Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1937, p. 10

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P.\GE TEN THE C \NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARLO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 le Independent- Mm. Pe:cy Hare, C.N.R. agent. ton.vus. N. Y.. ::e wiîh M.:s. Hame. îs now, takingý his mozher, Mrs. Harr:ngtor.. a:. ,,e annual two weeks« vacation. cous:n*s. Miss Lau'.ze Hedges. Durham Lodge. A. F. & A. M. Mrs. J. H. Middeton. M.\:nder. held its annual chumch parade attencled the s::-.er -;vedd-ng a: Sunday. Oct. 3rd. when the mem- Mm. and Mrs. Herb. Toms~ and v.5s bers attended divine service at S'-. :red hiem sister. Ntr.z Jez-ze Bask- Georges Chu-ch. Rev. D. .e:te. Base L:ne. flewdney extended a warm -wel- St. Geor2e's C'-.cr-h - Rev. D. came ta the bethran and peach- R. De,,vdney,. BA. Rec:,or. Sun- ed a .spendidily appropriate and day. oc:ober 10,h. Har-.esý Home isp:r:ng sermon. At the:r :od2(î Ser-.:ces: 8 a.. Hoy Commun- roorits la*ter the L,-dze <f:aJ :on: 'il a.rn. Mormn:ng Prayer anc thanked the Rector and expre.zs- Sermon: preacher. Rev. F. H. Mia- ed its3 appecat.on of the mu-:ýc zon. MI.A,.B.D. of S*_ .Monica'. by ýhe choir. C',hura:.. Toron-o: - p.rr. Ever..,un Mr. Chas. F:ood. Jr.. Toraný.o. and Sermon by :he Rec:er. has been renew:ng arq-a.ntance- Un.- ed Church - Rev. S. M\.ac- ships in Ne-xca.stle. as gue.3 off Lean, B.A.. Pastor. Sunday. Oct. Mm. W. VanDusen. lth: il a.m. Mo,-n:n-2 Waship: Miss NMat'% Chaplin enzertained 2.30) p.m. Sunda:; Sehool: 7 p.m. her g'ml and boy fr - nd!- at a Thankz4*:;ing serv.ce: preacher. wiener and marshmallaw roa.st at Rev. Water Rackham'. Hampton. the lake or Thursday .,vening. Mn;. Fred Wood and dauighter. when a.1l enjayed themse:ves. On Taranto. ;who have been spending the gravelly stand by the mpphing the summer at their cottage. waters in the we-t side park a big,. Woodhaime". have retumned ta, cheery banfiîe warmed the n.ght the city. air and dispelled the darknez;s. Mm. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe and John Quîgg and Gardon Overend children, wha have been spend- had bought theur guîtamsa aong ing the summer ai Mms. Oea. H. and beguiled the time -xhen feast- Carveths lake front c a t t a g e ing was not ini progre-s w:th s,ývee- 'Damole. have eurned ta Te- music. Eïelyn Aln and Gardon'onta. led in a sin.- song. . Dr. Annie Higbee and son, Mm. Mi.s Nuti and Mss PegY Jack Higbee. weme down from Gaies. Tomonta. are at -he Ne-wý- B-uml.ngtan where Mm. Higbee has castle home off Mr. Wm. Nefl. Miss a position. and spent the week- Nutt'.s brother-:n-law wha has end ai the.m Newcastle hanse. been wocrk:ns :in OŽzhawýa on an _________ office tu:,d4ng for W. E. Ph.:lhrs Ca. Lii. Newcastle W. A. Mr. ana Mms. E. M. H. Ward have g.ven up thaîr leaze of Mis Holds Bazaarý Almeda CouchYs hou-e and have iaken uip the:m medence a- *hp W. A. ai the United Church Newýaa-. e Arrns where Mms. Wamd held theim autumn bazaar in the has been for some xeeks. Hem S. S. Hall on Friday a!temnaon. condition af health prec'tudes the October isi. Mrs. R. T. Ruther- possib:iîy af hem keeping house ai fords group served tea in the present. Young mens class room. Mrs. T. Miss Almeda Cauch. Buffalo, H. Clemence and hem group con- came bvem on business in connea- ducied a sale af homemnade cook- tion with hem King St. poperty. îng. candy and domestic fruits and ta siaying with hem cousin, Mrs. Percy Brawn's goup weme in Mrs. J. A. Awde.. charge of a table of miscellaneaus 1Master Harry Jase. Massassaga, articles. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's visited l'is cousins. Mm. and Mra. group of whxch the presi lent. Mrs. Harmy Jase and sons. W. H. Cooke. is a member, feai- Mr. John Hendry. who has been ured a sale of towels and aprons. on a large dairy farm near Ports- Mms. Clarence AlLins group o! mouth, visited his parents, Mm. which Mms. S. MacLean. the pas- and Mms. John Hendry. before e- tor's wife, is a m-ember. had suming his studies at the O.A.C., charge of a rummage sale that in- Guelph. cluded a wide variety o! goods. A Misz Ruth Honey, who has gone prospective custamer could let his te Toronto ta attend Victoria Un- eyes ramble fm om babies' shaes ta ivers.ty. was pesented with a men's mufflers. f romn junket tab- handscme pair a! book-ends by a lets ta antique lamp shades. !romn group cf frends ai Mr. and Mms. chinaware ta lasi seasons hais. Norman Alin's on Fiday even- things for ahl seamons, purposes ing.1 and conditions of life. The hall Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Harring- an.d adjoining rooms weme decor-, _______________________ated with auiumn flawers.Th ladies were well pleased wiih the ________________________success o! their undemiaking Farewell l'o Jack Hare Mr. Jack Hare was the guest o! honour at a farewell party given by Mrs. Gea. Walton at the home of hem parents, Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley, on Friday evening. September -29th. A large number of' Young peiople af the section were present and ail had an es- ipecially good time. Biil Rowland presented Jack with a 45ladstone travelling bag on which were his initiais, J.H.H. in letters a! silver. Miss MarjorJe Lycett read the foaI- lowing address and presented it ta Jack who gallantly expressed his thanks for the glft and the kind words. Der Newcastle, Sept. 24, 1937 DerJack,- We, some aof Your f riends and school chums o! Newcastle, are happy ta join tonight in this fare- wel Party. held in your honour. You havp been a keen sport and ENTERTAI NER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular f ree. Address 628h Crawford Street, Toronto. SPECIALS . each 35e dozen 50e 60C 30c 40c Chocolate ECLAIRS ................... dozen Boston Cream PIE........................ each Whlpped Cream TARTS .................... dozen Pumpkin PIES .c- Z5c- 30c Mince PIES Sc -25c 30c David Harum Sundaes ......... 2 for 25c Thanksgiving Kisses ........ 2 lbs. 25e THE. CARTER FAMWILY. Bakers for two generatiofla Phone 855 The Newcastl About seventy-i ive relatives and friends af Mm. and Mrs. Herb. Toms gathered raiher surrepti- iiously ai iheir home on North Street, Newcastle, on SatumdaY evening. Octaber 2nd, ta honout them on the twenty-fifth ani- versary of their wedding. When Herb had been persuad- ed to, close his barber shop, loclk up and go home a gaod deal ear- lier than usual he faund the house f ull o! smniling people with someihing apparently up theix sleeves. When he and Mms. Toms had taken seats in the dining room, the table a! which was cen- tered with an attractive three- lier wedding cake flanked by twc tail tapera in si4ver candlesticks, Mr. Thos. A. Rodger called the assemblage in f ive rooms ta order, then read and pmesented them with an address as f ollaws: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Toms and Family :- We, your friends, have gathered at your home to-night tc, hanour you on the occasion of your silver wedding anniversamy. We wish ta heartily congratulate you on having