Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 1

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miab etatin0r With Which Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1935NMBR3 TYRONE BOY IS FATALLY INJURED IN ACCIDEN Roy ais Annex Lakeshore Titie For Second Successive Seasoi NinthInnings Raiiy Wins Titi Brunt's Hit With Two PIGGERY AT TRAINING SCHOL DAAGEDBY Men Out Scores Win- FIRE ON IVEDNESDAY ning Run in Closing The piggery at the Boys' Frame - Score 7-6 Training Schoal farm was partially destroyed by f ire on Winning the game in the Wednesday aft.ernoon. The Iast of the ninth, when, af - f ire is believed to have start- ter two were out, Brunt, in- ed f rom a spark from a stove serted as a pinch-hitter, in the feed room. Only the drove the f irst ball pitched middle portion of the piggery to deep centre field to easily was burned together with the score Williams from second roof. The staUs and steel- base, the Bowmanville Roy- work were lef t practicaIll ais defeated Cobourg Ponies intact. The extent of the 7-6 in the third and declding damage was flot serlous, Mr. tussie for the Intermediate A. R. Virgin, Superintendeili Lakeshore League titie, at stated. Port Hope on Wednesday. ______________ Going into the ninth. the Roy- celwssf nWiim ais blew a 6-2 lead when Cob- j hrolw and Cfodn Wias h.i ourg, taking advantage of the trwadCre a ut breaks, sent nne men to bat and Caig beat out a hit, and wi four its and an error tied UP Colwell was knockecl over int: the score. In the eighth "Dutch" collision, McFayden scored ai Osborne, catcher, was bit in the Mitchell went to third. Broo back by a pitched bail, and un- tripled. driving in two runs ta able to continue, and this start- tesoe aeObrerle ed the breaks. In the ninth, Piper on the mound. Hiew Corden in reaching for a higl hit by a pitched bail. Camp1 one wa crshe bYtherunerstruck out swinging. Utrar ontce, adcrashd bytherunner flied very deep to Bagnell toe out. and on the next play, Cal- tbe inning. well running towards f irst to Bowmanville - Williams drew take the throw from Corden, col- walk. Bagneil sacrificed Williai lided witb McCaig, the bitter. and thircd . Coe waspurpoef bath were injured. altbougb Col- hr.Cde wapuosf weil was able ta continue after walked. Brunt. batting for N a rest.Ilveen, drove the first pitch Here are the innings in which deep centre, scoring WiUhi runs were scored: and the game was aver. Pirst: Cobourg - U t r o n k i Highligbts of tbe game wi grounded out. Clwell ta Corden; Corden's batting and f îeldi Rollings walked;, Goody sacrific- Williams' stellar playing in .ed Rollings to second; MeFay- new Position of sbortstop, Carl den doubled ta, right-centre, bell's fine relief twirling. and scoring Rollings; Mitchell ot, course Brunts game-w i n n i Williams ta Corden. blo1W. Second: Bowmanvllle - C oden RE singled ta centre-, Hicks f orced Bow'vile 010 400 101 -7 13 Carden ta 2nd, Eddie beingsf Cobourg 100 000 014-6 12 on first; Large singled tb eft Piper. D. Osborne and Hl.< sending Hicks ta third, and when borne, Bates; Qibson, Campi Turjan missed the thraw-ifl, and Mitchell. HkZL scored ta tie up the game; H. Osborne and Piper went out Bowmanville wil meet Pici ta end the inning. each ground- ering in the Ontario Inter ing ta the shartstop. mediate playdowns at Plel Fourth: Bowmanviile - Corden erlng on Saturday afterno<l sngled ta centre and went to at 3.30 p. m. The r e tunr second when Utronki fumbled the game wiII be played in Bow bail. Hicks singled to centre and manville next Wednesday af Corden scored. Hicks going ta ternoon, Sept. 