THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE One thing which threatens ust ail is deterioration - in aur bodies,: our minds, our marais, our habits, I and our ide ais. ~Those who live in small carn- munities are under greater peril1 than those who live in large cen-1 tres. Where pressure ls heaviest, *3/4 On Guurante.d Truut Ceiilates A legal Investment for Trust Fundis Unconditionally Guaranteed STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION SuTme UGTOM R TO>OT there one is called upon more ur- gently o resist and ta, defeat pressure. I was talking recentiy with a Young man who lives in a large Nova Scotia town. Ho said that Nova Scotians - indeed ahl Mari- tirners - are kept back by their campiacency. Lif e in the Mari- times is rather placid. He himseif fears that if he remains in bis native awn he will become carn- placent - satisfied wiVh things as they are. In these eastern towns there is no inflow of new popula- ian. They rernain the same year after year. The same people see the same people year after year. There is nathing new Vo ak about. Starekeopers become ra- ther dead sa far as initiative goes. This Young man, f illed with am- bition. wants Vo geV inta Ontario, where he f inds lifo going at a fas- er pace. He would 'like ta get into a job whicb wouid keep him pushed from morning until nigbt. Where he now is. he is noV undor any great pressure. J CK I have been seeing another man -a man in bis middle 60's. He is in good circurnstances. For quite 10 years he bas dane very littie work. Each winter be and bis J-FREE 32-page beautifully illus- trated bookîci describing new, attractive plumbing fixtures whicb Pease makes it Sa easy and convenient for you to secure. Disaist with us OUR NEW PAYMENT PLAN Dîmtils giediy given wth no obligation ta yeu. Phone 682 BOWMANVILLE YOUR WORLD AND MINE By JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) wife go to Florida, ta spend the1 merciai course, which sustains remained a beggar, and sold ca- winter months in summer tern- oniels faith in young people. caine an the sly. His wife died, peratures. under summer skies. Young people everywhere wauld and his daughter became a street-i He f inds tens of tîiausancls ofbe if they took correspon- walker. other husbands and wives wîhose dece courses. Particularly shauld This cismal tale is the tale af young people in small towns use a Man who was corrupted by get- state is that of bimself and his their'Urne in preparat'on, by sys- ting a dollar easily. I. is a tale wife: they have enough money tO ternatic study, for work of a high-wihaesnint.Tebg- liv coplaenty i Flrid. Echer status and of higher incarne nings of aur personal deteriora- day the prablema of these tens of possibilities than the work which taon are likely to be trivial in their thausands af Flarida visitors iS may now engage hem. Younlg character; but a cantinuance of how ta kili tirne. There is sea peple shauld be resolved that the the Practices wbich were wrong bathing; there is matoring; there cmîcnywiihrdc65 can become a monster which wili Vs hufle oar; tereis ride;many fine men and women to 10w destroy us. there is gosspig The reading of levels of living and thinklng shaUl Deterioration! Fight against it newpapers - but flot of books - flot get them in its clutches. ayuwodfghaaitaba and listening to the radio and Vo a O ol ih gis o bands, are other ways o! killing My thought goes out, very of!