PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 1937 YOUR WORLD AND MINE By JOHN C. KIRKWOOD Ail too frequently I have cails a university graduate. He sells f rom Younig men who want to talk lie nsurance. Latterly he has not to mie about their wcrk - their been very successful. He seemis to have acquired a desire to get future - about how to get a job. into some other kind cf work. ~ ~ agregte he our I iveAbout six weeks ago he wanted to these callers run into t.he hun-, talk about a job which haîf Open- dreds every year. These cailers ed to him. For good reasons he do not Sm to have any con- decided not to f 011w up this sciOUsr.that mY time is valu-'chance - after I had shOwn mhilm able t.n1Me - that my tine isj that it was work able te be done what I seil - what 1 use to make 1 better by others - others having a living. Most of my calers Îty1 a More robust nature than MY on and on until I have to indicate catier hias. It was work wuith no o theni that I have work o do. stabiity in it. It was work re- The ast Of these callers. when he quiring one o contact a rather was leaving, said in a lazY 2Ylliterate casas of persons - per-j &hat he cati again when he sons cf no ambition - eaners bad SOMe topic of interest to hi'ii raiher than if ters. - Vo hm, mark you - to presentj Tij last caUI had f romn this to me. He left me only after .Il an a -saotanwkn liad risen o my feet anid maclde 1ian wa-sllabusanesb ks hlm by ibis means that liee'f or-ein business bookh etrPrs too should rs rmhscar looked -smely" o me. I couns9el- and get out Of my office. 1E-d him o have nothing o do This man has been Vo see me with a man who was making mis- about four times this year. He is statements - and f rom what I ____________________was told, this man was saYing that hie was affiliated with a very vern expi if e cred youi er. whe las beei chw, He tue1 nigl thal h'ad mal vert 52e< abo ncl anJ er. clia in1 velc lazi uni An coir rai of1 up fro 1 ,ek. This irresolution in a uni- it and given it a gocd cleaning. rsity graduate. with two years' But this is what had warmed >erience as a saiesman for. a the hearts of the ladies and given einsurance ccmpany, us dis- ditable to him. I f'nd this them. ail a spencially happy feel- ing man rather imp - a lean- ing. Mn. J. E. Atkin-on. Tcronto, .Always tue is chewing guni Pres'dent of The Star. had nead len ha entera my office. and the an item un The Independent, re- I st timP tus brought with hirm a ferning to the appointment of r er breatu. He stumps in his Mesdames Butler and Brown as a i Lu!-. He is without animation. dlock repairing com.mittee. He r has become rather forceless. immnediately Arote this lette-: .zip has left hum. He said that 237 Warren Rcad, Toronto 5t Shad been ai home for a fort- February 19. 1937a ght wiih a cold - an admnission Jr Mrs. Brown: t at hua vitality as weil as lus wilh I have read in the paper thats id become vitiated. Thuis younig you and Mrs. Butter are a coin-C an la what they cali an intro- nttee to see if thbe church dlock rt, meaning a man of iro- can be madle Vo go againi Ther ective habit, and thinking much item carried my memony back Vo >ut oneself la very bad. I arn Sundays when as a boy I used Vo ' clined.Vo tlù.nk that this man is watch theso mvn2hnso individuaLst-not a gocd rnnc- that dlock when I Vired cf flot one who contributes tife the sermon and wished it Vo corne any company. He la about 23 to an end. of age. and unless he To me (and Vo nmany others) Langes uis ways, he vvill beomre sentiment attaches Vo the dlock his 20's a permanent faïlure. and I would hike Vo be permnitted. J C K Vo be nespOns.ible for whateverr A st/rong character doesn't de- costi la xnvohved in putting it i lop f nom. lassitude. limpes.gol running order. It. la a thul2g1 ziness, laxiiy. list1essaneas. 