Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1937, p. 3

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The accompanying allly OfOmenetch depicts the wide ainly F r W omen area of approximatelyA C O 85,000 square miles af- EXECUTIVE OF OSHAWAli°f"ct°he clteofte r C naough PRESBYTERIAL MEETS re¢eiv.ed and accepted withi mucharanvve26rua PREBYERIL EET 1regret. mumicipalities and three SIMCOE ST. CHURCH1 During the morning the busi- large cities. Very little EUA l ness centred on finance and allo- crop will be hiarvested Pr en o DminonBord To thunepr te deapable lader-except in a very few scat- peak inTrinityChurch, Rickard, Newcastle, presbyterial eei omuiis.Ti Bowmanville, Nov. 7th secretary of Christian Steward- c h rao akt ship and Finance, and Mrs. M. S. heewaysdnyu ar skdo Ideal ahradd eladCapmnan, presbyterial treasurer, natibynsendfrit nodo- Pleasu: to a successful execu- Pceig tables to C.Pritatnd vge tive m ýg of the Oshawa Pres- Mrs. George Bray, presbyterial Newcastle, tb h1ta, ary Socl )f the Woman's MiSsion-isecretary for affiliated C. G. I. T. and C.P.R. at Bowman- ited oCh' in Simcoe Street Un- groups, gave a very instructive ville. October 13 and 14. Ate , Osha wa. Sept. 30th. and inspirmng talk on C. G. I.T. AgoocdG Epresentation of the work. îsýtea te lasihe Tedfeon o o h ed groups according to the month1 have seen was a mixture of Daf - me'-iti thewardship Secretar- iaf ternoon session was in charge Votes of thankswr e Of odils pand ainft Yow daf-i-- N.eJ.Wite eheexecutive. Mrs. of Mrs. W. W. Gee, Locust Hill. the speaker of tks wer ove on fdlpatd nfon fa ht dentpresied pesbytrialpresi withprayr by rs. eorgeJone, Mrs Roy angmhe af rnon, byhousenandinffrnt o thema ro T. J h t . P e b y e i l p iih B roo k h n . b y e o g e o n s , M rs . R o P e t n a d n d se c o n d e d o f h y a c in th s , d iffe re n t s h a d e s o f Te mrning scripture reading During the afternoon much of Hamptoneforanenerousthlaes-inkandrsewainth jut aocas- Robmdtaodon was led by Mrs. thought was given in endeavoring tainment, by Mrs. W.B. Pentr- iaccnl.luehysain o ak e an robyMrds n, Tyrone, with pray- to find the best method for hand- seconded by Mrs. McMasteordh!accet.sthitplantingmasder-n eer b r.Frn Worden, Eben- ling the bales from the various latter also spoke for a feer.inheffecetackeuwhite oshmadefa ezer. ~~auxiliaries. ues ai oabl min- efetive background to rswoff Mrs. Blake Oke. Ebenezer, was January 20, 1938, is the proba.. the country womnralnrbut th e lomswteteroofl tPpointed recordmng secretary pro ble date for the Annual Meeting the Women's Institute, ndd e o benin clos JaclCn theabsence of Mrs. George 'of the Oshawa Presbyterial, which ed them capable of keepingem The Climax of the Meal, Jako, Pr erry. is to be held in Claremont United with their urban friends in regard There are some unfortunateA bo org lc n i On behalf of Simcoe St. Church. Church. The programn committee to dress, much more easily today People who do not like desserts . Msfm Geo. J. Bray, president of ýfor the annual meeting consists than in former years. Mrs. A. and there are other unfortunate f t r h o g o rv 1 mcoe Street Auxiliary, gracious- °f Mrs. N. J. White, Myrtle Sta- Peters endorsed theseeremarks by women who do not like makingUUre th• y welcomed the ladies. tion, Miss M. Hutchison, Bow- a little personal incident. them. The friend who possibly i U O ry † SI ReinainsAcetd manville. Mrs. A. Boyes, Brooklin. The National Anthem wssn makes the nicest desserts of any- Sh e r o m ns leptdrsr. B pa r ck C ewcate, Mrs. nconcluding the aftern n'spsh neIkno, nevertocesdtern R YA L YEAST'S DOMIN ION -W ID E POPU LA RITY C NTES shahf1, ow an ill , nd Mrs S j Survey of Blue Book Regular m eeting of H am p o in turning out an attractive- U T O , B A D R O ML E P N S ---------- During the last half hour Mrs. Branch will be held on Thursda lookingwdelectab e dessert ae UI ,B ARD M- N.J.Whtegae srvy f heOctober 7th. 