THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTlLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. OCTOBER. 31, 1935 PG HE Durham County Holds Live Stock Judging Competition The annuai Durham CountY ','e classes. o! stock f 0110wime the Lîve Stock Judging Competition supper. was held at Millbrook on October Three Senior boys coachedl 121h. with 38 Juniors and 19 Sen- teamns o! Junior boys who had ions taking part. Nine classes o! not previously attended a judg- stox, were judged and the fac- îng competition. The members o! meiT piacing their stock at the wnning team coached by Garnet disposai o! the boys were: Ken- ,Rickard. BowmanviUle. w e c e nedy Bros.. Aberdeen Angus: Ormsby Anderson. Tom Baker George Pair and Wm. Lunn. Lîght and George Weccy. Jay Whit- Draft Clydes; N. Brackenridge. tington and Bill R.owland aiso Bacon Hogs: S. S. Staples. Jer- coached teamis that stood second sey: Carmen Seymour. Hosteins; and third. respectively. Walter Moncrief. Percheron: Or- A prize o! $5.00 and a Silver mie Larmer. Yorkshire Sows: and Cup was won by Evecett Brown, Leonard Smith. Shropshire Ewes. Orono. who had the highest score At. 6.30 p. m. about one hun- in the Competition. Ormsby An- dî'ed boys and girls sat down to derson. Bowmanville. received the a sumptuous supper which was beautiful Canadian N a t i o n a 1 capahly secxed by Millbrook Xo- Shield as the highest novice mens Institute. Warden P. Stin- judge. son. who acted as guest speaker. The prize money was divided was deighted to hear a number equally amongst the Junior and o! the boys give oral reasons on. Senior competitors as follows: PRIZES AWARDED TO SENIOR BOYS Horses Score 151t Jim Brown. Bowmanville 194 2rîd Mervin Smith. Cavan 183 3rd Gordon Smith. Bethany 182 4th Kenneth Falis. Millbcook 169 Beef Catt.e lst Wesley Yelowlees. Enniskillen 141 Stanford Brown, Millbrook 141 3rd Alan Ough. Port Hope 140 Dairy Cattie lst Harry McCamus. Ida 184 2nd Ivison Tamblyn. Orono 180 3rd Robt. Dawson. South Monagýhan 179 Swine 151 Elmore Scott. Campbellcroft 190 2nd Ellwood Gray, Port Hope 185 3cd Leslie Taylor. Burketon 181 Sheep 151 George McKright. Milbrook 92 2nd Murray Byers. Bucketon Station 89 3rd Stanley Theobald. Fraservilie 88 4th Douglas Taylor. Bucketon 86 PRIZES AWARDED TO JUNIOR BOYS Horses '151 Jack Whittington. South Monaghan. 187 2nd Ernest Bcackenridge. Mibcook 181 3rd Fenton Fallis. Pontypool 178 4th Gordon Fallis. Millbrook 171 Beef Cattie lst Eric Cutting. Bucketon 2nd Fred Brown, Miiibcook 3cd Wilbuc Backburn. Orono 4th Tom Baker. Hampton Dairy Cattle ist Johnston Rowland, Milibcook 2nd Joe Armstrong. Millbrook 3cd Manson Cathcart.. Peterboro, No. 5 4th Donald Budd. Port Hope Ralph Rowan, Bethany Swlne lst Ocmsby Anderson, Bowmanville 2nd Harry Kennedy. Cavan 3rd Lorne Bowins. Pontypool 4th Ralph McCamus. Millbrook Sheep lst LeRoy Brown. Orono 2nd George Werry. Hampton 3rd Allan Earle. Millbrook 4th R.oscoe Baker. Hampton Alian Beer, Bethany 183 170 163 163 188 185 181 173 92 87 80 78 78 Pcize $200 1.50 1.00 .50 S$1.75 1.75 1.00 $2.00 1.50 1.00 S2.00 1.50 1.00 $2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 62.00 1.50 1.00 .50 $2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 $2.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .25 $200 1.50 1.00 .50 $2.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .25 TO COUNTRY CORRES- I liament. were so closely pursued PONDENTS that they abandoned the stolen car. the goods f rom the store, and ýSherbrooke (Que.>ý Record) scurried away on a trail that was Much space is given to our twelve hours' cold when the pur- country and district correspond- suers caught Up to them and ence nd we have to admit that found the go>ods-evýerything but a g9Mt deal of it is dumb. It the postoffice money. That fi- should flot be. The correspondent ed hall a column of thrilling at Beaver Meadow. or Bil:ng's newvs. Mill. has the right. idea. but he Recently there was a regatta says that as there are only qnd sa;ling, races on a la twenty-eight Enghish residents at -he "orrespondent was busy writ- the rear of Mount Orford he ýn! up a pink tea. Missed the cannot be gven more than one -ooqt race. good letter a month. That was Houses were burglarized in an- what. he said. He has been doing -uher village, and the correspon- two a month. dent missed that. No person can sit in the house Like the sub-editor described it. and writEý live news. One has to 'That correspondent could meet a mix with people. hear the details. bg new,,.s item on the street. shake and sift them. The lazy carres- hands with it. and not even re- pondent is the one who fis her cognize it." Pwhole space with "'personais"'. __________ whereas the good one only uses K personalities to hang news on. to. ep informed on what is go- clothe that person with interest. ing onl in your community by What a man or %voman does is of reading The Statesman regularly. no more importance than who be Special offer balance of year for or she just cails upon. There 25e to new subscribers in Durhani must be a mixture of news and Couit!