4tb. second on tbe tbraw ta the plate. At this point Manager 'Hoot" Gibson yanked pitcher 'Hoot" Mrs. Richard Greena'w Gibson in favor of Campbell, a L 5hBrh soutbpaw. Large greeted the new Celebrates 5hBrd hurler witb a single, sending jiflcks ta third and on the f irst Mr-. Grace Trewin Greenm e itch. Large went ta second. Os- wife of tbe late Richard Gre ' borne gct tbe fourtb successive way. celebrated ber 95tb birth s;ngle of the inning and Hi-ks on Sunday. August 25tb. at and Large crossed the plate. As Greeflway bomestead, at Li Piper f anned. Osborne took sec- Britain. wbere sbe camew ond and tbird wben Mitchell bride 70 years ago. The child tbrew wildly ta f irst. M oi se Wm. J. Greenway. at the grounded out. Williams strolled. home: Dr. Geo. E. Greenway Bagneli wbiffed. Hamilton, and Mrs. J. H Seventh: Bowmanville - Wil- Tbompson, of Mitchell, witb t liam5 singled. Bagnell sacrificed f amilies and immediate relat Dunc ta second. Colwell ground- ta the number of nearly 50v ed out ta f irst. Williams advanc- present and included Mrs.E ing ta tbird. Carden gat bis third Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. W. hit of the evening ta score Wi- win and family of Haydon; liams. Carden went aut stealing.1 and Mrs. Wm. Smith and fai Eighth: Cobourg - Mitchell out, of Wbitby: Mr. and Mrs. Syd Colwell to Corden. McCaig bit Trewin and famlly of Enniskil safely to right. and went out Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott stealing, Osborne ta Col w e 1l. family of Bowmanville; Mr.J Brooks walked. Blancher. bat- ior and Miss Eva Collacatt ting for Turpin, singled sending TYrone: Mrs. Henry Tiff in Brooks ta, third. Hie ran for1 Mr. Win. Davidson af Little Blancher. Hie stole second and 'tain; Dr. and Mrs. W. J. F ,when Osborne tbrew ta Colwell, derson of Lndsay, and Mr. Brooks beat tbe return tbrow ta NI. McLeod of Hamilton. the plate. Campbell got an in- Mrs. Greenway came ta, Car fied bit but Utronki went out ta at tbe age of two witb ber1 Corden unassisted. ents from Devonshire, on a Ninth: Cobnui-g - R 0 11 i n g s ing vesFel. Mrs. Greenwayi dlo,'led t'a le! t. Goody went out, good bealtb and enjoys visi Williams ta Co-den, Rollings aorbrrltvsec ~v1in scod.It was Cordens mer. She makes ber home 7ivneteent)h outoiit. McFa yd e niher daughter, Mrs. Thamsci singl"'d.driving in Rolinqs. Mit- IMtchell. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rowland of Newcastle Are 25 Years Marri Relatives anti iientis fnrom Newcastle, Orano, Bowmanville.t Newtanville. Oshawa, Tarante. Sar~nia, anti aiber centres jained 1 witb the Lake Shore anti BownsE residents on Fnida>' evening, Aug-1 ust 23md, in hananing Mn. anti1 Mrs. Howell Rowland anti felici-1 $taiing them an the completian oai twenty-five years of cangenial9 anti succesiful wetiiack. Naiwith- standing the spaclouinesi ai the Rowlandi paiiarchal and historie home on the Lake Shore Drive, the cnowd of well wisbens was so immense that a greai many weme unable ta finti accommodation Inside, but cantented themielves by siiiing in their panketi cars or congregatlng In sociable groupi about the lawns. Previous ta the presentatian ai a suitable gif t in cammemoratian af the occasion. Mn. Jas. Caulsan ai Newcastle presided aven a choie(, pogram ai musical anti elocuilanar>' numbers. with the bride anti groom ai 25 years cen- tral>' seatet i n the tiensel>' crowded inner sanctum. Mn. Coulson was elaiedt t fint i hm- self once again in a place of t.nction in bis old school se( andi ta be of service ta Mn. Mrs. Rowlandi and their inr erable frientis. His effusions happy and