Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1935 PAGE THREE Business Directory LEGAL M43V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. 14iraris ter, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville WV. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Boivmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Bamister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in aIl its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688: Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson 'Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- ilee Bldg.. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 28. X-Ray Equipment in Office . FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Comnplete Funeral Service Modern Equipment - Ambulance -A. W. G. Northcutt - - Aubrey Smith - Phone Days 58 Nights. Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. B3ac. F.OCC. ' A.T.C.M. diplomas in Pia, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils prepared for al examinations. Phxone 42. Bownxanville 40-tf RICHARD FOUNTAIN Bandrnaster Canadian Legion Band Teacher of Cornet. Trumpet, Baritone, etc. 25 years' professional experience. Open for pupils now. Residence: Opposite Town Hall1 Temperance Street. Bowmanville SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. Ring Street East - Bowmanville Mï,ebris Whyte is holidaying wth friends at Bancroft. WILSONS REALLY KILL One pad kilis fies ail day and every day for 2 or 3 m-ceks. 3 pads 1in ear packct. No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or (Jeneral Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? TUE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamiton, Ont. WHEN VOUR DADONTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD a tonic and regu- lator. Gave your: dauerLydia E. Pi m's Vege- table Comepound months. Teach , her how ta guard ber heath at thii critical time. When she is a happy, beaitby wife and inother she wili ghank you. Sold a ail gond drug stores. LtUdi&ERw"nes 'm VegetableCoÏnqwpou desire t0 surrender their wiils to Sunday School eltlRlgo,:2-~ History OF St. Johin's CIurcl' Ihf e of the nation was indicated BOW31ANVILLE, ONTARIO L.esson by the number woatne h passover feast and by the deep IVhieh celebrates the 100th annhersary of the building of feeling of the worhinpers. Many the first church. and the 105th annivcrsary of the founding JOIH AReligious Reformer) reasons are given for faiing of the congregation this year. JOIA Acburch attendance. Probably the <By B. H. Mortlock) chie! explanation is iack o! real Sunday, August 4th conviction and faith. The rea- son people give for staying away Instaliment No. 8 The laie R. Armnstrong, long a Golden Text: "Thou shaît aon- f rom church are seidamn the rea! faithfui worker in St. John's con- ship the Lord thy God, andi him reazons. The preachers voice. Rev. Richard Seaborn, Mt. A. tributed $1,000 by legacy towards only shaît thou ere"-Mallhew the choir music, the staight- the Parish Hall, and this fine 4:10. backed pews. the dnaughts, t.he Rev. R. A. Bilkey was succeed- brick building w~as apened by Lesson Passage: 2 Kings 23: 1- money appeals, the weat.ber - ail ed by Rev. Richard Seaborn, M.A. Bisbop Sweeney on April lth, 5, 21-23. such tbings are forgotten when who was inducted by Achbisbop 1902. Towards the erection o! people have it in their heamts ta Sweatman on November 9, 1898. the new rectory. Rev. Raiph W. For a cap and bell our lives praise God and follow Christ in Mm. Seaborn was exceptioflallY idsabeodrtdclgy we pay; the redemption of mankind. active in chumch restoratian vjonk, Hindes a elave re e clergy-t man resident here, contribute B uls webuywît a oi Those wbo have accepted the wili and if was during bis tenure 0f $2.000. Mr. Nind was one of the souVs tasking;of