Basebali IIN THE EATLM OFnftu'u' I Softbail Girls' Softball i 1um vaI Football Intermediates Squeeze Out 5 bo 4* Victory Over Vastly Improved Peterboro Team Intermediate Player G. Piper Williams Bruni Petie Pollarci Colwell Hicks Bates Baguell Carden Large Ca merion Veale I. Piper Team Average Averai G A 5 1 6 2 2 4 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 4 2 6 1 5 1 1 2 6 20 -Royals Gain Leadership by DBatting Win Here on Saturday- ges Two New Players Intro-ý LB. Hits P. C. duced to Local Fans 14 7 .500 24 11 .458 VEALE AND BRUNT 7 3 .429 6 2 .333 Squeezing ont a 5-4 victoî'y ov'er 3 1 .333 the va.-tlY improved Peterboî'o In- 23 7 .304 teriediates. on Satuî'day. the Bow- 23 7 .304 nianville Royals are once more look- L8 5 .277 ing down froin the top of the beap. 22 6 .272 And riLrht here wve would like ta 22 6 .250 make a suggestion ta the other 17 4 .235 teams. Try ta get here ou tîme. L8 3 .166 Here Boivmanville ai'e with a 'sel 3 0 .000 elegant" hall team aud nor gett ing 9 0- .000 the support due them simply be- cause other clubs get here wheu 09 62 .296 they jally well please - and not ai- _____________ways that eaîrly. Maybe tbey neveî' heard of the golden î'nle. What gave ns an even greater kick than the victory was to see .ASS fourteen - count 'eîn - men in uniform for~ Bowmanville and eveiry oe ready ta play. Laýt year if nine men turned np by game time every- Ii ~ body went around with f ingers I N C crossed expectîng the world ta end __________ prouto. And the spirit ai the team is even higher than the number on 'ou prompt the roll and the members wvho find fault are few and far between. y service at On Saturday two uew players were introduced ta the local fans. ice in the Veale a catcher. formerly af Sask- t_* atcbewan who relieved Bates in the sof prin- third and helci np the pitchers in fine form. The other newcomer was Bîuut of Newcastle. who in spite of bhis pralific passion for giving f ree tickeut t fiirst. pitched a fine game, lîmîtîng the Petes ta five hîts and fanning six in his eight innings on the mound. Piper whoý toiled in the 9 nînth. put the side down in order. Hicks helped considerable wben he iequeswent way up ta grab Starrs bid for equesa bit ta start the innîng. Barr'y,' Peterbaro hurler. although nîcked for nine bingles, was the vic- tîm of lhis team's eraors as ouly two Iof the Rayais' rus were deserved. Dunc Williams cantinued his heavy baitiug getting two singles and a triple in f ive trips, scored two runs. drove in another and stole a base. Hicks and Brunt each had two bits, one af Hicks* beîng a irms double. The Rayais tallied once in the ationery first on a bit. a bit-batsmau. a sac- rifice and an error: once in the fif*b on an error. a sacrifice and a doub- le; lwo in the sixth ou an errai', a :ards ýsîngle and a three-base hit; and af- ter Peterbaro had knotted *the score ards Bowmanvilie came back ta count Stationery the wiuning mun iu the eîghth on a It was in the sixth inning that Bill Bagneil sprained bis anhile .lid- îug into second and bad 10 be heip- an has an ed frîom the field. ommerci l ,Pti'boi-o got one in the second .nd we are took the lead in 'the third on tbî'ee irn out al passes and a double: and tîed the score in the eight.h on a walk. a w'ork. stalen base and a single. E ýrvice. Peterbolo 012 000 010 - 4 5 3! Bowmanvilie 100 012 lx -5 9 1 ESMAN Batteries - Pete:rhora: Barry aud Starr: Bowmanviile: Bunt. Piper' 53 and Bate.a, Veale. Umpires - Kenefick. Newcastle; D. Osborne. Bowmnanville. Royal The atre BOWMANVILLE Friday - Saturday - July 5 - 6 JAMES DUNN in The Daring Young Man Mlith 'Mae Clark and Nei Hamilton. Comedy - - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - July 8 - 9 MAE WEST in Going to Town Cartoon - - News Matinee Monda-, at 2.30 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - July 10 - 11 WALTER KELLY and ANDY CLYDE in McFadden's Plats lVith Richard Cromwell and Jane Darwell. Coiùedy - - Cartoon - - News Matlnee Wcdnesda3' at 2.30 p. m. 1_,COMING: V1l Rogers in "DOUBTING THIOMAS" >-UNDÊR IN THE EAST" S MISERABLES" 1EINFORMER" o tharine Hepburn in "BREAK 0F HEARTS" THEY'RE REALLY POLICE Rayai Canadian Maunied Pol- ice ha've uow added hîghly train- ed German shepherd dogs to t he Mounties in tracking persans mn 18-monlhs-old pup, who has 15 niebs onr.Ls raeritanbeion o ethe .C.M.P ~~[haerditnction o binthe first jpay rol îs shown with his Moun- tepal, Constable W. H. Billing- ton, of Regina. DOGS NOW Juniors Drop 3-2 Decision To Oshawa in Holiday Came At the Motor City Stadium Oshe Ri Di Dc Ti iri Baw apport first t droppr in a Matar The i nin an en Dav sessior ing o maind walks man.1 on ir on ai air at MCIIVE Inu went two t McI HIGH-CI PRINi We can give y and satisf actor a moderate pr following lines ing: -Letterhead& -Envelopes -Statements -BiI-heads -Private Chi -Circulars -Tags -Cards -Tickets -Sale Bis -Dodgers -Menus -Factory Fc -Society Sta -Blotters -Bookiets -Business Ci -Wedding" -Invitations The Statesme up - to - date cý printing plant a equipped to tui classes of job v Prompt Sei THE STATE PhoneE awa Scores All Their .uns in First Innings - )ave Osborne Mows )own Opposition O ne, wo, Three in Six Inn- ngs ___ )CALS BIG HITTERS ivmianville .Jnnior's lbt a fine n-tunity ta advance into a tie for place with Peteibaro when rhey ped a 3-2 decision ta Oshawa hahiday fixture played at the )r City Stadiin. ie gaine lost in the first gi w'hen Osbawa scared ail their on two bits, a hit-batsman and >roi'. ie Osborne, excepi for this bad on twirled in great style grant- onlî' one hit tbrough the î'e- ier of the game. giving no ýand fanning eleven. Broc- the aniy other Osbawan ta gýel n the last seven innings. there Ln errai- '.as speedily given the it second on a perfect peg by' veen. six oui of eighi innings Oshawa ta bat, lhey wentdanoe three. Ilveen. who held up bis pit- in style par excellent. got two e lasers' fine bits. scared bath and purloined a pair of bases. '.anville's second run a gif t and simple, when wiib Mc- m advancing ta ihird afier a it f ly, Normyle the Oshawa ier weni down ta back Up third rouy merely kepi on munning. man wiih twa and Osborne with were the other Bowmanville s. lerson, wha hurled for Osh- was in rare f ormi and despite ifree tickets had good control rig the baîl on the outside cor- to every baiter. Only in the was he in serions trouble and the bases loaded due to a bit iwa walks he siruck out the man. RH E nanville 001 000 010 2 5 2 va 300 000 00x 3 3 L wmanville-Osbmne sud Mc- n. hawa-Anderson and Narmyle. ipires--F. Jackman sud Don- INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL CLUB ABSORBS NEW TAX OfficiaIs of the Intermediate Basehall Club have decided to experimeni with aitendance ai hall games, by absorhing in the 25e admission the Gov- erineut Relief Tax. These officiais