sincere. The Co bell Orchestra ai Newtor f avaneti with a number ai tians. Manson Souch and R Gibson alsa cantributedv anti guitar duets. Rev. S. Macean excelled self in a fine congratuli andi eulogistic speech. Mns.1 Rutherford anti Miss Ai Jaynes rentiereti vocal salas f itiing the event, and Mrs. don Martin ententaineti wll appropiate readlng. Mn. Gardon Martin ead presentedt taMn. and Mns.1 landi a formaI address af wisbes, anti appreciatian of good qualities ai themiselves tbeir clever anti estimable dE ter and son. Miss Hilda anc liam. The address as ic was signed by Mn. anti Mrs. Caucb, Mn. anti Mmi. Robt, (Cantinueti an Page 8) B. H. S. PRINCIPAL WHAT IS SOCIAL CREDIT? B. P. S. PRINCIPAL Emmerson Carson Davis is Statesman Reader, Resident in Alberta, Outlines ï:iidW ie Dlayi:. on treeIt System by Which New Alberta Government IIUYIIR II4 II Of n.ii Hopes to Bring Happineas and Prosperity>A yoeStra M rn g Editars Note - Of particular ed. His idea is that it shauld be interest is the accampanyiflg ar- the palicy of the people.,flot any ticle on Social Credit, written by1 paxety, but because the par tes OUSADIGMNTO idSxHusLtri iArthur W. Foley af Edmonton, would nat take it up bis f 0110w- PREACH AT TRINITY i H us aeri Aberta. and native af Maple. ers practically f orced him ta take CENTENARY SERVICES Bowmanville Hospital Grave, being eldest son ai the the leadership in the movementSme a th Unitd From Fractured SkuII late Mr. and Mrs. William Foley, and the resuit is that in the last . hbso ost tsUntad rgd tle na ehm Bawmanviile. Mr. Foley bas year it bas spread like wild f ire '. upîtees are scbeuletadi 0f r ad rs. lEmm tero meavs studied the Social Credilt System ail over the province. preacb in Tar n'ty Ued t and in this letter gives bis cani- I bave tbis te say that I be- Cu hnta hrh T3 rone, an Saturday, wben their did impressions which are ai lieve Social Credit would end Cuc hnta hrh yaungest cbîîd, Emmerson Car- evital interest in view of Aberta's poverty and al of its associate celebrates its Centeflary on anDvs ge 4yasad4 yunprecedented support ai the 50- evils if put inta practice. The be n the stt Sunda Sepen months, was atally injured wen e ~~~~~~~~~cial Credit forces in the electian only thing is, I am afraid the Otbr nSpebr2t tukb natmbl usd lin that province last week. SO People do nat understand it suf- Octaber. On .Soepemberm-9tb ois home. The sad accident was many have recjuested that we iiciently weîî. erCnev lo. Dctr.i.P as Ufnr- witnessed by the boy's motlier. publisb a resume af the Social It is bard ta study and f 0110werCnciraiVtoaU- Accarding ta the story told pol- eCredit system tbat we are happy if one allows bis mind ta funiction Mr. J. H. Johnston iversity, Toronto, and Rev. ice the iittle boy was piaylng rta comply witb this article. Mr. along uines we have aiways been Picpla BwavleDr. James Semple of Belle- acostesrewihbsite, t, ole wa fo 30yeas a Agi- rinipa ofBowanvllePub- ville. President of Bay ofai Ev ely ad rey. and hsuddsenly Mr. L. W. DippeUl, B. A. culturas omss for thear n gi used ta. One bas ta take a cer- 'lic Scbools whîch open their Quinte C onfie re n ce, wil dei ded Adreynd bs hoe. - Pinipl i awafvileHigb utrlCmisinrfrtetain amaunt ai Christian relig- doars for the FaU term on Wed- pechdndo ctbr t, paen tiyot senthhe.p Scbol.whcb hisyer gve heAberta Government. and having ion witb it ta grasp it. one must nesday marning next. Rev. Dr. H. W. Avisan a rabigatmoiefrie > Schol. hic ths yar ivetheserved under several political be wiiling ta 'do unta otbers as ugb Stdnsa exr a"hoiy parties, and now i retirement,~ W~ bysol out High Park Cburcb, Toronto, Ahf. Prescott af Enfield, tbe littie tiand will not open until Wednes- bis article bas no palitical fiav- Youwoul the shold d uw, and Rev. Dr. James Endicatt, lad is said ta bave run into the then day next. aur. The article was written sev- erhood ai man."' Rotarians H-ear former Moderatar ai tbe Un- car and was thrown thlrty feet. tne eral weeks aga as a prîvate let- Social Credît means the end aif. ited Cburch of Canada, wili He suffered severe bead inJuries. mdk ter ta bis brothers and sister 1in tbe rule ai the basses of "St. Customs orf vvar preacb. Removed ta bis home, be was at- 9I1 Clu ij Ontario and tbrougb their kind- James St." who are getting ricb- ---- tended by Dr. C. W. Siemon of ve Lins C u W l ness we are privileged ta pub- er while everyone else is getting Area i Af rica Bowmanville, wbo ordered bis wslîsh It. poorer. As you knaw, some 50 NEWCASTLE MAN immediate removal to oan Dll S a e BgF re e r men own about 90Ç', ai tbe mon- DROWNED IN RIVER ville Hospital wbere be passed StgeF ee Bi r saying anything about ey in Canada. In the last 25T away six husltr ed D ance Sept. 11 Social Credit I must give you a years tbey bave taken from Al .1 McCormick of or- AT ST. LAMBERT Dr. Siemon stated ta et line about Wm. Aberbart. He berta 295 million dollars as an onto Deîivered Fifie was due ta a fracture at the base wv a and bis wiie were barn in West-, adverse balance ai exchange, and Iîsrae Tako Harold Toms, Prominent C.N.R. af the skuli. Provincial Con- asern Ontario. He is a graduate that is some amount when you lutae Tlko Man and Native of Newcastle, sable W. E. Smith oi Bowmal- tms W'iIl Mark Officiai O)pen- af Queens University and one ai stop ta think ai the millions ai Friday Loses Life ville investigated, and aiter con- tal in o Roller Rink at the most successfui higb scbool bushels ai wheat we praduce bere ierring witb County Crown Attor- Lil c- ng -n o B--e teachers in Calgary and as Gody every year. A lutae taeou n Mr.Harold Toms ai te C.N.R. ney F. D. Boggs K. C.. announced to- Cem fBre a man as could be found. Yaur Premier Hepburn bas BAngeaiiBulungtrated travelogue an oud b hld.Dr am a pFor many years bie bas con- given you a wonderful demon- Palestine, Egypt, Suez, Caira.Big adBidigDprtettAt ninM etou ld behe lDr ducted a Sunday afternaan Bible stration of what Social Credit Aden and Persia, was the pro- St. Lambert, Que., was do n oat 'as coroner, and the inquest vere Bowanvile ion Clu, i anstudy scbool by radio and bun- can do wben the money lards gram pravided on Friday for the In the St. Lawrence River On wiil be held on Sept. 6th. [ier.effr Bomaile Lions Club, infan dreds ai Bible study groups have refused ta make a bid on the Rotary Club by J. I. McCormack, Sunday, August 25tb. He was a Tbe lad is survlved by bis bis its community service work, wili aen me wtb im verythSunday basdsec urd at bpaerswa e n Manager ai the Aristracrai Mani- Newcastle boy, eldest son of Mr. sorrowing parents and two sisters. Camdany ai Taranta. Joepb and the laie Mrs. omshEvelie aadtAudrey TiP- stage a carnival and dance ai the aver the radia. A large institute there are millions more avail- fMrinMcComanwas oroto.Joe and dbenthe tGMr. Tomsandvey lrgiandA ded r h iIo ai Cream rle Capfo Baries benCamp inConaryWedbleibasd hbeenewanbuIiMrtMeinm Caas garyt obadyhablen n if Gand anwben lrghe awants ereitl Sn g nesday. September llth, ta mark donations from bis study grouPs These bonds were taken up by Bowmanviiie tbraugh tbe efforts C.N.R. service since bis Youtb. on Tuesday morning from the the officiai opening af the new and others wbo have appreciated yuowfitzn a ter~ a Rotarian Len Eiliatt. He was Hl E roller skating rînk and tennis the gaod work bie bas done. He vue an te nefresth erpaîd introduced by Mr. Howard An- Fram information received he 1 home o! bis parents. Rev. A. M. 3 2cortaitht ppuarrear. as througb bis efforts belped 1ta tbemselves instead of ta the derson, Presideni of the company bad been on the river with a Woodutthe astryi Tyroerhice. 