God as the ule o! their li'.es office, in 1901 and 1902 that themotpuarrcossxJhs 'Tis beaven alone that is given receive fam more f rom woship chumch was reshingled, the tur- ha bdAslpuaron, Mm . h JoihNn's away, and contribute much more to rets at east and west ends e- teacher in Tbonold High School, 'Tis onily God may be bad for worship than those wbo attend in moved, and the exterior generally mamried Miss Jane Mason, a f or- the asking. a crifical, synical or caustic estored. The inside walls weme mer choir leader in St. John's -Loweli. mood. If one goes away from a strapped and plastered and the Chumcb. Mm. Nind esigned in Reform Needed, v. 1 cburcb service unhelped. the gallemy cut back. Another work August 1916 to become rector o! student in a theological col- fault is as likely ta be found in o! bis rectorship was the eseat- Port. Perry wheme lbe stili esides. the pew as in the pulpit. Stan- ing of the cburch in its presentPearndplstoiif ng lege was given as an essay sub- ley Joncs tells of finding a ther- Style <1935), and the ongan was îrran thi plsamer prvented his ject the Book of Deut.eonomy. momneter in a pulpit. a good place bnougbt from the gallery and in- badtis mer dumintehe en He made a wry face over the as- for it. he tbought. A checking Up stalled in the chancel. Mm. S&a-teacb:ngvces buonot' thesRevua.tmpC.treoP.on aMauirheadiusan signien, bu afer amonh'spew. holders also might not be bard-womking nector, who wvas Rv .P ured bard study he assert.ed that it amiss. mucb beloved by the congrega- Mn. Nnd was succeeded by Rev. was a really great book. It was _______________ ion. He resigned on December C. P. Muirhead. who was induct- 31st. 1903. cd on the Feast o! the Convers- one of the favorite books of Rv .E arlBA ion of St. Pauil on January 25th. Jesus. Hé quotcd 'rom it fre- 1 EBENEZER Rev. W. E. Carrol, B. A.eto 1917. Mn. Muinhead was nectar quently. Yet. Ibis great piece of Re.W E.Cmonxtrco during Great War yeans. and he litraIumewas105 fo yers.Suc Mis Fancs Rbinon.Th on f St. John's. was appointed ta played a very active part in pro- liteatue ws lst or ear. Sch Mss ranis obison Thrn-the Parish on April 1sf, 1904, and viding for the soldiers in France. imisbaps occasionaily h a p p e n. ton's Corners. vissited Miss Velma held office until his death on If was duing his rectorate that IAist otle's manuscnîpts w e r e Pearce. Februamy 26fh. 1910. Mr. Carrol the great Anglican Forwvard found in a cellar after tw~o hun- Mms. W. H. Nichais visited hiem was esponsible for aising the Movement was launched in the dred years. One o! the most im- daughter, Mrs. John Montgomery. funds and installing t.he present parish and under his guidance potant texts o! the Bible was Scarboro. electric pipe organ. which has was brought to a very successfui fcund in a mronastery being used Mm. and Mms. S. J, Countice dofie service since that time. Like conclusion. Also duning his ten- to ligbt fires. The original o! the are enjoyinghoiidays with their bis predecessor lie was a friendiy, unre of office the beautiful bronze Magna Charta document was numnerous relatives. though very quiet man. and wasISoldiers' Memoniai on the south used by a tailor ta cut patterns Rev. Harold and Mrs. Stain- heid in very high esteemn in bis wall. and the stained glass win- f rom. A Canadian book lover ton. St. Thomas, werc visitons at congregation and in the town. dow to the memory o! Rev. R. W. found his f inst edition copy o! Mr. K. C. Courtice's. It is intemesting to note thaf ids eeisald O i i v e r Goldsmith's "Animated Miss June Marshall has refurn- among bis best friends was Rev. Hine. weS. instled.wit Nature' bai! burned in a bon- ed from bholidays with Miss Jean John Gambutt o! the Methodisf e.G .Potehat f ire by bis over-zealous bouse- Lowrie at Silver Lake, Ottawa. Cbumcb. who