Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1937, p. 1

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~ttemarn Vlu 8 THUSANOATTNDDURHAM CENTRALFAINER With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News County Music Festival To Be Held in Bowmanville J. H. Johnston is President Small Deficit Reported TOWN REVERTS TO On Past Year's Oper- T DA TM ations. .Committees FTRAYNIH for 1938 Festival are On Saturday, September 25 t Appointed at New. atridnight, Bowrnanvilewill P castie Meeting having observed D a yli gh t _____Saving Time since April 25. C Officiai announcement of the t Durham Cotunty IMusic Festival reversion is made in this is- wjll bc held in Boivmanvjlle on 'May sue. Citizens are advised to 12, 13, 14 and l5th. 1938, it was de- turn their dlocks back one cided at the annual meeting of the hour before retiring Saturday 1 organization lheld iin Newcastle, '.\on- night. This wiIl be the long t day iligit. Final date for entries awaited opportunity to get F was set at April l8th. and the Sý-l- back that extra hour of sleep i labus Committee will meet in New- you lost when Daylight Sav- 0 castle Communitv, Hall, next Xed- ing came into effect. Al nesday Sept. 29th at 7.30 pin. to church services on Sunday 1 draw up the syllabus. will be on Standard lime. t The meeting which as most cen- thusiastic though not largçly attend- ed selected J. H. jolinston, Bow- suggested that saille fnrm of recog- manville, President, succceding J. T.' mtion other than expensive mnedals bc George, Port Hope. Othier officers investigated to lower the expenditurer include Hon. Pres-Col. E. E. which might well bc spent on other9 Snider, Hon. Vincent Massey, Port items. The latter suggestion met with Hope; Past Pres.-_ J. T. Gýeorge; considerable opposition and ail were Vice Pres.- A. E. Fulford, 'lor; left in abeyance. Hope; Sec.-Tras.-Mýiss Helen Mor- The gatliering expressed hearty ris, Bowmanville; Auditors-E. P. appreciation ta Miss Helen Morris Bradt, E. S. Ferguson.. for her efficient and untiring work ý Financial stateient for the year ias sccretar,,-treasUlrer, the most dif- sho 'ed a defi'cit of $2030, due main- ficult task iiithie organization. A-p- lyha considerable drap iii attend- lîreci;tioiî %vas also exîiressed of the1 ance during the festival held iin PortsrcsriîedbMis .E.a- Hope. 'Mr. George cxpressed bis deep1 son, eloclution jide, andl Miss A. disappointment that thiere seemned a i Morton, stenograplier, and thanks ta lack of interest in the casterti town E Port Hoine Highi Sclîool for use of i which ivas di fficult to explain. tliiir assemibly hall. These commit- The ocit~ ~ vrs esiiou tees were appointcd: Thesocetyis er dQiriu f lrizes- E. S. Ferguson. V.H wiping out this smnall deficit at once Jordan, W. H. Staples, Dr. J. A. l and appeal to public spirited citizens Butler, A. E. Fulford, E.. A. Suni- or other societies whlo are interested mîers, \V~.\A. Meadow,. E. R. Os- in pramoting music iin thc commun- borneXW. XW. Horni, l. F. Morris, ity ta cantribute ta this funid. Do- e.W aeJ .GogMs nations nîay be sent ta the Secreta- ea.n DicJans, MJ. T. GeorgaMis Several suggesions were aired in kins, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, Mayors and the way of impraveinents, one, that Reeves of Municipalities in Couinty. there be an open class for pianists, Hall and Tickets- J. M. James, 7 allowing p-vis gold medalists ta Alex McGregor. 