'lea.n- I would like Vo do. If it ia agree- mness," and other "P' qualities. abhe to you ail wifl you and Mrs. n uncultivated character be- Butter take whatever action la )rnes a weed-like characier - necessr.I sladutes t 2k. unlovely, 'raiher usehess. case the dlock can be nepaired in Strength of character. of f2iid, Bowmianvihle perhapa it can be pers-onahity. of purpose. la built taken up there. I suppose of pby exercise. Strength cornes course the dlock is, mat very ohd4 >mr the oonquesi of opposition- one 1 remember so well. With ,one's inclinations toward. cas,;e personah regards to you and Mrs. nd soft-ness. Everyday is a bat- Butter. I am efor young pensons. One does ' Yours sincerely. ot become strong by running J. E. Atkinson. way f rom bis battie f ields. One The commit tee gtadly granted quires power and ability Vo wln Mr. Atkinson's requesi. Ih wasn't .d to rule by fighting his battles u he money involved that touched )the end-Vo the point cf con-t/elds'has.T.Vw nta est. great deal. Sentiment. memonies. old attachments, Vies thai bind - IRE BRIGADE 15 these are ethinigs tualcount. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's group CALLED FROM TOWN entertained with an "E dga r _______ uest" prograni. Mrs. W. H. BovvmnanvUle fn-e brigade had a Cooke gave the opening number, urrued cahh Tuesday noon Vo the 'What religion meant Vo Edgar Lon-e of John Naylor on the 5th Ouest": Mrs. N. L. Rickard î-ead ie, west of Sohina, whene they the poem. Plea; Mms. H. C. Altin, ound, noV a house encompassed The Making of Fnienda, and Mrs. ith f lamies, non a barn ablaze. W. D. Bragg. iwo short poenis. )t a burning chiunney belching The Tinsmnith oes Above. and orth simoke, which was quite eas- Jo&eph cf Animathea. Mns. W. D. ly stopped. Bragg also contributed a 'Vocah For the information cf any who solo accornpanied by Mrs. J. E. re not ahready acquamnted with Rinch. The group ihen served ,e regutations. and to prevent, refreabimenta. i the future, disputes over Pay- -________ îent, for brigade action in tovwn- up fines, that chininey fine at NEWCASTLE [r. Naylon's fortunately did lit- 1e or no damiage. but wilh Prob- GROUP TEA IS HELD bly cost Mn. Naylon $75.00, the unimuin change for the attend-I AT MRS. W. COOKE'S ince of thbe Vown bridgade. HadI ruey renuained more than an houx Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Oshawa, in extra charge cf $25.00 per houx Guest Speaker would have been made. The reason for -the charge la Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's gnoup that the fine dePaitmnenýt, though of Vhe Newcastle United Church definitehy xnterested in the f arm- W. A. held ils second of a planned rug comniunity sur-rounLding the town, la madle up of volun/teers senies of teas ai the home of Mrs. ,hose time is 'vahuable and who W. H-. Cooke on WednLesday af- in order Vo protect the townt have ternoon, Apnil i4th. Mrs. J. E. W. joned the force. The pay incSn- Philp received the guesta at the nection wixth the job la nominal. door during the earlier peniod. be- The fine equipmrent which has ing laVer relieved by the grcup been bought by Vaxpayens cf the leader, Mns. Rickard. Refnesh- town is costly and the risk cf ac- ments of exquisitehv concoctec cident la greater on country roads and mutticolored sandwilchesç, 1 than it la in the Vown. Wbi.le the ives on toothpicks, dainty maca- truck and men are absent from. reons and biscuita, cake in var- town, there ila UttIe fine protec- iety, delicately textured. and tes ion for the Vownspeople, except a