was a constant bcd- Rev. G. S. Postlethwaite suc- keepen. If was whilc the Temple Miss Lila Osborne and girl fi- side companian o! Mn. Carroll cecded Mn. Muinbead to become %vas being nepaimed that the Book ends. Toronto, are enjoying a during bis final long iîlness. nectar o! St.. Georges Chuncb. of Law, now fhoughfta be the moton trip to the Gaspe Penin- Rv .A ld .A Willowdale, wheme lhe is lacated Book of Deuteranomy (mcaning sula.RvT.A dBA. af this timc. Mr. Postlethwaite "the second law"r. was discaver- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden Two vcny important advances was induc ted in Febnuany 1923.1 cd. If wa.s camied ta the young and Miss Melissa Stevens. and wene made during the rectarsbip He %vas a very friendly but nen- king Josiab and parts a! il were Mn. and Mrs. Willamd Stevens. o! Rev. T. A. Nind wbo succecd-, vous man. and nemained in the read aloud ta him. He was con- Toronto, visited their cousin, Miss ed Rev. W. E. Carroll and wasj parisb only unti.l Octaben 31sf, victed as to the idolatry o! bis Elta Amsbury at Cobourg. inducted by Bisbap J. Fielding, 1925. nation - sun worship wsas pract- W. M. S. met at the chunch Sweeney. D. D.. on Januany lst,j Rev. R. J. Sbires, M. A., B.D. ised even on the roof of the with 24 in attendance. Prayen 1911. His most. notable contnibu- okn ba ve th oe Temple. He callcd a great con- was offcred by Mrs. Pefhey and t4ons ta tbe pnogress and gowtb Lokingbaca veno ithe ancSt ference ta punify the saul a! bis the devotional was taken by Mrs. af the parisb were the erection o! undre. er !bsoyo t nation. Josiah reigned 639-608 Smith and Rev. Smith o!!ened the Parisb HalIl and Rectory. Jh'Cuctencaaeo B. C pryer.It a-s ecied t sed athe Rev. R. J. Sbires wbo foliaw- B oteBbe C. prleae. Ithwsdied0 .C.a ta nda d Mr. Postlethwaite stands ouf Backf0 he ibl. v.2 dlegte a Ie O.L. . a Whfbyas a periad o! improvement and At the time o! bis refarmation. forth o nvegn2tbiotoh"LaMrs" A progmess. Mn. Shimes was an ex- Josiab was quite young, but. be fo lg 6h3t.Ms . tremely active wvanker, and dur- had been taught. by a young F. Rundle gave the "Life o! Alex- îgbstr !ofc h oge r fied.a popet an bs ou ander Duff' as an introduction ightio nifeyficeasecangte fried. aprohetandhis olto t he chapten a! the Study Book ainlreynrascadth was firefor efom. H didnotcbumch buildings weme entirely ne- was a! ie for ermessHeii or given by Mrs. A. J. Gay: Mrs. ae.M. Sbiress induct-I Itry ta goive an mes sag. W e, oreCecil Wonden favored witb a nvtd n a piaeo bisooandmesrage. WhenSthe-cd on Al Saints Day, Navember great convention o! Judab gath- paoslan 1.FteSnW ist. 1925, by Bisbop Sweeney. ered at Jerusalem, he ead in den, Osbawa. gave a vocal solo eIn~ 1917 be superviSed the decon- 11he cm ars ail t he wonds o! the whicb was rnuch appreciafed. afian of the cbuncb at a casf of book of the covenant which had Mrs. A. F. Rundie and gnoup wcre _$4,200. This entine sumn was paid been faund in the Temple. The in charge of the meeting. - o!ff during bis rectorate. The effect upon the people was the W extemnal appeanance o! the chur- san sitf ad been upon the ch was materialiy aitered in 1929 kig hywcre covctdo by the necessary remaval o! the neglect o! the law and accept- k steeple following a severe thun- ance a! unspirituai mcfbads o!f R Mjdem stonm in wbich if was aimost woship. Every great revival a!of wreckecl. religion bas grawn out a! a ne- VoUA Mn. Sbires was a farceful and tunn ta tbe Bible. Luther trans- loquentspaenditrtd lated the Bible into German and .. sy n hpke, ad ofr et intcrested people in the Bible in ~ ple. He was instrumental in or- their own tangue. John Wesley ganizing a Wel!amc League in the founded the Mefbodist Cburch,tanadaIilieskpb- basing bis movement iargcly on l fore the authonities the