- constrictor. time. ten, ta Young men and wamen on f arms. They have opportunities This man's conversation is jiist for self-develapment and seif-ex- about places where he has beeI1 presion of the most attractive COURTICE and about trivial things. Ad1 ot ianawy ldwe .is the sarne in the case of his wife. read of Young f armers takilg On Tuesday, Sept. 14th, Miss' rEach of these two persans is iikely courses at the 0. A. C.; or attend- Audrey Phair was hostess Vo ten c to live another 10 or 15 Years. ing caunty courses, of learxiing srmall ses, one for each year af Wha a reay otlok!haw Vo judge cattle or horses. As her life, this being the occasion a! L When I meet such peaple and I see it. Young men and women onl ber tenth birthday. A quaint fea- after listening to their conversa- farms should plan their f armirig ture prececting the Party was the *taon for a few days, I arn most far into the future - in order Vo Personal invitation carcis which grateful that stern necessity carn- have 20 years hence the f arrn of each received, an example beang: pels me ta work - ta earn a liv- their dreams. Nature is sa will- Please corne o-my Party, And do ing. I f eel that while I arn at ing ta give back ta those who noV be laVe; It starts at 2.30, And twork, I arn kept frorn ful l eteriof- work with her aIl that they give ends bef ore 8. A very happy Vame i ation; also, that rny contacts with Vo her - and ta give more than was spent by ail and many pretty others is advantageaus ta hern was given her. gifts were received by Miss Aud- rand ta me. My wark keeps rne1 J C K rey. Many happy returris of the f ro mrusting out. Always I have Dtroain hr stedY Vo be attempting new Vings - Dtraain hr stedY things calculated ta earn me umon- story of a man wha worked in an Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor 1ey. I have Vo be mentaUly crea- insurance office in New York, at and family now occupy the house 5 ive, a wage of $18 a week. One day recently owned by Mr. and Mrs. Forunael, iseea ooc rnnyon his way home, on the ferry, Sidney Rice, the latter having yaoun peple who weant ounsel.y he found that he had no money. moved to the farrn purchased anYaovng opethma counsel ,~ A stranger of good beart gave bim 'fram Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. that 1 ar n ot wholly unuseful. adlawe h on a' Mr. and Mrs. William Romhanyi Alwys ar ugin otersVaperplexity and necessity were per- and famlly expect Vo move ta stve arder aacorgnplihsh moe.ceived, saying, "You wUll be meet- Oshawa where they have purchas- My imp actsr o the plis foes ing me soon on this ferry, and ed a bouse. Messrs. 9onGunten are designed, ta stir thernt hnyucnreuntedla. and heir sisters, Misses Helen and greteraciviy ad e d hibe But the possession of a dollar ab- Leisa, have rented Mr. Romhanyi's radfier atitn o ig tained without having Va work for f arrn. and fner carrupted VUis man: ho did noV Then, too, in my leisure ime, I want ta, see the man who bad Mr. Paul Antil has improved have an appetite for the stuff one loaned him a dollar. Soon this bis garage by re-painting. finds in books. Thus, just now I Young man was actually begging Mrs. S. Paternoster visited Mrs. arn reading a stirring "Life" of feilow passengers tç iend him 50 W.Hbs saa h nue Jan Smuts, the great South Mnr- cents. He faund it a gaod racket ber right hand in an electric can; and a book about Tennyson ta profess VhaV he bad losV bis wIinger. and bis poetry. Recently I read pocket-boak, and sa bad no money Mrs. George H. Robinson, Mr. a life of Thoreau and another o! ta get home. SoA i went on and Leanard Brash, Miss Frances, and WaIV Whitrnan. There is real on. The man became a profes- Messrs. Ted and F'rederic Robin- food in such books. I do hope sional beggar. 1V paid him Vo 1e son, Thornton's Corners, and Miss that I shahl neyer lose rny desire a beggar. That is to say, he got Frances Reynolds, Oshawa, were Vo read books. I pray that 1 shahl more money by begging than he Sunday guests wth the latter's neyer want te read only news- gat wben he worked in an office. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George papers and magazines. I arn giad One day he was arrested, and sen- Reynolds. that 1 arn noV a bridge player, and tenced Vo a month's amprisonanent.