'anyo neto kn owhttedsetE YOU.Whtgae or t su °"ney ofthce-go "n, to .I nt that to b PAID for 4 years at any university in Canadat. R U LES FO R COTES Can LosThat"Bleuiemowas mete chnge ithe f ja the m.ne. TWhe yuheadliaxbokOf3 0 B Oulge .a t.cna Sraner s' Secre t - to O N S C O Ien s y a p roach the cli a xok O r $ , 0 0 0 in cas h 1 124 o h e ri e t - n bo or gir who would like CommnityFriedshitSece- .EJOYHNE SOIAL o ko exac hathisccoming,otocolleges eligible for Royal P I E Youlhvg igr be m - ay"Cmnt redhpScr- EJYFN O I you o not find it nearly as in- F you know an ambi- a neighbor, or a memnber u ce a tP"-T*er rbeigvn Fido bout a gSeceowI Ms. .Ens obs rsdn nFia vnntrsing lnor as exciting as when toSb r rn.me or h. f m.ohe ersa.e hie.tnmero ,ewjr Have fiSpene pf hromno BadofteW.S.Jone, coer1 ou are wnderig wat s gingy orgirl Who of your own family. Save 2. Each frontf · cenre, Ry4lyon tidon, bond ulf tre, Sagg nm ces now1 M.S 1 1es lsp a e t e othes Church C oir our ny- hapxt an d are a bit ex - dream s of college and a the fronts from youred h rot irc Royal 'n"°r° Fre donatoninyor ileonSuda, ov 7h Go Ayling, choirmaster, Map should be wiýth meals athem careter, but is financially Yeast packages. They Ont-rio. nteoof nc abrelÉ'.° . ow om y n itton 1 e nd edtNo v eryo. ne most adentrtaininof s ein eresting and a bit exciting and handicapped, you can give c ut 10 v tontah T e rio. nthe bn aak r es c h bel co iinc nd.o $70 nca , Fr e em ng raio i y ur in tre s x e d d o e r omsted - t g ocial events never let your fam ily be able to .C upVt S e ch h ritethen me nad reor the .a Y MS. J. eRicards Te eetig a coedwthe oore a din a lng while. guess exactly what is going to thlS deServing young per- person who gets the ot 4.centos .e oMy 1ro3. gP &.s-aw Phner1 -J OsRinc-Boh3a r ayTh ei Mrs. N. J.Whit on fte rrv uge bon- happen next. Getting a good meal son arel tar • lf. Advtg il ifeeOS4 4.fotestoe Mofyhe31, 1938. ro Poe2r- rn-Bo33pae yMsN.JWht. fire was lighted to the delight of should be an artistic achievement snaraSat nlf.AdVte ilWn f 4wneswl e none ntm. e 4h rae~10i cs uht Sp n etCr e she younger members and their Pumpkin Pie • without a cent of cost to y' • 'n '°r*°°ith ll 5 ""°'**t ne°"*ay *'ent r - llg hP r en m. oee o Ipnvrdally esdriends who took advantage of the yasi olg ihal s iuneiaecy e-r y te es.euyE • HMPTN OME'S ligtyromthefies ndplaed Once upon a time I used to you. eimmediately.wewillfrortseer. th Prae--5 nM-hc gamesONuntil the callf camt e f or ndpall struggle with pumpkin, getting it .xpnepadSndfnt penses whenever you wi.h to go. mn ryu lte o h INSTITUTE MET to enter the home, and were serv- cut up and cooked, but I do not S Oe nRylto Royal Yeast, Box No. · b""'are, the..mner.ewir = ed with the Most appetizing r- bother with it any more but use Yeast's ret Popla ',Tooto mredw ' i yhe ar ue t ionsnerdi et 2ihetwH eeve$5i The special meeting of Hamp-'freshments. A most enjoa e cn e u p in t css lss, C ntst grea ny ourity 5dToro t m ak e wihdNo. . rno n tare.io.redi, Cs"a °"'-y ' F Bowmanville, Tyrone and Solina ing, which solos by Miss L. Naylor tlesn troub le The pump i i- WnlOhlfisnmln o.5 ootOtro eev 1 branches as'guests. was Weillat- and Mrs. Barnett, accompanied1ktu r n te followigreip oedl nades tended on Thursday afternoon, by Mrs. J. Gunn, with violin ob- akept orleveral daysiebottle Sept. 30th. when Miss Pasmoe,1gato by Mrs. F. W. Ayling, were Iadkp ol og i sa anma M Dpartentspeaersoe ver ell.