plîgbt o! Bible study. Our century shows the people vbo were suf!ering at a panallel ta the sevenfh century 1 the start o! the greaf economic before Christ. Mafenialism, sec- 'depressian o! 1929. uiarism, bumanism. communism By C. H. Tuek. Opt. Mn. Shires was bamn in the and formai warship are wide- Eyesight Specialist stntoTan!PeIse !Mni sprcad. If men and wsomen go JU1885. HoTon f erelIse bisanind back ta the oh Book. wili a ne- SFT FRTKellogg's Rica 1uc5ateon at th Celomaers formation corne? Insteade Clotmao!rI fomion10osay "Forwa d thtofri ik r Krispies cracide in 1Scbool an the Isle a! Man and Back ta the Bible' il may be Pt <6) iko cream - so crisp and later at the Hunslef Parish _______ I Frwrdwih heCbunch Scbooi. Leeds, Y o r k- Bible." An adt for a chauffeur ment.- jcmnchy! And their flavorjei sbsire. was the scene o! bis sec- Begin With Me. v. 3 ioned the requinements. An ab- as inviting as their sound. ondamy educaf ion wbere hie stud- This young reforming king did stainer rnentally, nommally. and ied at the Leeds Caunt y Council naf ask bis people ta do what be pbysically fit. The reason these Rice Krispics are nourish- Higber Grade Seboal, winning sould nof do himself. Knowing requiremenîs are mentioned is ing and easy to digest. An the Caunty Cauncil scblarsbip that nefornm was needed. be be- simply tbis. It bas been found idéal bedtime snack or for the in 1897. gan with himself and led the that an intoxicated pe nsoan i rom 1902 ta 1906 Mn. Sbires wav. He stood by a pillar and thraugh thbe nervous sy st erm children's supper. They invite prepared bimsel! for a business Imade a covenant befane t he Lord sametimes bas a depressed men- restful slcep. if e. but in the latter year bie lc!t' ta obey the iaw with heant and tal judgment. Drunk on soben Engiand for Canada wbere hel sou]. O! course he was speak- there is ofen found in these At grocers everywhere in .îaned tbe famed Royal Nortb ing for the people. but be identi- cases a suspension o! the muscle the Mother Goose story West Maunfed Police from wbicb fied bimsclf wif b bis people and pawer or power a! fusion per- pakagee.etaddeas aKerpoogg wo yeam the frce of is example wws mitting the eyes ta turn from paae1aeb Klog lfr powen!ul. The people agrced, or. normal position and perbaps see in London, Ontario. Quality He then entered Bishop's Col- az, Moffatt translates il. Ah the double. guaranteed. lege at Lennoxville, Que., and people can!irmed the compact." This is in realit y a similar con- was awarded the Jasper Nicholis Amdteunsatisfactory candi- dition ta the involuntary anc Scbolanship the next yean as the tions o! to-day many panaccas wbicb exists in a pair a! eyes * y are being offered. Some states- having defective muscle power LISefl- I1U7, th Harion Pnizeforeays in men autline the way ta refonmn which may be corrected wit.h R IC E 1910 wbile a master at Bishop's but do tbey pcsonally icad the giasses or by muscle exercise. but got KRISPIES , Cole e chi LB.nAvi. ee way'> Cieven magazine witers the vluntary condition o! this n'was aaddbsB .dge trace the causes o! aur present nature will not be met with wben ,, iwilb 1sf class theological bonors impasse, but are they daing any- you bine a total abstainer. and b,Ungry in 1912 and in the samne year bie thing about il? Even preachers the involuntary case shauld seek ..... was awarded the Waifte Mcm- may bemoan aur social and ce- the proper trcatment. anial scbolarship. In 1912 and anornic maiacijustments, but can tbey bave power ta reform othens until tbey rigorausly submit ta spiritual discipline themnsclves? The prayen "Rev'ive tby work. O Lard" is a gaod prayer but it is betten wbcn it concludes "And begin witb me." Re!arm tarries becatise sa many a! us are wait- ing for others ta begin. Decisive Action, vs 4. 