reached this much coveted milestone in wedded life. We honour you for the contribu- tions. by active means and oth- ers, ihat you have so freely and whole heamtedly made ta the comn- munity life o! aur village and neighbomhood, and for the lireless industmy, self sacrifice and devo- tian ta duty you have evinced in making and maintaining a real home. We highly respect and es- teemn you for the fine f amily you have reared. Young men and a Young woman who would be a source o! pride and jay ta any mother and faiher. As we wish te, show in some tangible way the high regard in which we hold you, please accept this silver tea service as a token 0f such, and alang with it aour heariiesi good wishes for many mare years of happy married lufe. Signed on behaîf o! your many friends and the committea. Mca. Harry Mercer, Mr. Harry Smith, Mms. Jesse Baskerville. Mrs. Gardon Clark, Toronto, cousin o! the bride, and Miss Jean Toms, Scarboraugh, cousin o! the groom, presented the cartons con- taining the gi!ts, a large silver tmay and teapot, cream jug and sugar bowl. When Mrs. Toms wlth de! t fin- gers had unpacked and revealed the shining pieces Mm. Toms ex- pmessed the thanks and apprecia- lion o! his life's partner and him- self and as he resumed his seat ail jain.ed with vigar in singing They Aýre Jolly Goad Fellows. led by Mrs. Jno. Hendry. Mm. Hammy Smith, Taranto, bro- ther o! the bride of 25 years, -e- presented the relatives and comn- mittee in a speech o! congratula- tion and gaod %vishes. Dr. J. A. Butler followed as spokasman af the nc-ighbÔms and friands and ex- speech. Refmeshmants were sýemved by the Young people and a pleasant social urne spent by aIl. With Mr'. and Mrs. Toms, for- mer1y Miss May Smith, were their three sans. William and Jack, To- ronto, and Arthur ai home. Their daughter, Miss Margaret Toms, nuurse in training ai the Western Hospital, Tarante, was unable ta bc present, but was at home an .he previous Wednesday. Riches mas flot bring happiness but nelther doas poverty. - ' " <:er..quick af wit. !f'-n",an~d rood-hearted. Many a ;) p y :of us have been Senloy in :,our coin- p zn. a -our home. You are on a co..ege career - a ch - oaf us have oaiten --~e~o hav e. We rejo:ce that, '-v uha sp:endid oppar- Yn vand -.ve fee& confiden, you v;.-:: n-ake *he best use af your rI hance. and in years te corne -w:1 Debr:nz hDour teo our vflage.M- - ror a::mnents at -.'mes d'stress us. -arnd we are forced ta get exper:, imned' zai adv:ce. but we have ail dec:ded t.o pastpone any major ...nes.zes un::l in a few years we Le : be able te cal in Dr. Hare L_ i1.co doubt ;viil be able ta give d u-rene-xed health. strength. or beauty - as the need may be. You have aways; aken an active part in achool. churchi. and social ofriv:esa this community. ancd we vvizh yau te accepi this gi!t as a remembrance of happy days * spent in Newvcastle. S:gýned by the committee on be- hall ai this gathering: Dunwreath 7-Walton. Marjori-e Lycett, Bill Rowland. Fallowing a pleasant pemiod of ggames refreshments weme semved. Jack went ta Kingston on Wed- 1nesday to regisier as a medlical studen:. at Queen's University. Literary Society Elects Officers Followxng nominations the week before the High School Litemamy cSocîety held its organization m ieetîng and elected officers and cemmittees on September 24th. Miss Margaret Sanderson, Mar- garet Bawen and Artie Toms aci- ed as .scruiineers and repomted these results: President. John Allin: Vice Pres.. Vivian Duck: Secretary. Patricia Pearce: Treas- urer. Harold