-received. At tehu of abomination so I bake one as 11Fý W î ~~interestingly on "The Becoming midnight the Rev. C. R. Spencer needed. kn tat CThtumeeting opened with the loed a hearty ote of tanks 2 cps b n ugr ,, Sta ,BAKECLTUB-O AL AS sinin ofth IntiuteOd, fl-Mr. and Mrs. Ayling and family, 2 teaspoons cinnamon HLESCU 0 lowed by the Creed read by Mrs.-and the singing of Auld Lan- 1 teaspoon ginger S oiled B Roy Langmaid. District President, Syne bought a very pleasant ev'- 1 teaspoon salt. Oraieyunigbs who occupied a chair on the plat- ening to a close. 2 eggs and friends! Have themn back e Each idvda aeo o ihs ult.Tdy fomv t h apo rsdn 2 cups milk your candidate by doing aillndvuacaeofrhiesqait.Tay7 durm ig the aton progrm. .- -- Mix ingredients in order given. their homne baking with Royal Royal Yeast is protected by an out of 8 Canadian houseie uicang mPriatch on r owam itsFr oebdes Pour ndoisaed pe shel nd at Cks.Seven out of artgt apr toassure alays buy Royal when they v ial n M rs . er , Soln by ina F r o ebkn pie 0de ux e s. Foth whpuped who ba in o wives Rf l . n a dP ury. And bake with a dry yeast.A in vocal E.so ros, a d ,is . o n' ritekorTh Saes an c em adesprinktepwith choppedwre a ewith dry yeast a- Royal1s the only dry yeast Isr ucsflb k in i e n r .. Bkrum ental piano iss G retahe by e man c reand g in e wll! pp day use Royal. H ave themn w ith this special protection. I sR e u é s fn.b k rg uy Pi oalspoebrd iefy NHork Jessie Allen Brown SquaslPiesave the package fronts. For 50 years, Royal has stood Royal Yeast--and be sure of the Junior girls, and Mrs. J.• When you are cooking squash ItCStrt ightnoIt'sfnitnae h acaefrns Bake ledm comuniy siging Following Father's Footsteps for vegetable, take out a cup of Itcssyunhig Use previous to the serving of refresh- Men are divided into two class- mahdsushbfr h5sao- Ad u'd1Å g ments, the company having !orm- es. Those who want their sýons to ings are added. Keep in a cool deservin Ye eoung esomeaA follow in their footsteps in their place and it will be ready to make service thatouling ero yMAY AGg profession, or business, and the pie with, the next day. werfltgaiu win you OfDi rest who want their sons to do 1 cup maâhed squashherftgaiud.C LE anything but what they do for a 1 cup milkCAIN living. There must be something % cup brown sugar eparticularly satisfying in the life 1 teaspoon cinnamon of an editor of a town weekly 1, teaspoon ginger only 93.6 M on hlyn e auose f-ad Mix ingredients andpour into b niy $l efor Mothly wsce se o n sunbaked,piedere . Bake in an socat ded wih esus a th sae Peo nkfromhabits.,f here is inflammation riandsdeofth sip ~~them or are as- riwta hsewotikofdb salsigpoe aignto h th em in b usi- wit,11. B irth to A scen sion , m iss an im -or iu e ati one f s m e p ar of c the . a n e s a l f n . b y n i thns.Ifinow -Vic fte epe portant point in the study of His diesie sstbem thii, of coure comanthycsteine"n oes fthat nany Life. It 15 written that Jesusreurssiaetramnndheigtie"nd"reotbl S of the must berew fourfold and we are inclin. aà aa,% aa ave, o, 1conStiPation is dealt with by reg- to drawitfrhemltu f mothermsISrieG, tenin ed to think that He had the right TNCMAtANMDlC, , du ton of diet and habits , not by fishes."Rerintohs HOT W AyTER H ATI G a"°y oteDear Ed14Tronto, October 1, 1937 t hose nne oietoathanrus.. na ndetMay f F °"'" "' - -E° I N G g° ah the r J sislen 2 r .i a e c re n q o dfis pen er s to s andiw k h e 9.4......ACAUSE FOR THANKSGW ING 5 : o vi c e crpti s3ystem. Yet they shied from