5 Jasiah and bis people were in carnest and thcy hast no lime putfing their decisions mb c f- fect. The priesîs were ordered la dlean the Temple o! aIl idol- atrous practiceG. The v es sel s made for Baal worship wcne on- dered burncd and thnaugbaut Judab Baal's altars were destray- cd. If rehiglous impression is not !allowcd speedily by religiaus ex- pression il wili surely be !ollow- cd by spiritual depressian. Im- mediate action is nccessary if furîher guidance is ta corne. It is only as we obey that fresh im- pulses !rorn God~s Spirit wiii fol- 10w. At Ephesus. when the son- cerers werc convicted of super- stition, they brought out their magie books and burned them on the spot. That was the very best t ime la do Il - a month later they migbt bave iost thc urge. Wben anc is convlnced thal an apology sbould be made, a lelter wnilten or a frlend vlsiled, the sconer if is donc the better. De- cisions wcaken tbrough delay. Thene are people who a dozen limes bave been on the edge of yleldlng their hearts tao od. but by pulting off and puttlng off. they lose bath the ablllty and WHATEVER BE YDDR PLEASURE» 1913 hie was lecturer at Bisbop's College and in the latter ycam took bis L.S.T. dcgnce with 1sf class bonors. The samne year hie was awarded the Haenscl Read- ing Prize and later in the samne ycar was ordained a deacon in the Cburcb o! England at Qucbec City, and lie was elevated to the full office o! priestbood aI Cal- gary, Alberta, in 1914, later be- coming nectar o! Coleman, Al- benta. When the Great War brolte out lie cniistcd and was made padre a! the 601h Battalion, C.E.F.. and was later made Cbap- lain o! the 1sf Brigade, C. F. A. In 1917 bie became rector o! Le Tuque, Que., and obtained three years later bis B.D. degnec af Lennoxvilie. He gained bis Mas- ter a! Arts dcgree at the samne college in 1922 and becarne mector o! Bowmanville in 1925. Mn. Sbires vasatai nc lime President a! Bowmanvillc Mcn's Canadian Club. His termi a! office in Bawman- ville closed on September 3Oth. 1930, wben lie accepted the chal- lenge o! the Diocese ta take charge a! a Mission Field in Hal- iburton District. Incidental ta Ibis bisfary is the fact that lie met witb the saine success in thaf endeavaur and was later appoint- cd nectar o! St. Jude's Cburcb. Tononto, a rectorale bie still bouds. (Continucd ncxt week) ORONO (From The News, Juiy 25) Mns. W. Cowan is visiling bier daughter at La.kefield. Mns. Gray, Toronto, is visiting' ber sister, Mrs. P. C. Brown. Mn. Elmo Ard, Toronto, is vis- iting f niends in North Clarkc. Mr. H. Turley o! Campbellford is visiting at Mm. James Dick- son's. Miss Claire Lcnnond o! Russel, is holidaying witb bier aunt, Mns. Harrison. Miss Louise Cowan and Miss Beatty, Taranto, are spending vacation bere. Mn. Ernest E. Patterson pur- poses opening an insurance office in the HaUcîtt Block. Miss Canal Staples and sister are boiidaying wit.b their aunt, Miss Penfound, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Miller, Toronto, anc holidaying wifb bis maîben, Mms. John Miller. Miss Aima CuttcU spent the past week with Mn. and Mns. Wes. Cawkem. Bowmanviiie. Mrs. Fred Cawan and sister, Mns. Ralph Henry, Petembora, lcft last wcck on a visit ta the lat- tens son at Ottawa. Mns. John McRae, wbo basj been in paon bealtb, underwcnt an apemation Safurday, and is îcported niucb impnoved. Mn. and Mns. John Mitchell a! Peterbono, and Mn. and Mns. Rene Sharing o! Mantreai, were recent visitons wîth their sister here, Mns. John McRae. The marriage taak place in Newtonvilhe on June l9tb, by the Rev. Thos. Wallace, o! William James Alexander o! Oshawa, ta Myrtle Irene Pierce, Oshawa. Mn. Jacob Cobbledick, whao is making bis home aI bis sisten's. Mm. and Mms. Thos. Coucb. ew castie, spent an boum or îwt i bis home town here Tuesday. In the examination report o! the Ontario Coliege