Hoar; Poet. Gardoný Cotter; Historian. Ernest Blake: P'anfst, Margaret Pearce: Asst. Pianist, Rita Ceoke; Ed. af Buzz- ex. Thos. Bremeton: Asst. Editor, Edith Hendmy; Boys' Athletic Comm.. Bruce VanDusen; Girls'[ Athletic Comm., Jean Bonathan, Norma VanDusen: Form Repre- sentatives - I, Chas. Rogersa.n. Grace Powell; II, Lawrence l-l son, Kathleen Toms; III. Maurice Powell. Gardon Cotter; IV, Ethel Spencer, Thos. Brereton. Each officer and member ! ecmmittee. being mequired te make a speech te qixalify for the posi- tion, acqu'tted himself or herseli a.uýite creditably and showed an agreeable willingness ta assume the responsibilities o! office. Silver Wedding Mr. and Mn. Herb Toms Honored 1 on 25th Wedding Anniversary CARD OF THANKS1 Mrs. Herscheil Hooper and fami- ily desire te thank ail theu- fri- ends and neighbors for their great kindness and sympathy expresseci te them in the very sudden ber- eavement by t.he death of the husband and father, and for the beautiful floral tributes. ENGAGEMENTSI ule, Montreal, Elizabeth, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Chas.A.Jhs ter of Mr. and Mms. Harry L. Hamptoan, announce the-engage- St. George. ta Theodore W. Ly- ment of their eldesi daughtem, Eva man, son of Mm. and Mms. Geo. Ruth, ta Luther Loran Pascoe. Lyman, (nee Margaret Wal- yaungest son o! the late Mr. and bridge, f ormemly of Bowman- Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, Hampton. The ville). imarriage Wo take place in Novem- __________________ber. DEATHSMr. Wm. R. Lamb o! Enniskil-, ___________________ len announces the engagement a! -4his daughier, Stella Mae, to Mm. HOOPR.-n Bwrnavtle, un-Clifford B. Hetz, son of Mr. and day Ocobe 3 197, erahe Mrs. Frank Hetz o! Fairview, Hoop, Otbeoved937,Husd l fPen nsylvania. The wedding to Hoopr. elovd hsban oftake place October 26 at Ennus- Gertrude Headon, age 41 years. killen. JOHNS-At Christle Street Hos-: pital, Toronto, on October 2,' Music Teaching 1937, John F. Johns (Frank._____________ late 2nd Baitalion C.E.F. FRANCIS SUTTOIN McELROY-In Nichonls Hospital. Mus.Bac. (University aof Toronto) Petemboro. on Týhumsday. Sep- tember 30., 1937, Dr. E. C. Mc- Fellow o! the Canadian College Elrey. formeml1y o! Orono. o! Organisis. TODGHAM-In Oshawa, on Sep-' A.T.C.M. diplomas in Singing, tember 29, 1937, Fanny Wood- Piano, Violin, and Organ. ward. beloved wife of Frederick Pupils prepared for examinatians. J, Todgham, in hem 68th year. Long lisi af successful candidatesi Intemmeni Union Cemetery. fmom the earliem grades up ta the ______ ____________ A.T.C.M. diplema. Graded classes! Î _. in piano and violin now meeting UN M MORAM eekly. New class for beginners -~Moderate fee. In Bowmanville HOOEY-In loving memomy of my Tuesday, Wednesday and Thums- dear husband, Orville Hooey, day o! each week. Phone 742. who passed away October 9th. ietckFrSl 1936. LvsokFrSl One yeam has passed and gone, Since one I loved so weîî FOR SALE-SIX SHROPSHIRE Was taken f ram aur home on ram lambs. registered. Mark earih, Hancock, R. R. 2, Oshawa. Tel. With Jesus Christ te, dweil. Oshawa 1827r23. 40-4' The !lowers I place upon his grave FEEDER CATTLE FOR SALE - May wither anidacay. A large number of Ontario cat- Butihe love for him who sleeps dle fm*om 700 ta 1100 lbs. at ai- beneath tractive prices. Call 745 to ar- Will neyer fade away. range inspection. H. B. Poster, -Sadly miissed by Dora. Bowmanville. 39-3 *FOR SALE --CARLOAD 0Ft t fresh cows and spmingers. Hal- J OBITUARY 1 steins and Ayrshimes, from 0t- 4 tawa Valley resiricted area. _______Proprietor G. C. Sparks. 