0. Nicholas. E. P. compete. -.fl her that two adjud- Bradt. Morlev Vanstonle, A. E. Ful- icatars be tained ta f acilitate tle ford, T. W. Stanley, H. B. Rosevear, arduouis task as well as ta @Ïncrease \V.T. Gartiett. the efficiency and allow time for Piblicitv- Geo.W.JmsM.B more constructive criticism, really the i .Jms .B purpose of the festival. It svas also <Continued on Page 6)_ LAiverne Kimble Wins Senior Titie At B. H. S. Field Day Wednesday Helen Morden is Girls' Senior Chiampion - Other Champ- ions, Wiseman in Internied- iate, Hutchinson in Junior, and Miss Downey in Girls' Juniior Laverne Kimble won fthe senior boys' champiansbip at the Bow- manville Higb School Field Meef beld at the Cream o! Barley Park on Wednesday aftemnaon, with a total o! 15 points, eight points mare than bis nearest campefi- ton. Wiseman came irsf in the Intermetilate section with 14 points, and Depew and Colville tied for second Place with ten points each. In the Junior divis- ion, Bill Hutchinisan compileti 19 points ta eke out victory aven Jackman who had 18. In the girls' events Helen Moirden won thq senior f ifle wifh nine points, anà M.ss Downey won the junior crown wifb the sarne number. Some events have yefta be run. Here are the resulfs of Wednes- day's events: Junior Girls 50 Yard Dashi-DowneY, Biokeli, McKnight: time 7 sec. 75 Yard Dasb-Dawney, Bick- ell, McKnighf: time 10 sec. Broad Jump-Downey, Spencer, McDonald; distance. 13 ft. 10 in. Basketball Throw - Williams, Chiltis, Campbell; distance, 81 f t. 1l in. -~High Jump-Tait, Storey, Jury; +height, 4 ft. Relay Race-3rd Fonm, 1B Fonm and lA Form. Senior Girls 75 Yard Dash-Morden, Mit- chell, Scott; time, 10 3-5 sec. 100 Yard Dash-Morden, Mit- chell, Scott; time, 13 2-5 sec. Broad Jump-G. Mitchell, Mon- den, D. Mitchell; distance, 13 ft. 2 in. Higb uj BlemYHalîman, Morden; Is,3 fPt.7 1In. Býasketbal! Thirow - Emmeft. Glanville, Sissans; distance, 60 f f. 2 ln. Relay Race - Fouth Faimn, Commercial. Fi! th. Junior Boys 100 Yard Dash -. Hutchinson, ,jackman, Hately: time, il14-5 sec. Broati Jump - Hutcb i n s o n, Jackman, Hafely; distance, 16 ft. 8 ln. 220 Yard Dash - Hutchinson, Jackmian, Hately; fime, 27 sec. H p. Step and Jump-Hutcbln- son,?Jaýckman, Tamblyn; distance, 31 !t. 10 in. Hljgh Jump-jackmaii, Hutcb- SENIOR CHAMPION Laverne Kimble Who won the senior champion- shiùp at the High Sehool Field Day1 af the Cream o! Barley Park on Wednesday. He bas been anouf- standing athlete, bth as a public anti high school student. inson, Runtile; height 4 ff. 2 in. 880 Yard Run - - HutchJnsan, Jessen, Jackman; fime, 2 mnin. 45 sec. Shat Put - Jackman, Hutchin- son, Cale; distance, 30 ft. 6 in. Pole Vaulf-Jackman, Rundle, Cale. Intermediate Boys 100 Yard Dash-Calville, Wise- man, Depew; time, il 1-5 sec. Broad Jump-Depew, Gale, Mc- Ilveen; distance, 17 ff. 7 in. 220 Yard Dasb-Calville, Wise- [man; fime, 26 % sec. Running Hop, Step and Jump -Depew, Wiseman, Colville; dis- fanée, 36 ft. High Jump - Fagan, Depew, Wiseman; beight, 4 ft, 71/-_ in. Shof Put - Colville, FPa gan. Wiseman; distance, 29 ft. il in. 880 Yard Run-Wiseman, Gra- ham; time, 2 min. 31 sec. 440 Yard Run-Wiseman, De- pew, Graham; fîme, 61 1-5 sec. Senior Boys 100 Yard Dash-Kimble, Mas- an; time. il sec. Shot Put-Tighe, Kimble, Mc- Ilveen; 32 f. 9 in. 220 Yard Dash-Kimble, Ma- son: time, 254-5 sec. Broad Jump - Kimble, Swin- dells, Tigbe; distance, 18 !t. 4 la. Running Hop, Step and Jump- Spencer, Kimble, Swindells;, dis- tance, 34 ff. 7 in. High Jump-Spencer. Gatcbell, Kimble; heigbt, 4 f t. 10 la. 440 Yard Dasb-Mason, spen- cer, Swindells: time, 60 4-5 sec. Relay-Comxnercial, Fourt. KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE WILL MOVE TO NEW LOCATION Will Change Name to (Jowling's Drug Store When 33 Year Old Business Moves to Centre of Town in Modern Store Another important b us in es s change on Main Street. is report- ed this week with the forthcom- ng removal