133 Final arrangements for this hundreds off people, temperall.y bond companies. Ahi honar ta and a member af Toronto Ro- companiion.i n a row boat whichlbnded ers er Oubr!servie.r Os- event were made on Monday as well as splriually. and it was Hepburn on the stand he bas tary Club. The title of bis ad- sprang a leak and filling rapidiy PLobe Aers Wler Gusrkeeard pelnight when the Club beld its reg- ta belp a long suifering people taken and the results hee bas sec- dress was "The Land ai Yells. witb water sa.nk. His compani-larne Bnr alteGrlPark the ular meeting in tbe iorm of a that lie worked out bis Social ured. elan mlsadi rv onbngubetcsw ,M.vlaeatdasfwrbaes corn - weiner - marsh mal1 aw Credit plan. and aver the radio One ai the is principles ai rot oniy entertaining and edu- Toms suggested that be take thevilg ace asloeberr ýk- t hetoldhis tudygrous firshe cational but higbly amusing. oars ta, assist him in keeplxng for the beautiful a.rray af floral k- roast ai Bawmanvilie Beach. Itbcold bissiuy gruphowthey Social Credit is tbat every man The taik described a trip taken1 afloat wbile lie himseif attempt- cfierings wbich expressed the sin.- r- was the f irst time tbe Lions bad cudbl ahahr and waman in Alberta bas the by the sekrboubtisc-dtasmtasr.Hscm- cere symTpatbyof the communlty ýk- had the opportunity ai en- He is nat a palitician. and bas right ta live decently and ta have stakerthe bereavse-ed parents mnor. their- o te b onl tertaining the wives and lady no desire for public office. Sa food. cîaîbing and shelter. That tion af Asia Min or and Aies panion was rescued, but Mr. Sad andsud aretssi.tei n friends ai members, and the far bie bas pasitively ref used ta we bave a "cultural beritage" - during the Great War. IHe vivîdîy Toms succumibed aiter swimmîng amndiatdefolowlg hese w_ eslt roed a big success. accepi nominatian in the election thie province that is aur rigbt- descrIbed the scenery, and tbe approximately 21/2 miles. At time vie th ctege olewintheo r u- tf eresu fity proved ott h e-Ia il ehl na e ek.countryside. and gave a lucid des- ai writing the body bas not been vn' ice , o the T lfor o-i ent whicb was held on the beach althaugh assured af being elect- (Continued on page 5) cription ai the habits ai the var- rescued. highwaHill erontservic-Brewa in front. ai Lion E. W. Crawfrds ~i inbabiiing this sec- Relatives at Newcastle received hedin way. HPeaulsergicanw rayO! particular interest were edy on Sunday nigbt and iived in scnurct the er.eAtsist- Aa A uge camp fine burned views ai tbe Suez Canal wbich is anxious suspense for over a day soed lclergy thseriet ast ca hotge on theWs ie B vteU en ~ aihe wold.intmatin o th sum.isd tag-lucal wher RIevr. tkln- lay ~ ~ ~ ams corou-hut thenvening Sbîh hIIUUlsI F O pe f r sa mucb in the iimeligbt these and a nigbt befare receiving more md nCusnsHl eeey was given over ta ae, a-idas sit iorms the anly water panticulans, but stili incampmeten iBrord.'sHllCmee way,muiy inngan fnayte . means ai entry ai Itaîmans ta tbe on Tuesday marning.Aco ayigteeaisa een winrs crnan mrsmalow F " ed es ayEthiapian scene of action. The Besides bis widaw, ionmerly