o! Education, Miss Margaret Dickson's namne appears among thase granted bigh scboal specialists certificates in modemns. Mrs. A. J. Staphes and sister, Mrs. William Staphes, rcturncd home Tuesday fnomn the Rangor Lodgc, Muskaka, one o! the beau- ty spots on Lake Muskoka, wbere tbey enjoyed a week's deligbt!ui Ioufing. Sunciay cv.ening services at the Park Street United Chureh dur- ing July and August are being hchd on the chumch grounds wbere the congregation scated in conmfort can the belter enjoy the sermon. Mn. Ernest Elliott o! Detroit was a visiton aI Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Ponter's, Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Porter attended churcb at Fencian FaUs cnjoying the ser- vice conducted by a former Onano pastar, Rev. Wm. Sterling. Mm. and Mrs. John Grant, son and daugbter, o! Warkwartb, vis- itcd Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Davcy on Sunday, faking in the town, park and farest station, the Boys Training Seboal. Cream o! Bar- ley park and camp, and the Fiel- cher nase gardens at Bowman- ville. The Horlicultumal Society met at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. M. H. Staphes on the 9th and enjay- ed a stroîl around the spaciaus lawns on arrivai. Af 1er the bus- iness part o! the meeting was concluded. the hostess scrved Mm. and MnÏs. *Burgard, son and daughter, and a !nlend, f rom New York City, cailed on Mr. W. E. Davey recently. Mr. Burgard and Bill worked together in the Har- lem packlng and butcher shop o! R1ichard Webber. Mr. Burgaed EVERY ONE GQES The astounding prices in our Clearance Sale of Summer Dresses continues. This week we feature our better dresses and suits at Hall Price OR LESS Suunmer Gloves Reduced Ail Sumnier Gloves are on Sale Regular $1.25,95 On Sale at ............. Regular 50c and 55c, On Sale at ..............3 e White Purses Reduced Purses, reg. $1 .59, On Sale ......... 750 Bathlng Suits en Sale Ail Kiddies' ' and Ladies' Bathing Suits selling below cost to clear. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman King Street LIMITED Bowmanville PHONE 104 had remembered Orono aU these For Frost Bites and Chilblains. years, so whiie travelling through -Chilblains corne from. undue from Montreal to Niagara he saw exposure to slush and cold and Omono on the map, and so the frost-bite from the icy winds of happy meeting again of these winter. In the treatment of eith- ;wo old pals. and a grand chat cm an excellent preparation is Dr. together reminiscent of old times Thomas' Eclectric Oil, as it in New York. Mr. Burgard pro- nised to corne back here again, counteracts the infla mm a tion and Mr. Davey intends to take a ard relieves the pain. Thé actioàn trip to New York to renew aid o! the oil is prompt and its ap- acquaintances. plication is extremely simple. PROCLAMATION, Civic Holiday Monday, Auge 5t 1 ~1935. 1 hereby proclaini Monday, August 5th, 1935, a Public Holiday for the town of Bowmanville and request all citizens to observe the sanie as sucb, and govern theniselves accord ingly. Signed, W. ROSS STRIKE, Mayoi. God Save The King Bowmanville, July 29, 1935. DUY COAL NOW Lowest Summer Prices It will pay you to put in your next Winter's coal now. Prices are now at their lowest. And of course you'Il want the best coal - Blue Coal. And remember Shep- pard & GlUIare headquarters for lumber and building suppiles, and we have a fine stock of best field seeds. We have tht. week recelved a carload of Bralt wMicl willI be sold at exceptionally 10w prices. Buy early because at these prices it won't last long. Sheppard &CilI Lumber Co. PHONE 15 IMTED BOWMANVILLE m PAGE THREZ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAPLIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1935

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