of the Kersiake Drug Store to the former Chartran store in the heart of the town. For the past thirty-three years this store has been located in ils present position and has served a steady group of loyal customers. The removal of the store to the centre o! the town will make it the only drug store in that sec- ton. With its moving ils name vill change to 'Cowling's Drug Store." It wlll be rec.alled that Mr. P rcy R. Cowling purchased the d fùg business from his cousin, F. R. Kersiake, a few years ago. Mr. Kerslake continued a.s the optometrist and the name con- tinued as Kerslake's Drug Store. This set-up will not change with the store's change of location other than the change of name. %Ir. Kersiake will continue bis atical work. The new store, f rom prepared plans will further add to the C ontending Candidates in Durham Born on Adjoining Clarke Farms With election day only two weeks away 'the campaign in Durham is warming up. Per- haps neyer bef are has the campaign been such an inter- esting affair f rom the stand- point of the candidates. Bath are natives of Clarke Town- ship, M. J. Elliott and C. G. Mercer being born on adjoin- ing farmis at Kendal in Clarke Township. Bath attended Mc- Leans School and both have graduat.ed into municipal life, the Liberal candidate mn East Durham and the Conservative candidate in West Durham. Of further interest is the f act that the John Elliott farm on which Milton J. Elliott was born has since been purchas- ed by the Mercer family and is still operated by Roy Mer- cer, a brother o! the Liberal candidate. The Elliott family moved ta Bowmanville and Milton Elliott owns and op- erates the f arm on Concession Street. His father, John El- liott., has his residence on the same farmn at the corner of Liberty and Concession St. It is interesting also to note that the original Mercer farm was at one time the McLean farm. the birthplace of J. S. McLean, President of Canada Packers Limited, Toaraonto. And so out on the seventh concession of Clarke il should be a most interesting contest, with the son of Lot 6 and Lot 7, neighbours and s chool1 mates, battling for the right ta represent the historie and banner caunty of Durham in the Legislative Assembly of the Province o! Ontario. Ralph Carruthers Winner 0f Library Research Award SUGGEST HISTORY 0F HIGH SCHOOL BE COMPLETED Former Principal Hopes To See Someone Complete History Already Written Up Until 1908 The following f rani the Statesman of jan. 2nd, 1908, refers toa a.listor- ical sketch that was read by the principal at the closing meeting of the High School Litcrary Society for the ycar 1907. It bas been suggested that this sketch mnight be made the basis of a history of the school ta the present time. It rcads: " Pcrhaps no article that lias ap- pe'red in The Statesmian for a long timne will be mare widely read or read with mare intense imterest than Principal Elliott's 'Sketch of Bow- manville High School," cavering its historv fromi 1851 ta 1908. XVe have printed an extra number of copies this week, as we are certain everv farmner stiident svill waimt ta read the article. A fcw typographical errars appear but they are nat verv seriaus ones. This article sbould be prescrv- cd iin the family scrap book. Prin- cipal Elliott spent mucli labor in hunting tmp and perusing aId records ta glean the information and the cit- izens owe him sincere thanks for putting inta concise form so much Fair Directors Are -Elated As Gate Receipts Increase And Enthusiasm Runs High PETERBORO WOMAN WINS PONTIAC CAR AT ORONO DANCE Ticket No. 17349, purchas- ed by Mis. Or. Peterboro, was the firsf ticket drawn last nighf at Orono Agni- cultural Improvement Club's