were senved in the dining room. smail hoLze truck. A lovely patVernied lace ctoth cov- Thatislathe reason for thbe ened the table wh.ich was adorned charge and 'the reason we suggest with yellôw tapera in golden cani- that farmers should rea-tize that dlesticks maiching the golden- 'ach t/rip the fixe truck makes Vo hued daffoDdiLs which cent/red the thein f arm wiht cart them $75.001 cloth. at îeast and be quille sure the fine The guests wre graciously giv- wWl do considerable damage if en the freedoni cf the bouse by the brigade is nct caUled. It la a Mms. Coolce and ont/hein ramrbles wise plan also Vo see whai water were f iiled with adm i ration of the there la available, because without, complets, and convenient equip- water the fine depariment is sad- ment for carnying on al bouse- y handicapped. and t/be oidiXW.iy hold work. thd beautif ut and dis- wehi woutd be pumped dr.y in a tinictive coloun scbenues of the very few moments. ivanicus nooms and the pervadi. repuUtaut ogatilz.atins. ana 10 ' Of knowhedge he lias no conneciioin n. DON'T LET whatsoever wt ii eual CONSTIPATION Th-e saine day there came 10 me c cKanother man - 'Vo tell me hua an9 gifs. Ai the fixait of this year to MAKE YOU SC nie we o a new employer-on QU ________invitation. He lef i a ptea-sant Do something about it and do it place 0f employment where he today. You can take endless pis had been successfuh, temPted FI -but just nemember that chronie away by he of fer of $50 a week medicine taking la an unhealthy salany, as against $405 which he C habt ad oienloss is efec had been neceiving. habt ad otenloes ts ffet. Several times t/is man has 1 Correct common constipation nat- been o sec me since January le. hi urally by including sufficient vita- The lasi vist was to bell me t/bai ho, min B and "bulk" in your diet. lihe la ready to quit, and means to lin Kellogg's ALL-BRAN supplies vi- quit. His new employer bawls foi tamin B and the "bulk" you need. hum oui - and others al-so - in- wi In the body, it absorbs twice uts 1cessantly; ourses al bis staff most bu weight in water, and exencises and offensivety; calla ithexu 'bastards'; foi sponges oui the system. , drives then with a whip-tbe ily Rid your body of poisons and see whip 0f abuse. This man, accus- how much better you'1l feel. Try tomed to good realment for many an Kellogg's ALL-BRAN for a week. If years. f înds hunself most un- t/, not satisfled, your money will be happy. in refunded by the Kellogg Company. J C K mi Eat two tablespoonfuls a day, as a Then thene la a thurd man - a sh cereal with milk or fruits, or in saiesman for staticnery. He finda 1M: cooked dishes. Stubborn cases with his work disccuraging. He says ile each meal. that he bas nothing to of fer busi- ab Sold at all grocers and guaran- ness f irns whuch cannot be n teed by Kellogg in London. bought wit/h equal satisfaction ar f nom any one of a dozen comPeti- t] tors, and he wants te get a new ar Thsman. over 6 f eet al, is an ~ESS IRE ORY oarsmaci. I was tetting a friend de about hum., and my f riend said .2 music t/bat ailtcansmen are preity In SUTONdumb"! He said t/bat t/Us man t FRANCIS ScTO ught te be doin.g bard physicahl Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. work - in a mine, by way cf ex- in A.T.C.M. diplomas in ample. Cert/ainlY, this satesman J.O Singing, Violin and Organ.' Jacks imagination and initiative. !