are of the opinion that the tax has seriously re- duced attendance ai league ganses. sud in au effort ta re- gain public support the Club wvill pay the tax fram receipis. Wiib the Club making every effort ta make ends meet ibis year. hy eliminatiug meals for the team, except on extra long trips, the fans shauld get sol- idly behind them. uow that the tas is heing absorbed. The gr'ounds should be packed on Saturday when Por-t Hope and the locais meet in batie ai 3 P. M. was remaved ta Bowmanville Hos- pital where he is making satisfac- tory pragress. Bagnel vili likeiy be out of the game for lwo weeks and Keene for the season. Homing Pigeon Club Bowmanville Haming Pigeon Club f lew Itheir ninth old bird race on Saiurday. June 291h. fromn Mont- pelier. Ohio. 344 miles air uine. This %vas the second race f rom ibhis sta- tion, sud as the weather was very warmn the time was much slower than the week before. Following are the resulîs: W. Woolner 9 hrs, 53 mins, 5 sec. W. Woolner 9 hrs. 57 mins. 42 sec. F. Bottreli 10 hrs, 2 mins. 19 sec. P. Baitreli 10 hrs. 5 mins. 7 sec. L. Richards 10 hrs. 13 mins. il sec. Gea.' Balhgaie & Sans no dlock report. ______ A lady in renewing ber subscrip- lion ibis week said The Siatesman was neyer as interesting as it is rigbi naw. Weekend Accidents Golf erg, swimmers, tennis and bail Ployer InLoaSpr Events euifer from athlete Local Sportfoot. Aill who walk mc bave aching, stining -accidents re- lted from local itching of the feet and events o-, ei: the holiday week- tfes. Applied alter worm In the Peterboro-Bowmanville bath Dr. Choses aoint- here on Saturday, Bill Bagnell, 1 ment adberes te the Irri- i into second base sprained bis tated skia and quickly The bag was said to be Up- Goûthsndrmee.l lown, which accounted for the tb rbx .nt. the Clarke-Solina Soccer gamne Lmpton on the holiday, Keene rono suffered a broken leg and en Reasons Why Our Annual Y MEN'S SALE IS 50 POPULAR WITH MEN July Specials get better each year. The le timely s1)ecials we off er, on which you can dollars. Look over this list - and then cided to save money on quality mnerchandise. Summer Suits * ________ of the Bowmanvie Grsrn SCORES of the WEEK Gil SPORTS CALENDAR[ Bowmn Lose Oshawa and Ive Bwavlut11.5- Pete..,-)01u04 Po tH p a e July 6-Port Hope at Bowmanville catche Ohw r.3 - Bowman%*:lle 2. P r o e an sat 3p. m. an SoccerI July 10-Bowmanville at Cobourg Jackm Bowmanville- Regiment tie. Expert Twirling of Oppos- 6.30 p. m n hitters Enniskillen 1 Courtine O (Ex- ing Hurlers Plays Havoc Soccer And hibition i. * yn July 6-Tyrone at Courtice awa. Clarke 0 - so:ina 0. with Ln - Early Lead july 8-Zion at Enniskillen seven Girls' Softball wmn Features Oshawa Victory July lO-Solina at Tyrone keepin Oshawa G. A. C. 19 - Bowa-____ Girls' Softball ner tc ville 7. Bowmianville Lynx. entry in the 1Y 8-Bow'ville at Oshawa M. I. f irst Port Hope 9 - Bownanville 2. Lakeshore Ladies' softball loop. vis-j West Durham Softball - Boys witht West Durham Boys ited Oshawa for the first time July 5-Providence at Salem and t Maple Grove 23 - Hampton 22. Wednesday evening and were de- July 6-Maple Grove at. Enniskillen etr West Durham Girls feated at the hands of the British July 9-Providence at Courtice Bown' Maple Grove 17 - Hampton 12. Consols by' a score of il ta 5. Enniskillen at Hampton Oshaw The Oshawa girls played a superiar West Durham Softball - Girls Boy: Bowling bran of bail, beîng very strong de- McLaughlin T r o p h y - F i r s t, fensively. although no, particularly July 4-Courtice at Oshawa Sham. Ilveer. Round: Kîdd. Oshawa, 15: Blake. outstanding wvith their work at bt Maple Grove at Enniskillen OshE Bowmanvîlle. 