dance, making ber the win- ner o! a 1937 Pontiac Coach. The ticket was sald by F. Pearson, Orono, wbo will ne- ceive $10,00. Second prise, a treadle or electric sewing machine. was won by L. Barks, 216 Glad- stone St., Oshawa, wifh ftic- ket No. 9668, and third, a lady's on genf's bicycle, went fa H. Francis, Bowmanville, holding ticket No. 19361. Consolation prizes o! $1.003 eacb were won by Os Cawan, Orono; C. F. Jamieson, Bowmanville; G. H. Hogarth of Solina; N. Robinson, 55 A. Clarke of Orono, Wins Bucksaw Con- test . . Large Entry List in Baby Show.. Oshawa Horse Wins Free-for-AII Race Nearly 4000 peimons attended Durham Central Agricultural Sa- ciety's Fair at Orono Tuesday and Wednesday, with directors reporting large increase.s in gate receipts, although for the first time cilîdren 12 years and under were admitted free o! charge. Wednesday was a perfect day for the event with the enlarged grounds crowded with spectators and exhibitors. Entries were, how- ever, somewhat smaller than last year, due to other fairs being held on the same day. Feature events lncluded the frontsorin ta e ti hew l- i oci itoyorvan. I ------wcots wney& aui frons i tht sctio. Te Cwl-Naw, who is there amnong us who Wellington St., Toronto; W. Orono, in 7,0 seconds. His near- ing store will be finished in black. .Wdel hdod .F green and yellow vitrolite, andi Son of Mr. and M rs. W. WINS SCHOLARSHIP will volunteer ta bring the history A.Wdel1hdod .E est opponient was R. Winn, Ken- of Bowmranville 1-igh Schaol up ta McGilvaray, 251 King St., dal, four fi! ths of a second slow- will have the name "Cowling"~ in H. Carruthers, Bow- . date? Maybe somne bistorically in- Oshawa; Geo. McAleer, 15 er than the leader. Other prIze large black letters on a yellow cie ui re-ui ils l ao tLno;G . wnar eeH eiJ ide background. On the ide pillars, manville, Expia if lpdpui r-uî il suppy MjrSLodn G.H wieswre.LwsJMdl- vhih wllbe igt gee, wll p- Resarh W rk He heinformnation. Johnson, 291 St. Eloi Ave, ton and G. Ralph. whih wllbe igt gee, wllap- Reearh ork He(no address); Max Efttblay, The baby show proved a popular pear the word "drugs."' The front *~u.u l. Newcastle; Mrs. T. W. Caw- atrcinndaedcefoth will follow the style trend o! the W III Undertalle 1I HAMPTON FLOWER ker, Bowmanviîîe. faitrasctnard as hedct or whe Knox and Chartran stores but will New York City Draw was made at il p.m. farsectar ave bee incarewa be specially adapted for drug dis-____ LOVERS STAGED standard time, in front of calîed away on an emergency case play. The store is now being re- S C E SU SHOW the Armouries, Miss Eileen adcudntatn.Eetal moeledbyHoac Hckeyo! Yet another instance o! a Dur- Cowling, Salem, drawing the Dr. James Bayne, child specialist Bowmanville and will be ready for ham boy makingý the steady climb lucky tickets while blind- of Oshawa, consented to attend occupancy in a very few weeks. up the îadder of success, is given P Hampton Horticulttiral Society folded. W. F. Riekard, M.P. and pleased almost everyone with The interior o! the store will be in the announcement o! the hand avery suesow !ow Te frit anounh c ate w inn resbis thoraugh examinations before much about the same as the pre- American Library Association Fel-advetbeshwo Tudy Thgh curefirs rendering decisions. W in ner s sent store, although mînor chang- lcwship Awards. This time it is ni . ght. September 14, in the Sun- 1 wer o vial ttm were: Boys or girls, 6 months old e~fo cnvninc wllbemae Ralph H. Carruthers o! the New day school room o! the church. opulction, directors o!fne-Ird sno i n ___________ Yr ubi Lbaysno!E-The president. Mrs. John Ki- the club hope ta net in the or udrAfesno r n Reeve and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, .i veli, SaUina, presided over a short neighboh o!o $1000 from Mr.WT.Le.ewst;Jon OP RA IO S F Bowmanville. Mr. Carruthers bas meeting, followed by singing. 