- Private or clasa lessons. anbyjdmn ata E'U' Pupila prepared for ail neyer becomne a good salesznia. l. examinations. He has pleasant manners, and la t Phone 742, Bowmanviile veny lukeabte; but 1laei prettY ec Tuesday, Wednesday and stupid. tr Thursday un each week. The qualtiies requixed by a t salesmaxi- 50 one salesmia.'ager tý 3LEGAL bas said - axe:sr ____________________ Personality - meaning amiabil- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.. t/y. mrnessiveness. ci Barisier, Solicitor, Notary Observation - quickness of per- V1 351 -eptiont cf things, surroundings eE Royat Bank Bldg., Bowmanv.Ule& influences, buyer bebavucurisin. tr Language - abiily te express at W. R. STRIKE -neself chearly. forcefully, inter- W Barriste!-. Solicitor, Notary tity freely. ti Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Aggressiveness - manif e st e d w Money o Loan. Phone 791. eagerness t/o sel; readinesot Bowrnanville, Ontario counler resistance, or bu yen W apathy: unwillingness 'o be de- l L. C. MASON. B.A. feat/ed. W Barriste!- - Soicitor Pensisstence - keeping on de- V Notaxy Public - Etc. --Pite discouragement: keeping up Law n ai itsbranhes. the sales effort even when the Offwce in ealy ilst ranches. bul-er seexns o be disindilned Vo Offce mmdiaelyeat o Roa, buy. Working on and on, even Theatre. vvhen weaxy. Overcomling one-'s Phones: Office 688: Home 553. tempiation Vo slack up. = Executive ablity - t/bat qual- DENTAL iby which leads o thbe onganiza.- ____________________tion cf one's work; abulty o comeV DR. J. C. DEVITT Vo quick decisions; ondenineas: Assistant: Dr. E. W. Ssaon ability Vo, dirent and plan and Gradate0f oyalDenal ol-carry oui programmes. Gradate f Roal DntalCol- Reason - abiliy te t/ink dlean- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- îy and soundty; quickness Vo see fiee Bldg., Bowmanville. Offic fundanientala; abitity Vo shapes hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily ex- arguments to make them x.pres- cept Sunday. sive; ablity Vo st/aie, impressive- Phone 790. lieuse phone 883.lyadcehyraos boe X-Ray Equiprnentini Office. sho)uld buy. Specif ic abiliiy - abili'ty Vo do FUNERAL DIRECTOR some ýbne hng well - somethinga __________________________related o oneý's job as saesinan. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS There are ther quatities wbica Service, any hour, any day. cauld be named - the quality cf optimiýsrn for exa.rnple; t/be quah- F. F. MORRIS CO. iîy or heartines. of sunniness. cfV Modern Moto!- Equipment sincerity, of bul-doggedness. f Ambulance and Invalîd Car It is pcssibhe that some cf ny Call Phone 480 or 734, .eaders are salesmen. or want o A,.sistant. 573 beccme sahesmen. In w.ich case, BOWMANVILLE ihey st.culd find tUis analysla cof _______________________- salVs qualifications useful. Miscellaneous J C K ____________________ I reiurn to the fixai man o! WSTEND GARAGE AND MA- whom I have spoken - the sales- chine Shop - We speclalizt' in man for an insunance company macbineny repains, genenal gar- who is wobboling - who la neady age repaira. welding, towing to quit bis pre-sent connection. service. 'J. L. Demnerlnlfg Pro and to take up any oth.'- kind oft pietor, Bowmnat.ville. Phoen e work which will zupplyhy im witht 781. 23-t! a. guaranteed wage cf $20 on se a B .RLEECHS OD ACHES, SPRAINS, TIRED FEET ETC $1.50 to $2.50 'lIl .1.50 to $2.50 SINGLE NO HIGHER ' ' SINGLE NO HIGHER A specific feature cf this eveni iras an address by Mrs. Evelyn Batemian, President of thbe Osh- ýawa Music Study Club. Mrs. BaVe- mnan held the entranoed attention of the ladies for an hour and a quarter as she spolce of her trip Vo Italy, of her visit Vo Italian cities, and ber impressions of Italian people. She mentioned Gibraltar and Algiers as special Points cf interest stopped at on the trip froxu New York. Mrs. Batemnan has orossed the Atlantic ten tumes. having visited the Bri- tish Isles or Europe five different timeS. A hearty vote of thanks, moveci by MIrs. N. L. Rickard. seconde-d by Mns. Rtoss Dickinson, was ten- dered Mrs. Bateman for hier ed- ucational address a.nd ber vivid word pictures of what she had seen. She was accompanied ta Newcastle and the tea by three Oshawa f niends. COMBAT RHEUMATISM Rhaumaliaa.inaon..cauad by uic acid in the blond. Thia bWod in"anty should b. eztracted by the knya. if idasys Iaii, and e.amtie acid temaina, i nitates tthe muscles&Mjoiat&cauting .