their last restlng place wr h hday topped off %viib deliciaus coffee. i1111iirfil nsanitary systems under whicb Miss Lilian Rickard. Newcastlepaetan sstr.ohrea- ihte atvohe oncuinafh veigI 8 1 the peopiea the section li-elea ie is survived by two daugbters, ives ai Tyrone, and a few close as a w________________Mr._and____ ves no cause for wonder. the Misses Frances and Kathleen, friends ai tbe famlly. drsn awer exretded impMrtand part speaker said, that disease 15 rani- whoalal vlsited bere this summen, Provincial Constable W. B. Sold they played in making the even- Nearly 900 Students Will and upper school students are pant tbrough the section. MOSi also bis father, Mr. Joseph Taims, Smith stated on Wednesday that y, ofing sucess.expected ta, repart ai 9 a. m. on af tbe illustrations shown were Newcastle, twa broihers, Mr. Eric no charge was likely te be laid, E. i ingia uccend Resume Studies inHigh ensawi frtadsc taken by Mn. McCormack during Toms ai Belleville, and Mr. How- pendlng the verdict ai the cor- ose The Welnsdafwore tire an&se-1 his trip. and be was able ta recail ard J. Toms, Newcastle, and two aner's jury on Sept. 6tb. their Dance an September llib eaul for adPbi col ond iarm students and those de-1 many bumanous events wblch sistens, Mrs. Mark Aluin,Ne planeor ie CarivalandanddPulic.Shooîu New-ENFIELD wtive ta goafrednetThe dor fBwavlestosiing ta take the commercial transpired duning bis trip tbrougb aie n rs rnCb Slwe ia re g in ite fTee dance ta bThe ad osaBmn viih col i'stW course wil repart in the aften- this, ane ai the hoitesi sections Mn. and Mns. Toms' son Elson Suswill be beld on the new roUler pbian oebihsolwilnoan at 1.30 o'clock. ai tbe wanld. 1d'ed fnam appendicitis 10 years ENFEL Tre- rink whicb will be speciaîîy pre- be opened an Wednesday nexi, ta Bath Higb a.nd Public Sebools Rotanian Len Ellioti expressed' aga this Augusi and is buried in ------_________ Mr. pared for the occasion. A num- start same 900 students on their have undengane a tbonougb ne- on bebali of the club a iew words Bond Head cemetery. Sebool will re-apen on Tues- lr'yberofbth will be erected with faîl tern fsuies. Bth schaoli novation by the respective jani- ai appreciationi to the speaker for Mns. W. D. Bragg and Mrs. day witb Miss Ella Tamblyn ag- rdney reîresbmenîî and games, whiîe a bave ibis year decided ta give tors during the pasi iew weeks. bis splendid address. Gea. P. Rickard went ta St. Lam- ain in charge. ilen:go orchestra hbee eue the students an extra day ta get _________Ratarian Frank Marris was pre- bert onxvednesday t oMnCavi Nddny Trate ,and ta pravide music for bth round aven the Labor Day f estivities In the Dansville Breeze, pub- senied witb a box af ilowers. 'it Mns. Toms in ber sudden ber- Mrbas alpent thepaît T ronek t Jun- and square dancing. Tickets are and resi up for sebooal peniing. lished in Dansville, N. Y., Fran- being bis birthday. and Past eavement and sarrow. M a nttC. Past. stln w l t aio naw an sale for the Community Little or ne regulan scboal work cis Suttan, arganisi ai Trinity President Gea. W. James presidedI The laie Mn. Toms wba ire- Mr.L. .harvst. ',asitngw and Service Club. spansored by the is accomplished on the apenlng Cburcb, was credited wiih tak- ai the meeting n the absence ai quently iook a run up ta see bis tehret Bni- Lions Club. Membersbip is 25c, day, but students are placed n ing pari in a vocal trioataithe President E. F. Armstrong. faiher and caîl on Mns. Toms' A musJcale was given recently Hen- and a ticket entitles the balden ibeir classes and instrucied as ta Physical Culture