8. Two home-runs by Thomson and R Hampton at Blackstock Ump Eaton Trophy - First R o u n d : Wilson were the features of thej Bowling aid. Sturgess, Whitby, 14; Blake. Bow- British Consols' scoring efforts while July 10-Cobourg Elimination, manville, 7. they won the victory in the first. 10 a. m. Hard Luck Tournament - Blake two inningas. scoring eight runs. July 10-Lindsay. 3 games, 1.30 p.m. Two 12; Fulford. Port Hop:e, 9. BowmailliIe failed to get going i Final - Hopper, Cobourg. 15; until the last two frames. Three Blake 10. successive walks and a single ac- Two Mel. J. Hutchinzon Memorial Tro- counted for the first Bowvmanville ph - ltOshawva Rotary Club: tally, and an error followed by tw SOLDIERS ATTENTION, sport 2nd, Býowmatnville Rotary Club; 3rd. hits gave themi the second one. lIAnmnwihnetngdo.ap ls Toronto Rotary Club. the sixth, the visitors grabbed off with the Durhami Regt. at Cobourg sliding CENTRAL ONTARIO TENNIS three us on two ha'ts and a bad July 15th to July 20th report to ankle. Oshawa T. C. îhrow,. after two ere out, and in Busl' ouetso .m sdld First Round: Strike and James the seventh inning they started a Busayl onmt hop 8 ida m., sid Bowmianville, defeated Hyndman belated rally which might have had 1Tued. Jl t rFiaJl cIdet and Wadden, Birch Cliffe. 6-3 - serious result,3 but for the double- i Third Round: Strike and James de- play whicha spoiled their chances Cat.F L2u7-1 .C." . f aOrH feated Bond and Andtrews, Toront, The first three batters sii'gled in i 7-5. 6-4. Semi-final: Shield.s and the last inning, but the next Billesdon. Toronto, defeated Strike grounded ta Fraser who tossed to and James 6-4, 6-2. the plate for- the force-ont and an- -____________________ ___________________________ other runner was forced olut at 3rd. ifor a double killing and the next II A Doze * STARKVILLE ýbatter fanned to end the game. i * ______ ____________Took Early Lead I Miss Gwen Gilmer has been visit- British Consols took an early lead. ing Miss Meda Hallowell. getting thî'ee runs on three hits and J U L ' Mr. Jack Hassard of Alberta,' vis- a fielders choîce in the first frame ited at Mr~. S. G. Hallowell's. and then in the second session. ~ Pleased to have Mrs. T. MMul- staging a real spree. with two er- lend of Toronto at our festival, rois by Mutton getting the Bow- Ou'an l Mrs. Arthur Dunn is home after mnanville girls away to a bad atart Orannis t nndergoing a critical operation. and then the homesters followed esnith Mr."and Mrs. Chas. Yule, Oshawa, with three laits, one a borner. to save rnany spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Saverys score five runs. Thomson homered Friends from Detroit, also Lind- in the 4th and in the 5th the Con- corne in deci say, spent Sunday at Herb). Gilrner's. sols added two more runs, taking Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell took advantage of an error and a single in the annivereary services at Eliza- bo do somne daring base-running and bethville. score on an infield out. Mr. Gardon Hallowell of Mt.