>. personals. with news predominat-- ing. We had a correspondent a, Millers Worm Pow-d4rs wil long time ago in a. large town, drive worms from the sYstem whio neyer thought it worth whiie without injurY to the child. The to do the Town Council. poweders are so easy to take that Another time a correspondent the mostdlaesoac cn f rom a village wrote an account assimilate them and weicome1 of a burglary of a store and post- them as speedy easers of pain. office in fine lines. A staff re- because they promptly kili the porter took the item. used theI worms that cause the pain. and telephone for three minutes- and thus the suffering of the child is in bis story that night he related r elieved. With so sterling a rem- how the rascals were chased for edy at hand no chiid should su! - forty miles by a member of Par fer an hour from worms. Weekend Specials; MISSES' STRIPE BLOOMERS, SIZES 8 te) 14, REGULAR 49c Sale Price 29e LADIES' SILK PANTIES, REG. 39c Sale Price 29e MEN'S WOOL TIES, NEWEST CREATION, NON-CREASABLE 40pe each MEN'S FINE SOX, REG. 29c Sale Price 250 Nelson's Lower Price Store 1Phone 595 Bowmanville Opposite the Ro~yal Theatre A. F. Cox President o! Cox Motor Sales. Oshawa, which organization wil present the new 1936 Ford Cars to this district on Satucday. r I CADMUS Worship at League on Thurs-t day night was taken by Rev. Bell day night was taken by Rev. Bell: Miss Birdie Gibson f avored with an instrumental. and Mr. Bell took the topic. The anniversarv services on Sunday were taken by Dr. E.1 Smith of Columbus who preach- ' ed two inspirifg sermons. Cad-1 mus choir was ably assisted by Miss Fletta Alun, soloist f rom1 Ocono. and by the Orono male quartette. Mr. Shuttieworth. Mr. Taylor. Mr. R. Sutton. Mr. Mit- chell. with Mrs. R. Brown at the1 organ. On Monday evening the Blackstock youne tpeople present- ed their play "He's My Pal." Be- tween acts the Sadler fainily en- tertained with music. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vincent. Toronto. with Mr. Isaac Whit- f ield. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton and daughter Joyce. Orono. with Mr.t and Mrs. Fred Day. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson and Collette. Bowmanville. with friends. Miss Marjorie Galbraith. Oc-f ono. with her Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. R.ay McGill. at Mr. C.t Stapies'. Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and family at Mr. H. Galbraith's. Mr. and Mrs. Timleck. Toronto. at Mr. Roy McGill's. KENDAL Recent Vistors: Mc. and Mrs. Abercromby, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott, Toronto, at Mr. W. Elliott's Mr. Chas. Tamblyn. Woudbridge at Mrs. Chas. Thomp- sons Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans. Orono. at Mr. Milton Robinson's. A fewv from here attended Eliz- abethville Annivecsary. There was a large crowd at Mr. Jas. Swarbrick's sale. Mr. Amos McMulien. a weli known resident o! this community passed away in Toronto Hospital last week. Taking for his text "Biessed is He that cometh in the name o! the Lord." Rev. D. Wesley of Cambomne. gave a splendid sermon Sunday morning. Rcv E. Beech was conducting Anniversary ser- vices at Elizabethville. There was a good attendance at League on Friday night. A splen- did toDic was given by Nellie Hill and the story o! Thanksgiving was çriven by Kate Stewart. Wil- ma Carson sang a solo and an instrumental was gven by Myrtie Falls which a contest wasl conducted by Kate Stewart. Anniversary services will be held in Kendal United Chucch on Sunday next, Nov. 3rd at Il a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Smythe of Port Perry will conduct both ser- vices. Celebrate 6th Wedding Anniversary Citizens honored an esteemed and venerable couple of our vill- age on Oct. 21st when Mc. and Mrs. John White celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversacy. They wece presented with three score beautiful roses and the foilowing address: Mr. and Mrs. John White, The board o! the Kendal Unit- ed Church made request to the committee who meet here to-night to present to you their respects on this the slxtieth-anniversary of vour weddlng day. The peerless apostie gave to the world a great tcuth in few words: -None of us liveth to himself", and thev who can include alI mankirid in their sympathy are most important and useful citi- 7.ans of the wold. A heart that can feel for a nelgh- bours woe And share In bis love wth a kindly glow, With symDathy great enough to enf old AIl men as brothers Is better than gold. We rongratulate you unon your sixty years' companlonshlp and vour unlted Scotch-Irish names. White-Patterson suggest your lineage which needs no apology. We have found you Mr. and Mrs. White in longz time acquain- tance ever kind and helpful neighbors. For future days we pcay that you and yours may en- BLACKSTOCK A. Y. P. A. met at Mr. J. Arch- er's on Thursday evening. The iiiembe-rs %vili ask Bishop A. L. Fleming to gîve bis illustrated lecture here. Meeting took the formi of a Seth Parker program in charge of Rev. Harcourt. Mrs. A. Baiiey and Mrs. F. Crawford sang a duet. ..fl is weli with my soul"; Mr. Robert Smith and Mr. John Smith sang "The Old Rug- ged Cross"; Mrs. Robert Archer favored with a solo. "We're Marchîng to Zion"; and Mrs. H. VanCamp sang "In the Garden": Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt sang two hymns in Eskimo. "Don't Stop Praying" and "No. Not One." Throughout the program. those present joined in singing several ,Seth Parker hymns. Lunch was served to the 38 present. Young people of the United Church presented their play "He's My Pal" at Mt. Zion. Greenbank and Cadmus. cecently. Institute next week will be at Mrs. Mecwin Mountjoy's on Wed- nesday afternoon. Friends of Miss Laura Hambîs will be interested Io know that she is sailing for China soon. On Thursday evening Misses Eleanor and Aledia Taylor enter- tained friends to a goose supper and euchre. Miss Anniue Wright. Miss Eff a Wright and Miss Hazel Wri1ght have gone to Oshawa to reside. Recent Visitors Miss Ruth Marlow. Miss Caro- line Sims. Miss Patricia Marlow, Toronto, with Mrs. James Mar- 10w. Mc. and Mrs. N. McNaily and Verna. with f riends if Bancroft. Miss Lula Wright, Toronto, with ber parents. Mrs. H. Graham, Toronto, at Mc. Henry Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin. Rev. F. Joblin. o! Scugog Island, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leighton. Mrs. G. Sanderson and Miss Jean Sanderson. Orangeville. wsth Mr. and Mrs. Herman HooeY. Mc. Lorne Slute. Mt. Carmel. with Mr. Ivan Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baiiey with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweetman. Mc. George McLaughlin. Co- bourg. with Mr. John McLaugh- lin. Miss Gene Ferguson and Miss Isabelle Wilson. Toronto. with the former's parents. Miss Florence McLaughlin. To- r'onto, Mrs. Ceci Dowrey. Rea- boro. with Mr. and Mcs. J. Mc- Laughiin. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lansing and miss P. Hooey. Toronto. at Mr. George Hooey'1S. Mc. and Mrs . Russell McLaugh- lin. Enniskiilen. with Mr. and1 Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mc. and Mrs. Percy Hamilton. Janetville. at Mc. Wm. Taylor's. Mc. Wm. J. Campbell, Saskat- chewan. at Mc. Wes. Beacock's. Mr. and Mrs. De La Matter. Toronto. Mc. and Mrs. W. Ander- son. Port Pecry. at Mr. Norman Taylor's. Mc. and Mcs. A. H. Gcaham and Edith. o! Langlord Mills. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans. Lindsay, Mc. W. J. Ferguson. Lindsay, at Mc. Wes. Beacock's. Mr. and Mcs. Wm. Hodgson. Mr. and Miss Wiber. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leighton. I .NESTLETON The Bible study and topic at League on Friday evening were, taken by Mr. Ralph Emerson. and were in the form o! a letter wcit- ten by Rev. Merle Ferguson. Miss Marie Maciow gave a read- ing. and Messrs. Lawrence and Neil Malcolm sang a duet. Miss Marlon Tayloc favoced with an instrumental. On Thursday evening the Pres- byterian church choir served a bot suppec and entertained at a crokinole Party in aid of the chucch. Winners were Miss El- liott and Mc. Cecil Siemon. Mcs. Rogers is cecovering f rom hec recentillness. Congcatulations to Mc. and Mrs. K. Samelîs on the birth o! a son. The sympathy o! the commun- ity is extended to Mcs. Proutt and family in their recent sad bereavement. Recent Visitors Mcs. K. Sameils and babe with hec mother at Janetville. Miss Lucille Hyiand with hec parents. Mc. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin. Mrs. S. McLaughlin. Miss Flor- ence Fair, Mc. and Mrs. F. Mal- Mr. Harcy Atklnson. Albert Coliege. Belleville, wlth frlends. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Edwards. Port Perry. wlth Mc. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mcs. Arthur Malcolm, Saskatchewan. at Mr. John Proutt's. THE NEW FORD V'0 FOR 1930 Why do we say Te. New Ford V-S for 1936? Mhat is new about it? 0f course i newest engin. in tho low-price car field is til ti.V-S engin.. Since Ford made it avaikiblo to ail car users (Ieepng it as economical as cars wîth f ewer cylindors) the, Ford V-S has been the newest engins on tho market and romains the newost for 1936. You may buy a car on ner "talking pomnts"-soms specially advortised fea- turs -with tho car thrown in"-but, after ail. it is the engin. you buy when you buy a car. Hence we put tho engine firat. Other new points about the car make a long lit. its linos are much more beautiful. Thi. hood is longer and sweops forward over the distinctive now radiator grille, giving the car a lengtii and graco that are Instantly impressive. The. fenders are larger, with a wido flaro. Homns are con- csciled behind circular grilles beneath tii. headiamps. New steol wheols. Ford upholstery - always of sterling quality and exc.alent taste-is rich and onduring. Tii. appointnients of the car %\avp a new touch of refinement. Thers la no question about the increassd beauty of the. Ford V- 8 for 1936. lna more Prrctical mattera, mwi>y inprovementa have been made- Steering is made sasier by a nsw steer- ing gear ratio. The. cooling system cir- culates 41/2 gallons of warter through a new. larger radiator. Natural tiiermo- syphon action in assisted by two con- trifugca water pumps. New style hood louvren permit a rapid air-flow around the engins. Easisr, quiter shifting of Ford gears -The. gear shift lever now travels a siiortor distance. The two qalitiea yen tuant in brake - Braken that stop the car with oas. and certainty. Ford Super-Safety Braken of the. long-tssted. fool-prooL mechanical design. Sol ety - aualawaya - in tii. slectri- caly welded genuine steol body. Safety Glass ail around at ne extra cent. Him- dreds have written grateful letters b.- cause this glass bas protected the safety of tiisir fmilies. A cr yon con drive without atrain aU day, if yeu like, in city or country. Steady, boldo the. road. responds tte drivern tlm&hmu cg wsI-trin.d hors You dowt bave te 'push" or 'figh thOe Ford V-8 - driver and car .usily get on terms ci good udrtnigwkh each otiier. An engins hm. much to do with Oe o a car. Very machi indeed A long engins us up car space. The. compact V-S8 engins permits much of Oie ordinary engins space to b. uned by passengOr Il reafly is a great car in .very way. this 1936 Ford V-S-tii. finest. saent. mont dependaible Ford car ever buMt Get complet. details «t yeur nemret Ford dealar. LUW FORD V 8 PRICES TENEBODY TYPoES-Coupe (5 windown). SM8 Tudor Sedan,. $675. Fordor Bedon, SM55 DE LUX-Roa.. sr with rumb1. e t). SM Li Coupe (3 windlows) * $725. Coupe <5 windowu). $710. Pha.tori, $735. Cabriolet (wtth rurable »&t). $815. Tudor Tourlng Sedan (With bulit- in brnW>,$7M0.Fordor Tourlztg Sedan xiwth built-i ùunk>. $830. P. 0.. I èotd. ontmdl. SURPM puu uue da 1u eztm AB Ted V-8 body typés ha»e 5a.ti Cocu *rhoughomt neai a miSa COX MOTOR SALES Present 1936 FORD V-uS Grand Opening of New Ford Showrooms and Garage KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd m: - Special Opening Attractions - 9 to 10 a. m.-Official Opening of New Building. 10 to il a. m.-Inspection cf New Modela. Il te 12 noon-Motion Pictures of New Modela, a real entertainment. 12 noon te 1 p. m.-Inspection of Commercial Models. AFTERNOON PROGRAMI - Slide Films and Displays 8 te 9 p. in.-Motion Pictures and Slide Films. 9 te 10.30 P. m.-Major Bowes Amateur Program. Presented by Jack Marks. 10.30 p. m. tili Midnight-FREE DANCING - Round and Square. Good Orchestra. Cox Motor Sales cordially invite the people cf Bowmanville and District te attend the opening and entertainment on Saturday. COX MOTOR SALES AUTHORIZED 139 King Street West OSHAWA DEALER T elephone 924 PAGE THREZ