Hotel, whicb h relatives. ivýd ai Belleville, then by the pupis ai Mrs. G. Bow- . J.' to a chance in the dnaw ifor val- the books and supplies required was mucb enjoyed by the audi- ' in Richmond, Que.. and mare re- man at the home oi Mr. J. uable pizes. These pizes are: by them. ence. MA L GR E cently in St. Lambert. Que. ac- Stark. Assîsting artîsts were Ms nada- lst. Rogers Automobile or Man- TBo iib acane i ______________rais the river main Monireal. Alice Ashton and Mn. John Sie- pa-Itel Radia. valued ai $62,50; 2nd. the ieaching staff aifBwman- mon, Enniskillen, Miss Irene sail-I Buiova Watcb, valued ai $24.75; ville Hlgh Scbool. The f ull staff Many Happy Returns Mn. and Mns. Mark Blackburn. Re.AS.ercacudte Leask, Wick, and Master Nei is inl 3rd, Gibbard Walnut Tea Wag- and the duties ta whicb each -Mn. Farewell Blackburn, Messrs unionAservicerai Tnniyade t.e McCulloch. Af ter the program iing onciau i m mi si e sas flos oad oe teddthe uinsrie fTiiyadS.lunch was served. ovle t$20.00. Aspeca ebr asgnd1 oîw:Ernie, Hwr ae iedd Paul'î United Churches an Sun- sumn- pize. donaied by Mn. J. L. Mon- L. W. Dippell, B. A., Principal, funeral ai iheir cousin, Mn. Da- dyinii esnwe egv eeiVstn:M.adMs wihden, will be a Shetland pony tahra cec;G .Wgrvld Morris. Oshawa. avr ineeigadhepuA. W. Laver, Tarante, at Mr. E. n a wbcb ilibe ra'n in tatev-M. ., Racer i Mibeatii.Mn. and Mns. W. P. Coyne,1 sermon on Francis Ridley Haver- Ormistcn's; Miss Elaine Ormis- ening. E. H. Deviti, B.A., Physical Train- . Misses Jean and Banabara Cayne, gal's hymn "Wbat a fnienti we ion retunnedti taTaranto with TeLosCu a are ing and Lower Schoal subiecti;. Master Kennetb Cayne bave have in Jesus." Tbe choir un- them Mn. and Mrs. F. Gilbert Th LonsCalub baksncanied nB .Iga.MA. LBMd moved ta Toronto. We are sorrv der leadership af Mns. C. H. Dud- are bolidaying near Gananroque. . cainsider able wk snts in- ern Languages; R. M. Ainslie, .ta lase tbem main aur midst. ley sang a suitabie antbem, anti Mn. and Mns. O. Heatlie, Wlck, icptingonhe aroewsons aga, B.A., Commercial subjeets; Miss Congratulations ta Miss Win- Mn. Newton Hackney*sang a solo ai L. C. Pascae's Mn. and Mrs. Jie incuigiepovsosa y- E.M. Stedmnan. B.A., ClassicsneGbo n r m rw i;u oe fM ol"Nx R .Pso tM.E .Ps Iejsigbt examinatian and fitting af Miss Marion Wagar, B. A., Hisi- neGb-AndM.W.BRC%,ssLve iM ol. etR . acea n.E .Ps glasses in needy cases, andi also ory; Miss Doraihy Bannycastle, on their marniage. Mrs. J. D. Sunday cbuncb services and Sun- coe'i, Brookuin.. . Miss Ida Me- r is i sonannga umenaibos . Englisb; Mis ge a- * ikr netîed about 25 day school wili be resumeti ai the Cullougb n Torento andi attend- ,cinin summer camps. This effort is t BA psia Tanng. membens and ex-members ai the usual bauns. ed the C.N.E. anito replenisb the CIub's f untis ionr n ae eolsbet;Ms Busy Warkers Class wben a mis- sucndandorthy causes.bjcts.Micellaneous sbower was given in mnin- ___________auses E. M. Saper, B. A., Modemns and ceoo itebie-ob.A n a e o ia evc fS c n ; __________ Office Commercial wonk. Recent Visitons: Master Babby A n a en ra e fS c n amp- i The full staff ai teachesantve wi aters forla Battaion St. Pa l' Next Sundav )nville j STARKVILLE the Public Schools will be as fol-anJckeLnmiatCere l t selec- H. Jolowsn aPrincipalLaJ. H.iJobnstanr ~.alb A . ClrkAsit pricipa; Misses Pearl anti Lenar Cail- violin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lq- Mn onMKYbibe oadPny isM ct hbM.N utn s- The annual memanlal service oai1manville Brancb ai the Canadia.n .-E

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