in hanci and their biting and barkirig will cease." A move is naw under way by his own constituency, HiLgh River. Okotoks. ta use bis own Recal Legisiation - which on a petition signed by two thirds af the voters in the riding automatically brings about bis recail. They seem quite confident af the resuit. To Mr. Aberhart's credit, what- ever bis motive lie bas introduced the hum an element into palitics and economics. But by his in- human methods there is a danger, perhaps slight, that in their op- position ta bim they might lose sight o! the need for econamic re- adiustment and become reaction- ary. We trust however that a more intelligent citizenship may grow out of the confusion. Sincereiy yaurs, J. P. Berry. P. S.-Since the above - that is yesterday, Oovt. is taking steps ta,

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