627 HershelG. oopr, Bwmavile Smerville Ave., Oshawa. Phone HeshlG HoeBwmavle 2847. 31-tfc A verv suddii call came ta \r Mm.met orSl HerschaI G. Hooper earlv Sunidav m lmet orSl tnorning. Oct. 3rd, %%-tienlte passed quietly to rest in sleep. Ha tad bean ailing for some tima but had t)ea:î at work being employed %vitht tit Bow matîvillu Dairy Ca. Herschai rw-as tte youngast son o! Mm. aî'l NIrs. J. T. Hooper and w-as boin Bowmanville 41 %ears ago. Ha ta always lix-e< tare and was waell and favorablv known titrougitout t! e tow-n for his genial disposition. in tis voungcr days taew-as lookad ulion as ane of te tant l)aseball and lxoc- key players in titis district. His de- ivotion ta tic family, and tis ability ta kaeep siniling aven ivten lie an- 1countarad thte advcrsities o! life, made him a circle of friands framn ws lio.a idst lte %ill lte deaîly tmis; ed. Hjs sarraw-ing widow and' faux- il), have ttceliaartfelt sytnpaty of tte cammunit,. At the mcating af thea Boy Scouts,to whicht tiree of his bo\ s balong, au Tuasday- a brief mamorial service w-as lc-ld in tapon af Mr. Hooper. Tte funeral took place frorn lus late rasidence, Wellington St., on Tuesday aftemnoan service baing canducted by tis pastor, Rex. Sidney Davisaux, assiîsted ity Rav. WV. A. Bînna. Nany- beautifuil flow-ars ex- l)ransed tte sympaty af a large circle of frietîch. Besides tis wifc wha seas Miss Gertrude Headon, te leavas ta mourn bis suddan passing fiveseoats, Hubart, Edw-ard, Ronumle, Arthtur and Harold (llud) and ane caugiter, Flarence. Also tis aged piarents, and four itrotters, Herbert J., of Detroit; Lucus,,'Melbournea and Roy, Bowmanville. Ttc paîl bearars wcme memitars o! tlxc Fime Brigade of which daceased was a memibar for inanyveyams : Rd. Sudds, WV. G. Corden, Frank PRot- treil, D. Alldmead, H. Corden, Th,-.;. Lyle. Othar fiemen wha acte-I a3 flow-cr beamers w-re: Chia! Geo. Lyle, N. Taylor, R. Rice, Alf. Bick- cIl, Titos. Pcrcy, F. Calver, A. Ruitar, E. Hartîdan, D. Biceal, C. Bagnaîl and X%'. Hacknay. Thea in- terment took place in Bowmanville Cemetery. Arnong titose attending tte funaral f romn a distance were - Mr. H. J. IHooper, Detroit, Micit.; Miss Enuma Henders, Yclvartotî; Nfr. and Mrs. Gen. Stratit and Mmis. John Glass, Lindsay ; Mr. Sain Hooper, Toronto; M r. Evan Bartholoin-w, Strathmoy; iMn. and Mmc. J. Blaldwin, Norman andl RusselIl, Toronto,; M r. and M .\f R<. B. Headon, NI r. Ed. I leadjin, Mr. atil Mrs. l'rcs- in!',-',and lorenr, MI nie; Ni-s I lilda Headon, To- I10W IS VOUR LABEL? This is the time of year when many Statesmnan sub- -eriptioxus corne due. Many of our subscrlbers have already corne in- and paid their sub- seriptions for the ensulng year. If the label on' your Statesmnan meadls prior t. Oc- tober Ist, 1937, then your sub- scrlptlon la In arrears. If you apprecla.te your home-townr newspaper, wlIl ou klndly co-operate by taklng care of this littie miatter NOW? The dates on the labels have been correeted coverlng subscrip- tions paid to, September 30th. PLOW SALE-USED PLOWS 0F all makes, including Interna- tional single plow, Crown Gang plow, Fa.rmer's Friend riding plows, and Imperial Juniors. W. S. Staples, Massey-Harris Agent, BowmanvilIe. 40-1* FOR SALE - TWO GENERAL Purpose horses, mail rig, demo- crat and cutter. Apply to Mrs. W.J .Rundie, Odeli Street, Bawmanville. 40-1 FOR SALE - LADDERS FOR sale. H. Wilcox, Hampton. 