«raatig paim. Flan ta helP Prevent rheuuiatiom by keeping your kidneys in gond condition. Talie regulaifrDodd'a Kadney Pil-4wot baa ea*wy the. favorite kidney aeiney. o6 Dodd'sKidneyPills Sold by leadng merchants le le LI OBITUARY 1 Ess Jennie Leask, Darlington An cld resiclent of West Dar- igton passed away Mond&y, Ap- 26, 1937, after a rather lengthy ics. in the person of Miss Jen- eLeask, in her 77th yen!-. She was born January 23, 1861. ,daughter of the late George id Etien Leask in Darlington ,nship, in the home in which edied. She was a member of )umbus Un.ited Church. T7he funeral wa-s held from the idence of her only brother, Mr. ýer Leask, on Wedinesday. April ýRev. A. D. Robb officiating. erment was madle in the Union rnetery. Irs. Charles Cox, Bowmanville A.n aged and highly respected. sident of Bowm-ranvilte in the rson of Elizabeth Isaaoc, widow the late Charles Cox, passed ,cef ully to rest on MondaY, pri l9th, aged 81 years. Mrs Cox was born in Screding- n, Lincolnshire, England. in 356. and came to Canada set.tling LPort Hope, in 1876. On May ;t f the sarme year she %vas unit- 1in marriage with Charles Cox, :ming to Bourmanviile in 1878 here they regided durmng the re- laincier of their lives. Mr. Ccx assedi away on January 12. 1936. 'them were born f ive children, t n of whom. survive. also t.wenty andchildren and fouirteen great 'andchildren. The daughters are r-s. Gus BounsaU. Bowmianville, rs. Wilfrid AddiniaU. London, rs. J. D. Fluker, Brockvitle. and wo sons, Mr. Charles Cox. Em- rium, Pa.. and Mr. R. I. Cox, ýoronto. Sun-iving are aiso three isters and one brother in Eng- and, and one sister, Mrs. Wilson. nParry Sound. For the past f ive years Mr. and irs. Cox were faithfully and ten- lerly cared f&r by Mrs. Istabel ampbell of Scotland. who, provedl Lmost f aithful and devoted fri- rid and whose devotion and ,ough.tfulness for these sick and iling ones witl ever be gratefully ,emembered by their children and ýlatives. The funeral took place f rom -e f amily residence. Ont-aria St.. :n Thursday and 1was attended bY many friends. relatives a.nd neigh- cors. Rev. Sidney Davison. Pas- ýr of Trinity United Church. of ,hich she was a mexnber and when health permitted was one f its most f aithful attendants. conducted th-e service assisted by Rev. W. A. Buriner. The Pal- bearers were Messrs. Geo. R. Ma- son. Fred DoYwney. Hermnan West- away. Herbert J. Babcock. C. F. Rice and Herbert Moyse. Many beautiful floral tributes surrounded the casket of one who Lad proved a good mother. neigh- bar and f niend, and be passing wili be greatly inissed. Amnong the out of town relativýes att.ending the f unerai ýwere: Mr. Charles Cox, Emporium, Fa., and daughter, Mxs. Arthur BuShor. Sinnamofling, Fa.; Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cox. Charles, Catharine. and pl- James, Toironto; Mr. and Mrs. bu Wilfrid Addinall and Dorothy. mb Ljondon; Mr. Jack Addinall, To- tic ronto: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker and Joan. Brockville; Mr. W. I. as Wison and Mrs. Lucy Wilson, sli E'arry Sound; Mr. and Mrs. E. ex convey, Miss Eileen Ccnvey. Miss M Qecilia Wha.len, Toronto. Sa wi THE BEATITUDES tic The poor in spirit Christ will bless th rheir kingdomn is His Heaven; f And in Ris laws they do detight, fo His praise to thern be given. a th. Blessed and true are they tVhat as Mourn. Their comfort they shail find- In Christ the ever blessed One Who healeth aUl mankind. Thou xneek and timnid acll look Up And cf His grace partake, Your anxicus fears wlll aji subside And you He'il ne'er forsake. The hungry and Mhe thirsty one He filteth with Ris -love, Their souls He toc wil.lsatis! y With inanna f rom above. And mercy to the merciful F'rom Heaven shall be distilled, As gentle nain f alls on the earth Refreshing aU the hiUs. The pure in heart shail sSe Our God, Nor will they think. no ilh of others, but will learm to -do The blessed Fathier's will. tablish and preserve harmnonY in his own organization. For t.his purpose nothing can take the place of frank, fair, human deal- ing. Treat each employee as a person, noV as a 'hand'. See tha.t every complaint gets careful, Pa- tient attention, and insist that every junior executive and fore- man ina.ntain thie sanie spirit. Be always ready with f ull ex- planations; maintain emploYee l.nterest in the f lrm by supplylng IT'S ER The The Carter Family 's New Creation vaiting for. After many weeks of experi- nenting and testing, and with the co-opera- Jon of experts in the Bakçing Industry, we iave produced a new loaf-THE DURHAM [AINTY-which we believe you will agree [ the best bread you have ever tasted. It cornes in the new long loaf style, the style proved to be most popular by our survey. It la a fine textured, rich loaf, con- taining only the verv finest ingredients procu.rable. WE INVITE YOU TO TRY A LOAF OF Durham Dainty Bread TODAY Wrapped--of Course IT'S ALL NEW NEW-Long Loaf Size NElW-Texture NEW-Creamy Whiteness NEW-Golden Brown Omt IT TASTES BETTER SLICES BETTER TOASTS BETTER KEEPS BETTER CASH AND, CARRY LOAF i Delivered to your home SIiced 12c per loaf Sliced -- If You Wish I Mother's Day Cakes Coronation- Cakes q NOW ON DISPLAY ORDER YOURS BARLY M4other's Day Candies 1-2 lb. - 1 lb. - 2 lb. Boxes Specially Packed Nedlson's Linûted _____ _____THE 855 CARTER Bakers o w FAMILY__ _ _ _ _ lenty cf information about its More earne-tly than ever is in are orollanies cf the principie oif >usiness, its probleins. its achieve- dutytrig gv s osm r fank, f air, human dealing. nenta, interdepartmental r e 1 a- -___________________t conume ions, even earnings." i a fair deal. Dozens cf industries Tixai quotation is recomniended1 today have huge investmnents in Even 2in the dankest liours there ý1937's "best Voc-ational Service 1EQUipmeLnt and men whcse sole are Only minutes dogan" by Charles L. Whee-l'e-r, leffort is the develcpment of a It takes a diplenatic liar to recutive vice president of the lbetter and, if possible, cheaper make people sit around with open :cCormick Steaxnsbip Ccmpany. prodlct. moutbs when he talks. ýan Francisco, California. The fighi b-Etween labor and in- Yoti can pliease aimost any il»- "Frank, fair, humian dealing" is dustny is age old. The fight be- ther by praisng lier oidren and ithout doubi an aid to, the solu- tween consumer and producer is roasting those of her neighbours. ion cf employer-einployee troub- nu younger. Some men hold that Lt takes a wise womian tc trans- es. yet each must learn that blind economic forces. generated f cri a "gcod feUgw" inito a model here exista but one brand of by the profit motive. wiIl rescîve husband. 'irness, the sort thaît la as good them. But it is a self -evident Considering ibhl- nuin-ber of peo- or the one as for the otiher truth that progress can be speed- pie who have been disappon±ed ad for the utltimate consumer of . ed up by leaders who, Conscicus cf in love. it's a wonder tbere are he pnoduct they jointly produce. their iesponsibiliies Vo society. not more pessimists abroad in the Lwell. develcp and apply xneasures that land. XC MARKS THE SPOT WHERE YOI Easer . . . Safer . .. Y et nothlng new ta Ioarn Reach for a hand gear lever? Not when you drive this new way! Pusb a clutch pedal wben you shift gears? Net now! Gears shift themselves at the flick of a fin er ... the touch cf a toe i. n ât e new Hudsons and Terraplanes with Selective Auto- matic Shift. And the front ficor us ail cr ... no levers in the way cf your feet and ankies . .. nothing to sturnble over! Tested and Proved 1 More than 100,000 owners have driven more than a billion miles the new way witlout ever pulling a hand gear lever. You can have Selective Automatie Shift at small extra cost ... conventional gear lever supplied if desired. Discover, tco, ail these other No. 1 Hudson and Terraplane advancements: No. 1 In Everythlng. you Want No. 1 in size and roominess . . . 117-inch wheelbase in Terraplane, 122 and 129-incli wheelbases in Hudson. With 55 fuit inches of front seat comfort for three . .. several luches wider than any other pîopular car. Interior luxury that says "~fine car 'ail tlmp way through. No. 1 power . .' . ranging from 96 te 122 horsepower. Ne. 1 safety, tco . .. with body all of steel and exclusive Duo-Automatic Hy- draulic Brakes. And proof of endurance, per- formance aud ecouomy ne other 1937 cars cals give. Extra cars are here so everyone can drive the new way. Whether yeu're buying now or later, corne in anud discover a car that almost drives itself. TRY THIS Cwf WOPAY Ross, Aines & Gartshore KING STREET, OSHAWA A. A. EM.METT, Local Represaentative, Beeoh Ave. Phone 657, Bowmanville 3-716 FL- e-4R~ IUDGEMENT US RESERVED UN WILL ACTION; Vaildity of Document Made By Bowmanviile Resident in Ques- tion in Cobourg Court Tudgement was reserved bv His Honor Judge L.. V. O'Connor in Surrogate court on Friday afternoon following the hearing of evidence in the application by the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Anti Souch, of Bowmianville, for the pro- l)atc of the wvilli in its solemn forin and also as regards for codicils. Lawrence Mason, of Bownianville, appeared for the executors; W. E. N. Sinclair. K.C.. of Oshawa, for Mnf. Edith V. Scohell. of Bowman- ville, swho drcw the will and Alani C. H. Field. of Cobourg, for the ini- fants namcd in the wvill. lIn the lîearing of evidence it was a<lduced that NMrs. Soucu. prior to lier deaili 1n 1936. had drawn a will. To this will were added four codi- cils. tlîe last of which was drawn in October, 1932. At theý tinie tubs codicil was drawn Mnr. Souch made lier mark instead of sbgning her sig- nature. Evidence regarding the pro- per signing of this codicil was given. it was stated hw witnesses that 10 their opinion Mnrs Souch at the time tubs codicil was signed was full,, able to understand and appreciate thc significance of ber act. It was stated that the total value of tlhe estate was $192,388.72. NEWCASTLE CHURCH CLOCK RECONDITIONED W. A. Grants J1. E. Atkinson's Plea to Defray the Cost W. A. of the United Chunctu met April 8th. with t/be president. Mrs. W. H. Cooke in the chair.* The mlinutes re?ýd by Mrs. J. H-. Jose were o! speciah interesi. They recorded the facit/bhat Mesdamnes J. A. Buller- and Pency Brown. a commitbee appointed te, have the old octagonal f aced church dlock overbiauled andi put i running order, had been qluite succuesful in their efforts. hi woutdn't go and now it was going, running smcotbly and keeping gocd tîrne. Messrs. percy Brown and H. Brereton had speni a half day on MU