0 ticket sales. which will be tonlle, r.Sudbur . . byDgr 16mon. O E A IN OF been awarded a $1500 scholarship, .. ,Canada and communify singing usedto yWMthe,-itelleadury.Jaett, daug16ero! BG BROTHERS which will enable hi ta make a led by Mrs. J.Bae,_ n a short ty of Durham Central Ag- ~ n r.Go edro J. BGtalk by Mr. M. H. Staples, Orono. ricultural Society. Mr.on: B . ev . ery ndauero! r- A E E LAN D survey o! photographic problems Orona Society being guests, Mrs. __________________ugher o AR ______o motac olbrre nerF abynadMs M tpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson, Dr.th den oes Lae uPbicirar thyNw.or kindly judged the flowers and ENFPIELD DIAMOND JUBILEE Toronto, and a daughter o! Mr. house plants.s, SadeEInPubieICESry.and Mrs. Ulmont Bullock, Orono. Big Brother Movement, Teils In repiy ta a letter from the Mrus. Drp mondtOr.oSiRaVICES Baby boy, 16 mo.anindr Rohltain ofFiedWOut o editor o! The Statesman asking _____________vclnme and a vocal duet Diamond Jubilee Services held Ronald, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Ab. By Group particulars o! the award Mr. Car- with Mr M Sapes was weîî re- ls udyi West, Orono; Bllly, son o! Mr. ______ uthers points ouf that i sa IIhCruhr evdadhafl noe. ls udyi Enfield were very and Mrs. Harold Couch, Newcas- An activenmemer o! the Bihopporunify t accdmplish need- H.Car Anrtivh me r ranztofnTothBeg d piece 0f ork. Hmish urve o- Sno r adM .Mr. E.- A. Summers, Agricultural successful. Audiences which pack- tle; Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Broheyoraniatin n Tronoen ice thfs ont.Hisand cin SnofM.ad rsW.H a-Rpresentatîve, Bow nm a n v i 11 e, ed the church ta, capacity listened T. W. Grahamý Bowmanvifle. The Dr. K. W. Rogers. M.A.,Ph.D.. ouf- ecdtimohan will con- i'uthers, Bowmanville. whohsjdetefrian g-t icussatronadev- nurses in attendance were Miss line itsopeatios ad aii t tnue from nine months toa ayear. been awarded a $1500 scholarship Ekindly judg pedhe fuit n veg- . scores aWfC.tmrn of an oeve- Glenn Gamey and Miss Doris theRotry lu luchen o F He will continue f0 work part time in Library Research Work af ablesebrefyan i g day,~~~~~ ciigeape nwihin the New York Library and wiîî New York City where lhe is on the reason for pacing he firt and ngyRv.WC.Sifghe Curlay wen also take a course at Columbia staff of the New York Public Lib- second prize tickets, andco-te.O Moayvnighepa Close heats made the trotting boys had been aided in regaining as aeacus tClmi mented f avorably on the fine dis- "The Antics o! Andrew" was ren- races under sponsorship of Orono position in a community through University. Perhaps tke best rary. ! play o! flowers. WIlMe there was dered bef are an ecqually large Driving Club an outstanding ev- activities o! the Big Brothers. undersfanding o! the work Mr. not a large exhibit in each class audience, by the Scugog Draina- ent with the purse o! $110 divided Dr. Rogers was well qualifiedE gained from his own description be applied in this f ield.i there was a fine showing of flow- McCu.Tettlpoed o ewe w aetefe o ta speak on the subjecf, having o h okwih~apne A microphotograph is de! ined ers, h~ouse plants, apples, and veg- h jubilconservics on Page o) ofenteconsiderable fimepasndon- etables. $108,30. CniudoPae6 sultnt cniat e toron as Junl The Project Pane as a reduced scule photograph of The Coronation Ontario Horti- Curat astueTr ontpo vlge h rjc sanivsiainalarge abject. In library work Court, aslecturér n pwechphotoThraph a pagen ioretwgatfac-acultural Association medal was a, University o! Toronto, and as o! librr photographic problems ingotgp page , o!r won35 al- received by Miss L. Horn, for the anintricoro!paen euctin.&ch asrthe new equipment and meferagesyofilmbok<nt3the ind -highest points, having ieceived Miu dith Stephenson, Newcastle ae inrrofpcent b A R . r improvement s needed, and the mtrsft im,(o h df irsts on geran.ium, hanging plant, gin wsupintuednt o! t.e On- secondary problemrs which have used in the theafres but the kind clnua cucumbers, collection gi, upritedntofth O-been created b h s fpo used in home movies), the usable cfaleul, adsul cad; D es From Car Accident Injuries tario Training School for Bays. tography in fhe library regarding wItheo whleboo is ot onbe ichie seconds on pofatoes, nicotines,-4 The Big Brother Movement was Itfetindiviual user, theindividual th thegun induNewueYorkhin dividalbyhe ages are photagraphed one cabbage, Chinese cabbage, snap- begu inNewYorkin 904 blbrary, the library world at large p g dragons, tuberous beganias, pom- SUN B N E IL NwateLd ucmot Ernest Coulter and his Bible class and the social implications. AIl affer the other a frame at BONNET GIRLnies;Mtle Lady3Buccumbaout who saw the need for helping !ormns o! photography use! ul in a timne on the film. Over three o 7 niis aig 3piso It S ENTERTAINING Injuries in Bowmanville Hos- boys who were underprîvileged, library are included. thousand pages o! ordinary book Oigt lsrpoiiyt ARP O U TO ia olwn nAcdn whose minds were engaged in ac- size can be put on a hundred foot Own ta osrpoiîyt FARP DU T N pilFloin an ciet tivifies which undermined their Now something about the lut- roll of film. the place o! show, Mr. A. B. Cry- tBagsCresaudy morlsan wh wrefas bcon-est application in the photogra- Teearcmrsopht- derman, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mis. With the hall decorated wîth ingrl inrrigiblesifnfasciial.phie field. Microphotography is grahin s h eaea es fandpcat- C. Johns, Mis. C. J. Kerslake, and !lags, and the stage beautifully The inorkigbsespread t rpiln not a new idea, in fact if 15 8.l- ea o htgraphing losesh ut nd voli- Mr. F. J. Groat were other mem- f:xed ta represent a rose garden Mrs. Edith Stephenson, 60, o! in 1936 over 61,000 boys were mosf as old as photograpahy itself. umnes. Ini order ta read wbat is bes ho i.Had the lrgetnuer owingandm asseo!roes, aenc"h ewstl e d.e in B omnil touched by the organization. In Even the idea o! photographing a on the film a projector is used, a0ehbt.Hwvr toewosigfn altiefne"h ospoitgan ar cciensda mrnl Toronto alone 2,000 boys were book in miniature has been trac- which projects onto an inclined came !rom a greater distance con- Sun Bonnet Girl" was presented floiga cietStra brouht uder ts ifluece. ed back ta a fellow by the name sereen in front o! the rentier a tributed worthwhile exhibits also. both nights o! the Orono Fair tu evening at Bragg's Corners, tbree brogh ude if iflene. of Dancer living in Manchesterý, !acsimile of the original page. Judging from the interesf tak- large audiences. thlesca infwhlch sh e wasa as The aim o! the society, explain- England. in 1856. iTerisam hnsmcnold en by members and others who The first nighf music was pro- shengar coidew th hw a rasor edstndo thesa er ta elpt.He H owever, if is onîy wifbin the1 by the reader whicb advances the abm ebr ta.eeig vided before and afer the !irst truck. Her body was removed to gave an instance where a boy He ilasf quarter o! a century Or so 'film fo the next frame showing adb the interest taken by thase acf, consisting o! trios by Charles Cobourg. ta tad n tei on fe b.dthat efforts