- For~- White, Lefroy and Little were the Sports Flannel, est visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard best haitters foi- the visitors, while Hallovell. Thomson. Fraser and R. Wilson led regular S18.50, Mrs. Richard Hailowell and sons the Oshawans. Score by innings: Sale Prîce called oni Mr.a. R. Katerson. Hamp- BoRanile00H1 O-5 E ton. i'ecently. Bwnnil 1 1 Fa-.;tFlannel, Induction of aur new pastor %il B3. Consuls 350 120 x - il 10 3eglrS1.0 be held in Newtonville Cbur-ch ibis Bowmranville - White, c: Bickell. g Fi'iday evenung. cf: Kilpatriý,k. p: Stainton. nf: SLe-Pi Everyone enîo'.ed the service Sun- froy, 21): Little, 3b: Gilbooley. lb:a day by Rev. C. R. Wragg, B.A.. B.D., Largp. f: Mutton, ss: and Davey. r. Fwn Flannel, on Opparr u nit'les. British Consols - Week. If: Fra-, eua 2.0 Mrs. Oea. Mor-ton aud family. 6th ser-. 1); Reece. lb: Thomson. c: R. eSale $2Pr0ce Line, spent Jtîly lst at her mnother's. Wilson. 2h): Sauinders, cf: Lee. if: al P.c Mrs. John McKay. J. Wilson. 3h; Thomnlinisou. ss; frm iirs. in G, haloe ciîva ened oopres - J.amsTri. L.Dato. irs px:W rmas. iG. thloel-ityhaened s Uiper -: Ad. ,rt. L. Dlton.coîlo,2irs F paI Beulah is home for holidays. . ua 2.0 Mr. and Mrs. Davey. Toironto, and Mi's. Win. Rutherford. Newtonville. lu Part Hope on Monday. Millie -I Sale Price called on Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. O'Neill, star twîrler of the league A little newcomer a>rived Satur- leaders was iin rare form and at aIl 1 Only Tan i day 11when a lîttle son was boru ta, tinies had the Bowmanville teainadlogeg Mrs. Ray Farrow and the laie Roy wvell under control. Davey and Kil- anjogrg Farrow. patr:ck ,whD shared the mouud dut- Sale Price Mi'. Finnie and a number of ather ies for the lasers pitched good hall friends vlited at his sister's. Mi-. but were againsi an unheatable and Mrs. Ar'mstroug. on thc Ballagb teanm. GREY AND FAWNSw faî-m.i'ecently. FLANEL 1Service lu Shîloh Church on Sun- BY Jantzen day will be iu the nmorning and will yJnz,1 be condncted by aur new pastor, $3.959$4.95__________ Rev. Eugene Beech. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Hazel. also niece. Mis.s Hettie Wallace. of New- O ?Co f 12 tonville, taok dinneî' at her brother's, Us1RSHR Mr. S. G. Hallowell. on Sunday. witb Bubbling SMMR HIT Rev. Thos. Wallace ha., removed with Ti, t. match ~ b ta Greenbank. H wilegrty Rfesn regular $2.50 for $1.5 missed after labouring lie'e forai-a~ GREY LN peî'iod of thirteen years. He preacb-$2 5 cd bis farewell sermon te, a largeA cougregation on Sunday. Mi'. Wal-$ lace was presented with a beantiful %valnut table and an eîecîric îamp. aud also a book by the Shilob fî'i-5c1 reTno4x»LgBtdM1 ends. at oui' strawberry festivali merfl5OLa, NTIfl6O8e gBu ê while the W A. irbseedm MrC.n. -yne n C ou ch , Jo h s whie te W A.preentd Ms. al- Sot&ursrd.,winCàalnda ri.E* lace with a beautiful quilt, also aM.hlryBros. Ltrltd.Torôiitc. 64 Phone 104 large bouquet of floWers. _____________________ Tweed, Plus fours S25 $17.501 im Suit s Lennards, BaUantyne SHORTS 5 to $3.95 VIM SUITS )to $5.95 SNEL SPORT SHIRT $1.95 2 pairs pants, A special purchase of outstand- ing cravats in up to the minute styles, and. ail new quality nia- teriaIs. 55c each 2 FOR $1.00 mston Crydleraa LIMITED BOWMANVILLE l, 1 pair pants. $13.95 one pair pants, $13.95 tswo pairs pants, $19.50 %ool Flannel, fawn )ants, $19.50 Sports Flannel, regular S20.00, Sale Price f q - mýý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT-T , THURSDAY, JULY 4th. 1935 PAGE TEN