37-tf Barrels For Sale APPLE BARRELS FOR SALE - The G. Lea MiUîigan Ca., North Street, <just forth aof subway), Newc.astle, Ont. 39-3* FOR SALE -NEWV APPLE BAR- rels. D. S. Millîgan, Newcastle. Phone 11FL. 37-5 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L ID brick hanse on Centre Street in good locality. desirable home with modern conveniences, wiUl be sold very cheap ta close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf For Rent APARTMENT TO RENT - FOR light hausekeeplng, heated, ail convenlences. Apply Mrs. Din- niwell, Silver Street. Phone 784. 40-1 * TO RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE, haîf acre garden, garage, elec- trxc light, water. bath, etc. Sit- uate corner Ontario and Albert Sts. Possession Oct. lst. J. B. Martyn. 40-1* TO RENT -ROOMS SUITABLE for light housekeeping, partially fumnlshed. Phone 319, Bowman- ville. 39-2 Personal MEN! GET VIOOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps Up organs, glands. If flot delightcd, maker refunds price paid - $1.25. CaUl, write Jury & LoveIl. 18-52 /0OM-WORRy WILL NEyER dim your beauty or sap your vitality if you use "MENSTRUL- AID" an improved scientifia preparation for Menstrual dis- iorders and Feminine Hygiene. Free bookiet at Jury 0& Laveils Drug Store. 40-tf Licensed Auctioneer WM..MAW Llcensed Auctioneer Ail kinds of sales taken on short notice. Speclal attention given ta f arm stock and lm- plements. Phone me for a date. Address: 614 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Help Wanted BURTHS NAYLOR -At Hampton. on Oc- tober 2. te Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Naylor1 nee Violet Arney, a son. MARRIAGE LYMAN-ST. GEORGE--On Sat- urday, September 25, 1937, by the Rev. F. H. Wilk;nson of the Church of St. James the Apas- Attention! R : We helpyou gel siarted. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-140-0J. COMING EVENTS 1 Montreal, Canada. 40-1 CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS- Reserve Thursday. Decembar 2, Have unexcelled line which will for St. Andrew's Church Bazaam. ' meet any competition, 40'~ 40-1 commi§sion. Nead agents also Zion Hot Roast Chieken Sup- surrouiýding towns and villages.' per, Wednesday. Oct. 2th, firom Acme Carda. Dawer 1,B, - five o'elock, followed by Scilg-g manville. 40-1* Dramatic Club play "The Antics of Andy." Supper and concert. 4dulta 50c: chiidmen 25c. 40-2 Notice to Creditors i Eldad Thanksgiving., Services w vill be held Sunday, Oct. 10. whan ln the Estate of Paul Sainsbury, Rev. Mm. McLean ai Newcastle! deceased. will preach at 2 and 7 p.m. Spe- cial music by choir under leader- All persans having dlaims ag- ship of gyr. Gea. Wemry. A.T.C.M.. ainsi the estate a! Paul Sainsbury. iaSsisted by Miss Elinor Sykes, gold laie of the Village aof Newcastle, m redalist, A.T.C.M., Hampton. at deceased, who died on or about bath services. Wednesday. Gai. the 19th day o! June, 1937, are 13, at 4.30 a roasi fowl supper -willi hemeby notiiied ta send in te, the be semved. At 8 p.m. a drama will undersigned Administrater or his epeetdb al rv a Solicitor on or before the l2th day en1 ettld"An Ad enwr a! tber a. 13,fu atiuasAnAd" with music between acts. Immediately after the said l2th Admission 50c and 25c. day o!_ October, 1937, the assets o! the said deceased will be dis- tributed amangat the parties en- titled themeto, having regard only to the claims of' whlch the ad- ministrator shall then have notice. E À RI Dated ai Newcastle. this 28th day a! Sepiember, 1937. W. R. Strike. THANKS Bowmanville. Ontario, Salicitor for J. W. Bradley, Newcastle, Ontario. Better quahity shoi Adminstrater. 