have been made ta the following page. not members who attended, there Buckley, George Rowe and Dan- entered bis office quife downcast devise apparatus and methods Thiere are several types o! pro- is a possibility o! a bigger and ald Hamnm, and duets by Donald The collision occurred between because o! bis inabilify ta secure ncsayfrwoesl oyn.iýsoeuiaa pu better sociefy, whicb we hope willHam ndGogRweMr.. a car driven by Mrs. Ross DikInn- employment. The lad bad came 1 Anit if s only recenfly that suc- screen and some usung a transîu b bet pnorabte hwSmith being accompanisf; andsohoufreinraInj- of very poar parents but was as cess has been attained and enough cent screen, in which case the another yeai. the second night by Harry Rowe's tes, and a G. Gilmour transport, "straigbt as a reed", while the people interested ta warrant image is projeted f rom behind If was point ed ouf by one o! orchestra. Mrs. R. H. Brown was Burgessville, driven by Stanley IiflTeBg rter ee bethe screen. towards fthe reader.tebathcuivio pianist for the play, and Mrs. 0. iba.Psenesi b a god.Th Bg rohes er al a way do ideas grow into (The idea o! the transîucent o!f fowers helps one culfivate a W. Rolph the directress.' stated that the truck drawlng a ta help hum and the îast report pruchia sfles at firsf slow- screen is the same as that used betfer disposition. Somne o! our The delighfful play La the story trailer, was proceedlng west down showd tht hewas oingexc pr yactal usefuln e burst o! in the Trans-Lux movie theatres b!low ie n musc loeswho aeo! an orphan girl Sue who bas hilI, wlth the trailer swaying fromi ticePly wfl aya nn dpr nth eno sw ithan d lg re ater a da ndo oo neerebh eero ebt oo u g b t u p,- l o wm is trmsic l ofeda na nne b e eideug htap, nsideet einnd sad z ig z agin a c o u rse.rs e a firm, wa.s living in a room away can say who invented it. Ail kinds hind the screen and the audi- mright say that a world witboutj defrautied by Mr. and Mis. As the Dickinson auto approach- from bis family's influence and o! people, contrlbuted and many ence in front.) AU o! these pro- eitber would be a niucb less beau- 1&Sroggs. Mrs. Coleman cames ed fîom the west, the trailer col- was establisblng bimself a.s a val-dea dtabwok ufn tiful place ta live, se o et's cultivate i udrasie !temsic soc lided wlth the side o! the car, uable member o! the community. relafed fields before tbey could (Turn to Page Eight, Please) flowers. iefy president Mrs. Meadows ta> twisting the body out o! shape One of the_____________________________________ -stage a contest, the winner o! and tbrowing the vehicle on its Brvig n Brohs take under ther 1. 1n . u ~ RNT H R H which ta receive a scholarshlp. side, into the south dltch. The BigaBrothw shows nde n- here ttioIiN o nci t Hbmi ianc i____son and daughter and the truck and trailer also left the oies toadunw!ul ahwsnd un- PRev.ioSidney Davison basedd 1 daugbter's friend, Jerry Jackson, road, but îemalned uprlgbt. The cie toardunlwfu an un Re. Sdne Daiso baedbis c with ber, and thraugh the pavement was wet at the turne o! moral living, provide him with ln t1r L sermon on Sunday morning In a cugbfer's efforts Sue tries and the accident. new interests by assaciating hm Bylaw D erore voters at Election Trinity Churcb on the words, "I wins the covet.ed prize, as well as Passengers in the car wbo were with boys' clubs. In this way the_______________ will make aIl my mounitaîns a the lave of Bob Coleman, and a 110t seriously ïnjured included la lanswbtLae pecedo! lmwy"soign a e fortune which the Scroggs have Mns. Gea. Stephenson and daugb- in the community, bis eblwprsingetth ifiublems ee es eg ndBtyNro are worked out with bis