disturbing their fathers, b u t Brown what he heard Dr. Davies say one o Cavary, i toasthe eginingINDIETONdTh Psmit wrote "Offe tolesneoftertiinhedk precious savings account. Then a truly modern Aladdin .lust the sons. Sometimes fathers night at Yorkminster. Surely he of what re do be the ost DIESTON od thnk sgiving "'and:in he anrndwaknebytirMtr' --the Pease Home Improvement Plan--showed them would like their sons to follow in doesn't think that by taking one omemoakn.Idietoe u-bsddecso nte itroloig salm wen brn ea "Thounvoc, te hne hiehd the way. They learned that the cost ($450.00) could be their footsteps but their sons have sentence, without context, from O on d. b Gha;th trindestio is a much-abuedesiges o in burofea rn tured wy rmIaeraXtig spread over 36 months with no down paymnent-$13.69 'diff erent ideas. Where both have one of several sermons he is giv- rgh fcue crmnt ibe O hasthe n ter nisasodfinie ean-usTheensarific oesnfaGd aeabo--and at hirntonteih a month or 45½/c a day--WELL WITHIN THEIR the samne wish it must mean that ing the correct impression of the th rh feeymn ifer wtw sb ithng. It scis a wordngenefrales e e prt: a0broken and a cton side. erninhit rt INCOMEI the father lhas found the right summer ministry of Dr. Davies atte pre wacher butedsuit-dfoeesgcienyuncomfr tabtri epea rOGothou wilt awnewron hesormooimih Today they revel in the comfort of ample heat %work as otherwise he could not Yorkminster. It is difficult in the ter)isorwhatSprome thset- f buehnwhcthe sufferer tri- eGdsps."Cistesu n owr nbe ors oeh economically obtained--and never miss the amount of imbue his son with the feeling of fc fsc ailt epsln.destrtecribe tmon baesen-ucheutest ofthe dstoaceorsome aGd a divneLoe plif1ailefo mrtlsnusesrth e toer ebrainthismeerendemfresatisa ftinon's wo sanedseve raltes this sumer and-ce isunfr,to leve-thei true cnditonmybeanu-hiknadrgtlvngreheenssolfesSpi. d. u The second was, the Sal@«Agentai la httepo-P o n osn g riendlyofshadows ordereto makegclearsthat theepro-rchronic cnstpaionandposon f Sheets arel f.ogncveaito3ichshna mazmng number of tieïIhd ýold.Ritekteace. td ,th&•iper rament of indigestion de- ing of the system which results Onc od too. check myself frowhelai. tmesIvg ar-#.OoeThis other ere the morning breaks pends, first of all, upon findin i olts rother serious diseane uhaeprvn h ,. The PEDLAR PEOPLE LimitedEl ed ental admonishings and how tri-AhwilcahitDein! utheas. If this is not done Mid r "isy" axtvsm t o Dr. hasesPKiney HEA OFlŒ OHAW, OTAi ilanAell necsayhhyum - a flame - then darkness actual harm results, and the con..' l cau is movem'enofmthe to tePilsyuwl evrrtr UIIL Motral otaaToonoWinies, Calgary, Vancouver were. The experience did me good dueep as canyons in the dusk; dition tends tobcm hoi owgel itot ffcing aho-Usdets of 'tss"haaivs Montand I havearesolvednto.more fre-ur groping hands the core would and increasingly difficult to treat oghceann u ftecolon or reguary ncnawek hi We y othauntlyutact esing themote r-r. aceh but feel the rustling The whole trouble may be due lare bowe. Forthis re taon helpcinsursprlo n r Onin im tSp h nkB u buls orTraf îc throbbing in the night is tooqicklyitwashing down foodaoneae o ngia ou an ove isaais cesn(ri)u galeanindgra'ds. Spring f lowers. The p r e t t i e s t OfpaesoL hrig tg ifudisedof cheingasit coditio ftkte nowD.poised Dr. CaesKde-ie ls planting of Spring flowers that I blurred and shadow-bound. eup r y, s lling of oa.irnsua Thoe-who knowla Dm. Cihe • 35 es, a lldu t rTh r -Selma Gay Bartlett. Icases, the trouble will n surrch inyLvrPlsapeit-Ü ii avle aaieC.

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