39-2 d t" R' I.qa.L. fnrofiz. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of John Abraham, deceased. All persons having dlaims ag- ainst the estate aof John Abra- ham, late o! the Township of Darlington, deceased, who died on or about the lst day af March, 1937, are hereby natified to send in to the undemsigned Solicitro or before the lSth day ofai' tbr 1937, full particulars of their dlaims., Immediat-ely after the said lSth day of October, 1937, the assets of the said deceased may be dis- tributed amangst the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only ta the dlaims of which the exe- cutors shail then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 28th day of September, 1937. W. R. Strike, Bowmanville, Ontario Solicitor for Absalam Abraham, Henrietta Garfat, and 39-2 W. R. Strike, Executors. EXPERT SERVICE IN SHOE REPAIRS iWe wll dye yoxr summer shoes any color for winter use. Fin- est work giiaranteed. Harness jComplete service in Harness. We manufacture or repair any piece of harness and guarantee our work. JOHN LENZ iWest End Next Len EllioWts Bowmanvllle REASON F06 'GI VING Des at low prices UIF1 O 5IU- I D .PAII Uv i LVssus )Io zLU . i.& Infants' Black Boots ............ $1. 15 Infants' black, tan or white Oxfords 98c Boys' Oxfords ... $1.79 $1.98 Boys' Boots............ $1.98 $2.25 up Youths', sizes 11I to I131/, Oxfords..................... $1.59 Boots...................... $1.89 up RUBBERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY STORE Cowan Block Bowmanville JURY & LOVELL Build Up The Health 0f Your Boy or Girl With Vitamins Puretest Cod Liver Oil Plain or Mint Flavour - - - 50c-$1.00 Halibal Malt - 75c-$1.25 Kepler CLO. and Malt - - - - 05c-$1.40 Puretest C.L.O. and Malt Extract - lb. 49e 2 lbs.-- -- ---89c Puretest Halibut Liver Capsules - - - $1.00 C91 JURY & LOVELL Lu t 9c 1 When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 BowmanvxUem 'MEN - AIMBITIQUS. ACTIVE. ru*stwor:hy;. preferablyw th -,:avel ýng etqu.pmen-. exper.ence he pfu, but not essential. tI o. stribute line of 200 guaran- *eed hausello:d products in re- served districts. Cash te:mns. Faz profits. No risk. SpIend:d business opportunJiues for man I willng ta get ahead! Cempiete information without obligat:n: Familex 'Ca.., 50 St. Clernent S.. Montreal. 39-2 WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED looper. steady work . Apply L. j!E. Lavoie Ca.. Bracebr4dge, Ont. 39-2 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-FOR farm. woman 30 ta 40 preferred. family of one. Apply H.. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 40-1 WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED girl or middle aged warnan ta de light housework on farm. Apply '*S.E." Drawer B, Baw- L manville. 40-1* WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply to Mrs. C. Brown, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2531. 40-1* Miscellaneous PAEÇrING-SIGNS AND POST- ers, aLso auto trucks, wagons, general pain-ting and enamnel- ling. J. H. 'Needhaan, centre St., Bownianville. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towîng service. J. L. Demerling. Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P hon e 781. - 23-tf Agents Wanted MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route. Sales way up this year. r-maikId rLVÉMTC i W Thursday. Satixrday PORT HOPB Mýat. - Sat. The picture NEXT MON. & TUES. W3EjýýPUE NEXT WED. & THURS. Adetr oStYu er fm aga Rich Fruit CAKE. Cream PUFFS $2.25 farvest LAYER CAKE ...............cach ASSORTED FANCIES ICE CREAM SPECIAL Relief from Hay Fyeer Rexaîl Nos. & Throat Relief 25e and5oc Rexail Asthrna Powd, 50c-$1 Big Value Monogrm Hot Water Bottie 3 Yvar Guiaranteç' Extra Quality Changing the Of the Niation __DRENE Razmah Capsules - 50c-$l Smiles'N Chuckles Thanksgiving Wraýped In 1/ - 1 anid 2 lb. Boxes ATTENTION -MDMMELVA. ~ Psyci'.abagizt. 'Vo'ice of Exper:- Kirbv Anniversary Sunda.Ot ence,. at St.. Law. ence Ho:el aOt Par: Hope. until October 13th lth: 3 p.m. Rev. W. F. Banister; Adv:ce on ail -matters. Methods 7.30 P.m.Rv .W ac.o d:fferent frorn ot-hers. One week Monday, Oct. 11th. fowl supper o,: e40-1-and concert. Leading artist. Miss aY. 4-1Pearl Newton. Toronto. Admis- ____________________ sion 50c and 25c. 40-k* AUCTION SALE jHavin plyedta three full > stitute will preseni -Tke Sun Thursda. October 14 - Fred i Bonnet Girl." a musical *udy Ferguson will sell by public auc- in two acts. Opera H ouse. Baw- -:on an Lot 28 Con. 9. Darhington, mnanville. Friday. October 2, a hJs farm stock. implemeni-s. hay. 8.15 p.m. Bright musical num- comn. pou.itry. and grain. Sale at bers, dancing. splendid c stra. 1 o'clock. Termis cash. Elmer Tickets 25c; students 15* erv- Wilbur. auctioneer. ed seais 10c extra. Bowmanville etoer -Mr. W1_Banch ai Canadian Legion spon- Satuday Octber9-Mm. \il-sors titis entertaiment. :iam Osborne, carner of King and Brown Streets. Bowmanville. will ý-- sel! by public auction ail heri household effects. Sale 1.30 p.m. OBITUARY Temms cash. Wm. J. ChallUs, auc- tioneer. 39-2 D. .F.MEryPerbr Friday. October 15-The Estate D. . Mtr n llnssof lacsttan a o! the late Howard Cauch having wfek an. Mlray. ofvasterinar sr sold the farm. will selI by public ek ' . 633 ro- etrnrysr jauction on the premises. L.ot 5, geon.63 Charlotte St.. Peterboro, Concession 6, Damlington. the farmn died une'cpeýtedl,ý at Nichoîls has- stock. implements. furniture. etc. pital, Peterbora, ýépt. 3Otit. He hiad . Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Teni )ractised his profession until last cash Elmr Wlbur auîioner~Saturday. J.sD. Hogarh. ler. 0-aBrninGarenHie.Duha J. . Hgarh, ler 4-2Con in. ardMen l.ubrdhm Wedneday. ciobe 20-Jmes dgree r.M cu UElrsotits o! Ta Wannn ad so. Lt 8.Cones-ronto. an honour- graduate of the sion 7, East Whitby, will seIl by clas of 1897. Haeivent ta Peterbora public auction their i'amm stock f rom Orono in 1925 and had builà#, and implemenis. 5 horses. 30 head palrercte.H wspr- catte. 5 shep nd lmbs 50ticulariv interested in torses and pigs. hay, grain and silage. Sa le kp saî eetrcn tteo at 12.30 sharp. Terms cash. Ted ketasal eetrcn tbec . Jackson. auctioneer 40-2* trotters. He is surv*ived bv his widow and Saturday. Ocieber 9-Mr. Cha- two children. Mlargaret and Keitit; les Howsam will seIl on Lot 29,.,,wo isters. Mmr. S. R. Caldvcll. Con. 6, Darlingion. two miles west i Port Hope. and Mmfr. P. Smith, San -Of Hampton, 18 Dairy oo,;ws. 30 OFranci..cii:and one trîîther, \Walter. Pigs. and 50 pullets. Termis: Up, Inter1nent was madle i Orono to $20. cash: over that amount 5 Cenmetery. meonths' credi: on approved notes.,_________ No reserve. Sale ai 1 p.m. Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer. 39-2 Even when they have nothlng ta do some fellows can't do it wellt THURSDA-Y, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 PAGE TEN THE CANýADIAN STATES'\IA\, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIe

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