leader J. A. Wiggins. Secretary off ion. Should thebaw asrngathedfcuy emy eeI taken in also restaned to ber. tr eg n etNro anti he bas lit fle chance ta ac- Canadian Bandmasters Ex- Januany, and wifh the prevaiîing it may by the power o! Gad be Humour in the play La provided Cowan and Gardon Ketchum, al quine the crime habit, while es- pan prtaTo e n feeling if is f ully expecfed ta, the overcoîne. The chair were ouf in by t4xe village constable, Mr. Me- o! Newcastle. Mrs. Editb Steph- bisinchanacter. f IfwtOe goodly numbers and under dir- Spavin, anti his brother Reuben enson suffered a fractured pelvis fablishing tarie ActatoFinance Mhn band will be assuneti of a grant ection o! Dr. T. A. Partridge ren- waL nlv ihMrna and* punctured bladder. stage ftbe lad is placed in an in- icîpal ,Bands eacb year fa provide expert lead- tiered a fine antbem. "The WaY- village belle. This is the second fatal acci- stitution where thase in change .eiship and ta ensure the organiza- side Cross" was pleasingly sung Dorothy Scott won the hearts dent whlch bas occurred this year endavurtochngehi od a-ion o! a Junior Band as a feeder by Messrs. M. S. Dale and E. F. R.. o! ber audience as Sue, the pon at Bragg's Corners, the first on bits by providing new interesfs, J. A. Living, President o! the organization for the main bandi al niOvil*sore n h itnae rphan wbo slngs Jlt Obwe he epewr wblch in time will become habi- Canadian Leglon, will bead a James Abernethy, Piesident o! evening the pastor based bis sen- plaîntlvely that she must always killed in a head-en collision. tual. the Leglon Band, preslded at a mon on the words "Sîlver anid wash dishes; and wben ber for- Trafflc Ofilcer Harry Caldwell Wetr e ecbhm ht fstrong commlttee o! cîtizens ne- well attended meeting in the gold have I none, but such as I tMne La restoied, the scbolarshlp lnvesflgated, but as yet bas laid mens tgo,up. shi al r. og-pnesentlng many important clubs Cauncil Roomn on Frlday nlgbf. have give I unfo thee," showlng won, and the happy girl is engag- no charges. An lnquest bas been mens ana grow olader.weRhav and organizations in the cern- The Legion Band, Mr. Abernethy thaf If La not the man with greaf ed ta Bob Coleman (LeRoy ordereti. ersac and s keittoler medicave munity, in an effort now belng said. was once agaîn loslng ifs talents that daes the mosf foi bIS Brown) the audiience rejolces with Mis. Stephenson La survlved by tfeand av adficu ittpebles but put forth to place a speclal Band leader, and If was consldered an fellow man. The one wlfb ittIe hem. bher husband and four children, ifd w e re preupar wemn ,vbut Bylaw before the electors at the opportune tîme ta place the mat- o! this world's goods may be a Mis. E. J. Ham.m played the Isobel, Kenneth, Lloyd, George. cfwam e beA expleanogven- fort hcoming municipal elect Ions. ter a! the band befere tbe eîec- wonder!ul blessing to -t bs e role o! Mrs. Scroggs real weîî, as The funeral wlll be held Thurs- co!ame hmb e ! the Blgioters The ebjeot o! the bylaw La to pro- tors. The band is anxlous ta car- around him. Miss Margaret AI- tild Colin Taylor as Mr. Scroggs. day, September 23, 1937, !îom St. was that "he was one who knows vide a regular grant for mainten- ry on as a community group, but lnsn peddy"h ta-Mis. Hartwell Lowery took thîe George's Anglican Church, New- ance of the local band as a corn- gem o! Galilee" whlch aIl apprec- castle. Inferment F'orest Lawn (Turn to Page Six, Pleas.> munity and municipal organiza- (Contlnued on Page 6) lated. TrtoPgSilac Cmey oon. More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham County Newspaper e.ana ian

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