______________ that I can find peace and ricb He wrate a letter Vo bis wife, tell- pleasure in my own home. I arn ing her VhaV ho was about Vo HA T N really glad that I have flot a mo- drown bimself - this te explain HA P O or car, for if I did. I right ac- why be wouid flot be returnlng Vo quire a passion Vo be always go- his home. Young People's Union met on ir.g places. The man became a sort of mi- Friday evening wiVh President J C K ser. His savings reached $1000; Miss Helen Knox in charge a! the One of my recent caliers was a then $10,000. Then be baught a apening and business period. A young man 4whose job is seliing $20,000 apartment bouse; and so sing-song was conductedl by the educational courses. He is sales- he went on investing bis money, president, after which a short man for a correspondence schooi. until, when he died, he had ime was devoted ta the worship At this year's Canadian National amassed $500.000. But always lie service. CalVo Worship was gi- Exhibition bis f irm had a baoth. _______________von by Miss Elinor Sykes, afterý He told me that it was delightful which Mrs. Laverne Ciemens read ta see sa rnany Young men calling ________________the Bible lesson, f oilowed by pray- at this booth ta inquire about e<j- er by Miss Thelma Rabbins. An ucatianal courses - costing frorn intoresting stary was capably Vold' $80 Va $200; and ta have so many yMs B. Knox. "~The Churcb's enroli for one course or anather. One Faundation" was sung, after Il. is this burning desire for spe- which the pragrarn. in charge of cialized instruction, and this en- Ms. Art Blanchard, was present- rolling for correspondence instruc- "FR s e e L MOE ed. "Take My Lif e and Let It Be" ian in sorne engineering or coin-1---11 was sung, f ollowed by prayer by AND SWEETSMELLING- 1 FEEL Sa MUCH MV COLORED THINGS SO SAFER TO KNOW FRESH AND BRIGHTI IM THAT CONCENTRATED .... ....SUPER SUDS REMOVES GERMS AS WELL AS DIRT.* IT GETS *Softens Hiard Water WON'T Harm Your Washer. Cives Lots MORE SUDS than Any Other Soap. Washes Clothes CLEANER ... Quicker ... Easler. dOSPITAL-CLEAN MEANS CERM-RE£MOVED, SiNOW-WHiTfECLTE.P BOWMANVILZ HARRY AILUrN F. S. COULTERL G. A. EDMONDSTONE DOMINION STORES LTD. A -& P STORES Rev. W. Rackham. A reading was given by Miss Florence Burns. MiLss Helen Knox favored with a vocal solo. The Vopic was in the form of three stories. The first, "The Arrivai of the Hector" was gîven by Miss Jessie Hogarth; the accnd, "Beginning in British Col- umbia" by Miss Edith Rackham; and the third. "The Apostie 0f Red River," by Miss Doreen Per- rett. Mr. Alf. Rundle favoured Iih a mautb organ solo. "Jesus j Shall reign where'er the Sun" waa F. W. NELLES E. W. TRUMLE NEWCASTLE J. R. FISHER J. G. HOLMES H. S. BITTON HAMPTON GEO. A. BARBON & SON ORONO - ONT. JNO. J. CORNISH M. COWAN ORONO GROCERY AND 5o TO $1.00 STORE sung, ciosing w'lth the Mizp&h Beware of the noisy man who Benediction. The Young People shouts bis paVniotism from the gratefully enjoyod a melon treat housetops. IV's a safe bet that which was sent by Mr. E. L. Wil- he's a Vax dodger. iamson. Saber second Vbougbt may noV show up until the mrnng afVer. Silence is often the strongest A penn'arth of practice 's protest that can be affered. worth a pound ai preaching. The man wbo buflis bIs bridges Do s fot be quick until yau are bebind him when be starts out to 1Nothing is as we-aring as an el- look for trouble i foolish. O ;fort Vo, get along with people xvho second Vhought, a man who looks SgraVe on your nerves.1 for, Vrouble Vs foolish anYwaY. YOU SAY YOU FOUND DANGEROUS £lWAOY GERMS IN MY SOILED CLOTI4ESI MY, WHAT THICK, RICH4 BUT WHAT CAN 1 DO TO PROTECT SUDS CONCENTRATED MY FAMILY AGAINST THEM? SUPER SUDS GIVES ME. -1 TI4ESE ACTIVE SUDS ES bL.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE