Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1935, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARICJ, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 PRIME MINISTER MACKENZIE KING SELECTS HIS CABINET LG rowers AsIeep«e'__ _ _ __ _ _ (From the Farmers Advocate) Apple growers in the province of Ontario sbould wake up to the fact that they have dessert var- ieties of apples to seil and have competition to, meet. Ontario bas been, from tbe be- ginning, a barrelled apple prov- vince, in contrast with British V Columbia where only the f inest fruit goes into boxes for long dis- tance marketing. Ontario h a s grown flot dessert. apples, but utility varieties sucb as Spies. Baldwins, Greenings. Starks. Ben Davis. and many otbers suitable for al-round famîly use. During these last 10 or 15 years the sit- uation bas been gradually yet à surely changing. Thousands of new trees are comîng into bear- ing and these new trees are pro- ducing tbe finest dessert apples in the world-Delicious and Mc- Intosh Reds. HnC.GPoe o.TA.rra Rt. Hon. WV. L. M. King Sa far a market bas been aHon.DunigC.im G.iteFanower Hon. Ho. . .T.chuA.on Crnndrarre found for the product of these Mînister of Pensions and Minster of tbe Interior, Immi- Hon, Chs.ADnig Pim Mnstrad ecery fHo.JE.ihado.Fran Rnre on-coming orchards, but the time National Healt. gration and National Resources. Minster of Finance. State for External Affairs. Minister of Fiseries. ertyofSa. is here when Ontario growers will - - -ecetar 0f tate have to realize that the whole ______ Ontario market is needed for the operative. refusais f romi four otb- production of Snows, NlcntoSh ers, a refusal from an xtnsv Boy Scout organizations in the Purcbased fromn the seventb at- j various cities bave what is calleft tempt. It would have been muchmetn ahldo an Apple Day when tbey offer eairt buy British Clmi League meingwha ld aon apples for sale on the streets. McInt.osh Reds ini the beginning tedane.aBibt. wîth a e nt Naturally they prefer to sel the and save ail the trouble and wor-tedn.Bilradn sgve choicest apples grown in Ontario, ry.I by Greta Munday. Earl Houck. graded. well-coloured and sound. Ontario apple growers are well 3rd Vîce-President took charge of With s pefrred. for thetMe- eort hipm ad esbu the fr ~this programi: solo. Mildred Snow- ith sm eranizatons the Mca- exoran i n weleuipphedre sden: topic. Mrs. Ivison Munday: ieyis at its best when the Apple apparently n organization, n aig vlnEas oo r Day is eld about the middle of c-operation and no coerence Dem a Mr ertadi. O October. As an immediate mar- that will popularize Mcntosh aweea. Mleader t.n Yogoes ket for a large quantity of apples Reds on the home market. The allae nYugPol' it may flot be attractive, but it.s old-time barrel and bulk methods work. addressed the society. oa thetpst arepltogethrlout 0 Misses Iva Foley. Verna Petb- advetisng ossiîliiesare re-dat wbe aplie to he er-ick and Jean Hogarth and Messrs given f ree wîndow display space. ciandising of Ontarios large pro- . Cliffoîrd Swallow. Sam Castle and generous newspaper publicity and duction of a choice dessert var- Ens ws ersne u often free radio announcements. iety. The growers should wake ~ Young Peoples Society at. the In what better way could Ontario 1uP! Conference beld at Kingston. grown Mclntosb Reds be intro- M r.EwardWilinsMse duced to Ontario consumers? Berl, Dr Wilkins, Mssea TeBoy Scout organizations in ,.B r.l oenWlin.Ohw Ontario could handle close ta in lbH a r and Mrs. Nelson Wilkins and 5,000 bushels, meaning more than Lo si b H a Hon. P. J. A. Cardlin Hon. John Gardiner Hon. J. L. Isley Hon. Ian MaeKenzie son Ray, Salem. at Mr. R. L half a million apples, sampled by M inn Address Minister of Public Works. :'\inister of Agriculture. Minister of National Revenue. Minister of National Defense. Worden's. g _____thesaie_______of____ Miss Audrey Cowling with Miss roly th ae udhnmbe rfpo- (o- - rm ae )Mary Davies. Toronto. e. Oraione ould bink he grw- _Mr.____Farewell Blackburn. Salem. ers'inrgamzath ion wutdhe ber- (Continud f rompage 1) vI J hiMr. EadFly il nsmah ihtemv-*compete with any other business. iiv str e Q-., COURTICE wt r dadFly ment and give it every suipport. Thepieo old is f ixed and uni- Aph inhMran s.E rt veo. Sa far they have treated it with ihe pricenhan snRoer0fdPhlg, r indifference. like produce. it can be sald any- ; n. da vei cDougal. Oshawa, at Mrs. L. C. One organization needing more where without tbe seiler bavingi The îce at Courticein Rev.0-vW. C Sowden's. Miss Marguaret E- than 150 bushels received no re-e, e Smîuth E eeze vpk nj ro adbe iîiE ss ply from one fruitta purchase anything in returfi.1may go down in bistory as the Siho bnzrsoe o ro h a envstn is pl rmoefutgrowers' co- There are no trade restrictions, era of size. We wanted ta live " ~Faitb.- A quartette composed es Betty and Mildred Snowden re- sucb as tarifs on gold exportsan do tbîngs in a big way and odamrs akWgas. Mr uterB Ceian and Mr. Bennett, former Prime wve did. V/e wanted ta be a gen- Ada. ims.Geore Barbersangkettad' Minister of Canada, once stated eration of îecord breakers and tGore, v a br slnidstle. thtgold mines saved interna- ewr. We called in the archi- Me, SGichr"istnsaw.l sp eak i syle ainal credit af Canada. Practic- *,. nxtSunayeveîn. O w Your ~ ~ilyshipdalifost beforetne , builci sky scaprs nd dtcrate ~~~~ o bricks are cooled, ta New York or thmwt încls n oeswîbrfehets udySho London ta pay off international and they did. We held high wihd a splenid attndan c. ABOWM 'debts. Had it not been for aur sur e ofrne n a phdaslni tedne 'B W ' W? I fti i pressure cnferences and ran Upviolin duet by Luther Beckett. and jaly impossible ta pay off aur 1aîrge sales higher than any tot- u.ual plesaTorotin. debts s0 that Canada at the pre- ais in history. We went in for Conaulantosta r n rs'Tusay-F sent time can siep inio any mar- i mass speculation and cireated the Howar .Tuayor wo cr.ad s hrdy-Fia By C. H. Tuck, p ket and buy, due ta tbe f act thatj largest fortunes ever known. We their 0STh ayedding annierayonGE R we have the gold took Up nmass education and cre-,ter2t edn niesr nG O G Eyesight Specialîst 'There are untold diffîculties ated the laîgest unîversities. Size ' i Oct. 26th. Friends and relatives ______in any mining industry. but it is %%*as a vîrtue if everytbing. but assembled ta extend ta them best ~" ' YOUR CHILD ANDTI THE EYES !unfortunate that people judge theI shaes and girth. It was even a wisbes. «e he G h _____Imining industry by the unscrupu- vîrtue in indebtedness, and then 1 Saturday e-vening Mir. George Part 7 bous salesmen wba are mare in-, ive cancluded as we were big we 'Lawes car craýhed imb satel- luth EDIVARD ARNOL _____terested in mining the public ra- must bc good and that quantity phone post near Oliv-Er Lander's The child wbo .sees easily is ther than mining the are f rom %vas the best guarantee for quai _______________ the cild wha learns. I am af- mines. But if You have knownity. The size craze even it the hm. Law ervwas fad dns; bEETH raid we miss this fact and send ateexutvsinretdipr-crhe, eptuplge d- Hon. Ernest Lapoint and Hon. Raoul Dandurand anI cmn a. wn no h child ta school ta get tbem out ducing dividends and seen the f ices. decorated and plastered an onchang trcr wngt the SatutdaflN of the way s0 ta speak. The duty struggle they have, you would1 them wth big martgages, We Ministers of Justice and without Portfolio respectivelvfoce.Sevre utsan oreead I ' rhr i a o e h eldffrnl.v the Ifoichandstvrukthe os f uilea goesfurterit my na bethe fe iîrny oe lairgest budgets and -nase, upper lip and one thumbFR D M U RA teachers fault. It may fat be . Beware of the.lure of inviting spent samne in aur awn parishes. ibody of impartance. Caiaphis, IPresent. is a decline in the phil- were given attention by Dr. Run- R D M U RA the school nurses fault. They cîrculars that came ta yaur door We did spiritual hand springs i the high pricst. Pilate or Herod, osophy of bîgncss. die. The car was badly wrecked. e would be experts indeed wha ai fering ta make yau inta a Mil-1 and gat the biggest crowds, and l The balloans wbich prosperity Talbert Gearing. emplayee at facts from any superficial exaM- ofa every 300 mines ever shawed ai1 Oi the cburcb we suppressed the but no. be cured the lame. the warld lîke the awners of aur sky- cycle stalen f rom the garage onTH LI LESN R-T mnations. These symptoms wherî profit and I know af ane that questian. and the questioner. by haît and the blind. the litt.lest. scrapers bas a lot tof unused and Wednesday.TH LTLESNE - detected sbould be invesigtd spent $15000.000 trying ta dis- quotîng the statistics on member- the myeanest, the most obscure. unproductive space an its hands The Young cattle lost by Mis. MATINEE SATU] Simple glare f rom paper. lack- * caver a new mine. shîp increase.1 by every modemn standard. bis and the tendency is developing ta B. Caurtice have been faund. boards, etc. daes nat cause pain 1 On the ather band. 1 know af Ail the time we were out of. - ctrch uadthie ust hinswae but the canstant repeated incon- 1 a mine in Ontario that will psy Plumb with the teaching af J esus i medical practice was smaîî î eas- rectrechb and geive s a chaet On Satuîday evening Misses venlence brings abaut the fatigue!I aver $300.000.000 Ibis year t ils The devil afiered bim the world ured by the standard af today. a 1 created. aînd recagnize again the Gladys and Frances Reynolds beld and so the condition creeps upon investars. I wvould advise anyone and there was at least very mad- modern leader would have gone value af small tbings. So many a Halloween party wben araund Mon. - Tues. - V/ed. us unheeded until some oi the contemplating gold stock ta first ern arguments in favar of accep- out for a few canverts among the bave beef entranî2ed by the twenty-five Young peaple gath C A KGA L n smtm lieeeftgesee-study closely the prospectus and tîng the offer. Here was a chance social class, or at least far some- Kingdoms ai the warld. its riches ered. Appropriate games wereCL R GA Ean mness, headaches. squinting, be- retad the Praposition tboraugbly. of avoidîng the rîsk of obscurity bady with a titîs. Jesus sur- and glory, and it will be a de- played amidst Halloween decar- tra th exstece f smetingThe lok t se -,ho he en reand do somethîng an a big scale- rounded himacîlf nat by the mad- pression gain if we get back ta ations witb candle ligbt bebind nt r h the existence a soetin *Tth h 10ok tae whoi t., men-are bt deception. one waÏld tbink crf standards of today. but with earth. and lue returtis tram itsI ghostly apparitions adding ta the "C hai the other hand been exposed to ld M.Brs that Satan was a big capitalist the needy and poor or as we expansion ta a mustard seed bas- Ispaoky atmospbere. Several boys aninene igt e cludav Ted MreaBerks itou and loaded dawn witb real es- would class them today, camman is. and ta walk with Jesus. in the disguised as girls caused mucb COMEDY -- CAR aen inteneiîg tu w woud sav dThespetake wors itrdis-tate when the old sinner neyer people. and ai bis disciples there road that leads ta the Kingdomi fun when dîrected ta the ladies' been orcd aeturniaa n uIadas hned for bissdis- owned an acre ar one inch an this were only eleven wha stood by at af God. dressing room. Popcorn. candy * , ATINEE MONDAY 4 p. in ofte roubld ae earndthus e cour Prsentbofbis rothe. D.Bik planet. bis death and thcy did fat stand and apples disappeared rapidly nl; 0fdul t nde trouble, ,earn sdolen, PeietiLosCu.Read Zaccariah. Chap. 9. verse ,ery steadfastly. His Kingdom Sfesent.s serdi ater. tasrb- m graulandntn e"T lad let Lion Joc O'Neill rpported that 10: -His dominion shaîl be fîom vas of the mustaî*d wed variety, S. S.NO. 4. DARLINGTON ftvheng serdid terAutos t- me aainrepat. he hil hoanc new case of defective ev-es the sca. even ta tbe ends ai the at bbc beginning Christia nîty bas Otbr eotlîgbt procession toward thebi- f A I leea sil stecid wobdbenbogtt i tn eaî-th and Satan bas na more nover been long contented to op- OtbrRpr way marked the end of an bilai- li A I lears.tion and glasses wauld ho needed. claim ta thîs world than 1 have erato on a similar basis. and yet 1 Sr. IV Eîlcen Pîckll*. Muriel1 ious evening. as ouled rushes glow- w TH A R- ta my neighbbr's pocket book."i the chuicb bas been strongest Faund. Flara Marshall. e d in the darkness.TH A R The Kingdom of Heaven said when it bas been most fargetful Jr. IV-Rabert Rundle. Louise rs1rakBr i n i Je. ues is like tinta a grain of mus- ai sîze. It wa.s truc ai bbc fiist1 Pearce. Betty. Mirs. Jack Flintoif and < tard secd which is anc of the century. t is truc af taday of;, Sr. III-Lucille \Vadc, Pe teor daugbter Katherîno, Oshawa, vis- -A 1 smallest of seed,,~ multiplies rap- mission field, wbere numerical Kîcbko. iited Mrs. Lloyd Courtice.i J U S Salada O range Pekoe idly. is vcry prolifit. bas wander- wceakness seoms ta lead ta spirit- ý Jr. II1 Edward R:vcett*. Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pueffei. - I fi vtaityan wil Iy ormntual vitality, samtbing is added Pearce, Annie Kichko. Oshawa. spent Sunday il. Mr..J I for vears, and under favorable ta the strengtb ai a cburcb, iI-Fay Found. George Reynolds. Bln il p o e a sheer cnditions will grminate. graw (j wbere numbers are few enougb Sr. t--.wen Osbarne. Mr. and Mrs. George Baiber JD Iend will prove ~ ~f ast and strong. His whale min-I1 ta allaw for individual iahr Jr îmaMrral ai- 1and Mi. James Patter, Osbah _ IILADA TILA YOU'D THINK OUR $12.95 Frocks HAD COME STRAIGHT FROM PARIS Really important style frocks with the right air of simple elegance for afternoon. They're the kind of dresses, womnen who know fashions single out at a glance as being arrestingly smart. Each one looks~ like an expensive importation - yet $12.95i is the modest price. Sizes include 14 to 20 and 16 ýý to 24 ý2. SEE THEM THIS WEEK-END. The EVIy LADIES' h Phone 594Bomnie ONTARIO MEMBERS 0F KING CABINET lion. W. D. Euler Minister of Trade and Commerce. lion. Norman L. MeL. Rogers Minister of Health and Labor. Hon. C. D. Howe Mîxister of Railways and Transport. Hon. J. C. Eliiott Post-Master Qeneral. Meet the Survivorse Three Times They Tried to1 to Ilear Another Co Full Program of SPECIAL NOV COMING: "TOP IIAT" "ANNA KARENINA" '«I LIVE MY LIFE"' "MIITINY 0F TIIE BC "BROADWAY MELODI Ontario Apple "TALE 0F TWO CITIES"- "'CALL 0F THIE WILD" "«THE DARK ANGEL" i SOUNTV" Premiers Since Confederation Sînce Confederat ion C a n a d a bas bad eleven premiers Up to Iast week. These premiers and the years they served are as f ollows. It will be seen that three of them. served as premiers two, oeimore times.V Riaht Hon. Sir John A. Mac- donalId. July 1. 1867. to November 6. 1873. and October 17, 1878. to June 6, 1891. Hon. Alexander Mack e n zie, November 7. 1873 to October 16, 1878. Hon. Sir J. J. C. Abbot, June 6, 1891. to December 5. 1892. Hon. Sir John Tbompson, Dec- emiber 5. 1892. to December 12, 1894. Hon. Sir Mackenzie Boweil, December 21. 1894. to April 27, 1896. Sir Charles Tupper. Bart., May 1. 1896. to July 8. 1896. Right Hon. Sir Wilfred Laurier, July 11. 1896. to October 6, 1911. Right Hon. Sir Robert Borden, October 19. 1911. to July 10, 19ý~0. Rigbt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, JulY 10. 1920. to December 29, 1921. and June 29, 1926. to Sept- ember 25, 1926. Right Hon. Wm. Lyon Macken- zie King, C. M. G.. December 29, 1921. to June 29, 1926. and Sept- ember 25. 1926. to 1930. Right Hon. R. B. Bennett, 1930. to date. The eleven premiers served their country on an average of six Years. wbich is flot a bad re- cord. Few. if indeed there were any. died wealthy because of their service to the country which is a sign that tbey were flot grafters. Canada may well be proud of the men who served ber. They have written their namnes high on the records of this country. turned home with ber parents. Miss Enid Twist, Mr. Wm. Laird With Mrs. W. Pearson, Lakefip-ld. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley with ;Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, three daughters. Toronto, witb .their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens with ;itheir daughter in Toronto. 1Sunday being the world's Tem- i 1 erance Sunday Rev. and Mrs. 1Geo. Mason, Town, visited Our ,Sunday School. Mr. Mason took part in the opening and closing of the scbool. Mrs. Mason gave a splendid Temperance ta]k. Mr. and Mrs. Mason will be welcome agaîn. ['heatre 'NVILLE - Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 " RAFT in Fass Key" ýLD and CLAIRE DODD RSDAY 4 p. m. loveniber 2nd - MADGE EVANS lout Names" TRAINED HoO)FS - NEWS URDAY 2.30 p. m. - November 4 - 5 - 6 JOAN CRAWFORD in ined" LTOON - - NEWS n.; WEDNESDAY 2.30 p. m. 1-Thur. Fri. - Nov. 7-8 00 Matinee Thursday 4 p. M. TWO DAYS ONLY The Mlost Astounding Case in Criminal Annais The Life ii THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31,1935 PAGE MUR d% 0

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